Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Monica Campbell
Series Code: LCT
Program Code: LCT000081
00:01 Have you ever been to a restaurant and you ordered
00:03 pizza and you thought that pizza is so good. 00:06 I wish I can make something like that at home. 00:08 Stay tuned and you're going to find how. 00:42 Hello friends and welcome to another Let's Cook Together 00:44 program. I am your host Jill Morikone and we have a 00:48 special pizza party planned for you today in our 00:50 3ABN kitchen, but first I want to introduce you to our 00:53 special guest Monica Campbell. She comes all the 00:56 way from Greenfield, Tennessee. I want to welcome 00:58 you Monica. Thank you for having me. Thank you so much 01:01 for coming and for sharing with us. Yes, it's my 01:04 privilege. Yes. It's an honor. Well tell us first 01:06 before we make our pizza, just a little bit about 01:08 your ministry what you do. Well we have a couple of 01:11 ministries. We have For His Glory Health Ministries, 01:14 which is something that we try to share lifestyle 01:17 changes and cooking skills and we like to integrate 01:23 Christ into it. Amen. And we also have a bed and 01:26 breakfast that we like to serve people that can stay 01:29 overnight and have breakfast with us and it will be a 01:34 blessing too. Oh absolutely, I think it would be a 01:37 huge blessing to be able to get away and do that. 01:39 That's right. What is your website? Perfect. 01:40 Peacefulwatersbed 01:44 and you spell out all the words. Spell everything out. 01:46 Even the and, A N D. Right, right 01:49 peacefulwatersbed 01:51 Yes. Oh very nice. Yes. Now you have travel 01:54 all over the country, all over the world, or doing. 01:56 We go wherever we're called to. Yes. 01:58 Okay recently you came back from Puerto Rico. Yes, 02:00 we were in Puerto Rico. We had a real blessing there. 02:03 Being able to share with the people, but one 02:05 the things that we do is we use the foods 02:08 of that country and try to integrate them 02:10 into the recipes and work with what they have. 02:13 I like that very much. Because that really is 02:15 realistic to them. It is. And do and has what 02:18 it's great. That's right, because I mean in America 02:21 we can get a lot of foods right but in another 02:23 country, in another part of the world, you might be 02:25 like I can't get this food, so you're trying to 02:27 help them with what they're eating there. 02:29 Yeah and basically when were in Puerto Rico, 02:31 we used all their foods that they had and 02:33 you know they have traditional foods there. 02:35 Rice and beans. Entrees yes, and we try to adopt 02:38 to make those entrees helpfully for them, 02:40 so it's really a blessing to be able to that. 02:43 Yes, that's wonderful, now today we're making pizza. 02:46 Yes and before we begin with pizza and we like to 02:50 share with you some spare ribs. Oh nice. 02:52 So when you chop them up you we can put them 02:55 on to your pizza. Oh fun! I like that, let's read 02:59 that recipe for those spare ribs. For the spare ribs 03:03 you need 2 lbs. of tofu 3 tbsp. almond butter 03:08 1/3 c. water 1 tbsp. paprika 2 tsp. garlic powder 03:17 1 ½ tsp. sea salt Alright that's nice and easy. 03:22 Yes, not hard at all but before we do the tofu. 03:25 Yes. We took this tofu. Okay. And froze it. 03:29 Oh you just put in the freezer. Yes. Did you drain 03:31 the water first or just put in there? No, we didn't 03:33 drain it at all, some do that but we took the tofu 03:37 and put it in the freezer. Yes. And whenever we 03:39 need it, we thawed it out, it changes the texture 03:43 to the tofu, so it becomes more like firm out. Yes. 03:47 Making a spare rib. Oh isn't that neat. Yes. 03:50 I never would have thought of that. So, we're 03:51 just gonna cut them up but before we do that 03:53 let's paste this, I have you paste this casual dish 03:57 this is just tahini. This is tahini. And it gives 03:59 that extra flavor, the tahini. How much you want? 04:02 Just a little coating all the way on the bottom. 04:10 Is that too much. Nope, that's perfect. I got to 04:13 get this out of here this is just tahini, right. 04:15 Yes, this is tahini, you can choose olive oil 04:17 if you like. Okay. But the tahini gives that 04:19 little extra flavor to it the ribs. Absolutely, 04:23 let me just get it right here. There we go, 04:26 almost there, isn't that neat, I never would 04:30 have thought of basting stuff with tahini. Yes. 04:33 You can do bread that way too. I do bread and 04:35 I base the loaf pads and it gets that bread mixture. 04:38 With tahini? Yes, with tahini. Oh I never thought 04:40 of that and I make bread all the time, okay. 04:42 So we are gonna take this tofu and we squeezed all 04:45 all the water out of it once its thawed out 04:47 and it won't break apart so easily, because it's 04:49 been frozen, and the texture has changed. Yes. 04:52 Okay and some just gonna strip it like you would, 04:58 stir it. Stir it, okay. Isn't that neat and how 05:01 we're putting that on the tofu, I love that, 05:03 such a good idea Monica. Yes. Okay I am going to 05:07 take that out. Okay. And we are going to cut 05:10 it again. Okay, to make like nice little strips. 05:14 You make nice and long strips. Oh they're cute, 05:17 can I feel it? Sure you can. Yeah they really do, 05:20 oh yeah, that holds to together. That's very nice. 05:24 Yes. Because most tofu you know if you cut it like 05:26 that it will start to fall apart, this isn't, right. 05:28 That's true; yeah, and sometimes when it's not 05:31 fully thawed it will do that. Oh I didn't know that. 05:34 So you do have to make sure it's really well 05:35 thawed. Okay. And if you're in hurry may be put some 05:38 warm water running on it. Right, okay. So we're just 05:41 going to cut this up now this ought to be good. 05:42 That's very cute. Yes and we are going now do a 05:45 basting sauce to put top of it. Okay so normally 05:48 you would cut up the rest of the tofu. Yes you would 05:50 cut all of it in there, yes. Okay, yeah. Okay 05:53 we have the blender here. Okay and yes we're 05:56 going to start with some, let's start with some 05:58 water. Okay so it stays on the bottom of the blender. 06:00 Yes, it's very smart, I like that. Because if you put 06:02 the almond butter first in there it kind of takes 06:04 makes it a little harder, difficult. Yeah. You got 06:07 some almond butter. Okay. You could use 06:09 peanut butter instead and it would just give you 06:13 little different flavor. You prefer the almond flavor. 06:15 Yes. Okay. And we've got some paprika. Oh yes. 06:20 Tablespoon give it, good flavor and, Yes the color 06:22 too I love that. Yes. And some garlic powder. Okay. 06:27 And some sea salt. Oh that's easy, I like that Monica. 06:31 It's not a hard recipe. And just the blend it up. 06:34 Okay, we're going to make some noise. 06:53 What you might want to do is scoot it down 06:55 a little bit anything that kind of state. There we go, 06:59 oh yeah it looks pretty realistic do you know that. 07:02 Yes. Yeah, okay try one more time. 07:17 Okay. Alright we are going to take a different 07:19 basting brush. Okay. And we are going to take 07:23 and just baste it. Okay. You are going to just 07:27 put in and baste it. Very nice. Now you just do 07:31 one side because we're just getting one side 07:33 is that right? One side first and then once you 07:35 got all your sides done, we are going to turn 07:38 it over. I did the other side, Oh cute, I like that 07:43 very nice. And they are excellent, my husband loves. 07:46 Does he? That is one of his favorite and you know 07:48 there is a recipe we had done on another show 07:50 and it was barbecue sauce or any barbecue sauce 07:52 that you are happy with and you put top of it 07:55 after its been baked. Nice. And it's excellent. 07:58 Yes. But today we're going to do it and cut it up 08:00 and put it on top of a pizza. Oh yes that's good. 08:02 Excellent. I was thinking as far as your barbecue 08:04 sauce Monica, could our friends at home contact 08:06 you at Peaceful waters bed and breakfast. Yes. 08:08 There is a way to contact you there. Yes, okay. 08:10 So you can get the barbecue sauce from Monica 08:12 if you like to get that. Yes. Okay, good Yes. 08:15 Because I remember that was a real good 08:16 barbecue sauce. Yes, it was, it was a very nice one. 08:19 Yes, it was very good, yes. Good so we have 08:21 bake this. And you bake it. How long? I will say at 08:24 350 for about 10-15 minutes on either side, 08:28 you have got to turn it around. So you do its like 08:30 350, 10-15 minutes one side and then you flip them. 08:32 Yes. Would you pardon my ignorance here because 08:35 I don't base stuff, okay so would you base to 08:38 one side do it and then flip it and base the other side. 08:40 No, you do all of it at one time. Okay. And then cook 08:42 it and bake it and then tilt it over, yes. 08:45 But you don't have to baste it again you just flip 08:46 it that's it, okay, thank you. You are welcome, 08:49 now it's excellent. Okay now we're making our 08:52 pizza sauce. Yes. Oh good. You want to read our 08:55 recipe there for our pizza sauce recipe. Okay. 08:59 1 jar of tomato puree or 28 oz. can of tomatoes. 09:04 1/4 tsp. oregano. 3/4 tsp. basil. 1 tsp. garlic powder. 09:11 1 small can of tomato paste. 1 tsp. honey. 09:17 3/4 tsp onion salt. 1 tbsp. arrowroot. 09:23 You know I really like recipes for pizza sauce. 09:25 Yeah. You know to be able to find something that's 09:27 either spaghetti sauce or pizza sauce or something. 09:30 But something simple to make. That's right. 09:32 That tastes good. That's right, oh yeah I like that. 09:35 Lets see how to make this one. Okay, we are going to 09:37 start with this tomatoes can, jar tomato here. 09:42 That's nice just tomato puree or pick in your own 09:45 tomatoes, you can use that. Oh it's even nicer 09:48 because it's bit sweeter when you can your own. 09:50 The flavor. Yeah. That is good, yeah. Okay we are 09:53 going to start with the one can of tomato sauce. 09:55 Okay and then we have got some tomatoes paste 09:57 to give it some extra flavor to it. Yes. Now 10:01 tomato paste, what's the difference between that 10:03 and the tomato sauce? It's just the left over from 10:05 the tomatoes being put through. Okay, okay 10:09 and we have got some arrowroot. Alright. 10:13 That will be your thickener. Yes, and you know it's 10:16 basically adding all these different seasonings and 10:18 your salts. Absolutely. Oregano and basil, and 10:24 of course when you're going to put honey in, 10:26 you want to add you know we have like a teaspoon of 10:29 honey here if your tomatoes are really torte 10:32 and you know it. Yes. You want to add little more 10:34 honey to it. Absolutely, 'cause it needs something 10:36 to offset that tartness. Yes. So its not. 10:39 Definitely, and you know some onion powder, 10:41 it's a very simple recipe and it's also recipe that 10:43 you can if you wanted to. Oh that's good idea 10:47 I like that. One of the things that we do as we 10:50 get little canning jars, so it's just enough for those 10:52 who are by themselves or just a couple whatever, 10:55 you can just take the small canning jar or already 10:58 canned and be able to put it on your pizza, on your 11:01 bread and it makes a really quick or if you're 11:03 traveling or something for something special. 11:05 Oh yeah. Here you have pizza sauce. Yes. So that's 11:08 kind of like a pint size jar, is that, I am curious. 11:10 Yes, it's a little pint one. A pint size jar, 11:12 yes I like that. Yes. And all you do is bring it 11:16 to a boil and let it simmer for lets say 30 minutes. 11:19 So all the seasonings would blend in really well. 11:23 Cover it some more. And don't they said the longer 11:25 you simmer something the better the flavor. 11:27 As long as you don't burn it. This is like good fun. 11:30 I have burned more than one of them. Have you really. 11:33 Yes. Oh yeah. Now that's a good idea. As you get busy. 11:35 Yes. And make sure you stir it. Yeah. Yeah. That's good. 11:40 That's your pizza sauce very simple. Oh that's wonderful. 11:42 Could you freeze it as well? Not that I have not frozen, 11:45 sometimes when you take sauces like that and 11:47 freeze them, they loose complete flavor. Okay. 11:50 And that's what I have found. Okay. So that's why 11:52 we moved toward canning in this case. Okay. 11:54 So this is one of those thing where you can't 11:56 freeze it, you can't go ahead. I don't think I would 11:57 freeze it. Right. No, no, we don't want it to loose 12:00 flavor. No. Yeah. Oh good now we are gonna make a 12:03 cheese sauce. Yes, yes. Yeah, sounds good. 12:06 Let's read that recipe for our cheese sauce. 12:09 For the cheese sauce you need 1 c. cashews. 12:12 1 c. water. 2 tbsp. unhulled sesame seeds. 12:17 1-4 oz. jar of pimentos. 1/4 tsp. celery salt. 12:23 ½ tsp. garlic salt. 1 tsp. onion salt. 12:28 3/4 tsp. sea salt. Well, this looks like a really nice 12:34 cheese sauce Monica. Yes, it's one of our favorite 12:37 cheese sauces. Is it? Yeah. You use it for a lot of 12:39 different things. Yes, it's very simple to make. 12:41 Yes. That's nice. Yes. And it so much healthier than 12:44 buying cheese sauce. Yes. You know or buying cheese 12:46 in the store or something. Yes, yes, yes. Alright. 12:48 Yes, also we have got like a red pepper there. 12:51 Yes. Often we use pimento, but we've taken the 12:54 the red pepper and we've actually baked in the oven. 12:57 Okay, now tell me how you do this, will you just 13:00 slice up a fresh red pepper. Okay. And you put it 13:03 in a dish and add just a little bit of water so it 13:05 doesn't burn. Yes, yes. But there is oil in there 13:08 and so when you bake it for 20 minutes oh it gets 13:10 a nice flavor and it adds to your cheese sauce. 13:13 Oh yeah I can smell that very nice. It makes a big 13:16 difference in your flavor of your cheese sauce, 13:18 it just gives that extra. Oh yeah that would make 13:20 a big difference. But you could use a fresh 13:23 red pepper. Lets say we don't have time to do that. 13:25 You are right. And pepper when you've done that 13:27 you can also freeze that really well. Oh after you 13:30 roast it, you can freeze it. Yes, you can roast it 13:31 and then freeze it in small little packages. 13:33 Oh that's nice so when you need it you just 13:36 take it out. Yes, so if you are have time for 13:37 something you know I am saying say it on Sunday 13:39 or something here you have a lot of time you're 13:41 cooking you can just do up your red pepper then. 13:43 Right. That would be nice to get in the freezer 13:45 I like that. What's really interesting is that 13:47 you canned this. Oh cheese sauce. Cheese sauce 13:50 can be canned. Just like we talked about canning 13:52 our pizza sauce. Pizza sauces, I think we just 13:55 made, okay. The thing that's nice about the canning 13:57 is that it keeps the flavor even when you can it, 14:00 and so unless you're on a trip or something you can 14:02 take it out and you can just you know spread on 14:06 a peace of bread or you can add it to whatever 14:09 you want. Oh nice I like that, yeah my sister 14:12 makes a roasted pepper and eggplant sauce. 14:14 She puts the peppers and eggplant, she roasts it in 14:16 in the oven like this. Yes. I like that. Yeah. 14:18 It's a good idea. Yes. Okay. Lets, shall we get 14:21 going here. We're going to start with cashews and 14:25 water and sesame seeds. Okay, now these are 14:31 rinsed right, cashews. Yes. Yeah, okay here's our 14:34 water, now sesame seeds where we can find those. 14:37 We can find those now in a regular food store also, 14:41 there something that's available now more and more 14:44 all the time, yes. You know I think health foods 14:47 are not as I don't know they're more readily 14:50 available. Yes. It really seems like it's easier to 14:52 find you can just go to the grocery store. 14:53 Especially when more people are asking for it. 14:55 Yes, it's right. Then you get available for that. 14:57 Yeah okay, what's next. Go ahead, I'm just gonna 14:59 go ahead. And blend that. There we go. 15:09 Well, may I think we got to turn it on under here, 15:12 there we go, now we'll see if it works. 15:33 Okay, now we have got some several different 15:36 seasonings here and they do have sauce in them 15:39 and some of those that need to have less salt. 15:42 We have cut the salt down quite a bit and still 15:45 very tasty. Oh nice. So those that need to be on a 15:47 you know sodium free diet. Right. Just cut it down, 15:50 don't use the salts use the powders. Yeah. 15:53 And we still use some salts because we do need some 15:55 salts. Absolutely it's important. And so that's 15:57 another way to go. Right. As well, for those I have 15:59 a problem. So if you high blood pressure or something 16:01 like that. Yes. Reduce your salt intake, you can do 16:04 that. Yes. Okay, good. Alright, we can go ahead and 16:06 put all these in and the nice red pepper. Oh yeah, 16:09 that's nice. So good, I got our salt pepper. 16:13 Salt. Right. Oh yeah that's a good idea celery salt. 16:17 Onion powder. Okay. And. Sea salt. Okay 16:23 and that's it. Yes. And then we blend it. Yes. 16:25 Okay, good, lets put this lid on there we go, okay. 16:46 Let's put it in here and so we can see the nice 16:48 orange color to it. Yeah that red pepper really 16:51 does a good job there. Yes, it does. It gives a 16:54 nice orange color. Oh nice, very nice. Now we're 17:00 going to be putting this on a, put it on a pizza. 17:03 Okay. But we want to give some suggestions here 17:06 with this cheese sauce that's been really a big 17:08 help to a lot of people and that is we've taken 17:11 some macaroni here noodles. I will set it down then they 17:14 can get a shot, okay. And you can just add the cheese 17:17 sauce to it. Nice. And bake it and you've got a 17:20 macaroni juice. Yeah, so you just boil your noodles 17:23 and add this. Yes. And that's it. In the baking 17:25 process it makes it thicker like a macaroni cheese. 17:28 Yes. That you like. Yes. My husband loves that 17:30 dish, like a homemade cheese sauce added to that. 17:33 It's so easy to add lot of other foods that will 17:36 balance that diet. Right. That's right. It gives a 17:37 nice staple product. Yes. Yes. And another one 17:41 we have is and this is one of my favorites, 17:43 grilled cheese. Oh yeah I love grilled cheese. 17:46 Just because we don't have regularly cheese we can 17:47 still have grilled cheese. Yes. A natural cheese. 17:50 Yes. And it's a very nice cheese and just it comes 17:53 out just like a grilled cheese sauce. Oh nice, yeah 17:55 I was looking at that isn't that amazing. Yes. 17:57 Isn't that wonderful. Wow, and it's is so cute 17:59 with your garnishing and other stuff. Yes, yes. 18:01 And so there is lots of way of using this cheese 18:04 just like we did before and you know and really be 18:06 enjoyable and tasty. That's right. Yeah. Now you 18:09 fix the lot of recipe in your bed and breakfast, 18:10 Yes, there is also a choice where we always have 18:13 a menu so that people can select what they like. 18:15 Yes. And so that works out well. Do you have like 18:19 response cards you know how people can rate the food 18:22 and they and that's how they get an idea of what 18:23 people like. Well we kind of give them a suggestion 18:25 list and then they choose from that list. Okay, nice. 18:28 And they you know we stuffed shelves and we have 18:31 the macaroni cheese. Oh good. We could have a lot 18:32 of different things. That's right. It will be helpful 18:35 to them. And you share these recipes as well when 18:37 you go out into cooking schools is that right. Yes, 18:39 because they're not our recipes, they're God's 18:40 recipes. That's right, that's right. How long 18:43 is your cooking school, before we go to putting our 18:44 pizza together? Well we do a five or 6 day evening 18:47 1 from for about 2 ½ hours. Okay. And that includes 18:51 a lecture and talking, we do demo tasters always 18:55 because, Oh yeah. It's when you have tasters that 18:58 it helps a lot because who wants to cook something 19:01 or put something together they haven't tasted before. 19:03 That's right. And spend all that money on it. 19:05 That's right. So tasters are great for cooking 19:07 schools. Oh yes. And so we go through we have a 19:11 video, we have all different things to make it 19:12 a variety and interesting and of course we always 19:15 want to base it on God. Yes. You know. Absolutely. 19:18 Because he is the all powerful. That's right. 19:20 And he doesn't leave any one of us out. That's right. 19:22 We are never absent from his mind. Yeah that's 19:24 special isn't it. Yes. That's right. He cares 19:26 enough about us to share these helpful things 19:28 with us. Yes, yes. That's good. He wants us to have 19:30 a healthy mind. Yeah that's deep, very nice, you go 19:33 every single night, or do you skip nights when you 19:35 do it. We skip nights. Okay. We may two weeks 19:38 until, depends if it's out of town or not. 19:40 Oh yeah that's. If it's out of town it's much 19:42 closer together. Yes. Can't stay away from 19:44 too long. That's good. Let's put our pizza 19:47 together. I wanna put all these different pieces 19:49 together here. Yes let's have some fun. Okay. 19:51 Let me just this pasta out of the way. We will use 19:55 the cheese sauce. We need the cheese sauce okay. 19:57 Put the pizza in front of you. Alright, okay. 20:02 Now did you make these crusts, they're pretty cute 20:04 Monica. Well we do normally make crusts, but these 20:07 were not made. Okay. They were already done. 20:09 Already done, okay. Yes. And you have pizza crust 20:12 recipes if our friends want to email you. Yes, 20:13 we have it in. Okay, good. Alright. Alright, 20:16 we're gonna start with this one here and we're gonna 20:19 put our pizza sauce on it first. Now this is the 20:21 pizza sauce that we already made in our recipe. 20:22 Yes, yes. One that we can, can, and just bring it, 20:26 take it out. I like that absolutely, it's good. Okay. 20:29 And we are going to add some cheese sauce, 20:31 so we can see our toppings on, so we are going to. 20:34 Oh that's a good idea. That way we know what's 20:36 under there. That's right. And say you want it. 20:40 Oh it smells good Monica I can smell that the pizza 20:43 sauce I can smell. Yeah it smells really good. 20:45 I love pizza. Oh yes, me too. Okay, now with this 20:50 one we are gonna use some. Barbecue spare ribs. 20:54 Yes, very nice okay. Okay we wanna put them all in. 21:00 Yeah you could. Okay. 'Cause we're using everything 21:05 that we make today in our pieces. Yes, yes. 21:07 Isn't that fun. Yes. And these cooked very nice. 21:11 Yes. After they were in the oven for that time. 21:14 Very nice, I should be more generous with this. 21:19 There we go. Oh man, I want to eat this pizza. 21:25 Looks really, really good. Okay, so we are gonna 21:27 add some more tomatoes to it. Okay. This is just one 21:32 combination of pizza that we really like it this way, 21:35 but you can put a lot of different toppings on. 21:37 I like them Monica because you can really do 21:39 whatever you like. Yes. You want all the tomatoes. 21:42 Sure you can put the tomatoes on. Okay, 21:47 it smells good. And maybe a little bit of olives. 21:50 Alright. I like olives on pizza. Okay. Tomato pizza 21:55 is not pizza without olives on it. I really like olives. 21:59 But doesn't that look good? Yeah, It's very nice. 22:04 You can get your kids to help you. I like that. 22:07 Oh yeah the kids love to do that. Do you know what? 22:09 This is a favorite thing to do, yes. Yes, just get 22:11 your kids in the kitchen working, that would be fun. 22:13 Yes. Put their little hands in there. It's a good way 22:15 to encourage. Yes. Young ones to be involved. 22:17 That's right. Yes. Yeah. Okay. Alright. Well let's 22:20 try a number two. Okay. So this is a bit different 22:23 combination but we're going to start off with the 22:24 pizza sauce again. Okay. Now, I'll let you go ahead. 22:28 Okay. Pizza sauce out. We did all of it right. 22:30 Yes, we did. And these are such cute sizes for the 22:35 pizza too. Yes. Pizza crust, I like that. Yes. 22:38 So if you had pizza crusts in your freezer. Yes. 22:40 And you had some pizza sauce canned, it'll be 22:42 very simple to make a really nice meal. It would be 22:44 very simple, wouldn't it? That would be a blessing. 22:47 I'm gonna go ahead and put some cheese sauce on it. 22:50 Okay. And you could really put the cheese sauce on 22:52 top but we're doing it this way so you can see the 22:54 toppings. I like that or you can even sprinkle 22:57 a little bit of cheese sauce over the toppings too. 22:59 Yes, I love the cheese sauce on it. Okay. 23:02 Is that good. More? Yes, no, that's good. Okay. 23:04 So we are gonna start with this one some red pepper. 23:07 Nice. Pepper makes it nice too. What would you bake 23:14 these at? Well they bake at another 10 to 15 23:17 minutes at 315. Okay, oh that's nice. And you know 23:21 for those who love pineapple on the pizza. 23:22 Yes, oh yeah. There are people out there like myself 23:25 that like pineapple on pizza. Absolutely. 23:27 And this is a nice combination. I am thinking 23:29 you're getting the sweet and sour, it's all in there. 23:32 Yes, yes, very much. Yeah, I like pineapple on 23:36 pizza, it's very nice. Did you use to make this 23:40 for your kids when they were little or not. 23:42 When they were younger yes, yes. Oh that's fun. 23:47 They always love pizza, now these are pumpkin seeds 23:50 and you think well you would put that on a pizza 23:52 crust. That's what I am thinking, yeah what. 23:54 But it's a nice tasting flavor but of course you 23:56 can put whatever you want on. Okay. But it's 23:58 very nice with pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seeds 24:01 are very healthy. Yes, and they have a lot of 24:03 calcium in them. Yes. So it's really good. 24:06 Now would you do, roast these pumpkin seeds first? 24:08 You could if you wanted to, these are not. 24:10 Okay, these are just raw. It's all up to you. Yeah. 24:12 Now, if you roast nuts, how do you roast them. 24:15 You just dry them in oven by putting on a baking 24:18 sheet. Okay. And you just put them on you know 24:20 about 250 degrees for about 10 minutes, 10 minutes 24:24 or so. 10 to 15 minutes depending what you like. 24:26 Okay. And then you would be able because I'm not, 24:29 I've tried cashews and when you break them like 24:30 this you can see roasted inside. Yes. That's true, 24:32 yes. Yes, almonds do the same thing. Okay, that's 24:35 neat. But you can do so many and you can also do 24:38 other kinds of vegetables you can do broccoli. 24:41 Oh yeah of course. You can do carrots and onions. 24:44 Onions, that's the big stable food, onions I think. 24:46 And so you could make a different kind of sauce, 24:48 you don't have to make a pizza sauce, you can make 24:50 a savory sauce, you can make other sauces 24:53 or dressings. Yeah. That can go on top. That's a good 24:55 idea. There's no stopping. That's right, oh that's fun, 24:58 do you know friends we learned today how to make 25:00 pizza like when you go out to eat at a restaurant pizza 25:02 right. Yes. That's pretty fun, we had a good time. 25:05 Yes. Yes. Well, in just a moment we are gonna show 25:07 you all the final products here that we made today. 25:12 We hope you've enjoyed cooking with Monica. 25:15 Now let's take a moment to review our pizza party 25:18 recipes. For the spare ribs you will need. 25:20 2 lbs. of tofu. 3 tbsp. almond butter. 1/3 c. water. 25:25 1 tbsp. paprika. 2 tsp. garlic powder. 25:30 1 ½ tsp. sea salt. For the pizza sauce you will 25:34 need I jar of tomato puree or 28 oz. can of 25:39 tomatoes. 1/4 tsp. oregano. 3/4 tsp. basil. 25:43 1 tsp. garlic powder. 1 small can of tomato paste. 25:47 1 tsp. honey. 3/4 tsp onion salt. 25:51 1 tbsp. arrowroot. For the cheese sauce you will need 25:56 1 c. cashews. 1 c. water. 2 tbsp. unhulled sesame seeds. 26:02 1-4 oz. jar of pimentos. 1/4 tsp. celery salt. 26:08 ½ tsp. garlic salt. 1 tsp. onion salt. 26:12 3/4 tsp. sea salt. If you like more information on how 26:17 to contact Monica or if you would like to receive 26:19 today's recipes, please write to 3ABN, PO Box 220, 26:25 West Frankfort, IL 62896 or call us at 1-800-752-3226, 26:34 that number again is 1-800-752-3226. Now let's 26:43 take a look at our finished recipes with Monica. 26:54 Welcome back friends we're here with our pizza 26:56 spread. Oh yes, fresh in front of it like this. 26:59 Yes, that's right. Tasty. Oh yeah. Let's look at 27:01 what we make today. Well we have barbecue 27:03 spare ribs at the front here. Yes, they look 27:06 very good. Yes, you get so much with that. Oh yeah. 27:09 Then we went to our pizza sauce. Yes, a pizza sauce 27:11 you can use in a lot of other recipes as well. 27:13 I like that and we put it on our pizza here. 27:15 Yeah and with the different toppings with our 27:18 spare ribs. Yes, yes. And olives. Oh yeah 27:21 very good I love olives. And then we have our 27:23 cheese sauce. Yes, yes, very nice. Which you 27:26 can do so many different things with. That's right 27:29 and then of course you got your. A final pizza. 27:32 Final pizza. With the pineapple in it. Yeah. 27:35 I like that. I think I like to put the pineapple 27:38 and the spare ribs together in one, that seems 27:39 pretty good. Oh they would good too. Yes. 27:42 I have done that. Yes very, very nice. 27:43 That's a good idea, there are so many ways 27:44 you can do that. That's right. Thank you for 27:46 coming Monica, we had a good time today. 27:47 I enjoyed it very much. Yes. It was a pleasure. 27:50 Well friends, until we see you next time, 27:52 enjoy these recipes. Make them for your 27:54 family and God bless you and keep you. |
Revised 2014-12-17