Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Marvella Burton
Series Code: LCT
Program Code: LCT000088
00:01 If it's a cold day, what do you want when you
00:03 get home from work, I know what I want. 00:04 A nice steaming bowl of yummy soup. Today, 00:08 we're gonna show you how to make the Soup and fixings 00:10 without any meat or any eggs or any dairy, standby. 00:47 Hello friends, I wanna welcome you to another 00:49 program of Let's Cook Together, I'm your host 00:51 Jill Morikone and we have an exciting program 00:54 planned for you today. You can see I got my nice 00:55 warm thick winter sweater on here, because we're 00:58 gonna have nice cold weather dishes, our 01:00 Soup and Fixings. But first I wanna introduce you 01:03 to our special guest, her name is MarVella Burton. 01:06 Welcome, MarVella, we're so glad to have you here. 01:08 Thank you Jill, now you come from Alabama, yes, 01:11 New Market, yeah, tell me a little bit about your 01:13 ministry Marvelous Lifestyle ministry. Well, 01:16 one of the phases of our ministry is teaching health 01:18 right there on the sight, okay and so people come in, 01:21 some stay three days, some may stay a week. 01:24 To try to get into the lifestyle changes, 01:26 oh that's neat. And so we have classes there 01:29 and then we teach them how to exercise, we go 01:31 with them. Oh that's nice, just kind of walk them 01:34 through a day, yeah, what a normal day would be 01:37 like if you were eating healthy and exercising and 01:40 doing your devotion, right, morning and evening, right. 01:44 And it's an good experience. Right, like a day with 01:46 God, yes, yeah now your exercise, do you do mainly 01:49 walking or, yes walking, some of the people are 01:52 extremely overweight. So you don't put too much undo 01:55 stress on the good old ticker there until they 01:57 can get build up some endurance yes, right, okay. 02:00 But mainly to just get them started on some type of 02:03 exercise problem and walking is the simplest 02:07 thing that everybody can do. That's right, you know 02:09 you can start slow, yes you know if they can do like 02:11 you start slow and then you can go faster and walk 02:13 further distances right, so that's a good thing. 02:15 Yeah, now you do, you teach them how to cook too 02:17 as far as cooking classes and stuff, oh! Definitely 02:19 as a matter of fact I instruct and they do the 02:21 cooking hands on. Oh! Fun I like that, so then 02:24 they get, to get in the kitchen and get there to 02:25 work there with you. And it's better other than 02:27 me doing all the cooking and then they're just 02:30 watching, but once they see how easy it is then 02:34 practically they can do that back home, absolutely, 02:36 absolutely that's right. Oh! that's wonderful, 02:38 that's a neat ministry, you've had it many years 02:40 or, oh! Yeah, over 25, 25 years you've had people 02:43 come in there and that's wonderful and you have a 02:45 school there as well. Absolutely, a great school, 02:47 great school, okay there on the campus, you call it 02:50 campus. Right there on the campus, and I live on the 02:52 campus, my mother lives on the campus, she is the 02:55 owner and director and she's the one that began 02:58 the school. Okay, and so she and my dad added 03:00 the medical missionary part and we all as a family 03:03 work together. Isn't that wonderful? I like that 03:05 family, you got a wonderful mother. Yes, her mom 03:07 came with her when she came to tape these programs 03:09 and she is a wonderful person. Yeah that's neat, 03:12 now we're doing Soup and Fixings, Soups and Fixings, 03:15 good we're going to begin with our soup good, 03:18 let's read our recipe therefore our Broccoli 03:20 Soup. For the Cream of Broccoli Soup, you need. 03:23 4 cups of soy milk 2 c. chopped broccoli 03:28 1 cup of water 1 celery stalk. that's diced 03:32 1/4 tsp. thyme 1/4 c. unfermented soy sauce 03:38 or sea salt to taste. You also need 1/4 c. whole 03:43 wheat flour pinch of African Bird cayenne pepper. 03:47 Alright, that's nice and easy, yes it is, I like that 03:51 and to me cream of broccoli soup is such a, you know 03:53 cold weather dish. It is, nice and warm and yeah. 03:57 Okay, you already got something going on soup, 03:59 already have something going on, I've got my 04:01 flour and water and milk already boiling okay. 04:04 Alright, and so we're gonna dump our vegetables 04:06 and seasoning in there. And first of all we're 04:10 putting in our broccoli, our broccoli. Good, now 04:15 you don't use the stalks per say, it's just mainly 04:17 the florets, is that right. No, it's stalks too, 04:19 you just cut them up small so that they're cooked 04:21 at the same time yes, as the, yes, florets . Yeah, 04:25 okay alright and our wonderful celery yes. 04:30 Celery has such a nice flavor, yes it does and 04:32 you can make the cream of celery soup the same way. 04:34 That sounds very good, cream of potato soup. 04:37 Oh! Yeah, as long as you have the base, yeah and 04:39 that's what you wanna get the base is the milk and 04:42 the seasonings. Right, and the water and the flour, 04:45 that was our thickening agent, the flour that helps 04:47 it to thicken, right and okay, okay good. So, we 04:49 can put in our salt, our soy sauce this always adds 04:54 a nice flavor. Yes, you get a tad of color, 04:56 unfermented soy sauce there yes good yeah. 05:00 Alright, then our thyme and then our African Bird 05:05 cayenne pepper, yeah now what in the world 05:07 African Bird cayenne pepper. It's a medicinal 05:10 pepper, okay that's used for so many different things. 05:14 It increases the circulation and it also keeps you 05:17 warm, so we're talking about a nice hot bowl of 05:20 soup yeah. It's not only hot heat-wise but it warm 05:24 your inners, it does and it really keeps you warm 05:27 when you go out in the weather, yeah that's right. 05:29 It's good for your heart, okay, high blood pressure 05:33 okay. So, we're eating soup but the soup it's not 05:36 only good for us but the soup is, it's helping us. 05:39 You know with the high blood pressure, with the 05:40 other issues we have yeah that's good, now how long 05:43 do we cook this for. Do we bring it to boil again or, 05:45 you bring that to a boil and cook it until it 05:48 thickens, okay and you can see that the broccoli 05:53 and the stems, the florets and stems will get a bit 05:56 soft okay once it gets to a creamy type texture 06:00 then it's ready. Good, if you want to it thinner, 06:02 you add a little bit more liquid okay and of course 06:05 you know you would adjust your seasonings accordingly 06:07 right how thick does it normally get as far as 06:10 when you do it. How thick you will like it real thick, 06:13 like when you, I don't like that, like gravy, yeah 06:15 simmer to a gravy type. Where it's creamy, but not 06:19 so thick that you have to cut it with a fork, 06:22 you know what I'm saying? That's not soup, 06:23 that's not soup, but I don't like thin right, 06:27 watering it down, soup when it's supposed to be 06:28 creamy that's right. Now, if were to put the 06:31 potatoes in it, you would cook it longer to make 06:32 sure they cook, became tender. Well, you would 06:34 put the potatoes in first, thank you, and you would 06:36 dice them very small and it won't take them long, 06:39 okay, okay if they're cooked in smaller pieces. 06:42 Okay good and then you would add the flour later 06:44 absolutely, you can also and you see this is boiling 06:47 out, so we're gonna turn this down a little bit. 06:49 You can also dice up carrots, okay yeah that's 06:52 a good idea yeah okay and so you can vary this 06:55 recipe as long as you have the basic base yeah. 06:59 And all we need is the base, that's all you need 07:00 and so you have different soups. Right, you can 07:03 put them in a thermos and you can take them to 07:05 work with you, so that you have a good meal, 07:08 you can cook it the evening before and then just 07:11 pack it for lunch, yeah that's perfect or heat it up 07:13 when you get home or something if you need it, 07:15 yeah, very nice, good. Now, we're doing some fixings 07:17 to go with our soup yes, yeah you wanna read our 07:20 next recipe. Our next recipe is the Tofu Salad. 07:23 1 lb. firm tofu 1 c. plain ripe olives, chopped 07:28 ½ of bell pepper red, ½ green bell pepper, 07:33 and you will dice both of those 1/4 cup of unfermented 07:37 soy sauce 1 small sweet onion or ½ red onion, diced. 07:43 You will ned also 2 tbsp. nutritional yeast flakes 07:48 1 tbsp. of thyme ½ tsp. garlic powder 07:52 ½ tsp. onion powder A pinch of African Cayenne pepper 07:59 This is nice MarVella, because this is such a nice 08:02 like side dish to go with your soup or something, 08:04 it is, I like that yeah and you can use it to make 08:07 sandwiches. Yes, you can have soup and sandwiches 08:10 right. I like that yeah, okay we already have our 08:13 Tofu here. We're gonna mash the tofu alright, 08:18 now this is just your water pack type you can buy 08:20 in the stores or something right okay and it's the 08:22 firm, alright you get the firm or you can use the 08:26 extra firm. But this is not going to be cooked, 08:30 alright, it's like an egg salad sandwich, I was 08:33 thinking that, it's almost like an egg salad 08:35 sandwich yeah, I love egg salad sandwich. 08:36 Tofu egg salad sandwich, and with the different 08:40 colors we're going to add, yes, we'd really make 08:42 it nice, yeah, that's right okay oh! Yeah, 08:45 and with the way that I'm doing this you really won't 08:49 need any salad dressing in here, okay you're gonna 08:53 mash it, there is some water already, there is in 08:56 the tofu, in the tofu, right, right. So what you 08:59 really gonna do is just blend your flavors in here 09:01 and add your fresh veggies yeah and when you mash 09:05 it enough that liquid starts to come out, it does. 09:07 Yes, right, okay good, so we're gonna put some 09:10 peppers in here, very nice. Those are red bell 09:14 peppers, oh! Yeah, yeah, it's enough for some 09:18 color and the flavor is good, yeah. That's right, 09:22 I like the red almost better than the green, yeah 09:24 the flavor, the color, I don't know but yeah. 09:26 And some olives, good, chop the olives, those are 09:30 chopped yeah, chopped, good and we want to put 09:32 in our. Now, those are green olives you use, yes, 09:34 you use black as well, as long they're the ripe 09:37 black olives, okay how can you tell what's a ripe 09:39 black olive and what's not? It will generally say 09:41 all there and then read the ingredients to make 09:42 sure they haven't added the food color, coloring, 09:45 okay, okay. So that will give you hint, yeah 09:48 and they have a different taste when you eat the 09:50 ones that had that added chemical to it, I agree, 09:53 yeah. We put our onions in here, boy, it's looks 09:57 good, it's so colorful, I like that, all the colors. 09:59 That's nutritional yeast flakes, alright and that 10:01 gives it kind of a cheesy flavor, yeah, that's right. 10:04 Onion and garlic powder, good, now we're using the 10:11 powder instead of the, we have the onion, but we 10:15 didn't put any garlic in it per say, right, okay, 10:16 good. And then a kick of cayenne, yes now this is 10:20 our same African Bird cayenne we used in the 10:22 last one, right? Right. Now we might want to mash 10:25 this really well, you wanna stir it up, as you can 10:29 see it's beginning to come together. I can see that, 10:31 oh yeah now the African Bird cayenne you can buy 10:34 in the grocery store, just local. Generally you have 10:37 to get that in the health food store, okay that's 10:38 more of a specialty, right, it is, alright. 10:40 It is a specialty, okay but it will last you quite 10:43 a while? 'Cause you're not using much just a 10:45 little bit, you're not using much, right. But you 10:47 can also use it for medicinal purposes too, 10:49 right okay. So, it's handy to have around, 10:51 also it's good, I got a cut one time yeah and I just 10:54 a little cayenne in that cut. It stopped the 10:57 bleeding instantly, I would think it would sting like, 10:58 it did, it was stinging for probably a few seconds. 11:04 But, that went away, it went away, that's pretty 11:06 nice and the sore was not, that evening it was not 11:10 sore. Okay, so afterward it wasn't, it didn't hurt. 11:13 Normally if you cut yourself you know what 11:15 I'm saying. It hurts for a while but it didn't hurt 11:17 at all. That's right, that's a good thing, yes it is, 11:19 yeah I like that. Good, alright, now you see our 11:24 salad, yeah does it not look like a salad, it does. 11:26 It looks like it has some mayo in it already 11:29 doesn't it. It does, you know that, a lot of liquids 11:31 come out of the tofu I can see that, and it is so 11:33 delicious yeah you can put this in a bun. Yeah, 11:36 like a sub bun, make a salad, you could put it 11:39 on lettuce and have it as a side salad. Yes, okay 11:43 you can make little finger sandwiches. 11:45 It sounds good, I like that idea, right yeah, 11:48 it's just good, you can eat it like it's a dip 11:50 almost for chips or something like that too. 11:51 Absolutely, like a, yeah that's nice, right, 11:53 very nice. Now, you fix all these type of foods, 11:56 when the people or the guests come to your 11:58 home place, your lifestyle place. Yeah, that's neat 12:02 then they get in the kitchen and get to do it. 12:03 They do it, yeah oh and they like it, because it's 12:06 quick and simple and tasty, tasty, and marvelous. 12:11 That's right, yeah I know I love your name 12:14 Marvelous Lifestyle, yes and that's wonderful 12:16 you know. And it is indeed that God has given us a 12:19 wonderful message that's right, that's right 12:21 and it is indeed great, yeah to be able share it. 12:23 Yeah, now let's make some more fixings; you wanna 12:27 read our next recipe, okay. They're Southern Fries. 12:31 4 large white potatoes, sea salt And for the Batter. 12:36 We'll need. 1 c. sesame seeds 1 c. sunflower seeds 12:41 ½ c. nutritional yeast flakes 1 tbsp. garlic powder 12:46 1 tbsp. onion powder 1½ tsp. sea salt 12:52 We're making Southern Fries here, instead of 12:54 going to McDonald's or anything like that, you can 12:56 just make your fries. Make your own, I like that 12:59 and you already cut some potatoes for us. 13:01 We cut a few wedges, okay and we're gonna let 13:05 you batter them. Okay simple, okay first we do 13:07 the salt, just sprinkle a little sea salt on them. 13:10 Oh! There we go and I've got my skillet over here 13:13 heating and this is our batter, what we did, 13:16 we took the sunflower seeds, the sesame seeds, 13:18 all the seasonings, okay. Put them in a blender 13:22 and just ground them until they're refined and 13:24 we stick to potatoes then, yeah that's important, 13:27 absolutely, okay. So, you just put a little of that, 13:30 I wash my hands, and just spread that over and just 13:35 put your potatoes and then put some on top and 13:37 just make sure you just cover them with that 13:40 batter, here we go, just mash them, we have those 13:47 stiffness, it smells good, I can really smell the 13:49 sesame, yeah. Yeah, very nice, oh! It's so nutty, 13:54 yeah that's right and just kind of make them, 13:57 press them together, there you go. There we go, 14:02 okay that's good you just want a little bit on there. 14:05 You see that, it's okay, and then and we're gonna 14:09 put them and let me do some more over here. 14:11 Very nice, right here in our skillet, boy they look 14:15 good, oops sorry, make sure your skillet is. 14:21 it's very good. You can also bake these in the oven, 14:23 yes alright 350, 400. About 450, 450 yeah, okay, 14:29 everybody doesn't have a skillet like this, 14:31 it's really handy, it's big skillet MarVella, 14:34 I like that and you can put your fries in here, 14:37 your burgers on this side, yeah there we go, 14:40 that's perfect, I like that, do your stir fry, 14:43 you can fix, prepare so many things in it. 14:45 Yeah that's right. Without having to watch it like 14:48 it, right, it's on the top of the stove. 14:51 That's right, so we are gonna let these, 14:54 there we go, fry and you cover them, yeah okay. 14:58 Now, you're not frying them in any oil, no oil 15:01 okay and that's why we get this skillet hot, yes. 15:06 And then the stain from the potatoes will help 15:08 them to cook, help to cook it, right yeah. Nice, 15:11 golden brown, now you have to turn part way 15:14 through, yes, okay. You will have to turn them so 15:17 that the other side will brown. Now, if you put 15:19 that, let me get a paper towel here, if you put 15:20 them in the oven. You would turn them too, 15:24 yes okay, you turn them too, okay. And it doesn't 15:27 take them too long and you want your wedges, 15:30 you can cut with the longer potatoes, you can 15:32 cut them thinner, if you want to and it takes less 15:35 time. Yes, right, okay, so it depends on how 15:39 thick they are, okay. That will determine how long 15:43 you cook them, right, right, but it shouldn't be 15:45 too long yeah, about 10 minutes. Okay, that's 15:48 pretty, that's very nice, it's pretty quick, now 15:50 you were telling me MarVella about some lady 15:52 who was burned, tell our friends about that. 15:54 We worked in the community, and she got 15:57 burned, she went to the hospital emergency room 15:59 and they gave her some ointments to put on it, 16:01 okay. But she called me, I probably about 3 O'clock 16:03 in the morning she was in such pain. So, I went over 16:07 there, she's near your place there in Huntsville, 16:09 no this was when I was living down near Decatur. 16:12 Okay, different place, a different place, yeah and 16:15 what I did was, I noticed that her arm was extremely 16:18 hot, yeah so the fire was still in the arm yeah. 16:21 So, I bathed it with some ice cold water, made a 16:24 fermentation and immediately she said, oh! 16:28 that feels so good, the heat had to come out. 16:32 Your right, because you put the ice on that's 16:35 pulling the heat out, right, the ice cold water, 16:36 in the fermentation, drew the heat out, once the 16:39 heat was out then we made a poultice and I put 16:43 some golden till, oh okay, with some slippery ale. 16:48 And had some flax seed, yes and made a poultice 16:52 and covered her arm. Okay and that drew the 16:55 infection out, right it was a real bad burn, it was 16:59 a terrible burn, we're talking like 3rd degree 17:00 type of levy and so we wrapped it and told her to 17:05 keep her arm out because it was swelling as she 17:08 held it down, right so you had to keep it above the 17:10 hard type of thing right and I tell you what the 17:12 next day she called me, she could not believe it, 17:16 oh praise God, isn't that wonderful? That is 17:18 wonderful, she said I can't believe, I kept 17:20 going back and forth to the hospital and they were 17:22 giving me this ointment, right. But she didn't 17:25 understand and so therefore I told her 17:27 explained to her how the body works. Right, 17:30 that's right you know MarVella I was just 17:31 thinking how the health message is like the 17:33 entering vent for gospel. It is, it is as a matter 17:35 of fact her whole family ended up coming to our 17:37 church. Oh! That's exciting, that's right, 17:40 that's right, people are more interested in learning 17:42 about Jesus and stuff if you help them physically 17:44 you know, that's what Jesus did, that's right. 17:45 He went about doing good and then after he gained 17:49 the confidence of the people he said follow me. 17:52 Yeah, that's right, that's right, 'cause we all have 17:54 needs, yeah absolutely you know people have high 17:56 blood pressure, diabetes or you are sick or 17:58 all these different issues and you know if someone 18:01 is there saying, oh! You can feel better; you know 18:03 there's different ways that you can use you know. 18:05 These natural remedies God has given us to feel 18:07 better and then when you feel better there are like 18:08 oh! I wanna know more about your God you know. 18:10 And especially they can discern whether or not you 18:12 really care about them yeah or you just really 18:15 have a hidden agenda, absolutely, that's right. 18:17 You care about that sow, yeah that's right, 18:20 the total being yeah and they can discern that, 18:22 God gives some that perception too. 18:24 That's right and so that really, yeah, is how Jesus 18:27 works, yeah praises God, that's right. Now, we're 18:30 making what else we're making next something 18:32 with eggplant I think, yes some eggplant burgers, 18:35 good. For the Eggplant Burgers, you need. 18:37 2 c. old fashioned oatmeal 1 c. raw sunflower seeds, 18:42 ground 1 c. water ½ eggplant, grated 18:48 1/4 c. ripe olives, chopped 1/4 c. unfermented soy sauce 18:55 1 tsp. ground sage 1 tsp. parsley flakes 19:00 1/4 small onion, diced I like this idea of using 19:08 eggplant in your burgers, oh! It gives it a really 19:10 great flavor. How did you come up with that idea? 19:14 Just thinking, how do you get people eat eggplant 19:17 that don't like eggplant you hide it in the burger. 19:20 Absolutely, it's a good idea, yeah I like that 19:22 idea or you can make a loaf. There you go, 19:25 same ingredients, you can make this into a loaf, 19:27 that's a good idea. And you can use it with or 19:29 without a sauce, that's good, I like that okay, 19:33 alright. What do we? How do we make? First of all 19:35 we're gonna mix our liquids, so we're gonna 19:39 add our water and our soy, good. Let's stir, 19:51 alright there we go. Now I'll let you mix the dry 19:54 ingredients; okay, we have our oats here, 19:58 that's right. These are old fashioned oats, 20:00 old fashioned oats, okay, good. And these are your 20:03 ground sunflower seeds yes, that's nice I like, 20:09 I like using the nuts and stuff. The sunflower 20:11 seeds gives it a milder taste than the nuts. Okay, 20:15 that's a good idea and that mixed with the 20:18 eggplant makes it really tasty, yeah. So, the 20:22 eggplant goes in next or, put your eggplant in oh! 20:28 Yeah, you've already shredded this for us, 20:29 grated this, right. Grated this, and we're gonna 20:32 add the rest of our seasonings. We're gonna 20:34 put them in the liquids here, oh! Alright, okay 20:37 and why, what's your reason for doing that, 20:38 here we go. Just so that when you're using 20:41 such a small amount, it's better mixed, it's 20:43 better mixed, yeah okay. And so we just want a tad 20:47 of flavor and because we really want the flavor 20:49 of the eggplant okay, okay get in there good, 20:52 very nice. Then we put in our chopped olives 20:55 and then you can add those onions in there 20:58 in here or here? There, yeah and mix those 21:01 and then we'll combined the liquid with the dry, 21:03 there we go yeah. It works for anything you know 21:06 you just mind your dry and then combined 21:08 the wet. Our skillet is nice and hot, it's a hot 21:10 you got to keep going there, good, now you could 21:13 also put this in a loaf pan of bake. Absolutely, 21:15 yeah very nice okay, alright, just pour that in 21:19 there, okay. Now, you use your hands again 21:23 or this one okay? You can use your hands 21:28 or you can use the spoon, 'cause we're gonna 21:30 press them into this, okay good. This is a 2008 21:34 burger press, I like this, you can get them 21:39 anywhere. It's a canning jar lid, yes, yeah 21:43 that's good. Women have to be creative, that's right 21:48 and it saves a lot of money and when you can 21:50 use one time to do several things, that right, 21:52 it helps. And to me too, when you always need 21:55 the latest gadget. You know, you don't have 21:57 to go and but the latest gadget, everybody 21:59 has a canning jar lid, yeah. It looks good, 22:01 but if something else serves the purpose use it. 22:06 Oh! That's coming together nicely, here we go, 22:10 keep going or just a little bit more okay, 22:13 get around that edge you know what yeah. 22:17 Your left hand it person, okay and it looks good 22:23 yeah, alright, okay. So, your familiar with 22:25 these tools, yeah, that's right. Now, if you use 22:30 the small, small mouth lid, it'd be a smaller burger, 22:33 it'd be a smaller burger, good. Generally I use 22:34 those for the paddies, oh! Good, alright, okay, 22:38 the most sausage paddies you make, you don't wanna 22:41 pack it too hard but you want it pack. Because you 22:43 wanna to get it to come out, yeah I will see 22:44 that, nice sizzle there, it's good yeah, nice and 22:49 and you don't need the oil because your pans all hot. 22:51 Your pan is hot, yeah alright; it's very nice, 22:56 easy does it, oh! Yeah, they look good too, 22:58 I have this little container with water because 23:03 once you've done a few of these. They start 23:06 sticking to the leaves, I know it's gonna happen, 23:07 I've to yes and then pretty soon it won't come 23:10 off, that's right so yeah, that's right, sorry. 23:12 So, you have to keep it lubricated, yeah 23:14 that's right. Yeah, okay and you could travel with 23:18 these; you can freeze these, oh! Perfect, 23:21 I do that, it's nice to make ahead. I have company 23:24 coming so often, yes that it helps when you can 23:30 prepare something, that's right and we have it all 23:32 ready, ready, did you notice that we do not 23:35 grease our skillet. Yeah, that's right, because 23:37 it was hot right? And you know something else 23:40 it makes clean up easier when you don't fry, oh yeah 23:43 that's right because we don't have all the oil 23:44 this way to clean up with. Right, because it hardens 23:47 on the, right pan, right and that's right. And you're 23:50 scrubbing and scrapping it, when you're really 23:52 actually trying to get out of it, right. Now, 23:55 how long would we cook this for? We put the lid on 23:57 or not? You put this, yes you put the lid on, 23:58 you cook it with the lid on same principle of the 24:00 steam, if you happen to cook the burgers and once 24:03 they're brown. Okay and you will flip them, 24:05 and then you flip them and that's yeah good. 24:06 Now, what if you put them in the oven and 24:08 you've baked it like a loaf pan. And you made like 24:10 a loaf pan. And you made like a roast salad, 24:11 you would just bake it probably about 20, 24:13 25 minutes until they brown and it's firm, 24:16 350 or 400, about 425, 450. Yeah, a loaf generally 24:21 takes a little bit longer to cook, yes, yes 24:24 depending on the size of it, right, and right. 24:26 I think we're all finish, we're done, there you go, 24:28 makes it easy you can try this at home. Let's put 24:30 our lid on and we have about good, here we go, good, 24:36 there we go got your lid there . Well, in just moment 24:41 friends we will be back to show you all the final 24:43 products, all the dishes we made here, so standby. 24:47 We hope you've enjoyed cooking with MarVella, 24:50 now let's take a moment to review our Soup and Fixing 24:53 recipes. For the Cream of Broccoli Soup, you will need. 24:56 4 c. soy milk 2 c. chopped broccoli 1 c. water 25:01 1 celery stalk. diced 1/4 tsp. thyme 1/4 c. unfermented 25:07 soy sauce or sea salt to taste 1/4 c. whole wheat 25:11 flour pinch of African Bird cayenne pepper 25:15 For the Tofu Salad 1 lb. firm tofu 25:19 1 c. plain ripe olives, ½ red bell pepper, 25:23 ½ green bell pepper, 1/4 c. unfermented soy sauce 25:28 1 small sweet onion or ½ red onion, 25:31 2 tbsp. nutritional yeast flakes 1 tbsp. thyme 25:37 ½ tsp. garlic powder ½ tsp. onion powder 25:41 A pinch of African Bird Cayenne pepper. 25:46 For the Southern Fries. You will need. 25:47 4 large white potatoes and sea salt For the Batter, 25:51 1 c. sesame seeds 1 c. sunflower seeds 25:56 ½ c. nutritional yeast flakes 1 tbsp. garlic powder 26:01 1 tbsp. onion powder 1½ tsp. sea salt 26:07 For the Eggplant Burgers, you will need. 26:09 2 c. old fashioned oatmeal 1 c. raw sunflower seeds, 26:14 ground, 1 c. water ½ eggplant, grated 26:18 1/4 c. ripe olives, chopped 1/4 c. unfermented sot sauce 26:23 1 tsp. ground sage 1 tsp. parsley flakes 26:28 1/4 small onion, diced If you would like more 26:33 information on how to contact MarVella or if you 26:36 would like to receive today's recipes, please 26:39 write to 3ABN, PO Box 220, West Frankfort, IL 26:44 62896 or call us at 1-800-752-3226. Now, let's 26:52 take a look at our finished recipes with MarVella. 26:58 Welcome back friends, we're here with our 27:00 Soup and Fixings, aren't we MarVella? That's right, 27:02 yeah, boy, we had fun today, we did. Let's look 27:05 at what we made, we made our creamy, creamy, 27:08 creamy Broccoli Soup. Yeah, that's right, oh! 27:11 It looks good and nice and thick and rich. 27:13 Yes, yeah and then our Tofu egg salad, 27:16 on romaine lettuce, I like that, that makes a nice 27:20 salad doesn't it? Oh! Yeah, oh! Very nice, and then 27:22 our French Fries, French Fried American Style, 27:26 there you got I like that nice embroidered, 27:29 that's nice and then our eggplant burger. 27:31 Our final burger, that's right, you can put them in 27:34 buns and breads, sandwiches. Right, pita, 27:37 pita bread I like that idea, that's a good. 27:40 And it makes a nifty lunch, yeah that would be 27:42 very nice with the soup and all that, yeah. 27:44 It was fun, thanks for coming, you are welcome, 27:46 we had a good time, yes we did. Well friends 27:49 our time is all gone, it comes and goes before we 27:51 even know it. But we hope that you take 27:53 these recipes to your home, to your heart. 27:55 That you share them with your friends, 27:57 with your loved ones and we'll see you 27:58 next time on Let's Cook Together. |
Revised 2014-12-17