Let's Cook Together

Breakfast With Tofu

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Monica Campbell


Series Code: LCT

Program Code: LCT000079

00:01 Have you ever had a friend who said, oh
00:03 that's made with tofu, I don't think I want to try
00:04 any of that or may be you yourself have
00:06 thought that or said that, today we're gonna show
00:09 you some awesome ways to cook with tofu.
00:42 Hello friends and welcome to Let's Cook
00:44 Together, I'm your host Jill Morikone and we
00:47 have an exciting program planned for
00:49 you today with the recipes with the tofu
00:51 and all kinds of awesome breakfast
00:52 recipes too. But first I want to introduce you
00:55 to our special guest my friend Monica
00:57 Campbell, here from Greenville, Tennessee.
00:59 Welcome Monica, we're so glad you're here.
01:02 It's a pleasure to be here. Good, tell us
01:04 just a little bit about your ministry before we
01:06 make this tofu here. Well we first of all we
01:09 have a Peaceful Waters Bed & Breakfast, where
01:11 we allow people to stay and we serve breakfast
01:13 for them and another one we do is For His
01:16 Glory Health Ministries, where we do cooking
01:21 classes but we try to put Christ into them, yes, so
01:25 I guess it's that really wonderful motive to
01:27 follow and to enjoy cooking in kitchen.
01:30 Absolutely, 'cause everything we do is
01:31 for God, right? Yes.
01:32 Yes, you know I first met Monica at ASI this
01:35 past year in Louisville, Kentucky I believe
01:37 Yes. And she and her
01:39 husband had a booth fair with their Peaceful
01:41 Waters Bed & Breakfast and they had
01:42 a little brochure, and I first learned about that
01:45 we could go to a Bed and Breakfast and have
01:48 vegan cuisine and it looked really beautiful.
01:51 So, Monica I think that's a wonderful
01:52 ministry that you're doing there.
01:54 Oh thank you, we really enjoy it, my husband
01:55 and I really enjoy being there.
01:57 Yes, yes and people come and they to, you
02:00 cook for them and they get to eat there and, yes,
02:02 and they get to stay near the river, oh that's nice
02:06 and we've got like a Noah's Ark for the
02:07 children to play in, oh fun, so it's a nice time
02:10 for whole family, yes and for anyone. And
02:13 one thing I thought was real special before we
02:14 get cooking, I thought it was really neat that you
02:16 do not charge for Friday night.
02:18 Yeah, because we want them to see that the
02:20 Sabbath represents the freedom that Christ
02:22 gives us by grace, yes. And so we just require
02:25 them to be there for a couple days, right.
02:27 And it works out really well, we had a
02:30 wonderful blessing that way, that's neat and
02:31 then people can ask questions and you can
02:33 introduce them, yes, and you know
02:35 absolutely, that's neat, okay now we're
02:37 cooking with this white block here of tofu, I see
02:40 that, yes and I think what we'll do to begin
02:42 with is to mash it, good. Let's read our recipe
02:44 first. For the Spanish tofu recipe the
02:48 ingredients that you need are one pound of
02:51 crumbled tofu 1 tsp. dried garlic
02:55 1/4 cup water ½ tsp. sea salt
03:01 1 tsp. garlic salt ½ tsp. oregano
03:05 1 tbsp. dried onion 1 tbsp dried chives
03:11 1 ½ tbsp. olive oil 2 medium tomatoes,
03:17 Chopped ½ red pepper, chopped
03:20 and 1 tbsp. dried parsley. Okay, let's start. Now
03:25 we have this tofu here, we're supposed to mash.
03:28 Yes, and we'll mash it up really nice. Now
03:30 where can our friends at home find this tofu?
03:32 Well tofu, you can pretty well get in those
03:34 food market stores, okay, and health stores
03:38 and I think almost anywhere now. You can
03:40 find it, right, you can absolutely, yeah, that's
03:43 right and tofu has no flavor, right? No it
03:47 doesn't have any flavor unless you really season
03:49 it, yes, and it's nice to have different kinds of
03:52 recipes to do, yes, with the scrambled tofu,
03:55 absolutely, now we're doing the Spanish one
03:58 today, yeah that's pretty nice to try other flavors
04:01 other than what we're used to having, yes I
04:03 like that, that's real nice. Yeah, we're going kind
04:06 of ethnic here, yes, okay, is that good
04:08 enough, looks good, okay, we're gonna go
04:10 ahead and put that in there. There we go, we
04:14 got it hot already, yeah, we sure do, I'm gonna
04:17 add a quarter cup of water to get it to cook,
04:20 otherwise it would burn, yes, and we don't
04:23 want burned tofu. No, that would not be too
04:25 nice. Okay, well let's start with some
04:27 Oregano, oregano, here you go, okay and some
04:33 basal alright that's parsley no oregano,
04:37 we'll have some dried chives, okay, yes, there
04:39 we go, try some garlic powder and garlic salt,
04:44 onion powder, good, and then you can do
04:49 dried onion pieces or onion powder even
04:51 works, you can do either one and you just
04:53 do a little bit less when you do the powder,
04:55 okay, yes alright so some people may have
04:58 a problem with onion flakes but you can use
04:59 onion powders instead, yes absolutely, okay
05:01 and a little bit of salt here, okay alright, I'm
05:04 gonna make it stick there on the bottom,
05:06 yes let's stir that really nice, it's really good to
05:09 take the scrambled tofu and just let it cook up
05:11 and let the seasonings blend with each other
05:14 but what's really nice and it's something that
05:16 I've learned to do is that in the center, once I've
05:19 cooked this a little bit is to add the olive oil in
05:22 the center of this and moving all the tofu
05:24 around away from it and I'll let that cook up
05:27 a little bit and that's when I add my tomato
05:29 and red pepper, oh that's smart, I like that,
05:33 it allows that to cook up really nice and it gives a
05:36 nice flavor to it, yes, because you only want
05:39 a nice recipe, a tasty recipe, oh yeah,
05:41 absolutely, do you know when we have the
05:43 Bed and Breakfast and we have people come
05:44 in, we want to make sure that food is tasting
05:47 good and encourage you know so we can
05:49 honor God. And so what are we're trying to
05:51 do is we let it cook thorough yes, and mix it
05:54 up really well, very nice, and at the very
05:57 end we try to put some parsley on top of that,
06:00 yes, now, and let's let it cook just a few seconds
06:03 here, that's nice, now how would you cook it,
06:05 till the peppers are crisp tender or?
06:07 No, well some people like them cooked really
06:09 well, okay, but I like them just a little bit, I
06:11 like that too, and it gives that little extra but
06:14 that's a preference that you have, absolutely,
06:16 which you like and so at the very end it's very
06:19 important that you do it at the end the tomatoes
06:21 and peppers because otherwise they get very
06:23 soggy and it doesn't allow the other
06:25 seasoning to blend real well so that kind of a
06:27 secret that makes sense. Yes, and then at the
06:29 very end after you've cooked it for maybe 10,
06:32 15 minutes, okay you would add some parsley
06:34 to that, yes, yes, okay and we're going to add
06:36 some parsley and it's a very colorful and
06:40 appetizing, it is very nice, we want also the
06:42 plate to look very, something you want to
06:45 try and this is a kind of recipe that gives it a
06:48 oomph to it, yeah, you know sometimes I like
06:50 a very lighter flavored tofu but this is a nice
06:53 thing, yeah it has a good zing to it and it
06:56 allows you to have something really
06:58 special. I like that, yeah, yeah, alright, now do
07:00 you serve breakfast or all meals at your
07:02 breakfast, we do breakfast and when
07:04 requested we do other meals as well and
07:07 something we really like to do is special
07:09 dinners for people in front of the fire place,
07:12 oh you got a fire place there, yes, I'm gonna go
07:14 to this place that sounds really nice and so we
07:16 put little tables out in front of the fire place
07:18 extra and so let people, husband and wife or if
07:20 it's a family we do it in the kitchen, okay, and
07:22 we have a special evening for them, we
07:24 put a little dinner about there so, oh cute, so you
07:27 know so we don't interrupt them because
07:28 many times we like to talk to them, absolutely,
07:30 as they have little bell too, yes only when they
07:32 ring it do we come in, or otherwise have some
07:35 quite time, that's nice, yeah because we all
07:37 need that, yeah you know just time to get
07:39 away, time to refresh even God said that you
07:42 know when Jesus was on this earth kindly
07:43 apart and rest a while so, but it is fun talking
07:46 to them, it really is, yes, really enjoy talking to
07:49 the people as well, okay that looks good, would
07:51 you like to put that in the dish, sure let's do
07:53 that. Are you okay then?
07:56 Yeah, it's quite colorful, isn't it?
08:00 Oh it is. There we go oh yeah it looks because
08:04 you eat with your eyes so if it looks pretty then
08:06 you want to eat it. We want to make it
08:08 appetizing, absolutely and tasty, that's right
08:10 and what are we making next, we are
08:11 making breakfast, something else to do
08:12 with breakfast. Okay we are making a
08:14 banana French toast. Oh fun, let's read our recipe
08:17 for the Banana French Toast. You want to read
08:19 that recipe for us. Okay well.
08:21 2 ripe bananas ½ c. cashews
08:26 ½ c. dates 1 c. water
08:29 ½ tsp. sea salt 1 tsp. vanilla.
08:32 Okay, that's nice and easy I like that Monica,
08:36 yeah it sounds good, and to me French toast
08:38 is such a good thing, yes do you know?
08:40 Yeah, you can add it in any part of your
08:42 breakfast and it just gives you that little
08:44 extra, that's right and we're such busy people
08:46 and you know you just run off in the morning
08:48 you know run into work, running here and
08:49 there or if you have a large family with kids
08:51 or something, so this makes it really nice.
08:53 Yeah, what's really nice is you could freeze this
08:55 and it doesn't loose its flavor, oh nice and so
08:58 when you have unexpected company,
08:59 oh yeah, you can take it out of your freezer and
09:01 you got something special for them. That's
09:02 a good thing, okay I'm gonna try to run this
09:04 you guys show me what am I supposed to do
09:06 here. Okay we are gonna start off with our
09:07 cashews, okay and water, you want to
09:10 make sure that gets blended really well
09:11 because we are on kind of a smooth sauce, yes,
09:15 really chunks, that's makes, on our French
09:16 toast, yeah that wouldn't be too good, we'll start
09:19 off with that, okay, let me get the lid on, okay.
09:34 Looks good, okay, there you go ahead and add
09:39 some dates, half a cup dates, that's the blessing
09:40 of having the Vita-Mix, yes, its really easy, it's
09:43 powerful too, yeah, okay dates next, okay,
09:46 we add our tea spoon of vanilla and our salt,
09:51 okay, now you use a special kind of salt, that
09:55 has a sea salt, sea salt, that's better for you, sea
09:57 salt. It can be, it depending if you don't
10:01 need the iodine from the regular salt because
10:03 some people do, right okay, can I put bananas
10:05 in that too, yeah we are gonna put two sweet
10:07 bananas in and sometimes you might
10:09 be temped to put more banana in it, which I
10:11 have done but it takes a little longer to cook if
10:13 you do that so two is pretty good, right. Now
10:17 the banana makes it sweeter I bet, yes and it
10:19 gives it a really nice banana taste and
10:21 special, yes, 'cause bananas are really good,
10:23 yeah, I like bananas, these are nice and ripe
10:25 okay. I can get all those strings off of there,
10:31 okay there we go. Good, now we will
10:36 blend it again, okay, want to make sure that
10:40 tops in there, yeah absolutely, okay,
10:46 oops, it looks like we need a little bit more
10:50 water yeah let's add some water here, yes,
10:52 it's getting kind of thick, so if this happens
10:54 at home you just add some water and that's
10:56 okay, yeah because sometimes the bananas
10:57 are a little larger than other bananas so, is that
11:00 good or? Yeah that's good, okay.
11:02 There we go, we'll try this again, okay let me
11:11 just turn this up, here we go, okay.
11:33 Okay. Now, if you're at home would you blend
11:34 it longer? I would blend it longer
11:36 and maybe add a little bit more water, okay,
11:38 only because it comes like a pancake mixture
11:41 just enough to coat the bread, okay, you want
11:44 me to add more water or we okay for now, oh
11:46 I think we're okay, oh yeah let me see if I can
11:51 get this out, it smells really good I like it with
11:55 banana in there Monica, yeah I do too, now did
11:57 you dream up this recipe, come up this
11:59 recipe, now this is one of the ones we adopted,
12:01 many of the recipes are new recipes but some of
12:04 them are adopted recipes and this is one
12:06 of them, nice, yeah it's very nice yes, okay now
12:09 what do we do? What are we gonna do
12:10 is we're gonna take our couple pieces of bread
12:13 and we're just gonna dip it in there, oh it's nice,
12:16 it's nice to have a nice coating of it. So you
12:18 really can taste the bananas and the dates,
12:20 that's right and we are gonna put it into the
12:21 griddle here, okay, and this is very special, they
12:27 really like this kind of a French Toast because
12:30 there are many kind of recipes of French toast,
12:32 yes, and this is a very nice one, especially for
12:35 the people who like it a little sweeter that's right
12:37 nice yes I like anything sweet, yes and you
12:40 could scrambled tofu to it, you could put maple
12:44 syrup on top if you like, apple sauce you can put
12:47 jam, there are so many ways you can do this
12:50 yeah, yeah good, now how long would it cook
12:53 on each side, it will take about seven to eight
12:56 minutes on either side, it does take a while
12:58 because of the banana in it, right and so
13:00 therefore you want to make sure you get it
13:02 cooked. Yeah and it gets nice and brown on
13:04 both sides okay and yeah, because it was
13:06 done, so if you had a big griddle it would
13:08 save time, oh yes, yes I have a nice long griddle
13:11 and it works out well and then you could
13:13 make some ahead of time and freeze it, oh
13:14 that's nice and just warm it up real quick,
13:16 yeah good, okay. What are we making next?
13:18 We are making waffles, oh fun. Let's read our
13:21 recipe for the waffles. For the tasty waffles
13:25 you need, 1/4 to ½ c. pecans
13:28 2 tbsp. hulled sesame seeds 1 c. soy milk
13:32 2tbsp. corn flour 1 ½ c. water
13:37 3 1/4 tsp. sea salt 2 c. rolled oats
13:42 2 tsp. vanilla 2 tbsp of honey.
13:48 But this looks really nice and easy Monica, I
13:52 like that. Yeah simple recipes but still tastes
13:54 good are really good, that's right, absolutely,
13:57 because we don't have, that's special, it's right,
14:01 they really are special for special occasions
14:03 and you know as it really shows a lot of
14:06 love sometimes to be able to take that extra
14:08 time, that's right, absolutely I think so,
14:10 definitely and to me it's so easy too, you just
14:12 make it you stick it in the freezer and you are
14:14 all set with that, yes and keeps it's flavor and
14:16 keeps it, it's very nice, yes, yes I got to run
14:19 blender again you guys here, okay, so what are
14:21 we gonna do first, we are gonna start with
14:22 pecans, put the pecans in, yeah now if you
14:26 don't have pecans can you use another type of
14:27 nuts or not? Yes, you can you can use
14:29 almonds and we've tried almonds with these
14:31 walnuts but here is different ones, but it
14:34 depends what flavor you want, walnuts are
14:35 stronger so you can get a little bit stronger
14:37 flavor, yes and that could be good and it
14:39 may not right, depending on what you
14:40 like, okay we're gonna add some water to get it
14:42 nice and smooth, I'll just add a little bit here,
14:46 there we go. Alright, that way we just blend
14:52 the nut so it's a same principle we did with
14:54 the French Tofu, we put the water and the
14:57 cashews together, yes they get really nice and
14:58 smooth because if you add too much water
15:00 they don't. Yes, absolutely, okay, we're
15:03 gonna make some noise here.
15:16 Okay that's a good stop, alright we're
15:20 gonna add some more, little bit more water,
15:22 okay and we're gonna add that cup of soy
15:27 milk, alright, which is good and it will give a
15:30 lot more nutrition to it, yes absolutely okay, we
15:33 are gonna add the rolled oats, the oats these are
15:37 like your old fashion rolled oats, yes, yes,
15:39 okay it gives a nice texture to the waffle, it
15:42 helps that waffle to be nice and fluffy, yes,
15:45 that's what we want, absolutely, alright,
15:47 okay, now we are gonna add some sesame seeds
15:49 to it, now where can we find sesame seeds, well
15:51 I guess sesame seeds you could get in a
15:53 regular food store as well, or specially in a
15:56 co-op or a food co-op or a health food store, yes,
15:58 but you can get them in a regular store, yes, it's
16:00 nice to be able to get most things in our
16:01 regular food store when you go shopping,
16:03 absolutely so, alright, okay we've got some
16:06 corn flour, yeah and some sea salts and
16:11 vanilla, vanilla always gives that little extra
16:13 taste to that, a nice little sweetener, I like that
16:16 too, and we got some honey and I would
16:18 imagine you could substitute that honey for
16:20 other sweeteners if you chose, yes if you had a
16:22 problem with honey, yes, right, do some
16:24 people have a problem with honey? Yeah,
16:26 some people can't actually use honey and
16:28 what we would do is we would use fresh fruit in
16:30 there, we may use like a half banana or a apple
16:33 depending what taste you want because some
16:35 really can't have honey especially those who
16:37 are diabetic, yes, right, because it's too much
16:40 sweetener, yes, and so this gives a nice flavor
16:43 for them too, they are able to have waffles,
16:46 yeah it looks good, we'll blend this here, I'll
16:47 see I don't know if I need more water, we'll see
16:49 okay, I want to make sure that you're blending
17:15 it really, really well and of course it's gonna take
17:17 longer than what we have time for today, yes
17:20 but one of the secrets here is because we use
17:22 rolled oats, when you let this set for few
17:24 minutes, it gets nice and thick and so that's kind
17:27 of what you want to do but for today for the
17:29 purpose of today of course we don't have
17:30 the time, if I can get the lid off, yes, sometimes
17:34 it has a suction on it and we get it out, yeah,
17:37 there we go. Good, thank you, and I got a
17:39 waffle iron here you can use all different
17:41 kinds of waffle irons, okay and of course
17:44 when you're using this kind of recipe, it takes
17:46 longer than your regular waffle, so remember if
17:48 you have one that beeps, it's not always
17:51 ready when it beeps, it may take a little longer
17:53 than it does, okay and this waffle iron that we
17:55 have here, what we are gonna do is just fill it
17:58 up and of course remember you want to
18:00 let it set a little bit to get thicker yes, and you let
18:05 it set maybe 10, 15 minutes. I think 5 or 10
18:07 minutes, not too long, okay and let the oats
18:10 soak up the liquid so it gets thicker and let's say
18:13 it does get thicker then you want to make sure
18:16 that you add little more water to it, yes, and it
18:19 looks like a pancake mix and you just want
18:22 to put enough in here so it doesn't over flow and
18:24 go everywhere else, let's see how well they
18:26 get stirred up and I have just put it down, and
18:29 makes a wonderful waffle, yes, would it
18:31 bake for maybe 7 minutes, I anywhere
18:33 between 7 and 10 minutes it takes to get a
18:36 waffle, one waffle done, so sometimes its nice to
18:39 have a bigger waffle iron so you can do more
18:41 than one at a time, but these are cute though I
18:43 like that Monica, it's very cute. We can get
18:45 little heart waffles, oh that's nice, if we are at
18:48 the Bed and Breakfast we would do heart
18:49 waffles, yes, yes, and put little dab of tofu
18:51 with cream on it. Oh yeah, you could put
18:52 fresh fruit on top and of course we're going to
18:55 have another recipe coming that's very
18:57 different as a topping, yes, so and you would
19:00 put that on your waffles or the fresh toast that
19:02 we made too, yes, yes, that would work too,
19:03 very much so, right, okay, good, let's read
19:06 that recipe for our special topping with the
19:08 coconut topping. For the cream of coconut
19:12 and millet topping, you want that recipe for us,
19:15 okay, it's one cup hot cooked millet.
19:18 1/4 cup cashews 1/4 cup coconut milk
19:23 1/4 cup maple syrup 1 tsp. vanilla
19:27 And a 1/4 tsp of sea salt. You know Monica my
19:32 husband would love this recipe, would he? He
19:35 likes any kind of like topping for waffles or
19:37 French toast or pancakes or anything
19:39 like that fruit sauce, apple sauce, so he
19:41 would really like this, well this is a nice recipe
19:44 it gives another different kind of
19:45 topping that we can put in, it's creamy and it's
19:48 got the mill and honey in that, it's a very nice
19:50 recipe to put on and you can add fruit as well.
19:53 But before we start with this recipe we want to
19:56 talk about the millet and it's the seed that the
20:01 birds love, causes them to sing. It's very healthy
20:04 for them, yeah it's just our bird food, yes but
20:07 normally when you cook a millet let's say
20:10 for a cereal, I cook cereal for the morning,
20:13 you would use four cups water to one cup
20:16 millet, okay and maybe like a half a teaspoon of
20:18 sea salt, okay so that's I'm trying to think here,
20:21 just four cups four to one, four to one that's
20:23 pretty easy, okay and you cook it for about an
20:24 hour, okay but when you're making like or
20:27 pudding or something like that, you would cut
20:29 one cup less, you would just do three cups of
20:32 water and half a teaspoon of salt and one
20:35 cup millet because you know why? Drier is that
20:38 point? Well, it allows to absorb these ingredients
20:41 into it and it gives that little extra creamy taste,
20:44 yeah, that sounds like good, and it brings that
20:45 flavor out really well, yes, absolutely so now
20:48 do we need to wash our millet, is it important,
20:50 well millet is really vimportant and this is
20:53 something I have done often I had not washed
20:55 and of course someone took me aside and we
20:57 washed it and boy there was a lot of gray water
21:00 in there, oh that doesn't sound too good, and so
21:02 unless you've got pre washed millet I would
21:04 suggest you know taking aside and
21:06 washing it under the tap and make sure you get
21:08 everything out there. Like you can use an old
21:10 tea strainer or something that's real
21:11 fine. Tea strainer, yes yeah okay that will
21:13 work out well, very nice, okay, we are
21:16 gonna start with the millet remember its
21:19 cooked, alright so this is three cups of water to
21:24 the one cup of millet, yes, yeah and half a
21:26 teaspoon of salt and we are gonna add this
21:28 coconut milk to it, boy that looks good, now
21:31 you just buy that in a can, yes, the coconut
21:33 milk, yes, okay, just in a can. That alone is
21:36 going to make it really good, yes, okay and
21:39 some well I guess we should go ahead with
21:42 the honey, okay and again we could use
21:46 maple syrup instead of, so you can use several
21:48 different options there, yes, you can use fruit,
21:50 okay, maybe pineapple, oh yeah that sounds
21:54 good, I think pineapple will be good, I would
21:55 like that very much and there is our cashews
21:57 and there is your cashews and I just have
22:00 to blend here again, okay.
22:15 I need to add some water, just add a little
22:17 bit of water, okay and what's really important
22:19 here though is to make the millet, make sure
22:22 the millet's nice and hot when you add it and
22:24 another thing you could do about millet you can
22:26 take it in one cup folds and freeze it, and then
22:29 take it out of the freezer, put it in some
22:31 water and cook it up and then drain it, that's
22:33 a good idea and we've got some nice hot
22:35 cooked millet because you don't always have
22:37 time to cook millet from scratch,
22:38 absolutely, I don't know about you, but I don't
22:40 always have that hour, so its nice to freeze in a
22:43 little cup folds and but the thing is the hotter
22:47 the millet and of course this has been sitting
22:49 here a little bit, right unfortunately, right, but
22:50 it feels nice and hot, this would blend even
22:52 easier, okay let's try it again.
23:10 Okay and it makes a very nice cream sauce
23:11 to put on top of your waffles, yes. There we
23:14 go, gonna pour it in here, oh it's nice and
23:18 thick, I like that Monica, yes, take a
23:22 smell of it, it has a nice smell, oh that smells
23:25 really good and you can put on top, put them in,
23:27 you guys got to try this, yes it's very nice, yes
23:30 very nice topping, you were saying bananas,
23:32 I'm sorry I interrupted you. You can put
23:33 bananas on top of your waffles with the cream
23:35 sauce or just the cream sauce itself, you could
23:37 put a carob pudding on top, I mean there is
23:39 endless ideas you can do with a waffle and
23:41 make it special, yes, that's right. Now you
23:44 have a website, yes, what's you website Monica?
23:46 The website is Peaceful Waters Bed and
23:48 Breakfast, completely spelled out .com very
23:51 simple, so not no abbreviation for Ann,
23:54 just Andy, Andy yeah,
23:56 peacefulwaters bedandbreakfast.com
23:57 yes, just very simple and be able to, that's
23:59 very nice, yeah, and you go around to do
24:01 cooking classes. Yeah, we have seminars,
24:04 health programs we do For His Glory Health
24:06 Ministries, oh that's nice, and it allows us to
24:08 share Christ, it allows to share God, the most
24:11 important ingredient, I have lady that I knew
24:13 had a special ingredient in every one of her
24:16 recipes, do you know what that was?
24:17 No, I don't. Love, oh isn't that special, love of
24:21 Christ, it's the grace of God that gives
24:23 everything it's meaning, yes and it's purpose and
24:26 most of all important is it gives us health, health
24:28 of body and mind, yes that's right and I think if
24:31 your mind is clear then God can communicate
24:33 with us so much better, yes, absolutely because
24:36 that's his whole goal. He wants to
24:38 communicate with us and you know reach us
24:40 and honor him, yes that's right, that's right,
24:43 oh very nice, well we had such a good time
24:46 today, yes we surely have, yes, well in just a
24:48 moment friend we will be back to show you all
24:50 of our final products so stay tuned.
24:54 We hope you've enjoyed cooking with
24:56 Monica, now let's take a moment to review our
24:58 breakfast recipes. For the Spanish tofu you
25:02 will need. one pound of crumbled tofu
25:04 1 tsp. dried garlic 1/4 cup water
25:08 ½ tsp. sea salt 1 tsp. garlic salt
25:13 ½ tsp. oregano 1 tbsp. dried onion
25:18 1 tbsp dried chives 1 ½ tbsp. olive oil
25:23 2 medium tomatoes, ½ red pepper,
25:27 1 tbsp. dried parsley. For our Banana French
25:31 Toast you will need 2 ripe bananas
25:34 ½ c. cashews ½ c. dates
25:39 1 c. water ½ tsp. sea salt
25:42 1 tsp. vanilla For our Tasty Waffles
25:47 you will want 1/4 to ½ c. pecans
25:50 2 tbsp. hulled sesame seeds 1 c. soy milk
25:56 2tbsp. corn flour 1 ½ c. water
26:00 3 1/4 tsp. sea salt 2 c. rolled oats
26:04 2 tsp. vanilla 2 tbsp of honey.
26:08 For our Cream of Coconut and Millet you will need
26:12 one cup hot cooked millet. 1/4 cup cashews
26:17 1/4 cup coconut milk 1/4 cup maple syrup
26:21 1 tsp. vanilla 1/4 tsp of sea salt.
26:25 If you would like to contact Monica or
26:29 receive today's recipes, please write to 3ABN
26:33 PO BOX 220 West Frankfort, IL 62896 or
26:40 call 1800-752-3226, that number again is
26:46 1800-752 -3226.
26:56 Try these breakfast recipes enjoy them and
26:59 we'll see you next time on Let's Cook Together.


Revised 2014-12-17