Let's Cook Together


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Idalia Dinzey (Host), Laverne Jackson


Series Code: LCT

Program Code: LCT000023

00:01 Are you tired of cold cereals every morning?
00:03 Well, stand by,
00:05 because we have a delicious hot breakfast menu for you today.
00:41 Well, thank you for standing by.
00:43 Make sure you get your pen and paper ready
00:45 because we have some delicious recipes to share with you.
00:49 And to do just that we have Dr. Laverne Jackson with us.
00:54 And, Dr. Jackson, which ministry are you with?
00:56 I am with M.E.E.T. Ministry.
00:57 M.E.E.T. Ministry. Yes.
00:59 Well, we are really looking forward
01:00 to today's program with you.
01:03 Our first recipe for today is. Thank you.
01:05 Our first recipe for today is Holloway's waffles. They are.
01:26 Very good. Those ingredients sound very simple.
01:29 They are. And it sounds like
01:30 I have all those ingredients in my own pantry.
01:32 You do, trust me.
01:34 Very good. Well, I'm just gonna slide this over here. Okay.
01:37 And I'm just here to stand
01:38 and enjoy you teaching me this brand new recipe to me. Okay.
01:42 Okay, so what are we doing?
01:44 Well, what we're gonna do is
01:45 we're gonna put some water in the blender first here, Tita.
01:48 And just a little bit to start it off.
01:51 And then we'll put our oats there.
01:55 Okay. Now these are whole oats.
01:57 These are what we call the old-fashioned oats.
02:01 These are the coarser ones.
02:02 These have more fiber in them.
02:04 Now let's just blend this just a little bit. Okay.
02:11 And we'll put everything else in there.
02:14 I like this recipe because it's really simple.
02:17 I like simple things.
02:18 That's right and these days we have such busy schedules
02:22 and we need simple healthy recipes
02:25 that we can enjoy with our family and friends.
02:28 That's right. And, you know, these are very good
02:31 because most of the time we don't eat breakfast
02:33 and this is a lovely breakfast recipe to get you started.
02:36 And must I say
02:37 is the most important meal of the day, right?
02:39 The most important meal of the day.
02:40 We use a term that says breakfast is gold,
02:45 lunch is silver, and dinner is lead. All right.
02:50 Now we blend. We'll blend this up.
02:55 Let's put-- Rest of the water.
02:57 Rest of the water in. Very good.
03:01 Very good. And once again.
03:09 And that's it. And here's our finished product.
03:11 Okay, now once you put it in the blender,
03:14 this is the consistency more or less that I want--
03:16 This is a-- Yes.
03:17 And if it sits for a little bit,
03:19 you might want to add a little bit of water. Yes.
03:21 Right? Please, yes. Okay, very good.
03:23 Well, we have placed some on a measuring cup.
03:27 Just to help you pour, you can use a ladle right? Yes.
03:31 And just pour it away.
03:32 But it's a very simple recipe
03:34 and all you do is just put it in your waffle iron.
03:36 Yes. And that's all.
03:38 And you want to put just about 3/4 of a cup,
03:40 so it doesn't spill over in your waffle iron.
03:44 So it'll be nice and crisp and beautiful.
03:46 Very good. Now do we want to spray the-- We do.
03:49 Waffle iron? We do. Okay, very good.
03:51 Let's put a little bit in there, just a little.
03:54 So this is very low fat and very good in fiber. Yes.
03:58 Very good. I think we're ready for the next recipe, aren't we?
04:00 Yes, we are. Okay.
04:01 Well, our second recipe for today is rice waffles. Oh, yes.
04:06 And the recipe is. The recipe is:
04:27 Okay, we're ready for our delicious recipe.
04:29 That's right. We're ready to do the rice waffle now.
04:32 And so we've already added one cup of our water already
04:36 and now we'll put the rest of our ingredients in.
04:39 We'll put our cooked rice in.
04:42 Then we'll put the soaked rice
04:45 and then we'll let it just blend just a little bit
04:48 before we add our other ingredients.
04:50 It's nice to get them moving
04:52 and before you add your other ingredients in, just a little.
04:57 Put that on there.
05:04 And stop it.
05:06 That's so nice to have a blender to just move it along.
05:08 Very powerful. Yes.
05:10 I was just thinking that. Yeah.
05:11 We'll put the rest of our ingredients. Very handy. Yes.
05:15 And we'll put the rest of our water in there, two cups.
05:22 And then we'll blend it.
05:36 Now you let it blend till it's nice and creamy
05:38 and then we have the finished product.
05:41 Okay, very good.
05:42 So this is once again
05:43 in the consistency of your waffle mix.
05:46 Correct. Now this is the rice waffle. Right.
05:49 And what's the difference between the rice waffle
05:53 and we've made already an oatmeal based waffle?
05:56 Well, the difference is because with the rice
05:59 some people have a gluten intolerance
06:01 and they cannot have a wheat or oats,
06:05 so we give them the rice.
06:07 Everybody can have rice.
06:09 So this is a different option for them.
06:11 I must admit, Dr. Jackson,
06:13 that waffles are our favorite in our home.
06:16 So--but anyway I will not take more time to talk
06:19 but I want to--want you to go ahead
06:21 and show our viewers what to do with your mixture here.
06:24 You have a hot waffle iron.
06:26 It's ready, the waffle iron is ready.
06:28 And so now we're going to just pour it in
06:30 and remember only 3/4 of a cup you pour in.
06:35 It's nice and it's ready, makes a lovely waffle. Yes.
06:41 My husband makes the waffles at home on Sunday mornings.
06:45 Does he? Oh, yes, and our children look forward to it.
06:49 So we can get our husbands to try out these recipes, too.
06:52 That's right.
06:54 They need to be--come and cook with us together. That's right.
06:57 Well, we do have another special recipe with us. Yes.
07:00 And that is our recipe for the cashew French toast. Yes.
07:07 And the cashew French toast, the ingredients are:
07:30 Once again, we have all the ingredients
07:32 for our very simple but delicious and nutritious recipe.
07:36 And this is the French toast.
07:38 So let's get started with this
07:39 delicious French toast recipe. Okay.
07:42 This is an excellent substitute
07:44 for when a person has used eggs
07:47 for to make their French toast. Okay.
07:54 We're gonna put some of those in there
08:02 Right, I'll get a few of those out there.
08:05 We don't want to waste any-- They always get stuck
08:10 Every little bit helps. Okay. That's right.
08:13 And we'll put our top on there and blend just a little bit.
08:23 Now we'll add all of the rest of the ingredients in there.
08:27 This is our salt
08:32 and then we'll add vanilla.
08:37 Looks like nothing's in there, doesn't it?
08:38 Because it's a clear vanilla. Clear vanilla, yes.
08:44 It's very lovely.
08:45 Then we'll put our whole wheat flour,
08:50 put our dates and--
08:53 Dates are our sweetener right?
08:55 Dates is our sweetener in there.
08:56 And then we'll add the orange juice concentrate
09:00 and mix it very lovely.
09:05 I would have never thought of putting orange juice concentrate
09:10 What it does is it makes a nice color.
09:17 I guess we need to put the banana in there.
09:35 We don't want to leave our water out. Okay. All right.
09:41 And we'll mix it away.
09:51 Okay. So we'll just keep blending
09:54 until we have a nice, smooth consistency-- Creamy.
09:57 But for television, we've gone ahead
10:00 and we've already prepared the sauce, right?
10:04 Very good. Okay.
10:05 So I'm gonna slide this blender over. All right.
10:08 And we want to make sure that our friends see exactly
10:12 what we're gonna be doing with this sauce.
10:14 Okay, so we're gonna put our pan to heat up.
10:17 Put the pan on and heat. Okay.
10:19 Then we're gonna put some of our mix on in the dish here
10:23 so we can be able to dip our bread in there
10:29 Mix it up. This bread smells wonderful. Oh, it's wonderful.
10:36 It's whole wheat bread? Yes, it is.
10:38 So what's the benefit of having whole wheat?
10:39 Oh, whole wheat, fiber, lots of fiber. Okay. Very good.
10:43 You know, that's what help keeps us clean.
10:45 Actually, the designer designed us to eat food
10:49 that have fiber to keep our insides clean
10:51 and that's what this is for. Okay, very good.
10:53 All right, let's dip our bread in there.
10:56 You want to make sure that it's soaked on both sides.
11:01 You want to make it very--
11:04 And so we can just go ahead and smear it on with a spatula.
11:06 Yeah, smear it on with a spatula
11:08 if it's not like you would like
11:11 and then the pan must be nice and hot.
11:13 Should I spray that for you? Yes, please do.
11:15 Okay. Very good. Oh, I just love to be in the kitchen.
11:19 Oh, let's cook together. That's right. Okay.
11:22 I like that. All right, let's turn that up a little bit
11:25 and then let's put that in there. You hear it? Yeah.
11:28 It needs to be sizzling. It's sizzling.
11:30 Yes. And then we'll put two in there.
11:32 Now you don't want it too runny
11:34 because the bread will absorb all the...
11:36 Correct, you want it-- All the juice.
11:38 Yes. You want it nice and thick
11:39 so that it will hold on very lovely for you.
11:44 The bread will keep its form. Yes.
11:46 And it's also we'll have some type of
11:48 nice texture when you are biting into it.
11:51 Correct. Okay.
11:52 And then, you know-- I think I can handle this recipe.
11:56 Excellent. And you know,
11:58 you can either do it if you like it nice and soft...
12:01 Yes. Then if you can do it in the nonstick skillet
12:04 or you can even bake it in the oven.
12:07 Now if you bake it, it's gonna be a little harder. I see.
12:10 So you want it to stay nice and soft. Very good.
12:14 And so we're gonna just let it brown a little bit.
12:16 Then we'll come back to it. Very good.
12:19 So tell me, what else are we gonna serve
12:22 for this breakfast that we're making today?
12:24 Well, our next recipe for today is going to be scrambled tofu.
12:29 We like to have scrambled tofu with our French toast.
12:33 Very good. And we're gonna share our recipes.
12:36 And they are:
13:06 Turmeric for coloring, right? That's right. Correct. Okay.
13:10 Well, here we are. We're ready to make our scrambled tofu.
13:13 That's right. Of course, in tofu
13:16 you can use it in so many dishes. Yes, yes, you can.
13:19 So what can you tell me about tofu
13:21 and for those that have never used tofu before,
13:24 you know, maybe you can inform them a little bit.
13:25 Well, tofu is made from your soybeans,
13:29 which is very good for all kinds of problems
13:32 at least most ladies use it for estrogen.
13:36 But we use tofu in place of eggs anything that--
13:40 like this recipe that we're going to do,
13:42 you scramble it like scrambled eggs
13:44 and so that's gonna be a replacement for that.
13:47 Then we use it to make salad dressings.
13:50 We use it to make breads, ice cream. So it's lovely.
13:54 So it does-- it's very versatile
13:57 but tofu is a concentrated protein,
13:59 so you don't want to have it every single day
14:02 or don't have it at least three or four times a week.
14:07 You want to make sure that there is at least
14:09 a few days in between since it is very concentrated.
14:13 Okay, very good. And this particular tofu block,
14:17 it's water based, water packed. Yes, it is.
14:20 Okay. So what are we gonna do then?
14:23 Well-- Tell me what to do.
14:24 What we're gonna do is we're gonna take the tofu
14:26 and so that it will look like eggs,
14:28 we're gonna crumble it up very good. Okay.
14:31 And while you're crumbling, we want to fix it.
14:34 Now, you know, tofu can be used with fruit or with vegetables
14:40 and we're going to put some,
14:44 what we call, chopped onions with it today.
14:47 So when we put chopped onions,
14:49 we usually don't eat it with our fruits
14:51 because onions are so sharp, you know, but... Okay.
14:54 So you want to--you can use onion powder in place of onions
14:59 if you want to use it with fruit.
15:01 And some people don't care
15:02 for the onion flavor, so they will not-- Right.
15:04 You don't really have to have the onion.
15:05 And then some people,
15:07 it causes them to have digestive problems
15:09 when they use onions.
15:10 So you can use onion powder.
15:12 I like the granulated onion. It's a lot better.
15:15 It keeps a lot better than using the regular powdered one.
15:20 It's a little bit more powdery. Okay, very good.
15:23 All right. Am I doing a good job here?
15:24 You're doing an excellent job.
15:26 My, I can have you to cook with me, so let's cook.
15:29 We are cooking. Yes, all right.
15:32 We're gonna put in a little oil here in our skillet
15:36 and I usually put a little water with it
15:39 but we're gonna just do it without.
15:40 And what we're gonna do is,
15:42 we're gonna just slightly sauté our onions here.
15:46 And while we're sautéing the onions,
15:49 then we can add all of our other ingredients to our tofu.
15:52 Oh, okay. So--
15:54 Because tofu doesn't have any flavor in it, right?
15:56 No flavor and let me tell you something. Tell me.
15:58 Tofu is terrible if you do not season it well. It's right.
16:03 Yeah. The first time I tried it was plain.
16:05 Oh, you have to--now one of the things that I find with tofu
16:09 that really flavors it is onion powder. Okay.
16:12 You can put as much as you want on it
16:14 and it season it very well.
16:16 So what we're gonna do is
16:18 we're gonna put a little garlic in there. Okay.
16:20 We are going to add some salt and tofu, must have salt.
16:24 It is not a salt-free product that you can do without.
16:28 Then we're gonna put nutritional yeast.
16:31 Now are you familiar with nutritional yeast?
16:33 I've heard about it. Why don't you tell me some more?
16:36 It is excellent for most people that don't eat animal products.
16:42 They use it for B12 nutrients in their diet
16:46 and then it has a cheesy like flavor
16:49 so it gives a nice flavor to your food. Okay.
16:52 Then this is our chicken style seasoning.
16:56 Then we're gonna put a few chives in there.
16:58 Smells good already, Dr. Jackson. Yes, ready to eat.
17:02 So we want to-- this is some onion powder here.
17:05 Then we're gonna put just a little turmeric
17:07 just to help give it that coloring there.
17:10 Yes, that's right.
17:11 And so then we are going to put it in our skillet.
17:15 Isn't that lovely? Oh, wonderful.
17:18 But it'll be even lovelier when you're done
17:20 and you cook it and you serve it on a plate for me.
17:22 Yes, it is. Now, you know, we can add some mayonnaise to this
17:26 and you can use that as chicken, what we call egg salad-- Okay.
17:31 And so it's very versatile when you just change it up.
17:35 Wonderful. Make little turnovers with it,
17:37 so you can do all kinds of things with it.
17:41 So let's stir it up here.
17:44 I believe one of the things in a kitchen is to
17:46 really learn how to season your foods. That's correct.
17:50 Because you can end up with really bland foods
17:52 and really discourage you when trying it.
17:55 Well, let me tell you
17:56 when I first came into eating healthy,
18:00 they used to fix the food and it has such bland taste,
18:04 it just turned me off from it. That's right.
18:06 And I made a decision that I was gonna make my food
18:08 where it is healthy and tastes good. That's right.
18:11 And that's the key
18:12 that we try to do in all of our cooking classes.
18:15 To make sure that the food looks good and tastes good.
18:19 'Cause looks are deceiving. That's right. That is so true.
18:23 I want to make sure it tastes as good as it looks, right?
18:25 Yes, yes. Because, you know, when you see food,
18:28 you automatically-- it triggers taste.
18:32 Exactly. And we do eat by our--with our eyes. Yes.
18:35 Whatever looks good that's what we're gonna go for,
18:38 at least in my case.
18:39 I know and then with the children, they look at it
18:41 and it doesn't look good and they say, yuck. Exactly.
18:44 It doesn't digest well. Exactly.
18:46 Yeah, so this is a lovely recipe. Wow.
18:49 So I like this. I use this a lot.
18:52 When I'm traveling, you can make it
18:54 and have sandwiches with it. Okay.
18:57 And it does everything that you want eggs to do.
19:03 Very good. I'm allergic to eggs,
19:04 so I am thankful for simple recipes like these
19:08 because it has helped me personally
19:11 and our children love the veggy eggs, so-- Oh, that's good.
19:15 I encourage you to just make sure
19:17 you try it at least once or twice. Yes.
19:19 The first time, sometimes it may not taste as good
19:22 because your palates are not-- Taste buds.
19:25 Yeah, your taste buds are not ready for it,
19:27 but give it a second try. Yes.
19:28 But we do have a very short recipe to share
19:32 and that is our rice milk, right?
19:34 Yes. Our rice milk will take:
19:48 Is what we need.
19:50 Very good. Very simple and have your way, go on. Okay.
19:54 We've already put some of our water
19:56 in the blender already. Okay.
19:58 And so now we are going to add our rice.
20:03 And then we will blend just a little bit, just a little.
20:15 We'll stop the blender
20:16 and then we'll add the other ingredients,
20:21 which is cashews
20:25 and we'll add our salt a little bit and then fructose.
20:40 That's okay. That's okay.
20:41 We'll just get that in there.
20:43 Then we'll mix, mix well.
20:54 And this is our finished product.
20:57 Okay, this is our rice milk.
20:59 We do have two milks here
21:01 but we want you to know that recipes are available
21:03 for nut milk and this is the rice milk, right?
21:07 Yes, it is. So this will top off our menu for our breakfast. Yes.
21:12 So we challenge every one of you guys to try these new recipes
21:16 and let us know how you are enjoying them and your family.
21:19 Now I did want to mention
21:21 that we put a little bit of the water first?
21:24 Correct. Right, because we wanted the blender
21:27 to be able to grab and, you know, blend--
21:30 Correct. A little bit and then we would add
21:32 the rest of the water in there.
21:34 So what would you say to those people
21:36 struggling in their dietary?
21:39 With milk? With milk.
21:41 I would say that soy, you can use a soy substitute
21:46 to first start with
21:47 and then those that have a problem with soy,
21:50 then the rice milk is excellent
21:52 and then you can go to a nut milk,
21:54 almond milk, or cashew milk,
21:56 can be a replacement for those that need a milk.
22:00 Okay, very good.
22:01 And for those people that are struggling
22:03 to have a healthy lifestyle,
22:05 what is your message to them?
22:07 Oh, I would say to be
22:11 very mindful of the kinds of dietary choices that you make.
22:14 Okay. And then one thing that I have found,
22:17 people do not get out and exercise.
22:20 So exercise is a key.
22:21 Actually, exercise has overtaken tobacco
22:24 as one of the eight leading killers today.
22:27 So I would say healthy eating and get out and move a lot.
22:32 Very good. Well, I hope you enjoyed your time with us today.
22:37 We do have some information
22:38 that we would like to share with our friends
22:40 that are watching the 3ABN family,
22:43 and just stand by, just make sure you take notes and enjoy.
22:49 We hope you've enjoyed cooking with Laverne Jackson.
22:52 Now let's take a moment to review our breakfast recipes.
22:55 For Holloway's Waffles you will need:
23:09 For the Rice Waffles you will need:
23:27 For the Cashew French Toast Batter you will need:
23:49 For the Scrambled Tofu you will need:
24:29 For the Rice Milk you will need:
24:44 If you would like more information
24:45 on how to contact Laverne
24:47 or if you would like to receive today's recipes,
24:49 please write to 3ABN, Post Office Box 220,
24:53 West Frankfort, Illinois, 62896.
24:56 Or call 1800752-3226.
25:01 Now let's take a look at our finished recipes with Laverne.
25:06 Very good. Now, Dr. Jackson,
25:09 it's been fun to be with you in the kitchen.
25:11 It sure has. I love "Let's Cook Together."
25:15 That's right.
25:16 And what we've cooked together today has been
25:18 these beautiful foods that you have before us.
25:21 Why don't you walk us through and tell us what we have here?
25:24 Okay. We have--first of all
25:26 we have the Holloway waffles which are made with oats. Okay.
25:32 And then from the Holloway waffles,
25:34 we have the rice waffles
25:35 for those that cannot have wheat or oats.
25:39 And then from the rice waffles, we have our lovely,
25:44 wonderful cashew French toast.
25:49 And then from the French toast,
25:50 we have our fabulous tofu scrambles or scrambled tofu.
25:58 And then we finish off with our milk
26:02 which is our rice milk and then we have our nut milk.
26:08 Very good. Everything looks so beautiful. Thank you.
26:12 And everything is so nutritious. Yes, yes.
26:15 There is no cholesterol in these dishes, right? Correct.
26:19 So we don't have to worry about that
26:21 and whatever our efforts are
26:25 the Lord blesses them, doesn't He?
26:27 He really does. So whatever we can do to help our viewers,
26:31 our 3ABN family, that's exactly what we're here for.
26:35 We want to encourage you all as you struggle, you're not alone.
26:39 A lot of people are struggling. Yes.
26:41 And that is why the Lord blesses us with people like Dr. Jackson
26:44 to come here and bless us with her recipes.
26:47 Now in your ministry, you do have a text that you do use.
26:52 And that text is Ecclesiastes Chapter 10 verse 17, it says
26:56 "Eat for strength and not for drunkenness."
26:59 The glad diet is for eating for strength
27:02 and this is the glad diet.
27:04 Very good. And I'm sure you've blessed many people worldwide.
27:07 You do travel, right? Yes, we do.
27:09 So we will remember you in prayer-- Please do.
27:11 As you minister to others.
27:13 And now there's a nice group of new people
27:16 that have joined us in the "Let's Cook Together" program.
27:20 I just want to ask the Lord
27:22 to keep blessing you and your ministry.
27:24 Bless your hands, because Jesus did so much for us here
27:27 when He was in planet earth
27:29 and He was our example and He fed the multitudes.
27:33 So be encouraged.
27:34 Feed your multitudes in your little corner of the earth
27:38 and God will bless you and bless your family, as well.
27:41 So stand by for other programs
27:43 that we have to offer here on 3ABN.
27:46 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17