Participants: Cari Christian (Host), Maria Ronquillo
Series Code: LCT
Program Code: LCT000034
00:01 Find out what Mexican Antojitos are and
00:04 learn how to eat this prickly thing here. 00:06 Ouch, we'll be right back. 00:42 Welcome to Let's Cook Together. 00:43 I'm Cari Christian and our special guest today 00:45 is Maria Ronquillo. She is gonna tell us what 00:48 Mexican Antojitos are. Did I say right? 00:51 Yes, you said it right. Mexican Antojitos I guess, 00:55 something like light meals. The actual 00:57 translation is Mexican Cravings, but we're gonna 01:00 make these light meals and just enjoy our time 01:03 together I think. Okay let's get started. 01:05 Yeah let's make our first recipe for Guacamole. 01:08 I'm sure you've heard about that before 01:09 Guacamole. Oh yeah I like Guacamole. 01:11 Okay let's read the recipe. 01:12 Okay. The ingredients are 01:13 2 or 3 avocados, peeled & mashed 01:16 1 medium tomato, chopped 01:19 ½ medium onion, chopped 01:21 1/4 c. cilantro, chopped 01:23 2 limes, juiced and salt to taste 01:30 Okay, so we are ready for our Guacamole. 01:33 And we have the avocados ready here and 01:36 what you wanna do is mash them, you can use 01:38 a fork but this is a lot easier using the potato 01:41 masher. Yeah that does work well. Doesn't it? 01:44 Yeah really fast, and so well we're using two 01:49 here you can use as many as you want, 01:50 it depends on how big of our recipe, 01:52 how many people you are feeding I guess. 01:55 And Guacamole is always great for party. 01:57 Guacamole is a great thing for parties 02:00 because you can use it as a dip, and you can 02:03 use it top up things even for chips and stuff 02:10 like that. And you can even put it on a sandwich. 02:12 Yeah, I mean every, tortillas, it's good. 02:15 So what else I would be putting. 02:16 We putting some onion and here it's also to 02:21 taste kind of because some people like it a lot 02:24 some people do like so much onions so I rather, 02:26 I put a little bit, I don't put a lot but a lot 02:28 of people like a bit more onions than I do. 02:30 So between maybe half of an onion to a 02:33 whole onion would be good for two to three 02:36 of avocados. And now we're gonna put the 02:38 tomato, never tried tomato in there before 02:41 but I like that, I mean this is a variety. 02:43 Yeah, that means some people make a little 02:45 bit different than others. So you can add a 02:49 little bit of tomato, you can add a whole tomato 02:52 and some cilantro. Cilantro is good but I 02:55 remember the first time I tried I wasn't quite 02:58 prepared for the taste. Yeah. It's little thicker. 02:59 I love pepper and familiar with cilantro. 03:02 It's something that is used a lot in Mexican 03:04 cooking for sure. And it's good in taste I would 03:08 say right? Oh but now I like it. You have 03:10 acquired the taste. I have acquired the taste, 03:13 first time I thought it taste a little bit like 03:14 soap, okay, but now I've stead it. You know it's 03:17 pick I need it. It's like a Mexican version of 03:19 parsley I guess, yeah. We got to put some salt 03:23 and some lime juice or lemon juice, 03:25 you can use either one. Okay. 03:27 Yeah. So does the flavor make a difference 03:30 really between the lemon and the lime? Yeah. 03:33 It's a little bit different the flavors between 03:35 the lime and lemon, yeah there is a little bit of a 03:37 difference. But I guess is whatever you like. 03:41 It's one of those recipes that you make to your 03:43 own taste. Now that'll keep it from turning 03:45 brown right. It sure, will help yes absolutely. 03:48 So this ready to eat or you could let it sit 03:52 for little while and let flavors blend a little 03:54 bit more, but this is ready to eat right now. 03:57 So what I wanted do is make the Guacamole 04:00 first for also, for our next recipe to top it off 04:03 with Guacamole. Okay. So let's move on to our next 04:05 recipe. Our next recipe is Mexican Taco Burger. 04:10 The ingredients are 04:11 1 pkg. vegetarian ground burger, crumbled 04:14 ½ medium onion chopped 04:16 ½ green bell pepper chopped 04:19 ½ tsp. mild chili powder which is (optional) 04:22 ½ tsp. paprika 1/4 tsp. cumin 04:26 1 tsp. oregano 1 tsp. olive oil 04:32 So this recipe is very easy, and very quick and 04:35 you could use it for a lot of things like you can 04:37 make Tacos, you can make Taquitos, you can 04:39 make enchiladas, you can make a lot of 04:41 applications with this same recipe that we are 04:43 gonna make. And it should be lot of fun so 04:45 let's start with a skillet, here that is very 04:49 warm we're gonna put some olive oil and we're 04:52 gonna add some onions. I noticed that's pretty 04:56 finely chopped, yeah. Yeah that's how it's 04:59 better that way because we're gonna use a 05:02 little bit of veggie burger crumble so this is, 05:04 it's and so already crumbled the big pieces 05:06 of onion kind a interfere a little bit, yeah 05:09 So let's put some of the bell pepper, okay, 05:11 shall I dump it there, sure, yeah. So this is 05:16 just to give it a little bit of more taste to it. 05:19 You could use just the vegetarian crumbles all 05:24 by themselves but this sure adds to the taste, 05:28 adding the onion and the bell peppers so let's 05:31 add some of the other things we have here. 05:33 Little bit of oregano, and the cumin, I think, 05:39 cumin's good. It sure brings out some flavor, 05:41 yeah. And paprika and optional chili powder, 05:49 this is up to you really if you want some chili 05:52 powder you can have some but if you don't, 05:55 you don't have to. You make it to your own 05:58 taste, really. Well there are different kinds of 06:01 chili powder too right. Yeah some of them are 06:03 milder and that's what I use it. If I use chili 06:05 powder at all, I'm gonna use a mild for some case. 06:08 Okay. But other people like a little bit hot, 06:12 some people even eat the cayenne pepper. 06:14 And the cayenne pepper is a little bit too hot 06:16 for me to be quite obvious, yeah. 06:18 Even though it has a little bit of medicinal 06:20 properties to it, I try to not use it too much 06:25 for my food. But other people like it so it's 06:29 really up to your own taste. And see how we 06:31 already starting to see a little bit of softening 06:34 of the onions. Yeah this is starting to get a 06:37 little bit clear. Aha that's exactly what you 06:39 want when they are all nice and clear, 06:41 you would add your vegetarian meat 06:45 substitute but you don't have to use even this. 06:49 You can use some bulgur wheat instead and 06:54 or you can use beans for this recipe we're gonna 06:58 make, you can make your Tacos and Taquitos 07:00 with beans instead. Oh, that will be good. 07:02 So that's another option but usually when we 07:07 see Mexican people eating tacos they use meat. 07:11 So a lot of times in order for us to help them 07:14 transition out of the meat eating habits we 07:18 help them out with products like this that's 07:21 seen familiar to them. Yeah. You know, 07:24 the texture is little more familiar, exactly and 07:26 the taste is very similar. You know you won't 07:30 believe how similar sometimes it is and it's 07:32 not that we want to may be keep on having that 07:36 habit, it's just that we want to help people 07:37 transition into a healthier diet, right, 07:40 and these products that made out of soy are 07:42 very healthy actually because they are low in 07:44 fat and the soy contains the soy protein is 07:48 actually prevented in some of the diseases that 07:50 we see nowadays in our society. So it's actually 07:53 a good thing to add to your diet. 07:55 But if you can add you know things like Tofu 07:57 which are little bit more natural than these 08:00 packaged things, are even better. 08:02 So let's go ahead and club our next recipe which 08:05 is very, very easy because we only gonna need 08:08 one more ingredient and then we could make our 08:10 Tacos. Okay, yeah, so the recipe 08:13 for Tacos and Taquitos. 08:15 Okay it calls for 24 corn tortillas 08:18 1 Mexican taco burger recipe which is 08:20 fried there on the burner, that's right. 08:26 Tacos and Taquitos! That's exactly what we're 08:28 gonna make. So this is so easy Tacos and Taquitos 08:32 are traditionally fried in a lot of oil that would, 08:36 and what the tortillas, corn tortillas, 08:38 one of the characteristics about corn tortillas is 08:40 that they actually absorb all the oil. 08:43 So they get very fattening that way, you know, 08:46 oh yeah. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna 08:48 actually use the oven instead of the frying pan 08:52 and we are gonna just spray this baking sheet 08:56 with some olive or any type of oil spray you 08:59 want and we have some tortillas they have been 09:02 warmed already. These are corn tortillas from 09:04 the store, so should be easy to find any 09:07 grocery stores, major grocery stores, 09:10 carry them and you wanna either warm them up 09:13 on a griddle or may be in the microwave something 09:16 or steam them as well, so that they are nice and 09:18 soft. Okay so warming them softens. Yeah, 09:21 yeah exactly because if you just get them out 09:23 of the bag like that they are not gonna be soft, 09:25 they are gonna stiff. Okay. So we're gonna put 09:28 a couple of tablespoons of the filling, and 09:30 just for the Tacos you just basically fold the 09:33 tortilla in half and that's it. Do you wanna make 09:37 one? Yeah I do. Okay. So just couple of 09:42 tablespoons in it, yeah, or however much you 09:44 can fit in it. Lots and lots, yeah. So those are 09:49 usually Tacos right, that's what you think of, 09:51 yeah, hear the word Taco. Now the Taquitos 09:55 which actually in Spanish are more called Flautas, 09:59 flute I guess, you would just roll it up instead of 10:04 holding it in half. Oh it's different variation. 10:07 But it's basically the same ingredient or same 10:10 thing, okay, just a different way to fold it. 10:15 So you should try your own. Look I make couple 10:19 of more and lay them on this, like this. 10:25 And what I do if this is optional, is just spray 10:28 a little bit on top as well. And its kind a helps 10:31 that give nice little texture. And so they will 10:35 go in the oven at about 400 degrees, at that 10:39 temperature you would have to watch them 10:41 closely because they won't take more than half 10:44 an hour they probably take between 15 and 20 10:46 minutes. It depends on the oven too, so you kind 10:49 of have to know your oven but you kind of have 10:51 to be watching make sure they don't burn. 10:53 And they look nice and crispy when they are done 10:55 may be we can show the final product how it looks 10:58 when it's done, it's nice and brown. See it's nice 11:01 and crispy; it looks good, nice and crispy, exactly, 11:03 yeah. So when you could do with the Taco when 11:05 it's done, it's out of the oven is that we can 11:07 actually put a little bit a Lettuce and Tomato and 11:11 just some shred it Lettuce like you would have it 11:14 out there Mexican restaurant I guess, 11:17 maybe some sour cream and we have some 11:23 Tofu I guess soy sour cream here. Okay is that 11:25 enough or do you want more? Put a little bit 11:27 more, more okay. And let's do another one with 11:29 a little bit of our Guacamole that we just 11:32 made, oh yeah. And the Taquitos as well, you can 11:36 serve them with a little bit of dressing on 11:38 top you can serve with Guacamole, you can serve 11:42 them with sour cream, yeah there we go, 11:46 that's a nice top. See that's how you would 11:49 serve them and we can maybe serve some 11:51 Guacamole on top our Taquitos as well. 11:53 So just right on top, just like that, yeah sure on 11:56 side. However you want that this is your plate, 12:01 okay, yeah. And again this will quite that make 12:04 great party foods as well things you could just 12:06 pick up any with your fingers, yup. So exactly 12:09 and this is very tasty that your kids will actually 12:12 love you when you make this I think because 12:15 they are crispy thing, I think children like things 12:17 like crunch. You know they are crunchy; 12:19 oh I wouldn't love this when I was a kid. 12:21 I like it now. Yeah, yeah so this is wonderful. 12:23 So let's move on to our next recipe. 12:25 Okay, the next one. Oh this is interesting its 12:28 Cactus Salad. Yeah, yeah so let's 12:30 read the recipe. Okay its 12:31 1 jar of nopalitos, sliced (tender cactus) 12:35 1 large tomato, diced 12:36 ½ medium onion, chopped 12:38 1/4 c. cilantro, chopped 12:41 1/4 tsp. oregano, lemon juice to 12:44 taste and salt to taste. 12:48 Maria I've been looking forward to this one, 12:50 how do you eat that without gonna stickers on 12:53 your tongue? That's right well do you know what 12:55 that is? This is a Cactus, looks like a Cactus. 12:58 Well amazingly enough people to eat this and 13:00 it's actually very tasty and it's very nutritious. 13:04 Really? It's actually good for people who have 13:06 diabetes too because it has good kind of fiber. 13:08 I didn't know that. Yes now we are learning a lot 13:10 of things today. So there are two ways you can 13:13 buy Nopalitos, you can buy them brought like 13:15 that or actually you can actually go to the plant 13:17 and cut a piece, it has to be a young leaf, 13:20 I guess patter something. You have to cut it and 13:23 scrape off the thorns, you have to be very, 13:25 very careful with this, this is like prickly pears 13:28 you have to be careful not to, you don't get 13:30 thorns on your hands and you would scrape off 13:33 the thorns with peeler and wash it really good 13:36 and slice it and steam it and that's how you would 13:39 make your recipes. Now the other way to buy 13:42 them or to bake it is to buy a jar. And these are 13:45 found just about anywhere because I found 13:47 them here in this geographical area that 13:49 means just about anywhere you can find 13:51 them, that's amazing, yeah. So yeah that is good 13:53 and nopalitos, they are called Nopalitos, 13:55 nopalitos, nopalitos, nopalitos is the Spanish 13:59 word for Cactus. You know when you get them 14:01 out of the jar what do you want to do is put 14:04 them in a strainer and actually rinse it off with 14:09 a lot of cold water. Oh why's that? 14:11 They come with a slimy liquid inside and 14:13 actually nopalitos are kind of slimy when you 14:15 cook them to, so you also want to rinse them. 14:18 But you wanna rinse up all this stuff that 14:20 comes with the jar and then you are ready to 14:23 chop them because they come in long strings 14:26 like this, yeah it kind of looks like a green bean, 14:28 it looks like a green bean actually and the taste 14:30 is a little bit similar, not too similar but they 14:33 come, you can actually eat them like this too 14:35 but before the salad that we're make we're 14:36 gonna chop them into smaller pieces. 14:39 So here we have our chopped up nopalitos 14:42 they're been rinsed and ready to go for our 14:45 salad and salads one of those easy things that 14:48 you can just drop together. Yeah. So let's 14:51 start with our recipe, let's put a little bit 14:53 onion and I put about half an onion to a 14:56 whole onion it depends on who is eating it. 15:00 If I'm eating then I would only 15:01 put half of onion or may be a 15:02 quarter of an onion, but some people like lots, 15:04 yeah it's true, but some like lots of onions. 15:06 So we put the onion and then we put our fresh 15:10 looking tomatoes delicious looking tomatoes and 15:14 again we have our friend the cilantro here. 15:17 And cilantro like I said before it's very commonly 15:19 used in Mexican cooking so this is another thing 15:23 that is absolutely used in all the time, it's in 15:26 the nopalitos salad. And then you could put 15:28 some, the salt is optional if you gonna use the 15:31 canned version of the nopalitos because there is 15:33 already salt in it. So you don't really have to add 15:35 any salt and the lemon too it's' optional. I 15:39 won't gonna add a little bit because they are 15:42 preserved in some citric acids. So it already has 15:44 a little bit the lemony taste. And we're gonna 15:48 add just a little bit of oregano may be that also 15:51 something that you don't have to put but 15:54 actually salad is pretty much ready to eat now, 15:57 but it's better if you put it in the fridge and 16:02 then it sit for a while, especially if you want 16:06 the onion taste to not be so strong, 16:09 so you would put it in the refrigerator and let 16:12 it maybe for about half an hour, let it say for 16:15 about half an hour and the way the flavors will 16:18 be, they can just mingle, mingle yeah and they 16:22 just come out very nicely. And like you said the 16:24 taste or the flavor, this taste a little bit like 16:28 green beans of the textures, little bit similar 16:30 to the green beans. But it's not quite, 16:33 so if you haven't ever had this, this is something 16:36 that you have to taste to really know if you like 16:40 it or not, you can make a judgment just based 16:43 on the fact that you never tasted it. 16:44 So I think it's something that people need to try 16:48 and like I said it's very nutritious and very low 16:52 in, I mean very low in fat. It's got almost no 16:55 fat. And it's actually good for you and good for 16:59 diabetics. It's good for diabetics. Traditionally 17:02 it is used in Mexico; people who have 17:04 diabetes traditionally eat a lot of nopalitos. 17:07 Now the other thing you can do with the Cactus 17:09 here is that you can make scrambled tofu and 17:14 add the Cactus, nopalitos too it because Mexicans 17:20 eat nopalitos with egg sometimes, and so that 17:26 would be another way to eat it another way 17:28 to eat it would be to make soup and to add it 17:31 to any of your stews or any type of like bean 17:37 dish or something like that you like add, 17:38 that's good too. People audit to their mole 17:40 sometimes with mole sauce, there are so many 17:43 things you can do with that it's very, 17:45 very good. It sounds very versatile, 17:47 that's it's an entirely new food for me so. 17:49 Entirely new food for lot of people there 17:51 watching today I think. Probably so but I'm 17:53 looking forward to trying that, it smells good and 17:55 I wish to had a spoon right now 'cause I snag 17:57 a little bit. Anyway what do we have next, Maria. 18:00 Well the next recipe is I guess the Mexican 18:03 version of Hot Chocolate; of course we are not 18:06 gonna use chocolate, no? No I don't need chocolate. 18:08 What we're gonna use? We're gonna use carob. 18:10 Carob! Why is carob better than chocolate? Well 18:12 first of all Carob does not have caffeine and 18:17 some of the other addictive substances that 18:21 the chocolate has. Chocolate used to prepare 18:23 with a lot of oil or fat as well, sure, and is also 18:27 prepared with sugar so it's high in sugar and 18:30 high in fat. And it's not good for you because 18:32 it has caffeine and other substances that are 18:35 actually make it addictive. People do become 18:37 addicted to chocolate. So it's not a myth, 18:39 people literally beco me addicted. There is a 18:41 biochemical reason why people become addicted 18:43 to chocolate so, that's interesting, that is 18:45 interesting. It's not just that people actually 18:47 like the taste nobody becomes addicted to 18:50 broccoli. Now I've never heard of a single 18:53 broccoli added, exactly but there is actually 18:55 a reason why people become addicted to 18:57 chocolate we're not gonna use chocolate in this 18:59 recipe. So let's read it, let's go ahead and 19:01 read it. Okay this is Champurrado, calls for 19:05 ½ c. masa harina 2½ c. soy milk 19:10 1½ c. water 2 tbsp. carob powder 19:14 ½ c. Sucanat or one cone "piloncillo" 19:18 1 stick cinnamon (optional) 19:24 Champurrado, Champurrado that's correct. 19:27 It's a Mexican version of hot chocolate I guess, 19:29 without the chocolate apparently. Yeah we're 19:31 not gonna use chocolate, we're gonna use 19:33 carob and we're saying how that good is to not 19:38 eat chocolate but we haven't said anything 19:39 about carob. Yeah what so great about carob? 19:41 Oh carob is actually a good source of protein. 19:44 It's a good source of B Vitamins. Proteins? 19:46 And it has minerals in it, so it's actually good 19:48 for you, I supposed to do chocolate being 19:50 actually bad for you so if we can substitute 19:52 something bad for something good that 19:54 actually tastes similar that's a win win situation 19:57 I think. Good, something good for something, 19:59 yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah, so and then we're gonna 20:01 use, we're gonna use this product that was able 20:04 to find it, and it's a cone of sugar like product, 20:09 I guess it's evaporated cane juice and it's the 20:12 most unrefined version of sugar you can ever 20:14 find and here's the packet that it came in and I 20:18 was able to find here, so you can find it in 20:21 just about most grocery stores I would say, 20:23 pretty much anywhere, yeah. Well what's the 20:25 advantage of using this kind of unrefined sugar 20:28 say it's opposed to white sugar? Well white sugar 20:30 has nothing but empty calories; it has no traced 20:33 minerals left in it. It has no nutrition at 20:36 all except for just the calories from the sugar 20:39 and plus we find refined sugars, all the refined 20:41 sugars, all the refined sugars actually raise your 20:43 body sugar too fast and that can create 20:46 problems later on. So you definitely want to 20:49 avoid more refined sugar, it has no nutrition 20:52 in it but this does have some traced minerals 20:54 in it and nutrition. So you do wanna use, 20:57 if you gonna any type of sweetener and sugar in 21:00 your diet it's been to use the unrefined sugars. 21:03 And so this is the Mexican version of the 21:05 unrefined sugar. Well that looks interesting. 21:07 If you don't find this you could always use 21:09 Sucanat and stuff so that's another option. 21:12 So does it taste different than regular sugar? 21:15 It has more than molasses flavor still left so, 21:19 yeah it's kind a like sucanat that sense that 21:21 has a bit of molasses richer flavor I guess, 21:24 sure it adds to the recipe is that which is plane 21:26 sugar. Yeah I do like that sucanat as opposed 21:29 to the white sugar because, just because of 21:31 that very fat has a worm flavor. Yeah and this 21:34 will have too. Okay. Now the only difference is 21:36 that this, you will only be able to you said in 21:39 recipes that have a liquid in it because you 21:41 kind of have to melt it in hot liquids so. 21:44 So that's the only difference unless you 21:46 want to grade it or something in that we do 21:48 a lot of work. But that's the only difference so 21:51 anything that has hot liquid in it you can use. 21:55 It looks like that liquid is getting pretty hot. 21:56 Yeah we're gonna go ahead and we already 21:58 warming the milk so that it will be faster that 22:00 way but what we are gonna do first is blend 22:04 with this blender and we have the, again we 22:08 have the masa here flour and that will make it a 22:14 little bit thicker than traditional hot chocolate. 22:16 Traditional chocolate is just milk, right, 22:19 but that this will be a little thicker. 22:21 We're gonna about 1½ cups of water. So it's 22:24 the masa traditional for this drink? 22:26 Yes, yes. Although seven people eat or drink 22:30 some other types of hot drinks that are don't 22:33 have masa they might have corn starch, 22:37 sometimes in Mexico they also drink hot drinks 22:41 that have oats in it, blended oats and to 22:44 thicken the drink so this is another option. 22:47 So let's go ahead and blend this. 23:05 Alright. It's ready to go, you wanna go ahead 23:07 and dump it for me. My pleasure! Okay. 23:11 So you can get it out, there you go, okay. 23:16 And go ahead put that in here and then I gonna 23:21 go ahead and put our cone of piloncillo, 23:25 we're able to get that word. I practice 23:27 piloncillo, yeah good, good job. And this is 23:30 optional cinnamon. Cinnamon just gives the 23:33 taste when I actually gonna eat it or drink it, 23:36 it's just give a taste and then when you are 23:37 ready to serve it you would remove it. 23:40 And when you would do is simply stir up not 23:43 constantly maybe just frequently you can leave 23:46 it for a while they come back and stir a little 23:48 bit longer but you don't wanna leave it too 23:50 long without stirring because it's now start 23:52 sticking to the bottom of the pan but you wanna 23:54 stir and once this starts to boil it will thicken. 23:59 And do you wanna wait until the piloncillo if you 24:01 are using it, it's completely melt it and 24:05 then it's pretty much ready to serve but it's 24:07 gonna meet very, very hot. So what I do is if 24:10 I serve it right away plus it's gonna be little 24:13 bit sweet because it's gonna be kind of sweet 24:16 because of the piloncillo. So what I do is that I 24:18 actually serve it and then add a little bit soy 24:21 milk on top to diluted and also to cool down 24:25 a little bit and that way it's ready to drink. 24:27 So you can enjoy it right away. Yeah and this 24:29 is will be great for one of those cold nights 24:31 that you wanna just sit by the fire or 24:34 something, this will be perfect. 24:35 That sounds good. Yeah. Okay, so well it'll take 24:38 a little while for that piloncillo to melt down 24:41 won't it? Yeah. So when we come back may be 24:43 we can show at the end how it will look served 24:46 ready to go to drink. Okay, so we'll be 24:49 back to show you the finished product. 24:54 We hope you have enjoyed cooking with Maria 24:56 Ronquillo. Now let's take a moment 24:58 to review our Mexican recipes. 25:01 For the Guacamole, you will need 25:02 2 or 3 avocados 1 medium tomato 25:07 ½ medium onion 1/4 c. cilantro 25:12 2 limes and salt to taste 25:16 For the Mexican Taco Burger, you will need 25:19 1 pkg. vegetarian ground burger, crumbled or TVP 25:24 ½ medium onion ½ green bell pepper 25:30 ½ tsp. mild chili powder (optional) 25:34 ½ tsp. paprika 1/4 tsp. cumin 25:40 1 tsp. oregano 1 tsp. olive oil 25:46 For the Tacos and Taquitos, you will need 25:48 24 corn tortillas 1 Mexican taco burger 25:54 For the Cactus Salad, you will need 25:56 1 jar of sliced (tender cactus) 25:59 ½ medium onion 1 large tomato 26:04 1/4 c. cilantro 26:07 1/4 tsp. oregano, lemon juice and salt to taste. 26:14 For the Champurrado, you will need 26:15 ½ c. masa harina 2½ c. soy milk 26:22 1½ c. water 2 tbsp. carob powder 26:28 ½ c. Sucanat, 1 stick cinnamon (optional) 26:35 If you would like more information or if you 26:37 would like to contact Maria you may write to 26:39 3ABN, PO Box 220, West Frankfort, 26:43 IL 62896. Or call us at (1800) 752-3226. 26:53 Welcome back Maria this food looks beautiful and 26:57 delicious. It sure does. We feel like eating it 27:00 right now. Yeah. So let's talk about what we 27:02 made. We made the Guacamole first and it's 27:05 an excellent dish something that you can 27:08 use as to accompanying other foods as well 27:11 then we made our Mexican Taco meat in order 27:14 to make our Tacos. And our Taquitos that we 27:17 made nice and crunchy and low fat and low 27:20 in fat because they are not deep fried. 27:23 And then we made our Cactus Salad which is the 27:26 one thing that people are learning to eat, 27:29 yeah getting familiar with. And then at the 27:32 end of course we finished with our hot carob 27:35 Champurrado. And I've got my eye on that. 27:39 Well it looks very good for sure. Indeed it does. 27:42 Well I understand you are working on a 27:43 cookbook. Yes. And it'll have all these recipes 27:47 and it'll have even more recipes international 27:50 flavored recipes. Great. So yeah, it is 27:52 gonna good. Well Maria thank you so much for 27:54 being here today. Well thank you and thank you 27:57 for spending your time with us here in 27:59 the kitchen on Let's Cook Together. |
Revised 2014-12-17