Let's Cook Together

Country Style Breakfast

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Angie Roldan (Host), Laverne Jackson


Series Code: LCT

Program Code: LCT000024

00:01 Are you tired of dragging through the day?
00:03 Well, standby for some delicious recipes
00:06 for your breakfast to start your day.
00:40 Hello, friends, welcome to another
00:43 "Let's Cook Together."
00:45 Today we have some delicious recipes for your breakfast
00:48 and we have Dr. Laverne Jackson to do them for us.
00:53 Hi, Dr. Laverne. Hi, how are you today?
00:55 I'm fine. And I'm Angie Roldan,
00:57 I come from Puerto Rico
00:59 and I'll be hosting you for this program.
01:02 Well, thank you.
01:04 So what recipes do you have for us today, Dr. Jackson?
01:07 Today we are going to do some breakfast dishes
01:10 and we will start with what we call our TVP sausages.
01:15 Okay, let me read those ingredients for you.
01:52 Wonderful. So let's start with
01:55 pouring in all of our ingredients here.
01:58 We'll place the TVP and then we mix everything together.
02:06 This is a wonderful recipe that is a replacement
02:12 for people that would like to have what we call
02:15 pork sausages for breakfast in the morning.
02:18 Substitute for sausage? Substitute for--
02:22 The real ones. For the real ones.
02:23 But you know what? This is the real one.
02:26 Okay. That's right. This is the nutritional one.
02:29 This is the nutritional one. So we'll put--
02:32 So we're adding--what is this? This is salt.
02:35 I didn't get it all in there.
02:37 Get all of our salt, then we want to put
02:39 the flour in and then I'm going to mix it up very well.
02:47 You want to mix up your ingredients--
02:49 All of the ingredients go together?
02:50 All of the ingredients, yes.
02:52 We want to mix it well because when you're mixing it,
02:55 the ingredients will fall to the bottom of your bowl.
02:59 Then you place-- pour your oil over it--
03:04 Okay. You first do the dry ingredients--
03:07 Do the dry ingredients-- Then liquid ones?
03:10 And then we will pour our water over.
03:15 Now you have to be very careful with your water--
03:17 Has to be boiling water?
03:19 Has to be boiling because this
03:21 textured vegetable protein is very absorbent.
03:26 So you want it to absorb. So you want to just--
03:30 And then you need to let it sit some time,
03:33 just a little so that all of your seasonings
03:37 will absorb into your flavor here.
03:41 Just by absorbing when it gets all together?
03:44 Yes. Would that be okay?
03:45 Oh, yeah. And then we're going
03:48 to mould them and that's so-- see how that comes? Yes.
03:55 And then you let it sit till it absorbs
03:56 and what happens is the seasoning goes right through
04:00 and make it have a very wonderful, wonderful taste.
04:06 And then once these have set for a while
04:10 so that they're very firm, then we mould them.
04:17 And usually what we do is, some people take it
04:19 and mould them into their hands,
04:21 but we use a canning jar lid like this.
04:25 Okay, so we're making like kind of patties?
04:28 Patty size. Not the actual shape
04:29 of the sausage but patties.
04:31 No. Right. Patties.
04:32 And then what we're going to do is we'll turn that up,
04:37 put our pan on there and-- thank you.
04:43 And we'll spray this so that
04:47 we can get these out. All right.
04:52 This is such a wonderful little tool that you put them in.
04:58 This way every one comes out uniform.
05:02 Okay. You don't have to worry.
05:03 Now you can make them as thick or thin as you would like.
05:06 We're going to make them a little thick here.
05:08 And then we take our plate, pop it out.
05:13 We may have to move that.
05:15 Pop it out and there's your patty.
05:17 All right.
05:19 And so now you get probably about four or five out of this--
05:25 Recipe? Out of this recipe, yes.
05:27 And then what you do is, once you get that,
05:30 then you place it-- you can place it on a pan
05:34 and then you can bake it in the oven,
05:36 but it makes it a little firmer when you bake it in the oven.
05:40 But if you want it-- But they would be too dry?
05:43 A little drier in the oven.
05:44 But if you use your non stick skillet and do it,
05:48 then it's a little softer.
05:50 So let's put that on there.
05:55 Don't you have to add that non stick spray?
05:58 You can but when you have
05:59 a little oil in your ingredients,
06:02 you don't have to add it to it. And so we let that brown.
06:07 Now this is--doesn't have to cook a long time.
06:10 All you need for it to do is just brown.
06:13 Just brown it on one side,
06:15 brown it on the other side and then it's ready.
06:17 So that protein is pre-cooked already?
06:20 Pre-cooked already, yeah.
06:21 That's why when you put your water in,
06:24 it absorbs right into it.
06:25 You don't need a lot of other cooking.
06:27 Now this is made from soy beans.
06:30 You can take tofu if you're familiar with tofu
06:34 and then you dry it and you put it in--
06:37 actually you freeze it first and then you dry it
06:39 and then it looks like this.
06:41 And it comes out-- Same texture, more like--
06:43 Same texture. And you can add any kind of
06:47 seasoning in it that you would like.
06:49 Now to get the actual meat flavor for these,
06:53 we use sage and thyme.
06:56 That gives a meat-like taste and texture to it.
06:59 So now we'll let that brown.
07:02 And then as that's browning, we will go to our next recipe.
07:09 Okay. And that will be the chicken-like gravy.
07:47 Okay, friends, we're back for our chicken-like gravy.
07:51 And how do we do that, Dr. Jackson?
07:54 Well, we first start with pouring--
07:56 We're using a blender in this one.
07:58 Yes, we do a blender, or use a blender.
08:00 Now what we want to do here is
08:02 we're going to make a gravy that's nice and creamy.
08:06 So we're going to use a cashew base for it.
08:09 Okay. So we start with some water.
08:12 Boiling water? We'll use some boiling water.
08:14 Now-- Is that the whole 3½ cups?
08:18 That's 3½. We'll make sure and if not we'll--
08:22 it's a little bit more we pour down than what we need.
08:31 Okay. Do you save some water for later?
08:32 Actually, you know, I should have.
08:35 Let's pour a little bit out
08:38 because we don't want to pour too much in to start with.
08:42 Oh. Well, you want just to make it creamy, right?
08:45 Blend cashews? Not too much water.
08:46 Yes. Not too much.
08:48 And normally what we do is we always wash the cashews
08:51 because sometimes they may have a--
08:53 So we add the cashews and let them blend?
08:58 Like into a cream? Let them blend.
08:59 Yes. And then we just--
09:17 And now we will add our other ingredients to that.
09:23 Right into the blender? Right into the blender.
09:25 We want to add some sea salt to that.
09:29 We want to put some garlic powder in.
09:33 Garlic powder really makes a excellent, excellent--
09:37 What's the ingredient that gives it the chicken flavor?
09:40 We have a chicken style seasoning
09:42 that will give us our flavor there.
09:46 Now some people like... Oh, let's use a spoon here.
09:53 We want to make sure we get all of our ingredients.
09:56 We don't want to leave any at all.
09:58 Then we're going to use some nutritional yeast in.
10:01 Nutritional yeast makes it have
10:03 a cheesy-like taste to it and really season it.
10:07 You were telling me these recipes are southern recipes?
10:09 Yes. We call--
10:11 You do that in the southern states?
10:12 Yes. This is our--what we call our
10:14 country breakfast that we're having here.
10:17 And all of this can go together in one country breakfast?
10:20 Yes. Now we're going to put some onion powder in.
10:26 And we're going to put a little flour in
10:28 and the flour is just to thicken it.
10:31 Now some people that cannot have whole wheat--
10:34 then what we do is we leave that out
10:37 and add more cashews so it'll thicken with just the cashews.
10:42 So it has to be creamy. Yes, you want it creamy.
10:46 Now we're going to put the top back on--
10:49 Okay, and blend it? And then we're going to...
10:58 Is that okay?
11:04 Now this is our country style--
11:10 Chicken-like gravy? Chicken-like gravy.
11:12 So I'm going to pour it in here.
11:18 And you use this with what kind of food?
11:22 You put it on the patties, for example?
11:24 You can put it on our TVP patties
11:26 and then we're going to make some grits
11:29 and some biscuits and so you can put them on--
11:32 you can put the gravy on both.
11:34 Then we're going to sprinkle a little of our parsley over it.
11:39 You don't blend this anymore?
11:41 No. We don't have to blend it anymore.
11:43 And that is our gravy and this is the finished product.
11:47 And this, if you want to see, this is our finished product.
11:51 And that's your country style gravy
11:53 and then it can be as thick--
11:55 Some people like their gravies thick,
11:58 some people like them thin,
11:59 so it just depends on whatever you would like.
12:02 You add some more flour or you add some more cashews
12:06 in order to get your consistency.
12:08 In order to get the consistency,
12:10 the thickness that you would like to have.
12:13 And it works every time. Very good.
12:15 All right. All right.
12:16 So are we ready for our next recipe?
12:18 We are ready for the next recipe.
12:20 Okay. And that will be the corn grits.
12:37 So now we're ready to cook our corn grits, right?
12:39 Yes, we are. We start with our water.
12:42 We have the water boiling there.
12:44 How much water... We have...
12:46 for this recipe? I think it is 3 ½ cup.
12:50 3 ½ cups. All right. Boiling or you let it boil?
12:55 You let the water boil. Before you pour on--
12:58 And then we're going to pour in our--
13:00 Coconut milk. Coconut milk.
13:02 Well, you know we have a recipe in Puerto Rico
13:05 with coconut milk, with cornmeal,
13:08 and then you cook all that, all those ingredients together
13:12 along with some other ones and you wrap them
13:14 in plantain leaf and you cook them wrapped like that.
13:20 Really? And they're called guanimes.
13:21 They're sweet. Really?
13:23 They have sugar and they're very good.
13:26 Very, very delicious. Oh, that's excellent.
13:30 That's guanimes. Almost the same coconut milk,
13:33 cornmeal and then sweeteners.
13:36 And so next we want to--
13:38 So what's the next thing you add?
13:40 The next ingredient, we want to add our grits
13:44 and we will put a-- use a whip though,
13:48 because we don't want them to lump.
13:54 So we're mixing.
13:56 And then once we're stir them, then we add the salt last.
14:00 You want to always add your salt last
14:02 so that it doesn't get over heated for you.
14:05 The salt? The salt.
14:07 And what would be-- Because when you add salt
14:11 and it's boiling hot, it causes the salt to go
14:17 through a transformation and that can cause
14:20 problems in the arteries--
14:21 That would be harmful? Very harmful.
14:23 So it's advisable to-- In every recipe you cook,
14:26 you put the salt in the last place?
14:28 Always put it in last.
14:30 Because once you put your ingredients in,
14:32 it cools the water temperature down.
14:35 So when you add the salt, it's no problem.
14:37 Now you can experiment with it and you can see that
14:39 if you put the salt in and it's hot,
14:42 then there would be a white film all around the sides.
14:46 That lets you know that the water was too hot
14:48 and it caused the salt to change its structure.
14:54 Okay. Yeah.
14:56 Now this is our grits and then we can cook this a little more.
15:00 The more you cook it, you can put it
15:03 on a lower temperature and then it gets--
15:05 it thickens, gets thick.
15:12 This is a--And once it thickens, is it ready to eat?
15:16 It's ready. Then we can use our gravy that we have--
15:19 With it? Oh, yes,
15:20 you pour the gravy over it and then it's ready.
15:23 So this is not actually cornmeal, right?
15:26 No. It's something different?
15:27 This is corn grits. And it's salty.
15:30 And--mm-hmm. I'm going to pour this in.
15:37 How much time do you boil it?
15:39 You just boil it long enough for it to just thicken.
15:41 And you can let it sit and, like I said,
15:44 if you want it thicker, then you let it sit longer
15:50 and then you lower your temperature
15:52 and when you lower the temperature then it cooks
15:54 a little slower and then it thickens.
15:56 But you don't want it too thick, you know?
15:59 You want it nice and creamy and no lumps.
16:04 Exactly. That's why you--
16:06 That's why you constantly keep stirring it
16:09 because grits are not very tasty when they're lumpy.
16:13 Okay.
16:15 Yeah, so you want to make sure that you--
16:17 They remain raw? If they lump?
16:18 Well, no, they won't. They're just hard to get down.
16:22 You know, they get caught in the throat
16:23 and so you don't want that.
16:25 And I heard they should be very well cooked
16:27 because if not, they could harm you?
16:30 Yes. Well, that is they say that grains--
16:34 when you cook your grains, you must cook them
16:37 thoroughly because they have an acid called phytetic,
16:40 I think that's the term, that can be harmful to you
16:45 if the grain is not thoroughly cooked.
16:48 Well cooked. Okay. Yes, so you want to do that.
16:50 But these are already what we call refined some
16:56 and so you don't have to worry about that.
16:59 Okay. So are we ready for our next recipe?
17:02 We are ready for the next recipe.
17:04 Okay, let's read our ingredients.
17:34 So are we ready for our recipe? Yes, we are.
17:37 What we are going to do now is, because of time we had to put
17:43 our liquid ingredients in the blender--
17:46 And they're already blended.
17:47 And they've already been blended and that is your oil
17:51 which was ½ cup of oil, a cup of soy milk
17:56 and then 1 tsp of liquid lecithin.
18:00 Now the purpose of blending it is you want it to emulsify
18:04 where it looks a lot like butter or margarine.
18:09 And so now we're going to put
18:11 our dry ingredients in our bowl.
18:15 And that's the unbleached flour? That's unbleached flour.
18:19 This is our whole wheat flour. Then we're going to put
18:23 our sweetener in, we're going to add the salt,
18:32 and we're going to put some nutritional yeast.
18:34 You know, nutritional yeast has some very good properties.
18:38 People that are--usually are on a non-animal diet,
18:43 or what we call vegan or vegetarian,
18:46 then these yeast flakes have added B12 in them.
18:50 So for those that are--
18:52 And you're adding those yeast flakes
18:54 to every recipe we've made, right?
18:56 Yes, I have, haven't I? That's the purpose?
18:59 Just for nutritional value? Yes, it is.
19:01 It's the nutritional value.
19:02 Then we put our baking powder in there.
19:05 Then we got to mix all of these ingredients up.
19:09 Mix very well, very good.
19:13 Stir it till it's all blended in there.
19:16 How many biscuits are you making out of this recipe?
19:20 Actually, we should get probably about six out of this recipe.
19:25 So we stir it up and then we're going to place our
19:30 liquid ingredients in the middle
19:36 here and we're just going to stir it.
19:43 Very good here, little by little,
19:48 so you want all your ingredients to be blend--mixed in.
19:55 Okay. Mix it very well.
20:05 And we want to be able to get them
20:07 where we can roll them out and cut them.
20:10 Is it going to be very, like, thick and dry?
20:14 It should be thick, yes. Mostly dry?
20:16 You want it-- Not real dry
20:18 but we want it to be very thick if possible
20:23 so that you can be able to blend--I mean, to roll them out.
20:28 So if they're not, then we'll have to do
20:30 what we call drop biscuits.
20:32 You know, depending upon your temperature in your place,
20:36 also depending upon the humidity and your flours,
20:41 it can make a difference in your actual biscuits.
20:44 Wouldn't you be able to kind of sprinkle some more flour
20:48 if you want that consistency, you know?
20:49 Well, you can but you-- you want to--
20:52 it will make them very hard if you do.
20:55 Okay. Now, these are very soft.
20:58 So these are going to be more like what we call
21:01 drop biscuits because, see,
21:04 they should be thicker than that.
21:06 We can't roll them out.
21:07 So now what we're going to do is we need to be able to put
21:13 a little in our pan and we will just spray them.
21:17 This is non stick so that they don't stick to your pan.
21:21 And one thing with these biscuits,
21:23 you don't have to worry about them not coming out right
21:28 because if they are little more liquid,
21:30 you just drop them on the pan--
21:32 And they will cook just the same?
21:34 They will cook just the same.
21:35 Now if they were a little thicker,
21:37 then we would roll them out and then we would use
21:40 a biscuit cutter to cut them.
21:44 Now when you do that,
21:45 you don't want to just turn them.
21:49 Just cut them out-- Go straight down.
21:51 Yes, because if you turn it,
21:53 then the biscuits are going to be very hard.
21:56 So you don't want that to happen at all.
21:58 So we'll just put these-- We're just dropping them now?
22:00 We're just gonna do drop biscuits.
22:04 Do you need a spatula? Yeah, I do.
22:06 There's one there, so we just put these here.
22:10 Put it on. All right, very good.
22:15 I'm one of those cooks that I cook with my hands a lot. So--
22:20 Are we supposed to leave them just where they land?
22:22 Leave them where they land and they'll come off.
22:24 They would come to pieces if we move them?
22:26 Oh, yes. Then they will rise and--yes, these are lovely.
22:29 These are what you call no fault.
22:34 You don't have to worry about them not coming out.
22:36 So they come out very lovely.
22:38 And they will rise in the oven, you put them in at 350.
22:43 For how much time?
22:44 So, actually, 15-20 minutes at the most.
22:48 If they are any longer then that--
22:49 they're going to be dry and you don't want that at all.
22:53 Okay. So this is your drop biscuits.
22:59 Now we got more-- More than six.
23:01 Yeah. Now that's because these were thinner.
23:05 If they were thicker, then you would get
23:07 just smaller, you would get a smaller amount.
23:12 And after that we bake them
23:14 and in 20 minutes we have them ready?
23:17 20 minutes we have them ready.
23:19 Stay tuned and after the break,
23:21 we're going to show you our finished product.
23:24 We hope you've enjoyed cooking with Laverne Jackson.
23:27 Now let's take a moment to review
23:28 our country style breakfast recipes.
25:19 If you would like more information on how to contact
25:21 Laverne or if you would like to receive today's recipes,
25:24 please write to 3ABN, PO Box 220,
25:29 West Frankfort, Illinois, 62896.
25:32 Or call 1800752-3226.
25:37 Now let's take a look at our finished recipes with Laverne.
25:42 We want to show you our final product
25:45 of all the four recipes that we did today.
25:47 Do you want to introduce them for us, Dr. Jackson?
25:48 Yes, I sure will.
25:50 You know, we started off talking about
25:52 how we wanted to jumpstart our day.
25:55 Well, these recipes are going to give us a good start for today.
25:59 We started off with our TVP sausages
26:04 which are very hearty to help us to get going and then with that,
26:11 we have some gravy for you, what we call our cashew gravy,
26:16 chicken-style gravy which is lovely.
26:18 You can place that over your-- On top of the sausages?
26:21 On top of the sausage and then next we have our grits.
26:27 These are corn grits that you have to go with that
26:30 and you can some gravy over that.
26:32 And then to finish off the breakfast,
26:34 we have these lovely, wonderful fiber-filled biscuits,
26:39 whole wheat biscuits that you can finish off the day with.
26:43 So this is a good healthy hearty breakfast.
26:47 So that people don't have to wind up
26:49 dragging through the day.
26:51 They want something hearty
26:53 and this is a very good breakfast for them.
26:56 So this would fill you up for the rest of the day,
26:59 like, for not having anything between meals?
27:03 Correct. This is fiber, lots of fiber because
27:07 that's one of the reasons why people usually snack a lot.
27:10 It's because they don't have enough fiber.
27:13 Fiber fill you up, makes you satisfied.
27:16 That means carbohydrates? Carbohydrates, yes.
27:19 Very good, lovely breakfast.
27:21 So we hope that people will enjoy these dishes.
27:25 I hope they'll enjoy them, too, because
27:27 we're going to enjoy them right here after--
27:29 Oh. Yes, we are going to have a lovely, lovely
27:33 breakfast time with these.
27:35 They look tasty and they smell very good for us, too.
27:38 Good. And, you know, another thing
27:40 that you want to remember, too, with our audience is that is,
27:43 one of the problems that we find that children have is,
27:46 they don't get breakfast in the morning.
27:48 And we find that when they don't eat breakfast,
27:50 they have learning problems as a result.
27:53 Really? Yes, because most of the time,
27:55 we have sugary things.
27:57 So we want them to eat hearty.
27:59 So that breakfast should be the fuel for the day.
28:03 And we want to thank you
28:05 for joining us today in "Let's Cook Together."


Revised 2014-12-17