Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KTPP
Program Code: KTPP000170A
00:02 Come join in singing, join in praising
00:06 Let's all praise the Lord 00:09 We'll sing out loud our voices raising 00:12 Let's all praise the Lord 00:15 Hallelujah, hallelujah 00:22 We'll tell the world 00:23 How much we love Him let's all praise... 00:27 Come on, let's all praise the Lord 00:32 Hi, boys and girls. 00:34 We often hear the word "Worship" 00:36 but what exactly does that mean? 00:38 The first place we see the word "Worship" in the Bible 00:41 is in the story of Abraham and Isaac. 00:43 They were traveling 00:45 with two of their servants to Mt. Moriah. 00:47 As Abraham gathered up the wood for the burnt offering, 00:50 he told his servants that he and Isaac 00:52 would continue on to worship and then they would come back. 00:57 God had told Abraham to go to Mt. Moriah, 00:59 place Isaac upon the altar and sacrifice him. 01:03 God was certainly testing Abraham's obedience, wasn't He? 01:07 That means obedience must be a part of worship. 01:10 And do you know 01:12 what the definition of worship is. 01:14 Webster's Dictionary says, 01:16 "Worship is to honor with extravagant love 01:19 and extreme submission." 01:21 And that's exactly what Abraham and Isaac were both doing. 01:24 Their extravagant love for God 01:26 caused them to have extreme submission that day. 01:30 I want to have that kind of love 01:31 for our Savior, don't you? 01:33 Let's listen as Sofia sings, "O Worship the King." 01:56 O worship the King 01:59 All glorious above 02:03 O gratefully sing 02:06 His wonderful love 02:11 Our Shield and Defender 02:14 The Ancient of Days 02:18 Paviolioned in splendor 02:21 And girded with praise 02:40 Rejoice, the Lord is King! 02:45 Your Lord and King adore 02:50 Rejoice, give thanks, and sing 02:54 And triumph evermore 03:00 Lift up your heart 03:06 Lift up your voice 03:08 Rejoice again I say 03:12 Rejoice! 03:23 Crown Him with many crowns 03:27 The lamb upon His throne 03:32 Hark how the heav'nly anthem drowns 03:36 All music but its own! 03:41 Awake, my soul, and sing Of Him 03:46 Who died for thee 03:49 And hail Him as thy matchless king 03:54 Thru all eternity 04:02 O worship the King 04:05 All glorious above 04:09 O gratefully sing 04:13 His wonderful love 04:17 Our Shield and Defender 04:20 The Ancient of Days 04:24 Pavilioned in splendor 04:27 And girded 04:30 With praise 04:39 God honored the worship of both Abraham and Isaac 04:43 by providing a ram for sacrifice. 04:45 Both of them return to their camp together 04:47 just as Abraham said they would. 04:50 Even before they went up to Mt. Moriah, 04:52 Abraham knew that God would provide, 04:54 for God is faithful and worthy to be praised. 04:57 Strings for Joy will now play on their violins, 05:00 "Glorious Is Thy Name". 07:50 How important is God to you? 07:52 Have you made Him first in your life? 07:54 Maybe you aren't sure, so here is a good test. 07:58 How often do you talk about Jesus 08:00 and what He's done for you? 08:01 Do you share Him with others? 08:04 We talk about the people 08:05 that we love the most, don't we? 08:07 Well, think about that as James sings, 08:10 "Hymn of Praise." 08:30 In the bulb there is a flower 08:34 In the seed an apple tree 08:38 In cocoons, a hidden promise 08:42 Butterflies will soon be free! 08:46 In the cold and snow of winter 08:50 There's a spring that waits to be 08:54 Unrevealed until its season 08:58 Something God alone can see 09:19 There's a song in every silence 09:23 Seeking word and melody 09:27 There's a dawn in every darkness 09:31 Bringing hope to you and me 09:35 When the past will come to future 09:39 What it holds a mystery 09:43 Unrevealed until its season 09:47 Something God alone can see 10:07 In our end is our beginning 10:13 In our time infinity 10:16 In our doubt there is believing 10:20 In our life eternity 10:24 In our death a resurrection 10:29 What it holds a mystery 10:33 Unrevealed until its season 10:37 Something God alone can see 10:42 Unrevealed until its season 10:47 Something you hadn't known 10:50 Which God alone 10:52 Can 10:54 See 11:04 Throughout the Bible you can read of people 11:07 who refused to worship God. 11:09 I've heard about people that have worshiped fire, 11:11 stone, dogs, donkeys, trees, 11:14 the sun and so many other things. 11:17 If I'm going to love something so much 11:19 that I choose to worship it, 11:21 I would rather choose a God that can love me back. 11:24 A God that has the power to give life 11:26 and to change lives, wouldn't you? 11:29 Here's the Putman Sisters with, 11:30 "He's got the Whole World in His hands." 11:38 He's got the whole world in His hands 11:42 He's got the whole world in His hands 11:46 He's got the whole world in His hands 11:50 He's got the whole world in His hands 11:54 He's got the wind and the rain in His hands 11:58 He's got the wind and the rain in His hands 12:02 He's got the wind and the rain in His hands 12:06 He's got the whole world in His hands 12:10 He's got the tiny little baby in His hands 12:14 He's got the tiny little babies in His hands 12:18 He's got the tiny little babies in His hands 12:22 He's got the whole world in His hands 12:26 He's got you and me brother in His hands 12:30 He's got you and me brother in His hands 12:34 He's got you and me brother in His hands 12:38 He's got the whole world in His hands 12:42 He's got everybody here in His hands 12:47 He's got everybody here in His hands 12:51 He's got everybody here in His hands 12:55 He's got the whole world in His hands 12:59 He's got the whole world in His hands 13:03 He's got the whole world in His hands 13:07 He's got the whole world in His hands 13:11 He's got the whole world in His hands. 13:17 Worship involves praise, 13:19 in all things we should praise God. 13:22 He's the reason for the sunshine, 13:24 and the rain, and the wind, and the waves, 13:27 He's the reason that we get up each day, 13:29 the reason that our heart continues to be. 13:32 Take time each day to tell Jesus 13:34 how much He means to you. 13:36 And how thankful 13:37 you are for all that He's provided. 13:39 Listen as the Kids Time Singers sing, 13:42 "Hallelu Hallelujah". 13:49 Hallelu, hallelu hallelu, hallelujah 13:53 Praise ye the Lord 13:57 Hallelu, hallelu hallelu, hallelujah 14:01 Praise ye the Lord 14:05 Praise ye the Lord 14:07 Hallelujah 14:08 Praise ye the Lord 14:11 Hallelujah 14:12 Praise ye the Lord 14:15 Hallelujah 14:16 Praise ye the Lord 14:20 Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah 14:24 Praise ye the Lord 14:28 Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah 14:32 Praise ye the Lord 14:36 Praise ye the Lord 14:38 Hallelujah 14:40 Praise ye the Lord 14:42 Hallelujah 14:44 Praise ye the Lord 14:46 Hallelujah 14:47 Praise ye the Lord 14:55 If you want to know how great God is, 14:58 just read the Book of Job. 15:00 This book teaches several things about God. 15:03 One, He's beyond our understanding, 15:06 He's able to do whatever He wants. 15:08 All life is under His command. 15:10 He sees and knows everything. 15:12 Now if you or I had that kind of power, 15:16 I'm sure we would misuse it. 15:18 But one more thing we learn is that God 15:20 is the only one that is sinless. 15:23 He has conquered the most dangerous of enemies 15:26 and is worthy of our worship. 15:28 Avery will now play on his saxophone, 15:31 "How Great is Our God". 17:55 There is one thing you must have 17:56 before worship and that's belief. 17:59 It goes without saying 18:01 that if you don't believe in God, 18:02 you cannot possibly love Him. 18:05 Everywhere you look, there's evidence of a creator, 18:08 One that loves you 18:09 and sent His only Son here to earth 18:11 to save you from your sins. 18:13 He says that if you would just believe in Him, 18:16 you will be saved. 18:18 Listen now as Samara sings, "Lord I Believe in You". 18:30 Though I can't see 18:35 Your holy face 18:40 And Your throne in heaven above 18:46 It seems so far away 18:55 Though I can't touch 18:59 Your nail scarred hands 19:05 I have a deep and unspeakable joy 19:10 That makes my faith to stand 19:16 Lord, I believe in You 19:22 I'll always believe in You 19:29 Though I can't see You with my eyes 19:35 Deep in my heart 19:38 Your presence I find 19:41 Lord, I believe in You 19:47 And I'll keep my trust in You 19:53 Let this whole world say what they may 20:00 No one can take this joy away 20:06 Lord, I believe 20:15 Born from above 20:19 You are God's only chosen one 20:25 You're the one and only true way 20:30 To the Father's heart 20:38 You died for all sin 20:44 Then You rose and now live again 20:49 Conquering death and the grave 20:54 So that I might live 21:01 Lord, I believe in You 21:06 I'll always believe in You 21:13 Though I can't see You with my eyes 21:19 Deep in my heart Your presence I find 21:25 Lord, I believe in You 21:31 And I'll keep my trust in You 21:37 Let this whole world say what they may 21:43 No one can take this joy away 21:50 Lord, I believe 22:02 Lord, I believe in You 22:08 And I'll keep my trust in You 22:12 We'll always love You 22:14 Let this whole world say what they may 22:20 No one can take this joy away 22:27 Lord, I believe 22:33 Lord, I believe 22:40 Lord, I believe 22:49 The Bible tells us that war broke out in heaven one day. 22:53 Jesus and His angels fought with Satan and his angels 22:56 and then Satan was cast to earth. 22:59 Satan went throughout the earth 23:01 spreading lies about God and His character. 23:03 He has convinced people that God is a cruel 23:06 and demanding tyrant who demands 23:09 that people serve Him 23:10 or He will punish them for all eternity, 23:13 but nothing could be farther from the truth. 23:16 To prove Satan wrong, 23:17 God sent His Son Jesus to this earth 23:20 to show mankind God's true character, 23:23 to spread the message of God's love 23:25 to all who would hear. 23:27 And when He hung on the cross 23:28 being punished for crimes Jesus did not commit. 23:31 It was His love that won the war that day. 23:35 Here is Sam with "Champion of Love". 23:56 Ladies and gentlemen 24:00 May I have your attention 24:03 I want to introduce to you 24:11 In this corner of the good and the right 24:18 Stands a champion 24:20 Robed in white 24:23 His height exceeds the heavens 24:27 His weight outweighs the world 24:30 His reach reaches everywhere 24:34 And His age is evermore 24:38 He is higher than the highest 24:41 He is greater than the great 24:45 And no one will ever take His crown away 24:51 He is more mighty than the mightiest 24:55 And He reigns 24:56 From above 25:02 He is higher than the highest 25:06 He is greater than the great 25:09 And no one will ever take His crown away 25:15 He is more mighty than the mightiest 25:19 And He reigns 25:20 From above 25:26 He's the all-time, undisputed 25:31 Undefeated Champion 25:33 Of The all-time, undisputed 25:37 Undefeated Champion 25:40 Of The all-time, undisputed 25:43 Undefeated Champion 25:48 Of love 25:54 Of love 26:05 Boys and girls, 26:06 I want to encourage you to spend time 26:08 each day worshiping Jesus. 26:10 Tell Him how much you love Him 26:12 and pray and ask Him to come into your heart 26:14 and help you to choose to do the things 26:17 that make Him happy. 26:18 He loves you so much and He died to save you 26:21 and He wants to spend eternity with you in heaven. 26:24 Well, that's all the time we have today, kids. 26:27 Remember wherever you go, whatever you do, 26:29 it's Kids Time to praise Jesus. |
Revised 2017-02-24