Kids' Time Praise

Seek Ye First

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000173A

00:02 Come join in singing Join in praising
00:06 Let's all praise the Lord
00:09 We'll sing out loud Our voices raising
00:12 Let's all praise the Lord
00:15 Hallelujah Hallelujah
00:22 We'll tell the world
00:23 How much we love Him
00:25 Let's all praise
00:27 Come on, let's all praise the Lord
00:32 Hi boys and girls,
00:34 just recently my friend Kristy
00:36 accidentally left her front door open
00:38 and when she discovered the wide open door,
00:41 she quickly shut it
00:42 and started calling frantically for her cat.
00:44 She looked all over the house but no cat.
00:47 She called the neighbors
00:48 to come help her look and still no cat.
00:51 By this time she figured out that,
00:53 that cat must have gone outside and she was very worried.
00:57 She called several people over
00:59 and they all searched the neighborhood,
01:00 even Miss Brenda came in, we could not find the cat.
01:05 Kristy even printed off posters that said, "Lost cat",
01:08 with the cat's picture and a phone number to call.
01:11 She asked some friends to go to the local animal shelter
01:14 and fill out a lost cat report.
01:16 She called her friends and family members
01:18 and asked them to pray for the cat to come home.
01:21 Well, the good news is her cat Princess
01:25 finally did come home,
01:27 but I want you to think about
01:29 what my friend did to search for her beloved cat.
01:32 She put everything aside that day
01:34 and focused on finding her cat because she loves it.
01:39 It's important to her.
01:41 Well, how important is Jesus to you?
01:44 Do you search for Him each day?
01:46 He's much easier to find than my friend's cat was.
01:49 All you have to do is call God's name.
01:53 Let's listen now as Samara sings,
01:55 "Seek Ye First".
02:08 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
02:14 And His righteousness
02:19 And all these things shall be added unto you
02:24 Allelu Alleluia
02:29 Man shall not live by bread alone
02:34 But by every word
02:40 That proceeds from the mouth of the Lord
02:45 Allelu Alleluia
02:50 Ask and it shall be given unto you
02:55 Seek and ye shall find
03:00 Knock and the door shall be opened unto you
03:05 Allelu Alleluia
03:16 Once Kristy found her cat, she called all the neighbors,
03:19 her friends and family members to tell them
03:21 that she had found her precious princess,
03:24 because good news should be shared, right?
03:27 The news about Jesus and His love for us
03:29 is the best news that you could ever share.
03:32 Once you invite Jesus into your heart,
03:35 go out and tell others what He has done for you.
03:38 Here are the Knowlton Brothers playing,
03:39 "This Little Light of Mine".
04:25 Have you ever been snorkeling in the ocean
04:28 or visited an aquarium?
04:30 Did you see all the beautiful fish
04:32 that live in the water?
04:33 Just like the people on this earth,
04:35 there are so many different kinds of fish that God created.
04:39 I'm not really a big fisherman,
04:41 but my grandsons Michael and Jason,
04:43 they love to fish
04:44 and when they cast their lure in the water,
04:46 they get so excited when they catch a fish.
04:49 They don't even care what kind it is.
04:52 When Jesus said
04:53 that He would make us fishers of men,
04:55 He doesn't want us to catch just one kind of fish,
04:58 He wants us to catch all kinds.
05:01 It doesn't matter what we look like
05:03 or where we were born,
05:04 God salvation is available for everyone.
05:08 So do like Jesus said
05:10 and share Him with everyone you meet.
05:13 Here are the Kids Time singers with, "Fishers of Men".
05:23 I will make you fishers of men
05:27 Fishers of men, fishers of men
05:31 I will make you fishers of men If you follow Me
05:39 If you follow Me
05:44 If you follow Me
05:48 I will make you fishers of men
05:52 If you follow Me
05:57 Hear Christ calling
05:59 "Come unto Me Come unto Me, Come unto Me"
06:05 Hear Christ calling
06:07 "Come unto Me I will give You rest"
06:13 "I will give you rest
06:17 I will give you rest"
06:22 Hear Christ calling
06:24 "Come unto Me
06:25 I will give You rest."
06:33 There's a quite a few people in the Bible
06:35 who put Jesus first.
06:37 Think about Daniel and David.
06:39 Daniel faced a den full of lions
06:41 and David faced a great big giant.
06:45 We would have thought they would have been afraid,
06:47 but they spent time with God every day
06:50 and believed in His promises to keep them safe.
06:53 Listen now as Lenova sings, "I Wonder How It Felt".
07:05 I wonder how it felt
07:07 To wake up in the belly of a whale?
07:13 I wonder how it felt
07:15 To spend the night with Silas in the jail?
07:21 I am just a child
07:22 My life is still before me
07:24 I just can't wait to see what God has for me
07:28 But I know I will trust Him
07:30 And I'll wait to see what life will be for me
07:36 I wonder how it felt to meet big Goliath in the field?
07:43 I wonder how it felt
07:45 To know the mouths of lions had been sealed?
07:51 I am just a child
07:53 My life is still before me
07:55 I just can't wait to see what God has for me
07:59 But I know I will trust Him
08:01 And I'll wait to see what life will be for me
08:06 I wonder how it felt
08:08 To spend the night with Noah in the zoo?
08:14 I wonder how it felt
08:16 To sleep beside a smelly kangaroo?
08:22 I am just a child
08:24 My life is still before me
08:26 I just can't wait to see what God has for me
08:29 But I know I will trust Him
08:31 And I'll wait to see what life will be for me
08:37 I am just a child
08:39 My life is still before me
08:41 I just can't wait to see what God has for me
08:45 But I know I will trust Him
08:47 And I'll wait to see what life will be for me
08:56 I'm really looking forward to going to heaven, aren't you?
08:59 I'd like to imagine
09:00 just what it's going to be like there.
09:03 You know playing with the animals,
09:05 can you imagine petting a lion or a tiger.
09:08 I'm kind of afraid of animals,
09:09 but I will not be afraid of animals in heaven.
09:12 We'll be able to fly from place to place.
09:14 I just can't wait,
09:15 and the most exciting thing of all,
09:18 worshipping at the feet of Jesus.
09:21 But no matter how much I think about heaven,
09:24 I still can't really imagine
09:26 just how marvelous it truly will be.
09:30 The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:9,
09:33 "Eye has not seen nor ear heard
09:36 nor entered in the heart of man
09:38 the things that God has prepared
09:41 for those who love Him."
09:43 The only way to see heaven
09:45 is to make God first in your life,
09:47 and to love Him with all your heart.
09:50 Just think,
09:51 Jesus is preparing your mansion in heaven right now.
09:55 Here's Razelle with "Mansions Over The Hilltop".
10:00 John 14:2 and 3,
10:03 "In My Father's house are many mansions
10:06 if it were not so, I would have told you.
10:09 I go to prepare a place for you.
10:11 And if I go and prepare a place for you,
10:13 I will come again and receive you unto Myself,
10:17 that where I am, there you may be also."
10:22 I'm satisfied with
10:25 Just a cottage below
10:30 A little silver and a little gold
10:38 But in that city Where the ransomed will shine
10:45 I want a gold one
10:50 That's silver lined
10:54 I've got a mansion
10:58 Just over the hilltop
11:02 In that bright land
11:06 Where we'll never grow old
11:10 And some day yonder
11:14 We will never more wander
11:18 But walk on streets that
11:22 Are purest gold
11:26 Though often tempted,
11:31 Tormented and tempted
11:35 And like the prophet
11:39 My pillow a stone
11:43 And though I find there no permanent dwelling
11:51 I know he'll give me
11:55 A mansion my own
11:59 I've got a mansion
12:03 Just over the hilltop
12:07 In that bright land where
12:11 We'll never grow old
12:15 And someday yonder,
12:19 We'll never more wander
12:23 But walk on streets that
12:28 Are purest gold
12:35 The Holy Spirit in your heart is like oil in the lamp.
12:39 It's the fuel
12:40 that keep our lamps burning for Jesus.
12:43 If you want to chase away darkness,
12:45 always keep your lamp burning.
12:47 Let's listen as Leon sings, "Give Me Oil in My Lamp".
12:56 Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning
13:00 Give me oil in my lamp, I pray
13:04 Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning
13:08 Keep me burning till the break of day
13:12 Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
13:16 Sing hosanna to the King of kings
13:20 Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
13:24 Sing hosanna to the King of kings
13:42 Make me a fisher of men, keep me seeking
13:46 Make me a fisher of men, I pray
13:50 Make me a fisher of men, keep me seeking
13:54 Keep me seeking till the break of day
13:58 Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
14:02 Sing hosanna to the King of kings
14:06 Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
14:10 Sing hosanna to the King of kings
14:17 Awards are given out all the time
14:19 for people who have done something worthy.
14:22 Take the Nobel Prize for example,
14:24 it's given to people
14:26 who have had outstanding contributions
14:28 in science, literature and peace.
14:31 When Jesus comes back to this earth
14:33 to take the redeemed tome with him,
14:35 He is bringing His rewards with Him.
14:38 Not the kind of rewards that sit on a shelf
14:41 or hang from a hook on the wall
14:42 or displayed in glass cases.
14:45 No, He is bringing with Him
14:47 the reward of being able to praise Him
14:50 throughout all the eternity.
14:52 I can't wait to spend eternity with Jesus, can you?
14:56 The Putman Sisters will now sing,
14:59 "Sweet By and By".
15:06 There's a land that is fairer than day
15:10 And by faith we can see it a far
15:15 For the Father waits over the way
15:19 To prepare us a dwelling place there
15:23 In the sweet by and by
15:27 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
15:32 In the sweet by and by
15:36 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
15:40 We shall sing on that beautiful shore
15:45 The melodious songs of the blessed
15:49 And our spirits shall sorrow no more
15:54 Not a sigh for the blessing of rest
15:58 In the sweet by and by
16:02 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
16:06 In the sweet by and by
16:11 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
16:18 All members of the military are required to take orders
16:21 from a superior officer
16:23 who is responsible for the safety of his men.
16:26 As Christians, we are members of God's army
16:29 and He is our superior officer.
16:32 We should always seek to do what God's will is.
16:36 With God, there is no failure.
16:38 There is only victory.
16:40 Listen as Strings for Joy play on their violins,
16:44 "Onward, Christian Soldiers".
20:01 Have you ever been to the zoo to see your favorite animal?
20:04 Do you find that it's hard to stop watching,
20:07 that you don't want to leave its cage
20:09 because you're afraid
20:10 if it will come close to the fence
20:12 and do something really funny
20:14 or something amazing, you'll miss it.
20:16 You just don't want to take your eyes off it.
20:18 Did you know that our creator God made the animals
20:22 so that they will remind you of Him,
20:25 so that you will want to learn more about Jesus.
20:27 He wants you to see
20:29 how wonderful and awesome He is.
20:32 Devon and her sister Darla will now sing, "Captivate Us".
20:47 Your face is beautiful
20:50 And Your eyes are like the stars
20:55 Your gentle hands have healing
20:59 There inside the scars
21:03 Your loving arms they draw me near
21:07 And Your smile it brings me peace
21:12 Draw me closer, oh my Lord
21:15 Draw me closer Lord to Thee
21:20 Captivate us Lord Jesus
21:25 Set our eyes on You
21:28 Devastate us with Your presence falling down
21:36 And rushing river draw us nearer
21:40 Holy fountain consume us with You
21:44 Captivate us Lord Jesus with You
21:52 Let everything be lost in the shadow
21:57 Of the light of Your face
22:00 Let every chain be broken from me
22:05 As I'm bound in Your grace
22:08 For Your yoke is easy Your burden is light
22:13 You're full of wisdom power and might
22:17 And every eye will see You
22:24 Captivate us Lord Jesus
22:29 set our eyes on You
22:32 Devastate us with Your presence falling down
22:39 And rushing river draw us nearer
22:44 Holy fountain consume us with You
22:48 Captivate us Lord Jesus with You
23:02 I know some people
23:03 who have had the same job at the same company
23:06 for over 30 years,
23:08 that's a long time
23:10 to do the same thing day after day, isn't it?
23:13 After 30 years,
23:15 I'm sure they're really, really good at what they do.
23:19 Someone else that's really good at what he does is the devil.
23:24 He's had the same job for 6,000 years.
23:28 He's had lots of practice
23:29 at tempting people to turn away from God.
23:32 Sadly, many people fall for his lies
23:35 and reject God's gift of salvation,
23:39 but you don't have to.
23:41 Don't get distracted for one moment by Satan.
23:44 Keep your eyes focused on Jesus.
23:46 Surrender your hearts and lives to Him each day
23:50 and He will keep you safe.
23:52 Let's listen as Sam sings, "I surrender All".
24:05 All to Jesus
24:09 I surrender All to Him
24:15 I freely give
24:20 I will ever love and trust Him
24:28 In His presence daily live
24:35 I surrender all
24:43 I surrender all
24:50 All to Thee
24:53 My blessed Savior
24:58 I surrender all
25:06 I surrender all
25:13 I surrender all
25:19 All to Thee
25:22 My blessed Savior
25:28 I surrender all
25:35 All to Thee
25:39 My blessed Savior
25:45 I surrender all
25:57 The Bible tells the story of a Savior's love.
26:00 It tells about how mankind was deceived by Satan,
26:04 fell into sin and was redeemed by Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
26:09 He willingly gave His life upon a cross,
26:12 so that we, sinful human beings
26:14 could spend all eternity with Him.
26:17 Satan was defeated
26:19 and Jesus rose from the tomb victorious.
26:22 But remember this, the devil hasn't given up yet.
26:26 Don't get fooled into searching
26:28 for the kind of treasures that he promises
26:30 because I can guarantee, it's nothing but fool's gold.
26:35 The Bible is your only treasure map
26:37 that leads to heaven.
26:39 Boys and girls, remember, it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2017-03-02