Let's Cook Together

Lunch Alternatives

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Marvella Burton


Series Code: LCT

Program Code: LCT000089

00:01 I don't know anybody who doesn't like ice cream.
00:03 When you were kid and you are looking at the ice
00:05 cream cone, and you are having a whole big bowl
00:07 of ice cream with cherries on top, I think we would
00:09 all like it. Today we gonna show you how to
00:11 make ice cream the old fashioned way that melts
00:14 in your mouth, but it has the milk. So, guess how
00:17 you do it, you gonna have to wait and see.
00:52 Hello friends and welcome to another program
00:54 of Let's Cook Together. I am your host
00:57 Jill Morikone and we have an exciting program
00:59 planned for you today and I can't wait to find out
01:01 how to make that ice cream, but you have to
01:04 stay tuned with us. First I wanna introduce to you to
01:06 our special guest with me here in the studio.
01:08 Her name is MarVella Burton and she comes all
01:11 the way from Huntsville, Alabama.
01:12 Welcome MarVella. Thank you Jill!
01:14 So glad to have you here with us! Glad to be here.
01:17 Tell us before we get go on making this ice cream
01:19 and stuff. Just a little bit about your ministry,
01:22 Marvelous Lifestyle, tell us about that.
01:24 It encompasses mainly health, okay, and not just
01:28 physical health but mental and spiritual health.
01:30 How did you get started with the idea of doing it?
01:32 Well, we were in the community and we were
01:34 going door to door knocking on doors just
01:37 asking people if they would like to hear a song.
01:40 Oh! Fun that's a good ministry I guess,
01:41 I like that. Yes, nobody said no. So we will sing
01:45 to the people, great, and afterward we would ask is
01:48 their any one in the home who is ill, yes, who would
01:51 like prayer, yes, yes. Not one home said no.
01:54 There was someone that was sick in each home
01:57 and so at that time we would kneel and have prayer.
02:01 That's good. And it opened up the door not
02:03 only of that home but of the people's hearts.
02:06 That's right. And from that experience you saw
02:08 the importance of the health ministry,
02:10 absolutely. That's right, and now you have a go
02:12 ahead. I just gonna say that it really spring up in
02:15 my heart to investigate and study more about the
02:19 health message when my brother was discovered
02:22 with cancer. And from there we began to go
02:25 into the community and share what God was
02:27 sharing with us. That's right. Well you learned
02:29 through experience. Absolutely! And that
02:30 makes the difference. Now you have a Pre-K
02:32 through 9 School there at your campus, yes,
02:35 and you have a kind of like a lifestyle centre
02:37 people can come and learn new principles of
02:41 lifestyle and stuff right? Yes, yeah. And not only
02:44 just the community but people come from out of
02:46 state also. Okay, cool, and they can stay anyway
02:49 from a weekend session to a week long session,
02:52 nice, and it just helps to give them a foundation.
02:55 Absolutely, that's right. Now you also have a
02:57 prison ministry tell us about that. Yes, yes.
02:59 Go to prison, okay, I did that for probably 18
03:03 years, oh, fulltime, okay, and now it's a part-time
03:08 where we go into that county in the state prisons
03:11 and we minister to the people there, as well as to
03:13 their families. Do you share the health message
03:15 with them when you go or what? We share bits
03:18 and pieces of the health message intertwined in
03:19 and pieces of the health message intertwined
03:21 in with the Gospel. Evangelism along with
03:24 music, so it's really a full-time all encompassing
03:29 ministry and those people are some of the most
03:33 neglected that we have in society, but they are the
03:35 most needy, yeah because we don't read or minister
03:38 to them at all. And you have a good voice,
03:39 I am sure you go and sing for them in stuff.
03:41 Yeah, that's fantastic, that's wonderful ministry.
03:44 Yes it is, yeah. Okay, I love it. We gonna make
03:46 ice cream, well, we make an ice cream now.
03:48 We gonna make ice cream later we start with
03:50 saving the best for last. We have to wait you guys
03:53 I am not too please about this.
03:54 Okay, let's read our first recipe.
03:57 For the Spinach Sandwich Spread that's a mouthful.
04:01 You need 1 pound of firm tofu,
04:04 6oz's, of fresh spinach
04:07 1/8th cup of unfermented soy sauce
04:10 1/4 of a red bell pepper that's chopped
04:14 3 cloves of fresh garlic 1 tbsp. Vidalia onion
04:18 that's chopped and 1/2 tsp. sea salt
04:24 Alright, that's pretty easy, simple, simple, simple.
04:28 Yeah that's right; it's another good way to get
04:30 people to eat spinach. I like that, wow, I like
04:34 that very much so. Yeah, so this makes a excellent
04:38 spread for open face sandwiches. That's right.
04:40 As well as regular sandwiches also it's good
04:43 for salad on the side of your,
04:46 that's a good idea, meal. Yeah, I like that and
04:48 you get in all those greens and those nutrients
04:49 in there with that. That's right.
04:51 And it is simple and so we gonna let you mix,
04:54 okay this is my job to blender, part of the tofu,
04:55 okay you mix blender to that. Shall I start with the
04:58 tofu or the liquid? Start with the tofu and put half
05:00 of it in there. Yeah. Break it up or just throw it in?
05:04 You can just throw in there, okay, put in
05:06 your soy, this is our unfermented soy and your
05:10 garlic, oh I love the garlic against
05:13 as a super good flavor. There we go, and then
05:17 you just gonna blend that, not no onions or
05:18 anything okay. Put the lid on, oh yeah, this is
05:22 important. Okay, we will make some noise, yes.
05:35 May be I should stir it, it's took on a lump of that,
05:37 one, yeah just push it down in there, okay.
05:40 There we go we'll see if that makes a difference,
05:45 and if you don't have a Vitamix, you may have
05:47 work little harder. Yeah, just put it on, okay.
05:56 I think we got it, it looks like that.
05:57 Yeah, that looks good. Now that is a salad
06:01 dressing, oh, for the salad. I like that, that's
06:05 a really good idea very nice, okay, good.
06:08 So, what I going to do is I am going to take this
06:10 other tofu and I am just going to lash it.
06:13 Oh! That's a good idea, okay. And when this
06:15 doesn't gives a firm it shall want to be watery
06:17 like that, right, right. Okay, so normally when
06:21 you make sandwich bridge you have your
06:24 firm, yes, substance you food and then you have
06:27 generally some type of sauce or meal, right.
06:29 To put on it, so that's our pseudo-meal.
06:32 Yeah, yeah okay, and you have already taken
06:35 the spinach and washed them and cut the leaves.
06:36 We wash those spinach and cut them, okay, okay,
06:39 see went through that perk. Oh yeah, so look
06:43 good right again you brings in okay, I am
06:45 gonna add a peppers here, good, and add our onions.
06:48 Add those onions, got that, and then add sea salt.
06:53 Stir it with the rest of the tofu. Oh, yeah well it's
06:56 really good. And there was, oh yeah as you can
07:00 see just the little pieces, yeah. Make a nice, nice
07:05 oh yeah, green. Alright, you wanna place our,
07:09 just poured it, seasoning in that, you might to
07:11 scrape that out a little bit, got it.
07:18 Okay, doesn't want to come out there we go,
07:21 okay. It's kind of stuck, oh yeah. Now, you see
07:26 that mix just right, oh yeah that's doesn't it look
07:28 it does very much some, you can put in pita bread.
07:31 I know you talk that, I would like that.
07:34 That's sounds really good to me. Yeah that's a
07:36 flavor. Yeah, that's right. You can put then in pita
07:39 bread or sandwiches and take it on trips.
07:41 Oh! Yeah perfect, nice lunches and it makes a
07:44 light for those who chose to eat their third meal,
07:48 a light supper. Just a light supper, that's right.
07:50 Yeah, not to eat too much, does they look
07:52 tasty or not? Oh it looks tasty. Very, very good
07:55 and you wanna mix it so then all of your grains,
07:57 yeah, have been saturated with the sauce, oh it looks
08:00 perfect. Now, we would just keep in the fridge
08:02 little while or no it just ready to eat. You don't
08:04 have to eat right now. Good, very nice
08:08 how about that? Good. Well, let's go to our next
08:10 recipe because I can't wait to get to ice cream.
08:12 Okay, let's read the next recipe you wanna read
08:15 that for us MarVella, okay.
08:16 This is a Veggie Loaf 6 cups of quick oatmeal
08:20 4 cups of pecan meal 3 cups of water
08:24 3/4th cup of unfermented soy sauce
08:27 2tbsp of ground sage and 1/2 cup of nutritional
08:31 yeast flakes 1/4th cup of pure honey
08:35 and 1 tsp of African Bird cayenne pepper.
08:41 Now MarVella why do you call this a Veggie Loaf?
08:44 Because it is purely vegetarian. I like that,
08:46 okay, because I was thinking is there
08:48 vegetables in here or we hiding more
08:49 vegetables but no. It is just the absence of
08:51 flesh or meat. Right, call it Veggie Loaf.
08:54 Okay, very nice, what do we, how do we make it here?
08:57 Well, we combine our liquids and then I will add
09:01 soy to water. Oh! Good, and we will add a tbsp of
09:05 honey, okay. Gives it a different flavor, yes,
09:09 because I am thinking if you are having something
09:11 savory loaf, I am not sure you will put something
09:13 sweet but a kind of your contrasting
09:16 the flavors there. There you go, yeah.
09:18 Now, you can add other vegetables to this
09:20 if you would like. Yeah, I am gonna put just about
09:24 may be a 1/4th or half tsp of sage. Okay and a pinch
09:30 okay, a pinch of African cayenne. So, it depends
09:34 on how much you want? That's it, you know as far
09:36 as your taste buds. If you do wanna it too hot
09:39 because it can just kills the flavor of the food.
09:43 So, just enough like this kind of give it that little
09:45 kick, right, that makes sense. Make that blood
09:47 flavor, alright, there you go, now for the
09:51 dry ingredients. Do we need these flakes or they
09:54 go in with the dry? They go in with the dry, okay.
09:56 And this is a pecan meal, pecan. Okay, now you
10:02 can just take pecans and grind them up, right.
10:04 Come up with that, you can, okay or you can buy
10:07 it already in the meal form. Okay, either one
10:10 else, alright, we put about may be a 1/8th cup of
10:15 nutritional yeast flakes. Now what are nutritional
10:18 yeast flakes? For our friends at home if they
10:20 are not familiar with them? Well, it's a form of
10:23 yeast, alright, you can get from the health food
10:25 stores some grocery stores now carrying it
10:28 and it gets in a cheesy flavor. Right, its not the
10:32 same type of yeast, as yeast arise you bread or
10:34 something it's different? Right, right and it will
10:35 stay on their nutritional list, yes, yes.
10:39 So, we combine our liquid, yeah with our dry.
10:44 Now, we are using the old fashioned oats here again.
10:46 No, we are using the quick oats, okay, because
10:48 that works like quick little pieces there.
10:51 Yeah. So, you wanna combine this and as you
10:56 bake it, it dries out just a little bit more to give it
10:58 firmness like a loaf would have. Yeah, but you
11:01 notice it doesn't require great deal of water but the
11:04 oat meal will absorb the water and it swells.
11:08 It does, that's for sure. So, oatmeal is a very
11:12 versatile grain, okay, easy for anybody to get and so
11:17 it makes cooking quick makes it easy now and
11:20 also as I go to my cooking class, people
11:23 who may have limited income, yes, can buy
11:27 oatmeal. That's right, it's cheap, I like that, that's
11:30 right. It's an expensive, okay, well said it is
11:34 expensive, it is. Yeah, but you can go a long weights
11:37 I mean I buy them in 25 pound you know bags.
11:39 We can go long weight with that.
11:41 And Jill it might look has excesses to it. Right, so
11:45 we will just put it in our, cove, and we going to
11:49 bake this. Now, you didn't spray this.
11:52 No, okay, you don't have to spray that. In one step
11:55 when it comes out. Okay. Nice and round, good and
12:01 you bake it at what temperature.
12:02 Bake this about 425, okay, and according to
12:07 the size of the loaf about 25 minutes.
12:10 25 minutes, okay. That's, that's enough for it to,
12:13 very nice, cook. Okay, it will come on nice and
12:16 brown and toasty and you can cut this and make
12:18 sandwiches. I was wondering that could you
12:20 flip it up and down as it comes out and make a
12:22 nice loaf and than you can cut it.
12:23 I guess, I like that. Quick, simple, tasty
12:28 and marvelous, that's right. Now, you can also
12:31 probably make it out of paddies, in the paddies.
12:33 You can, if you want it. And if you let it cook and
12:35 dry out a little bit more you crumble it strapping
12:38 jaws, yes, make different things out of, like a
12:41 burger crumble type of thing. Absolutely,
12:42 oh yeah, good, when you serve this, do you put like
12:45 a dressing over it or sauce on it? It just depends on
12:48 when I am, the reason why I am making it at the
12:51 occasion, okay, okay. Well, just for variety,
12:54 so that you don't wanna prepare the same meals.
12:57 The same way all the time, all the time,
13:00 that's right. Absolutely, that is bottom,
13:03 that's right, make a tired of it, you do.
13:05 You wanna enjoy your food right? Yeah, we do, good.
13:07 Let's read our next recipe where it's not ice cream
13:10 yet? No, oh okay. Stuffed Pita Pockets, good.
13:14 For the Stuffed Pita Pockets you need
13:15 1/2 of head of either leaf or romaine lettuce that
13:19 shredded 1 cup broccoli stems,
13:22 shredded 1 cup carrots, shredded
13:26 1/2 of red onion cut into rings
13:29 1/2 cup olives chopped
13:31 and whole wheat pita bread
13:35 I like this MarVella because this is a different
13:37 type of sandwich, it is, using the Pita bread.
13:39 Pita bread and Royal vegetables. Yeah, very,
13:42 very nice, yeah, okay. What will we do with the
13:44 pitas? You first warm the pitas, don't get them too
13:47 toasted because it makes some brittle, yes and you
13:50 don't want broken pita. Absolutely, it will be
13:54 more like communion bread, that's right,
13:56 So, you just warm them, okay, and then you start
14:00 stuffing them. Okay, now you really start and you
14:03 do it in lettuce, you are lettuce that's romaine,
14:05 okay good and you got to shredded this.
14:07 But you can leaf lettuce or fresh spinach any type
14:14 of grain scale is good. Okay, put a little bit
14:17 more, more okay. And then you can just go
14:19 around and just put your veggies in there, some
14:22 fresh carrots, yeah. But it looks like a real
14:26 sandwich doesn't it? Yes, and you can use
14:29 olives, peppers, anything. Yeah I like that, yeah,
14:33 and that onions really make a taste good.
14:35 Oh! Yeah that is, it's really a solid sandwich
14:39 and your broccoli. I can see that, yeah, put little
14:43 bit more in there stuff that ting, stuff it.
14:46 Okay, and then your garbanzos, yeah I love
14:49 garbanzos. Yeah, can you just put a few in there?
14:52 Yeah, Okay, alright. And than we put this,
14:56 you put you dressing this is your vegan
14:58 dressing, yes. Now, we just wanna, now we did
15:00 this on another program, yes, right?
15:04 So, if you want this recipe you can always contact
15:05 us at 3ABN and make this on another program.
15:09 Good, oh that looks good, doesn't it, doesn't it,
15:11 it looks delicious? Yes, it looks a little bit faster.
15:15 You wanna make one do? Sure. Very nice, put in
15:19 this stuff, stuff it, stuff it. Yeah and that too we can
15:24 make this, oh yeah I like that, just getting there and
15:26 work in the kitchen. Right, just lay it out for
15:29 them. They can come and help you prepare the
15:32 meal. That's right. You do that with your students
15:35 too? Yes, well they like that, yeah. The eating part
15:38 is the best, yeah oh yeah. I think so,
15:42 I like the eating part best that's for sure.
15:46 And then it's just delicious, yeah it's right.
15:51 Alright, sandwiches to go. Now, you can wrap
15:53 this in your sandwich wrap and take it for
15:56 lunch. Ah, that's a good idea, okay, yeah.
16:01 Have you made any salad sandwiches before?
16:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like the Pita idea though that's
16:08 really nice. Nice and handy, I like Pita bread
16:11 anyway. Doesn't it look delicious? Doesn't it?
16:14 It looks very, very good but the nice color too.
16:17 And I think we eat with our eyes? We do, so it
16:20 looks appealing and the appetizing have all the
16:22 different colors, you think, just looks really
16:23 good I want to eat them? And that Roma wakens
16:25 your appetite. Yeah, that's right, there you go, yeah.
16:30 Well, I am so anxious to get the ice cream can we
16:32 go make our ice cream now. Well if we must,
16:35 let's move on. Aren't you ready for ice cream?
16:37 Okay, let's read our recipe for a ice cream.
16:41 You wanna read that for us.
16:43 Okay, this is Carob ice cream.
16:46 You need 1 12ozes package of silken tofu
16:50 2 cups of soy milk 1/2 cup of pure maple syrup
16:56 1/2 cup of pure honey 1/4th cup of carob powder
17:01 1 tbsp of Roma 1 tsp of sea salt
17:08 and 1tsp of vanilla flavoring
17:13 Alright, you guys we're gonna make ice cream.
17:15 I am so excited I know you are, I can't wait to
17:19 try it too. You have to show us how everything,
17:21 all the steps, I want to see all of it how to make it.
17:23 From start to finish, start to finish.
17:25 Good. We start by putting some of our milk in our
17:29 pot, may be about 3/4th cup, okay, in a pot and we
17:31 wanna heat this just so that we can put our Roma
17:34 in there, alright. Now, the Roma is kind of coffee
17:37 substitute right. It's a substitute, okay.
17:40 Chicory, barley malt roasted, oh that's what
17:43 it is. Oh it is, and we put our flavoring in here and
17:46 if you are flavoring or your extract is made with
17:49 alcohol, if you heat it than the alcohol will
17:53 evaporates. So, it's okay then. It's okay.
17:55 Right, but you can't get it with glycerin.
17:58 Right, you can, right. Okay, so we just gonna
18:00 stir this a little bit, yes. And in a few seconds you
18:04 just see that the Roma will dissolve and then
18:07 here. Okay, because its kind of granules and you
18:08 wanted to. Okay, so while that's dissolving okay,
18:11 we gonna let you mix our tofu. My job again, okay
18:15 So we have placed our tofu, in that's it, in the
18:17 blender, anything else in there or that's it?
18:19 And we gonna add all of our ingredients, okay.
18:23 Here is our honey, that's the honey, and it lightly
18:26 because it is such a healthy ice cream,
18:29 that's perfect, because you feel like you can eat
18:31 it and not feel guilty, absolutely, a whole
18:33 bowlful. Well, we will say that, don't you think
18:37 I can have a bowlful. A small bowl, we will give
18:41 you a bowl this size. Oh, bowl alright.
18:43 Now, this is our maple syrup, that's your maple
18:46 syrup, okay. And this is your sea salt.
18:52 Okay, and this is the remaining portion of your
18:57 milk. Okay, now do we need the carob powder or
19:02 not yet? Yes, you may place your carob powder
19:05 in that and I think this is dissolved. Oh! Yeah I can
19:09 see it dissolving here. Okay, if you pass me that
19:11 spoon, I will, yeah I am just gonna, stir this up
19:13 here. There you go. And the reason we only put
19:16 a small amount of milk in here is that we don't
19:19 wanna cook the tofu with hot milk right.
19:23 Okay, you just put just enough milk in here so
19:27 that when it mixes with the other it will be cool.
19:30 Relatively cool, what will happen if you cook the
19:32 tofu with the hot milk? It changes the texture
19:34 of the tofu. Oh! And we wouldn't have good
19:38 creamy ice cream. Yes I got you, alright, and so
19:43 the flavors are mixed in, you can see that has
19:45 almost completely dissolved. Yes, and we gonna pour
19:49 it in, can you smell it? I can. The Roma, of
19:55 the Roma, that's right, that's good, I like that,
19:58 alright. Let's pour then in, so it all does in here.
20:01 And all goes in the blender, see how simple
20:03 it is, oh I can smell it, alright. Now, put it on,
20:07 put the top on and go for it. We are in business.
20:11 We get that good and on a spill anything, okay.
20:31 Is that good? That's good.
20:32 Okay. Give it one more whiz, okay.
20:42 Like it? That's good, we want this well mixed,
20:45 we have some people waiting to try this.
20:48 That's right, all the camera people we want
20:50 to try everybody here, once we try it.
20:52 Okay, that's right. Now, you can mix this longer
20:56 couple of minutes to make sure that everything
20:58 is well mixed, its well blended okay.
21:00 Let me move this here and this is our
21:02 ice cream machine. Yes, old fashioned.
21:06 Now, I do have an old fashioned and that will
21:07 crank at the house, fun, oh I would like to try that.
21:11 You get some muscle workout right.
21:12 But due to a shortage of time, yes, we brought
21:16 the electric, good. Alright and this is the container
21:20 and you just pour the ice in here, milk in there.
21:23 Now, you know I have never made this kind of
21:25 ice cream. You know, like the old fashioned
21:26 way, so this is really exciting. Okay, okay,
21:30 there we go. You put the top on, and here we go,
21:34 I am gonna set this back in here.
21:36 Okay, alright and it goes as a little paddy spill it's
21:40 a little groove and we put the, put up on.
21:45 This is the motor, okay. This one makes it work
21:47 instead of you. That's a good thing. Okay,
21:51 now you need some crushed ice.
21:53 Yes, so you can just buy ice anywhere and you
21:58 put your ice on, and you want to make sure that it
22:05 goes around and gonna fill this up to the level just
22:09 about the level of the liquid pour in. Okay.
22:13 And so your pour in some ice and then on top of the
22:16 ice you wanna put some rock salt, this is
22:19 ice cream salt okay. Okay and what it does is
22:23 causes the ice to melt and its ice cold so that it will
22:28 freeze the container. Oh! That's a good idea, okay,
22:31 okay. That's how it works. So, you put ice
22:35 rock salt and then more ice, more ice, more rock
22:40 salt. You kind of keep layering it?
22:41 You keep layering it until you fill it up.
22:43 Okay Then you turn on the machine, okay,
22:48 and let it rip, and you let it turn until it frozen,
22:54 when it is frozen the machine automatically
22:56 shuts off. Okay, it knows. It knows, you don't
23:00 have because it gets thicker, yes and so
23:04 it turns the thicker it gets then the slower the motor
23:07 moves, and so eventually it stops, right and you
23:11 know it's ready. So you don't have stand there
23:12 and watch your ice cream machine.
23:16 When it's done the noise will shut off, okay, okay.
23:20 That is it just automatically,
23:21 and normally you would fill it up to here precisely.
23:23 Yeah, so this is a little bit less then what you
23:24 normally put. Yes it is. This is just like a half of
23:27 the bucket. Now what if I wanted a strawberry ice
23:29 cream? Oh! What can I do for strawberry ice
23:32 cream? The strawberry ice cream you can take
23:35 the same recipe, okay, and instead of putting the
23:39 carob and the Roma you add two pikes of fresh
23:44 strawberries, okay, and just put them in the
23:46 blender and that's it? That's it. So, we still have
23:49 milk, and we still have the honey and the maple
23:52 syrup and salt, sea salt and the vanilla and the
23:54 sea salt in that, as a flavoring. That's right,
23:55 okay, and that we just have strawberries.
23:57 Just add the strawberries. Fun, I can try that, that's
24:00 right, yeah. What if you want a blueberry?
24:03 Do the same. Same thing? Ummh! Ummh!
24:04 So, two types of the blueberries in it, that's
24:06 four cups so. Yeah, and then for sherbet you, yeah
24:10 what about sherbet? Pot juice and pot milk,
24:14 okay. Juice concentrate, pine apple or orange
24:19 and that will give you sherbet. Would you put
24:21 like pine apple with the strawberry or with the
24:23 blueberry I mean is there are different does that
24:25 make sense like a different juice to go with a
24:27 different fruit, do you recommend or not? Yes,
24:28 because will use a sherbet, the pine apple
24:31 concentrate with crushed pineapples, okay.
24:34 Okay, or fresh pine apples. Right, right,
24:36 that sound. Doesn't it sound delicious?
24:38 I can't wait to try this at home I hope you guys
24:40 can't wait to try this. Oh! It sounds nice especially
24:43 on a like in summer day when your hot and
24:45 sweating and oh you can just cool off for the nice
24:48 bowl of ice cream that melts in the mouth.
24:51 That makes a nice treat for Sabbath too.
24:53 That's right. Oh! yeah. Really that's right and
24:55 you can freeze it, when we take it up, you put it
24:57 in the freezer once its frozen you can just put
24:59 in the container put in the freezer, good very nice.
25:01 Okay, in just a moment we will be back to show
25:05 you all the products that we made here
25:06 today, so stay with us.
25:10 We hope you've enjoyed cooking with MarVella,
25:12 now let's take a moment to review
25:13 our Lunch alternative recipes.
25:16 For Spinach Sandwich Spread you will need
25:18 1 pound of firm tofu, 6 oz's, of fresh spinach
25:22 1/8th cup of unfermented soy sauce
25:25 1/4 of a red bell pepper that's chopped
25:27 3 cloves of fresh garlic 1 tbsp of Vidalia onion
25:32 and 1/2 tsp. sea salt
25:35 For the Veggie Loaf you will need
25:36 6 cups of quick oatmeal 4 cups pecan meal
25:40 3 cups of water 3/4 cup of unfermented soy sauce
25:44 2tbsp ground sage 1/2 cup of nutritional yeast flakes
25:49 1/4th cup of pure honey
25:51 and 1 tsp of African Bird cayenne pepper.
25:55 For the Stuffed Pita Pockets you will need
25:57 1/2 of head shredded leaf or romaine lettuce
26:01 1 cup shredded broccoli stems
26:03 1 cup shredded carrots 1/2 red onion cut into rings
26:07 1/2 cup chopped olives
26:10 For the carob ice cream You will need 1 12ozes
26:13 package of silken tofu 2 cups of soy milk
26:16 1/2 cup maple syrup 1/2 cup honey
26:21 1/4th cup carob powder 1 tbsp Roma optional
26:25 1 tsp sea salt 1tsp vanilla flavoring
26:29 If you would like more information on how to
26:31 contact MarVella or if you would like to receive
26:34 today's recipes, please write to 3ABN, PO Box
26:38 220, West Frankfort, IL 62896 or call us at
26:44 1-800-752-3226. Now, lets take a look at our
26:51 finished recipes with MarVella.
27:00 Welcome back friends, we are here with our
27:02 ice cream and all of other yummy food that we
27:05 made today there are spreads and stuff.
27:06 Let's look at what we made. We started with
27:10 Spinach sandwich, and we can put them open,
27:13 nice sandwiches. I like that, oh yeah very nice,
27:16 and then the loaf, Veggie Loaf, yeah, veggie loaf
27:21 that's right, yes, oh it looks very good.
27:23 And than our Pita bread, fresh veggie stuffed in the
27:28 pitas; that's nice sandwiches there and
27:30 then the ice cream. Doesn't it look, it looks
27:33 something elastic MarVella? Jill don't
27:34 scream for the ice cream. Okay, well I might be
27:37 soon, well that's the real stuff. Oh, yeah the other
27:41 is the fake. Yeah, there you go, and you know it
27:43 looks, oh yeah, very authentic, just starting
27:46 to melt there just perfect for my piece.
27:48 Well friends our time is all gone.
27:50 We had such a good time today. We do, until we
27:53 see you next time enjoy this recipes; try that ice
27:55 cream at home for yourself and your family.
27:57 God bless you and we will see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17