Let God Speak

God and the Covenant

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LGS

Program Code: LGS019408A

00:01 Hello, I'm Lyle Southwell.
00:02 And this is Let God Speak.
00:04 After they returned from Babylonian captivity,
00:07 the Jewish people renew their covenant
00:09 to faithfully followed God.
00:11 They signed a solemn written covenant
00:13 to be true and obedient.
00:15 In the scriptures today,
00:17 we will study the contents of this covenant
00:20 and the major covenants of the Bible.
00:48 On our panel today, we have David Currie
00:51 and Andrew Russell.
00:53 As we begin, let's bow for a moment of prayer.
00:57 Father in heaven, as we take up this most important subject
01:00 of the covenants that You have made with us.
01:02 We pray for the presence of Your Holy Spirit.
01:05 And may we experience Your covenant of grace today.
01:08 We ask in Jesus' name, amen.
01:10 Amen.
01:12 The Babylonian returnees experienced a deep revival
01:16 under Nehemiah and Ezra.
01:19 And at the conclusion of a long
01:20 and very heartfelt prayer by Ezra,
01:23 what did they do, Andrew?
01:26 Well, they made a covenant,
01:29 we'll read that in verse 38.
01:33 If we read verse 38, it says, "And because of all this
01:35 we make a sure covenant, and write it,
01:38 and our princes, Levites, and priests,
01:40 seal unto it."
01:42 So they actually wrote a covenant.
01:44 They wrote their covenant and then they signed
01:47 their names to that covenant.
01:48 Why did they do this?
01:50 It was a way of making a permanent record
01:54 for the nation of Israel, something that was cited,
01:57 something that was clearly stated
02:00 and could be remembered.
02:01 Okay, so this wasn't something that was incredibly unusual.
02:04 This is something that, you know,
02:06 God has made covenants with His people down
02:08 through history.
02:10 That's right.
02:11 What was the general nature
02:12 of a covenant in the Bible, David?
02:14 Yes.
02:15 Well, the covenant is mentioned many times
02:17 and most of the covenants are made between equals,
02:20 but the covenant we wanna talk about today
02:24 is an everlasting covenant that God Himself initiated.
02:28 And He expected people to walk into the way of that covenant,
02:33 and to keep the covenant.
02:35 And God pledges to care for His people
02:37 when they didn't keep the covenant
02:39 and the covenant that He made with them,
02:42 established families, it helped them
02:44 to give work opportunities
02:46 and apart from anything else
02:48 and help them able to worship the true God.
02:51 Okay, so we call this the everlasting covenant,
02:53 but when was it that God actually started
02:56 making covenants with His people?
02:58 How far back does this go?
02:59 Well, you know, we go to Hosea 6:7.
03:02 And there we see that Hosea says that
03:06 God made a covenant with Adam.
03:08 So... That's a long way back.
03:10 Right at the beginning.
03:11 Right at the very beginning.
03:12 And, of course, this was a very significant nature
03:16 because they were told to multiply,
03:19 they were told to eat, and what they should eat?
03:21 They're told to work, to cultivate the fields,
03:24 and worship God.
03:25 All that in Genesis 1 and 2.
03:27 And this was a covenant that was made
03:31 before sin came into this world.
03:33 Absolutely.
03:34 It came with Adam right at the very beginning,
03:36 and this was quite significant.
03:38 Okay, so covenants are obviously something that
03:40 are integral to God's relationship with us.
03:43 God repeats a lot of this to Noah.
03:46 Andrew, can you share a little bit about that?
03:48 Yeah.
03:49 Well, just referring to that covenant
03:51 that God made with Adam in the very beginning,
03:53 it talks about their multiplying
03:56 and replenishing the earth, it talks about them,
03:58 you know, they, you know, what they should eat.
04:02 It goes and I think is worship, and they work, it's all there.
04:04 And one of the interesting that in both covenants,
04:06 he talks about how we eat.
04:07 Yeah, we see that repeated in Noah,
04:10 in the time of Noah.
04:11 So we'll go to Genesis Chapter 9.
04:13 And we can look at that Genesis 9:1 just for a moment.
04:18 And God makes this covenant with Noah.
04:21 And we'll look at verses 1,
04:23 and we'll look at verse 13, as well.
04:25 And you see this repetition here,
04:28 even as it was in the days of Adam.
04:30 It says, "And God blessed Noah and his sons,
04:32 and said unto them, 'Be fruitful, and multiply,
04:35 and replenish the earth.'"
04:37 When you read Genesis, you read that very clearly, isn't it?
04:38 Yeah, yeah. When God speaks to Adam.
04:41 And in verse 13, as well, it says,
04:43 "And I do set my bow in the cloud,
04:46 and it shall be for a token of the covenant
04:49 between me and the earth."
04:52 And so, yeah, and so here, you know,
04:55 God gives a more formalized covenant here.
04:58 We can also...
05:00 Should we look at verse 11 or verse 9 and verse 11,
05:04 it also says here, "And I, behold,
05:06 I establish my covenant with you,
05:09 and with your seed after you."
05:11 And verse 11, "And I will establish my covenant with you,
05:14 neither shall all flesh be cut off any more
05:17 by the waters of a flood,
05:18 neither shall there any more be
05:20 a flood to destroy the earth."
05:22 So here God is expressing this covenant
05:24 now to Noah as well.
05:25 Okay.
05:26 What I like about it, Lyle as that is very soon
05:28 as the Adamic covenant
05:30 because they're told to multiply,
05:32 and they're told to eat just as he is back to Noah.
05:35 And obviously to worship God. That's right.
05:38 Come central to this whole concept of the covenants.
05:41 Okay, so we've gone from Adam to Noah,
05:45 who do we go to next?
05:47 To Abraham, of course.
05:48 Abraham? Abraham is the next one.
05:50 One of the most famous covenant,
05:51 when we think of the covenants,
05:53 some, one of the most famous ones.
05:54 Yeah, most well-known and recognized.
05:56 In just the next chapter, Chapter 12 of Genesis.
05:59 In Genesis 12:1-4 we can read that.
06:02 It says, yeah, "Now the Lord had said unto Abram,
06:05 'Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred,
06:08 from thy father's house,
06:10 unto a land that I will shew thee.
06:12 And I will make of thee a great nation,
06:14 and I will bless thee,
06:16 and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing.
06:18 And I will bless them that bless thee,
06:20 and curse them that curseth thee,
06:22 and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.'
06:25 So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him,
06:29 and Lot went with him,
06:30 and Abram was seventy and five years old
06:33 when he departed out of Haran.'"
06:36 And so, yeah, God's got a special calling
06:38 here for Abraham as well, in terms of a covenant.
06:41 Yeah.
06:43 And he's 75 years old when this covenant is made.
06:44 I wonder why God chose somebody who was so old.
06:47 Does, David, does God formalize this covenant at some point?
06:52 Yes. You come over to Genesis 17.
06:56 And it says when he was 99,
06:59 I mean, that's a pretty old age.
07:00 That's getting up there.
07:01 He is nearing to the century.
07:03 "And God said to him, 'I am an Almighty God.
07:06 And I'll make a covenant between Me and you,
07:10 and will multiply you exceedingly."
07:12 And then in verse 4, he says, "As for Me, behold,
07:15 My covenant is with you,
07:17 and you shall be a father of many nations."
07:20 And then a little bit later on in verse 8, he says,
07:23 "And I'll give to you and your descendants
07:25 after you the land in which you are a stranger to.
07:28 And as for you, you shall keep My covenant,
07:30 you and your descendants
07:32 after you through their generations."
07:33 So God was wanting all people to keep this covenant
07:36 because it did have many promises as well.
07:39 That was for sure.
07:40 Yeah, that's fantastic.
07:41 Now did, when God formalizes this covenant with Abraham?
07:46 Does God get Abraham to sign a document
07:49 like they did in the days of Nehemiah
07:51 where they signed that covenant?
07:52 And like we do today.
07:54 And like we do today, yes.
07:55 Important to sign.
07:57 Now in actual fact, the signature of the covenant
08:00 was in circumcision and the boy,
08:03 males were all to be circumcised
08:05 as a sign that they were serving God
08:08 and accepting this covenant
08:10 and wanting to obey the covenant.
08:13 Okay, so far we've gone through,
08:16 we've had Adam,
08:17 we've had Noah, we've had Abraham,
08:19 who is the next great leader that a covenant is established
08:25 in relation with in the Bible?
08:27 And it's well-known within the Christian community,
08:30 Moses in at Sinai and this covenant
08:32 that's made there.
08:34 And we read that in Exodus Chapter 19.
08:36 So we go to Exodus Chapter 19 and we'll read verses 5-8.
08:40 And we read about this covenant here now,
08:43 with the children of Israel through Moses, God's servant.
08:47 And so it says here in verse 5-8,
08:50 "Now therefore,
08:51 if you will obey my voice indeed,
08:53 and keep my covenant,
08:54 then you shall be a peculiar treasure
08:56 unto me above all people,
08:58 for all the earth is mine.
09:00 And you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests,
09:02 and an holy nation.
09:04 These are the words which thou shall speak
09:06 to the children of Israel."
09:08 And it says, "And Moses came
09:09 and called for the elders of the people,
09:11 and laid before their faces all these words
09:13 which the Lord commanded him.
09:15 And all the people answered together, and said,
09:19 All that the Lord hath spoken we will do.
09:22 And Moses returned the words of the people unto the Lord."
09:26 And this covenant, you know, of course,
09:28 included the Ten Commandments here.
09:30 Fantastic.
09:31 Okay, so we've got this commandment,
09:33 this covenant here.
09:34 Is there one more?
09:35 Do we find another one after this one?
09:37 It's quite incredible here, when you read this unfolding
09:41 of covenants in the life of God's people.
09:43 We'll go to Jeremiah Chapter 31.
09:45 Jeremiah 31st Chapter, and we can read one here.
09:50 Now, this covenant really applies to all the world.
09:54 And so let's read Jeremiah 31:31-33.
09:59 It says, "Behold, the days comes, says the Lord,
10:01 that I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel,
10:04 and with a house of Judah.
10:06 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers
10:08 in the day that I took them by the hand
10:11 to bring them out of the land of Egypt,
10:12 which my covenant they broke,
10:15 although I was an husband unto them, say the Lord.
10:18 But this shall be the covenant
10:19 that I will make with the house of Israel.
10:21 After those days, says the Lord,
10:23 I will put my law in their inward parts,
10:26 and write it in their hearts,
10:27 and will be their God, and they shall be My people."
10:32 And I say to all the world
10:34 because this is what we read about in the New Testament.
10:35 Yes.
10:37 The New Covenant in the Book of Hebrews,
10:38 Paul talks about this.
10:40 In Hebrews Chapter 8 is where
10:41 this is the New Covenant that is, you know,
10:43 made with the house of Israel.
10:44 And it applies to all.
10:45 Yes, indeed.
10:47 Fantastic.
10:48 Now just moving on from there.
10:50 If we go to Hebrews Chapter 9,
10:52 and Hebrews Chapter 9,
10:54 we're going to read verse 14 and 15 here.
10:57 The Bible says, "How much more shall the blood of Christ,
11:01 who through the eternal Spirit
11:03 offered himself without spot to God,
11:06 purge your conscience from dead works
11:08 to serve the living God?"
11:11 Continues on, "And for this cause
11:13 he is the mediator of the New Testament
11:16 or the New Covenant,
11:19 that by means of death,
11:20 for the redemption of the transgressions
11:22 that were under the first testament
11:24 or the first covenant,
11:25 they which are called might receive the promise
11:28 of eternal inheritance."
11:32 David, what is the basis of this New Covenant?
11:35 Yes, the basis of the New Covenant
11:37 is the death of Christ.
11:38 And Hebrews brings us out very clearly,
11:39 as you mentioned,
11:41 and unlike in the Old Testament where they were circumcised,
11:46 baptism, were baptized into Christ.
11:49 And this, of course,
11:50 is a very significant part of the New Covenant.
11:53 Okay.
11:54 So I noticed that
11:56 if we continue on in this passage
11:58 here in Hebrews 13:20,
12:01 that this new covenant is called
12:03 the everlasting covenant.
12:05 David?
12:06 Yes.
12:08 He says, "Now may the God of peace
12:09 who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead,
12:12 that great Shepherd of the sheep,
12:14 through the blood of the everlasting covenant."
12:17 It was a blood of Christ that indeed covers us.
12:21 We think of Calvary,
12:22 and we think of all that Jesus went through.
12:24 And this, of course, was the basis of this
12:26 New Testament covenant.
12:29 Okay, so just thinking about that a little bit more further,
12:32 if we have an everlasting covenant,
12:35 then that would indicate, would it not that,
12:37 you know, this covenant has always been here?
12:40 This is the covenant that extends
12:41 from one end of the Bible to the other.
12:43 Absolutely.
12:44 And this is also the covenant that is called
12:46 the New Covenant.
12:47 Isn't that right? Yes.
12:49 So my question is this
12:50 just to toss a thought out there.
12:53 How do you have an everlasting covenant
12:56 that is always been there,
12:58 and yet we call it the New Covenant,
12:59 wouldn't that indicate that it hasn't always been there,
13:01 that it's just arrived.
13:04 Almost seems like there's two covenants,
13:06 isn't there?
13:07 Two different covenants.
13:08 Okay. Yeah.
13:10 Well, we do have the old and the new covenant, don't we?
13:11 We've the old and the new. Yeah.
13:12 But it's always new to every generation.
13:14 This is the point.
13:16 When Andrew read about it from Jeremiah,
13:20 there was a New Covenant there,
13:21 there was a new covenant with Abraham,
13:23 new covenant with Moses, basically.
13:25 And for us it's a New Covenant.
13:27 It's a covenant with us at this present generation.
13:30 Yes, absolutely.
13:31 This is a topic where, you know,
13:33 many people are confused over,
13:34 and not quite sure how does this all fit together?
13:37 You know, you hear statements like some people gonna say,
13:40 "Oh, the Old Covenant that was how the people
13:41 of Israel got saved back then,
13:43 but, you know, we're saved by the New Covenant."
13:45 And that's through the blood of Jesus
13:47 kind of indicating that the people of the Old Covenant
13:50 under the Old Covenant couldn't find salvation
13:52 by the blood of Jesus
13:53 that they found salvation some other way.
13:54 Yeah.
13:56 And sometimes you get people that,
13:57 you know, you listen to what they're saying,
13:58 and it sounds like and I think that,
14:00 you know, they're actually are implying
14:02 that some people get into heaven under the Old Covenant
14:04 and some people get there under the New Covenant.
14:06 Yes.
14:07 Whereas in reality
14:09 there is only one everlasting covenant.
14:10 And we all get into heaven by that.
14:12 We all get into heaven by the same covenant.
14:14 There are not two standards of salvation here.
14:15 And that's what was entrusted to Abraham.
14:18 And we said, you know,
14:19 God tasked him with something special.
14:20 If we go to Genesis 17,
14:23 back to Genesis Chapter 17,
14:25 and we read verse 7.
14:27 You notice, it uses the word everlasting covenant here.
14:30 It says, and God says to Abraham,
14:32 "And I will establish my covenant
14:33 between me and thee," well me and you,
14:35 "and your seed after you in the generations
14:38 for an everlasting covenant,
14:40 to be a God unto you, and to your seed also."
14:46 And so really, what's happening here is it's a recovenanting,
14:49 isn't it?
14:50 You know what we really means God
14:52 recovenanting and recovenanting with His people.
14:55 Okay, we'll take a moment are they still a part
14:57 of the New Covenant because, you know, once again,
14:59 we often hear this concept that we're New Covenant Christians,
15:01 therefore, we aren't gonna keep the Ten Commandments.
15:03 Yeah. That's what's happening here.
15:06 That's right. That's...
15:07 Why that would go against,
15:08 you know what the apostles taught
15:10 in the Book of Hebrews
15:11 in Hebrews Chapter 8, for example,
15:12 we go to Hebrews 8:10.
15:17 It says, and here Paul is drawing
15:18 actually from Jeremiah,
15:20 which we just read early on.
15:22 This covenant that goes to all the world,
15:24 "For this is the covenant that I will make
15:26 with the house of Israel
15:28 after those days, says the Lord,
15:29 I will put my laws into their mind,
15:32 and write them in their hearts,
15:33 and I will be to them a God,
15:35 and they shall be to me a people."
15:38 And so the same law that was written
15:39 by the finger of God on two tables of stone,
15:41 at the end of the day was never meant to stand
15:43 two tables of stone.
15:45 It was supposed to come into our heart,
15:47 and it comes to into our heart
15:49 through faith in the atoning sacrifice
15:52 of Jesus Christ.
15:54 Yeah, and I love the way that the Bible says that
15:56 God will write it on our heart,
15:58 in other words, so that we want to do it.
16:00 Yeah.
16:01 And He'll write it in our mind so that we know what it says.
16:04 That's right. It includes both aspects.
16:05 And this what David says
16:07 the law of the Lord is perfect, right?
16:08 Converting the Saul, and he loves God's law.
16:10 And we get to Paul, Romans 7:7, you know, he says that,
16:13 you know, I think in verse 12 it said,
16:15 "His commandment is holy and just and good."
16:17 And he quotes from those Ten Commandments.
16:19 Yes.
16:20 And so the only places in the Bible
16:22 that actually tell us what the New Covenant is,
16:26 and actually spells out the New Covenant,
16:27 both of those places are uplifting the law of God.
16:32 Amen.
16:33 And they're exalting the law of God
16:34 and calling us to obedience to the law of God.
16:36 What's the foundation of His kingdom, isn't it?
16:38 Yeah. The law of God.
16:39 That's it. Okay.
16:40 Let's go back to Nehemiah's day
16:42 and the written covenant that they had in those days.
16:45 David, what did the people pledge to do there?
16:48 Yes, well, they wanted to do a number of things,
16:50 they've been coming out of captivity.
16:53 And one of the things that they said,
16:54 we're not gonna buy grain on the Sabbath.
16:56 We're not gonna marry our daughters
16:58 to sons of the heathen people or vice versa.
17:02 And we're going to look out the temple
17:04 and bring our tithes into the temple.
17:07 It was quite a clear statement that they were making,
17:10 that they wanted to do.
17:11 This was how they were responding to God's covenant.
17:14 Why was this so important to them
17:16 at this particular time period?
17:18 Well, the reason being, of course,
17:19 they wanted to reestablish themselves as a nation
17:23 they had been in captivity,
17:24 and now it was important for them to
17:26 reestablish themselves as God's nation,
17:29 and the nation among the peoples.
17:31 And why had they gone into captivity?
17:33 Because as the Bible says they neglected the Sabbath.
17:37 In other words,
17:39 they were neglecting true worship,
17:40 the communication with God
17:42 that was so significant and important.
17:44 Absolutely.
17:46 And they get together,
17:47 they establish this new covenant,
17:49 they all signed their names to it.
17:50 And, Andrew,
17:52 how well did they do with this New Covenant?
17:54 They get out there and they...
17:55 Yeah.
17:57 They've decided, you know,
17:58 we put Babylonian captivity behind us.
18:00 We're never going into Babylonian captivity again.
18:02 So we're gonna take this very, very seriously right now.
18:05 Yeah.
18:07 And, you know, they've got that whole experience of 70 years
18:08 in captivity behind them.
18:11 A great example of, you know, the disaster that can come
18:13 from turning away from serving God.
18:15 Yeah.
18:17 How long do they make it with keeping this New Covenant?
18:18 Yeah, look, they don't do too well.
18:21 I mean, amongst them were still some faithful
18:22 but they don't do too well at all.
18:24 And, you know, the leadership in particular
18:26 we read about let them down.
18:29 So Nehemiah had, you know, returned to Babylon
18:32 after 12 years,
18:33 but then some disturbing news brought him back to Jerusalem.
18:37 I wanna take us to Nehemiah 13:7.
18:41 Nehemiah 13:7.
18:44 And notice what's happening here.
18:48 This what Nehemiah finds 13:7,
18:51 it says, "And I came to Jerusalem,
18:54 and understood of the evil
18:56 that Eliashib did for Tobiah,
18:59 in preparing him a chamber in the courts
19:03 of the house of God.
19:05 So Tobiah is a bitter enemy of Israel.
19:08 And Nehemiah finds him
19:12 living in the temple of God.
19:14 In one of the apartments there.
19:15 In one of the apartments of God.
19:18 Yeah, so it's quite a serious situation there.
19:21 When we think about that,
19:23 I mean, it kind of blows your mind a little bit,
19:25 that this avowed enemy of God
19:28 would find a place living amongst the people of God.
19:33 Do you think we ever fall into the same trap
19:35 ourselves of allowing the enemies of God
19:39 to live in our very midst?
19:42 You know, when we think about it,
19:43 we, there are occasions when,
19:45 you know, we're Christians, and we want to love everybody.
19:47 Yeah.
19:49 But Nehemiah was quite a confrontational character.
19:52 Yeah.
19:53 And you can see them like, oh, we're Christians,
19:55 we love people,
19:57 and we got to be loving towards our enemies.
19:58 And so therefore,
19:59 we'll let this man live in the temple.
20:01 Yeah.
20:02 Love is based on principle, isn't it?
20:03 It's not just this emotional kind of love that we have.
20:06 And we do find that, I mean, even in realistically,
20:10 in the church community today, you know,
20:11 we'll find some individuals that may be going against
20:15 what the church stands for and so forth.
20:17 And, you know, often the leadership of the church
20:19 has to address them.
20:21 And it's not always well received
20:23 because no one wants to be told
20:24 that they're sinning against God, and they,
20:27 you know, bringing contempt upon
20:29 the name of the church and so forth.
20:31 So do we just sit there and say,
20:33 "Well, we just love everyone," and we do nothing about it.
20:35 And within Christianity,
20:37 how many times have we seen a situation
20:38 where a child abuse case comes along and everybody says,
20:43 "Oh, but he's such a wonderful person,
20:45 surely not, you know."
20:46 And they'll protect the perpetrator
20:49 and they let Satan live in our midst
20:50 rather than being like Nehemiah being a man of action,
20:53 and tossing them out.
20:54 Absolutely. Yeah.
20:56 And Nehemiah did something about this.
20:58 We're reading verses 8-9.
21:01 It says, listen to Nehemiah here.
21:03 It says, "And it grieved me sore,
21:06 therefore I cast forth all the household stuff
21:08 of Tobiah out of the chamber.
21:11 And then I commanded, and they cleanse the chambers,
21:13 and then brought I again the vessels
21:16 of the house of God,
21:17 with the meat offering and the frankincense."
21:20 Like I said, this wasn't just any random apartment.
21:23 This was a place
21:24 that had been actually set aside
21:25 for the services of the temple.
21:27 Yes. Yeah.
21:29 You know, Nehemiah was quite a confrontationist.
21:31 And sometimes I wonder
21:33 how well he would get on if he was
21:36 a pastor in one of our churches today
21:39 because he certainly didn't stand for any
21:41 funny business amongst God's people.
21:43 And he certainly wasn't scared to act
21:45 when the time came to act.
21:48 Okay, David, what else was going wrong in
21:52 Judah at this particular time?
21:54 Yeah.
21:55 Well, he recognized
21:56 and you look at Chapter 13:10-12.
21:59 He says, "I also realized the portions of the Levites
22:02 had not been given to them."
22:03 So the Levites were suffering under bankruptcy,
22:08 you might say.
22:10 And so he saw that.
22:11 And then he says,
22:12 "Why is the house of God forsaken?"
22:14 They've even neglected the temple.
22:16 And this, of course, was a great trouble to him
22:19 at that particular time.
22:22 Okay, so this was...
22:23 Yeah, there was a whole bunch of things
22:25 that were happening here and,
22:26 you know, the last thing that you want to have happening
22:29 is obviously your ministry being affected.
22:30 Yeah.
22:32 And one of the... There's a couple of things
22:34 here that are highlighted in this passage that really,
22:37 I think speak to symptoms amongst God's people.
22:43 And the first symptom we find here
22:45 is that they had withheld their finances,
22:48 they're holding back,
22:50 they weren't being free with their money.
22:53 And they were,
22:54 you know, and as a result the Levites
22:56 starting to go without and so,
22:57 of course, the Levites are gonna have to go out
22:59 and work or do something
23:00 rather to provide for themselves,
23:02 which is not a healthy environment
23:04 for them to be in at this particular time,
23:08 but it wasn't the only reason that...
23:11 It wasn't the only symptom that they discovered
23:13 that was a problem here at this particular time.
23:16 What were some of the other symptoms
23:19 if you go on to like verses,
23:20 I think it's verse 16 and 17.
23:22 Is it there, David? Yes.
23:24 Very clearly.
23:25 And even the verse before goes back to Jeremiah,
23:28 when Jeremiah tells them that they're
23:29 doing things on the Sabbath, like,
23:32 bringing the sheaves and loading donkeys
23:34 with wine and so on.
23:35 But then he says, "Men of Tyre dwelt there also,"
23:38 here the Gentiles coming in,
23:40 "and they brought their fish and all kinds of goods,
23:42 and they sold them on the Sabbath
23:44 to the children of Judah,
23:45 and in Jerusalem."
23:47 And he says, "Then I contended with the nobles of Judah,
23:49 and said to them,
23:50 'What evil thing is this that you do,
23:52 by which you profane the Sabbath?'"
23:53 The very thing that basically took them into Babylon
23:57 barriers, beginning to do again break the Sabbath
24:00 and allowing people to come in
24:01 and sell their goods on the Sabbath.
24:04 And how quickly this took place?
24:06 You know, this is 12 years after they have
24:08 signed their names to a covenant.
24:09 Yeah.
24:11 And all this is happening. All right.
24:12 So what is, fill us in on the story there, David?
24:14 What does Nehemiah do to solve this particular problem?
24:17 Well, he says, "I contended with the Judas.
24:20 And I shut the gates and I put people at the gates."
24:24 And I was thinking about this too,
24:26 that was probably a Sabbath duty
24:27 for men to stay at the gates keeping out these Gentiles.
24:31 Yeah, so that the Sabbath worship could continue.
24:33 That's exactly right.
24:35 Okay, so he was a man of action.
24:36 And it's interesting is you find that
24:39 the Gentiles all turned up, you know,
24:40 and they can't come in
24:41 and they can't set up their stall
24:43 and they can't sell their product.
24:44 And so they can't, you know,
24:46 they set up camp outside the gates
24:48 and they're selling stuff over the wall still.
24:51 You know, when you walk away from God,
24:54 it's kind of sad the length that we go
24:56 almost at times to be disobedient.
24:59 And so Satan is there to help us to do it.
25:00 That's it. Yeah, yeah.
25:03 And once again Nehemiah he steps in,
25:05 and he's a man of action,
25:06 he gets this sorted out.
25:08 Now... Yes, go ahead.
25:10 I was just thinking,
25:11 Nehemiah has worked so hard
25:12 to take the reproach away from God's people.
25:15 I mean, in the beginning chapters
25:17 of the Book of Nehemiah,
25:18 I mean, that's what he wants to do.
25:19 They realize that they're in that position because of it.
25:22 They are in the position of captivity
25:24 because of the very things that they're even doing now
25:27 as we're reading about.
25:28 And Nehemiah work so tirelessly hard to remove that reproach
25:31 to turn them back to the Lord.
25:33 And now they are really, you know,
25:36 in apostasy for the most part.
25:39 People tend to move from one extreme to the other.
25:41 The devil likes to get us to move
25:43 to one extreme to the other,
25:44 and he have got them breaking the Sabbath.
25:45 When you come down to the time of Jesus,
25:48 had they moved to another extreme there?
25:50 They had.
25:52 And what were they doing there?
25:53 They brought in at least 400 regulations
25:56 apart from the commandments
25:57 that were manmade and expected people to do that,
26:00 like, you couldn't even go into a cornfield and pick up a bit
26:03 of wheat to eat on the Sabbath, you know,
26:06 all those kind of things were brought in by men.
26:08 Yeah
26:10 And you couldn't even, you know,
26:11 Jesus wasn't even allowed to
26:13 heal somebody on the Sabbath day.
26:14 Absolutely.
26:15 And we might smile at that today,
26:17 but, you know, it does illustrate
26:20 the danger of what happens when we,
26:22 you know, go to one extreme or the other.
26:25 You end up trying to determine what's right in your own eyes,
26:28 isn't it, you know?
26:29 So you can be in the church, but you're still determining
26:31 what's right in your own eyes,
26:33 rather than what is right in the eyes of God.
26:35 Very quickly.
26:37 Andrew, why was the temple so important?
26:38 The temple was the life of Israel.
26:40 It was, you know,
26:42 it was in the temple is the gospel of salvation,
26:46 it was there for them to celebrate God's goodness,
26:48 everything pointed to Christ in the temple.
26:51 And yeah, it should have been their place of rejoicing,
26:55 their place where they learn about the grace of Christ,
26:58 and the place where they realize that
27:00 they can trust God and follow Him and do His work.
27:03 Absolutely.
27:04 And receive His blessings.
27:06 And this is where we see God's grace coming through
27:08 in the covenants.
27:09 You know, God expected His people
27:11 to take His covenant very seriously.
27:15 Likewise, we're invited to commit ourselves
27:18 to God's everlasting covenant of love and grace.
27:22 And we're also called to be faithful in our lives.
27:26 That's Let God Speak for today.
27:28 You can view all our past programs
27:30 on our website 3abnaustralia.org.au.
27:34 You can download teachers notes there.
27:36 You can email us on lgs@3abnaustralia.org.au.
27:41 Join us again next time.
27:43 God bless you in a special way.


Revised 2020-03-02