Let's Cook Together

Mediterranean Style Lunch

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Marie McCalla


Series Code: LCT

Program Code: LCT000103

00:01 Today we're gonna travel to a
00:03 Mediterranean Country, Italy, Greece
00:04 some of those countries.
00:05 Why don't you come along with
00:07 and join us as we prepare
00:08 for you Mediterranean food.
00:43 Hello friends and welcome to another
00:44 program of Let's Cook Together.
00:46 I'm your host Jill Morikone and we have
00:48 a special guest, a special friend of
00:50 mine here with me in the studio.
00:52 She's gonna present to us Mediterranean
00:54 food and she just fairly recently
00:56 got back from Italy so she is authentic here.
00:59 I want to introduce you to my special guest,
01:01 her name is Marie McCalla.
01:03 Welcome Marie, we're so glad
01:04 to have you here. Thank you,
01:05 it's so good to be back. Hey,
01:07 you know it's been several years.
01:08 It has been. You were here a couple
01:11 of years ago, right, sharing with our
01:13 friends different recipes and I still
01:14 remember some of those, that food
01:16 I still remember how good it tasted.
01:17 Well thank you so much. Yes, I just enjoy
01:21 cooking you know, it's an art, yes,
01:24 it's something that relaxes me when
01:27 I'm in the kitchen oh, so that's
01:30 you know, and also it has a benefit
01:31 of you know everyone else is enjoying
01:33 it so, absolutely. It's ministry for
01:35 other people, it's ministry for other
01:37 people, that's right, and I just love to
01:39 have the reputation of cooking.
01:41 Oh! That's special, yeah, now you're all
01:44 the way from California? Yes, yes,
01:46 what part? Southern, near Redlands,
01:49 okay, yeah, Oh! Awesome. So you
01:52 made the long trip out here, we're so
01:53 glad, yes, yes I did. And I love coming
01:57 to 3ABN, yes, because it just, it feels
02:01 like there is a holy present here and
02:04 I really am blessed when I come.
02:07 Praise God, we're blessed to have
02:08 you here. Now tell us before we
02:09 get cooking our Mediterranean food,
02:11 just a little bit about, you've been
02:13 cooking a long time or? Well you
02:15 know Jill, I've been cooking for years,
02:19 okay, but I think that as time goes
02:22 you get more accomplished and
02:24 you begin to say well, I think I can
02:27 do this or this or this but yes I've been
02:29 cooking at work, okay, office staff
02:34 meetings and so forth, yes, and you
02:37 know fundraisers and I just enjoy cooking,
02:41 that's right. Oh! Now when did you
02:42 get interested in healthy cooking?
02:44 I've always been interested
02:46 in healthy cooking, oh you have, okay, yes,
02:47 my mother raised us in a very healthy diet.
02:50 Oh, so praise God you had this from
02:52 a young child oh, I had from young
02:54 child yes, yes and so you know,
02:56 but I think as you get older and you
02:59 mature more you really realize the
03:01 benefits of eating healthy, absolutely,
03:04 and so, yeah, I've always enjoy it,
03:07 oh that's fun, cooking healthy. Because, it's,
03:10 it's so colorful, if I don't have at least
03:13 five colors on my plate I don't feel like
03:16 I've accomplish what I need to do,
03:19 that's sure. Now you and your husband
03:21 recently went to Italy.
03:22 Actually it was France, oh France okay,
03:25 it wasn't Italy, yeah actually it
03:27 was France yeah, fun. So you just
03:28 got back from Europe, and yeah, yeah.
03:30 And so, you know learned some tips, yes,
03:33 some presentations and so forth, yeah, yeah.
03:37 And it's really fun to take a dish that's
03:42 not vegetarian and create something
03:45 out of that. Fun, fun yeah, so that's
03:46 what I've tried to do for these program,
03:47 good, that's good, well we're gonna
03:49 be reading our first recipe for our first
03:51 Mediterranean dish here and
03:53 lets read that recipe, okay.
03:56 For the Pumpkin Salad with Mint you need,
03:59 ½ c. olive oil 2 lbs. pumpkin or
04:04 butternut squash ½ c. chopped fresh mint
04:08 1/4 cm lemon juice 1/4 c. honey
04:12 1/4 c. chopped pecans which is
04:16 optional (optional) 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
04:19 1/4 tsp. salt.
04:23 Okay that looks fun. Yes, and what
04:25 we do Jill, I like that, is we're just
04:27 gonna heat up the pan, okay, and
04:30 put our olive oil in here, yes and this is
04:33 always pure, yes, because we don't
04:36 really heat it that much so that it
04:39 wouldn't you know, yeah, break down, yes.
04:43 And, and I like I think pure olive oil that's
04:47 kind of the staple of Mediterranean
04:48 food it seems like, it really, it really is.
04:50 It gives it such a good flavor, yes, and
04:52 what we do is we just take these actually
04:55 this is butternut squash, okay, because
04:57 pumpkin is only in season in October, yes,
05:01 and so, but this is wonderful as well.
05:04 And we just lightly golden brown it,
05:09 because you know there is quite a
05:10 lot of sugar, natural sugar in the squash,
05:13 oh yeah absolutely, and so it browns
05:15 very nicely. And, it cooks through
05:20 because about a half, four minutes on
05:24 each side, okay, and, and it makes quite a
05:28 nice recipe and you know the thing about
05:30 this you know in Mediterranean they
05:33 use a lot of mint and things and it's
05:36 just so fresh tasting, yes. So,
05:40 I just, people have loved this, and
05:43 I like that Marie because you can grow
05:45 it in your garden, yes you can,
05:46 you know what I mean it's just,
05:47 I mean you can just grow from there,
05:48 exactly in fact I have some growing,
05:50 do you really, you got it, right now yes,
05:52 oh that's special. Right now but,
05:53 we have to be careful because mind
05:56 will take over your whole garden,
05:57 yes, yes. So, I think perhaps I can't get
06:02 all of that in there, okay, but anyway
06:04 we'll just let this pan warm up a
06:07 little bit, okay. So you want them in a full,
06:09 I was just looking at that, you want
06:10 them just one layer you don't want
06:13 two layers, right, okay. So that, as they
06:15 brown then we just turn them over and
06:17 when we we've accomplished that we
06:21 take them back out of the pan, okay, put
06:24 them on a plate and the remaining
06:26 ingredients which is the fresh lemon juice,
06:29 yes, the fresh, freshly squeezed and
06:31 honey, oh good, and the salt and
06:35 cinnamon, yes, and we just kind of
06:39 caramelize it and then pour it over
06:43 the squash, yes, and then just garnish
06:47 with the mint, oh that sounds nice,
06:49 and so it really works well, that's right,
06:53 and you know this will take a little
06:55 while but, okay, that's the
06:56 general idea, yes, that's nice.
07:00 Now, you do, you do just did a benefit
07:02 dinner you were telling me.
07:04 I did a benefit dinner yes and it was
07:05 an evening in Paris, oh fun, and
07:08 everyone just loved it and it was
07:11 quite an affair, black tie, oh real
07:18 dress up, a real dress up, we had waiters
07:21 and, and you had black and white,
07:24 it was a black and white table cloths,
07:26 black table clothes with white
07:27 napkins and everything was decorated
07:29 with little tiny lights and, very nice,
07:33 white flowers and so everyone had
07:37 a wonderful time, yes, and they
07:39 loved the food, yes. Now did you
07:42 fix any of these recipes we are
07:43 doing today, I did not, okay, I fixed an
07:46 eggplant dish, oh fun that sounds nice,
07:48 it was lovely because it was teared,
07:52 I did eggplant you know cut it
07:56 circular like that, like that breaded it,
07:58 so forth and then I did veggie burger,
08:03 okay, loaf, yes, which then you also
08:05 cut round and put it on top and
08:08 then a mount of smashed potatoes
08:11 on the top, oh that sounds good
08:13 oh yeah it makes, me hungry,
08:15 with zucchini and then drizzled
08:17 around tomatoes and so forth anyway
08:18 it turned out really really well,
08:20 nice oh that sounds good.
08:21 So, as you can see they're already
08:22 cooking, oh yeah I can see that,
08:23 so then you would normally wait,
08:25 if you're at home you'd wait for
08:26 five minutes you said, if I were at
08:28 home I would do these about four
08:29 minutes on each side, okay, but
08:31 since, we're on TV time, we're on TV
08:33 time what we can do is we can take
08:36 these out, and we can flip them early okay,
08:38 yeah because, there you go,
08:40 I know our viewers will cook them fully.
08:43 So you cooked them a little bit
08:45 longer than this, we cook them,
08:46 although you know it's amazing that
08:48 these soften up really quickly and
08:51 I'm anxious to try this with pumpkin
08:55 as well. Yes, pumpkin might be just
08:57 a little deeper color, right, but
08:59 butternut squash is awfully good, yeah,
09:02 do you want me to hold this for you,
09:03 are you okay. So, yeah that
09:05 would be great Jill, there you go,
09:06 thank you. And so, yeah,
09:09 it's a nice color, I love squash
09:11 I do too and it's, I'm such a squash person,
09:14 so high in vitamin C, yes, and
09:17 it has fiber too, aha, absolutely, yeah,
09:21 we need to get this out of here,
09:23 it's cooking, once squash at a time here,
09:27 that's right. But anyway it already
09:30 looks beautiful, oh yeah, and as it heats
09:34 up and cooks the sugars, oh yeah,
09:38 come out of it and then it just,
09:39 it almost looks grilled, it does you
09:42 know I was thinking that,
09:43 when the sugars come out and it
09:44 starts browning and it looks like
09:46 you've done it on a grill, yeah. Okay,
09:51 here we go, here we go, good.
09:53 So now this is really simple because,
09:55 can we shut that off the oil,
09:56 we done with that, yeah we can just,
09:59 there we go okay, we can just add
10:01 these ingredients here and, oh it's
10:03 going there okay and I didn't know that,
10:05 yeah and our viewers will just get
10:09 the idea of what we're doing,
10:11 very nice, and normally what, you
10:13 know what you will do is you will just
10:15 cook this until it caramelizes, okay,
10:20 yeah, this is a very, very simple recipe.
10:25 You serve it room temperature, okay,
10:28 and you can make it a day ahead,
10:31 okay, it's fine, yeah. Very nice,
10:36 so you mix it and then once it become
10:39 caramelized we pour it over here,
10:40 we pour it over here and then we
10:45 garnish it with mint. Now because
10:46 we're you know we're doing this on a
10:50 limited time, yes, we won't caramelize it,
10:52 but we'll just pour a little over here, okay.
10:54 And our viewers, oh! It smells good,
10:57 I can smell the cinnamon, oh Marie
10:59 that's nice, doesn't that smell delicious.
11:01 And then of course we have to take them in,
11:04 we just use some of that, a little bit,
11:07 oh it's beautiful, and you know when
11:09 the squash are really, really hot,
11:11 yes, it kind of softens the mint a little bit,
11:14 so that it's not just totally raw.
11:16 Oh! That's beautiful, so yeah
11:19 isn't that nice, there you go.
11:20 Makes me want to eat, yeah,
11:22 and it's smells so good I wish we could
11:24 smell it on TV, do you know that,
11:26 I wish you had that ability to smell it,
11:27 I know, maybe someday, that's right.
11:29 Let's go to our next recipe,
11:31 for the Rice Croquettes you need,
11:34 6c. boiling water 3c. brown rice
11:38 2c. vegan mozzarella cheese,
11:41 shredded 1 tsp. salt.
11:45 For the filling you need, 1/4 c. olive oil
11:49 1 tsp. salt ½ onion,
11:53 finely chopped 1c. veggie burger
11:57 3 tbsp. tomato paste ½ c. tomato sauce
12:02 1 c. green peas 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
12:07 1 tsp. garlic powder and
12:10 1 tbsp. Italian seasoning.
12:13 Okay Marie this seems fun. It really
12:16 is, I am excited. It really is. It's you
12:18 know, it's a little bit of a challenge
12:20 to make these Rice Croquettes, okay,
12:22 but everyone is just going to go wow!
12:24 You made this. So, we've already
12:27 cooked our rice, its worthy it then,
12:28 it's worth it, yeah and I find that the
12:31 instant brown rice works very well
12:33 and it cooks in 10 minutes,
12:35 yeah that's right, and what we do
12:37 is we add the cheese. This is the,
12:40 and rice, vegan mozzarella cheese,
12:43 okay, and it melts in there and it
12:45 gives it a sticky consistency, yes,
12:48 because normally this recipe would have
12:52 egg and we don't, right, use egg, right.
12:56 So this is the substitute, this is the
12:58 substitute that we use and, perhaps
13:01 I'll just put a little bit, put more okay
13:04 and you want all, you want your rice
13:06 to be really hot that's the secret right,
13:08 so the cheese will melt, you need your
13:10 rice hot so it will melt the cheese
13:11 and it will get sticky, yes, because
13:14 otherwise we wouldn't be able to make
13:16 a rice ball, and we're gonna be
13:19 doing a filling for that rice ball with this,
13:21 oh it's fun, so fun, okay, oh I can see it's
13:24 melting, it is melting, yeah. And then it'll
13:28 have this sticky consistency, oh yeah,
13:30 and the only thing we need to do
13:32 is we need to put some in a plate and
13:35 spread it out so that it will cool because
13:38 otherwise we wouldn't be able to, we wouldn't
13:40 be able to work, work with it, yeah.
13:42 So we just spread out a little bit more,
13:46 good and the cheese would give you
13:47 good flavor too. The cheese is wonderful
13:49 because as you're browning them,
13:51 you'll be rolling them in the crumps, yes,
13:53 and as you are browning them it melts
13:55 once again, oh yes, and just kind of you
13:58 know does it screening, that sounds really good.
14:01 It's very, very, very flavorful, okay, okay
14:06 we'll just set that aside for now, okay,
14:09 it's just cooling here alright. And,
14:12 now what are we doing with our pan?
14:14 Are you okay with that, okay,
14:16 yeah, I got it, you got the stuff
14:18 underneath, okay there you go,
14:20 I guess what we didn't get it,
14:21 oh I can use this, okay, I can use this.
14:25 We're going to put the olive oil, good,
14:26 very nice, turn the fire up, and turn the
14:32 fire up and this is the actually I was
14:37 able to get some imitation sausage
14:42 and I decided to use that although
14:44 I say veggie burger but, okay, just so that
14:47 our viewers would know that we could
14:50 use both, okay, we could use either
14:52 or some people just don't like the
14:54 sausage flavor. So they can use
14:57 the veggie burger, yeah do you
14:58 want this wooden spoon here,
14:59 you have in the rice to stir or you okay
15:01 there, yeah maybe you know
15:03 we can just kind of clean that rice
15:04 off a little bit, yeah there we go,
15:06 you can improvise, will improvise.
15:08 We do that at home too don't we Jill?
15:10 That's right absolutely, here we go,
15:11 nothing's perfect in the kitchen usually,
15:13 that's true okay, there you go.
15:16 So we just break this up and you
15:18 want to brown, you know brown
15:20 the onions, yes, and just get all that
15:25 going okay and the nice thing about
15:30 it is that this is so colorful when it's
15:33 inside, yes, I bet you it is. And I like
15:41 it with the onions too, that'll give it
15:43 really good flavor, oh it does, and you know
15:45 if someone doesn't like onion or they don't
15:49 want the raw, you know the regular onions,
15:51 they can use onion powder, okay, or they
15:54 could eliminate it, because with the
15:56 sausage, yes, it is quite tasty already.
16:00 Yeah, it already has spices and seasoning
16:01 and stuff in it, and this is garlic powder,
16:03 good, and you could put in fresh garlic
16:07 if you wanted to, you can put fresh
16:08 garlic, good, I chose to use the powder
16:12 in this one, good, and believe it or
16:14 not cinnamon, yeah, it really gives it that
16:17 it that what is that flavor,
16:20 that's what I was wondering about,
16:21 you put in something kind of sweet
16:22 in there, yeah that's good, it just
16:26 gives you that really nice, oh yeah,
16:29 something different, oh I can smell it,
16:30 doesn't that smell wonderful,
16:32 it smell very good Marie, very nice,
16:37 you make these often? This over, actually
16:41 I've made them quite frequently,
16:43 again I did them for a fundraiser,
16:47 oh okay yeah, and so that was interesting,
16:51 yeah that's very fun, and now we take
16:52 the tomato paste, okay, and that makes
16:56 this quite red, yes, which when we then
16:59 put the peas in, yeah, and you get the green,
17:03 we get the green, absolutely. There we go,
17:06 yeah, okay. Now it's a bit of a challenge
17:13 to make these into balls, but it's worthy
17:17 because your friends are going to say
17:20 wow you know, and you would do this
17:24 for a special occasion, that's right,
17:25 you don't just do this you know
17:27 for regular, regular meal, right, right
17:30 and it's something that if you say
17:34 oh what am I going to make, yes, it's
17:36 someone's anniversary, right, or someone's
17:39 birthday you know you could wow
17:41 them with, yeah, that's right, with a recipe
17:44 that's you know different, yeah,
17:46 oh yeah. So you can see it's quite
17:48 red, yeah it's very pretty, and then
17:50 we add the green peas last, oh pretty,
17:53 and you get the green color, and that
17:56 we get the green color, isn't that
17:58 beautiful, oh it is, yeah, very,
18:02 very pretty. Now how long would you
18:04 normally cook it for? You probably do
18:07 it about another 20 minutes, okay,
18:09 so you cook it quite a while, you
18:11 kind of brown the imitations sausage
18:15 a little bit, yes okay, and but for sake
18:18 of the time we won't do that now,
18:19 for the sake of time we'll just, so we'll
18:22 pretend 20 minutes has past,
18:23 20 minutes is all done and there we go,
18:26 okay. Let me just turn this off, good.
18:28 Now what we do with the rice here,
18:30 now we'll take the plate,
18:33 this plate here, oh you know
18:35 I didn't bring the little teaspoon
18:37 but I guess we're okay, okay we'll
18:39 manage, okay. Oh! Another thing
18:42 I wanted to tell the viewers if
18:44 I could just have the dish with the oil,
18:46 that the oil was in, that had the oil sorry,
18:48 I was trying to clean it up, it's better
18:50 if you have a little bit of oil on
18:53 your hand when you're doing this
18:56 so the rice won't stick to your hands,
18:58 it doesn't stick okay, yeah, and you
19:00 want to be sure that this is,
19:02 is it cool enough, yeah I think so,
19:03 you're not gonna burn yourself,
19:04 this is cool enough, good, and we
19:06 just get in here with our hands and
19:08 we don't worry about you know
19:09 we have our hands washed,
19:11 that's right she washed them,
19:12 and so what you do is you just
19:16 kind of make a little pocket okay.
19:18 Now this rice is still pretty warm,
19:20 so you'd wait till it cools off.
19:21 So it's much better if it's cooler because,
19:24 okay, but I'll just you know show
19:26 the viewers how this is done,
19:27 we'll get an idea of how it works,
19:29 we'll get an idea of how this is done.
19:31 Good. So, they can, you know,
19:32 you take just a little bit of that,
19:33 and we put about a teaspoon full
19:36 in the middle, okay, see this is still
19:37 very warm, yes, so it's probably
19:40 going to be difficult and I don't want
19:41 our viewers to get discouraged
19:42 about this because, if it's cool
19:44 normally it would hold together
19:45 really good, if it's cool it will hold
19:46 together and you'll get a nice,
19:48 nice rice ball and you can just put
19:50 some more rice on top and, and at
19:55 the end we will show you the finished
19:56 products what it looks like, yes,
19:57 so they'll get an idea when it's
19:59 supposed to look like, and really
20:00 it's not this difficult when the rice is
20:01 cool and we do end up, oh it's
20:04 cute though, with a nice ball,
20:05 I see that, when it's done you
20:07 know it just takes a little
20:09 perseverance, absolutely,
20:11 but it comes together you know,
20:13 yeah, it really comes together
20:15 and then what we do is we
20:17 dredge it in the soy milk, okay,
20:19 and we, I hope that I can do this,
20:25 without our falling apart here,
20:26 falling apart but anyway you know
20:28 it's moist enough now so our
20:31 viewers will know that we have
20:32 the soy milk and we can just roll
20:34 this into cracker crumb, like this,
20:36 oh fun, the bread crumbs, the bread
20:37 crumbs actually these are bread crumbs
20:40 that I have seasoned a little bit,
20:41 okay and then you put, and then we
20:43 would just brown this in some canola oil
20:46 or any kind of oil that you would like,
20:48 and then you're done, and then
20:49 you're done, oh fun, but doesn't that,
20:51 isn't that beautiful and then, it is,
20:53 people think they're just getting
20:54 a rice ball until they come into it,
20:56 we'll see what's inside, and it's always
20:57 beautiful, that's right, stuff, good.
20:59 Let's go to our next recipe,
21:00 we're gonna make scones,
21:01 so let's read that recipe.
21:02 For the Cherry Scones you need,
21:04 1 c. dried cherries 1 c. boiling water
21:08 3 c. unbleached flour 1/4 c. raw brown sugar
21:13 1 tbsp. baking powder ½ tsp. salt
21:17 1tsp. cornstarch ½ c. margarine that's
21:23 a non-hydrogenated variety
21:25 ½ c. tofu sour cream 1 ½ tsp. almond extract
21:31 1 cup soy milk creamer.
21:33 You know Marie I love scones.
21:35 Well Jill, you have a real treat
21:37 in store because the cherries
21:40 in the scones and the moisture
21:42 of the sour cream keeps them so
21:44 moist you know you've had scones
21:47 or biscuits and they're dry,
21:49 these don't dry out, you can keep
21:52 them for a week in a zip lock.
21:53 Well let's see what we got to do here.
21:55 So, let's, we're gonna just put the,
21:56 if you'll help me Jill and put all of the
22:00 wet ingredients in one bowl, okay,
22:02 and we're soaking the cherries now,
22:05 because they need to be reconstituted
22:09 okay, so we're just gonna add all
22:10 the dry ingredients and the purpose
22:12 for the cornstarch, yes, is so that
22:15 we don't use egg, Oh! Okay yeah,
22:17 and it works very well. So, and then
22:21 we do, oh it must be humid here
22:25 in Illinois, it's kind of stuck, it is all
22:29 we have here. My baking powder
22:32 kind of caked here, yeah, that's
22:34 interesting, okay. So I have the
22:36 milk here and the sour cream and
22:38 the margarine and almond extract,
22:40 I am stirring it, very good,
22:41 very good, and we'll just mix all
22:43 of the dry ingredients and then
22:45 we're gonna add that to it.
22:46 And this is one if you're used
22:49 to like to play with play dough
22:51 when you were a kid, yeah there
22:53 you go, this will give you a chance
22:54 to be a kid again, is that good?
22:55 Yeah, that's great, okay, I'll pour
22:57 it in, great, and you want me to
23:01 drain your cherries here while
23:03 you do that, if you wouldn't mind, yes.
23:05 For our viewers we just use that
23:08 cup of boiling water to pour, okay,
23:09 yeah, it's nice to let them set for about
23:12 10 minutes, okay, and really soften
23:16 them up, good oh yeah there are
23:18 definitely reconstituted I can see that,
23:20 yeah okay. Okay, let me just mix
23:28 this a little bit more and now is
23:30 where the hands take over, yeah,
23:34 this is what where we can play,
23:37 I'll toss the cherries in, we're almost
23:40 out of time here, there we go, okay
23:42 there you go, and we're gonna just
23:44 mix these up. Now how long do you
23:47 bake it for? You bake these for about
23:49 15 to 20 minutes Jill, okay, and at what
23:51 temperature in the oven? At 400, okay good.
23:56 Now let's just show our friends
23:57 we're almost out of time, sorry to
23:58 rush you here, just what you do on
24:00 this cutting board, that way that
24:01 would get the idea of how to do it.
24:02 Well, we have our bench flour here
24:03 and we'll just sprinkle a little flour
24:05 on there, so that the dough doesn't
24:07 stick and you can see how moist this
24:09 dough is, yes, because it's all
24:14 sticking, throw it in, and then
24:15 we'll just throw it in, is that good
24:16 enough for us, we'll just put that's
24:17 perfect, good, perfect, and we'll turn
24:20 it over one time, okay, and just get
24:22 it so you can pat it down now,
24:23 you can also use a rolling pin
24:25 if you'd like, okay and then you
24:27 cut it in triangle shapes, you cut
24:29 it in triangle shapes, fun and then
24:30 you sprinkle the sugar on the top,
24:31 and sprinkle the raw sugar on top
24:33 and we'll be showing the finished product,
24:35 that's right, you want to do this
24:36 about 3/4 inch thick, okay good.
24:38 Alright, well in just a moment friends,
24:40 we'll be back we want to show
24:42 you the final products and all the
24:43 stuff that we made here today
24:44 but first we're gonna recap those
24:46 recipes and we'll give you
24:47 the way that you can contact Marie.
24:51 We hope you've enjoy cooking with Marie.
24:53 Now let's take a moment to review her
24:55 Mediterranean Lunch Recipes.
24:56 For the Pumpkin Salad
24:58 with Mind you will need,
25:00 ½ c. olive oil 2 lbs. pumpkin or
25:04 butternut squash ½ c. chopped fresh mint
25:07 1/4 cm lemon juice 1/4 c. honey
25:11 1/4 c. chopped pecans 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
25:17 1/4 tsp of salt. For the rice croquettes
25:21 you will need, 6c. boiling water
25:24 3c. brown rice 2c. shredded vegan
25:30 mozzarella cheese, 1 tsp of salt.
25:33 And For the filling you will need,
25:36 1/4 c. olive oil 1 tsp. salt
25:41 ½ onion, finely chopped 1c. veggie burger
25:47 3 tbsp. tomato paste ½ c. tomato sauce
25:53 1 c. green peas 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
25:56 1 tsp. garlic powder and
26:00 1 tbsp. Italian seasoning.
26:02 For our Cherry Scones you will need,
26:06 1 c. dried cherries 1 c. boiling water
26:11 3 c. unbleached flour 1/4 c. raw brown sugar
26:18 1 tbsp. baking powder ½ tsp. salt
26:23 1tsp. cornstarch ½ c. margarine
26:29 ½ c. tofu sour cream
26:31 1 ½ tsp. almond extract 1 cm soy milk creamer.
26:38 If you would like to information on how
26:40 to contact Marie or if you would like
26:43 to receive today's recipes please
26:46 write to 3ABN, PO Box 220,
26:49 West Frankfort, IL 62896 or
26:54 call us at 1-800-752-3226.
27:02 Welcome back friends we're here
27:03 with our delicious spread of
27:04 Mediterranean food aren't we? Yes
27:06 and it was wonderful we had so much
27:08 fun didn't we? We did, absolutely.
27:10 Let's look at what we made today.
27:12 We made the butternut squash with
27:13 honey glaze and the mint and it
27:15 just smells so wonderful, it looks
27:16 good. And the, the Stuffed Rice
27:19 Croquettes which will be everyone's
27:22 delight when they taste them,
27:23 oh I can't wait to try them and they're
27:24 so cute and you see they're so
27:26 colorful you know, yes, and of course
27:28 our Cherry Scones when you eat those
27:30 they speak for themselves.
27:32 They're very, they're making
27:34 my mouth water, they're very
27:35 moist and what's better than cherry,
27:37 that's right, yeah absolutely.
27:39 Oh! That's a good cherry.
27:40 Thank you for coming and for sharing
27:42 you talents. Well thank you for
27:43 having me, thank you. We had a
27:45 good time, we did, that's right, thank you.
27:46 And we hope for our friends at home
27:47 that you had just as much fun as we
27:48 had today cooking for you, we hope that
27:50 you enjoy this Mediterranean recipes,
27:52 that you branch out and try something new,
27:54 share them with your friends and family,
27:55 and we will see you next time
27:57 on Let's Cook Together, God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17