Let's Cook Together

Healthy Desserts

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Barbara Nolen (Host), Kyong Weathersby


Series Code: LCT

Program Code: LCT000010

00:01 Is dessert your weakness?
00:02 Well, today, we're gonna teach you
00:04 how to make healthy desserts that are good for you
00:06 and yes, they're delicious.
00:41 Welcome to "Let's Cook Together."
00:43 Hi, I'm Barbara Nolen.
00:45 Today, we're going to be doing
00:46 some healthy, vegan dessert recipes
00:51 with our special guest cook today, Kyong Weathersby.
00:57 She is an inspired cook
00:59 that makes up so many of her own recipes,
01:01 she's got several cook books
01:02 and we're just so happy that she can be with us today.
01:05 Welcome to 3ABN, Kyong.
01:07 Oh, thank you for having me again.
01:09 I'm having a wonderful time cooking with you.
01:11 Well, likewise. Yeah.
01:13 What are we gonna be cooking today?
01:15 Well, today, you know,
01:16 a lot of people love to eat something sweet,
01:19 but they're always guilty about eating
01:22 something sweet after a day. Are you talking about me?
01:24 Maybe I'm talking about you, and my husband.
01:27 So this recipe I came out with is you can still eat,
01:31 but this is very high in fibers and vitamin B complex,
01:35 all that so you don't have to feel guilty about it.
01:38 So today's first recipe is Taste of Heaven Cookies.
01:42 Well, how did you come up with that name, Taste of Heaven?
01:45 Actually, my three cook books-- Oh, really?
01:48 Name is Taste of Heaven and this cookie recipe
01:51 is so special that I had to name it after my cookbook. Oh.
01:56 I don't usually like the sweet,
01:59 but I can eat 5 cookies at a time
02:00 and I don't feel guilty about that.
02:02 Well, that must be really good. Very delicious.
02:04 So, I guess we're going to start our recipe?
02:08 So would you like to read the ingredients? Yes.
02:11 The ingredients for the Taste of Heaven Cookies are:
02:37 Well, shall we make these cookies?
02:40 I can hardly wait. Okay.
02:42 First what we're gonna do is go ahead
02:45 and mix away the quick oats
02:48 and the whole wheat flour and this is oat flour
02:54 and just go and put some turbinado sugar.
02:57 I love to share that what turbinado sugar is?
03:00 When farmers bring the sugarcane to the factory-- Mm-hmm.
03:04 And the first sugar they process is the turbinado sugar. Really?
03:09 So like you see, this is very high in molasses.
03:12 Molasses is really good for you. All right.
03:14 So it's not so processed.
03:16 It's little bit processed,
03:19 but has lots of minerals and vitamins in there.
03:23 And usually I don't use the white sugar.
03:25 White sugar actually kill your immune system right away.
03:28 Yes, it does. Yeah, so.
03:30 Give me a spoon and I can just start stirring this. Yeah, sure.
03:33 Here you go. Thank you.
03:35 And this one I use the pecans and pecan is very high in iron
03:40 and also high in fiber and good source of protein.
03:44 And so tasty, delicious. It's so tasty and delicious.
03:48 And Ener-G baking powder.
03:51 I use Ener-G baking powder
03:53 because it's so natural baking power,
03:58 there's no harmful things in there. Mm-hmm.
03:59 There's no baking soda or aluminums.
04:04 But there's a lot of baking soda, baking powder
04:07 you get it from the grocery stores
04:09 is very harmful to you.
04:10 It will irritate your stomachs,
04:12 irritate your blood system and nerve.
04:15 So I would just ask you to please stay away
04:18 from baking soda and baking powder.
04:20 Not only that, it will destroy your vitamin B in your body.
04:23 That's what I'd read
04:24 that it destroys some of the nutrients.
04:26 And it cause Alzheimer and osteoporosis.
04:29 So if you want to have a strong bone then, yes,
04:32 stay away from baking soda or baking powder.
04:34 This is a sea salt.
04:36 I'm using sea salt, because sea salt
04:39 has some calcium and minerals.
04:41 And when you get some salt from the grocery stores
04:44 they contain baking powder, you know that?
04:47 Oh, really? No, I didn't.
04:48 Another name called dextrose,
04:50 they put some sugar in there to make it tastier,
04:53 but which is so harmful to you.
04:56 So find some sea salt.
04:57 Well, I'm learning so many good things from you today.
04:59 Okay. You're mixing really good.
05:01 After that-- all right.
05:03 Let's go and put some--
05:05 oh, this is real good-- let's have a spoon.
05:08 This is soy milk and the canola oil.
05:13 As you see there, I don't have any milk
05:18 or I don't use any powder and there's no egg.
05:22 And this is vanilla. And look at how wholesome it is.
05:28 And you need to just mix it really good
05:31 and actually you can even have this
05:33 for breakfas because it's very high--
05:36 Oh, there you go. In carbohydrate and fiber.
05:38 and it will give you a lot of energy.
05:40 Only thing is if you want to have breakfast,
05:43 you can just reduce sugar to half
05:45 Then it will make it a whole-- Not really quite so sweet. Yeah.
05:49 You will make a wholesome breakfast.
05:53 The smells really good. Smell is good, isn't it?
05:57 While you're mixing it, I'll go ahead
05:58 and spray with nonstick spray oil.
06:04 This is so simple recipe. Okay.
06:07 Yeah, took no time to put together.
06:08 Okay, I think you mixed really well.
06:10 This is a like a small, like an ice-cream scooper.
06:15 This makes nice presentation.
06:17 Or if you want to make flat cookies,
06:21 just pick it out, just flatten with the hand
06:23 and then still make a nice cookie too.
06:26 So I already showed you two way you can make cookies.
06:30 Also they have a uniform shape. Yeah.
06:33 And-- All right.
06:37 So I'm gonna just scoop some more here.
06:40 I guess this cookie dough
06:41 you don't even have to worry about your kids
06:43 getting in there and eating it raw, huh?
06:46 There's no raw eggs and things like you--
06:49 that you might have to worry about.
06:50 With a raw cookie dough.
06:52 Yeah, but you still need to cook
06:54 whole wheat or the oat flour here.
06:59 It has some chemical you cannot digest,
07:01 so you need to cook those oat meals.
07:03 A lot of people well, you know,
07:05 they like to eat raw, everything raw
07:09 including grain and everything,
07:14 but God didn't create that way.
07:18 Certain things we needto cook to break down the chemicals.
07:22 Okay, just one more cookie. That even looks so good.
07:26 You need to put it in the oven,
07:28 350 degrees for about 25 minutes.
07:31 And they come out nice and delicious cookies.
07:35 So we have finished product may be you can show to viewers.
07:37 Yes, I'll be happy to. Yeah.
07:38 Oh, look how nice they look.
07:41 This is--this one I put the walnut pieces.
07:44 So you can tell the differences, but delicious.
07:48 Share with your neighbors. Okay.
07:51 I hope there's any left to. Okay.
07:56 Let's move to the next recipe.
07:58 All right. What are we cooking next?
08:01 And now we're going to make some Fruit Cocktail Jello.
08:04 Don't you like the name? I do.
08:06 Barbara, would you like to read the ingredients for us?
08:09 I'll be happy to. Okay.
08:10 The ingredients for the Fruit Cocktail Jello are:
08:25 Thank you. You're welcome.
08:27 It's very good. Okay.
08:29 First what I did, in this small saucepan,
08:32 you need to put some two cup apple juice,
08:35 you need to heat it up, because after that
08:40 this Emes Kosher Jel has to be dissolved.
08:43 I cannot say very good, dissolved.
08:45 And so put it in here and turbinado sugar.
08:48 This is so simple recipe that even 3 or 4 years old can do it.
08:54 Yeah, it's so simple because you would usually have
08:56 these things right on hand, you know. Yes.
08:59 The reason--do you know why I'm using Emes Kosher Jel? No.
09:02 Emes Kosher Jel is the plant based gelatin
09:07 from the seaweed, which is high in iron.
09:10 From seaweed, wow. Yeah.
09:13 When I used to use the jello
09:15 that you can usually buy from store
09:18 and one time I made the jello and then took to church
09:22 and one of my sisters in the church,
09:25 "Kyong, do you know,
09:27 that there's beef and pork and deer in the gelatin?"
09:31 I said, "It can't be."
09:34 So I got little, you know, upset.
09:37 So I went home, I got out my jello container
09:41 and then I called the jello company.
09:43 I asked them, "Is it true, you know,
09:46 there's beef and pork and deer in the gelatin?"
09:50 They said, "Yes." So you didn't know that.
09:53 Oh, after that, I just throwed all my boxes away.
09:57 Because I don't want to have Mad Cow disease.
09:59 Not only that, you know,
10:01 my body is a temple of Holy Spirit. Yes.
10:03 I cannot just defile from the unclean food.
10:07 Okay. After that, you just turn it off.
10:12 And just pour in the Pyrex or glass.
10:17 You have to put it on something you can bake on
10:20 because it's very hot.
10:22 And after that, this is like a fruit cocktail.
10:26 I put some just little bit strawberry,
10:31 so it will bring some color.
10:32 Add it in. Yeah.
10:34 Give more color to it. And my grandson loves jello.
10:39 This--he specially loves the jello.
10:41 Which child doesn't like jello?
10:42 And I cannot even say jello in front of him.
10:46 He wants a nice-- we say j-e-l-l-o
10:49 now, he said he even know that how to spell jello.
10:52 He's caught on to it. So this is it.
10:55 And how simple is it? This is it?
10:56 I think we have finished product,
10:58 so we can show to them. Leave it set.
11:00 Okay, after this cool off,
11:02 make sure they put it in the refrigerator
11:05 and then it takes about 6-8 hours to get firm.
11:08 Then this is-- how firm it is?
11:11 Look at that, see? Mm-hmm.
11:14 So this is it. Okay.
11:17 Well, I think we're gonna move to the next recipe.
11:20 Okay. What's next?
11:22 We are going to make some delicious
11:24 Taste of Heaven Pudding. Oh, okay.
11:27 Would you like to read the ingredients?
11:28 I'll be happy to. The ingredients are:
11:54 Well, thank you.
11:56 Okay, first, we need to put soy milk in the blender
12:02 and I'm using tofu, this is Mori-nu tofu firm.
12:08 I'd like to talk to you about tofu.
12:10 Tofu actually made of-- made from soybean.
12:15 Then my mom used to make tofu at home
12:17 when I was in Korea and it was so delicious.
12:20 And this one is such a wonderful thing
12:23 you can make all kind of dishes in vegetarian way.
12:26 You can even make some meat loaf or even make some pie with this
12:31 and then today we're making a pudding.
12:34 And also it will reduce your cholesterol
12:38 and will prevent your cancer and heart problems.
12:42 So lot of people don't know about tofu
12:45 and when I mention about tofu they say, "Eww,"
12:48 but once they tasted my pudding they will,
12:51 "Wow, I will buy the tofu."
12:53 Well, tofu itself is rather bland, isn't it?
12:56 Yeah, it's bland,
12:57 but whatever you mix it in there it will--
12:59 Takes on the flavor that you put with it.
13:01 That's right. Yes.
13:02 Can you go and put it in there please? All right.
13:04 You have to-- this one has to be a firm tofu.
13:08 When I created this recipe, it had to be firm.
13:11 The next recipe I'm gonna use the carob powder--
13:13 the next ingredient would be carob powder.
13:16 This is like a chocolate substitute without any caffeine.
13:21 Oh, wonderful.
13:22 You know, the chocolate has all the caffeine in it.
13:24 And turbinado sugar, which is low sugar
13:27 with all the minerals and vitamins.
13:31 Then I use coffee substitute.
13:34 Want to know why I'm using coffee substitute?
13:37 Because coffee is very high in caffeine
13:41 which is just irritate whole body.
13:43 Specially people have stomach problem
13:46 need to get away from coffee.
13:48 What about decaf coffee?
13:49 Decaf coffee as bad as the caffeine coffee.
13:53 Because they're using a chemical to decaffeinate it.
13:56 Lot of people don't know that. I don't think.
13:58 I used to drink coffee and then I had ulcer. Oh, well.
14:02 So I changed to decaffeinated coffee
14:03 and I still had the ulcer.
14:06 So doctor told me that you need to get away
14:08 from all the coffee and the spicy food
14:10 and I said, "What doctor knows?"
14:13 So I continued to drink coffee
14:14 and I continued to eat spice food,
14:17 then I had such a terrible time to digest food,
14:21 until I became vegan vegetarian.
14:24 Then God helped me to get away from all the harmful food.
14:28 From then, I got really healthy. I don't have ulcer anymore.
14:31 Oh, Praise the Lord. And Praise the Lord.
14:33 Yeah, now we can go ahead and blend until really smooth.
14:54 You can stop it.
14:58 This one more like,
15:00 like a chocolate pudding without chocolate.
15:02 No, it's not ready, so let's go ahead and--
15:04 Oh, you just want to stir it a little.
15:05 Yes, stir it a little bit so you don't want to see
15:07 there's any white thing, kind of white tofu flowing.
15:12 Yeah, it's good and maybe
15:14 we can blend some, about a minute more.
15:18 All right. This is so delicious.
15:20 My daughter wants to eat chocolate pudding.
15:22 Smells good. Yeah.
15:37 So your daughter spurred you on to creating this recipe?
15:40 Yeah. I think I-- That's not enough?
15:41 Yeah. Little bit more?
15:42 I think I see some little more white.
15:56 It looks like ready. Okay.
15:59 Let's go and pour in the nice, tall glass here.
16:03 Hmm, it smells really good. Okay.
16:11 Yeah, my daughter wants to eat chocolate pudding.
16:14 I just cannot let her eat the unhealthy pudding.
16:18 So I come out with this recipe and let her taste it.
16:21 She said, "Mom, this is good," she said, "even better than--"
16:26 she said, "unhealthy one." Oh, really.
16:28 So there's good comfort in that.
16:29 Well, I think I just have to try this. Yes.
16:32 See what you think. That is delicious.
16:36 It's good, isn't it? You got a winner there.
16:41 I'll show you finished products.
16:44 You need to chill this one
16:47 in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
16:49 Then see that how firm it is and who won't like this pudding?
16:56 Yes, that one's a hard one to resist. Yeah.
16:58 Plus if you-- this one is so healthy
17:01 because it has tofu in it-- Mm-hmm.
17:04 And the carob powder is very high in vitamin B
17:07 and in fibers and natural sugar.
17:11 So even though you eat like this you don't have to feel guilty.
17:15 So this is a healthy and delicious dessert recipe.
17:20 Thank you, that's delicious.
17:22 I think we need to move on to next recipe.
17:24 All right. What are we gonna fix next?
17:26 We're gonna make some Strawberry Milk Shake.
17:29 Oh, that sounds delicious. All right.
17:31 The ingredients for this strawberry milk shake are:
17:46 And this is another very simple recipe.
17:50 We don't have much ingredients to put it in.
17:52 Still come out delicious and nutritious.
17:55 Let's start with two cups soy milk.
17:57 Would you like to go ahead and put it in there? All right.
18:02 And we need to have frozen strawberry,
18:04 a 1 1/2 cup frozen strawberry.
18:10 Do you need a spoon for that? And here you go.
18:13 Strawberry is very rich in vitamin C
18:17 and calcium, and potassium.
18:21 And also it's a fighting for cancers.
18:24 So, if you can grow strawberry it would be really wonderful.
18:29 I have big, big strawberry gardens.
18:32 I used too.
18:34 And then every spring come, we're picking and picking
18:37 and we put it in the, I mean,
18:39 we put it in the freezer so all summer
18:42 and all winter long we make this strawberry milk shake.
18:44 You always have it available.
18:46 Barbara, would you blend this until smooth?
18:48 Yes, I'll be happy to. Okay.
18:51 Make sure we got the lid on good.
19:07 You know, I think we need some more frozen strawberries.
19:10 Okay. So this is some more.
19:11 Recipe require 1 1/2 cup, I guess you can add some
19:16 about half more cup, it would be all right.
19:19 My husband likes thick and really cold milk shakes.
19:24 So does everyone. Okay.
19:38 And that looks really good.
19:39 Would you like to pour in the glass?
19:44 Okay. Yes.
19:48 You know, even though--
19:49 Hmm, it's nice and thick and creamy.
19:51 Yeah, It's a dessert where you have
19:52 a strawberry here and you have soy milk.
19:57 And even I add some little bit lemon juice.
19:59 Now lemon juice is really good for cleansing your intestine--
20:03 Oh, really? Yeah.
20:05 So when people have some problem with their stomach,
20:08 get up early in the morning
20:10 and have some nice warm cup of water
20:13 and then put some lemon juice and then drink,
20:15 it cleanses your stomach intestine.
20:17 Cleanses your system before you start the day.
20:18 Yes, wonderful way to start your day, actually.
20:21 Well, I was wondering, could you use different berries
20:23 to do something little different. Oh, sure.
20:25 You can use the black berry or raspberry--
20:29 And even blueberries? Even blueberry.
20:32 That would be wonderful. Okay.
20:34 So it's kind of a versatile. Yes, yes.
20:37 As you see that we don't use any regular milk. Mm-hmm.
20:41 And we don't use any refined sugar.
20:43 There's no dairy products here. Okay.
20:45 So it's good for you and then wonderful.
20:49 Another way you can do this one,
20:52 may be I can use some of this glass here.
20:57 If you like ice-cream without any guilt what you can do?
21:03 you have little bowl pour some milkshake
21:09 and then put it in the freezer
21:11 for until you get up freezed
21:14 and then if you have the whole lot,
21:16 you can just make some larger bowls
21:17 and then put it in the freezer.
21:19 Take it out and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds
21:22 and it come out nice ice-cream. Okay.
21:26 I have a question for you? Sure.
21:27 Does it freeze pre-solid then? Oh, yes.
21:31 So if you wanted, for your children
21:32 you could put a popsicle stick in there
21:33 and you'll have a kind of like a little popsicle.
21:35 Would that work? Oh, yeah, sure.
21:36 That will be a good idea. Kids think that's fun.
21:39 I think our grandchildren-- if you have grandchildren
21:41 they would love that and put it in the popsicle stick
21:45 or you can even put it in like ice tray--
21:48 And pour it in there and put some toothpicks. Yes.
21:51 Then when you're ready, you just take it
21:53 one at a time and they will have fun.
21:55 I think I will even have fun to eating it.
21:58 Don't you? Yes, yes.
21:59 Everybody likes to have a little fun with their food.
22:01 So well, it's not so hard to make a healthy dessert, is it?
22:07 You know, if I can make like this
22:09 I think you can make it at home too.
22:10 What do you think, Barbara?
22:12 Oh, I think so.
22:13 I, for instance, with bananas
22:15 when I do banana smoothies, you know,
22:17 when you have bananas they're starting just a little--
22:20 To getting bad, yeah.
22:21 Ripening and you don't have time
22:23 to make banana bread or anything like that,
22:24 I freeze them and little chunks in a freezer bag-- Uh-huh.
22:27 Then when I want to make a smoothie,
22:28 I just get them out and they're already there waiting on me.
22:30 Yeah. Like may be--
22:31 And the bananas don't go to a waste
22:33 and I enjoy those smoothies.
22:34 Yeah, the bananas
22:35 and they're very high in potassium
22:37 and already I mentioned to you that you need to eat banana
22:41 because it's very high in potassium
22:42 not only the potato is very high in potassium
22:46 and which is really good
22:48 for your clear thinking of your brain.
22:50 You know, that we all need to have clear thinking,
22:53 so when Holy Spirit speaks to us
22:56 then we know that we can hear his voice. Right.
22:58 And lot of times this was--
23:01 I told my husband that a lot of times
23:03 lot of people say that, "Ah, you shouldn't eat potato
23:07 or because it's fattening to you."
23:10 But God created such a wonderful potato
23:14 and then put some lot of potassium in there.
23:17 And it regulate our heart beat,
23:19 even water body levels, you know,
23:22 which keeps our body-- water body levels in us and so.
23:28 I had such a wonderful time cooking with you, Barbara.
23:31 I'm enjoying it too.
23:33 And I wish I can cook with you again.
23:36 And try these recipes at home
23:38 and you can invite your neighbor, your family.
23:41 Tell them you learned how to fix healthy desserts from 3ABN
23:47 and I'm sure they would delight to learn from your recipe too.
23:52 We're going to take a short break now
23:54 to give you an opportunity to get these recipes from 3ABN.
23:59 We hope you've enjoyed cooking with Kyong Weathersby.
24:01 Now, let's take a moment
24:03 to review our healthy dessert recipes.
24:05 For the Taste of Heaven Cookies you will need:
24:33 For the Fruit Cocktail Jello you will need:
24:50 For the Taste of Heaven Pudding you will need:
25:14 For the Strawberry Milk Shake you will need:
25:32 If you would like more information
25:33 on how you can contact Kyong
25:35 or if you would like to receive today's recipes,
25:38 please write to 3ABN, PO Box 220,
25:42 West Frankfort, IL 62896
25:46 or call 1-800-752-3226.
25:52 Now let's take a look at our finished recipes with Kyong.
25:59 Welcome back, look at all of these
26:01 beautiful, healthy, guilt free recipes
26:05 that we've made for you today.
26:06 Can you tell us something about them? Yes.
26:10 You know, they are very high in fiber,
26:12 high in vitamin B, like this one is called
26:16 Taste of Heaven Cookies with the walnuts,
26:19 very high in omega-3, which is really good for you.
26:22 And I understand they even taste like Sandies.
26:25 Is that right? Yes.
26:26 If you like the Sandie cookies you would love it.
26:29 Okay, next recipe we did, called the Fruit Cocktail Jello.
26:34 Most of jellos contains animal products
26:38 and this one has a plant based jello
26:41 and with all the colorful food has all the nutrition in this,
26:45 so everybody would like that one.
26:47 So you want to see the next one?
26:49 What we did, this is like pudding,
26:52 but we call the Taste of Heaven Pudding,
26:55 because it tastes so good
26:57 and more like a chocolate pudding substitute.
27:00 And the last one we did called the Strawberry Milk Shake
27:05 without all the harmful or dairy products
27:08 and is made with just a simple strawberry
27:12 and then some lemon juice
27:13 and good turbinado sugar and soymilk.
27:17 You know, soymilk is such good for us.
27:19 It open our artery and prevents cancer
27:23 and lower your cholesterol, have natural estrogen,
27:27 so you can eat, this is like
27:29 a healing for body not just milk shake.
27:32 So please try, you know.
27:35 Oh, I know I want to, I'm sure you will too.
27:38 Well, we're out of time for today.
27:41 Can you believe it's gone so fast? Yeah.
27:43 And you know, when we have a good time, time just fly,
27:46 doesn't it? That's true, yeah.
27:47 Well, thank you so much for coming to 3ABN
27:50 and sharing these wonderful recipes with us.
27:52 I know we're all gonna want to try them out
27:54 and certainly gonna try them out in my family.
27:56 And I hope you can come back
27:58 next time and "Let's Cook Together."


Revised 2014-12-17