Let's Cook Together

Philippine Cuisine

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Resa & Ozzie Oswald


Series Code: LCT

Program Code: LCT000109

00:01 Today, we're going fishing, but we are not
00:03 going fishing in the water or in a lake.
00:04 We are going to actually make fish, have you ever
00:08 heard of that. I am very excited to learn how to
00:10 do that, so stay with us and you will
00:11 find out how to do it for yourself.
00:45 Hello friends and welcome to another program of
00:47 Lets Cook Together. I'm your host Jill
00:49 Morikone and we have an exciting program planned
00:52 for you today. And I can't wait to
00:54 learn how to make that veggie fish.
00:56 I'm real excited to learn how to do that.
00:58 But first I want to introduce you to o ur
01:00 special guests and my special friends here with
01:03 me in the kitchen, their names are Resa and Ozzie
01:06 Oswald. Welcome both of you. Thank you.
01:08 So glad to have you here. Now you used to live in
01:11 Chicago, but you moved down here close to three
01:14 years. Three years ago. Three years ago, okay.
01:17 Because a lot of our guests come in
01:18 from California, you know Georgia, all over the
01:21 place, but you guys are right here.
01:23 Yeah, now you have a ministry besides
01:25 hospitality. You have real ministry I believe
01:28 of reaching out to your co-workers, reaching
01:31 out to other people and sharing with them.
01:33 Tell us what you do, how you do that.
01:35 At our jobs and that we have quite an opportunity
01:40 to meet a lot of people and co-workers and we
01:43 share the foods that we eat. Okay.
01:45 And we have a lot of people asking questions
01:48 what's happening, why do you eat like that.
01:50 Yes, absolutely. And same here at work,
01:54 you know, I just when I bring my food, they say
01:57 oh what's that? Oh! They say some vegetarian food.
02:00 And they say always share my food and so well
02:03 that's good. You know, so it's just
02:05 like healthy eating. That's right.
02:06 Yes. That's right and it really opens up the door.
02:09 You know because people aren't offended with the
02:11 a loaf of bread. Yes.
02:12 You know or with just sharing fried rice like
02:16 are gonna make in a few minutes or something like
02:17 that and then they think, oh! that food is good and
02:19 then you can share with them about the Gospel
02:21 too. Yes, after you know sharing the food they say
02:24 what religion, you know, you have and I say well
02:27 can I talk about that. And after that sometimes
02:30 later, can I come to you to church, I say, sure.
02:32 That's right. Just as last Sabbath, you brought
02:35 somebody to church. Yes. Who was one
02:37 of your co-workers? My co-worker.
02:38 Yeah, that's wonderful and that's so encouraging
02:42 because I think any of us can do that.
02:43 You know that. Yes. Any of us can
02:45 reach out and share food and then you know share.
02:47 That's wonderful, that's a real ministry God's given
02:50 you. Yes. Yeah. Okay, now we're making,
02:52 before we are making fish we are gonna make rice.
02:55 Fried rice. Okay.
02:56 Veggie fried rice. Yummy, let's read that
02:58 recipe for the veggie fried rice.
02:59 Vegetable Fried Rice 4 cups cooked brown rice
03:03 1 cup broccoli, chopped 1 cup asparagus, chopped
03:08 1 cup mushrooms, sliced 1/2 cup frozen yellow
03:14 corn. 1/2 cup red pepper, diced 1 carrot, chopped
03:19 2 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon minced
03:24 garlic. 1 onion, chopped and 1 tablespoon
03:28 unfermented soy sauce. Okay, now Resa you are
03:32 originally from the Philippines is that
03:33 right? Yes. Umm, Umm. So, is this a recipe
03:35 that you would make there? Yes and in fact
03:37 we always in the Philippines, we all have
03:39 fried rice every morning, so it's like our
03:42 breakfast. Oh! Rice. And typically we have
03:45 rice three times a day. Rice in the morning, rice
03:49 at noon and rice in the evening.
03:51 Is it all fried rice or do you do steam rice?
03:53 No, steam rice. Yeah, but typically for morning
03:57 it's like fried rice. So, we're having
03:58 breakfast with you. Yeah, but for me it
04:01 would be lunch. Yeah, that's very good.
04:03 Okay, show us what we do here.
04:05 Okay, first we are going to saute our onion and
04:08 garlic, so since the pan is already warm just
04:13 put this in the pan, so we will just put the
04:15 garlic right away. Good.
04:17 And we saute this for like one minute.
04:22 Okay, now you use any special kind of garlic.
04:25 Well, we do. When you something
04:28 special with your garlic. What do you do with your
04:29 garlic? Well, we just kind of like chopped it,
04:33 you know, and then put olive oil and we store
04:37 it in the fridge. And since we use garlic
04:40 every time, so it's easier we don't have
04:42 to chop it everyday. You know, so we just
04:43 like grab the jar and do it. That saves a lot of
04:47 time. You know, I like that idea.
04:49 Because that way instead of always having to chop
04:50 like you said. Exactly, and how long
04:52 does it store, how long does it keep in the
04:53 fridge? It's two months, you know.
04:55 Oh, longtime. Yes, it's a longtime
04:57 since with the olive oil, so it keep last long.
05:00 Good very nice. Okay. Okay, so we will add
05:03 our carrots. Good. Umm, Umm,
05:06 Now these you have already cut your carrots.
05:08 Chopped carrots. Okay, umm, umm, good.
05:10 And then we will put our broccoli, mix it.
05:13 Okay. Very nice. We'll put asparagus and
05:19 we will cook these for about 2 to 3 minutes.
05:21 Okay. Umm, umm, good. Now you chopped the
05:24 asparagus to little pieces. Yes.
05:26 Yeah. Just a bite size.
05:29 Yes, very nice. And I like that too
05:32 because you could use produce from the garden
05:34 if it's summertime. Exactly, Yeah.
05:36 And in fact this summer, I planted some asparagus,
05:39 so hopefully we will have some next year.
05:41 How fun. Yeah. We love planting our
05:44 own vegetable. You know, so have some
05:47 organic vegetable. Oh! Yeah. That's right.
05:49 Then you don't have to pay the price in the
05:50 store, you can grow it. That's the best.
05:52 Every once in a while Resa runs out,
05:54 she says I got to go to the store, I will be
05:55 right back and she runs out to the garden .
05:59 That's you. Okay. And additional, we will
06:02 the corn. And the red pepper.
06:06 I will cook this for another one minute.
06:09 Okay. And we will add the mushroom as well.
06:13 Good. This is very colorful.
06:16 Oh! It is. You can see that. And I love
06:19 mushroom. Yes. And some people love tofu as well,
06:24 so it's optional they can add tofu, cool,
06:26 with this. Now if you are using the
06:29 tofu would add it and at what time, what point
06:30 would you add the tofu. I would add it right at
06:33 this minute right now. You know.
06:35 Okay. And we will just add
06:37 the soy sauce to stiffen these and then we will
06:41 add the rice. Good. Now you have
06:43 cooked this rice. Yes, this is steamed
06:45 rice. Usually four to five days like what
06:48 we have left over in supper so.
06:51 Oh! That's perfect. So, you don't really have
06:53 to cook extra rice just to make fried rice.
06:58 Yes. It's whatever rice you already have
07:00 leftover. Exactly. And so we will
07:03 cook this for another five minutes and a lot of
07:08 people you know eat salty, so they can just
07:11 add salt for taste. But usually this is fine
07:14 with soy sauce. Right, because the
07:16 unfermented soy sauce has quite a bit of salt
07:17 already in it. Exactly.
07:18 Right. And for myself I eat only
07:21 salty, so I just leave that soy sauce.
07:24 Right, that's a good idea. Yeah, that's good.
07:26 Yeah. Yeah. And I think you
07:28 can adjust your taste buds, you know, exactly,
07:30 if you're used to a certain thing, and really
07:31 used to a lot of salt or something that if you cut
07:33 back a little bit, it won't taste good in the
07:35 beginning, but pretty soon your taste buds
07:36 change I think. And it's not healthy for
07:39 you, leave that salt. Yes, yes, that's true
07:41 too. That's right. Oh! Doesn't that look
07:44 good. Very colorful, doesn't it.
07:47 Yes. So you don't have to stir it all the time.
07:49 Once in a while, so it won't stick on the pot.
07:52 Okay. Yeah. Umm, umm, okay. Very nice.
07:57 Now then you just serve it hot.
07:59 Yes. Umm, umm, and then if you have some leftover
08:02 you can just warm it up the following day.
08:04 Oh, then it's okay, can we do that.
08:05 Yeah. Yeah. Good.
08:07 So for the friends if they want to do that
08:11 like a day ahead of time, they could make it,
08:12 stick it in the fridge and then pull it up and
08:14 just heat it up in a wok like this or how do you
08:16 you heat it up. Oh! Some people use
08:18 microwave, but ourselves we don't use microwave.
08:21 But yeah, you can warm it up in a pan or.
08:24 We had a little birthday party for our daughter
08:28 and we had probably about six times this, okay,
08:33 so we had a little bit leftover for a few days.
08:37 Actually, you must have had a lot of people there
08:39 too, we had. And of course we did,
08:42 it's good with, you know, fish, veggie fish.
08:44 Oh, yeah that's right. And we're gonna make,
08:46 I can't wait to learn how to make this fish.
08:48 Because it's not like we go into the stream and
08:50 you know fishing. We are not doing any
08:52 of that, we're gonna actually make this.
08:53 And no bones. That's right, there is no
08:56 bones. Okay, let's read that recipe for that
08:58 veggie fish. For the Veggie Fish
09:02 Sarciado, you need. 8 slices of frozen
09:05 veggie fish. 4 tomatoes, diced
09:08 1 small onion, sliced 1 tablespoon, olive oil
09:13 2 tablespoons, minced garlic.
09:15 1/8 of a cup bread crumbs 1/2 teaspoon garlic
09:21 powder. 1/2 teaspoon onion
09:23 powder and salt to taste.
09:28 Now before we get going and making our veggie
09:30 fish here, tell me what does sarciado mean?
09:33 Well in the Philippine sarciado means it really
09:36 with eggs and since we become vegetarian we
09:39 don't use eggs anymore, so we can replace it with
09:41 bread crumbs, but it's still, the name is
09:43 sarciado. So it's like it makes tomato.
09:46 Okay. Yeah, so it's a type of cooking.
09:49 Yeah, very new. Okay.
09:51 Yes. So, we're authentic here.
09:53 That's good. Okay, well how do we make this
09:56 fish. I'm all excited. Okay, well first we are
09:58 going to cook the fish first, fry the fish and
10:01 our pan is already hot. So, we'll put that oil.
10:05 Very little oil, since the veggie fish is already
10:08 has some oil in it and this kind of fish really
10:11 too you can get from the oriental store.
10:14 I was gonna ask you. Yes, alright.
10:17 Now you just go to the oriental store and ask
10:20 them for veggie fish and they have this.
10:21 Yes, yes. In fact they didn't have one before
10:24 and I told them why won't you carry a veggie fish.
10:26 Oh! That's a good idea. Umm, umm.
10:29 And so he did and I said well good, now we can
10:31 have the veggie fish. That's right, so for our
10:34 friends at home if they don't carry it in your
10:35 store you can ask them for it, would you carry
10:38 the veggie fish for me. So, if they can ask for
10:40 that. Good. Now what is this veggie
10:42 fish made of. What's in it?
10:43 It's soy, made of soy and just with seaweeds out
10:48 here and that's so what kind of taste that give
10:51 fish taste. Right. Absolutely, it gives you
10:55 that fishy taste, with the seaweed on it, exactly,
10:58 it's wrapped in the seaweed then, umm, umm,
11:00 fun. Okay. This has got a kind of
11:02 pinkish color, I see that, and supposed to look like
11:04 salmon, okay, yeah, and what they used to do that
11:08 that is they use beets. Oh! For coloring.
11:13 That's a good idea. Isn't that fun.
11:15 I never thought of that, that's pretty fancy.
11:17 Now you used to eat fish, obviously does this taste
11:21 the real thing? It tastes real thing.
11:23 So I don't really miss the fish. Because in the
11:26 Philippines, we always like have fish and I say
11:30 well and now we don't really miss fish, I say
11:32 well this just tastes like fish.
11:33 Yeah, oh! That's neat. So we just kind of cook
11:37 this until it's like lightly brown and I think
11:40 it's done, you can flip it. Umm, umm.
11:42 Good job Ozzie. Good job, because you cook too,
11:50 Ozzie. I love to cook. He loves to cook. Yes.
11:53 Yeah, that's wonderful. Resa said when got
11:55 married, that there was going to be a prerequisite
11:57 that said I didn't know how to cook.
11:59 Oh, isn't that neat, because a lot of men
12:02 don't cook. Yes, this is very true,
12:05 so you are very blessed. So, it's just like cooking,
12:09 just like one to two minutes, okay, on both
12:12 sides. So that's done. Can I get a paper towel?
12:14 Oh, yeah I will get you a paper towel.
12:15 So, you just gonna take the. Do you want them
12:19 here on the plate, yes that will be fine,
12:20 thank you, you want another one.
12:21 Yes. Okay, well, I am getting too much paper
12:26 towel here, I will move it keep away,
12:28 I don't want to burn it there. Okay. Very nice.
12:30 So you were just put a little bit olive oil in and
12:33 take your fish out, how many you want,
12:34 exactly, and then fry. Yes, and you get this
12:38 whole packet, there's like, there's probably 12
12:41 in here, but I only use 8 because that's quite a
12:44 bit already. Yes. But if you have like a
12:46 company you can, you know, make more.
12:49 I can smell it. The seaweed smell,
12:51 does make it fishy, does it, umh umh,
12:53 I love seaweed. Yeah. I can sushi here,
12:58 offer any kind for you. Very nice. Can you get
13:04 him? I think that's one is still alive.
13:05 That fish is swimming away, if you guys saw
13:08 that. We will just use the same thing here.
13:12 Okay, let me get the lighter here for you.
13:16 Okay, there we go, we just turned it up,
13:18 you can turn it back on Ozzie. Good.
13:21 So you just use the same pan that's very nice.
13:23 Yeah, good, okay. So it is nice and warm.
13:29 Yeah, oh yeah. So, saute the garlic and
13:34 onions. There is your onions, there is your
13:38 special garlic that you put up, I like
13:40 that idea, that's very nice.
13:44 When you do garlic like that you can buy it in
13:46 bulk and buy a big long. Yes. It's a good idea.
13:51 Garlic pealing party. Aha, that's right.
13:53 That's for sure, invite your
13:56 friends. We are peeling garlic.
14:01 So the onions are just a little like half moon
14:03 shaped, just little strips. Yes, we just
14:05 sliced it. Cut in half and slice it.
14:07 Good. And we will just saute that for like one
14:10 minute, two minutes and then when it's brown we
14:13 just gonna add tomatoes. We will pretend it's
14:15 brown. Normally you would wait till it was
14:16 brown, but good, okay. Now are these canned
14:26 tomatoes or you use fresh. This is fresh.
14:28 Okay. Just we dice and cutting everything so it
14:31 will be ready. Yes.
14:32 So we just use a whole tomato, okay, very good,
14:35 we cook this for like three minutes or when
14:39 the tomatoes, that's all. Yes, yes. Now we had
14:45 this, you had, Greg and I over to
14:47 you guys house for Sabbath lunch, it such
14:49 a good meal but you served us veggie fish.
14:51 Yes. Yeah, that was very nice.
14:53 It was very, very good. That veggie fish was very
14:56 good, very tasty. It was very nice.
14:58 And so we saute it. And we add the, what do
15:04 we need here, here the soy sauce, the soy sauce.
15:09 Okay, so that kind of gives you a little bit of
15:13 oriental flavor too, the soy sauce.
15:19 Yeah, and now we add the onion powder, good okay
15:27 and the garlic powder. Good.
15:31 I love garlic powder. Oh, yes. Now that's kind
15:34 of a staple isn't it, garlic. Yes, it's always
15:37 give good flavor on your food. So whenever I
15:40 cook I always use garlic and onion powder.
15:43 Yes, yes. If we come to our house
15:45 you have to love garlic. That's right. That's
15:50 right. Okay. And just to thicken this
15:52 up, we use bread crumbs. Oh! Now this was supposed
15:55 to be eggs you said, right. Right, because the
15:58 eggs will thicken the tomatoes. So in
16:03 replacement for that we use bread crumbs.
16:05 That's a good idea. And it gives good flavor
16:07 too. Yes, okay. So you just do that and
16:12 that will thicken it. Yes. You know,
16:15 I have never tried using bread crumbs to thicken
16:16 recipes. Yes, it's good. I use cornstarch or
16:19 something like that, but I hadn't or even heard
16:21 of using bread crumbs. Yeah, that's a real good
16:24 idea. It's a really good replacement. Yes, that's
16:26 very nice. You are doing a good
16:28 job stirring Ozzie. Thank you.
16:32 Very nice. What do you need? Okay, and then
16:36 after that we will just mix the veggie fish.
16:39 Okay, with that, you put the veggie fish in there.
16:42 Right. Okay. Alright. Put them together.
16:45 Good, are they coming off? Yup. Here we go.
16:51 Oh! Very cute, yeah. Just cover them up here
16:56 a little bit. Yeah. This is nice like
16:58 sauce you put over the fish, basically.
17:00 Right, right, and then you serve this hot or
17:04 if you have leftover, can warm it up the following
17:08 day and just put it in the oven to warm it up
17:10 and pour it the pan. Oh, good. Now if you
17:13 store it overnight would you store the fish with
17:15 the tomatoes and all. Yes. Okay.
17:17 Yes, everything and when you want it, everything
17:19 too. Yeah. And I bet you, it kind of
17:21 marinates the flavors when you put them
17:23 together too. Yes. Yup.
17:25 It smells good. It does, you know that I
17:27 wish you could smell as well. It's really good.
17:28 How long do you cook it here?
17:30 It's for another five minutes. Okay, so
17:32 just kind of simmer it a little while and then
17:35 you serve it. Everybody gets their own
17:37 serving of the veggie fish with a little bit of
17:38 the sauce on top. Right, right, umm, umm,
17:40 so it's good with steamed rice or fried rice.
17:43 Oh, yeah, that's right. Oh, yeah.
17:47 Now we are making some sort of little dessert
17:48 next right. Yes. Yes, Cassava.
17:50 Cassava! What is Cassava? Cassava Custard its
17:53 yucca, yucca root. Okay.
17:55 So let's go with the dessert for you know
18:00 rice and fish. Yeah, that's right.
18:03 Okay, let's read our recipe for that Cassava.
18:06 For the Cassava Custard, you need.
18:10 1 pound fresh yucca (cassava), that's grated
18:14 1, 13.5 oz can of coconut milk. 1, 12 oz jar of
18:20 macapuno, that's coconut sport.
18:23 For the topping you need. 1/2 cup of tofu, cream
18:28 cheese and 1/4 cup of maple syrup.
18:32 Now, I am real interested to figure out how to make
18:35 this Cassava, this yucca. That's very interesting;
18:38 I have never made it before. Yeah, it's from
18:40 the yucca root, okay or cassava, okay.
18:42 And sometimes they call this cassava cake or
18:45 cassava custard. Okay.
18:47 So, intermix whatever as people.
18:50 Has different names. Yes, but it's the same.
18:52 It's the same thing. Yes.
18:54 Put one up and show. Yeah, let's see how it
18:57 looks. See this is how cassava look like or the
19:00 yucca. Wow! So, we will show you how to from
19:03 the beginning to how to prepare this.
19:07 Okay, yeah we need to know the whole thing.
19:09 Now you can get this at the grocery store.
19:11 Yes, and this is a international or Asian.
19:14 Okay. And even some stores,
19:17 regular store do carry this. Okay, good.
19:19 So, we are just gonna open this.
19:23 Now was this the root of the plant? Yes, yes.
19:27 Okay, it's the root. Okay, wow, that is the
19:31 neat. So this is how we open this and take the
19:34 the fillings. Okay. So you do it with a
19:37 knife not a peeler, it's too tough for that.
19:39 Right. It's very, this is very hard. Yeah, oh,
19:43 yeah, it's kind of barky. Yeah. Very much so.
19:47 Good. And we just cut this in half.
19:56 Yeah, good, also then we cut it, it's pretty hard.
20:06 And in the middle, there's like a fiber.
20:08 Yeah. And so we don't want that and so we will
20:12 just cut that out. Oh, okay.
20:14 Because it's hard, so you don't want that part
20:18 when you cook. Now this is the fiber
20:20 here. Yes. In the middle. Okay. Yeah, I can see
20:23 that. Yes, right here. So, you want to cut that
20:25 out then. Right, yes.
20:26 Good. Okay and then we will just put this in the
20:30 food processor over here. Okay. And we will get
20:34 some here, that's ready. Ozzie is going to do
20:35 that. Good. And put a couple more in
20:40 there. Okay. So those are, you
20:44 have already done ahead of time, but they
20:45 are not cooked, they are just hard.
20:46 Right. Good. Okay. Go for it.
21:09 Oh, so it cuts it up a little, it almost grates
21:11 it. Yes, grate it, umm, umm.
21:12 It's good. Here we go. You want me to take this
21:18 over here? Yes. Okay.
21:21 There you go. Looking good now.
21:24 Now just dump it in here. Oh! Okay, isn't that
21:29 neat. We will put this in our 8/8.
21:32 Okay. Good. And we'll mix this.
21:39 Oh! It looks like shreds of cheese you know
21:43 that. Yes. And also if they don't have fresh
21:48 ones they do carry out frozen ones.
21:51 Okay, so you can find the frozen, that's good.
22:06 And we have the coconut milk here, the coconut
22:07 milk. Now you just buy regular coconut milk,
22:08 just a can of coconut milk. Right. Okay, good.
22:09 And of course in the Philippines you know
22:10 we always use the fresh one, we just get the
22:11 fresh coconut on the tree. Isn't that nice.
22:13 That's very nice. So just mix this well and
22:17 then we have the coconut, young coconut, which is
22:21 the macapuno. Yes, now what's the
22:24 difference, this a young coconut. Yes, this is
22:26 mainly used for making dessert. Oh! You know,
22:29 all the coconut has liquid in it and with the
22:34 macapuno it's not liquid or no water inside.
22:37 Okay. Yeah, yeah, very neat. So you just have
22:42 to look for that on the label. Yes.
22:44 Young coconut or macapuno. That's
22:48 MACAPUNO. Macapuno. Okay very nice. Good.
22:56 So, we will put this. You just mix it together.
22:59 And then we have the maple syrup. Oh! Good.
23:03 the regular cassava cake has, sweetened with
23:10 condensed milk. Oh! Condensed milk,
23:12 yeah, okay. Good. And so I say what can
23:14 we replace for that. Yes. So we were
23:17 thinking, so you know what, cream cheese.
23:19 Yeah, that's a good idea, praise God for that
23:21 idea. Yes. And so it's just to sweeten,
23:23 it's just the maple syrup, maple syrup.
23:25 So we just mix that real quick.
23:27 We are finding a lot of uses for that cream
23:31 cheese. Cream cheese? That's right and then you
23:34 would bake this in the oven. Yes.
23:35 Okay. We will bake that, yes on a 275.
23:38 Do we put the topping on before we make it.
23:41 No, we cook this for 275 and when you will see
23:45 it's cooked, it's kind of yellow, okay, so and then
23:49 we will take that out from the oven.
23:50 Alright. And then we put the topping.
23:53 With the maple syrup and the vegan cream cheese
23:56 on top, oh! That's sounds good. For 15 minutes.
23:59 Oh! Then you bake it again for 15 minutes.
24:01 Okay. Yes. It kind of soaks in and it kind of
24:07 browns in. It makes a little
24:08 crust on it, almost like. Good, that sounds real
24:11 nice. And then you serve it hot or cold.
24:13 Either way. And if it is too cold you can just
24:18 put it back in the oven and warm it up.
24:19 Okay, good, and you cut it in little squares.
24:22 Exactly, little squares. Right, however you want
24:24 to cut it. Nice, all that sounds
24:27 good. Yeah, so we bake it for 275 for one hour and
24:33 then the last 15 minutes we put this.
24:35 15 minutes. Okay, I got it. I am just
24:36 trying to make sure, I understood all that.
24:37 Okay, good, it's good. Why in just a moment
24:41 friends, we will be back, we want to show you all
24:43 the final products and dishes we made here
24:44 today. And but first we are gonna recap those
24:47 recipes for you and we want to give you the way
24:49 that you can contact Resa and Ozzie for yourself.
24:51 We hope you have enjoyed cooking with Resa and
24:56 Ozzie. Now let's take a moment to review their
24:59 Philippines cuisine. For the vegetable fried
25:02 rice, you will need 4 cups of cooked brown
25:05 rice. 1 cup broccoli, chopped.
25:07 1 cup asparagus, chopped 1 cup mushrooms, sliced
25:12 1/2 cup frozen yellow corn. 1/2 cup red pepper,
25:17 diced. 1 carrot, chopped 2 tablespoons olive oil.
25:23 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1 onion, chopped
25:27 1 tablespoon of unfermented soy sauce
25:30 For the Veggie Fish, you will need
25:33 8 slices of frozen veggie fish
25:37 4 tomatoes, diced 1 small onion, sliced
25:41 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 tablespoon minced
25:46 garlic. 1/8th cup bread crumbs
25:50 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder.
25:53 1/2 teaspoon onion powder and.
25:56 salt to taste. For the custard you
26:00 will need. 1 pound of fresh Yucca
26:03 (Cassava) grated, 1-13.5 oz can coconut
26:09 milk. 1-12 oz jar coconut sport
26:13 For the Topping, you will need
26:16 1/2 cup tofu, cream cheese.
26:20 1/4 cup of maple syrup If you would like
26:25 information on how to contact the Oswalds,
26:28 please write to 3ABN at
26:31 Post Box 220 West Frankfort, IL
26:36 62896 Or you may call
26:41 1-800-752-3226 Now let's take a look at
26:49 our finished recipes with Resa and Ozzie.
26:54 Welcome back friends, we are here with our
26:55 delicious spread of food and that fish too, I'm
26:58 real excited about the fish. Yes.
26:59 Let's look at what we made today.
27:02 We started with our fried rice, fried rice,
27:05 doesn't that look good and colorful. I like it
27:10 very, very nice, I can't wait to try that at home.
27:12 And that fish, veggie fish. Yes, doesn't that
27:16 look good, you can see with all the seaweed
27:18 on the edge and then you have all the tomatoes
27:21 and onions and garlic. Umm! Umm! Very nice
27:23 and then what we call this? Cassava custard.
27:27 Yes, doesn't that look good? Yeah, and that's
27:30 all baked off, all ready to eat, ready to eat,
27:33 yes, that's right. I'm gonna try a little
27:35 bit of fried rice to see how this tastes.
27:37 You want to try something Sure.
27:39 Umm! Umm! Umm! It's very good.
27:47 You guys have to try this. Thank you guys
27:49 for coming. We had fun.
27:51 We had a good time. Yes.
27:52 We hope you had as much fun as we did cooking
27:54 these recipes for you. We hope that you take
27:56 them to your home, your hearts share them
27:58 with your friends and we will
28:00 see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17