Let's Cook Together

Light And Filling

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Angela Lomacang (Host), MarVella Burton


Series Code: LCT

Program Code: LCT000031

00:01 Do you want to eat something light and filling?
00:03 Well, stay tune for some great easy recipes.
00:39 Welcome to Let's Cook Together.
00:41 I'm your host Angela Lomacang
00:42 and I'm so excited that you've joined us today.
00:45 Get your pens, your pencils, put your
00:48 put your VCR in record and record this program
00:51 because this gonna be exciting.
00:52 We've Marvella Burton all the way from Alabama.
00:56 Welcome Marvella.
00:58 Thank you Angela, I'm so glad to be here today.
01:00 Alright, now what do we've,
01:02 what we're gonna be making today I should ask.
01:04 Well today, I've several simple and quick light foods
01:09 that you can eat for maybe an evening meal
01:12 or something that you don't want to eat
01:15 too heavy meal, right, at a certain times,
01:17 so we just have developed just simple
01:21 quick and light foods for today.
01:24 Okay, and today what are we're gonna be making?
01:26 The first recipe will be a Sun Burger.
01:30 And we call it that because it has sunflower seeds.
01:34 The ingredients are: 4 cups of old fashioned oatmeal
01:39 1 cup of raw sunflower seeds
01:41 1 cup of pecan meal 1 small chopped onion
01:47 ½ cup of soy sauce
01:49 1/8 teaspoon of African Bird cayenne and that's optional
01:54 1 teaspoon of sage powder 1 teaspoon of thyme, cut
02:00 1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast flakes,
02:03 and 2 cups of water.
02:06 Alright, sounds interesting.
02:08 And you said it was made with sunflower seeds.
02:11 Yes. Oh! First of all, I place the sunflower seeds
02:17 in a blender and just ground them
02:19 that you can see and I've the old fashioned oatmeal.
02:25 Now the oatmeal, I noticed you didn't grind it up
02:28 in the blender. No. You just left it as it is.
02:30 Right, it gives it a firmer texture, I see.
02:34 And if you want the burger softer you can blend that.
02:38 Oh! Okay. So we're going to add
02:41 our dry ingredients, yes.
02:45 And we're going to mix them.
02:47 What is that you just added?
02:49 That's our pecan meal. Okay, all ground up.
02:51 Yes, our nutritional yeast flakes,
02:58 our other seasonings, okay, mix them,
03:02 very good Angela. She is learning very well,
03:05 yeah, yeah, there you go, get involved.
03:09 And our onions you may add more or less onions, okay,
03:14 depends on what you like, yes.
03:16 And what we're going to do after you really give
03:20 that a good stir because we want all those
03:23 seasonings to grow throughout the oatmeal.
03:27 We're going to take our liquids,
03:29 and we're going to mix them together
03:32 and then we're going to combine them
03:34 with our dry ingredients. Oh! Is that the Braggs?
03:37 Yes, this is the soy sauce, the Braggs Liquid Aminos
03:41 combined with the water. Okay. Alright!
03:46 Well looks like it's mix pretty good.
03:48 Okay, then I'll just pour this in.
03:51 And you will stir, stir it's already poured.
03:54 You've permission to do that. Thank you mam.
03:58 And stir it up very well, but you don't wanna
04:02 stir it over stir it, right,
04:03 because you don't wanna it gummy, okay.
04:05 The oatmeal has starch in it.
04:07 And you know, it's just like, if you cook rice
04:10 too long, yes, it will become gummy and starchy,
04:13 yes, yes. Well, the same principle
04:15 applies to other grains.
04:16 The more you cook and the more you stir
04:18 then the gummier it becomes, so don't want that.
04:21 I feel the texture;
04:23 did we put onion and garlic powder in here?
04:26 We're going to do that, a bit of that.
04:29 Oh! Yeah, starting to really feel. You feel that?
04:33 Yeah, pretty good. Okay, stick into it seasoning
04:36 and you can add more or less of this,
04:39 but I love onion and garlic.
04:42 Yes, boy smells good once again,
04:44 there is that smell. Now, we just mix it up and.
04:50 When you get it all mixed as you can see
04:53 we've our skillet and it's nice and hot.
04:56 We all love that skillet.
04:57 You say, someone gave that to you.
04:59 Yes, my friend Horsella gave it to me, there we go.
05:02 And once we stir this, we can make the burgers
05:06 as large as we like. Oh! Now, if you've a burger
05:10 press you may use that, okay,
05:13 or you can use your hands
05:15 or you can just drop them with the spoon,
05:19 and shake them once they get in the skillet.
05:21 Oh! Yes, a nice big one.
05:24 You hear that? Its sounds like its frying, yes,
05:27 just as though it has oil in it.
05:29 Once again no oil, I love that about you,
05:31 you never use any oil.
05:33 Well, I've discovered that is really not necessary,
05:37 yes, and it still comes out just like
05:42 you want it, you want it.
05:44 And what happens is when that heat in the skillet,
05:47 right, touches that burger it acts as a seal it,
05:54 and seals the bottom, so it kind of makes
05:56 a nice little crust on the bottom.
05:58 Okay, now you don't put any water
06:00 in the frying pan either. No, we don't want water.
06:03 I've seen some people do that, no?
06:04 Not on the burgers, okay,
06:06 because you want the burgers to be dry.
06:08 I see, so we've enough water
06:10 that's already in the burgers, right,
06:14 so we don't need add any to the skillet
06:16 because we wanted to be nice and tosty.
06:19 Now, do you make these for your children at school?
06:22 Absolutely, do they love this also? Yes, oh!
06:26 And as the matter of fact,
06:28 several of them have become vegetarians.
06:30 Oh! Really, even though their parents are not,
06:33 they've become vegetarians because they see
06:36 they can live and eat, that's right,
06:38 really delicious foods. Yeah, oh! Yeah.
06:40 Without having meat. There you go, marvelous.
06:46 Now the children are go to your school
06:48 are they all Adventist,
06:50 do they all come from Adventist?
06:52 No, they're not all Seventh-day Adventist.
06:53 Okay, so wonderful witness, yes, to be in that have.
06:58 We've different races of children in our school
07:02 different, different denominations, yes.
07:05 And we've a wonderful time.
07:07 We're like a family and way out in the country.
07:09 Oh! Really, and they love it, yes.
07:13 And we just have a wonderful time learning, yes,
07:16 and I think is the wonderful experience because
07:19 I learn to cook when I was ten years old.
07:22 And I appreciate my mother
07:25 teaching me home skills, yes.
07:28 And so, I know some parents really are working
07:31 and going to school, yeah,
07:33 they don't have the time to teach their children, yes,
07:36 many of things that I learned coming up, yes.
07:38 And so, I just take sometime and put it
07:42 into my curriculum to give them some practical skills.
07:44 And I like what you said, you learned
07:46 when you're ten years old, yes.
07:49 You mom was teaching you how to cook.
07:50 I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
07:52 That's wonderful, oh Marvella this is great.
07:55 So, when this is done, you just turn them over,
07:59 about seven to ten minutes. How long that's it take?
08:01 Okay, and what we're gonna do is
08:03 you're gonna turn them over, yes, take the top off
08:06 and let them brown on the other side.
08:08 Oh! Wonderful, we don't want to put the top back on it
08:11 again because we don't want them to be soft,
08:14 oh yeah, yeah, the moisture keeps well coming up.
08:17 And so, we just let them dry out a little bit,
08:19 this when we flick them, yes, okay. Okay, great.
08:23 And at the end of the program we'll have,
08:24 we'll see the Sun Burgers.
08:26 We'll have our Sun Burgers for you to look at
08:29 and also you can make them yourselves.
08:31 And what do we're gonna make for our next recipe?
08:34 The next recipe is one of my new inventions called,
08:38 oh! Mava Java. Now, what is it called Mava Java?
08:42 Well, it's a substitute for coffee, yes,
08:44 and it's so tasty, it's an energy drink. Oh!
08:49 And it's made of some ingredients
08:53 that really gives us a charge for the day.
08:56 Well, let's look at those ingredients right now.
09:00 1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses
09:04 1 teaspoon of raw honey 1 cup of hot water, boiling
09:10 2 tablespoons of soymilk, and
09:13 1 teaspoon of carob powder.
09:16 Okay Marvella. Now this is a good alternative
09:19 for those who love coffee, yes.
09:21 And it's actually a lot better than coffee, isn't it?
09:26 Right, it's really a natural energy booster.
09:30 And you actually get energy.
09:31 You really do, and it's excellent for the blood
09:34 because blackstrap molasses, yes,
09:37 is a very high source of iron.
09:39 That's right, yes it is, that's right.
09:41 And so we need it, as a matter of fact
09:43 a carob powder, yeah, is also a good source.
09:46 So, is it, oh! And so, it makes a nice drink
09:50 for in the morning, yes, to get you going.
09:52 Yeah, instead of that coffee boost.
09:55 And it won't do damaged for diabetics.
09:59 Oh! Yeah, with the molasses and the honey
10:02 someone out there who is a diabetic may say,
10:04 oh the sugar, but is,
10:06 there is really no sugar, is there?
10:08 Well, this very little, yeah.
10:10 And we've a cup of water, yes, that will dilute it,
10:13 so it's not in concentrated amounts, okay.
10:16 And if you want a little less you can,
10:18 you don't have to add the sweetener.
10:21 Oh! That's true. You don't have to add that at all.
10:24 Okay, alright, well let's going with this.
10:27 Alright we've our water, that's already nice and hot.
10:31 Yes, we do, and we're going
10:32 to pour it in our cup, yeah.
10:35 At the end we're going to add our milk,
10:42 that's our creamer, that's right, that's soymilk,
10:45 put our blackstrap you notice
10:47 how thick and rich that is, yes. Wow!
10:50 And you're going to be surprise
10:52 that this really gives a nice flavor.
10:55 And what it does, it makes the blackstrap
10:59 now taste so strong.
11:02 You notice how it looks like, like chocolate, yeah.
11:04 Right and the carob give it a type of chocolate flavor
11:08 or like you would, drinking like you were drinking,
11:14 right, hot chocolate, yes.
11:16 And then our little sweetener and this is for those
11:19 who need just a taste of sweetness, the honey.
11:23 Isn't it nice? Wonderful, doesn't it look like coffee?
11:27 Yes, and I tell you, you could lighting it
11:30 with the little more soymilk.
11:31 If you wanted to add more soymilk, yes,
11:33 then you may do that, yes.
11:35 And it really tastes delicious.
11:38 I'm let you sample this. Okay let's try this,
11:42 up yourself, okay, nice and warm, here goes.
11:51 Wow! Not bad, marvelous isn't it? It is.
11:56 Now I need to take another little sip for everyone.
12:02 Very good, oh! My not bad.
12:05 So you've take this, drink this every morning.
12:08 You can drink it every morning and it really
12:10 gives you a nice morning charge. Oh! My, wonderful.
12:18 The children at school love it. Oh! Yes, do they?
12:21 They come to school every morning, even the children?
12:22 Yes, and I know they'll take the blackstrap straight.
12:25 No, no, no, but when you mix it with the milk
12:29 and the carob it tastes like hot chocolate.
12:31 Oh! My, yeah it does. So, I said, way to get
12:34 the iron inside, yes, in a very pleasant way.
12:37 Yes, pleasant taste in. Wow!
12:39 What we need to do since we've just made this
12:42 wonderful hot drink, we need to move on, yes,
12:45 to our next recipe, which is gonna be what Marvella?
12:48 A smoothie cool drink. Oh! Nice cool drink, okay.
12:51 Let's go to our, what is it called?
12:55 It's a Blueberry Delight Smoothie, we need:
12:58 1 ripe, frozen banana 1 cup of frozen blueberries
13:03 1 cup of grape juice, and
13:05 1 tablespoon of raw maple syrup.
13:08 Okay, Marvella now this is something you can buy
13:12 in a grocery store, yes.
13:13 How about this the maple syrup?
13:16 Get it anywhere. Okay, all these are just simple,
13:20 just make sure your bananas are right though.
13:23 Oh! Yes, and you freeze them.
13:24 You freeze the bananas. Now, why do you freeze them?
13:27 Because you want the smoothie to have a certain
13:31 consistency, you don't want it too slushy,
13:34 right, right; you wanted kind of firm and thick.
13:37 Okay, okay like a milkshake. Yes little bit thicker.
13:41 And the blueberries you can purchase
13:42 them in at any supermarket.
13:44 And these are frozen blueberries.
13:46 These are frozen blueberries. And this is grape juice,
13:49 oh! Just pure 100% grape juice.
13:51 That is so good for your blood, isn't that?
13:53 Absolutely! Because you know, the, the people and,
13:58 or the doctors I should say,
13:59 they're saying that this is good, wine is good
14:03 for you, but this is from the fruit of the wine.
14:05 That's right and the actual grape juice,
14:07 it's an excellent blood built.
14:08 Yes, yes, so this is excellent for you, for you.
14:12 You do not need the alcohol.
14:15 This is the fruit of the wine.
14:17 So we are to place our grape juice,
14:20 and this one she uses the wellicious.
14:22 Yes, and our berries, very good, and our bananas.
14:31 Now, I've made these without the bananas,
14:37 you can choose any two frozen fruits.
14:40 Oh! That's right, and any juice. How about pineapple?
14:44 That would be nice. I'll made them with
14:45 pineapple and strawberries, yes, and banana.
14:48 Oh! My, it makes them altogether.
14:50 Yes, just like we're doing today.
14:53 You put your juice in and your two frozen fruits.
14:56 Okay and you may or may not use an extra sweetener,
15:01 okay, depends on how sweet the fruit is.
15:04 Now, if you can get some fruit that was picked ripe,
15:07 yes, it would be sweeter than some other fruit.
15:10 Oh! So, you don't have-to-have it,
15:13 but it adds a little bit of flavor
15:16 and we're going to blend this.
15:34 There we go; you can smell that, yes.
15:38 I'm gonna pour this in here,
15:40 it give you little sample how about that?
15:43 Okay, would like that, would like that,
15:45 nice and full and thick, I like that.
15:51 Okay, now let's get a little taste here, here goes.
15:58 Marvelous! What else can you say?
16:03 Now I really have to take another sip of this,
16:07 delicious. No marvelous. Yes it is.
16:12 It's, it is just fantastic.
16:14 And this is healthy, this is a good healthy
16:18 nutritious of course, yes.
16:20 Fresh blueberries you can make it with and,
16:23 and like you said, you can make pineapples and.
16:25 And when the fruits is in season
16:28 and if you can get them and freeze them
16:31 and have them throughout the winter months.
16:35 Oh! Is this your own recipe?
16:38 Yes, that's my own recipe. Absolutely delicious,
16:42 I tell you folks this is just, this is a blessing.
16:45 This meal I would say is like a meal.
16:49 It is! It is definitely a meal.
16:52 And you can eat it with some Granola or popcorn,
16:56 that's right, just something light,
16:58 when you've your fresh raw fruit. Oh, yes.
17:02 And then you've another little side dish,
17:04 and you've a complete light meal.
17:06 Now, I like to entertain and I think
17:08 this would be good for even a Saturday evening
17:10 like you said the popcorn.
17:12 Yes, something light, with something,
17:13 it could be expensive, if you've.
17:15 Well, no, because you don't very much
17:17 and it's feeling. Yeah, that's true, that's true.
17:20 People want be same, I want.
17:22 Well, they would, probably would be saying
17:23 I want some more, because of the taste,
17:26 yeah, but it really satisfying.
17:27 Now, do you give this to your students too?
17:29 Absolutely, they love smoothies, okay,
17:31 we've smoothie day. Oh! Do you? Every Thursday.
17:35 Oh! So, they look forward to smoothie day.
17:37 They look forward to smoothies.
17:38 And when is Mava Java day?
17:41 Mava Java day is everyday, every, everyday
17:44 we need that morning boost.
17:46 Oh! Yeah, you're right.
17:48 And this is a good afternoon evening boost, isn't it?
17:51 Yes, it is. Yeah, which is so good for you?
17:53 Okay, now let's go to our next recipe,
17:57 which is the Granola. We'll need:
18:00 4 cups of old fashioned oatmeal
18:02 2/3 cup of raw sunflower seeds
18:05 1/3 cup of raw pumpkin seeds
18:08 2 teaspoons of vanilla flavoring
18:12 2 teaspoons of sea salt
18:14 2/3 cup of coconut milk
18:16 ½ cup of raw honey
18:19 1 1/3 cup of unsweetened shredded coconut
18:24 ½ cup of raw maple syrup
18:27 1 1/3 cups of raisins optional, and
18:33 1/3 cup of nuts, chopped.
18:38 Now, Marvella Granola, is this a breakfast meal?
18:42 It can be a breakfast meal or light evening meal.
18:45 A meal when you travel.
18:47 Oh! You're right, you're right.
18:49 Now, we've quite a bit of ingredients for this.
18:52 What is this right here?
18:54 This is old fashioned oatmeal.
18:57 Oh! The regular oatmeal regular
19:01 whole grain oats, whole grain, okay.
19:03 So, what are we gonna do now with this?
19:05 We're going to combine all of our dry ingredients.
19:10 Okay, I'll just put these.
19:12 Now, those raisins, raisins, you can add the raisins
19:16 after the Granola is baked or before,
19:19 oh! It's your preference, okay.
19:21 So, this is like a trial mix, isn't it?
19:25 Similar, yeah. Then this is our shredded coconut,
19:30 okay. Finely shredded coconut.
19:35 And our raw sunflower seeds, okay.
19:41 So, mix it all up.
19:43 This, this works your facial muscles.
19:47 When you eat this Venoli
19:48 you get the chewing exercise,
19:51 you get a good workout for your face.
19:52 And it keeps your facial muscles toned.
19:55 Oh! I like that. Now these are pumpkin seeds,
19:57 did you know, that these work excellent for parasites?
20:01 What? If you have parasites, if you just fast
20:04 one day and eat nothing, but pumpkin seeds,
20:06 that will have get rid of those worms.
20:09 Pumpkin seed is that good for you?
20:11 Absolutely, it's high in zinc.
20:13 Oh! In zinc, yes. Wow!
20:15 Then we're gonna add our sea salts.
20:18 Oh! Even the little sea salt.
20:21 And this is our coriander.
20:25 And what is coriander good for us?
20:27 Is that, is that the cinnamon type.
20:29 It's, well it's similar in the way
20:31 that we use it as a nice mild spice.
20:36 And once you get that all mixed, okay.
20:38 I'm going to combine our liquid ingredients.
20:43 Now, now what do you put it in there?
20:45 This is our maple syrup long with our honey, okay.
20:52 And then we're going to add our coconut milk.
20:57 I would like that coconut milk,
20:59 I'm as many of you know, I'm, I'm Jamaican
21:02 and I, we make a lot of things with coconut milk,
21:05 like our Jamaican rice and peas,
21:08 we make with coconut milk, yes.
21:10 And our many dishes I add coconut milk to like,
21:15 if you wanna make a gravy I usually have add the
21:18 coconut milk because it add such a nice, nice flavor.
21:21 Yes, it does. To your meal.
21:23 Now, we're going to mix this really well.
21:25 And you notice that the coconut milk
21:28 is somewhat thick, yes,
21:30 but coconut naturally had some fat in it.
21:34 Yes, it you know, quite a bit of fat.
21:36 And so, we use a small amount.
21:38 And this helps keeps the Granola nice
21:43 and not too hard, right, but crunchy.
21:47 Okay and then again is that added flavor.
21:51 Okay, now we're going to just make a little well
21:55 in the center and pour this
21:58 and we're gonna let you mix it for us.
22:03 Okay, alright, there we go.
22:06 You get a little exercise.
22:08 And that's why the exercise my arms
22:09 and will exercise my mouth to make muscles.
22:12 Make sure that all of the liquid saturates,
22:17 okay, all of the dry ingredients.
22:19 Oh! It didn't look like much liquid in here, right?
22:23 No, not, but you'll see once you really mix it well.
22:27 Oh! I see, okay, see that moisture,
22:29 it will be just enough to give it the affect
22:31 that you wanted to have, which is just slightly moist,
22:34 so that it will bake well
22:37 in the oven and add the flavor.
22:39 Now Marvella you said to me that your son
22:42 has been raised a vegetarian in all his life.
22:45 Yes. He is 30 years old now, yeah,
22:48 and he is still chooses this lifestyle, praise the God.
22:51 And you said he has never been ill.
22:53 I've never had to take him
22:54 to the hospital or doctor for sicknesses.
22:57 That's wonderful. Yes that's a blessing
23:00 straight from the Lord. That's right.
23:03 Now I've this. Do I need to stir it some more?
23:06 Just get around the sides. Oh! Yeah, there we go.
23:11 And it looks so good, doesn't it?
23:13 Yes, it does, are we sample of my
23:15 before I bake it, yes.
23:18 And it always tastes so good.
23:19 And how, how long do you bake this for?
23:21 Well the best I've found is to place it in the oven
23:24 on warm and just let it bake all night.
23:30 Just going warm, if it's too hot, yes,
23:32 it will get too hot and brown too much
23:35 before you awaken in the morning.
23:38 Oh my! So, when I get up in the morning it's ready,
23:40 if I wake up during the night
23:42 I'll go and then turn it.
23:43 Okay, now how is the aroma, does it smell really good?
23:46 It smells all through the house.
23:48 To the smells, good. Now, can you put cranberries
23:50 in here because I love cranberries?
23:53 If you put fruit with moisture in it, okay,
23:55 it will make Granola salt, that's right, that's right.
23:58 So, you want it kind of tosty, yes, so that's why
24:00 we use the dried fruits and the nuts and the seeds.
24:04 And the seeds, which I never know
24:07 about the sunflower seeds, as you said so we just,
24:12 we're going to just transfer this now to our dish
24:15 and you can use wider dish, if you want make it flat,
24:20 if you wanted in there for short amount of time.
24:22 Okay now what we need to just put it in, pour,
24:28 put it in and it's gonna be ready for the oven, yes.
24:32 We'll throw it in the oven, okay.
24:35 And forget about it until morning, okay.
24:38 Now, what we're gonna do, we're gonna take a short
24:41 break and we'll be back with the final products.
24:45 We hope you've enjoy cooking with Marvella Burton.
24:47 Now let's take a moment to review
24:49 our light and filling recipes.
24:52 For the Sun Burgers, you'll need:
24:54 4 cups of old fashioned oatmeal
24:57 1 cup of raw sunflower seeds 1 cup of pecan meal
25:02 1 small onion ½ cup of Braggs Liquid Aminos
25:08 1/8 teaspoon of African Bird cayenne, which is optional
25:13 1 teaspoon of sage powder 1 teaspoon of thyme
25:19 1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast flakes, and
25:23 2 cups of water.
25:25 For the Mava Java, you'll need:
25:28 1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses
25:31 1 teaspoon of raw honey or raw maple syrup
25:35 1 cup of boiling water 2 tablespoon of soymilk,
25:42 and 1 teaspoon of carob powder.
25:45 For the Blueberry Delight Smoothie, you'll need:
25:50 1 frozen, ripe banana 1 cup of frozen blueberries
25:56 1 cup of grape juice, and
26:00 1 tablespoon of raw maple syrup.
26:04 For the Granola, you'll need:
26:06 4 cups of old fashioned oatmeal
26:09 2/3 cup of raw sunflower seeds
26:13 1/3 cup of raw pumpkin seeds
26:17 2 teaspoons of vanilla flavoring
26:22 2 teaspoons of sea salt 2/3 cup of coconut milk
26:29 ½ cup of raw honey
26:33 1 1/3 cups of unsweetened shredded coconut
26:39 1/4 cup of raw maple syrup
26:42 1 1/3 cups of raisins, which is optional,
26:47 and 1/3 cup of chopped nuts.
26:50 If you would like information and how to contact
26:53 Marvella or if you would like to receive today's recipes
26:56 please write to 3ABN PO Box 220,
27:00 West Frankfort, IL 62896. Or call 1-800-752-3226.
27:09 Now, let's take a look at our
27:11 finish recipes with Marvella.
27:15 Welcome back to Let's Cook Together.
27:18 Marvella, please show the audience what we made today?
27:22 We prepared Sun Burgers.
27:24 Then we made a nice morning drink, yes, Mava Java.
27:30 And then we made a delightful smoothie,
27:33 yes we did, with blueberries, yes.
27:35 And we concluded with our delicious Granola.
27:38 Wow! And I love cooking like this.
27:42 Yes, you do, I see.
27:43 Now, Marvella thank you for joining us today.
27:46 You're welcome. And I understand you do speak at
27:50 different churches and, and do
27:52 wonderful cooking programs there also, yes I do.
27:54 And so if you want to get in contact with Marvella,
27:57 you can call 3ABN and they'll put you
27:59 in contact with her.
28:01 Until next time may God richly bless you
28:04 and thank you for joining us.


Revised 2014-12-17