Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Marvella Burton
Series Code: LCT
Program Code: LCT000085
00:01 Have you ever gotten up late or been in such a
00:03 hurry in the morning and you've thought oops 00:05 I forgot to eat breakfast this morning. 00:07 Well, today we're gonna show you some wonderful 00:09 delicious brunch recipes that you can share 00:12 with your family and friends. 00:46 Hello friends, I wanna welcome you to 00:49 another program of Let's Cook Together. 00:51 I'm your host Jill Morikone and we have an 00:53 exciting program planned for you today 00:55 with all those yummy brunch recipes. 00:57 But first I wanna introduce you to our special guest 01:00 here in the kitchen with me. 01:01 Her name is MarVella Burton. Welcome MarVella. 01:04 Thank you Jill. So, glad to have you here. 01:06 Glad to be here. Now, you're from a little town 01:09 in Huntsville, near Huntsville Alabama, right. 01:11 It's near Huntsville, okay New Market. New Market, 01:14 okay, very nice and you have a ministry 01:17 called Marvelous Lifestyle. That's right. 01:20 Tell us about that. Well, it's just a 01:22 health ministry, where I educate; 01:25 I teach how to cook. Okay. I also teach 01:28 natural remedies, how to make poultices, 01:31 how to do hydrotherapy, yes just in home activities 01:36 that are exciting but yet they're healing. 01:39 And they make such a difference in our life. 01:41 Oh yes. Oh yeah. And you'd be amazed at the 01:43 simple things that you can do just right 01:44 in your own home. That's wonderful, 01:47 now you go out and teach in seminars 01:49 or in cooking schools. Oh! Yes, I travel, 01:50 I do local teaching there and we have 01:54 a little center behind the school, 01:57 and we do community classes. Yeah oh! 01:59 That's wonderful so the people come in then. 02:02 They come in. And you share with the people 02:04 there, do they come and stay for like 02:05 a short amount of time for lifestyle or. 02:08 Well some do anywhere from three days 02:11 to ten days. Okay. And then some commute. Yes. 02:14 And we also teach our students. 02:17 We have a great school. I was gonna say that 02:19 you're talked about this little building behind 02:20 the school right but this is you have a school, 02:22 what grades do you have in your school. 02:23 Pre-k through 9. Wow. And the children learn 02:27 healthy lifestyle, Amen, Amen that's wonderful 02:32 if you start them early. Yeah. 02:34 Then they can develop better habits 02:37 and they don't have to suffer like I did. 02:38 And you don't have to have you know 02:40 if you develop bad habits and you have to break 02:42 those bad habits. I know. And that's worse. 02:44 It's a struggle. So, if you can start 02:45 while they're young that makes such difference. 02:47 Yes it does. Yes. And they love it. 02:49 Oh! Praise God and so you teach them the poultices 02:51 and the hydrotherapy and all that type of 02:54 thing. Yes, that's wonderful. But they love 02:57 the cooking best. I can imagine 03:00 because then they get to eat it right. Yes. 03:02 Eating is pretty fun too right yeah. 03:03 Now, we're doing brunch recipes today. 03:06 Right. Yeah. And we are going to start 03:09 with something real simple. I like simple, 03:11 simple and easy is good for me. Right. Okay, 03:14 let's read our first recipe for our 03:16 brunch recipe. For that, that's our garlic bread, 03:20 we need for that Whole grain bread 03:22 For the garlic spread: 1 c. chopped green olives 03:26 1 tbsp. minced garlic 2 tsp. 03:31 unfermented soy sauce Boy, this is easy 03:34 MarVella. Simple, simple, simple. 03:36 And we got three ingredients. Right, 03:38 and they're great. Yeah. We have the soy sauce 03:42 with your amino acids. Okay. 03:43 We have a fresh garlic. Yes. And we have the 03:47 delicious olives. Yes. Which gives us olive oil, 03:50 great for your skin and hair. Yeah, 03:53 you're right so we're using that then 03:55 instead of say margarine or butter. Yes, yes. 03:58 Something like that on the bread. Yes, right. 03:59 That you normally do. Or even oil 04:00 when it's heated of course it changes 04:02 the structure of the molecule. 04:04 So, it makes it hard to digest 04:06 and get through your system. Alright. 04:07 So we just use up oil in the olives. 04:10 Yes, that's a good idea, very nice yeah 04:13 now we're using green olives here. Yes. 04:15 Why are we using green? Well, they're ripe. 04:17 That's a good reason. And also you can get 04:20 the ripe black olives. Right. 04:23 Now some black olives do have an additive 04:25 that makes them black that food coloring 04:27 and you wanna avoid that so just make sure 04:29 that they're ripe olives. Yeah, good okay 04:33 so we have our green olives here 04:34 you've already done something with them, 04:35 what have we done here? Yes, we've chopped them 04:37 really fine, lets save it here, let them see. 04:40 And then we have just a little bit of soy sauce 04:43 and then we have our garlic. Okay. 04:45 Now, there is an alternative. Yes. 04:47 To this. Could do it this way. 04:48 You can just dump everything in a blender 04:50 and make it a really smooth spread. 04:53 Okay or you can have a look. So many options. 04:55 Yes, so, we can use it with the chopped olives 04:58 and gives us a bit of crunch and we also get 05:01 a really great flavor of the garlic. Yes, right. 05:04 Okay, well let's mix it here, okay. 05:06 We can make it on the bread. 05:07 We just add our little garlic. Yeah. 05:11 Our garlic is really good for you too. Yes, 05:14 as a matter of fact it's excellent 05:17 for the immune system. Yes, yes. 05:19 And what, you want to be sure is that 05:22 you've blend all your flavors, the soy sauce 05:27 gives it a little tit of saltiness. Yes. 05:31 And the garlic gives it it's kick Yeah, 05:34 a good kick I would think. Absolutely. 05:37 Yeah that's right. Now are these olives salted 05:40 or they. No. No they're not salted, okay. 05:43 Right. Okay. And you can get them with 05:45 or without salt. Right, right. 05:46 Generally when people get them with the salt 05:47 they will generally allow them to sit in water. 05:51 Yeah. So, that some of the salts. 05:54 Right you can rinse salt, so we try to put them 05:56 in right okay, yes, okay. And I have here 05:58 some delicious spread of wheat bread. 06:00 Oh, very nice. And we can just 06:02 put a little bit of this on the bread. 06:05 Now, do you have a bakery there in school? 06:06 No, but we're planning to get one. 06:09 So, that's in the plans. Yes, pray much. Good. 06:14 But my mother was well in her age, 06:17 started the school years ago. Yeah. 06:20 Over fifty years and she really wanted a bakery, 06:24 that hasn't come to fruition yet 06:27 but hopefully before she goes on, 06:31 that's right, I would like for that to happen. 06:34 That's right. With God all things are possible, 06:35 I believe that so. And this is excellent. 06:38 It's good MarVella. If you put make a sandwich 06:40 you can put that on your bread also it's good 06:44 as an open face. Oh! Yeah. Yeah, 06:46 a little hand sandwich. That's right, very good, 06:49 good very nice well, let's go to our next recipe. 06:52 Okay, that sounds good. And you wanna read that 06:54 recipe for us. This is for the Chick Patties. 06:57 4 c. old fashioned oatmeal 2 c. chickpeas 07:02 2 c. sunflower seeds ½ c. of unfermented soy sauce 07:08 or sea salt to taste 1½ c. water 07:13 4 tbsp. Of nutritional yeast flakes 07:16 1 tbsp. garlic powder 1 tbsp. onion powder 07:21 1/8 tsp. African Bird cayenne pepper 07:27 Okay, this looks good with the chickpeas 07:30 and the oats and all that stuff. Right. 07:32 Yeah, it make a nice brunch. Absolutely. 07:36 Okay. Now the first thing I'm going do is combine 07:42 my sunflower seeds. Okay, you've ground them. 07:44 They are already ground. Yes, alright. 07:47 And I'm going to add them to my oatmeal. Yes. 07:50 And when they're grounded it gives it 07:53 a different flavor. Okay. But yet 07:56 it does have a bit of a crunch still. 07:58 Yeah I can see that because you got 07:59 little many, many pieces absolutely 08:01 so few of them, so now these are your 08:02 old fashioned oats. Old fashioned oatmeal 08:05 and what the old fashioned oatmeal 08:07 does is it maintains it firmness. Yes, 08:11 better than the quick. Yes because yeah okay. 08:13 Alright and what I want you to do is combine 08:17 all the seasonings with the beans in the water. 08:19 In here. In the blender. Okay, I think 08:21 I can do this. Okay, if you put your water 08:23 in there first okay and then put your chickpeas, 08:28 these are garbanzo beans. Yes. 08:30 I like garbanzo beans. And they have a really 08:32 nice mild flavor. They do very much so, 08:35 okay alright. That's our soy sauce, 08:38 good unfermented soy sauce. Garlic powder. 08:42 Good. Onion powder, nutritional yeast flakes, 08:46 good. Now, I wanted to ask you 08:48 about this next one. A bit of cayenne to give it 08:51 just a touch. Now, tell us what is 08:54 African Bird cayenne, how is that 08:56 different from regular cayenne.? 08:57 It's a different type of cayenne. Okay. 08:59 That's it's not irritate it's more medicinal. 09:01 And you can use it externally 09:03 and internally, it has quite a bit 09:05 of fire in it, okay and it's good 09:08 for so many things, high blood pressure, 09:09 poor circulation, excellent. So, 09:12 we've just go through, so it's a good thing then, 09:14 alright, yeah just a tad and all you need is a tad, 09:16 you can get it in different 09:18 thousands of units. That's probably 09:21 a hundred thousand, okay we're gonna put 09:23 this up here, then we're gonna make some noise. 09:29 I'm gonna get the lid on, okay 09:38 that's good, more, is that good, that's great, 09:42 it's pretty easy, I like that. 09:43 Okay when you blend it all the flavors 09:49 come together. Yes. A lot better than stirring 09:51 so much. Yes absolutely, I like that 09:54 let me just move this here okay, 09:55 can I just pour it in here. Just pour it in. 09:57 Oh it smells good I can smell 09:59 the chickpeas especially. Yes. Good 10:02 now we already have our skillet heating. 10:04 Yes, now is this one of the recipes 10:08 that you share with people when you go out 10:10 and give demonstration. Yeah people love quick. 10:13 They love simple and they love tasty. That's right. 10:18 And so. I agree. I try to combine all three. 10:21 Yes. So, that people will get what they really want. 10:24 Quick, simple and tasty. Absolutely. That's right. 10:27 Now, the more you stir this, the more it look, 10:30 the oatmeal will heat to the liquid 10:33 that you put in it. So you want to keep 10:34 stirring them, that's a good thing. 10:35 But not too much because you don't want it gummy. 10:37 Alright, how do you know, how much is too much. 10:39 You can just about tell when it starts getting 10:41 a little bit thick, thick and stiff. Okay, 10:45 so that you can shape it into your patties, 10:47 you see that. Oh yeah. Even if you have 10:50 just a few pieces of garbanzos, they're, 10:54 that's great too. Yeah. Okay. Good. 10:57 Alright that smells really good. 10:59 Now, we have our griddle here. Yes. 11:01 It might be hot. Absolutely, 11:05 now you can shape these with your hands. 11:08 It's very nice oh yeah, she washed her hands. 11:11 This morning, yes. Just before yeah very nice. 11:17 And you hear that sizzle. Yup, 11:19 what that does is fries it on the bottom 11:22 and seals it so that it won't stick. 11:25 Did you notice there is no oil. 11:27 Yeah, that's right. Okay, now can you do this? 11:30 This is kind of like a Teflon pan though right, 11:31 can you do without. It's similar to Teflon 11:35 but it's not Teflon, it's a different quoting. 11:37 Okay, okay. But I also have a stain, 11:38 a steel skillet and you can do 11:40 the exact same thing. And it doesn't stick 11:41 even with stainless steel. Right. Wow 11:43 and I would have thought stainless steel 11:44 would have stuck. No if you heat it first 11:47 So as longs as it's hot enough. And then we're 11:50 going to cover it. Okay. So that the stain 11:54 will help cook the patties. Yes. Okay, 11:57 so I can get your paper towel here for you. 11:58 Thank you. You are welcome. Alright, 12:02 and we'll just cover this. Oh yeah very nice. 12:05 Turn it down just a tad. Okay, 12:08 and how long does it cook for. 12:09 It generally cooks anywhere from 12:11 7 to 10 minutes. On each side. 12:13 On this side then you flip it. 12:15 Then we have to flip it over. 12:16 In about five minutes, and when you flip this 12:19 leave off the led, because if you don't 12:23 then the steam will continue to come up 12:25 and it will make you patties soggy 12:27 and you really want them nice and crunchy, 12:29 well I do. You know soggy paddy 12:30 don't sounds so good. No. Now, what I'm thinking 12:33 MarVella my griddle at home is like one of these 12:35 and it doesn't have a lid, could I cover it 12:37 with aluminum foil or that does everything 12:40 with that, I'm talking about the first time. 12:41 No, it doesn't have because it doesn't. Okay. 12:43 Right it will cook right but you will, 12:46 the heat will escape. Right. 12:47 But you can bake them in a oven. 12:49 Oh okay. If you do them on the grill 12:52 then make them real thin. Okay. 12:55 Because the oatmeal swells when you add water. 12:59 Oh! Yeah. So these patties will fluff off so. 13:03 Okay, yes. Okay yes, because of the steam. 13:05 Oh yeah. This helps it to cook them. 13:07 Absolutely, absolutely, okay, if you did them 13:08 in the oven 350. 350 to 400. Okay. 13:12 Yes because different people's oven. Oh yeah. 13:14 Have certain intensities of heat that vary, 13:17 but generally anywhere from 350 to 400 is good. 13:21 Okay. And once they brown, they're generally 13:23 brown on both sides. So, you wouldn't 13:25 have to flip them there. You wouldn't 13:26 have to flip it because it would already be done, 13:28 since the heat is contained in oven right. 13:31 It's different. Yeah it is. Right, right, okay, 13:33 so you're talking maybe 10, 15 minutes. 13:35 Yes, anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes. Yeah, okay. 13:37 Cool, that sounds like nice and easy, 13:39 I like that. Oh yes. Oh yeah they make 13:41 a good brunch. Absolutely. Yeah these make 13:43 absolutely burgers too. Yes, 13:45 put them in sandwiches, that sounds really good 13:48 yeah. Okay, what are we making next. 13:52 Let's go to our next recipe our Tofu Eggs, 13:54 good lets read that recipe. For that we need. 13:57 1 lb. firm tofu 1/8 c. unfermented soy sauce 14:02 ½ tsp. sea salt (or to taste) 14:06 2 tsp. cut thyme leaf 1 tsp. turmeric powder 14:12 and a pinch African Bird cayenne pepper 14:17 You know MarVella I love anything with Tofu. 14:19 Really? Yeah and some people say 14:21 I don't like tofu, it's not my favorite thing 14:23 but oh! I think tofu is really good, 14:25 especially depends on how you season it 14:27 and stuff that, yeah. Absolutely. 14:29 To me it's a good breakfast brunch thing. 14:31 It is. Yes, yes. most definitely. Absolutely. 14:34 Well, right now we're going to take this tofu. 14:38 You got a big skillet here and I like 14:42 this skillet. Yeah. You can do anything in it. 14:45 Yeah. We've already heated it okay 14:47 so we're gonna put our tofu in. oh yeah. 14:53 It's good and hot, that's for sure. Yes. Okay, 15:00 you know this is just like a water pack pepper tofu 15:04 that you can find. Yes, add our soy sauce. 15:16 Yes, oh! You can smell it, oh yeah very nice. 15:23 Now which ones you want, you can give me 15:25 the thyme. Okay. Now, those are two, 15:29 two leaves, was that our two leaves broken out. 15:32 These are cut. Okay, cut, cut okay yeah. 15:34 And that really gives it a nice aroma. Oh yeah. 15:38 And taste. I can smell it, it's really nice. 15:41 Yes, reminds you of old fashioned scrambled eggs. 15:44 There you go. Now, we're gonna just 15:47 a bit of sea salt. Sea salt, all of it, okay. 15:52 Now, you like the sea salt as opposed 15:55 to the other type of salt. Yes, 15:57 well the sodium chloride. Got you. 16:00 Acts differently in the body as a matter of fact 16:02 you can generally tell your body will retain 16:05 fluid when you eat foods with that 16:08 sodium chloride in it. Yes, yes. 16:10 And then you need less of this. Yeah, 16:12 absolute because it's more potent. Absolutely. 16:14 Okay, good, alright, now the turmeric, 16:17 yes give me the turmeric this adds a bit of color. 16:20 Yes. That's very nice as a matter of fact 16:23 it adds the color when you heat it. 16:27 Oh do you know, I didn't know that. Yes. 16:30 I mean I just add it and I didn't really think 16:31 about yeah. It's make little more like 16:33 scrambled eggs though could they? 16:34 Yellow in there I like that very much. 16:36 Alright and then finally our African Bird cayenne. 16:39 You got so just kick it up. Just a little bit 16:44 of kick there. Now do would you see how quick 16:48 and easy this is. Oh yeah. Well, 16:50 you say tasty, quick and simple, 16:52 isn't that what you like. That's right. 16:55 Wow it's very nice, it looks good. 16:58 Now, do you cover it and let it simmer one or no, 17:01 or you don't. You can simmer this as long as 17:04 you need to on low. Okay. But because this 17:07 electric skillet was hot, it doesn't take long 17:09 because you can eat this, because the beans have 17:12 already been cooked, the soy beans. Right, right. 17:14 So, I even make dishes with the tofu co, 17:17 so we just heated long enough 17:21 for the flavors to blend. Yes. 17:22 And for you to get your color. Right. 17:25 And we are all finished. Oh that's neat. 17:28 Turn off our heat. Yeah now do the kids 17:31 in your school, do they go in the kitchen 17:33 to work too or not really. Yes, they do. 17:35 Oh they do, okay. They love it, 17:37 as matter of fact I have a student 17:39 who is not a member of our church 17:41 and he was first introduced to tofu 17:45 this year, and that's all he tells his grandmother 17:49 about is tofu, tofu, tofu. I prepared 17:53 maybe once a week. That's very cute yeah. 17:55 Or once every other week, we don't eat it a lot, 17:58 it is a concentrated protein. That's right, 18:00 there is a lot of it in there, 18:01 Yes you can OD on tofu. So, we want to just be, 18:06 so you wanna be careful. Temperate and all thing. 18:09 Absolutely right, that's right, 18:10 doesn't that look delicious. That's right. 18:11 Yeah, absolutely marvelous tofu eggs. 18:14 There you go, that's good you have play 18:16 on you name, you can use for a lot 18:18 of different things. Yes, I can, I can. Yes. 18:19 Because we serve a marvelous God. 18:21 That's right, Amen God's and he gave us 18:23 so many marvelous things. That's right. 18:25 Simple, quick to keep us women liberated, yeah. 18:28 Get in and out of the kitchen. That's right 18:30 and there is been all days lay in the kitchen 18:33 on the food. Right, right absolutely, 18:34 isn't that wonderful, that is. 18:36 Now, when you go out and do your cooking schools 18:37 your demonstrations you do mainly cooking schools 18:39 or more of the hydrotherapy and other 18:41 stuff, or what your focus is on. 18:42 Well, mainly I teach the health principles. Okay. 18:45 And then the hydrotherapy, we always conclude 18:48 with a cooking program. Oh! yes. 18:50 Because even though that's something that 18:52 we all struggle with it's keeping that diet in line. 18:55 Absolutely. It is the highlight of the program. 18:58 Oh! Yeah and people really enjoy, Oh! yeah. 19:01 The simple. You've demonstrations 19:02 where people get to eat and stuff too. 19:04 Oh yes as a matter of fact I instruct 19:06 and they do the cooking. Oh fun, 19:08 so you get them all in there doing that, yes. 19:10 So, they get to eat everything and they do. 19:13 That's fun, that's very nice, yes it is good. 19:16 Now, we're making some sort of dessert right, 19:19 I think we are yummy, let's go to that recipe. 19:24 You wanna read that for the Carob Shake for us. 19:26 Yes, this Carob Shake calls for 1 19:29 frozen ripe banana 1 c. soy, almond 19:33 or coconut milk 1/4 c. carob powder 19:37 1-2 tbsp. pure maple syrup 1 tsp. vanilla flavoring 19:43 I think dessert is my favorite of all things. 19:45 Really. Especially healthy dessert. 19:47 You know good thing you can this 19:48 and it's not fattening and it's not full of sugar 19:50 and all that kind of stuff so that's the good thing. 19:52 It is. Yes, very nice, I'm sure the kids 19:56 like it too. This is the favorite, 19:58 Thursday is smoothie day. Okay. 20:03 And so you can use this yeah, yeah Carob, 20:09 yeah or you can use a variety. 20:11 Oh yeah like interchanging fruits. Yes. 20:15 Different types of fruits. Yes. 20:17 Especially in season wonderful mangoes. Yes. 20:21 Strawberries. I love strawberry bananas split, 20:24 yes, absolutely, blueberries oh yeah 20:27 and then you can mix your berries, blackberries, 20:30 raspberries. Just whatever you like that's a nice. 20:34 And the fruit when it sweet you don't have 20:37 to add much sweetener to it. Right, right, 20:39 you don't need the extra that's wonderful. 20:41 Isn't that great. Yeah, now with all these berries 20:43 would you always add a banana or not. 20:45 You don't have to, you can blend the berries. 20:46 You can blend the berries, it's just you have 20:49 to have them. Right its just your portions. 20:50 Yeah, oh! Nice, isn't that great? 20:53 Very, very yeah, that's exciting especially 20:56 in a hot summer day it's just so nice, 20:57 something thing nice and refreshing sitting 20:59 on the front porch and eat. It's also a great 21:02 alternative for children who were really striving 21:05 to come off the sugar. Yeah, absolutely. 21:08 And they tell me about the abundance of sugar. 21:12 Yes. That they used to eat. Yes. 21:14 And this is an excellent alternative. Yes, 21:17 because you know I was thinking Marvella 21:18 you know Jesus doesn't just take stuff away 21:20 from us and say you can't eat anything else. 21:23 You know, he says you know this isn't the best, 21:26 but this will be here you can eat 21:27 and you can enjoy a bit of way. That's right, 21:29 praise God you can take that away 21:30 and you can offer smoothies. Yeah, yeah 21:33 what I like to do here. Well you can put 21:36 in our milk. Okay. And you can use soy milk 21:40 or coconut milk. Coconut milks makes 21:42 a excellent creamy smoothie. 21:46 I bet its really good oh! Yeah, it's very nice. 21:49 Now these bananas were frozen. Okay. 21:51 So I just broke it up okay. 21:57 And your carob powder. Yes. That's what gives it 22:00 dip chocolate yes flavor that's right 22:03 and your maple. Very nice and the banana is ripe, 22:07 so it's sweet. Absolutely, the riper the sweeter. 22:10 And then it's a little vanilla. Oh very nice. 22:14 Just a tad. Yeah and that's it. That's it. 22:18 That's how difficult is that. 22:20 I don't know if think it's very easy yeah. 22:23 Anybody can do that right. Now instead of the milk 22:26 when you do your fruits smoothies. Yeah. 22:28 You can use juice, whole juice. Okay. 22:31 Grape juice is excellent with blueberries 22:34 and your frozen banana. Very nice. 22:37 Apple juice is good with your strawberries. 22:39 Yes I am sure. And pineapple juice 22:42 is another one. Yeah. And what it does, 22:44 it give you variety without doing the 22:46 same, same, same type all the time. Right and then 22:48 you kind of get tired of the same thing 22:49 all the time. I bet your coconut 22:51 would be really good with a mango. 22:52 Absolutely yeah, oh! That sounds good okay. 22:55 Let's blend this. Yes. 23:08 Is that enough. That's enough. That's enough. 23:11 Okay. I think it's ready to be devoured. Oops, 23:15 there we go. Oh! Yeah, it's nice and frosty too. 23:22 It looks like shake. Yeah, it looks very much 23:25 I don't know how much we have but let me 23:26 put some in this one too. Yes refreshing 23:29 oh yeah oops there is a banana chunk. 23:32 That's okay. At home you might wanna blend it 23:36 a little bit longer. But I like the 23:38 banana flavor too yes. That's it look great, 23:40 oh yes. That's a nice way to top off a brunch 23:45 when you say. Oh yeah a perfect way. 23:47 You know, you can invite you, 23:48 I mean your family is already there 23:50 but you can invite your friend over 23:51 or extended family. Right and it's also 23:54 an excellent way to introduce healthy eating 23:57 to people who are not accustomed to it 23:59 or who maybe predigest because they just 24:01 don't know about it. Right that's a good idea. 24:04 So, you just have a brunch, don't tell them 24:06 what you are serving, I like that 24:08 and just lay out the spread. Yeah, 24:11 they will be so surprised. That's good, 24:15 invite your family you know or your neighbors. 24:17 Invite your neighbors they come out over to my house 24:19 we're gonna have brunch. I like that yeah 24:22 that's a real good idea. I had a brother-in-law 24:24 that came and I introduced him to this lifestyle. 24:27 Yeah. And right now he is off his 24:29 high blood pressure medication, 24:31 his high cholesterol medication 24:34 and his cholesterol medication. 24:37 And he knows that diet, exercise 24:40 and trust in God works. Yeah, yeah 24:42 that's right absolutely. And I think 24:44 it's a combination of them it's not just eat 24:46 this way, but we have to have the trust in God 24:48 for the stress. You must. You got have the exercise. 24:50 You've got to. Yes, yes. It's A combination 24:55 in lifestyle. Yeah, that's right, that's right 24:57 that's why you try to share and teach 24:59 with your ministry there. That's wonderful it is, 25:01 yeah, it's exciting yeah. And I've seen the Lord 25:03 bless so many people and he certainly 25:06 has blessed me. Yeah praise the God, 25:08 you know that's neat because your own testimony 25:10 is the biggest witness I think. 25:12 You know it's saying, it's helped me, 25:13 it's blessed me, and that make such a difference. 25:15 Absolutely. Yeah, real exciting 25:17 we've had a good time making brunch. 25:18 We've Jill I have really enjoyed it. 25:20 That's right and you have to come over sometime 25:22 for brunch. Oh! That's sounds good. 25:24 Well in just a moment we will be back to show 25:27 you all the final products that we made today. 25:31 We hope you've enjoyed cooking with MarVella. 25:34 Now let's take a moment to review 25:36 our Brunch Recipes. For the Garlic Bread 25:39 you'll need whole grain bread. For the Spread: 25:42 1 c. chopped green olives 1 tbsp. minced garlic 25:47 2 tsp. unfermented soy sauce 25:49 For the Chick Patties, you will need 25:52 4 c. old fashioned oatmeal 2 c. chickpeas 25:56 2 c. sunflower seeds ½ c. unfermented soy sauce 26:01 or sea salt to taste 1½ c. water 26:04 4 tbsp. nutritional yeast flakes 26:07 1 tbsp. garlic powder 1 tbsp. onion powder 26:12 1/8 tsp. African Bird cayenne pepper 26:15 For our Tofu Eggs, you will need. 1 lb. firm tofu 26:20 1/8 c. unfermented soy sauce ½ tsp. sea salt 26:26 (or to taste) 2 tsp. cut thyme leaf 26:29 1 tsp. turmeric powder pinch African Bird 26:33 cayenne pepper For the Carob Shake 26:36 1 Frozen ripe banana 1 c. soy, almond 26:39 or coconut milk 1/4 c. carob powder 26:43 1-2 tbsp. pure maple syrup 1 tsp. vanilla flavoring 26:48 If you would like more information on 26:50 how to contact MarVella or if you would 26:54 like to receive today's recipes, 26:56 please write to 3ABN, PO Box 220, 27:00 West Frankfort, IL 62896 or call us at 27:06 1-800-752-3226. Now, let's take a look 27:11 at our finished recipes with MarVella. 27:17 Welcome back friends. We are here 27:19 with this yummy spread of food aren't we? Yes. 27:21 Let's look at what we made today. 27:22 We started with our olive spread. Yes. 27:26 To go with the garlic bread and we just 27:29 chopped that, that's right, with the garlic 27:30 and we put it on there. Then we went our 27:33 chick patties. Yes delicious. Oh yeah, 27:36 I can't wait to try those and next was our tofu, 27:38 scrambled, quick and simple. That's right 27:41 and it looks nice and yellow, I like that. 27:42 And then we finished with our carob drink 27:45 our smoothie, yummy, yummy. Oh! yeah, 27:47 we had such a good time yes we did. 27:49 Thanks for coming MarVella. Thank you. 27:51 Well, we hope you at home just as much fun 27:53 as we did in the kitchen. Until we see you 27:55 next time, enjoy these recipes and 27:57 we will see you again on Let's Cook Together. |
Revised 2014-12-17