Let God Speak

Our Forgiving God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LGS

Program Code: LGS019407A

00:01 Hello I'm Mel Olson and this is Let God Speak. We continue our
00:04 study in the book of Nehemiah. The city is rebuilt and secure
00:08 and the leaders have reintroduced their formal worship. Today we
00:12 are looking at what followed these celebrations.
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00:41 On our panel today we have Nathan Tasker and Rod Butler.
00:44 Welcome to our panel today. We should commence our talk today
00:49 with prayer. Let's bow our heads Heavenly Father, as we review
00:53 the journey of the Israelites and as they confessed their sins
00:57 and came closer to You, we want to reflect on our lives and come
01:02 closer to you as well. So thank you for this opportunity of
01:06 sharing God's word again today, we ask this in Your Name, Amen.
01:10 Amen, amen. So throughout the religious festivals that they'd
01:14 been following through as the book of Nehemiah unfolds all of
01:18 this, is a reading of God's word. A lot of that was done
01:23 during this period of time and reassurance of God's love.
01:26 and I'm reading Nehemiah chapter eight and the last part of verse
01:31 10. Do not sorrow for the joy of the Lord is your strength. So
01:37 Nathan, how does Nehemiah describe the last week of
01:41 celebrations?
01:43 Well there some somber moments but this is obviously a very
01:47 exciting time to catch up with friends and family and in
01:50 Nehemiah 8:17 at the end there it says: There was very great
01:56 gladness. This isn't just like a party, let's all go out and get
01:59 plastered but this is a let's really reflect and think and be
02:03 grateful for the past, more like an Anzac day, a kind of a
02:08 reflection perhaps.
02:11 Yes, all right, and so they read from the book of the Law of
02:14 God during this period of time?
02:15 That's right.
02:16 And they had a sacred assembly which followed on from there.
02:20 So there was a notable change after this sacred assembly
02:23 a couple of days later. So what was that change, Rod?
02:30 When we read in chapter nine and verse one. It says, Now on the
02:33 24th day of the month the children of Israel were
02:35 assembled with fasting and with sackcloth and earth upon
02:39 them. Apparently where they've come from, they've just had
02:42 eight days of sitting listening to the Law being read, that had
02:46 had a powerful _They realized how holy God was and
02:50 how sinful they were and it brought them to humble
02:53 themselves. Nehemiah, two days later, he calls a sacred
02:57 assembly and they've humbled themselves for that.
02:59 Yes, I understand that they had sackcloth on, they had ashes
03:05 and dirt on their head. So these were outward tokens of
03:09 mourning and sadness, weren't they? Yes. They were
03:11 demonstrated in their dress as well as in their hearts. So what
03:16 two events followed the humbling of themselves?
03:19 Pick up chapter nine verse two; It says: Then those of Israelite
03:25 lineage separated themselves from foreigners and they stood
03:29 and they confessed their sins and the iniquity of their
03:33 fathers. Now I was just thinking about that. Sometimes in a
03:37 modern context, we think of separation, we think of
03:40 exclusiveness. Now I 'm over here you're over there so we'll just
03:44 steer clear and I'm going to be holier than you. But this is a
03:46 different kind of separation. This is a separation that
03:50 involves a focus. Like when a pilot's flying an airplane and
03:53 he says all right, final approach, time to concentrate,
03:57 time to focus. Everybody in the plane's important but I've got a
04:00 special important priority here. So I think the separation here
04:03 is one of focus and awareness, not one of exclusivity.
04:08 Yes. The sins of course that were being confessed were the sins
04:13 their own sins and the sins of their nation and those
04:17 foreigners in that environment weren't actually a part of that
04:20 sinful process.
04:22 Yes it's a bit of a choice if you look at verse three they stood
04:25 up and their place and read from the book of the Law of the Lord
04:29 their God for one-fourth of the day and it goes on. Obviously
04:33 when there was the circumcision and the Sabbath that had been
04:36 instituted earlier, God made that available for all people
04:40 but only for those that were committed to picking out the
04:44 stranger who was just visiting and just checking the place out
04:47 his heart wasn't in it, he wasn't involved. But those that
04:51 had the backgrounds that had chosen your God will be my God
04:55 they were included I believe.
04:57 Yes. What were the activities that actually took place on that
05:00 day?
05:01 So yes on the first part of the day it says here the first
05:04 quarter and I could be corrected on this but my understanding
05:06 this is a 12-hour day from sunrise to sunset so the first
05:09 quarter meaning three hours, they were reading the word
05:12 together as we discussed and the part that I find
05:15 very interesting,
05:17 the next quarter of the day, it says here if you look at verse
05:21 three, they spent that time confessing and worshipping the
05:25 Lord. I'm thinking three hours that's a long time to be sitting
05:29 down to do anything. You're watching a movie or something
05:31 like that, but three hours to think how can I be
05:34 right with God, how can I be right with my neighbor. That's
05:37 a serious reflection time. They must have been really engaged
05:41 deeply for like three hours to do that.
05:43 So they were really taking an inward look at their own
05:46 selves during
05:47 this period of time. Yes during this... Yes that's right.
05:52 Yes. So Rod do you see a link between reading the Torah and
05:57 confession, the first five books of the Bible?
05:58 Absolutely I do. When you read the Law of God it changes
06:05 us. It's the word of God. In this particular case, they had
06:10 so much time hearing it read to them could have had a big impact
06:13 upon them
06:15 and when you consider, too, the Holy Spirit was very active back
06:18 then. If you turn to Nehemiah 9:20. It says: Thou gavest also
06:25 Thy good Spirit to instruct them Now the Hebrew word for
06:32 instruct there is sachau which means to understand, be
06:34 prudent and be
06:36 wise. So the Holy Spirit was actually working on their hearts
06:38 as well as convicting of sin. I read now in John 16:8, it says:
06:44 When He is come He will convict us of sin, the world of sin.
06:49 so hearing the word and the Holy Spirit working on the hearts it
06:53 convicted them of sin and they were brought to confession.
06:57 Okay. So the Holy Spirit was active in the Old Testament
06:59 as well.
07:01 He absolutely was.
07:02 Sometimes we think when Jesus said I'll send the Comforter
07:04 it's a New Testament event. But this is an Old Testament event
07:07 isn't it? And the Holy Spirit was very active in the lives and
07:10 the minds of those people.
07:12 That's a good point because many people don't think that the Holy
07:14 Spirit was working back in the Old Testament.
07:17 It jumped out at me not only is God asking us to be forgiving
07:20 and gracious to others but He's actually providing us the
07:23 the mechanisms and the support to achieve that, He's helping us
07:26 in this act of forgiveness. That's wonderful.
07:29 Yes, it's a support Ron isn't it? So I read back in Nehemiah 8:9
07:33 that the people had been reading the word of God and then they
07:37 wept. What would cause them to weep, Rod?
07:39 Well, again let's just go back to chapter eight and read verses
07:44 eight and nine: Verse eight So they read in the book
07:47 in the Law of God
07:49 distinctly and gave the sense and caused them to understand
07:52 the reading. And verse nine: And Nehemiah, which is the governor
07:57 and Ezra the priest the scribe and the Levites that taught the
08:00 people, said unto all the people This day is holy unto the Lord
08:04 you God; mourn not, nor weep. For all the people wept, when
08:09 they heard the words of the law.
08:10 So they're saying don't weep and yet they wept.
08:15 Oh yeah and this the impact of what the word does to us because
08:18 on the one hand yes it convicts us of sin and confession
08:22 and on the other
08:24 hand we can weep with joy We see the goodness and graciousness
08:26 and longsuffering of God who is always ready to forgive but on
08:30 the other hand we see our sinfulness and how far we've
08:34 deviated from God's requirements for us, our disobedience.
08:37 It's really powerful there when we talk about God is always
08:39 willing to forgive
08:41 Yes. Very much so. So in Nehemiah chapter nine and verse four we
08:46 start this very long prayer that is prayed on this occasion. And
08:52 they cry out to the Lord with a loud voice to the Lord their
08:56 God. So what do they ask the people to do, Nathan?
08:59 We could just read that together Nehemiah 9:5. These are Levites
09:06 in support of Ezra of guiding the people in I guess a praise
09:12 ceremony and they're saying, this is Nehemiah 9:5: Stand up
09:17 and bless the Lord your God forever. Blessed be your
09:21 glorious name which is exalted above all blessing and praise.
09:30 So they're not only thinking about themselves and the
09:33 challenges and the opportunities to move forward spiritually with
09:36 God but they're also thinking now hang on a minute, what kind
09:39 of a God is this? What has this God done for us? And they begin
09:44 begin after this passage and realize this is a God who has
09:47 actually done a lot of creating and a lot of protection for us.
09:52 We're going to pray and discuss in a few moments...
09:53 This is the kind of God that we want to
09:55 draw attention to. So they're turn now from themselves
09:57 to their God.
09:59 Yeah, they used the word blessed there a few times in that
10:02 particular text. So blessing God I guess it's praising God
10:05 isn't it? Thanking God part of that process.
10:09 You know, I looked to impart something significant like here
10:12 God is a gift or a prize but here's a recognition from us
10:16 thank you God for what you've done.
10:17 Thanks. Yes. So what description of God did they add to this
10:22 that they'd already offered Him?
10:24 So this is quite a good passage. Maybe we could use it in our own
10:28 worship services. This is a God, verse six: You alone are the
10:32 Lord; You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens with all their
10:35 hosts, the earth, the seas, everything that's in them and it
10:39 goes on to outline this is the God that made things, everything
10:44 Everything? Heaven? Heaven? Everything.
10:49 Heaven though the skies.. Heavenly hosts?
10:51 Those angels I guess, earth, sea?
10:54 And everything that's in those places.
10:59 We're covering a lot there aren't we? He's the creator
11:00 God as well as
11:02 a forgiving God, yes this is the Creator God. All right so
11:06 does the New Testament, Rod, support this concept of God the
11:09 Creator?
11:11 Yes it does. A very good text to cover that is Colossians one
11:14 verses 16 and 17. And that says: For by Him were all things
11:23 created that are in heaven and on the earth, visible and
11:26 invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions or
11:30 principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him and
11:33 for Him. And verse 17 says: And He is before all things and by
11:37 Him all things consist.
11:39 Okay, so, that's supporting the Creator God isn't it. Yes indeed
11:43 I noticed in chapter 9:6 that Nathan read you've got the
11:49 words and You preserve them talking about the creation in
11:52 that context. You preserve them. Rod, can you unpack that a bit
11:56 more for us. What does it mean that God preserves His creation?
12:02 Chapter nine and verse six we've got there.
12:05 Yeah, it's the last part of chapter nine verse six: and
12:08 I preserved them all and the host of heaven worshiped Thee.
12:11 Now it's one thing, you know, say in business it's one thing
12:14 to make a million bucks, it's another thing to keep it. And
12:19 This is not only the God who has created all things but He
12:22 sustains it. He doesn't just create it and then walk away
12:25 and let it sort of just fend for itself. He's maintaining it He's
12:30 making, He's providing life to it. That word preserve is quite
12:35 interesting because in the Hebrew word it's the word
12:39 kayel which means basically to have life, remain in life.
12:45 The NIV for
12:47 example translates that you give life to everything. And
12:51 other versions have different ways of putting it. Some say
12:53 that you keep them all alive, you keep giving them life but
12:57 the emphasis is that God is the sustainer.
12:59 So creation is ongoing. Is that right?
13:05 I think that there is a dependency there that's
13:06 that's possible that the children of Israel
13:08 had remembered God as their creator but they may have
13:11 forgotten to realize that each day, each breath, every crop
13:16 that they harvested, everything was also a recurring gift of
13:21 of creation and perhaps this is a reminder corporately here
13:25 Hey this is the God that not only made everything but also He gave
13:28 us continuing life support.
13:30 Absolutely+- +. Yes?
13:31 Another thing which is important is verse six where it's
13:34 emphasizing that God is the creator, everything. How
13:37 relevant is that for us today. We live in a world where we're
13:41 told that we all just happened by chance, we've evolved and
13:45 here is a message. No, no, no we weren't. We were created by
13:47 a God who created everything.
13:49 In this prayer, Abraham was introduced there, Nathan. Why
13:53 is that significant?
13:55 I guess that's not so clear to us today but for the context
14:00 the people were talking about when they would hear the name
14:02 Avram, Abram, Abraham this was their ancestor, this was their
14:08 founding father. This is the one that's received the promise from
14:12 God so this is I guess their background, their reference
14:16 point and also their example. Because Abram or Abraham as we
14:21 know did not always live an exemplary life. He had to lie
14:27 about his wife on a couple of occasions. The same fault was
14:29 repeated and I guess Abraham was on a journey himself of faith.
14:33 And I guess as these people were thinking about their ancestor
14:36 they're thinking not only did God select him and help him but
14:40 God also forgave him and God was generous with him, even with his
14:45 flaws. Maybe God can be the same way for us.
14:47 He even made a covenant with them didn't He. And I'll bless
14:50 you and I'll bless the nations that follow you. Yes. Very
14:53 powerful. So give us
14:54 a little bit of the journey. The the prayer that covers some
14:57 of the journey now.
14:58 Nathan, can you just a few brief highlights.
15:01 So if you have your Bibles there for our viewers Nehemiah chapter
15:05 nine, there's an extended... I guess it's a summary really
15:09 of the way God has lead His people over the last few years
15:13 and you can skip through in your own leisure but it
15:16 recalls the way
15:18 that God lead Abram out of his homeland, how they were brought
15:24 to a new land. They had famine. They find themselves in Egypt
15:27 where they were sustained. Things turned bad there. God
15:30 rescued them from Egypt, brought them through the wilderness and
15:35 preserved them in that wilderness. This is a God who
15:38 has repeatedly stepped into their history and they're giving
15:40 I guess a summary report of the way God has led in the last few
15:45 generations.
15:47 Yes and all of that happened in spite of the fact that they
15:49 failed so often with God and yet He still continues to be a
15:55 forgiving God doesn't He. through all of that.
15:56 It's very, very important there. So we've covered the history
16:01 there but tucked into verse 17, Rob, is a very powerful text. I
16:06 think it's the crux of the whole prayer. Would you like to share
16:09 Yeah it is, it is Verse 17 says, this is chapter nine verse 17:
16:14 And refused to obey, neither were mindful of Thy
16:16 wonders that Thou didst among them, but hardened their necks,
16:20 and in their rebellion appointed a captain to return to their
16:22 bondage: but thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and
16:27 merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness, and forsook
16:31 them not. These are people who were terribly disobedient. They
16:35 were given all the requirements and they had stiff necks, they
16:38 turned their back and yet God was always there to, to forgive
16:45 basically. And it seems to me when you go through that because
16:49 though they read the description of God
16:51 being ready to pardon, gracious and merciful.
16:55 If you go to Exodus 34 verse six it talked about God
17:00 describes himself. And I'll just turn to that now and I'll read
17:02 that because that's a very, very important text. Exodus 34:6 says
17:08 And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed... this is
17:11 passing before Moses, the back of him anyway, The Lord, the
17:15 Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in
17:18 goodness and truth. So that's the description of God by
17:21 Himself. And here we have now Nehemiah's prayer. I remember
17:26 this calling upon that attribute of God.
17:28 So earlier we talked about them confessing their sins, so what
17:34 does the confession like a hand in a glove, Rod, What's another
17:38 activity there?
17:40 Confession usually brings on repentance. And repentance is
17:45 very important. In fact, if we just turn back to verse three
17:50 in chapter, sorry, chapter three and verse 19. Acts 3:19.
18:01 It says: Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins
18:03 may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come
18:07 from the presence of the Lord. So we're called to repent.
18:13 And this is mandatory because God requires us to repent. If we
18:22 turn to another text, turn to 2 Peter and we'll look at verses
18:27 chapter 3 and verse 9, 2 Peter chapter 3 and verse 9 and it
18:35 says: The Lord is not slack concerning His promise as some
18:38 men count slackness, but He is longsuffering to usward, not
18:42 willing that any should perish but that ALL should come to
18:46 repentance. Not some but all of us. So confession brings on
18:50 repentance.
18:51 Thank you. So in Nehemiah chapter nine verses 23-31 there
18:56 is a statement there that the children of Israel they
18:59 delighted themselves in the Lord Could this have been both a
19:02 positive and a negative situation, Nathan?
19:05 I guess the double edged sword of being really blessed and end
19:09 up with lots of wonderful things and if we were to go through
19:15 that passage, I guess time is a bit short on us today, but
19:17 Nehemiah 9:24-31 outlines the manifold ways that God had
19:22 blessed and I suppose speaking from my personal experience when
19:26 things go really well for me it's really hard to require
19:29 myself to be dependent upon somebody or something or
19:33 someone else. And I suppose the danger of being so well blessed
19:37 and I guess the Israelites and myself struggled with this is
19:40 then God wasn't so much a necessary part of their daily
19:43 life. He was an accessory that was, I guess, optional. And we
19:48 know how that works.
19:49 Yeah, yes the word remember comes in in the text there in
19:53 the commandment doesn't it? It says remember because you are
19:56 likely to forget so it could be negative. I read in Leviticus
20:00 18:5 these words: Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and
20:04 my judgments: which if a man does, he shall live by them;
20:08 I am the Lord. These words come up again. Rod, what do you think
20:15 about this or is that Nathan's question?
20:17 I'm happy to (indistinct). This is Nehemiah 9:29 speaking about how
20:25 they got on a bit of a negative path there. It says: Yes they
20:28 acted proudly and they did not heed Your commandments, but
20:32 they sinned against Your judgments and then it's the
20:34 quote you just read which if a man does he shall live by them.
20:38 And they shrugged their shoulders and stiffened their
20:40 necks. So evidently the spot the encouragement in
20:43 Leviticus 18:5, there had been a forgetfulness, amnesia if you
20:48 like, and I suppose as this is being read this helps us
20:51 understand why these people were cut to the heart, why they were
20:55 a little bit somber this time because they've been reminded
20:58 of what they should have remembered earlier.
21:00 Yes, it is. Okay so the conclusion of the prayer
21:04 of confession turns to praising God. How did they address God
21:09 and what request did they make Rod?
21:11 Well if we look in verse 32 of chapter nine it says: Now
21:16 therefore, our God, the great, the mighty, and the terrible God
21:19 who keepest His covenant and mercy, let not all the trouble
21:22 seem little before thee, that has come upon us, on our kings,
21:26 on our princes, and on our priests, and on our prophets,
21:30 and on our fathers and on all our people since the time of the
21:33 kings of Assyria unto this day. This prayer of confession they
21:38 recognized God is a mighty God, he's a terrible God if you're on
21:42 the wrong side of Him. He's a holy God.
21:43 Could another word for terrible be awesome. Awesome yes.
21:47 Yes that's a fairly modern word for that, yes.
21:50 And but notwithstanding all that they've got some requests.
21:55 They've been pounded over the time for their disobedience and
21:57 they're calling upon God to answer their prayer.
22:02 Yes, it's a real cry isn't it?
22:05 They're after God's blessing.
22:07 They were after God's blessing, yes indeed. And during that
22:10 process they had actually described God and they're saying
22:14 listen to me, listen to me. I guess they'd been estranged
22:18 somewhat from God and now they want to make sure that God is
22:22 actually hearing this time. So while they're reviewing their
22:26 history what conclusion do they come to about God's treatment
22:29 of them. I think Nathan.
22:32 Turn to Nehemiah chapter nine verse 33. I suppose I would see
22:38 this as a point of encouragement I'll just read out the passage
22:42 here. It says: However you are just in all that has befallen us
22:48 for You have dealt faithfully but we have done wickedly.
22:53 Now I thought to myself, at least in my life and experience,
22:57 oftentimes love or forgiveness can be a business contract. Now
23:02 if you do this, I'll do that. If you don't forgive me, I won't
23:03 forgive you. You hit me first, I'll hit you back and this is a
23:07 one way street. God is saying no matter what happens whether
23:11 you guys are faithful or not, I'm going to stand up and do
23:15 the right thing by you. At least people are acknowledging
23:16 God you have done the right thing by us. We may not have
23:18 done our job, but you have done the right thing by us and we are
23:23 very grateful for that. There's also a promise in Isaiah, Isaiah
23:31 chapter 59 verse one. Isaiah 59:1 is a promise that I'd like
23:38 to cash in on. It says this: Behold the Lord's hand is not
23:44 shortened that it cannot save nor His ear heavy that it cannot
23:50 hear. There's are powerful promises
23:52 there. Can you elaborate a little bit more on that.
23:56 Well I suppose that in the idea of the context here that
24:01 people are really struggling and the question is are we deep
24:04 enough that God can't find us? Are we far enough away that God
24:07 can no longer hear our cry for help. And this author here is
24:12 saying you know it doesn't matter how far you think you are
24:16 God doesn't have limitation. You might think you're too far away
24:19 from God but He can still reach, He can still hear and rescue.
24:22 I just want to emphasize that some of those words were for You
24:25 have dealt faithfully. Now in reality they had been
24:30 separated, they had been put into slavery and back again,
24:34 had been put in foreign countries and they're saying
24:38 You dealt faithfully. Really?
24:44 Well I suppose it really points out to us the fact that they
24:47 realized what their just desserts were and they realized
24:51 that they had not been short-changed.
24:54 Uh-huh, also too God said in Deuteronomy 28 He said very
24:57 clearly if they were disobedient what would happen and God was
25:00 faithful, it happened.
25:01 Okay. So it was not a surprise to them the journey they
25:05 had taken because God had said this will happen and now they
25:10 could see it has happened. And so God was just and he was also
25:14 faithful. Very powerful recognition wasn't it? After
25:19 their confession of sin and so on. Very, very powerful. So
25:21 as the enormity of their findings were accepted,
25:23 they had given
25:24 themselves a new title. What's this, Nathan?
25:27 Well I guess it's the recognition of their true
25:29 position in relation to God. If we turn here to Nehemiah chapter
25:34 nine verse 36, it says: Here we are servants today and the
25:42 land that you gave our fathers to eat it's fruit and it's
25:44 bounty. Here we are, servants in it. So it sounds to me, and we
25:51 could talk about the Hebrew word servant there, it's not really
25:55 a slave, it's more someone who is a custodian or manager who's
26:00 taking care of an asset, an asset that belongs to somebody
26:03 else. In this case, they recognize hey God we thought
26:06 this was all about us but we realize once again we're
26:08 dependent upon You. We are Your servants looking out for Your
26:11 assets. We going do our duty with pleasure because you're
26:14 a good God to work for.
26:16 Okay and Jesus, of course, challenged us didn't He
26:20 to follow Him, to
26:22 serve Him, to become His servants indeed as followers
26:25 of Jesus Christ. Yes, that's good. So, Rod, I asked you a
26:29 question earlier from Nehemiah chapter nine verse 17. Now
26:33 there was crux a whole lot. What do you... Come back to that
26:38 because I really think it summarizes this whole prayer.
26:41 Well you're right. Again it says that Thou art a God ready to
26:46 pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great
26:50 kindness. Here we are, sinful humans. We keep making
26:57 mistakes, we keep falling by the wayside, but God is there every
27:01 time we want to have His intervention, we just have to
27:04 pray, He hears us and He always forgives.
27:07 What a God! What a God. And people have woken up to this
27:11 whole process of reconversion. All right, so I think that's
27:15 probably about our time. As the people opened their hearts to
27:19 God in praise and confession, they were blessed. We too can
27:22 receive the same blessings as they experienced. Thank you for
27:26 joining us on Let God Speak. You can view all past programs
27:30 and the teacher's notes on our website
27:32 3abnaustralia.org.au. You can e-mail us on
27:37 lgs@3abnaustralia.org.au. God bless and please join us
27:43 again next week.
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Revised 2020-02-06