Let's Cook Together

Breakfast On The Go

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone, Ozella Head


Series Code: LCT

Program Code: LCT000097

00:01 Breakfast; if you're like most people,
00:03 you jump out of the bed in the morning and hit
00:04 the ground running, and you don't take any time
00:07 for a good wholesome breakfast.
00:09 Today we want to share with you recipes for breakfast
00:11 on the go that taste really good.
00:14 Stay with us and you'll find out what they are.
00:48 Hello friends and welcome to another program
00:50 of "Lets Cook Together," I'm your host Jill Morikone
00:54 and we have an exciting program planned
00:56 for you today all with wonderful breakfast ideas
00:59 on the go. So grab your pens and papers
01:01 and get ready to jot down those recipes
01:03 as we share them with you. But first I want
01:05 to introduce you to somebody special, our
01:07 special guest right here in the kitchen with me.
01:10 Her name is Ozella Head. Welcome Ozella,
01:12 we're so glad to have you here.
01:14 Thank you, I am so happy to be here. Now you
01:15 come all the way from Atlanta, Georgia, right.
01:18 Yes, from Atlanta. Yeah, and tell us about
01:20 your ministry "Made Whole Ministries."
01:22 Made Whole Ministry, you know,
01:23 the Lord say that we should be made whole and
01:27 a part of that when we eat our food that's only part
01:32 but to be made whole is to have the whole gospel,
01:35 and so as we go out and teach about the
01:38 cooking classes then the Lord,
01:40 he gives us the abundance, he makes us whole,
01:44 so we named it Made Whole Ministry,
01:47 and if the name came from the Lord, not from me.
01:50 Amen. I love that name Ozella. That's
01:52 a really, really good name because the gospel,
01:54 the health message is the whole being. Yes.
01:57 It's not just diet, not one thing, but it's everything.
01:59 Exactly. Praise God. How long have you been
02:01 doing this ministry? Oh! Caroline and I have been
02:04 doing the ministry, we've been doing cooking
02:06 classes for a long period of time I really,
02:09 I don't remember how long we've really been doing
02:11 the cooking classes, okay, but the ministry
02:13 is up and running for maybe over a year now. Praise God.
02:17 So we go out, we do the cooking classes,
02:20 we teach basically healthy cooking.
02:24 We do blood pressures because
02:26 she's a registered nurse. Oh! Fun,
02:28 so that's perfect because you can combine that,
02:30 exactly, okay. And so even with the food,
02:33 I do the food, you know, I have prepare the food
02:35 come up with the recipes but Caroline decorates
02:38 the foods. Oh! That's fun. You make a really
02:40 good team together, yeah. That's wonderful.
02:42 And we don't want leave our husbands out,
02:44 that's right. Our husbands, they're right
02:46 there with us also. That's right,
02:48 working together is called team work.
02:50 Now even though my husband is not the one
02:55 to say in the kitchen nor Caroline husband but
02:58 they're right with us all the time.
02:59 Oh! Praise God. Yeah, that's wonderful. Yes.
03:04 I like that. And we have fun in the kitchen.
03:06 That's right, because Ozella was telling me that
03:08 her favorite thing to do is to cook. Cook. And
03:10 that's wonderful. I think it's the perfect person
03:13 to do this type of ministry and go out. Exactly.
03:15 Do you travel around a lot of different places or?
03:17 We do, we do, we travel around and also you know,
03:20 we get invited to different churches and all kind
03:23 of health functions and stuff like that.
03:24 Yeah, so, that's neat. Jill, I mean the Lord
03:29 is so wonderful, amen. And he gives us all that
03:32 we need, we need all kind of people and we did like the,
03:36 they would every year one church in Atlanta,
03:38 okay, they would have a retreat,
03:41 every health retreat every year.
03:44 Like a health fair or retreat? No, it's a retreat.
03:47 You know, it's a retreat where we have different
03:48 speakers, we had Pastor Boar, Henry,
03:52 different one they would come and you know,
03:53 and talk and we would also have doctors come
03:56 and talk also, yeah. So I would always
03:59 do the food and Ella Bruce was there one year,
04:01 and we did the food there and we baked bread and all,
04:04 Ella Bruce said, wow we having fresh baked bread.
04:08 Praise God. I love fresh bake bread, its awesome.
04:11 Okay. Yeah, well, we are doing breakfast
04:12 on the go today. Yes, breakfast on the go.
04:15 Okay, let's read our first recipe. Okay. For
04:18 the Fruit and Three-Grain Salad, you need:
04:21 1 cup cooked barley. 1 cup cooked kamut.
04:26 1 cup cooked wild rice. 1 cup fresh blueberries.
04:31 1 cup fresh strawberries, sliced.
04:33 1 cup fresh pineapple chunks.
04:37 2 fresh kiwis. 1/4 cup raw walnuts.
04:42 1/4 cup raw almonds, and 3/4 cup
04:46 dairy-free vanilla pudding.
04:49 Okay, that's look fun, Ozella. Alright,
04:51 now another recipe say the sliced strawberries, yes.
04:54 But we want till the end and add the strawberry
04:57 because the strawberries tend to bleed sometime
04:59 on the recipe, yes, and the rest of the apples and stuff
05:03 like that but we want to keep it free of bleeding, so.
05:05 Okay, that's right, otherwise, you get red
05:06 in all that stuff. Yes, so we don't want this.
05:08 We don't want that. Yeah, right.
05:09 So first of all we gonna add all the fruits.
05:13 Oh! Jill this is. That smell good. It
05:15 makes me hungry already just seeing the fruit.
05:19 Okay, we have, now this is, you know the recipe
05:21 calls for the pineapple, fresh pineapple,
05:24 the apple and we have all that, we have red apple,
05:27 yellow apple, and we also added pear in it.
05:29 Oh, fun, okay. You've already done
05:31 the work chopping for us. Yes, and I'm going
05:33 to add the kiwi, the blueberries. Oh! Yes.
05:41 High in antioxidant. Yes, I love blueberries.
05:43 You know, that's the most powerful little
05:45 food on the earth. That's pretty good.
05:47 Okay, now the grains, yes.
05:50 Let me tell you a little bit about the grains.
05:53 This pearl barley, the kamut and the wild rice,
05:57 okay, you cook them separate, okay.
06:00 And viewers when you cook this,
06:02 cook it in separate parts, okay,
06:05 but also when you cook, you can cook enough,
06:08 so you could do this recipe over and over again.
06:12 Now the tricks of this when you cook the Kamut,
06:14 pull the water off it, put it in a ziplock bag
06:17 and freeze it, and pull it out when you need it,
06:22 okay, okay, same with the wild rice
06:25 and the pearl barley, right, the barley.
06:28 Okay, now can I ask you how much water
06:31 do you put for dry grain? Do you know what,
06:35 there is really no set amount because
06:38 you know what, you want to put the,
06:39 if you want to do two cups of the grains
06:43 add just cover it in water. Okay.
06:45 Cover it in water, and let it cook until you see the
06:47 grains start to puff up especially with the wild
06:52 rice. Let it puff up and when you're eating it
06:54 Jill it's so filling. Yeah that's sounds good.
06:59 But the secret to this to save you a lot of time,
07:04 cook the grains and you know measure it out.
07:06 And put in the freezer Yes, in the little ziplock bag,
07:08 yeah. And when you get ready for it,
07:10 if you want to get up that morning,
07:11 I would have Fruit and Three-Grain Salad,
07:13 absolutely. Dice all of your fruits,
07:15 just like we have it here and viewers same thing,
07:18 okay, and then put it in a ziplock bag,
07:20 take it out that night, overnight,
07:23 let it boil and mix your fruits.
07:27 Seen now how that works, 'cause we're so busy
07:28 in the morning and who has time to cook grains
07:30 for an hour, or half an hour.
07:33 We want to put a lot of love in our food.
07:35 That's right. I like that.
07:37 So we're gonna add our grains.
07:39 Okay, you've already cooked all these first.
07:41 Umh! Now, that looks good. Oh! Wait till try this too.
07:46 I can't wait to taste it. That's right.
07:51 Wait till you taste it, okay. Very nice.
07:54 Now we're gonna mix all of this up.
07:58 Now that looks good. You know really I mean
07:59 this is so filling by itself. Oh! Yeah,
08:02 absolutely straight, and I think back to the
08:06 Genesis time. We're back in the Bible in Genesis
08:08 that talks about that. Exactly, exactly,
08:10 eating the fruits and the grains and the nuts.
08:11 Right, yeah. And this is what God intended,
08:15 and you know God is trying to bring his people
08:16 back to the original diet. Right, right.
08:19 Healthy eating for healthy people.
08:21 That's right, I like that. Okay, now we're gonna
08:23 add the nuts, now we're adding the walnuts
08:26 and the almonds. These are raw also.
08:28 So we're gonna put. So you're just ground
08:31 them up in the whole processor,
08:33 chopped them with the knife or something.
08:34 Well, we just chop them. Okay.
08:35 Now you know I have a lot of time in my hands
08:37 sometime, so I will sit and just take a knife
08:40 and now I have the chopper and all that but
08:42 a lot of time I just take a paring knife, yeah.
08:46 And I will chop the nuts and all and put them
08:49 in the zip lock bag. My girlfriends say, girl,
08:50 you got a lot of time on your hand.
08:52 That's well said, well, I will start to say do that,
08:55 but if you don't have that you can use the, you know,
08:58 nut grinder or something, that will save some time.
09:00 Exactly. Yeah. And also you could, you know,
09:03 if you have a, what you call it, the vitamins,
09:06 oh, yeah, you know the second container, okay.
09:11 You can take it and put it, put your nuts in there
09:14 and chop it also. Now we're gonna add this last
09:17 ingredients, yes, which is the non-dairy pudding mix.
09:22 Okay. Now, this what really makes it tasty?
09:26 Oh! Yeah. That gives it a little sweetener there.
09:28 I like that. I like anything sweet.
09:31 My friends say, who have a lot of thought,
09:33 you add that to, yeah, absolutely,
09:35 the fruit and three-grains. That's right.
09:38 But, this is what you think that makes the salad.
09:41 Oh, yeah, I can see that, I can see that, absolutely.
09:43 Okay, and the smell. It does I can smell,
09:45 it smells vanilla actually. Yes, yes. Now you would
09:47 have to get this at a health food store probably.
09:49 Exactly. Okay, it's not in your local grocery store.
09:51 Well, you know they used to carry in the grocery
09:52 store, okay, good, but you know,
09:54 and a lot of time you have the request for certain
09:57 items like this but just ask and if not, yeah,
10:01 you know basically your Kroger's or Wal-mart.
10:04 Yeah, your basic grocery stores.
10:06 Right, and they're getting a lot of good products
10:08 now that you don't have to make a special trip
10:10 just for you know to the health food store.
10:12 Yeah, that's right, and if you can't get it say
10:14 in some country you're living you can't get this
10:16 you can always make it without the pudding mix,
10:18 yes exactly. Right, you can just put the fruits
10:19 and nuts and still enjoy. Yeah, very good.
10:21 Yeah, okay. Yes, and you know what another little
10:24 thing you can do, yeah, like when you're cutting
10:26 the fresh pineapple, save a lot of the juice specially
10:29 from the core, and you squeeze it over the fruit
10:33 and the grains and the grains observe the flavor.
10:38 No, no, no, the juice. Okay.
10:39 It observes all the juice from you know the pineapple
10:42 makes it so much. Yeah, that sounds good.
10:45 Now what are we doing with the strawberries because
10:47 we got to go to our next recipe.
10:48 Okay, alright. Now with this,
10:50 we're finished with mixing it all up, okay.
10:52 Now the strawberry we just gonna put those on the top.
10:55 Umh! That's sound good. We're gonna put those.
10:59 I can handle that. Okay. I am just gonna.
11:03 Cute, okay. One here. So you could slice them
11:06 if you want to. Yeah, right, either one works.
11:09 But normally I make a little fan and cut it.
11:12 Yes, that's fun. Oh, isn't that cute?
11:16 Now, well, we need a one more so.
11:18 But that's alright anyway.
11:21 If that happens to you, it's okay.
11:22 The viewers I want you all to get the idea that healthy
11:26 cooking does not have to be hard, so enjoy
11:30 a wonderful wholesome dish,
11:32 a fruit and three-grain salad.
11:34 That's right, amen. Let's go to our scrambled tofu.
11:37 We're making that next. Okay.
11:39 Do you want to read that recipe for us. Okay.
11:42 1 lb. of extra firm tofu.
11:45 2 tbsp. of chicken style seasoning
11:48 ½ tsp. of sea salt. ½ cup of chopped green onions.
11:54 ½ cup of chopped leeks. 2 chopped garlic cloves.
12:00 ½ cup of chopped red peppers. 2 tbsp. of olive oil.
12:07 You know Ozella, I love scrambled tofu. So
12:10 do I, and this recipe Jill, you can do a lot with it.
12:14 Oh! That's fun. But this time we just, you know,
12:18 I always see people come on and do the tofu recipe,
12:22 so I'm just going to do it a little different. Oh! Fun.
12:26 So we have like the fresh garlic, yes, the onions,
12:31 yeah, that's sounds good, and the green onions,
12:34 green onions. But you know,
12:35 what now these are leeks.
12:38 That's what I was going to say they don't like onions.
12:40 They're onions, they're onions,
12:42 but they're in an onion family.
12:44 Yes, how are they different?
12:46 Well, the leeks they grow long and tall,
12:48 but they are fat. Yes.
12:50 And green onions are very small, okay.
12:53 Yeah, they grown long and tall, but they're skinny.
12:54 Yes. Okay. But then we have the bud
12:57 under the ground so it's round and fat, yes.
13:00 But they're all from the same family,
13:01 and they have a lot of, lot of nutrition, okay.
13:05 And do you know what they're good for different
13:07 types of cancer. Okay.
13:09 So we want to use the leeks.
13:12 They can help produce the risk.
13:13 Yes, okay, and the first thing we're gonna do
13:16 is add our oil, okay. We want to get our pan
13:20 on the burner. Yeah, but I am going to put
13:22 this first. I am going to add oil,
13:24 and then we're gonna kind of coat the pan a little bit.
13:28 Yeah, that's right, its good.
13:31 Now is this olive oil, I am trying to learn the recipe.
13:33 No, this is, this is. Just regular.
13:35 I mean you can use olive oil but let me tell you
13:37 something, I did all, I don't ever see a lot
13:40 on this recipe, on the tape is grape seed oil. Yeah.
13:46 Grape seed oil is good for high cooking temperatures,
13:50 okay. So first thing I'm gonna do here
13:52 let's add green onions, green onions, yes.
13:56 And as soon as it begin to sizzle a little bit.
14:00 I'm gonna add our leeks, okay.
14:02 Now we don't want to put the garlic in right away,
14:03 okay, because the garlic tends to burns so easily.
14:06 Yes, so, yes. There you go, okay, good.
14:13 And here's a little sizzler.
14:16 Yeah, I can. You can smell it too. Yeah. Yeah.
14:19 Just fan a little bit to the camera people.
14:22 You hopefully you can smell it too. Okay. Okay.
14:26 And we're gonna add our yellow peppers. Yes.
14:32 I love the color in the peppers. Yes.
14:34 God gave us so much beautiful colors
14:36 and variety in the food that we eat.
14:38 Exactly, and you know each color has different
14:42 vitamins and nutrients in it. Yes.
14:44 Now we're gonna go ahead add our tofu, okay, here
14:46 it's sizzling. Now this is just the water pack
14:49 type of tofu. Well firm or extra firm.
14:52 Okay, either type works, and it comes in a block,
14:55 you can get it in your supermarket or something.
14:57 Yes, exactly, in grocery store. Tofu
14:59 is basically, you don't have a problem finding
15:02 it because most stores do carry it because
15:05 absolutely, you know they told me that
15:07 tofu is the wonderful meal. Yeah,
15:11 it's in a lot of stores, that's right,
15:13 and a lot of cultures use tofu too.
15:14 Yes. But the one good thing about tofu
15:18 is so reversal in all type of recipes. Yes.
15:23 And you know. You can just throw it in.
15:25 Exactly. That's right, it doesn't have the flavor
15:27 but you can season it whenever you want it to.
15:29 Yes, and Jill you know, I told you we come
15:32 from a big family, right. Yeah.
15:33 Okay, you know my mom, my mom would not always
15:36 add this. So you know my mom used to take
15:39 something called cheese and eggs. Okay, yeah.
15:43 You've heard of that? Umh! I've heard it.
15:45 Okay, alright. That's right.
15:47 Okay, what we would do with this tofu.
15:50 We would saute the tofu just like we're doing here,
15:52 and then I would make a cheese but you know
15:56 a healthy cheese. And I would make it from
15:59 the whole soy beans, and do you know what
16:02 you take maybe 1 cup of it once the tofu is cooked,
16:06 pour it over there. Girl, it taste just like the real
16:09 cheese in there. Are you serious?
16:11 I am serious. I am serious.
16:13 That's awesome, you guys got to try that, that's
16:14 wonderful. And viewers you have to try it also.
16:17 Yeah. You would love it.
16:18 Yeah. And it's very, very simple.
16:21 Okay. So you just use this tofu recipe.
16:24 Yes, same recipe and just add you know make
16:28 your own cheese and put in on the top.
16:31 Yeah, now when you go out and do cooking schools,
16:35 you present the tofu and stuff.
16:36 Oh! Yes, yes, most definitely, yes.
16:39 And also, you know, we do something with the egg
16:43 wraps, yes, we do spring rolls. Oh! Fun.
16:48 But now with the spring roll, you can do the tofu,
16:50 you can do like veggie chicken,
16:53 different types of thing you put in the spring roll.
16:55 Veggie the fake, veggie chicken you are talking
16:56 about, okay. Yes, yeah, we don't do real, yes.
16:59 You know nothing with a face, no ma'am, no ma'am.
17:04 There we go, you need your salt.
17:05 Yeah, we're gonna put the salt in there last.
17:08 Boy, it smells good. Okay. Oh. Yeah, very nice,
17:13 and we add the salt last. Okay, and basically once
17:21 we get everything incorporated in here. You
17:24 know, basically tofu, it is already cooked, yeah.
17:27 So we just basically heat it and season.
17:30 Good, okay. So this is, I want all you viewers
17:33 to get the main idea what we are trying
17:35 to do here, okay. That's right,
17:36 how long at home would you normally cook it for?
17:38 No more than about 15 to 20 minutes, okay,
17:42 because basically you do, you saute in, you know,
17:45 the onions and the vegetables, yes, right.
17:48 So, that's basically what you want to soften up,
17:51 the vegetables in here, and once this is cooked.
17:56 Then you eat. Yes. That's right.
17:58 And also let me tell you what you can serve
17:59 with this also. Yeah. I make home made preserves,
18:02 heat preserves, and our candles, okay, yeah.
18:05 So I brought some but we ate them before we.
18:07 I wanted some, don't you think that could
18:11 save some for our viewers.
18:13 But we didn't have any more, so.
18:15 Wow, that's wonderful. Caroline's husband ate
18:17 the last. Did they, I will have a talk with Caroline.
18:22 But this is basically how we do our tofu. That's
18:25 right, oh, yeah. Thank you for sharing with us.
18:29 Okay, but later on we're gonna do,
18:31 we're gonna show everything that you can eat with this,
18:35 okay. Yeah. Alright. All the side dishes
18:38 to go with the tofu, yes. Okay, let's read our
18:40 next recipe. For the Breakfast Patties, you need:
18:45 1 lb. of veggie protein. 1 tbsp. sage.
18:51 1 tsp. paprika, and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Well,
18:57 this is fun 'cause we're putting our Breakfast
18:59 Sausage Patty. We can mix it with the tofu
19:02 or with biscuits or all kinds of stuff you
19:04 can have it with. Oh! Yes.
19:05 So this is our breakfast patty that we just gonna
19:08 shake and show the viewers how a breakfast patty
19:11 you can add with the fruit and three-grain salad,
19:13 the tofu, okay. Fun, we got a complete meal on the go.
19:17 Yes, on the go, that's it. Right on the go
19:19 Yes, okay, I'm going to use the gloves for this
19:21 because it can get a little sticky sometimes. Yes.
19:26 Yeah, I didn't want that, I just know it sticks.
19:30 And that's a little more proper.
19:31 But this is a simple recipe, yeah, quick and easy.
19:36 And viewers, I just want to show you the things
19:39 that we add in this recipe simple but tastes
19:43 just real sausage, okay. This is pretty special.
19:47 Okay, this is the sage. Okay, yes.
19:51 And do you know, it call for a little pinch of
19:54 cayenne also. So I've added the cayenne
19:56 in there also. That's quite a big pinch.
19:58 No, no remember we have the paprika.
20:02 Okay, okay, so it was not all that. Yes, okay,
20:08 now we have the oil to add to the pan, okay.
20:10 But I'm gonna show you how to mix this up.
20:12 Yeah, now this is just like a breakfast patty
20:15 sausage you can buy in the store.
20:16 Right, but you can also make your own. Oh! Fun.
20:19 Mix oatmeal and ground some fresh soybeans,
20:23 soak soybeans. Okay. Add the same seasoning,
20:27 you have a breakfast patties on the go.
20:29 Okay, and the oatmeal you said, yes, oatmeal
20:31 with that, okay, good. What, how much oatmeal
20:35 to soybean, is it even or? Maybe, you know,
20:39 you have to play with recipes Jill, okay,
20:41 basically you do need a cup of oatmeal, okay,
20:45 or cup and half, okay. And then a cup of the ground,
20:48 you take the soybeans once you soak them,
20:50 then your ground. Then grind them,
20:51 so almost even then. Yes, yes, okay, good.
20:54 So basically what you're doing,
20:55 you're just mixing it up, yes absolutely.
20:59 To get all the seasoning incorporated in there, okay.
21:03 That's right, that's right.
21:05 You see what I am saying about.
21:06 It's sticky, I see that. Okay. And then we just
21:09 gonna shape our patties. Good, very nice.
21:13 Just like that. Oh, yes it's a good looking patty.
21:16 Oh, I like to think as uniform, yes, so.
21:19 Our God's a God of order.
21:21 Yes, and this will fit a little biscuit.
21:25 Oh, doesn't that's sound good.
21:28 So now we add the oil. Yes, here's your oil.
21:31 Okay, just gonna add it to the skillet,
21:36 okay, now there. You put the skillet
21:40 on the fire there. We don't cold up and again,
21:43 okay, remember, okay. And it's going in.
21:49 Do you have to wait till its hot normally or you don't.
21:51 No, no. Okay, you can put it anytime then.
21:52 Anytime. Okay. Now normally let you tell also,
21:55 you don't have to pan fry, you can also put
21:57 them in the oven. Oh! Fun.
21:59 If you want less, less fat or oil or something.
22:02 Because basically if you put just,
22:04 spray them pan put in the oven and you can flip
22:08 them over on the other side.
22:10 What would you bake them at 350 or? 350, yes.
22:13 How long? 350 for about 15 to 20 minutes,
22:18 okay, no longer because they basically,
22:20 let me tell you something, people just don't know,
22:22 vegetarians are the way to go, and you know
22:25 food doesn't take a lot of time, that's right.
22:28 So you know God has given us so much in
22:32 abundant and you know we just need to utilize
22:36 what God has given us. That's right, that's right,
22:38 that's right, absolutely, you know it's amazing
22:40 if you fly with the airlines or something you know
22:42 if you ask I want a vegetarian meal, you know,
22:44 what they give you? What?
22:45 Vegetables, a piece of fruit. Okay,
22:49 and you think I can eat more than that, right.
22:51 Yes, yes. So you showed us all different things
22:52 today Ozella, that we can that as more than
22:55 just as vegetables and fruit. Exactly.
22:57 And ways to put it together so it really
22:58 tastes good. And that's the way God would have it.
23:01 Yeah, absolutely. Because you know
23:03 what God is variety God. Yeah definitely?
23:06 All varieties and you know when we get to heaven
23:10 there are so many things we've never seen before
23:12 that God will introduce to us. Amen.
23:16 What a day, what a day. That's right.
23:18 But until then viewers let's stick with healthy cooking.
23:23 Yeah, that's right. Okay. That's right,
23:26 'cause it gives us a clear mind. Yes.
23:27 Think God can speak to us. All the time. Yeah.
23:30 Oh, that looks good, really good, yeah, very nice.
23:36 Now, you can also you make them large, small,
23:38 however you like, okay, because you know for
23:43 my husband two is equivalent, two large ones.
23:48 Okay. So we gonna put that little bit
23:50 in the middle there. There we go,
23:52 he is cute right in the middle I like it.
23:56 And that's all, sausage patties.
23:59 That's right. Do you have a cook book, Ozella.
24:01 Yes, I do. You do. Oh, what's
24:03 I didn't know that, what's it called?
24:04 It's call Ozella's Vegetarian Cooking.
24:08 Oh, that's cute. Ozella's Vegetarian Cooking. No,
24:11 actually Jill I think is, I have two cook books.
24:15 This is the second one. We put on the
24:16 Ozella's Home Made Vegetarian Cooking.
24:18 Oh, that's fun, that's the second one,
24:21 and what kind of, you have these kind of recipes
24:23 like breakfast on the go recipes and. Yes, we do.
24:26 Yeah. Yes, and so you know the good part
24:30 about it there's something in there for everybody.
24:33 Oh, that's right. And so you know
24:35 I want people to know what it is a blessing to know
24:40 that we can eat healthy and not feel, you know,
24:43 feel guilty about it. So this is what
24:46 I call healthy cooking. That's right.
24:48 And again you don't have to pan fry it,
24:50 viewers, put in the oven and bake it, okay.
24:54 Good, good, very nice. Well we had fun today.
24:56 Alright. Time go so quick,
24:57 in just a moment friends we will be back.
25:00 We want to show you all the final products,
25:01 the things we made here today. But first
25:03 we're gonna recap those recipes and give you the way
25:06 that you can contact us, so you can get a hold
25:08 of Ozella for yourself. We hope you've enjoyed
25:12 cooking with Ozella. Now let's take a moment
25:14 to review our breakfast on the go recipes. For
25:17 the Fruit and Three-Grain Salad, you will need:
25:20 1 cup of cooked barley. 1 cup cooked kamut.
25:24 1 cup cooked wild rice. 1 cup fresh blueberries.
25:27 1 cup fresh strawberries, sliced.
25:30 1 cup fresh pineapple chunks.
25:33 2 fresh kiwis. 1/4 cup raw walnuts.
25:37 1/4 cup raw almonds, and
25:40 3/4 cup dairy-free of vanilla pudding.
25:44 For the Scrambled Tofu, you will need:
25:46 1 lb. of extra firm tofu.
25:49 2 tbsp. of chicken style seasoning
25:52 ½ tsp. of sea salt. ½ cup of chopped green onions.
25:58 ½ cup chopped leeks. 2 chopped garlic cloves.
26:03 ½ cup of chopped red peppers. 2 tbsp. of olive oil.
26:09 For the Breakfast Patties, you will need:
26:12 1 lb. of veggie protein. 1 tbsp. of sage.
26:18 1 tsp. of paprika, and a pinch of cayenne pepper.
26:23 Now if you would like more information on how
26:26 to contact Ozella or if you would like to receive
26:30 today's recipes, please write to:
26:32 3ABN, PO Box 220, West Frankfort, IL 62896,
26:40 or you may call 1-800-752-3226 that
26:46 number again is 1-800-752-3226.
26:52 Now let's take a look at our finish recipes with Ozella.
26:57 Welcome back friends we are here with our
26:59 delicious breakfast on the go, aren't we? Alright.
27:02 That's right. Let's look at we made today.
27:04 First, Fruit and Three-Grain Salad.
27:06 That looks so good. Next our Scrambled Tofu.
27:10 With the cute strawberries around it.
27:12 Okay. I like that, very nice.
27:16 And our Breakfast Sausage Patties.
27:17 That's right. But Jill we also added the biscuits.
27:22 I am ready to try one. Okay.
27:23 And let's try I am ready to try some of this.
27:26 I really think you are. Okay, lets try,
27:28 I am going tell you if it's good enough to eat.
27:33 Umh! Umh! Umh! Umh!.. Very good.
27:42 You guys have got to try this it's so good and easy,
27:44 simple. Thank you for coming,
27:46 we had a good time. Had the best time.
27:49 That's right. Well, friends our time comes
27:52 and goes so quickly especially when
27:54 we're having a good time. We hope you enjoyed
27:56 these recipes making for your family for breakfast
27:58 and we'll see next time. God bless you. Bye, bye.


Revised 2014-12-17