Participants: Angela Lomacang (Host), Robin Swain
Series Code: LCT
Program Code: LCT000058
00:01 Do you enjoy Macaronian Cheese?
00:03 I know I do. Well you stay tuned we have a great 00:06 Macaronian cheese meal for you today. 00:40 Welcome to Let's Cook Together, 00:42 my name Angela Lomacang and I'm so glad you've 00:45 joined us today. We have a wonderful we have mater of 00:49 fact we have several wonderful recipes 00:51 so sit back get your pen and paper ladies 00:54 as well as men and boys and girls and you are going 00:58 to be in for a wonderful nutritional treat today 01:02 our guest today his name is Robin Swain 01:06 and he is from Faith Made Whole Ministry. 01:10 He is come all away from Georgia thank you 01:13 it's a wonderful to be here. Again not as you say 01:16 I'm Robin Swain and we would faith made whole 01:18 and what we do Angy we actually go around 01:21 we do seminars we teach people how to reverse 01:25 Debilitating Lifestyle disease naturally 01:28 and so with that what we're gonna to do today, 01:31 we're going to do a Macronian Cheese dinner. 01:34 Often times people will ask do you have a good cheese 01:37 recipe yes you have a good Macronian Cheese recipe 01:40 that seems to be the most requested and one of the 01:42 most requested thing so. We put together a dinner 01:45 something special that we can enjoyed loaded with 01:48 nutritional benefits though. Okay and you know, 01:51 Robin most children what's their favorite meal 01:54 Macaronian cheese yes. So one that way that make 01:58 is not with cheese is it not no real cheese absolutely 02:01 it's not real cheese and in fact one of the thing is 02:04 you want to remember and this why we have 02:06 alternatives when you eat the traditional 02:08 Macaronian Cheese you have first of all the cheese 02:12 which is loaded with a means hypertensive means such as 02:15 Tyramine histamine these things causes a high blood 02:19 pressure allergies excellent things such as that 02:21 and so we're going to replace that with whole 02:24 grain as opposed to and enriched grains, 02:26 but also going to used a cheese substitute 02:30 if you will and again all that into one dish 02:34 and loaded with flavor loaded with health benefits. 02:37 Alright well let's get going the ingredients 02:40 we need for the Baked Mac-a-Cheese Casserole are 02:44 1 can coconut milk 1 1/4 c. water 02:50 4 garlic cloves ½ c. raw cashew pieces 02:55 1 to 2 tsp. of sea salt 1 tsp. Natural raw sugar 03:00 1 jar pimentos 1 tsp of onion powder 03:05 3 tbsp. lemon juice 1/4 c. cornstarch 03:10 1 ½ c. frozen green peas 1 c. sliced olives 03:18 8 oz. tofu diced in small cubes 03:22 6 to 7 whole grain macaroni. 03:27 Okay, whole grain macaroni whole grain very, 03:30 very important. We want to encourage everyone to always 03:35 as much as possible go away from the enriched products, 03:38 enriched whole grains okay and move to the 03:40 whole grains. Why do I said they yes Angy the reason 03:43 why when we eat the whole grains we find that 03:45 three parts to any grain you have the brand, 03:48 you have the germ, you have the Endosperm 03:50 when you eat whole grains what happens is the brain 03:54 wraps itself around the endosperm and then 03:56 what happens when you eat the let's say the 03:59 whole grain eat the meal yes the sugar's are converted 04:03 into glucose at a slower rate so instead of enriched 04:07 products they go into the system the blood sugar 04:10 goes up crushes and goes back down horrible for 04:13 diabetics but when you eat the whole grain 04:16 it's the fiber is release very because of the fiber 04:19 it's release slowly, slowly yeah so instead of those 04:22 sky rocket effect what we have is the well like at the 04:25 aero plane effect and so we'll take off an then is 04:28 also gonna to help you to stay longer as far as 04:31 getting hungry you know sometimes we eat things 04:34 let's say white rice and white Macaroni yes your 04:37 hungry within a couple of hours that's true the 04:39 whole grains keep you longer. So you definitely 04:41 want to go with the whole grain pasta so we're gonna 04:44 to cook 6 to 7 cups of that as you be cooked 04:47 when you've done okay we're going with that 04:49 we have that and then now we're gonna to go right into 04:50 the cheese. Let's start off with our coconut milk yes 04:58 and what we're going to do here like I said we want to 05:02 move away from the traditional Macaronian 05:04 cheese and so we have we are using coconut milk 05:08 now this coconut milk is it the is it the canned 05:12 coconut milk. Yes we used to canned coconut milk 05:14 this time you could also want if you want to 05:16 substitute you know you can make the whole coconut milk 05:18 yes. Sometimes we save times and sometimes we go 05:21 for the optimist so optimist to take the coconut make 05:25 your own coconut milk yes you can do that well 05:27 we use to do that. My mom use to do that in years ago. 05:29 Also we're gonna to go with the cashews we trading 05:33 cholesterol if you will we trading our cholesterol 05:37 and animal products and high fat of the macaroni cheese 05:41 with some of these natural fats is that raw cashew raw 05:44 cashes nuts they are high in B1, B2, wow, also 05:47 magnesium and for at those who are not aware 05:50 Magnesium believe it or not magnesium helps with things 05:53 such as nervousness, irritability, depression, 05:57 excellent for magnesium, magnesium yes okay if you 06:00 irritable folks yes you want to eat more cashews 06:05 then we have here or pimentos which are very 06:08 high in vitamin C, yes we're gonna to add everything 06:12 else. Now except for couple of things we don't want to 06:15 add the tofu because we're gonna to add mix these at 06:18 the end. Okay. Okay the garlic. And I noticed you 06:23 just, you didn't mashed the garlic, I didn't mashed 06:25 them because this particular blender 06:27 is going to do all that for me, that's true, 06:28 it does it very well okay. We have our lemon juice 06:35 and as I smell the moment go past my nose, 06:38 yes I do, I can almost taste before we even get started 06:41 here final the last two ingredients we have the salt 06:45 little sugar and is that the sea salt this is the sea 06:48 salt you definitely in current sea salt. 06:50 You know I like a salt called real salt I don't 06:53 know if you familiar with that no I'm not real salt 06:55 it has minerals trace minerals over 50 trace 06:58 minerals and so I like, Really? Yes. And what kind 07:02 of salt is that again? It's called Real Salt. 07:04 Yes. In one way you can know it, it is, 07:07 has a peak texture to it. We didn't use that today. 07:10 We just used regular sea salt, but when I have the 07:12 opportunity, when I have the option I like to use the 07:15 real salt because it gives you over 50 trace minerals 07:18 that helps with the facilitation of vitamins 07:20 and help the body just runs smoother and so. 07:22 Where can you get that salt? Most of you health food 07:26 stores do carry that. Okay. It's called Real Salt. 07:29 Real Salt! And so, but if not sea salt is also very 07:33 excellent as well. Okay, alright. Okay, so simply 07:36 from there we're going to just, yes, blend, blend it 07:40 all together now here we go. 08:09 That's probably been blended enough yeah let's go ahead 08:11 and next thing we wanted to do let's go ahead 08:14 and add our noodles right are cooked these are cooked 08:20 there you go so you boiled it in water cooked noodles 08:21 and broad and wide and it just dram them in pretty 08:24 much we just step you with fall the directions on the 08:26 box yes. We have our Tofu and what kind of tofu is 08:32 that is that firm extra firm we use the firm tofu okay 08:36 and I've mention it before in seminars but do you 08:39 know that tofu Angy on the parallel basis has more iron 08:45 and more protein than meat tofu yes on a per weight 08:49 basis now tofu is light we just have better if you go 08:51 just wow pound for pound ounce for ounce it has more 08:54 iron and even more protein than meat not only that 08:58 it has more calcium per weight than milk it has more 09:02 B1, B2 and B6 then eggs oh mine, but without, 09:08 without the cholesterol. So, you can have a healthy 09:11 vegetarian diet absolutely without the Cow without 09:14 the Cow save the Cows yes we're gonna to mixing the 09:17 olives all as are also like you said this macaroni 09:21 cheese cashew is packed with a very benefits olives 09:24 are very good for the digestive track. 09:27 Also they help olives are yes it constipation 09:30 and things like that so and then we have green peas 09:34 which are very high in fiber green are they also have 09:38 vitamin C. You know a lot of people think Angy that 09:40 the only source of vitamin C is from the what the 09:44 orange that's typical they are many other sources 09:48 I didn't mentioned but those Pimentos that we added to 09:50 that yes those are come from red peppers which are the 09:54 second leading source of vitamin C that we have 09:58 really yes. Over second secondly source the number 10:01 one source this is a fun fact Acerola Cherry 1000 10:05 what kind of cherry is that Acerola some little small 10:08 red Cherry mostly there native I believe to 10:11 the Caribbean area okay area is that there. 10:13 They are very high tort and make is it yeah 10:16 they you've taste when they will make your mouth just 10:18 almost like a lemon but 1600 mg of vitamin C, 10:21 oh mine and there is second and it's a little yes 10:24 oh I mean for the serving not for the one but for us 10:26 to right, right just serving of. Can be a second as 10:28 the red pepper with the 190 and then believe it or not 10:32 orange juice all the way down at what 53 mg oh mine 10:36 and so I believe them Broccoli and Strawberries 10:40 are in the same areas for us in fact Strawberry's have 10:42 no vitamin C so. Oh mine then orange many source yes 10:45 many source of vitamin C so you see what we have here 10:48 we have the but just we needs the mixed everything 10:51 together yes and now simply what we're gonna to do 10:53 we're gonna to add our cheese. Now there is a 10:55 couple of way you can actually do this I should 10:57 mention what we're gonna to do today we're gonna to 10:59 cheese mix this all together and you'll notice 11:03 I intentionally left out a little bit of noodles 11:07 that's right because I wanted to make sure we have 11:10 enough cheese to go though and usually it's fine 11:12 but that's what I says 6-7 cups yeah in the recipe 11:17 because I read the have enough cheese yeah. 11:22 You know yeah I have done it before but you know when 11:24 I have the stop to making more cheese so you want to 11:26 cheesy everyone want with if you have Macaronian cheese 11:29 you want cheese that's right. Of course you want to 11:31 know this everything girls that so we most children 11:34 want cheese and macaroni they'll like cheese yes. 11:37 Now, this looks really good yes what is gonna to happen 11:40 because we have corn starch in here oh well this firm 11:43 is going to it's going to solidified very nicely 11:47 and I cured at this point I cured if I wanted to add 11:50 the rest of it, but I would even bake it just like 11:53 this you have little to spear yes. And we would place 11:57 in the Oven okay like so we would heat it 12:01 and we would bake it until probably for 30 12:04 I want to say 40 to 45 50 minutes okay on about 350 12:08 degrees yes and then is going to firm up and you 12:11 will see that the cheese yes to stop bubble and start 12:13 to get little nice and smoothie form color and then 12:17 even your taste but would tell you how in the smell 12:20 and we'll show the towards the end of this 12:22 you're getting an opportunity to see that 12:24 as well. And we have some more things that we're going 12:26 to share with you. So go with our Macaronian cheese 12:30 dinner or Macaronian Cheese Cashew Roll to include 12:34 our Macaronian cheese dinner and the second item 12:37 we're gonna to do the kale greens now the kale greens 12:40 consist of 2 large bunches of Kale 12:43 3 tbsp. garlic, chopped 1 tbsp. garlic powder 12:49 1 tbsp basil 1 tbsp lemon juice 12:53 1 tbsp. Tahini 1 tsp salt 12:57 2-3 tbsp Bragg's liquid Aminos 13:01 1/4 c. nutritional yeast flakes ½ tsp. marjoram 13:06 1 c. fresh cilantro ½ c. coconut milk 13:11 1 medium onion and finally 2-3 c. water. 13:17 Okay now we have Kale Greens yes what is kale greens 13:22 and tell us the nutritional value of Kale Greens? 13:25 Kale greens is a type of Green its in the green 13:28 family so such as you know everyone is familiar mostly 13:30 with the turning green and the must of the calig green 13:35 kale is one of the greens that is unique in fact 13:38 it's very high I mean nutritional stand point 13:41 and in fact compare to almost even to broccoli 13:43 as far as oh really rate. Let me tell you something 13:46 unique about the greens as well greens believe it 13:49 or not greens for a green if you will for a green 13:52 fruit hasn't exceptional amount of fiber in it fiber 13:56 yes for green and usually there is fiber and different 14:00 things but you don't think of green item with fiber 14:02 so no. it does have a amount of fiber and you say 14:04 something that was traditional known but now 14:06 we would also find not as we study more into the greens 14:09 would there also yes finding out that it also contains 14:12 significant amounts of vitamin C, there you go 14:16 folic acid, calcium, and not only calcium a very 14:19 absorbable Calcium so the calcium really yes the 14:22 calcium it is very absorbable and something 14:24 called I should mention manganese, manganese 14:27 actually helps the bodies Antioxidants defend system 14:32 and when it helps the fight against free radicals. 14:34 So many things about the Kale Greens also it contains 14:38 Carotenoids it was actually help they protect the eyes 14:40 from you be raised oh really which protect against 14:42 things like cataract so. There is lot going on with 14:46 this little green here so. You definitely want to 14:49 include this and today's program yes and we've 14:52 talking about buy the way you talking about program 14:54 we teach something called the Life Program in Seminar 14:57 when we go to different churches when we go to 15:00 different organizations okay part of that involves 15:03 how to live a healthy lifestyle yes how to become 15:06 closure to god as well in addition to showing them 15:09 how to prepare so. Exactly, the cooking is part of 15:13 what we do as well okay and this is the kale so 15:16 what we're gonna to do with it this is kale. 15:17 Well we simply gonna to do we're going to place the 15:19 Kale into the pot and we're gonna to put all the 15:22 ingredients in there and gonna to make some so 15:24 let's go ahead and let start to tribute this seems 15:28 like a lot of kale lot of kale interesting thing about 15:31 you start off with a lot yeah end up with less 15:33 and that's right. But I like to think of it as 15:36 nutrients compacted down yes. So every bite is even 15:40 more nutritious. I 'm gonna to go out and get me some 15:44 kale, kale there is something that you I did go 15:46 and had all that wonderful ingredient want got away 15:49 to them yeah there so you got to putting the pot 15:54 we're gonna to putting the pot and after this it gets 15:56 really simple yeah but what I usually do and so all 15:59 washed all washed and by the way the hands are clean 16:02 so we're want to have clean hands yes. We're gonna to 16:04 add cilantro too this is a mix loves a lot too give set 16:07 excellent and you want this ever had some cilantro 16:10 or know that it's definitely is a flavor in hands yes 16:14 it is. We're gonna to add everything yes we have 16:15 salt and the things like the Bragg's Aminos with 16:21 different spices in herbs here. Boy show smells good 16:25 once it oh yeah we can smell from here. 16:27 That herbs stuff wonderful and this is there is like 16:30 Tahini, Tahini yeah and what does that do oh Tahini 16:38 everyone is to have it very high in iron in iron ladies 16:43 that's good to know ladies every almost every almost 16:46 everyone yeah that you can felt with and we do health 16:48 concentration specially, I almost always suggest to 16:51 them. To include this and make this a part of the 16:54 daily diet Tahini yes we're gonna to go ahead 16:57 and add the garlic and I'm gonna to talk about the 17:00 guard a little later on many Tahini here types of 17:03 Garlic ah from there we can add the onions let's go. 17:09 Okay and then we have coconut milk again there is 17:13 that Coconut Milk another. You know Coconut Milk is 17:18 something that Caribbean Island people West Indians 17:23 like such as myself we use that in almost everything 17:27 yes. Coconut is yes definitely excellent for the 17:30 flavor and believer it or not coconut yeah contrary 17:33 to what was once believe it does not have people think 17:37 to people think to Coconut has cholesterol 17:39 because it has fat and does not cholesterol. 17:41 Coconut is not have cholesterol no cholesterol 17:44 no cholesterol in fact it's good to know the only thing 17:46 is that have cholesterol we have to look at things 17:49 that are primarily come from a liver because 17:52 cholesterol is made in the body yes it's made in the 17:56 liver okay, so if it has a liver or comes from 17:59 something that has a liver for maybe the mother of the 18:02 liver or related to that of a Liver yeah, yeah it 18:05 propbably has cholesterol for the most 18:07 part of that's right. There are few exception but 18:09 cholesterol is not in it has fat but it does not have 18:13 and it's the fat it does not determine or harmful to 18:16 the body it's a good fat. Next what we're gonna to do 18:18 we're gonna to use our hands we're gonna to in 18:20 and we're gonna to mix all this together because 18:23 what this gonna to do is gonna to help the shrubby 18:26 greens. Now you'll notice we put about two to three 18:29 cups in here yes and you saved that wasn't water oh 18:33 wasn't lot of water. Well, and looks like it's not 18:36 but what's gonna to happen is these greens are gonna 18:38 to cook down yes and you gonna to find Angy that it 18:43 will be plenty of water and it's gonna to shrink yes 18:46 and the less water we have the more and nutrients the 18:48 Key okay. And so in less water but it also the water 18:52 we do the liquid have we if I such you don't through 18:55 it out but no, no there is out nutrients so we keep 18:58 those and we and soon those as well for you them one 19:02 nutrients and so we just mix it very well and from here 19:06 it's a simple process so once you have everything 19:09 fairly mixed and yes I like to go to the bottom 19:13 and make sure everything is there yeah. 19:15 Now, when you continue to cook it yes it's gonna to 19:17 cook down continue start because it's gonna also 19:21 definitely continue to make in these flavor I gonna to 19:25 do what I called mingo with each others yes so. 19:27 We're gonna to cut this for 20 maybe 25 minutes 19:31 or so got long yeah or desire tenino is because 19:34 sometimes the more you cook the more nutrients are 19:38 falling to the water so. I usually say 20 to 25 yes 19:41 because we find Angy the different people have 19:43 different ways they like get drinks, I definitely 19:46 advise against cooking them as you say cooking them to 19:48 death, but so we say cooked for though no for cook up 19:51 yes or average 20 to 25 minutes is about the average 19:54 tolerance and cook to simply cook to your own desire 19:59 tenino as yes, but from there just put them on 20:02 put a lid on and then we go just put it on the stove 20:06 and we forgot this don't want to forget that oh 20:08 what is that these are yeast flakes that's the yeast 20:11 flakes every high in B vitamins very high in B 20:13 vitamins. We did not put that, but don't worry 20:17 it won't go without us yes we'll make sure have that 20:20 and this will take down. So we just mixed that little 20:21 better and we are on our way and then yeast flakes 20:27 are going to give a you know yeast flakes although 20:29 as well as high in B vitamins yes they give a 20:34 cheesy type of texture to oh really to all taste to 20:38 anything you put it with so. You're gonna to get B 20:40 vitamins and you're gonna to get a nice little delicate 20:44 flavor to go with that yes almost like a cheesy kind 20:47 of texture yeah, yeah put that them in nice aroma. 20:49 You'll like it I guarantee you you'll like it everyone 20:52 who tries it will like it as well so and at the end of 20:54 this program towards the end of this program we'll 20:56 show the finish product of the Kale yes and 21:00 what we're gonna to do now we're gonna to move into 21:02 our next recipe then we have the Garlic Bread Spread 21:06 to make the Garlic Bread Spread you need the 21:09 1 c. olive oil 1 tsp. chicken seasoning 21:13 4-6 cloves garlic, minced, 1 tsp. basil 21:18 1 tbsp. lecithin granules 2 tbsp. yeast flakes. 21:25 Now we have this wonderful Garlic Spread Bread for our 21:29 bread yes, yes garlic let me just mention a few things 21:32 about garlic yeah tell us about garlic excellent, 21:34 excellent there are so many things I can mention about 21:36 garlic it's an antiseptic, antibiotic, antifungal 21:41 I mean wow it helps lower cholesterol it brings down 21:45 the LDL which is what we sometimes called the bad 21:48 cholesterol yes. Cholesterol also garlic believe it 21:52 or not it helps fighting Tumers that helps bring 21:55 your Triglycerides down so there are so many things 21:58 are excellent for the heart high blood pressure, 22:01 high blood pressure anything to cholesterol anything 22:04 done with that excellent for so. Well we can enjoy this 22:08 so let's do this okay let's go ahead and get started 22:11 yes let's do this we simply go into blend everything 22:13 we have Olive Oil yes here we go and add all of the 22:18 Oils or the different types of oils olive oil is the 22:23 mostly nutritious now tell me do you use this version 22:27 extra version light extra version I give you a easy 22:30 way for you to kind of understand the dark of 22:34 the olive oil the less for example the lot of the 22:36 Olive Oil yes the less nutritious it is okay 22:41 they light olive oil is good for things like yes frying 22:45 or I'm not my say frying, but then you don't want to 22:48 taste the change in the dish yes but just note that 22:51 the more darker it is the extra version in the coal 22:54 press then the more nutritious is going to be 22:56 I see. But Olive Oil in general period is good 23:01 okay this is Lecithin oh yeah this is also good for 23:05 cholesterol and then we have yeast flakes 23:08 and we just put the other ingredients in as well. 23:12 And all we're gonna to do from here with simply blend 23:15 so real simple process yeah let's go to the blender. 23:36 Doesn't take very long it all this is ready and all 23:39 we do well we're gonna to pour in here and you take 23:43 some of your favorite whole grain there very important 23:48 and spread that today we have a right whole grain 23:52 right bread and you just take a pastry brush of some 23:56 sort and we just spread it on it and you can bake it 24:00 for 350 to 385 yes for about 15 or so minutes oh mine 24:06 and you just put in the oven and you take it out 24:08 and you have the whole house of aroma of garlic 24:12 and there what you don't even have before you get it 24:14 oven you just smell there in fact I smell garlic 24:16 I smell it now I can wait to taste it so yes 24:20 but yeah very a very healthy very healthy 24:23 when it comes to garlic bread definitely alternative 24:26 for butter and things like that yes it is and saturated 24:29 fats you don't want that this is the way to go okay. 24:32 Well we have made wonderful meal today so 24:35 what we're gonna to do we're gonna to take a short 24:38 break and we when you come back you'll see everything 24:41 that we made so far today and you will be just 24:45 thrilled and you'll be calling us and right writing 24:47 us to get that recipe so stay tuned 24:50 we'll be right back. 24:54 We hope you've enjoyed today's program with 24:56 Robin Swain. Now let's take a moment to review our 24:59 macaroni and cheese recipes. Bake macaroni 25:02 and Cheese Casserole 3 c. soymilk 25:05 1 ½ yeast flakes 4 cloves of fresh garlic 25:08 1 tbsp paprika 1 ½ tsp sea salt 25:13 1 tsp natural raw sugar 1 c. oil 25:17 1 pkg. frozen green peas 1 jar pimentos 8oz. 25:22 tofu cut in ½ cubes 6-7 c. cooked whole grain pasta. 25:27 For our Kale Recipe 1 large bunches of Kale 25:31 3 tbsp. garlic, chopped 1-2 tsbp. Bragg's Liquid Aminos 25:36 1/4 c. nutritional yeast flakes ½ tsp. marjoram 25:44 1 c. fresh cilantro 1 c. egg plant, chopped 25:49 1 medium onion and finally 2 to 3 c. water. 25:54 For our Garlic Bread Spread 1 c. olive oil 25:58 1 tsp. chicken seasoning 2cloves garlic, minced 26:03 2 tbsp minced fresh parsley 1 tsp. basil 26:08 1 tbsp. lecithin granules 2 tbsp. yeast flakes. 26:13 If you would like to contact Robin Swain, 26:16 please call 3ABN at 1-800-752-3226 for more 26:21 information or write us at 3ABN PO Box 220 26:27 West Frankfort, IL 62896 that phone number again 26:33 is 1-800-752-3226. 26:37 Now let's look at our finish recipes with Robin Swain. 26:56 Welcome back now Robin you've mentioned 26:59 Chicken Seasoning Mac is it chicken ingredients 27:03 or chicken seasonings in the recipe. 27:05 Yes I mentioned chicken seasoning and simply a 27:07 combination of urgent spices used to make a chicken 27:11 flavor imitation chicken flavor and they have many 27:14 of the market and many recipes if you contact us 27:17 we can give a recipe as well. 27:19 Okay, now let's show what we just made today 27:21 we started off with a healthy our Macaronian 27:24 cheese this is Macaronian cheese casserole healthy 27:27 style from there we made a Kale Greens here 27:31 and loaded with nutrition loaded with flavors well 27:34 we then went to the Garlic Spread 27:38 and from there we took the garlic spread 27:40 and we went a simply made garlic bread. 27:44 Well folks I hope you enjoy the recipes that we shared 27:48 with you today. I would like you to try it at home 27:51 and try it your church family also. 27:54 Robin I want to thank you for sharing recipes with us 27:57 thank you and may God continue to bless you. 27:59 Until next time bye, bye. |
Revised 2014-12-17