Kids' Time Praise

Talk With Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000172A

00:02 Come join in singing Join in praising
00:06 Let's all praise the Lord
00:09 We'll sing out loud Our voices raising
00:12 Let's all praise the Lord
00:15 Hallelujah Hallelujah
00:22 We'll tell the world How much we love Him
00:25 Let's all praise
00:27 Come on, let's all praise the Lord
00:32 Hi, boys and girls,
00:34 a friend of mine was going door to door recently
00:36 inviting people to come to her church.
00:38 As they were saying
00:40 goodbye to that one lady at the end of her street,
00:41 they heard a car engine revving up really fast.
00:44 When they rounded the corner
00:46 to the next street they saw why,
00:48 there was that great big truck stuck in the yard
00:51 and there were several people gathered around
00:54 trying to get it out.
00:55 When my friend approached the house,
00:57 she asked the people what had happened.
01:00 And they told us
01:01 that the truck arrived a couple of days earlier
01:03 when it was dry.
01:04 But then it started to rain a lot.
01:08 While it was raining
01:10 they packed up their belongings and put them into the truck.
01:13 The more stuff they put in the heavier the truck got
01:16 and soon it stuck right down into the muddy ground.
01:20 Now, the truck was all packed up
01:23 and it was stuck, it couldn't go anywhere.
01:26 They have been trying all day to get it out.
01:28 My friend's offer for prayer was gladly accepted
01:31 and then she continued down the street
01:34 keeping her eye on the truck the entire time.
01:37 A jeep soon pulled up,
01:39 hooked a chain up to the truck
01:41 and made quick work of pulling the truck out.
01:44 As the people passed my friend in their truck,
01:46 they thanked her and said, "Prayer works".
01:49 Yes, prayer changes things, doesn't it?
01:52 When you're having one of those days,
01:54 talk to Jesus about it, He wants to help.
01:58 Listen now as Samara sings,
02:00 "Have a Little Talk with Jesus".
02:08 I once was lost in sin
02:11 My Jesus took me in
02:14 Then a little light from heaven Filled my soul
02:19 He bathed my heart in love He wrote my name above.
02:25 Just a little talk with Jesus Makes it right
02:29 Now let us have little talk with Jesus
02:33 Tell Him all about our troubles
02:35 He'll hear our faintest cry He will answer by and by
02:41 Feel a little prayer wheel turnin'
02:43 Just a little fire is burnin'
02:46 Find a little talk with Jesus Makes it right
03:11 Love may have doubts and fears My eyes be filled with tears
03:17 But Jesus is a friend Who watches day and night
03:22 I go to Him in prayer He knows my every care
03:28 Just a little talk with Jesus Makes it right
03:32 Now let us have little talk with Jesus
03:36 Tell Him all about our troubles
03:38 He'll hear our faintest cry He will answer by and by
03:43 You feel a little prayer wheel turnin'
03:46 You know a little fire is burnin'
03:49 Find a little talk with Jesus Makes it right
03:54 Find a little talk with Jesus
03:59 Makes it right
04:04 It's all right.
04:14 Jesus answers prayer.
04:16 His answer may be yes and may be no,
04:18 or it may be wait a while.
04:21 But He always answers.
04:23 Sometimes, we get frustrated
04:24 that He doesn't answer the way we want Him to,
04:27 but God knows what's best for us.
04:30 The Knowlton Brothers will now play,
04:32 "God Is So Good".
05:18 Prayer is communicating with our Lord and Savior.
05:21 We don't always need to ask for things in order to pray.
05:25 We can also spend time just praising Him.
05:28 Make a list of things you are thankful for
05:30 and then let God know how wonderful you think He is.
05:34 Think of some things you're thankful for
05:36 as Jaydelle sings,
05:38 "We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise".
05:46 We bring the sacrifice of praise
05:50 Into the house of the Lord
05:55 We bring the sacrifice of praise
05:59 Into the house of the Lord
06:03 And we offer up to You
06:08 The sacrifices of thanksgiving
06:13 And we offer up to You
06:17 The sacrifices of joy
06:22 We bring the sacrifice of praise
06:26 Into the house of the Lord
06:31 We bring the sacrifice of praise
06:35 Into the house of the Lord
06:40 And we offer up to You
06:44 The sacrifices of thanksgiving
06:49 And we offer up to You
06:53 The sacrifices of joy.
07:02 In Matthew 6:5, the Bible talks about people
07:05 who like to pray
07:06 in the synagogues and on the street corners
07:08 so that they would be seen by others.
07:11 But that's not how Jesus wants us to pray, is it?
07:15 He says in the next verse,
07:17 "But when you pray
07:18 go into your room close the door
07:20 and pray to your father who is unseen."
07:23 You don't even need to use your mouth to speak
07:26 because God has excellent hearing
07:28 and He can even hear what your heart has to say.
07:31 Let's listen as the Kids Time Singers sing,
07:34 "Whisper a Prayer".
07:44 Whisper a prayer in the morning
07:50 Whisper a prayer at noon
07:57 Whisper a prayer in the evening
08:03 To keep your heart in tune
08:10 God answers prayer in the morning
08:17 God answers prayer at noon
08:23 God answers prayer in the evening
08:30 To keep your heart in tune
08:37 Jesus may come in the morning
08:44 Jesus may come at noon
08:50 Jesus may come in the evening
08:56 So keep your heart in tune.
09:07 Why do you think your parents give you gifts?
09:10 Because they love you of course,
09:12 so does your heavenly Father love you.
09:15 And this is what he had to say to parents in Matthew 7:11,
09:19 "If you then though you are evil
09:21 know how to give good gifts to your children.
09:24 How much more will your Father in heaven
09:27 give good gifts to those who ask Him?"
09:30 You are loved by Jesus
09:31 more than you could possibly imagine.
09:34 Here are the Putman Sisters with "Jesus Loves Me".
09:47 Jesus loves me this I know
09:52 For the Bible tells me so
09:56 Little ones to Him belong
10:00 They are weak, but He is strong
10:04 Yes, Jesus loves me!
10:08 Yes, Jesus loves me!
10:12 Yes, Jesus loves me!
10:15 For the Bible tells me so.
10:22 I heard a story about a small farming community
10:25 that hadn't had any rain for a long time.
10:28 They called for a prayer meeting
10:30 so they could have group prayer.
10:32 One man came with his small son
10:34 and while the group was praying,
10:36 the son whispered into his dad's ear,
10:38 "What is everyone doing?"
10:40 His dad told him that everyone was praying for rain
10:44 to which the boy said,
10:45 "Then why didn't everyone bring an umbrella."
10:49 So many times, when we pray
10:51 we pray hoping, hoping, hoping that God will answer
10:54 but not really believing that He will.
10:57 We should all trust Jesus more just like that little boy.
11:01 Listen as Sam sings,
11:03 "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus".
11:13 Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
11:18 And to take Him at His Word
11:23 Just to rest upon His promise
11:28 And to know, thus saith the Lord!
11:33 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
11:38 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er
11:43 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
11:48 Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
11:58 Do you feel happy when a friend calls and invites you over?
12:01 It's much better than just showing up at their house
12:04 uninvited, isn't it?
12:06 When you get an invitation,
12:07 it means that someone wants to spend time with you,
12:11 that they enjoy your company.
12:13 Jesus is the same way,
12:15 He won't force you to talk to Him
12:16 or even spend time with Him.
12:18 The next song is an invitation for Jesus
12:22 to come by here.
12:23 Here's Nicole singing, "Kum Ba Yah".
12:35 Kum ba yah, my Lord, Kum ba yah!
12:42 Kum ba yah, my Lord, Kum ba yah!
12:50 Kum ba yah, my Lord, Kum ba yah.
12:57 O Lord, Kum ba yah
13:04 Someone's praying, Lord, Kum ba yah!
13:11 Someone's praying, Lord, Kum ba yah!
13:19 Someone's praying, Lord, Kum ba yah!
13:26 O Lord, Kum ba yah
13:40 When I was a little girl,
13:42 my mom taught me how to make bread.
13:44 My brothers and sisters and I
13:45 would gather in the kitchen with mom
13:47 and each one would work on making our own bread dough.
13:51 We would measure out all the ingredients we needed,
13:53 flour, water, salt, and sugar.
13:56 Those four ingredients
13:58 are all you need to make a dough.
14:00 But do you know what makes the bread rise?
14:02 Yeast, yeast is the one ingredient
14:05 that gives the dough the energy it needs
14:07 to become a nice big loaf of bread.
14:10 Prayer is the same way.
14:12 What are some ingredients of prayer?
14:14 How about praise for God, confession of sins,
14:18 and of course, asking God for His help in your life.
14:22 So what acts as the yeast in prayer?
14:26 What gives prayer the power it needs to be answered?
14:29 Well, faith of course,
14:31 you must believe when you pray that God will answer you.
14:35 Let's listen as Girls of Mercy
14:37 sing in their native language of Malawi,
14:40 "God Who Answers Prayer".
16:41 Did you know that God is with you
16:43 every moment of every day,
16:45 not a second goes by that He doesn't know
16:48 where you are and what you are doing?
16:51 Whenever you need Him, He's there for you.
16:53 All you have to do is call on His name.
16:56 Here is Sofia with this beautiful song,
16:59 "Day by Day".
17:08 Day by day, and with each passing moment
17:15 Strength I find to meet my trials here
17:22 Trusting in my Father's wise bestowment
17:29 I've no cause for worry or for fear
17:36 He, whose heart is kind beyond all measure
17:43 Gives unto each day what He deems best
17:50 Lovingly its part of pain and pleasure
17:57 Mingling toil with peace and rest
18:04 Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble meeting
18:11 E'er to take, as from a father's hand
18:17 One by one, the days of the moments fleeting
18:24 Till I reach the promised land
18:32 Till I reach the promised land.
18:46 You would think that with all the people in the world today
18:49 and with all their problems
18:50 and all their troubles and cares,
18:52 it would be easy for God to just pass right over you.
18:56 But like we just found out, God doesn't do that, does He?
19:00 God is omnipresent, which means,
19:02 He is everywhere at all times.
19:05 The Bible even says
19:07 that a sparrow doesn't fall from a tree
19:08 without our Father in heaven knowing it.
19:11 Listen as Avery plays on a saxophone,
19:14 "Pass Me Not".
23:04 When God created Adam,
23:06 He said that it was not good for man to be alone.
23:10 He knew that we would need family and friends
23:12 to help love and support us.
23:14 The church is a great place to find support.
23:17 In fact, our church becomes like family,
23:20 a family that loves you,
23:22 that cares for you and prays for you.
23:25 Marlana will now sing this beautiful song
23:27 that she wrote herself, "Brother Joe".
23:42 I never really knew his name But I called him Brother Joe
23:48 And every Sabbath morning
23:50 He was sitting on the second row
23:53 When the choirs sang he raised his hand
23:56 When the preacher preached he'd say amen
23:58 Oh, nobody went to church like Brother Joe
24:03 This is just a simple story of an ordinary man
24:09 Who needs to be reminded that we care
24:13 When he is up against struggle that he doesn't understand
24:19 It's up to us to lift him up with prayer
24:24 'Cause even though he might not let it show
24:29 Oh, nobody needs a church like Brother Joe
24:37 He always wore the same old clothes
24:40 always couldn't buy
24:42 He told us kids that happiness
24:45 Was something money couldn't buy
24:47 He was first to come and last to leave
24:50 When he's smart and was playing to see
24:52 That nobody loved the church like Brother Joe
24:57 This is just a simple story of an ordinary man
25:02 Who needs to be reminded that we care
25:07 When he is up against struggle that he doesn't understand
25:13 It's up to us to lift him up with prayer
25:18 'Cause even though he might not let it show
25:23 Oh, nobody needs a church like Brother Joe
25:30 Like Brother Joe
25:40 I heard once that a mother goat
25:42 doesn't forget the sound of her baby's voice
25:44 even after an entire year of being away from each other.
25:48 That's pretty amazing, isn't it?
25:50 Well, God never forget your voice either.
25:53 Even if you haven't talked to Him
25:54 in a very long, long time,
25:57 He still waits to hear the sweet sound of your voice
26:00 calling His name.
26:02 Boys and girls, don't let one day
26:05 go by without talking with Jesus,
26:07 and remember to pray with faith,
26:09 not just hoping, hoping
26:11 that your prayers would get answer,
26:12 but believing that God has the power
26:16 to answer prayers and He will answer you.
26:20 I also want you to claim Matthew 21:22
26:24 where we know the Bible says,
26:26 "Anything we pray believing, we will receive."
26:30 Well, that's all the time we have today,
26:32 so until next time, remember it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2017-03-02