Participants: Yanira Gonzalez (Host), Laverne Jackson
Series Code: LCT
Program Code: LCT000025
00:01 Are you feeling crabby today?
00:02 Are you feeling sluggish today? 00:04 We have some healthy recipes. Stay tuned. 00:41 Hello, welcome again. 00:42 We wanna thank you for joining us 00:44 in "Let's Cook Together." 00:46 My name is Yanira Gonzalez 00:48 and we have a special guest today. 00:50 And her name is Dr. Laverne Jackson. 00:54 Hi. Welcome. Hi. 00:55 How are you? How are you? 00:57 I'm good. Praise God. 00:58 We wanna thank you for coming and sharing your recipes today. 01:02 We're kinda excited to know what can we do for being crabby. 01:06 Oh, my. We have some exciting recipes 01:08 so you don't have to be that way. 01:10 And so we want to start off with our secret sauce. 01:14 And we're gonna make some burgers for you. 01:16 But we're gonna do a sauce that have to go in them 01:19 that will mix up real well. 01:21 So we'll do the secret sauce. So let's read the recipe. 01:24 Okay. 01:40 Okay. All right. 01:41 Dr. Jackson, can we start doing this recipe now? 01:43 We most certainly can. Let's-- 01:45 And why do you call it secret sauce? 01:48 Because this is secret. 01:51 What kind of secret's in there? 01:53 Well, it's special because it's actually the mixture. 01:57 In our patties that we're going to do, 01:59 there's no water there. 02:01 And so the liquid ingredient is the sauce 02:05 that we're going to make. 02:06 And so that's what give it the moisture to mix it up. 02:09 Great. Okay. So now we're putting in first lemon juice. 02:16 Then we'll add our tomatoes. 02:20 Oops, sorry. 02:26 We should've had a-- 02:29 I've noticed that tomatoes give such a great flavor to our food. 02:35 And, you know, in our country 02:36 we cook with so much tomatoes? 02:38 Yes, we do. And this is a lovely recipe 02:41 because you have tomato is known to have nutrients in it 02:47 that are very healing for the body so. 02:52 Is there any way that you juice them 02:54 or how do you obtain them to be able to be nutrition for you? 02:58 Well, you know, the best way they tell us 03:01 is actually to have them in a stew like way 03:04 as opposed to really having them fresh. 03:06 So stew them or steam them 03:09 and then or tomato sauce or even tomato paste. 03:13 So one of those are lovely. Okay. 03:16 Let's put a little bit more of this. 03:17 I think that we should've had a spoon here but 03:23 I seem to-- get things moving around here. 03:27 Okay, let's blend it just a little bit. 03:29 And how long do you blend it? 03:30 And how do you know when it's done? 03:32 Well, it should be till it's nice and creamy. 03:34 Okay. With your cashews, you should at least 03:38 wash them in hot water, that way they're softer. 03:41 Okay. And then they will smooth out and cream very well. 03:45 So we're going to just put it on blend 03:49 and blend it just a little bit. Okay. 04:02 Okay. Is there any other reason 04:03 why we have to wash it in hot water? 04:05 Yes, it is because most of the cashews come from 04:09 out of the country and there maybe 04:11 a spoil or a bacteria on it. 04:14 And when you wash them and boil in hot water, 04:16 it will take that off. So you want-- 04:18 Oh, I see. Okay. 04:19 So let's blend this just a little bit more 04:20 because we want it creamy and it's not so creamy right now. 04:24 Okay. Let's blend it just a little bit more. 04:34 Okay. Now this is ready. 04:37 And we will mix it in with all our other ingredients. 04:42 And then you're gonna see why also 04:44 when we say secret, why we call it the actual sun burgers. 04:49 Oh, I see. Yeah. 04:50 We'll put that there for right now. 04:53 And then we remove this. Okay. 05:00 And we will place in our bowl. 05:06 So now what are we doing here now? 05:07 Now we're going to actually read 05:10 the ingredients for our actual burger. 05:12 Mm, okay. And we have sun burgers. We have-- 05:40 Great we have the recipe. So we're gonna add-- 05:44 We're gonna add brown rice. Brown rice. 05:47 One of the key in making these burgers is that 05:50 you want to always remember, 05:52 the rice needs to be hot because when it's hot, 05:56 it will stick together better. I see. Okay. 05:58 So we will put our rice in. That's very good to know. 06:02 Mm-hmm. Now you may be wondering 06:04 why we're using rice for our burgers. 06:08 You ever thought about that? No, no. 06:10 You ever had a rice burger? Yes, I have. 06:13 It's pretty good. Yes. 06:15 We're using rice because some people are allergic to oats 06:20 and the wheat, you know? 06:22 So we chose to do rice so that 06:24 they would be able to have a patty as well. Okay. 06:28 Now the next we will add our sunflower seeds in there. 06:31 Sunflower seeds are very high in calcium 06:34 and they are high in protein as well. So we'll add those. 06:40 Then we will put our onion powder and our garlic. 06:45 Now do you use this recipe a lot in your center? 06:49 I do. It's one of our favorite burgers that we use. 06:53 Okay. Because we have a lot of people 06:56 that have different allergies. 06:58 And so we can use rice without a problem. 07:00 This is our chicken style seasoning. 07:04 And then we want to add our flour. 07:07 This helps to be able to make it where it just blends it 07:11 together, mould together so more in a patty like. 07:15 I see. So it can stick together, together more. 07:19 So the flour will be more kind of like 07:21 replacing an egg or something like that? 07:23 Yes, it would be. Oh, okay. 07:25 Yes. It will be a replacer. 07:28 Now you want it to look like that a little crumbly. 07:31 Okay. And then, we add the secret sauce. 07:35 And I see that you already have some here ready. 07:37 Yes, we do. So we're gonna pour that in to our mixture here. 07:47 And it smells very good, too. It's very good. 07:50 Now this, you remember, has cashews in it. 07:52 So this gives us more protein and we have fiber. 07:57 This is more fiber. You remember we talked about being crabby? 08:00 One of the reasons for being crabby 08:02 is people don't get enough fiber. 08:05 So that means we're eating a lot of refined things, right? 08:09 We're eating a lot of refined things, 08:10 lot of fast quick things and when you do that, 08:13 you don't have the fiber, the nutrients that you need. 08:17 So in other words when you eat something 08:20 that doesn't have fiber, you get full quickly, 08:22 but then you start getting hungry 08:24 in what, like, 2 hours later-- Mm-hmm, 2 hours later. 08:27 Then your blood sugar drops and so you need 08:30 a picker upper is what we call it. 08:33 So when you eat this kind of meal, 08:35 it gets you full and it keeps you for another 08:38 what, 5 hours or 4 hours? Oh, yes, yes. 08:40 Okay. The fiber is more what we call sustaining 08:45 longer time period between the meals and you wanna do that. 08:49 That will help to keep down weight 08:52 and help your mind to function better. 08:56 You can be able to be more conscious of what's going-- 09:00 Mm-hmm. Now this is the way the mixture is supposed to look. 09:06 Okay. Nice, moist like, you know? 09:09 Mm-hmm. And how do you form the patties? 09:12 Well, we have a special way-- do it a different way 09:17 but we like to use our little canning jar lid. 09:21 It's so simple and it's cheap and most people it's affordable. 09:24 You know some of your patty makers, 09:26 you have to--they're plastic and they wear out. 09:29 This you just put the lid in the top there-- 09:32 Okay. And then, spray it some, 09:36 just another-- just enough, sorry, 09:40 for your burger to just fall out. 09:44 Then we just put it here. 09:45 So anybody could do this patty at home, right? 09:47 Oh, yes, yes. Anyone can do it. Children love to do it. 09:52 You know, everybody likes to get the children involved 09:55 to making healthier choices for them 09:58 and this is one of those ways. 10:00 Now that's a smaller one. 10:02 You can make it larger, but I'll show you how-- 10:05 oh, we need to spray our pan here. 10:10 Okay. Drop it in, pull it out. 10:14 Oh, that looks wonderful. And that's the patty. 10:16 Now let's do one where it's larger 10:22 so you can see the difference in the patties. 10:25 You mean, it's gonna be bigger than the one that you just did? 10:28 Yeah, we want to make it bigger than that. 10:29 Oh, okay. We want to have-- 10:31 So you could have like a bun and then you could 10:33 just make a burger or something? 10:34 Oh, yes, yes, like the one that you had earlier, you know? 10:37 But it's gonna be healthier. Okay. 10:39 Yeah. Let's see how large we can make this one. 10:43 Move it around real good and just pile it up. 10:47 Mm-hmm. And then it will be so big, 10:50 you have to open real wide. 10:54 Okay. Okay, see the difference 10:57 in that one, how large that is? 11:00 So you mean, you're making it thicker? 11:02 That's what you're doing? We're just making it thicker. 11:04 Okay. And so that is the wonderful sun burger. 11:08 Wow, it's wonderful. Yes. 11:11 And also you could take it for picnics and things like that. 11:13 You can take it for picnic. 11:15 You can take it for-- of course we use it for lunch, 11:20 for the children, if they don't want to be going out, 11:24 they can have this as a alternative for you. 11:27 And then you can use it anytime. 11:30 We can add different things to it 11:32 and you could make it for dinner as well. 11:34 Wonderful. But we're gonna follow with the next recipe-- 11:37 Let's see what our-- Oh, yes, yes. 11:39 Finished product looks like. Here it is. 11:43 That's our finished product. 11:44 And there's something else I see on top of the sun burger. 11:47 What is that? That is some of our secret sauce. 11:51 You bake the burger for a period of time. 11:54 And then after you bake it, then you put some of your 11:58 secret sauce on the very top of it. 12:01 Okay. Show us how to do it. Sure. You just put it on. 12:06 And then you bake it and then it comes out like this 12:11 and then you have your wonderful sun burger. 12:14 Wonderful. Very high in fiber, high in nutrients, 12:17 and it helps to alleviate crabbiness. 12:21 Thank you for sharing that recipe. 12:23 We're gonna go to our next recipe. Mm-hmm. 12:27 And that is our whole wheat flaky pie crust. And needs-- 12:48 Well, we're here again and we want you to show us 12:51 what we have today now. 12:53 We're going to do the flaky pie crust. 12:57 This is a pie crust, but we use it for pizza as well. 13:01 Okay. And it works very good 13:03 for anything that you need a crust for. 13:06 So we're gonna place our oil in, in our panbowl. 13:11 And what kind of oil is that? 13:13 This is actually a vegetable oil. 13:16 Or you can use safflower, you can use also olive oil, 13:22 just depends on what you would like. 13:24 Okay. The flavor. 13:26 And now we're gonna mix that up real good. And then-- 13:34 And you're putting lecithin now, huh? 13:36 Yes, lecithin-- What is lecithin made of? 13:38 Lecithin is made from your soybeans. 13:41 Okay. And it acts as a emulsifier. 13:46 That means that it brings things together, 13:48 thicker makes it thicker together. 13:51 So now we're going to add our flour to the mix here. 13:57 And we're putting in some whole wheat flour. 14:03 Then we will add the unbleached. 14:08 And then we will add some salt in there. 14:12 Then we mix it up, mix very well. 14:16 This crust we use to make turnovers and it works for that. 14:24 Can you make crackers out of that kind of crust? 14:26 Yes, you can. This is a wonderful cracker recipe. 14:29 You put some sesame seeds in it. 14:34 I think I know that. I have a friend that loves 14:37 this kind of crusts because she likes to make crackers. 14:40 Really? Mm-hmm. 14:41 I usually put my hands in there and mix it up. 14:44 Now you want to keep this dough soft. 14:47 You don't want it hard, now sometime depending upon 14:50 the temperature, you'd make it harder, 14:54 but you want to keep it soft. 14:57 And you want to keep it to the softness of your earlobe. 15:02 If it gets any harder than that, it makes a harder dough. 15:07 Is that another secret that you share? 15:08 That's another secret,-- Oh, okay. 15:09 Yeah, in baking bread. 15:11 Now what we're gonna do is we're gonna put our-- 15:13 Let me help you here. Yes. 15:15 And we want to use that--now, 15:17 I'm not going to put anything on this pan 15:20 because this pan has holes in it. 15:22 So you need to not oil it. 15:26 And then we're gonna roll it out really well. 15:29 And let me just help you holding in here. Yes. 15:32 Move it. This is a lovely dough. 15:38 And just move it quickly. 15:43 And you can make it as thick or thin as you would like. 15:47 Some people like thin crusts. 15:49 Some like--now you see how it's pulling apart? 15:51 Mm-hmm. That means it'll be nice and flaky. Very nice. 15:55 Oh, that is a sign that that it would be-- 15:57 That's a sign. Yeah. 15:58 And I'm gonna move this with my hands quickly here, 16:02 move it right along. 16:04 And want to put a little side there and then we can fix it. 16:10 How's that? That is wonderful. Push it. 16:13 And I know the little children would like 16:15 to get their little hands in this-- 16:17 They would love this because it's really lovely. 16:20 Now we will move it 16:22 so we can have some sides to our crust. 16:27 Then we will put our sauce on it. 16:32 Now what we're gonna do today is we're gonna use 16:37 a sauce that's already done. 16:40 And that is we're gonna use Prego. Mm-hmm. 16:46 Now this is one of the ones that I use 16:49 when I don't have time to make my own. 16:52 But the recipes will have a sauce that you can make 16:56 if you don't want to buy one that's already made. 16:59 So we'll put this on. 17:01 Now would you open that for me? Sure. 17:03 Now move my crusts around a little bit and-- 17:07 Would you want me to pour it? 17:08 Yes. Okay. Want you to pour it on. 17:11 Good, very good, very good, very good, that's good. Okay. 17:16 Now some people like more sauce than others 17:20 and then you can put all kinds of veggies on it. 17:23 This is a veggie pizza. 17:24 So you can put whatever kinds of vegetables you want on it. 17:29 We have some olives here. We have some olives. 17:31 So we'll just sprinkle some olives on there. 17:35 And then we wanna put some peppers. Okay. 17:40 Very good. I love olives. They're so good. 17:43 Good. Now let's get some of our other-- 17:45 What is the Spirit of Prophecy says about olives? 17:49 Olives are very good for digestion. 17:53 When people have problems digesting their food, 17:56 olives are very good for digestion. 17:59 Now we're putting on some peppers 18:01 and some tomatoes here and a few onions. 18:06 Doesn't that look lovely? Yes, it does. 18:08 Now you can put artichokes added to it 18:10 and then you can put broccoli, 18:13 then whatever you would like 18:15 and then we will cook it just a little bit 18:18 and once we cook it some, we usually use a cheese. 18:24 We have a cheese recipe that we will share with you, 18:28 but this is a cheese called vegan gourmet, 18:32 very lovely cheese. 18:34 It's excellent and you can-- it melts very well. 18:38 So it strings like regular cheese. 18:41 There's no dairy products in it at all. 18:44 So we want to shred some of that. Okay. 18:51 We'll shred it right there and shred it right on our pizza. 18:56 Okay. Lovely. 18:58 And while we're doing this, 18:59 we're gonna go to our next recipe. 19:03 We'll let this cook, too-- 19:04 Yes. so everyone else could try it. Okay. 19:07 Okay. Very good. And read your recipe. 19:10 Yes. We have: 19:41 Okay, Dr. Jackson, 19:43 why don't you show us how to make this melty cheese? 19:45 All right. I'm excited to see how you do this. 19:48 All right. We put some lemon juice in. 19:50 Okay. We'll put our nutritional yeast in. 19:57 In goes the nutritional yeast again, huh? 19:58 Yes, that nutritional yeast again. 20:00 Then we'll put some garlic powder. 20:03 And is there some water in there? 20:06 Yes, the water is right there. 20:08 Oh, okay. You remember how much water? 20:11 I believe, so I think it was about a cup, I think, it was. 20:16 A cup. Okay, good. So we'll put a cup of water, and--Mm-hmm. 20:21 then we'll add our nuts, sesame seeds, 20:27 which are high in calcium. 20:29 Then we'll put some salt and we'll add our flour. 20:36 Now let's blend this. Okay. 20:49 Okay. And it looks kinda yellow too. 20:51 It looks yellow. So it does melt when you stir? 20:55 It melts. Wow. Yes, it does. 20:56 So now you pour this in a pot 20:58 and then you stir it till it's thick like you would like. 21:01 And then this is the finished product. 21:03 Wonderful. That looks very good. Yes. 21:06 And it got really thick too. Mm-hmm. 21:08 And so you take that 21:09 and you just pour it all over your pizza. 21:12 You can put it in place of the other cheese 21:15 that we placed on there and you just sprinkle it, 21:17 pour it all around and then that's the melty cheese. 21:20 Okay. Now our next recipe, 21:24 I believe, is the tomato sauce. You're going to need: 21:49 Okay, Dr. Jackson, can you show us--you know, 21:51 I always wonder how to make a homemade tomato sauce. 21:55 Well, this one is very simple. 21:57 We like to do real simple quick thing. 21:59 So we start with just some plain tomato sauce. Mm-hmm. 22:03 We pour it in our blender. 22:07 Then we add our yeast flakes. 22:11 This is more for our B12 nutrients. Okay. 22:16 We're gonna add half of, I mean, our--Italian seasoning. 22:22 Italian seasoning. Yes, yes. 22:24 Then we're gonna put some salt. Great. 22:28 Then we will have onion powder and garlic powder. 22:31 We're gonna put some of that 22:34 and we'll place some honey in there. 22:40 And we blend. 22:43 Oh, that was very simple. Very, very simple. 22:58 Now let me ask you something, do you have to cook it 23:00 till you could bring the seasonings a little more-- 23:05 Out a little more? Mm-hmm. 23:06 Yes, you may, if you like. Good. 23:08 It's not necessary but of course the more you--when you cook it, 23:12 it just enhances your flavor a little more. I see. 23:14 Plus it's gonna cook once you put it on your pizza anyway. 23:19 Wonderful. That is wonderful to know. 23:22 I'm so glad to be able to learn some new recipes 23:26 especially a sauce that will help me 23:29 to be able to prepare a nice pizza at home. 23:31 Yes. Thank you so much. 23:33 Well, we wanna invite you to stay tuned. 23:35 We will show you our final product. 23:39 We hope you've enjoyed cooking with Laverne Jackson. 23:42 Now let's take a moment to review 23:43 our meatless favorites recipes. 23:45 For the secret sauce, you will need: 24:06 For the sun burger, you will need: 24:33 For the whole wheat flaky pie crust, you will need: 24:58 For the melty cheese sauce, you will need: 25:33 For the tomato sauce, you will need: 25:59 If you would like more information 26:01 on how to contact Laverne 26:02 or if you would like to receive today's recipes, 26:05 please write to 3ABN, Post Office Box 220, 26:09 West Frankfort, Illinois, 62896. 26:12 Or call us at 1800752-3226. 26:17 Now let's take a look at our finished recipes with Laverne. 26:23 Welcome back and we will show you the product now. 26:26 Oh, they look so lovely. They are lovely, aren't they? 26:29 Yes. Very good. 26:31 So this kind of food will not make you crabby 26:33 and sluggish, right? 26:35 That's right. 26:36 So can you introduce us and show us the final product? Sure. 26:38 We want to start first with our sun burgers here. 26:42 They're wonderful burgers that will help to get you started 26:47 after a hard day of labor in your office 26:51 and then on top you'll notice 26:53 that we have our secret sauce here, 26:57 which is on the top. 26:59 Then we have our tomato sauce here 27:02 that we made to put on our pizza. 27:06 And then we will put on-- last will be our cheese sauce, 27:14 melty cheese, that we pour all over the pizza. 27:18 So we'll finish and this will be a hearty wholesome pizza 27:22 that will help the children not to be crabby during the day. 27:26 So this is our lovely lunch dishes 27:30 that we find that gives you more fiber, 27:33 more nutrients, high in B vitamins, 27:36 high in calcium, to help us to start on our day. 27:40 And also I see that it has a lot of vegetables in, I think, 27:45 for our children to get used to eating a lot of vegetables. 27:47 That's wonderful too. 27:49 Yeah, most children don't like vegetables. 27:50 But this is lovely, broccoli especially 27:54 the children need to learn to eat during the day. 27:58 Well, Thank you so much, Dr. Jackson, 27:59 for joining us today and for sharing these wonderful recipes. 28:04 And we just wanna thank you for joining us 28:06 "Let's Cook Together." 28:08 I pray that you will enjoy these recipes. God bless you. |
Revised 2014-12-17