Participants: Barbara Nolen (Host), Bev Cook
Series Code: LCT
Program Code: LCT000077
00:01 Are you interested in getting all kinds of dairy
00:03 products and just need a little a help and knowing 00:04 how to go about doing that? Well, stay tune 00:07 today because we have some recipes that will be 00:09 very help to you and doing that. 00:44 Welcome to Lets Cook Together, I'm Barbara 00:47 Nolen and I want you welcome our guest to you 00:50 today Bev Cook. Hello. Bev where are you 00:53 visiting from, we're here from North Carolina. 00:56 North Carolina! Well, I have sisters live in there. 00:58 I wonder if you live close by, and you may know 01:00 them. Well, what are gonna be cooking today? 01:03 Well actually not a whole lot of cooking involved, 01:06 but a lot of preparation and I have got some very 01:09 good tried and tested diary replacement 01:11 recipes. Oh! That's a wonderful. Half of the 01:14 battle I think is finding something good, that's 01:16 good for you and that combination can be 01:18 found. And I think dairy products are the, whether 01:23 are the difficult aren't they? For some people it 01:25 is. And finding something that taste good and is a 01:27 good substitute, so I'm anxious just to see what 01:29 you're gonna do today. We're gonna start with 01:32 the Better Butter recipe, alright. 01:36 To make Better Butter, you will need, 01:38 ½ c. pine nuts 2 tbsp. olive oil 01:42 1/4 c. water 1 tsp. Udo's Oil (if this available to you) 01:49 1 tbsp. lemon juice ½ tsp. sea salt 01:52 And ½ c. coconut oil. 01:56 Alright, shall we get busy with our recipe, let's do 01:59 this is a great recipe Barbara its called Better 02:01 Butter and it's so easy, it just a matter of blending 02:04 everything together. So, I will start with the 02:07 ½ cup of pine nuts and we're going to put all the 02:10 ingredients in this little personal blender. 02:13 You know, you need a big blender for this 02:15 because it's just a small amount, so that was a half 02:19 of cup of pine nuts, that's really gonna cream up 02:21 easily and then I add two tablespoons of extra 02:25 virgin olive oil here and then a fourth cup of water 02:31 right here, so won't be overly thick, and then it 02:35 calls for 1 teaspoon of Udo's Oil that is if 02:39 available, Udo's Oil is simply a Flax Seed Oil 02:42 blind, it's really good with your Omega 3, 6 and 9, 02:46 but I didn't have it today, and it's just as good 02:49 without it. It's just ups the nutrition if you have it. 02:52 Okay, well that was new one for me. Okay, then 02:55 we will use a tablespoon of lemon juice and a half 02:59 a teaspoon of sea salt and the coconut oil, we're 03:04 going to add last. I would like to blind this up first. 03:09 The coconut oil is a very important ingredient 03:11 because that's what we will solidify this butter 03:14 when it's all set and done. So, we will just that was 03:17 the blade, I just put on here and so we will put it here. 03:28 This is so lightweight that you can take the blender 03:32 off and shake it. Makes you everything 03:34 thoroughly blended together, one more time. 03:42 Now, add the coconut oil, okay now this coconut oil 03:45 do you pretty much have to get that out in a health 03:47 food store. Well, they do have a better grade at 03:50 health food stores. You like to find the natural 03:52 and it's also in an extra virgin form just like your 03:56 olive oil is. When the recipe calls for coconut 04:01 butter that's just solidified oil so there one in the 04:04 same, but this one calls for oil and it's a little bit 04:07 solid but it's going to blend up easily. 04:11 There is a lot different grades of olive oil, sorry 04:14 coconut oil around but if you can find the 04:17 unrefined and extra virgin, it even taste better 04:21 and you know even besides cooking you can 04:23 use the exact same oil for us skin 04:25 moisturizer it smells so wonderful. 04:29 So, let's blind this up one more time. 04:47 We just wanna make sure it's really smooth because 04:49 people don't care greedy butter you know, it's 04:52 smooth as well we're going for and you can 04:54 make variations of this Better Butter as well. 04:57 A lot of people like the honey butter; you could 05:00 add honey to it. I have friend that adds, it's just 05:05 going in there, she adds different Italian herbs to it 05:08 to have a herbal butter that's good. This was the 05:13 main variations that I make to honey and then 05:17 herbs. And we just to try this I have ever had a 05:19 recipe for like that before it's sounds like it will be 05:21 very good and wherever right now it's somewhat 05:25 liquefied that and just about 4 hours in the 05:29 refrigerator it will get solid because of the 05:31 coconut oil in there and then once you put it on 05:35 steam broccoli or your bake potato or anyways 05:39 you would use regular butter you know this will 05:42 melts and it has such a good taste. And people at 05:45 the lifestyle center love it and many people like a 05:48 better then even your commercial butters, well 05:50 it has to be good. So, that's about as easy as you 05:54 get, okay what we are gonna do next, well why 05:57 don't we do a whipped cream, oh! That's sound 06:00 wonderful, let's do that let's do okay. 06:02 The Whipped Cream ingredients are. 06:04 1 ½ c. raw almonds also a 06:08 ½ c. freshly squeezed orange juice 06:13 1 date, preferably Medjool, and also 06:17 almond extract to taste. 06:21 Well, Bev would you show us how to make 06:22 your wonderful Whipped Cream, I will let me 06:25 mention a few things about the recipe first, 06:28 the recipe calls for almonds but actually 06:31 almonds, walnuts, cashews they all blend up into 06:34 Whipped Cream, one is well as another well that's 06:37 good to do, so if you only had almonds you know 06:40 you could use those but if you didn't have almonds 06:42 and had one of the other nuts they were just fine 06:45 and actually the recipe is says to soak your nuts 06:48 first at least two hours and I did that and it 06:51 makes the more digestible, the proteins 06:53 more available and it releases the enzyme and 06:55 inhibitors okay so it's a good idea that soak your 06:59 nuts. So, and listen since I actually did chose the 07:02 cashews. Because you can use cashews, walnuts 07:05 or almonds, so you soak the nuts and then you just 07:08 pour the water off yes and I washed them you know 07:11 spray them. So, sometimes some of this 07:14 nuts are little dirty when you get them so it means 07:18 a two folds, so it's a good idea right, yes it is so that 07:22 was a cup and half of nuts. So, when they 07:24 soaked do they kind a plump up or something. 07:25 A little bit they do you know and you can blend 07:29 and dehydrate if you just wanna eat them like a 07:31 trail mix or something. And then also the half 07:36 cup of fresh squeezed orange juice I will put 07:39 that right here in the blinder too, just took 07:42 orange and squeeze at this morning and then one 07:45 dates now this might not look like a date to you. 07:49 Medjool date you can buy something called date 07:52 paste. So, they have already taken the pit out 07:55 of the Medjool nut and whipped it up and it's real 07:58 soft. So, it blends up so easily, I will put that in 08:01 here. Now, if people are just using regular date 08:04 make sure they take the pit out and they need to 08:06 soak it for few hours first. And then it wills soften 08:10 up and it will blend easier okay so and then it says a 08:14 just a few drops of almond extract and that 08:17 excuse me that really does add to the taste of 08:20 the over all. You wanna be careful, I just put two in 08:23 there because that gets very protein, very strong 08:26 yeah. Then I will put the lid on there light to mix 08:31 I will make sure you get that lid in there very tight. 08:35 There you go and then I will just push all the 08:40 nuts into the blender here until 08:42 I gets creamy okay, okay. 09:14 It's not quite creamy yet, but you can check at 09:16 every now and then and you can even add a little 09:20 more water in there if you want to, okay. 09:22 So, I have a little water here just not even an 09:25 ounce there you go. And we will just cream 09:29 it up one more time and then it should be ready. 10:13 Let's turn off, okay now remember with natural 10:16 food recipes now once we're duplicating there is 10:20 going to look exactly like your Whipped Cream out 10:23 of the store, but the taste is wonderful just like as 10:29 we use carob instead of chocolate and there is 10:32 substitutes and there are good actually but you do 10:38 have to give yourself a little chance to 10:41 get use to a different type of taste. 10:52 I have done this with walnuts before too, 10:56 so that will work pretty good and all these are 10:59 dairy substitute recipes there are good for about 11:02 five days in storage yeah. This will you don't have 11:06 to worry about using right away, no leave it to 11:08 weakly way, this so Whipped Cream you 11:12 might have to fluff it up in your blender if you're 11:14 not gonna use it for a few days to aureate it at little 11:17 bit more and you can put this on top of any desert. 11:23 It's just a like a light whipped almost a nut 11:26 butter, it's all there is two of barley smells really 11:29 good. Very easy just matter getting use to 11:33 working with natural foods right, wonderful 11:37 well what do we will try next. Well, why don't we 11:41 do the Creamy Almond Milk? Okay. 11:49 2/3 c. raw almonds 1/3 c. unsweetened coconut 11:53 1 tsp. sea salt 1 c. raw oats 11:57 1 tbsp. pure vanilla 2 tbsp. raw honey 12:04 Well, I guess this is time for us to make our 12:06 Almond Milk Creamy, Almond milk yes. 12:09 Its surprise me how many people are allergic to milk 12:11 and diary products these days. Well, I'm one of 12:14 them. Really! Yes. I had so many allergies and 12:17 I went vegan and I just, took care of them all, 12:20 I know that's story so much. Yeah, so this is a 12:24 great recipe okay, actually you know my 12:26 husband and I don't just sit down and drink a glass 12:29 of milk, but there is a quite a few recipes that 12:31 call for a milk in them even vegan, vegetarian 12:35 recipes so if you have a good milk substitute on 12:39 hand than you can make this recipes. That's great, 12:42 so I'm gonna put the 2/3 cup of almonds in here 12:45 okay, I will put the dry ingredients in first, the 12:50 next is a 1/3 cup of unsweetened coconut and 12:55 then you will almost have to get an health food 12:57 store, well I think so. Then the store there are 13:00 just coated with powder sugar and that can really 13:03 and immobilize the immune system, there is a 13:06 teaspoon of sea salt, this is the Celtic sea salted 13:10 seems to have higher mineral content. 13:12 And then this is just one cup of raw oats. 13:18 I'm gonna blend all those together just so there 13:20 powdered evenly and then I will start adding 13:24 the liquid ingredients. This is the wider mix, 13:31 have to snap those together to make sure that 13:33 there that the lid won't come off and I'm just 13:38 gonna like melt them together okay, 13:58 okay it's just quick way of mixing all your 14:00 ingredients together and then I'm gonna add the 14:04 wet ingredients which is the tablespoon of 14:07 pure vanilla right here. And that's always the one 14:11 that cost to little more a pure vanilla not artificial. 14:16 It's got the vanilla bean and everything and then 14:19 the two tablespoons of raw honey at here, 14:24 now the recipe says to add just a little bit of 14:28 water to blend all these ingredients together. 14:31 So, we're gonna get that started and then I will add 14:34 the rest of the water to make, I have gallon 14:36 actually put that in there and after get starts to 14:43 blend well, I will add water to make a half a 14:45 gallon which this vita mix makes 14:48 okay wonderful okay, this in, 15:37 here we go just like it's blended very well now 15:40 that's one of the beauties of the wider mix. 15:43 Now, actually you could drink the milk as is but if 15:48 people notice any kind of riser do and they're like a 15:51 little almonds or little coconut. They are not real 15:55 thrilled about that, yeah, yeah so I'm gonna strain 15:58 now this is like nylon bag and I'm gonna strain it 16:02 which way they made either put that in here and 16:05 we will strain it and then I will put it into 16:07 another container alright, okay. 16:16 You can use either nylon bag or mazlein that's good. 16:26 You have to be careful with this not there 16:28 is gonna break or anything but it can be massy, 16:34 another nice feature of this recipe as you can add 16:37 dates and carob and make a like a chocolate milk, 16:39 Oh! That's sounds good and I know kids like that 16:42 and if you have under half of vita mix actually 16:46 you can leave it on high for few minutes and they 16:49 will get hot and you have like a hot chocolate oops. 16:54 So, I just keep squeezing that's to we get most all 16:57 the milk out, if you wanna just to make 17:01 almond cream you just put a little bit of water 17:04 maybe of cup of water or two cups of water and 17:07 just kind of eyeball it. So, there are use for what's 17:12 left over in your net here, well that's a good 17:14 question there is a we have made different types 17:17 of like almond paddies and there is different 17:21 recipes around that called for almond pulp, oh! Well 17:25 that good, but you don't how many waste it, yeah. 17:29 You can freeze until you are ready to use it, there 17:32 is a recipe around for biscuits and you use the 17:35 almond pulp and you dehydrated in your 17:37 dehydrator with other ingredients interesting 17:41 and it's really very good for you. So, I'm just 17:44 gonna transfer this bag over here, so we don't 17:47 the picture here so the audience can have get a 17:55 little extra water we just put that in here for right 17:58 now. I want them to see what the milk looks like 18:06 just nice and white, very white very pretty and 18:10 that's good for about five days fantastic. 18:13 And lot of storing in the refrigerators sometimes 18:17 it's separate you will get like watery top and 18:19 creamy so you just take a spoon or just patch little 18:22 like this and just mix it up, it's stir it a little and 18:25 then it's ready. And it's always better chill right 18:29 now this room temperature but if you chill it then 18:32 most people say they will like it better then 18:34 someone the other commercial nondairy milks. 18:37 Oh! Wonderful, well so recipe I'm still we are 18:39 gonna try at home and years now I will get that it 18:42 will stay good for five days that's great. 18:46 Well, what do we're gonna do next, now why 18:48 don't we do a Cheese, oh! Yeah, that's a real issue 18:51 with the lot of people yes, that's Slicing cheesy mint 18:54 fantastic okay, okay. 18:58 2 ½ c. water 3 tbsp. agar powder 19:03 1 c. raw cashews 1 jar pimientos 19:07 3 tbsp. nutritional yeast flakes 19:10 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice 2 tsp. onion powder 19:17 2 tbsp. sea salt 1 tbsp. paprika 19:20 and 1/4 tsp. garlic powder 19:25 Well, we ready to make our Slicing Cheese, 19:27 we are, good. This is a very versatile recipe 19:31 because you can make either a Slicing Cheese 19:33 or you can make greater Cheese or you can make 19:36 Cheese Sauce, wonderful, just make a few little 19:39 changes right. It's got a few different ingredients 19:42 but what you will get into this, these are normal 19:46 ingredient you have on hand in your cupboard 19:48 I see okay. So, it says 2 ½ cups of water, but 1 ½ 19:54 cups of water I'm going to boil on the stove okay. 19:58 And I will put the three tablespoons of agar 20:01 powder in it. Agar is just a, comes from a seed 20:04 wheat, so it's a truly a vegetarian product. 20:08 And so they are thickener is that, it is okay yeah it 20:10 will make the cheese hot so I will let that be 20:13 thickening in here as we put the rest of the 20:17 ingredients in the vita mix. So, it's something 20:20 that's little more healthy then corn starch or 20:22 something like that. Yeah, it's gonna like a 20:24 healthy corn starch and it thickens pretty quick too. 20:30 So, we let that thicken little bit while we put the 20:33 rest thing ingredients in, so there is another cup of 20:36 water we will put that in okay. And then just go 20:41 right and down the line 2 ½ cups, I'm sorry 1 cup 20:46 of cashews or almonds, I have found that almonds 20:49 are interchangeable with cashews both of them a 20:52 good and then 4 ounce jar of pimientos right here 20:57 these are whole pimientos it look little different. 21:00 That's going to give you Cheese the orange color, 21:03 and it does add to the taste as well. 21:05 Now, if you wanted to white cheese you just 21:07 leave that out okay, you know like Ricardo 21:10 Cheese you just leave that out. Then 3 tablespoons 21:12 of nutritional yeast, these are flakes, flakes. 21:16 Are you familiar this, yes I used them. 21:18 They have a nice, nice flavor to them yeah. 21:21 Then actually what's gonna give it the Cheesy 21:23 taste and it's nutritional yeast not brewers yeast. 21:27 That's a big difference, and then addition to 21:33 that we will put the lemon juice here. 21:35 That was 2 tablespoons, 2 teaspoons of onion powder. 21:40 Now, you could always put a little slice of a fresh 21:43 onion in there if you wanted too, okay. 21:46 And then 2 teaspoons of the sea salt, 1 teaspoon of 21:51 Paprika and of course if you were making the 21:53 white cheese like a Ricardo or Nascarella 21:56 whatever you will leave that out. We will put that 21:59 in and then also the 1/4 teaspoon of garlic 22:04 powder, here we go. Okay and then I'm going 22:08 to blind this together now the only thing I didn't put 22:11 in was the Agar and it's pretty thick now. 22:14 And I will put the Agar in last, because if I put it in 22:18 first it's going to almost be too thick in there, 22:21 I see. It libbers the machine, so let's blind 22:27 this together and then we will add 22:29 the agar afterwards. 22:59 Okay, this looking good and it's really 23:01 simple isn't it? It really is and this is 23:05 one thing people say if I only had a good 23:07 recipe for Cheese, I could do a vegan diet. 23:12 So, this is real thick now, so I'm just going to add 23:15 that, I think I have should probably put this off to 23:18 the side a little bit and add this and then I will 23:22 start the blender again, you see how thick that is. 23:26 Yeah, it really does thicken, 23:32 okay blend it one more time, the finish product 23:39 is really beautiful let's just getting 23:40 from here to there okay here we go. 24:06 Well, that's definitely thickened end up yes 24:08 could you hear the machine yes struggling 24:10 little bit, a little bit. Okay,I'm just gonna pour this 24:15 right into a bowl, now you could put it over 24:22 it like a whole grain Macaroni and Cheese at 24:25 this point over macaroni and put out on your stove 24:29 and you know your children I think they 24:32 would love it this is got good taste to it since it 24:34 has all those different spices in it and 24:38 seasonings, it smells good. Yeah, and you 24:42 might smooth this out a little bit, that's gonna be 24:45 the bottom because when it's in the refrigerator for 24:48 a while it will get hard and then you will flip it 24:51 over like I'm gonna do with one that's already 24:55 ready made. I can think of anyone that doesn't like 24:59 Cheese, but I can think of lot of people that Cheese 25:02 doesn't like them exactly. So, now this one I did 25:06 earlier today and we put it in the small like bread 25:10 pan and you just put some type of a dish I got this 25:13 decorative dish turn over. And you can use any kind 25:18 of mole that you want and usually just pops right out. 25:25 It will give it a little bit to help here, now it goes. 25:33 And then that's very sliceable you know and 25:35 you put on crackers you will make a grill Cheese 25:39 if you wanted really. Does it kind of milt, yes it 25:43 does melt in fact you can also put it in the freezer 25:47 and then grade it on the top of crackers bread or 25:51 anything spaghetti anything you would regular Cheese, 25:54 wonderful. Well, we're going to take a short 25:56 break now and comeback to show 25:58 you the finish products. 26:02 We hope you have enjoyed today's program 26:03 with Bev cook, now let's take a movement to 26:06 review our dairy replacement recipes for 26:08 Better Butter you will need. 26:09 ½ c. pine nuts 2 tbsp. olive oil 26:16 1/4 c. water 1 tsp. Udo's Oil 26:17 1 tbsp. lemon juice ½ tsp. sea salt 26:21 ½ c. coconut oil 26:23 For your Whipped Cream you will need 26:24 1 ½ c. raw almonds ½ c. freshly squeezed 26:28 orange juice 1 date, preferably 26:31 Medjool, few drops of almond extract to taste 26:35 For the Creamy Almond Milk you will need 26:37 2/3 c. raw almonds 1/3 c. unsweetened 26:41 coconut 1 tsp. sea salt 26:44 1 c. raw oats 1 tbsp. pure vanilla 26:48 and 2 tbsp. raw honey 26:51 If you would like to contact Bev Cook, please 26:53 call 3ABN at 1-800-752- 3226, now let's take 26:59 a look at our finished recipes with Bev. 27:05 Welcome back, Bev how about tell us about the 27:08 recipes you made today. I will be happy too, 27:11 well we start out with Better Butter and that one 27:14 you can use on anything you would regularly use 27:16 Better on, and it melts very easily and then the 27:20 next one we moved into was the Whipped Cream 27:23 and this remember if you are not going to serve 27:25 immediately to Whipped up in your blender right 27:28 before serving. Then after that we did the Creamy 27:32 Almond Milk, you could substitute hot cashews 27:36 and have Creamy Cashew Milk, either one is 27:38 wonderful. And then a lot of people will say 27:41 if I only had a good Cheese but we found that 27:44 today in the Slicing Cheese and that can also 27:47 be grated you can make a Cheese Sauce with it 27:50 and put it on crackers and it will melt on your 27:52 broccoli or wherever. Well, thank you Beverly 27:55 I hope that this recipes have been helpful to you 27:58 today and going nondairy and I hope that you will 28:02 join back with us again and Let's Cook Together. |
Revised 2014-12-17