Let's Cook Together

Main Entrees

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Bev Cook


Series Code: LCT

Program Code: LCT000062

00:01 Have you ever eaten salad and you think I'm getting
00:03 sick of salad I know I should be eating my
00:05 vegetables and healthy foods, but I'm gonna quite
00:07 sure how to get all these raw food in? Well, today we
00:09 have an exciting program plan for you with raw foods.
00:45 Hello, friends and welcome to another Let's Cook
00:48 Together program. I'm your host Jill Morikone and
00:51 it's my privilege to be here in the kitchen with a
00:53 special guest, a special friend all the way from
00:56 Carolina. Her name is Bev Cook and I want to welcome
00:58 you Bev to our program today. Thank you Jill it's
01:01 nice to be here. We are excited about the program
01:04 and the recipes that we have plan for today.
01:06 But first tell me a little bit about your ministry?
01:09 Well, we have a ministry in North Carolina that's
01:11 out in the Hills of; it's actually the Foothills of
01:15 the Smokies. Nice. It's got the Blue Ridge Mountains.
01:18 That's a beautiful country. Right, and the center
01:20 where we live has the sliding glass doors all
01:23 around, so wherever you look you are looking at
01:26 God's wonderful creation. Amen. So, when people
01:30 come there, they are not only learning how to cook
01:32 well and eat well and treat their bodies well, which
01:35 is a temple of the Holy Spirit but they are getting
01:38 rest. Yes. You know much needed rest for the eyes
01:42 not all that stress and dizziness of the city.
01:44 Right! So, you have a Lifestyle Center where
01:46 people can come, and people can enjoy the nature.
01:49 Right we do. Right, right and healthy eating and all
01:52 the stuffs goes combined. Everything all combined.
01:54 Right! Right! Now, Bev has told me also that she
01:57 goes run and does cooking schools, I mean all over
01:58 the country, you really busy doing this. Wherever
02:01 we are getting invitation and people wanting to hear
02:04 more about how to fix the natural foods, how to do
02:07 them easy? So, you are not spending your whole life
02:09 in the kitchen. I am off for that, I like this. Yes, yes
02:12 me too. And so it's really a freedom for them to
02:15 know. They can eat healthy and do it in a relatively
02:18 short period of time. Yes. And not have the guilt
02:22 that's associated with so much food today. Right,
02:24 right. Do you talk about Eight Laws of Health when
02:26 you do your, we do, cooking schools or just? Okay
02:28 No, we teach the Eight Laws of Health, the
02:30 nutrition, exercise, water, sunshine, temperance,
02:34 fresh air, rest and trust in God. Yes. They all work
02:38 synergistically together to rebuild the body.
02:40 And that forms an acronym, right new start to it.
02:43 It does, it does it's an easy way to remember. Yeah,
02:46 that helps. That's nee, and you are headed to
02:48 Wisconsin next right after we finish this program.
02:50 Yeah. You and your husband are going up there.
02:52 Correct. That's nee, very good. Well we are making
02:54 raw recipes today. We are and very tasty ones at
02:58 that. Yeah I'm excited. This first recipe Jill is the
03:02 Spinach Pasta Salad. Good, you want to read the
03:05 recipe first, sure, for our friends at home it should
03:06 come on the screen for you, there we go.
03:09 Raw spinach, cold pasta, red potatoes, cooked and
03:13 cooled, olives either black or green preferably
03:17 without vinegar, carrots, grated, red bell pepper,
03:21 shredded soy cheese, celery, diced, you can have
03:27 toasted croutons, and a healthy salad dressing.
03:30 Now tell me Bev, there were no, what's the word,
03:34 proportions, thank you I'm thinking recipe that's
03:36 authorize our proportions, yeah, why is that?
03:39 Well, this is a recipe that my husband and I had at a
03:42 restaurant one day and we liked it so much we
03:45 thought let's go home, right, and prepare
03:47 ourselves, but we didn't know the proportions so we
03:50 did said well that's whatever we like we put
03:52 the most in. Right, in fact Bev was telling me before
03:55 the program that she squashed it all in the
03:56 napkin, right? I did. You were eating, and you said
03:59 oops there is spinach and here are those are potatoes
04:01 in here whatever. Exactly and we came home and
04:03 we're happy with what we were able to recreate.
04:06 Yes. That's a real cook Bev that's really good.
04:08 We've learned a few things along the way. Okay,
04:10 let's show us how to make this here. Well we start
04:12 with the bowlful of lettuce, I'm sorry the spinach,
04:16 you could use lettuce. Right! But spinach works
04:19 really well and actually spinach has got some
04:22 wonderful attributes toward, there is Tryptophan in
04:24 it which is a good. It's a very good food element to
04:28 help our minds. It helps offset depression
04:32 especially. Cool, they could. And then we're just
04:34 going to start mixing all these others raw foods,
04:37 they are not all raw but mostly raw into the spinach
04:40 leaves. Good. So, the first thing I've got cold pasta
04:44 right here. Nice. I'm gonna to use about half of this,
04:47 you may not recognizes this is called Orzo. Okay.
04:51 It's a pasta just real small noodles. Yes, okay.
04:55 But you could use you know elbows or flaps or
04:59 whatever else you want. Any type that you want?
05:01 Right, and once we put everything else those will
05:03 mix little bit better in there. Yes, okay. And so in
05:07 addition to that I put these red potatoes and we have
05:10 cook those. So, this is a totally raw dish Jill. Okay,
05:13 it's a mix. You have to cook. Because of the
05:15 ingredients. Right, okay. You gonna be mixing all
05:17 that together and then the olives, right here these are
05:22 the green olives and there are Spanish olives,
05:26 so they are not heavy salt. Yes. It's just light
05:29 salt and water. So, you leave them whole,
05:31 you don't have to chop them? No. So, it's easy
05:33 recipe. Yeah, some people chop them that they I
05:36 like them whole because I do like olives. Yes.
05:39 And when they are whole you can taste them better.
05:42 Why do you use Bev the green olives verses black,
05:44 is there any difference or? Well, the black would be
05:46 okay if you could find one without an additive there
05:49 is sometimes additives in black olives that could be
05:53 problematic for some people. Okay. So, these are
05:55 little safer. Okay, got you. Here's the red bell pepper
05:59 and we did cut those up fine. Yeah. They will add a
06:02 lot of color. Oh yeah, that's a pretty. A lot of
06:04 antioxidants! Did you know that the red and the
06:07 yellow bell pepper are actually better for you than
06:10 the green? I didn't hear the right prevision, but I'm
06:13 not even sure. Is that accurate? That's accurate.
06:14 We have a bell pepper field across from where we
06:17 lived and they start out green and they harvest
06:20 those, but they leave some on and at the month later
06:23 they come back and get the same ones only that
06:25 have turned red. Right, well that explains why
06:27 they are so expensive in the grocery store, right.
06:29 Right, short shelf life. That's right. Actually the
06:34 next ingredient is the shredded cheese. Okay.
06:36 So I'm going to put that on it. Now is the cheese
06:39 raw? For the most part one ingredient I put in is
06:43 called agar, okay, I did have to cook that one
06:46 ingredient but everything else in here is raw. Yeah.
06:49 So, it's kind of a mix just like the salad is. Yeah.
06:52 Okay. And you can use a rice cheese or you can use
06:54 a soy cheese. I would watch out for one ingredient
07:00 called casein that's an animal protein. Yes. If you
07:04 can, but, or you can make your own cheese like we
07:06 did right here. Okay, it sets up really firmly, I like
07:09 that. It's the agar and that something people haven't
07:12 had lot of experience with but they should get to
07:15 know how to use it because it will make all kind of
07:17 cheeses for you. To set up through well like that!
07:20 To set up! That's very nice it's very pretty, yeah.
07:22 Now for friends at home we're not demonstrating
07:24 this recipe right now, right. No. So, but they can
07:26 contact us. They can. At 3ABN and we'll give you
07:30 guys the address you can get in touch with you.
07:31 We will be happy too. Okay. So, good, now we're
07:34 gonna to mix all these together, but let's put
07:36 there other ingredients and that's our chops celery,
07:40 and then I didn't bring the croutons because you can
07:43 have it with or without. Alright, okay. But I did
07:45 bring the carrots, put the carrots in there and then
07:49 we'll start mixing all this together. Mixing that,
07:51 you only mix here. Sure and then I'll be adding
07:54 little of this. Oh, it looks good. Yeah get some of
08:00 the spinach from underneath here. There we go.
08:04 This is one people really like. Oh it's beautiful.
08:08 You know because people really like potatoes. Yes.
08:11 And so they will make their way throughout the
08:13 spinach to get to those potatoes. Oh it's beautiful.
08:15 Let's pour a little bit of this and actually you can
08:17 use any type of healthy dressing. Okay. This is just
08:21 the vegenaise that I watered down with lemon
08:23 juice and water and I put a little dill in there. Okay.
08:26 And that's all. You can just mix that up. Mix it
08:30 one, or leave on top either one. We usually mix it
08:33 up, Now you stick in the fridge for a while or you
08:35 don't need to since it's cooled. Yes all my
08:38 ingredients were refrigerated, so they were
08:40 chill so it's ready to eat. Now you do want to make
08:44 sure your pasta and your potatoes are chilled before
08:47 you put it in or else so we'll use lettuce. Yes, yes.
08:51 Oh that looks good. Otherwise, that is all there
08:53 is too that and that's a meal actually absolute it's
08:57 very filling. It makes me hungry. Very nice, but it
09:02 looks good. We're making raw recipe next what we
09:05 will be making next. Right, we're gonna to make a
09:06 nut loaf next. A raw nut loaf yes, I can't wait to
09:10 see this. That's the pretty exciting. Right you will
09:12 enjoy it. Good , for the raw Nut loaf you need
09:15 1 c. almonds, 3/4 c sunflowers seeds,
09:19 3/4 c. pumpkin seeds, 3/4 c. pecans or hazel nuts,
09:25 juice of one lemon, 1/3 c. olive oil, 1/4 c. water,
09:31 and 1 teaspoon sun dried sea salt. You also need
09:35 1 tablespoon sage, 2 teaspoons basil,
09:38 1 teaspoon oregano, 1 teaspoon thyme,
09:42 ½ teaspoon poultry seasoning, ½ teaspoon
09:46 garlic powder, 1 teaspoon of kelp, 1/4 quarter to 1/2
09:51 of red onion, 2 stalks celery and ½ of red
09:56 pepper that's optional. You have to explain to me
10:01 Bev how this is raw nut loaf. Well, actually we're
10:05 gonna to combine everything in a bowl and
10:07 we're going to make loafs. So, it looks like meat
10:10 loaf, it's called a nut loaf. Yes. And it will dry at a
10:12 very low temperature in there about 100 degrees.
10:16 Okay. And so as long as you keep your heat that
10:18 low it retains the enzymes live and that's
10:21 the definition of a raw food. Okay. With the live
10:24 enzymes! So, then the cooked food would be not
10:26 the dead, but I don't know if you call at that, but the
10:28 live enzymes are gone. Right, they start to die at
10:31 107. There's all different kinds of enzymes. Okay.
10:35 They start to die at 107 and they are all gone by
10:37 120. Okay. And that is not a hot heat. Yeah, that's
10:40 not at all, way lower than boiling heat. Right,
10:44 we like the dehydrated because the taste it's
10:48 cooked it's a little bit warmed, yes, it's a
10:49 different texture, a little different look, yes, but still
10:52 is considered raw. So, what would temperature was
10:54 to dehydrated it you said? I said it at 100. Okay,
10:58 so you are 7 degrees safe, right. Safe, yeah
11:00 little margin. Okay, let's see how to make. Okay,
11:02 this nut loaf, we're going to just mix together these
11:05 vegetables, which is, first our red onion in here and
11:11 the red onion that was about to half of a small red
11:14 onion. Okay. And then also we're going to put our,
11:19 this is our celery. Celery! Right there and then our
11:23 red pepper and our celery that was too stalks. Okay.
11:27 And this if half of our red bell pepper. And you
11:30 stuck all this in this food processor. I did, I chopped
11:32 it up fine. That's nice I like your food processor,
11:35 it saves a lot of work. Thank you. Yeah. And then
11:37 we have a lot of other ingredients that are going
11:40 to mix in there and we're going to blend them all up
11:43 in here. Okay. So, we'll start with out nuts. Yes.
11:48 Right here which is our cup of almonds and then
11:53 this is our sunflower seeds 3/4 of a cup. Okay. And in
11:59 addition to that we've got our 3/4 cup of pumpkin
12:02 seeds. Okay. You got a lot of different types of nuts
12:06 going. We do, we do nuts and seeds and then also
12:10 this is our 3/4 cups of our pecans. Nice, I like pecans.
12:15 You could use basil nuts if you want it, it doesn't
12:18 change the taste a whole lot. Okay, good. You know
12:20 I am going to add these seasonings, but I would like
12:22 to just crunch these up little bit first and then the
12:25 seasoning. We will pulse a little bit, you pulse it,
12:28 okay. Right, we pulse it. That's okay. Oh yeah,
12:38 the powder, powder. Absolutely the almonds take
12:41 the longest I guess they are the biggest or they are
12:43 hardest. Right, you could use slivered almonds if
12:45 you wanted to put, but we're going to grind this
12:49 quite a bit more when we add the rest of
12:51 ingredients. Okay, the juice of one lemon right here.
12:54 Oh, good. For medium size lemon that's about 3
12:57 tablespoon. Yes, yes okay. And what else we're
13:00 gonna to put and this is our olive oil. Oh, good.
13:03 This is 1/3 of a cup. Now you prefer olive oil is that
13:06 your not favorite kind but you think the healthiest
13:08 kind of oil, okay. The cold pressed, yes, extra
13:13 version olive oil is the best, okay. That's almost
13:17 the only oil we use, a little coconut oil now and
13:20 then. Now, we're going to start adding our herbs
13:25 right here, sun dried sea salt right here, and we
13:29 might need a little water I'll check on that. Okay.
13:33 Also a tablespoon of sage, 2 teaspoons of basil and
13:40 once you again, you could use fresh if you wanted,
13:42 yes, you would use three times as much. Right
13:44 okay, the 3:1 ratio, I like that, yes that's good.
13:47 This is the 1 teaspoon of oregano. Okay.
13:52 And 1 teaspoon of thyme, ½ tsp of poultry
13:57 seasonings. Okay. There is no chicken in it.
14:00 Yeah that's what I'm thinking about here.
14:02 These are mix of herbs that very nice people do use
14:05 with chic. Okay, okay. Half teaspoon of garlic
14:10 powder and then 1 teaspoon of kelp.
14:15 Now where can you get the kelp? I'm not real
14:17 familiar with that. The kelp, you would most likely
14:20 you have to go to a healthy food store to buy that,
14:22 it's not readily available in your conventional
14:24 stores. That will give a little bit of fishy taste.
14:27 It does. It's not so heavy in here that is over
14:30 writing. Right, right okay, sounds good.
14:52 See how it's looking. How is that looking,
14:53 its looking better absolutely. I'll use the
14:56 spoon just a minute. Yeah. We're gonna to do.
14:58 There it goes. Push it down into the blades a little
15:01 bit more. So, you start it up with tiny little pieces
15:04 and that's okay, firm pieces okay. You don't
15:07 want any large chunks because right now it's going
15:10 to be a nut loaf. Yes, okay. It's just tastier you when
15:13 everything is blended together.
15:26 It should be good in that. It looks good. Now we'll
15:30 take the blade out. Now what type of blade you are
15:33 using there? This is called the S-blade. Yes S-blade,
15:35 okay. See it's the shape of an S. Yeah, okay.
15:38 That's verses plate blade that slices and dices.
15:42 Yes alright. We're just going to put this all in
15:45 here hopefully here we go. Now we will mix that
15:54 thoroughly and then we'll put our patties together.
15:58 Okay. The water that's in the celery! Yes. And the
16:02 red bell peppers and even the onion to a degree
16:06 helps make this moist. And it needs to be a little bit
16:10 moist so it will hold together. You don't want
16:12 crumbling falling of pot patties, right. No, the
16:16 recipes says that you can add up to a forth of a cup
16:18 of water, so if you need that if things just won't
16:22 stick together you could add that you could feel free
16:23 to add that okay. Is that good or? That's beautiful
16:26 last it just another stir too okay. There we go,
16:33 yes Oh it looks good right. It's colorful too.
16:37 Absolutely, that's okay. Now that's good to me.
16:41 So now we're going to make patties loafs,
16:45 patties are usually round loafs are more rectangular.
16:48 Yes. It is supposed to mimic a meat loaf. Okay.
16:51 You know in the way it looks. Now this is just one
16:54 of your shelves we need to hydrate if we pull down.
16:56 Yes. With parchment paper. We did. Okay.
16:59 Because we don't wanted to fall through the regular,
17:03 so I usually just take it with my hand and I start
17:06 putting it into the rectangular type of loaf.
17:09 Oh, nice yeah. That's nice and colorful I like that
17:14 very much. Yes. Now how long would it go into
17:17 hydrate for. Oh let's see it's about actually 2 to 4
17:21 hours. Okay. This has to warm, it doesn't have to
17:25 really dehydrate thoroughly. Now just a warm so
17:28 and when people ate it, they are not eating a cold
17:30 loafs. Right, but it still be very good. Yeah,
17:33 something to do with psychology I believe.
17:36 I think so. And we fix this right at our center
17:41 the first night when people come and they are very
17:43 happy with it. Yes. You want the best fruit at the
17:46 beginning exactly. Well, you make good food
17:50 throughout absolutely. But it is fairly important
17:53 that first night so they know their for a week of
17:55 good experience. That's right instead of like
17:57 whatever I gotten my self into. Yes, yes.
18:01 You can make them different sizes at I just
18:03 happened to do some people might be hungry
18:05 than others so. And then we would. This would
18:07 made six all together six loafs and then also Jill one
18:12 last finishing touch that organic ketchup right here.
18:15 Oh yeah, okay. I usually put a little on top, and let it
18:18 dry so then it really looks likes a meat loaf.
18:21 Yes, okay. That's good now where do you get the
18:24 organic ketchup, can we get at grocery stores.
18:26 Usually you can get that at grocery store now.
18:28 Okay. You know a lot of our grocery stores are
18:30 getting more and more into organic. Absolutely,
18:32 so we just stick it in for. For 2 to 4 hours. And then
18:35 you are ready to eat, boy that's good,. Yes.
18:38 What's out last recipe we're making today.
18:40 It's going to be broccoli carrot noodles salad.
18:43 That's sounds good. Would you like to read that
18:45 recipe for us Bev? Sure, it's the noodles salad,
18:49 it starts with 1 head of broccoli, it's actually the
18:53 broccoli stalks that we're gonna spiral. Also we're
18:57 gonna to do the carrot 1 carrot and also the
19:01 cucumber that needs to be an English cucumber
19:04 because they are little firmer, and then we also
19:06 do the sunflower seeds about a cup. Well this is a
19:13 really nee noodles salad Bev I like this because its
19:16 raw. It is right. It gives you the feeling of eating
19:19 pasta. Right. It's very good. And keeping all this
19:21 enzymes. Exactly. That we are talking about.
19:23 Exactly, exactly. Right, good. This takes a special
19:26 machine. Yeah what kind of machine is this?
19:28 This is called a spirally and it we'll make raw pasta.
19:32 Nee. The down side of it is the manufacture doesn't
19:35 make it anymore but I have seen it on Ebay
19:38 so if you do little research you can find it.
19:41 Okay there you go good alright. We're gonna to
19:43 make the angel hair pasta today and this plate
19:46 comes out and it for cleaning and it will
19:49 actually make the fine angel hair pasta. Okay.
19:52 But there are two other blades this will make a
19:56 thicker pasta. Good. like the spaghetti. Yeah.
19:59 And then this other one makes the spiral. Oh yeah
20:02 you can see the difference let me just hold up and
20:03 you can get in the camera there. There we go good.
20:06 You have seen spiral rotini pasta before.
20:08 Yes, yes. That's what one of those blades will make.
20:11 okay. So we'll just slides back in there. Good.
20:13 This little machine I hope I guest can find one if
20:16 they are interesting. Yes so on Ebay right okay.
20:19 So we're going to used the broccoli stalk not the
20:23 flowerets because we're going to spiralize is the
20:27 term and there is a blade on either end presenting
20:29 there and then this is a teeth that hold it in place.
20:32 Okay. Now, we've pushed it down because they are
20:34 that such cups you don't want the machine to get the
20:37 away from you. If you push them pretty hard you
20:39 didn't want to slice across the camera. Exactly right.
20:41 Alright, so this is put pressure forward and then
20:45 you just squeeze and I should be getting something
20:48 out over there. Yes, I see it very neat. Just takes a
20:55 minute. Finish that. Well and then you end up a
21:06 little stalk there in the middle. Yes actually it looks
21:08 like a mushroom. Yeah, with lobs tab. And then
21:13 these, what I have actually put in the bowl.
21:15 Okay. You know it's wonderful to be able to use
21:18 all of your food. Yes. The stalk we usually throw
21:22 away but with this spirally you don't have to do that.
21:25 I like that very nice. And then our carrots I'm going
21:29 to do last, okay. I'm going to use this is an English
21:32 cucumber it's firmer than your average cucumber.
21:35 They are the long skinny ones right. Right and they
21:37 are fairly available, okay. Yeah you can get in the
21:40 grocery store. Right. It seems like the wider the
21:44 diameter of the vegetable the easier it is putting at
21:48 through this machine. Yes, now this is making
21:50 even longer skinny strips than the broccoli. Yes it's
21:54 because it has a wider diameter and it's getting the
21:57 full blade Oh God okay. It might not be as easy
22:02 with regular cucumber. Yes. But, this English does
22:06 well with. Can I put in the bowl? You may.
22:08 Now, why didn't they have quite as long of our stalk
22:11 as the other ones? The centers I'm talking about
22:14 the left over. Yes, it was left over and I just cut
22:17 them down. And this one has less, oh, there is the
22:19 rest of it, okay. Yeah, that's what you are
22:22 referring to. Yeah, I'm sorry okay, not very clear.
22:25 Now I'll try the carrot Jill. Good. You can find
22:29 carrots at wider diameter than these and they work
22:33 much better. So this is my point that being in
22:35 garnish instead of a noodle. So, we are hoping this
22:38 works, okay. We're helping. Certainly we'll add
22:42 cover. Oh yeah I think going to out it can coming
22:47 out absolutely good. It's real skinny but it's coming.
22:50 Okay. You're coming cute actually.
22:58 You can see these carrot is her. Sure enough,
23:01 they are little pelly queues. Yeah. See if you had the
23:03 wider diameter carrots up high would have come
23:05 out is the long noodles. Yes, okay I got you.
23:09 So look like one, one. But it gives nice color of
23:13 the carrot I like that right. I've also used yellow
23:15 squash and Zucchini in here. Oh nice. You could do
23:19 apples to for our fruit salad. The apples do have
23:23 a tendency to turn brown. Yes. That's the only
23:26 drawback. Yeah that is the top forward that.
23:32 Okay, that one did some too they are shorter but
23:35 they are still curly. Yes. They are still keep yes they
23:39 got. Let's try one more and wanting to more make
23:41 discipline. Oops excuse me. We'll try the other one
23:44 or this is one. Sometimes they just get away from
23:47 me. okay, so yellow squash zukini work well
23:57 and kind of things what else other vegetables they
24:02 Now what now what do we do with
24:03 the salad we're have to be from. Yes. The broccoli sauce is
24:04 really. well. Now what now what do we do with the salad
24:09 we're just got a little bit of time left. Okay, we just
24:11 mix it up I'm going to put this cup of sunflower
24:14 seeds just going move, sunflower seeds. Let's going
24:15 to move here. Sunflower seeds or sunflower sprouts
24:18 either one. Okay. And here those did start just
24:21 sprout a little bit but you can make them sprout
24:23 more yes and then once this is if I had a kitchen
24:27 scissors I would cut these noodles up. Oh alright.
24:30 So they wouldn't be quite so long. It might be little
24:33 hard to negotiate and then the salad dressing we just
24:37 pour over that all of it and any type of healthy salad
24:41 dressing would do. I made this from the Vegenaise
24:44 a nutritional yeast. Oh nice that's really oh I did the
24:47 nutritional yeast and the vegenaise together little
24:50 water and that's just about it. That's good,
24:54 for the other salad dressing was trying to thank you
24:55 add it some want to dill, dill and Lemon yes,
24:59 dill and lemon. So this is a little variation you can
25:01 just get creative in your kitchen. Yes I like that.
25:05 Well this is good, you want to mix it all up so it
25:08 at least the noodles are coded yes. Now would you
25:11 eat these right away or stick it in the fridge or
25:13 whatever. Well I would eat right away the sooner
25:16 the time you make at the crunch you more enzymes
25:18 there are right. Absolutely, that you could save it for
25:21 few hours it gets a little bit limp the next day yes,
25:25 yes right, right good okay yeah. And you see the
25:28 enzymes are best within the day so that we make a
25:30 difference too. Exactly they starts losing in storage,
25:33 the oxygen starts deteriorating right.
25:35 Okay well this has been fun well in just a moment
25:38 friends we will be back to show you the final
25:39 products, but first here is the recipes and the
25:42 address. So you can contact Bev.
25:46 We hope you've enjoyed today's program with Bev
25:48 Cook. Now let's take a moment to review our main
25:51 on trace recipes. Our spinach pasta salad,
25:54 raw spinach, cold pasta, red potatoes, cooked and
25:58 cooled, olives (black or green without vinegar),
26:00 Carrots, grated, red bell pepper, Shredded cheese
26:03 celery, diced toasted croutons, healthy salad
26:07 dressing. For our Nut Loaf, 1 c. almonds
26:10 3/4 c. sunflowers seeds 3/4 c. pumpkin seeds
26:14 3/4 c. Pecan or hazel nuts juice of one lemon
26:18 1/3 c. Olive oil 1/4 c. water
26:21 1 tbsp sun dried sea salt. 1 tbsp. sage
26:25 2 tsp. Basil 1 tsp. oregano 1 tsp. thyme
26:30 ½ tsp. Poultry seasoning ½ tsp. garlic powder
26:34 1 tsp. kelp 1/4 1/2 red onion
26:38 2 stalks celery and ½ of red pepper.
26:42 Our broccoli and carrots Noodles Salad,
26:44 1 head broccoli, stalks peeled and florets removed
26:48 1 carrot 1 English Cucumber
26:50 1 c. sunflower seeds. If you would like to contact
26:54 Bev Cook, please call 3ABN at 800-752-3226
26:59 for more information. Now, let's take a look at
27:02 our finished recipes with Bev.
27:08 Welcome back friends we're here in the kitchen with
27:11 Bev Cook and all this yummy looking food. Go ahead.
27:14 Yeah it tells what we made today. Well, this is the
27:17 Spinach Pasta Salad remember if we have little spinach
27:20 every day it helps our brain and it helps our attitude
27:23 all kinds of things, looks really good. The potatoes in
27:26 the pasta in here really give this an extra special
27:29 taste. Okay, we need to try and what's next this
27:31 is the nut loaf, it suppose to look like a meat loaf we
27:34 put a healthy organic ketchup on top. Its fruit
27:37 juice sweet in the ketchup instead of sugar.
27:39 Nice it looks real it is. Yeah it taste real,
27:43 and then this next is the Broccoli Carrot noodles
27:45 salad. We use this spirally to get the noodles,
27:48 but you can use something called a salad deco to get
27:51 the same look. Good, boy I can't wait to try this
27:54 recipes in there all raw right and mainly raw.
27:56 I like the main raw, mainly there is a few cooked
27:58 in this potatoes yeah well thanks for coming Bev and
28:00 sharing you talents at our friends at home we had
28:01 a really God time in kitchen we did, we did.
28:03 Well friends our time is all gone until we
28:05 see you next time enjoy cooking and stay healthy.


Revised 2014-12-17