Let's Cook Together

Appetizer And Dinner

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Bev Cook


Series Code: LCT

Program Code: LCT000061

00:01 If you are like nee, sometimes you rush home
00:03 from working you think what is the world that I
00:04 gonna to fix for dinner or what a might I gonna fix
00:06 for lunch. Well, today we have a complete meal
00:09 appetizer, the main dish, and assign dish for you.
00:44 Hello friends and welcome to Let's Cook
00:46 Together. I'm your host Jill Morikone and we
00:49 have an exciting complete meal program plan for
00:51 you today. I'm here in the kitchen with my good
00:54 friend and special guest Bev Cook. Welcome Bev.
00:57 We're so glad to have you, thank you Jill. It's
00:58 really nice to being here; I like to share these things
01:01 people having always fight before. Absolutely, I
01:04 like that. Now you're on the Lifestyle Center in
01:06 North Carolina, is that right? We do. People
01:08 come there. They don't know, they learn how to
01:10 cook, but they learned to how to live a healthy day
01:12 into repeated over and over and over again. Yes.
01:15 So, besides the diet you do things like exercise
01:18 and that couple of things around. We do. We walk
01:19 in the Blue Ridge Mountain, and we also
01:22 some rebounding which is like a mini-trampling
01:25 and we do okay. I monitor their sunshine
01:27 and their water intake. Yes. And they feel so
01:30 much better. Absolutely! And I didn't realize that
01:32 was so simple. Yeah, that's right, that's great,
01:35 always looking for the complex ways. Yes, that's
01:37 right. How long have you been doing, how long
01:40 having your husband had the Lifestyle Center? For
01:41 five years. Five Years! This is our fifth year.
01:43 That's the, have you always been into healthy
01:45 cooking or? Well not from day one, it was a
01:50 kind of an unveiling over the years. You know, I
01:53 never was really sick, but I did have a weight
01:55 problem many years ago, you never know it, but
01:59 when I moved into God's natural foods and it
02:01 happened at the same time when I became a
02:03 Christian. Okay. You know about the same time
02:06 and then the wait just kind went off as a
02:08 secondary benefit. I was actually just trying to get
02:11 healthier that was the motive. Yes
02:13 absolutely. Well you have your nature path as well
02:17 right? So, you have a lot of schooling too. Yeah,
02:19 that's me. You know it's me friends here in the
02:21 studio we've been talking to camera people and I've
02:23 been asking Bev questions and she knows
02:25 a lot. So that's really, a lot of nutritional advising
02:27 stuff so. But you Jill as like the Bible the more
02:30 you know the more you realize what you don't
02:31 know. So, it just drives you to keep studying and
02:34 try new things. That's right, that's right. Well,
02:35 we're gonna to make a special juice today first.
02:37 What kind of juice? It's called an Apple-Lemon-
02:39 Beet juice. Woo, very nice. You want to read
02:42 that recipe first? Sure, I'll be happy too.
02:44 It's actually 4 whole Apples and 1/4 beet and ½
02:50 Lemon. That's easy. That is easy.
02:54 I can handle that. Well, well you should try one
02:56 these days. Well, I've got a Green Star Juicer,
02:59 which is high power juicer and it will do this
03:01 in no time. This is different than I have a
03:03 champion at home this is different thing from
03:04 champion. Right! The mechanisms of how the
03:06 juices extracted is a little bit different, but the end
03:09 product is very good with both juicers. Okay, good
03:11 so shall we start? Yeah, absolutely! Okay, I'm
03:14 gonna to put these apples through.
04:43 Now the guests at your Lifestyle Center, they get
04:45 to work in the kitchen right? They do, yeah, and
04:48 they do different juice combinations every
04:50 morning. Fine! It's actually mostly
04:52 vegetables juice, but now and then for a treat we'll
04:54 do a juice like this, which is mostly fruit. Now tell
04:57 me Bev, why would you want juice? What's
04:59 juicing good for? Well it's very concentrated
05:02 nutrients. So, like one glass of carrot juice
05:06 would equal about 8 carrots and it's hard to sit
05:09 down a few times a day and eat 8 carrots at a
05:11 time, but it's easier to drink the juice. So, you
05:15 get concentrated and it really enriches your blood
05:17 and when you have rich blood it goes circulates
05:20 through the blood stream to feed every organ, every
05:22 tissue, every system in the body is enhanced
05:26 when you drinking juice. Okay, well this is good
05:28 for people who are healthier or just when you
05:30 sick you should do? It's both. Now if you are sick
05:33 you probably wanted to drink more juice. The
05:35 faster, I mean the more quantity juice you drink
05:38 the faster you get well. Yeah. Of course you have
05:40 to do the whole Lifestyle, but juicing is a big plus.
05:43 Right, a big part of it yeah! Well, I like this,
05:45 yeah. Now, let me strain this thing. Okay. Jill this
05:49 is the Apple-Beet Lemon, and it makes a beautiful
05:52 summer drink. Yes, now what type of apples to be
05:56 used in this? We used Fuji. I've used Gala, I've
05:59 used red delicious, but the Fuji and the Gala, beet it
06:03 is when but there aren't too many people are used
06:05 to but, I don't know. No, I am not. There is a very
06:08 sweet juice and it actually is very good for you as
06:12 well. So, we do different apples, you could even
06:16 do, you can do a juice with a Granny Smith, its a
06:19 little tart. Yes. You know, but it still a very good
06:22 juice. If it's the Fuji would have sweeter.
06:23 Yeah, exactly, well, this is basically yeah, there is
06:27 a little bit of pulp in here, yes, and you could use
06:29 that as it like a healthy apple sauce. It will be
06:33 red, it is red, but you know the bright colors,
06:36 yes, they are so good for you. Yes, yes, yes you are
06:38 right. So, I thought I pour this into a glass for us to
06:42 try. Oh good! You mean I get to try this. Right! Do
06:46 try it. Here we go. Let's get a sip and then I'll
06:49 show you something else. Very nice, oh it's so
06:55 pretty. You know, I guess the beet is that color that
06:57 looks like, like little bit strawberry a little bit, I
07:00 don't know, but it looks really good. We can put
07:02 few ice cubes in there, you know, yeah, for a
07:04 summer drink and may be a slice of lemon on the
07:06 glass. Yeah, let me try. Does that taste good? Hey
07:13 guys, this is really, really good, mam. But color in
07:16 your teeth? It's kind of sweet, but yet kind of tart
07:19 too. Right! Oh, it's good for either. And beets are
07:21 full it's specially the Beet greens, yes, but the root
07:24 too is good for iron. There's many people that
07:27 are in need for this one. Okay, I need some more.
07:28 That's really good. Oh! You guys you got to try
07:34 this. This is really good. Jill that juice is good in
07:36 storage for about two days, okay, with the
07:39 Green Star Juicer. Okay. But, you know what, we
07:42 vacuum pack our juice at home and that extends the
07:45 shelf life of the juice. Fancy! How much does
07:48 that extend the shelf life? By three times what your
07:50 normal juice would hold it. So, this is two, two,
07:52 then it would hold for 6 days. Exactly! I still
07:55 remember a little bit of Math though. Yeah. I
07:57 usually tell people five the factor and one safety
08:00 day, yes, but we drink it on the fifth, sixth day,
08:03 and it's still good. Now, these juices go bad as in
08:05 you get sick or is it; it looses nutrients or what's
08:09 that? Well, it will give you both. It will give you
08:11 definite signals when it goes bad. It gets thick. It
08:14 gets sharp tasting. It separates. It loses its
08:17 appeal altogether. Right, right! Let me show you
08:20 how to vacuum pack that. This is a typical canning
08:23 jar with the flat lid on top and then I have a, this is
08:27 called a Jar Sealer, goes straight down over the
08:30 jar. I have never seen that, wow! And then this
08:32 is another little appliance, hold to vacuum packer
08:36 actually. You put in there, and press this button.
08:39 It's all that. And that's it. Right! So, it's sucking the
08:50 air out. It did and that's what it makes the food or
08:53 the juice in this case deteriorate and that is on
08:56 there. Oh, yeah. Pardon my ignorance. How can
08:59 you suck the air out when there is no, no hole? No,
09:02 it takes it from the peripheral part of the,
09:05 right and it squeezes it tighter, kinda like of can
09:07 or something. Right. Pretty okay. Right. So,
09:09 now that's going to be good for five to six days
09:11 in refrigeration. Very nice. It doesn't take the
09:14 place of caning or just sit at on your shelf, yeah, but
09:17 certainly will pay your time in half when it goes
09:20 to juicing. Yeah, boy that's knead. While we
09:22 are making next appetizer, now we go to
09:24 our main dish we make our main dish right. It's
09:26 gonna to be our Mushrooms Stroganoff
09:28 good. Let's read the ingredients for our
09:30 Mushrooms Stroganoff for that you need,
09:31 4 tbsp Olive oil 4 tbsp lemon juice
09:35 2 tbsp tamari sauce 2 ½ garlic cloves, minced
09:41 ½ cup water 2 tbsp. arrowroot powder
09:46 4 Portobello mushrooms, sliced & cut into
09:49 bite size pieces.
09:53 Well, this looks good here Bev and we're using
09:55 all these mushrooms. We are. You'll be surprise
09:58 how they will shrink once they cook. Yes, yes. This
10:01 is part of Bella Mushrooms and we cut
10:04 them into bite size pieces to start with. Oh! Okay. I
10:07 can see it's nice and big. This is the way they look
10:08 in the store. Yes, right. These are good for you.
10:11 They are not quite as high in nutrients as some of
10:14 your other vegetables, so we don't go heavily, but
10:17 every now and then for special occasions. That's
10:18 right, special treat like. This is one of those times.
10:21 That's right. So I'm going to cut this and put Bella
10:24 Mushroom, and just cut it like in the half and half
10:27 again. Okay, just to we get a bite size pieces. Get
10:30 something smaller right. Yeah, you don't have a
10:33 sharp knife too. Yeah, it's kind of rebound there. I
10:37 am going to cut these one more time, okay, and we
10:39 will cut all of these.
10:42 Okay. These don't have a
10:44 lot of eye appeal, but they have a lot of taste appeal.
10:48 Yes. Have you had those before? Absolutely, yes,
10:50 and this smells good too. I like when we start to
10:52 cook the stuff, you can really smell it. Yes. So,
10:54 now Jill we need I have already heated the oil, the
10:58 Olive Oil in there, okay, there was 4 tablespoons.
11:00 I'm going to add the next few ingredients, which is
11:03 the 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, right here.
11:06 Now you use fresh Lemon juice. I did. I take
11:08 the lemon and actually I have a Citrus juice so that
11:11 extracts. Yes, and then 2 tablespoons of Tamari
11:14 Sauce, that's like the soy sauce and then we're
11:18 going to put our minced garlic cloves, yes. So, this
11:22 is a mincer, up at the cloves in here, right here
11:26 one at a time obviously. Yeah. Let me get once,
11:28 and then fixer will get, right and just cut that in
11:31 there so they can be salted there. Yes and
11:34 there is much fast and then cut garlic cloves by
11:36 hand. Yes, that was the old fashion way. You
11:39 know, I've been there and done that. Otherwise still
11:41 do it, so I need to get myself one of these.
11:44 I need to get job done. Yeah. But, this makes
11:46 smaller, I like that, because they are real
11:48 little pieces. Very minced because, I mean some
11:51 people aren't real crazy about garlic taste. Right!
11:54 I'm not one of those because I do love it. Yes.
11:56 But, you don't want to have a big chunk yes in a
11:59 dish. Yes, right, right. Okay, okay and then
12:03 that's gonna to be warming in there a little,
12:06 yeah, that's where we're going to put in
12:07 mushrooms, okay, and we actually can do that now.
12:10 You want them? Okay, put that in there, all of the
12:14 bite size pieces. Yes, smelling good already. I
12:18 can smell the garlic and the oil. Yeah, it doesn't
12:20 take long and these are going to be cooking down
12:22 very soon, yes. And what I'm gonna to do is take
12:27 this Arrowroot Powder and put it in to our water,
12:30 we have a half of cup of water and 2 tbsp of there
12:33 arrowroot powder, okay, which is like a healthy
12:35 Corn Starch. Yes. Corn Starch is more processed
12:40 then this. Yes, okay. And it works just the same
12:42 way. You need to have to put in room temperature
12:45 or cold water and mix it up, yes; you don't want to
12:47 just put it into your hot oil. And it makes nice and
12:50 you have stirred up and then when you add it, it
12:52 thickens slowly, will mix it in there slowly. Yes,
12:56 yes. Just like that. Now would you add it right
12:59 away or you would love to mushrooms cook a
13:00 while what's the? I let the mushrooms cook a while
13:03 and let them you know just absorb all the
13:06 wonderful garlic, yes, and oils in here, yes, yes, and
13:09 cook down a while and then I will add that. Yes.
13:12 And then when that's complete we'll put it on
13:14 the rice. Oh, very nice. And there is some options
13:17 with this recipe, yes, for your bed. You can have a
13:20 better rice like I have here. Yeah, that's pretty.
13:22 Or you can use some whole grain noodles.
13:24 That's a good idea. We've used both, but not in same
13:28 dish, but either or and this is a wild rice blend. There
13:34 is wild rice. There is brown rice. There is
13:36 Basmati Rice, Lander rice. I like Basmati Rice.
13:38 I do too. It has such a nutty flavor. So, that's
13:42 why we are using this to give it a more flavor. Yes,
13:46 absolutely, it tastes good, just a minute for this to,
13:50 yes, to cook down. Yeah. Now when your guest
13:54 come to Lifestyle Center they work in the kitchen,
13:56 don't they and how? They do. That's nee. We set up
13:58 different work stations in the kitchen. We get out
14:01 all the ingredients, the recipe, all the tools
14:04 appliances they'll need, yes and they get right in
14:08 there. Even a lot of men that have never stepped in
14:11 the kitchen before, oh, now they are finding this
14:13 is a little different than what they thought and
14:16 they like it. Yes, right. It is something that
14:18 they can do and right, you can learn. It's not that
14:21 tough and you're giving them tips. I like that Bev
14:23 because you know we have a lot of Lifestyles
14:25 Center around at least in North America I know
14:27 and I know that when people go to there you
14:30 normally have a Chef and you have somebody who
14:32 will fix food for you, but you go home and you
14:34 think now how was I supposed to make that.
14:36 Yes. I can't remember how to do that. How does
14:38 this recipe work? You know you read the recipe
14:39 and you think I'm not really sure what's going
14:41 on here and how to do. Exactly! So, that's very
14:44 good because the people get the practice I like that.
14:46 Right, they've read this lifestyle and this food
14:49 preparation in books. They've seen it on DVDs.
14:52 They watched lectures, but it's not the same as
14:55 doing it yourself. Yes. And then they have
14:58 And then they have questions as they are
14:59 preparing and we can answer them right there.
15:01 Right that's right. And it takes the fear out of it
15:03 because this is totally different, totally new
15:06 for most people. Yes. You know, it's not the
15:08 Microwave, a dry fruit type foods, right, right,
15:11 takes a little bit of preparation. So, they are
15:14 finding this is working for them, right.
15:17 It's kind of like having you are going to their
15:18 home type of thing and been able to share that's right.
15:21 And Jill my heart goes out to so many people
15:24 that are sick because they just don't know how to
15:26 prepare their foods. Yes, yes. And some of them
15:28 are prisoners like in their own body.
15:30 So, this is a great freedom for them. That's right.
15:33 It is. Praise God. Well you know, praise God
15:35 that he inspired you with the idea to start the
15:37 Ministry and to be able to do that to help you,
15:38 that's wonderful. He certainly gets the glory.
15:42 Well these are starting to, okay, boil a little bit now
15:46 and we are smelling the garlic, so, oh yeah it
15:48 smells good, and I'm going to add this slowly,
15:50 this is the Arrowroot and the powder.
15:56 Looks like milk. Yes, it does. I was thinking that.
15:59 Yeah. There goes the rest. Here we go and that stop
16:08 the boiling process, but it will pick up again soon,
16:11 right, and as soon it's thicken then we will,
16:14 I can see it's starting to thicken already, oh yeah
16:15 I didn't see that absolutely. Oh, yeah, look at that.
16:19 So, that's about all you need to cook it for about.
16:20 It's not like sitting 20 minutes, no, not at all.
16:24 It's pretty easy, alright. You can let it cook longer
16:26 if you want, the longer it cooks the darker the
16:29 mushrooms will get, yes, and the taste might get
16:32 mixed up all the seasonings that will
16:34 better, but this is basically how you do it, good, and
16:37 now I'm just gonna to transfer onto the rice and
16:40 then it will be done. Good. We move it.
16:44 Yes, there you go. Oh! it looks good. Oh! it smells
16:50 good. Does it? This is the main dish.
16:52 Yes, that's right, and it's pretty easy I like that too.
16:55 If you are rushing home from work you have a lot
16:57 of time, that's pretty nice. And you know you can
16:59 cut these mushrooms up ahead of time, right, and
17:02 put them in the jar and vacuum pack the jar.
17:04 You know that's really fancy, where can we give
17:06 for friends at home? Where could they even
17:07 get one of these vacuum pack jars for themselves?
17:10 Well, they need to call me actually.
17:12 I haven't seen them around a lot.
17:14 Okay, I've this wholesale supplier for a Lifestyle
17:17 Center and he has them. Okay. And we have them
17:19 at our home and I'll be happy to send one. Right!
17:21 So, for our friends to be able to contact to you,
17:23 just contact us here at 3ABN and will be happy
17:26 to get in touch with them. Oh, yeah that would
17:27 be wonderful. Okay. Well, that is the dish Jill.
17:30 Oh! It looks good. It tastes good too.
17:33 Yes, very nice. What do we're making, we are
17:35 having our side dish right? Right!
17:37 That's our last thing our side dish. Right, we're
17:39 gonna to have Broccoli and Pea salad, good.
17:41 You want to read that recipe for us? Sure, I'll be
17:43 happy too. For so we'll have a large bunch of
17:47 broccoli, cut into bite sized pieces also a small
17:50 pkg, frozen peas, we will have them thawed first
17:54 Also 2 stalks of celery, sliced thin
17:58 1/4 c. sliced almonds, dry roasted
18:02 1 tsp. dried dill little more and,
18:05 1/2-1 c. Vegenaise Mayonnaise.
18:11 You know I think I am gonna to love this recipe
18:12 Bev because I like anything with vegetables.
18:15 Well, this is right down your then.
18:18 This is the recipe that we have just about every
18:20 week my husband really put thumbs up on this okay.
18:23 I think it's because of the crunch yes, he likes the
18:26 crunchy yes that's good. So, shall we get started
18:28 absolutely? Okay, I've got a large bunch of Broccoli
18:32 and of course this is our raw and I'm going to
18:34 chopped it up finer we've got pieces in here, okay,
18:37 but I'm going to chop a little finer,
18:40 bite sized pieces. These are little bit big bites.
18:42 Yes. So, you can even put some of the stock in
18:45 there for it. Yes. You know I like how you,
18:47 I'm sorry, I like how you use your food processor
18:49 so much. We do. It really cut your time in half.
18:52 I use the pulse feature and then that makes all the
18:56 big pieces go down into the blade.
19:01 Yeah. That's easy, that is, very nice and might even
19:05 be a little bit smaller, yeah then bite sized
19:09 pieces, but there is a lot of flexibility with
19:12 these, right. We're gonna to put it
19:14 in this bowl right here.
19:19 You got it so green, you know this is a
19:22 Cruciferous vegetable and it's in a family
19:25 of vegetables that are very Anti-cancer, oh, so
19:29 they are cancer-fighting. Okay, what other
19:31 Cauliflowers and crystal flower too right.
19:33 Cauliflower, Kale, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts
19:38 all these kale I mentioned this is a very good one,
19:40 yeah, and very versatile. Yeah, a lot of those
19:42 vegetables right. Now I'm going to add a small
19:46 package of frozen Peas right in there.
19:49 So, you haven't cooked them you just taught
19:50 basically exactly just taught them.
19:53 And then I'm going to do the same thing with the
19:56 Celery that we did with the Broccoli. Okay, good.
19:59 So, I put the S-Blade back into, now what's different
20:03 about this blade verses other blades?
20:05 Well the other blades do slicing and dicing, okay
20:09 where this one you have more controlled with the
20:11 pulse feature this one does smaller chopping
20:13 final chopping it does, it does okay.
20:16 So, we're got the Celery in there and that's actually
20:18 too Stalks two Stalks you can slice, that's really nee,
20:25 slice them thin by hand if you want, yes, but I'm
20:28 always into fast. I like that that's really good
20:32 Fast and through, yeah, so put those in it,
20:37 green Peas, oh, yes. Oh! This got to be really
20:39 healthy right. This green is good for you.
20:41 Oh, yes. The greener the better. Yeah, very nice.
20:46 Okay, and then a fourth cup of sliced almonds
20:49 that are dry roasted. Now how do you dry roast
20:51 to nuts. Well there is two ways you can do it you
20:53 can do it in a toaster oven and lot you it set on the
20:55 tray but keep it close to eye on it because they
20:58 burn quickly. Oh, okay, but they roasting is
21:01 important or you can do it on your stove top just
21:04 mixing up in a pan while they are roasted.
21:06 Now how about, I've tried to, I've put some almonds
21:08 in my oven. I put them, just thought a cookie
21:11 sheet and I put a little bit of water on them and then
21:14 just a coming there, that works and that works,
21:16 that works too. Right that be the same as
21:17 doing on toaster oven, because we are doing on
21:18 toaster oven. So, okay. It's same principle.
21:20 Okay, so we've got everything in there other
21:23 then are seasonings yes I thought I would mix
21:26 this just little you get everything fairly.
21:30 That toasting the almonds makes it smell good and
21:33 add so much to the flavor yes. Now we have a
21:36 couple of pieces of the Broccoli and Celery,
21:38 right, normally would you cut them smaller or,
21:40 right, right because that's a little bit bigger than
21:42 a bite sized piece. Okay, I wasn't sure, right.
21:45 You might find one or two. I would normally,
21:48 hardly take a little bit more time with the
21:50 food processor. Yes and just let it work a little
21:52 more, okay and then here is our teaspoon of dell
21:56 weed and this is dried. Yes. If you add fresh use
21:59 3 teaspoons, okay use tablespoon. Okay.
22:02 So, three to one ratio basically, right and the
22:06 fresh does make the dish taste even brighter.
22:08 Yes, it always does. It always does. Yes, yes.
22:10 I love using fresh herbs it seems like the almost
22:12 taste better than the dried yeah, and they are
22:15 actually easy to grow. Yes, okay. And I might
22:17 read a book or something to get a few pointers, but
22:19 they are very good, again growing in the garden.
22:21 You can, yes. I have little thoughts outside my
22:24 kitchen, and put the herbs in it. Oh, that's cute.
22:26 I do Dill. I do Cilantro, I do Basil. There is a lot of
22:30 Basil and there is other ones too out the Cilantro
22:34 and then she really like that Parsley.
22:36 And you know Bev, I'm thinking, I don't know if
22:38 any of our friends at home or like us, but
22:39 sometimes you are on a tight budget.
22:41 You know, so you think, okay now how can I buy
22:44 all these fresh herbs that when they are so
22:45 expensive in the grocery store They are, especially
22:47 if you buy organic ones. Yes, and did you know
22:50 most of them have an expiration date on them.
22:53 So, you have to watch those expiration dates,
22:55 because they lose all nutritional value, right,
22:58 if you buy and pass that date, yes, or if they are,
23:01 you are covered for years that loses some too.
23:04 This is too, even the dried they will lose. Right,
23:06 they do lose, okay, after a long period of time.
23:09 Right! Well Jill, the last thing we're going to add
23:11 is the Vegenaise and this is the Grapeseed Oil
23:15 version. There are three versions. There is the
23:18 Grapeseed Oil, there is one with Soybean Oil,
23:21 and there is one with Canola Oil.
23:22 We have found that this one taste the best and it's
23:25 the healthiest for you. Okay, the Grapeseed oil
23:28 good, alright, very good for you.
23:29 So, this is the one cup. It says one half the one,
23:32 but we like the Vegenaise so much I go
23:34 with the full cup. Yeah, there you go.
23:36 Have you have it before? Yes, yes absolutely. I like
23:40 that too. It's a very, very popular.
23:41 And I've tried Grapeseed and I've tried the original
23:43 but that's the only took types of tried yeah. Okay,
23:47 now and this going to thoroughly mix the
23:49 Vegenaise and with all these greens. Oh, it looks
23:52 really good. It is! Yes, and I even think my
23:55 husband is not really so much into vegetables, but
23:57 I think he really like it too. I think he would, yes
23:59 the Vegenaise is really is the over edge you can see
24:02 the over riding flavoring in this recipes yes, yes.
24:05 That's right and things are top smallest.
24:08 It's not like eating a whole stock of
24:09 Broccoli or something. That's right. It's well
24:11 hidden for those who haven't quite crossed over
24:14 the line to, right, it, oh we embraced the
24:16 veggies yet right. And if your husband has some
24:20 favorite vegetables you can switch it out.
24:22 Yes, there you go. There you go, that's a good idea.
24:25 You could use Cauliflower. In fact, it says you could
24:28 add a little Cauliflower if you want for color, but
24:31 this Vegenaise adds quit a bit of white, yes, for
24:34 colors yes, you don't really need it, yes, but say
24:37 someone like cauliflower more than broccoli, just
24:39 exchange it totally, absolutely. Right that's
24:43 good. Now how long would you stick this in
24:45 the fridge or could you heat it right away or,
24:47 yes either one. If you are ready to eat now it's
24:50 ready, Okay, and if you're not you can put it in the
24:53 refrigerator and actually it lose about 50% of it's
24:57 nutrient value next day, 24 hours later. So, do you
25:01 want to eat it basically the same day that's
25:02 the principle? Yes, right. That is the principle.
25:04 Right, that's good. Well I think I'm ready to eat now.
25:06 So, I think I can eat it now. It's ready, it's ready.
25:09 It's ready and chilled is even that much better.
25:11 Yes, if your vegetables are cool I would think
25:13 that would help too, right, and these were.
25:16 Sound makes different. It does. Yeah good,
25:18 well friends if you like to contact Bev we're gonna
25:20 to give you some information here for the
25:23 recipes we've done today, as well as if you want to
25:25 contact Bev you can contact us here on and we
25:27 will get you in touch with Bev. But, we'll be back in
25:30 just a moment to show you all the
25:31 final products that we made today.
25:36 We hope you've enjoyed today's program with Bev
25:38 cook. Now let's check a moment to review our
25:40 appetizer and dinner recipes.
25:42 Apple Lemon-Beet juice, 4 apples
25:45 1/4 Beet ½ Lemon.
25:47 For the Mushroom Stroganoff, need 4 tbsp. Olive Oil
25:51 4 tbsp. Lemon Juice 2 tbsp. Tamari Sauce
25:55 2 ½ Garlic cloves, minced ½ c. water
25:58 2 tbsp. Arrowroot powder 4 Portobello mushrooms,
26:02 sliced & cut into bite size pieces.
26:04 Our broccoli & peas salad, 1 large bunch of broccoli,
26:08 cut into bite sized pieces 1small pkg of frozen
26:11 peas thawed 2 stalks of celery, sliced thin
26:15 1/4 c. sliced almonds, dry Roasted 1 tsp. dried dill
26:20 or more, 1/2-1 c. Vegenaise Mayonnaise.
26:24 If you would like to contact Bev Cook, please
26:27 call 3ABN at 800-752-3226 for more
26:32 information or you may write to
26:33 3ABN, PO Box 220 West Frankfort, IL62896
26:40 The number again is 800-752-3226. Now let's take
26:46 a look that our finished recipes with Bev.
26:53 Well looking all these good food here Bev,
26:55 yes, we have a complete meal. Right and I'm
26:57 getting hungry, me too. We can enjoy the foods
27:01 of our labor that's right. Let's look what we need
27:03 today, okay this is the Apple Lemon-Beet Juice
27:07 it's a great refreshing drink for any day, really.
27:11 And you guys is fantastic. Now what we've made next?
27:14 Well after that juice we made the Mushrooms
27:17 Stroganoff and you could exchange some of whole
27:20 Grain Pasta in place of rice just for a little
27:23 different, yes, I've actually use the Spinach
27:26 Pasta before and that makes a nice eye appeal.
27:29 That will give you a very good color. It does, right,
27:32 it does. And what's our Side Dish here. Our side
27:34 dish is our Broccoli and Peas Salad and it's those
27:38 toasted almond slivers actually if you add whole
27:41 almond you want to sliver them, toasted really
27:44 makes that dish I think. Yes, and it set a bit in
27:47 Greenleaf Salad you can get yourself enough
27:49 away, exactly right. Well, thanks for coming Bev
27:52 we have a good time today in the kitchen, we did.
27:54 We always do and till we see you next time
27:56 friends may God bless you and keep you.
27:58 Enjoy these recipes at happy cooking.


Revised 2014-12-17