Let's Cook Together

Dehydrating Recipes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeff Riedesel, Nancy Riedesel


Series Code: LCT

Program Code: LCT000007

00:01 Dehydrating, one of our favorite ways of preparing breads
00:04 and crackers and all kinds of good things.
00:07 We're gonna talk a lot about dehydrating today.
00:10 So stay by, we'll be right back.
00:43 Hello and welcome back to "Let's Cook"!
00:46 We're gonna discuss some very good things today.
00:48 And mainly, using a dehydrator to prepare food.
00:51 And to store food.
00:54 Nancy why don't you tell us some of the positive things about
00:56 dehydration.
00:57 Dehydration is one of our favorite ways of preparing food.
01:01 In fact, the dehydrator is the one way that we're preparing
01:05 our foods the most now.
01:06 We don't use our stove and oven anymore because we know
01:09 that high temperature has been known to destroy some
01:12 of the vital nutrients in food.
01:14 So, we are using the lower temperatures to dry the food
01:18 and we can make some wonderful breads and crackers and cookies
01:22 and casseroles and patties and all kinds of wonderful foods.
01:26 The dehydrator that we use is the Excalibur Dehydrator
01:30 which is one that we have found to be the most effective.
01:33 And we've had quite a few dehydrators.
01:35 It's kind of funny, we started off kind of cheap and simple
01:39 in the beginning, with the cheaper dehydrators.
01:41 Which worked for a while.
01:42 They worked for a while but, like everything else
01:44 that was not commercial quality, we tore it up.
01:47 So we just stepped up to what I consider
01:50 the Cadillac of dehydration.
01:52 We probably should have saved our dollars early on
01:54 and bought it to begin with.
01:55 Absolutely.
01:57 One thing that I really like about the Excalibur is that
02:00 it has so much room in it.
02:01 And it has even drying temperatures all the way through
02:05 and our food dries really nice in it.
02:09 Plus, it has a temperature control knob on it
02:11 which I really like 'cause that way we can put our food in
02:14 and we can set it on a certain time, go off, leave it
02:17 and it will shut off when it's ready.
02:19 So, if we don't want our food to get really dry and crispy,
02:23 if we want breads instead of crackers we will set it
02:26 on a certain time.
02:27 And it's easy to use.
02:29 We have left it on too long some times and have had
02:32 really crispy crackers.
02:34 Yes, we have.
02:36 So, what we wanna do today is to show you how to make simple,
02:41 easy, quick, nourishing breads and crackers.
02:46 And to make it very flavorful as well as colorful.
02:50 So, we're gonna make our first recipe on the monitor today.
02:54 And you will get to see what we're gonna do.
02:57 The first one we're gonna do is the carrot-almond flat bread.
03:00 We're gonna use two cups of sprouted grains,
03:03 one cup of shredded carrots or carrot pulp,
03:07 1/2 cup of sprouted almonds,
03:10 five large soaked dates,
03:12 one half to three quarter cups of water, as needed
03:16 and a quarter cup of raisins.
03:18 That's how it is, it's so simple!
03:21 Very easy to do.
03:22 Let's put everything in the food processor.
03:24 You will notice we're using sprouted grains.
03:27 This is our sprouted kamut and you can see the tails on that
03:32 sprouted grain that makes it very alive, very healthy.
03:37 Mega nutrition in those sprouted grains.
03:39 Anybody around the world can make inexpensive, nourishing,
03:43 healthy food with sprouted grains.
03:46 Isn't that amazing?
03:47 And it's so inexpensive.
03:48 Here's our very well pitted dates.
03:50 I hope you pitted them this time.
03:53 We'll see.
03:54 Ok, and then we'll use raisins.
03:57 Now, the carrots I notice that you have just cut up.
04:01 We can use shredded carrots or carrot pulp.
04:08 Well, I figured it this way: this will make them shredded.
04:10 Yes, it will.
04:11 But I was gonna bring out the point too that when we make
04:14 our carrot juice at home, this is a great bread recipe to use
04:18 the pulp from the carrot juice.
04:20 Exactly.
04:22 I hate throwing away that pulp, it always seems like
04:24 you're throwing away some good stuff.
04:26 And it is the fiber in there.
04:27 You may wanna save the water.
04:29 I think I'll reserve some of the water because I don't think
04:32 we will need it but just in case.
04:34 Now the reason we soak our almonds is because
04:36 it gets rid of the enzyme inhibitor that creates
04:39 the distress in some people when they eat nuts.
04:42 So, by soaking them overnight and rinsing them
04:45 then, that gets rid of that inhibitor.
04:49 Then, you rinse them again and let them go back to dry.
04:53 We always put our nuts back in the dehydrator to dry them
04:57 and then we'll keep them in air-tight containers.
04:59 Ok, let's whiz the stuff a little bit.
05:09 I can tell right now that it does need some more liquid.
05:12 And it doesn't matter if you put too much liquid in because
05:15 guess what, it's gonna dry.
05:16 It's gonna dry back up.
05:23 And I can tell it's gonna need a little bit more liquid.
05:27 Now, another thing that you can use for liquid in here is
05:31 the other juice from soaked fruits that makes it
05:36 a little sweater bread.
05:37 The dates actually make it a sweat bread.
05:40 You can use figs and plums and
05:42 whatever other kind of dry fruit you want.
05:44 It's a very versatile bread.
05:57 I'm not gonna try to get this to be a really creamy consistency
05:59 because this is a kind of a chunky bread.
06:02 Ok.
06:03 And normally at home we would have it processed more than that
06:06 but for lack of time we'll just go ahead and show you how.
06:10 We're gonna bring it on the dehydrator tray.
06:15 What I like to do is separate enough just for one tray.
06:19 And that's probably enough.
06:22 One recipe generally will make two trays.
06:26 And I really like it when we use the pulp from the carrot juices
06:32 that we make.
06:33 Cause it gives it a much nicer texture.
06:36 Let's put some more on here.
06:38 I noticed that when I do this, I don't cover the corners
06:43 and I've found that you go back in the dehydrator after me and
06:47 make the corners square and straighten up the edges
06:51 and all that.
06:52 So, that way I know you've been in there after me.
06:55 Well, I like it to look like a nice square loaf of bread.
06:59 But see, it all tastes the same.
07:01 But pretty is nice too.
07:02 Remember, a food has to look pretty.
07:04 That's true.
07:05 So, if you want a thin bread you would put on here much thinner.
07:10 If you want a nice thick or chewy bread you would make it
07:13 about a half of an inch thick.
07:14 So, for this carrot-almond flat bread I'll make it about
07:19 a quarter of an inch thick.
07:20 Okay.
07:21 And then it'll shrink when it dries.
07:22 It definitely shrinks.
07:24 So I'm gonna put this into our Excalibur Dehydrator.
07:29 And bring out the magical one that is already done.
07:32 Now, that changed color quite a bit.
07:34 Yes, it did.
07:35 When it dehydrates all the water comes out of it and
07:38 the fruit juice has turned darker.
07:42 So it's a concentrated bread and very very tasty.
07:46 One thing I like to do with this carrot-almond flat bread is
07:50 to use it for breakfast.
07:51 And put some of your delicious nut butter on it.
07:57 This actually dried a little bit too hard for us.
08:00 Ok, so you're gonna have more like a cracker.
08:03 More like a cracker, right.
08:06 And what I'll do...
08:07 We generally cut it into nine pieces.
08:13 Making it big enough for crackers or for bread.
08:17 Now I'll just stack them, turn them around
08:21 and that's about a bread size.
08:23 And that's about a bread size.
08:26 Okay.
08:27 And then we'll put them in baggies or whatever.
08:31 And we always have bread to eat.
08:33 That's good for several weeks.
08:35 We've actually kept it for months at a time
08:37 but we feel that it's better to eat it fairly soon after
08:42 it's dehydrated to keep the nutrients as viable as possible.
08:48 John 6: 35 tells us that Jesus is the Bread of Life.
08:53 And that anyone that comes to Him will nowise be cast out
08:58 and we will not be thirsty either,
09:00 because He is our Bread of Life.
09:03 And so, when we eat bread I like to think about that; that Jesus
09:07 is the Bread of Life that feeds me inside spiritually.
09:11 We're gonna do another bread recipe
09:13 and this one is really, really delicious.
09:16 This is our pizza flax crackers.
09:20 We're gonna use two cups of golden flax
09:22 which we have soaked in a quarter of water.
09:25 A quarter of an onion minced up; two cloves of garlic, crushed.
09:30 One tablespoon of minced, fresh basil; a teaspoon of oregano;
09:36 one and a half cups of shredded carrots;
09:40 one teaspoon of sea salt;
09:42 half teaspoon of lemon juice;
09:45 one half ounce of sun-dried tomatoes, the non-oiled kind;
09:50 and three tablespoons of caraway seeds.
09:55 This is an incredible cracker.
09:59 You notice we're not using any sprouted grains on this cracker.
10:02 This is using just flax seed.
10:04 Flax seed being very high on Omega 3 acids.
10:07 And this is very very healthy for us, it helps to keep
10:10 our cholesterol down and keep our blood running very smoothly.
10:13 So, what we're gonna do today is just put everything in
10:17 the food processor again.
10:19 And this is one of your favorite ways of fixing foods,
10:22 isn't it?
10:23 It's also one of my favorite crackers 'cause it goes with
10:25 our cheeses and about anything else that we make that savory.
10:27 And you can make the most incredible dips and sauces
10:31 and coverings for breads.
10:32 I just love the dips that you create.
10:36 I think I probably am the luckiest woman I know.
10:41 You're too kind.
10:42 These are the soaked flax seeds.
10:44 (???)
10:45 Yeah.
10:47 Ok.
10:48 Why did you soak the flax seeds?
10:51 Well, they absorb a lot of water.
10:56 And so, if you soak them first you've already introduced some
10:59 water into the recipe.
11:00 They actually start to work a lot quicker when they're soaked.
11:06 And they're very gelatinous, and they're sticky and
11:08 they hold things together.
11:09 They will hold it together, yes they will.
11:11 All right, so onions, called for minced onions
11:14 but this is gonna mince everything.
11:16 We have our two herbs together.
11:20 Oregano and basil.
11:23 The basil really adds the flavor.
11:26 A little bit of lemon juice.
11:27 This gives a little zing.
11:30 And a little bit of sea salt.
11:33 I better reserve.
11:34 Always hold back some of the salt.
11:35 You can add it later, it's very hard to overcome it.
11:39 And garlic, we're gonna take and crush this garlic.
11:42 Cut the tip off, peel the skin right off, separate it a little.
11:49 Finally, the sun-dried tomatoes which have been soaking.
11:53 I think I'll just put it all in along with the liquid.
11:58 And what really makes this cracker,
12:00 what really makes the flavor, is caraway seed.
12:05 Those caraway seeds give such a distinctive flavor to it.
12:09 Yes, nothing like it in the culinary world.
12:11 You can use all that it's really good with all of it in there.
12:13 Really?
12:14 Aha.
12:15 Ok, strong caraway.
12:16 Yeah, I like it.
12:18 Let's go ahead and see what we've got.
12:45 This is one that really needs to be mixed up a long time because
12:49 of the sun-dried tomatoes that are in there and the flax.
12:53 But once it's mixed up it's really good.
13:02 Why don't we just let it go like that?
13:04 I think that looks good actually.
13:05 Normally we would mix it longer.
13:07 It's gonna be a chunky one.
13:09 And we're gonna put it onto our T-flex sheet
13:13 which keeps the cracker from going through.
13:18 The T-flex sheet is a non-stick sheet that comes with
13:22 the Excalibur.
13:25 And it keeps things from sticking.
13:27 It is not Teflon, it is a special food grade, material
13:33 that keeps the food from sticking.
13:36 So you don't have to spray it, you just put the food on and
13:40 it just goes on really nice.
13:42 Look how sticky the flax makes it appear.
13:44 It really does.
13:45 With this one you want to go really thin.
13:48 Because this is going to be a cracker.
13:53 You know, I can remember one of the first times I used
13:54 this dehydrator.
13:56 I didn't use the T-flex sheet.
13:58 I know.
13:59 And, I tell you what, it was really difficult to pull
14:03 that bread off of that mesh.
14:05 In fact, it didn't come off very easily.
14:09 So we learnt pretty quickly.
14:11 Now this type of a flat bread, from what I understand, was
14:15 first made by the Assins back in the Bible days.
14:18 They made a flat bread but they didn't have an Excalibur
14:22 dehydrator, did they?
14:23 Really?
14:24 They had only the hot rocks and the hot sun
14:27 to put their breads on and dehydrate.
14:30 Ok, so that's our flax cracker.
14:34 Now we're gonna put it into the oven.
14:36 And let it dehydrate over night.
14:39 We have one in there that we've made last night.
14:41 And the one that is already dehydrated is...
14:44 Voila!
14:45 Let's take these bowls off.
14:53 We'll put this on here and I'll let you cut it into the small
14:55 cracker pieces.
15:02 Everyone that has tried this flax cracker really loves it.
15:07 Because it's so savory.
15:14 This is a great cracker for some of your cheeses, to dip it
15:17 in the cheeses or to have it with some of our savory soups.
15:21 And, just to munch on.
15:25 Actually, do you know what I like to do with this cracker?
15:27 Just to get a little fancy with it, we'll trim it up
15:32 a little bit and why go plain and ordinary, right?
15:38 We'll cut some triangles.
15:42 That's great!
15:45 Ok, we can finish cutting those toward the end
15:49 and we'll have that ready to serve.
15:51 See, those are much prettier.
15:53 They're great dippers.
15:54 Ok, in the meantime, let's do one more recipe.
15:56 And we will get finished with this really quick.
15:59 The next recipe we're gonna do is a buckwheat veggie pizza.
16:04 Using one and a half cups of sprouted buckwheat grouts
16:08 or sprouted barley; a quarter cup of olive oil;
16:11 garlic, Italian spices and herbs;
16:13 two thirds cups of carrot pulp;
16:16 two thirds cups of soaked flax seeds;
16:19 a tablespoon of Bragg's Liquid Aminos;
16:22 half a cup of sun-dried tomatoes
16:25 and a half to one jalapeno pepper, minced up.
16:28 This is a favorite recipe of ours.
16:31 What we've done here to save a little bit of time is...
16:34 Since they know now the process for doing the food processor
16:38 and all the ingredients and how to use the dehydrator...
16:40 Mix it up the same way we did with the carrot flat bread.
16:43 It's the same.
16:44 And this is what it looks like when it has dried over night.
16:46 So what I'm gonna do is to turn this over
16:49 holding the sheet and the pizza
16:52 and in one fell swoop I'm gonna flip it and peel the sheet off.
16:59 Voila!
17:01 And then we're gonna take your plate, reverse it,
17:05 reverse the whole thing and now you have the perfect pizza crust
17:14 ready to decorate.
17:15 Ain't that beautiful?!
17:16 So, when you're making your flat breads make sure that
17:20 you put it on the dehydrator T-flex sheet first,
17:23 dry it for a few hours, then take and flip it
17:26 just like Jeff did and then finish drying the bread.
17:28 That way you'll have it dried all the way through.
17:31 What I'd like you to do, I'd like us to decorate this later
17:34 but I'd like to get in the next recipe.
17:36 Ok.
17:37 Which is one of my favorites.
17:38 That way we will have this ready at the end.
17:39 All right.
17:40 Next recipe is the golden herb potato chips.
17:44 And we're going to be using some Yukon gold potatoes;
17:48 salt, garlic powder, onion powder, yellow yeast flakes
17:53 and some cayenne pepper.
17:57 This is a great recipe to use
17:58 and you're gonna show us how to use the mandolin.
18:00 Well actually it's really called a V-blade slicer.
18:03 Ok.
18:04 But it's a mandolin basis.
18:06 It's a fixed blade and a movable carriage.
18:10 So I'm gonna use all the safety devices at my disposal here.
18:13 Thank you very much, I really appreciate that a lot.
18:16 Which I always do.
18:17 Yeah, that's why the band aids.
18:19 I'm using the thinnest possible blade.
18:21 Let me show this just for a second.
18:23 This has replaceable blades.
18:25 And they're all marked.
18:26 And I'm using the thinnest possible cut.
18:29 That's to cut off a little bit of the fingers.
18:31 Just a shave.
18:32 And the rest is to cut off bigger parts of the fingers.
18:34 And I have different wings in here that do long slices
18:37 and Julian cuts and things like that.
18:39 But what I'm using it for now is potato chips.
18:41 My gadget guy.
18:42 I am a gadget guy.
18:43 Yeah, I love it.
18:44 Ok, so we just do this number.
18:49 It's started!
18:52 Then I use the safety guard.
19:03 And that makes some wonderfully thin potato chips
19:05 Look how pretty those are.
19:07 Now stick them in the lemon juice so they won't discolor.
19:10 I'll cut one more.
19:14 You can do as many potatoes as you want to do.
19:16 We do a lot of potatoes at home.
19:18 And after we dehydrated them in the dehydrator we would put them
19:23 into zip-lock baggies
19:24 and then we will always have potato chips to eat.
19:26 Now Jeff can do different styles.
19:29 He has done just the chips
19:31 which we would put on the dehydrator sheet.
19:34 And after he's put some sprinkles on them,
19:36 we're gonna put them right on the sheet
19:39 and we just lay them out really nice and thin
19:41 which we won't take time to do right now.
19:44 But basically you wanna get them out so that they do not touch.
19:47 And then sprinkle them with some of his magic dust.
19:51 You can use any kind of chicken style seasoning
19:55 or yellow yeast, garlic and onion powder,
19:59 maybe a little jalapeno.
20:00 Sometimes we even spray these to make them heat better.
20:05 Then you can put it back in the dehydrator,
20:09 set the timer and when it's all done, voila!
20:13 You have fresh potato chips.
20:16 Now these dried in about six hours.
20:18 And yet chips don't take long to dry.
20:20 What I like to do is to take a chip bag, a potato chip bag
20:24 and take the chips out, feed them to the dogs or something,
20:28 and then back fill it with our chips.
20:30 And then seal it again.
20:32 So we always have chips in our bag.
20:34 Oh wow, I just put them in a zip-lock bag.
20:36 Now here is another way that you can do the potatoes.
20:38 Jeff has made both the shoe-strings potatoes
20:41 of the thicker variety and the very thin variety.
20:44 You can use the thinner variety in casseroles
20:47 or you can just sprinkle them on salads.
20:50 They're really crunchy.
20:52 Very crunchy.
20:53 Very satisfying.
20:54 So they're great for salad toppings.
20:56 Ok, let's do one more recipe and this is a very favorite of ours
21:00 and it's a great snack for kids.
21:02 We're gonna do a recipe called apple crisps
21:05 using the dehydrator again.
21:06 The Fuji, Gala or Braeburn apples work the best.
21:10 We're gonna soak them in some pineapple or lemon juice.
21:13 And use some sucanat, cinnamon or cardamom and some nutmeg
21:17 to sprinkle on top.
21:20 Then we can use a little bit of almonds or allspice
21:23 and a pinch of salt too.
21:26 Ok,we're gonna take these apples
21:28 and you're gonna again use your V-blade slicer.
21:31 And we like the Fuji.
21:33 This is much too big for my safety device
21:35 but I will still use this here.
21:36 So first you start it, get a couple of good ones going.
21:39 You discard those.
21:40 And actually it's a little unhandy to use this guard
21:44 with this so big.
21:45 So I'll just keep my fingers where I know they are.
21:47 Until you go down far enough.
21:48 I make about sixteen slices
21:49 and I know I'm getting closer to the semen.
21:57 Seventeen.
22:00 Seventeen and a half.
22:01 Eighteen, nineteen.
22:02 That's about good.
22:03 Then I turn it over.
22:07 I do the same thing.
22:14 All right, now how can our viewers do this
22:16 if they don't have a V-blade slicer?
22:17 A really good knife.
22:18 They have to be as good as our chef in order to do this, right?
22:22 Yeah, a really good knife.
22:23 It's the same thing.
22:24 We'll dip them in the lemon juice.
22:27 The lemon juice keeps them from turning dark.
22:32 Keeps them from oxidizing.
22:35 I can do that while you get ready your spices.
22:38 Ok.
22:40 Again, this is a wonderful treat for summertime or wintertime.
22:45 We've got winter apples going so...
22:47 Let's make some for our kids' lunches, it's great!
22:51 If you want to save time, you just put them all
22:53 in a great big bowl, dip them in that lemon juice.
22:56 And here we go.
22:57 That's good, ok.
22:59 Then what I do, there's a lot of different ways to do this.
23:03 At home I have an old spice container with holes in it.
23:08 But I'm gonna do it like this here.
23:10 The spices that I've pre-done.
23:15 And I'm gonna make sure every- thing is fairly well covered.
23:18 This gets a little messy.
23:21 Just a little more than a little messy.
23:23 But all the smells are wonderful.
23:25 I wanna make sure that they get all covered.
23:26 Now other things you can do with these
23:29 besides using them as snacks is
23:31 you can make apple pie with them.
23:33 Yeah.
23:34 Makes a great apple pie.
23:35 So we're going to stick them into our food dehydrator.
23:37 And show you what they look like when they come out.
23:40 These are crispy, crunchy and sweet.
23:41 We call these God's candy.
23:45 They are so good too.
23:46 And kids love them.
23:48 They do make great apple pies too.
23:49 And we can do that maybe on another time.
23:51 All right.
23:53 For that I would use the thicker blade cutter.
23:55 And make really big chunks.
23:57 Okay.
23:58 We're gonna show everybody how good this stuff looks
24:00 when we come back.
24:01 So we encourage you to stay tuned
24:03 and we'll be back shortly.
24:07 We hope you've enjoyed "Let's Cook"
24:09 with Jeff and Nancy Riedesel.
24:10 Now let's take a moment to review
24:12 our joy of dehydrating recipes.
24:14 For the carrot-almond flat bread you will need:
24:18 two cups of sprouted grains;
24:20 one cup of shredded carrots or pulp;
24:23 one half cup of sprouted almonds;
24:27 five large soaked dates;
24:30 one half to three quarter cup of water, as needed;
24:35 and one quarter cup of raisins.
24:37 For the pizza flax crackers you will need:
24:41 two cups of golden flax, soaked in one quarter of water;
24:45 one quarter of an onion, minced;
24:48 two cloves of garlic, crushed;
24:51 one tablespoon of minced, fresh basil;
24:55 one teaspoon of oregano;
24:58 one and one half cup of shredded carrots;
25:01 one teaspoon of sea salt;
25:04 one half teaspoon of lemon juice;
25:08 one half ounce of sun-dried tomatoes, non-oil;
25:12 and three tablespoons of caraway seeds.
25:15 For the buckwheat veggie pizza you will need:
25:18 one and one half cups of sprouted buckwheat grouts
25:21 or sprouted barley;
25:23 one quarter cup of olive oil;
25:25 garlic, Italian spices and herbs;
25:28 two thirds cup of carrot pulp;
25:31 2/3 cup of soaked flax seeds;
25:34 one tablespoon of Bragg's Liquid Aminos;
25:37 1/2 cup of sun-dried tomatoes which is optional;
25:41 and one half to one whole jalapeno minced.
25:44 For the golden herb potato chips you will need:
25:47 seven large Yukon gold potatoes;
25:49 salt to taste;
25:51 garlic powder;
25:52 onion powder;
25:54 yellow flake yeast;
25:56 and cayenne pepper which is optional.
25:58 For the apple crisps you will need:
26:01 Fuji, Gala or Braeburn apples;
26:04 pineapple juice or lemon juice;
26:07 sucanat;
26:08 cinnamon or cardamom;
26:10 nutmeg;
26:11 allspice;
26:13 and a pinch of salt.
26:15 If you would like more information
26:17 or if you would like to contact Jeff and Nancy
26:20 you may write to 3ABN, Post Office Box 220,
26:23 West Frankfort, Illinois 62896.
26:26 Or call (800) 752-3226.
26:31 Now let's take a look at our finished recipes
26:33 with Jeff and Nancy.
26:37 Hello and welcome back!
26:38 We just have such an array of food that we've made in
26:42 our dehydrator.
26:43 Would you like to describe it for our audience?
26:44 I would love to do that.
26:46 The first thing we made was our carrot-almond flat bread
26:49 which as you can see is a flat bread
26:51 but it is good for putting some of your nut butter on it
26:55 and some sweet fruit cream.
26:57 Then we've made a savory pizza flax crackers.
27:02 Boy, is that ever good!
27:03 It's great to take for camping and hiking also.
27:05 Then we made some delicious apple crisps.
27:10 And you see we have round crisps and apple sticks.
27:13 It just depends on how you cut them up
27:15 and put them in the dehydrator.
27:16 Sprinkle them with that say delicious sprinkles of yours.
27:20 And, as you call it, the cuddie gras is our live veggie pizza.
27:28 Now that, for all the world, looks like cheese
27:30 on top of that pizza.
27:31 But I know that you've put something different on top.
27:34 It's grated acorn squash.
27:36 Grated butter nut squash maybe.
27:38 Oh, it's that too?
27:40 It's one of them squashy things.
27:42 When you use the butter nut squash you can make it look
27:44 like cheese.
27:45 And then we made some delicious potato chips
27:49 and there's three different sizes here
27:50 to show you how you can cut them up
27:52 and different ways of cutting them.
27:55 Put in the dehydrator.
27:56 You can see the dehydrator is a very useful tool in our kitchen.
28:01 So, we hope you've enjoyed this program.
28:03 And God bless you each one!


Revised 2014-12-17