Kids' Time Praise

God Knows Why

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000168A

00:02 Come join in singing join in praising
00:06 Let's all praise the Lord
00:09 We'll sing out loud our voice is raising
00:12 Let's all praise the Lord
00:15 Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
00:22 We'll tell the world how much we love Him
00:25 Let's all praise
00:27 Come on, let's all praise the Lord
00:32 Hi, boys and girls,
00:34 do you know someone that's curious?
00:36 I know I get curious,
00:37 and children are especially curious
00:39 as they learn about the world around them.
00:42 They wonder why is the sky blue
00:44 and why does the star shine at night
00:46 and why the bees sting.
00:48 Our world is full of questions.
00:51 If you have a question that you want answer,
00:53 what do you do?
00:55 Well, I know what I do, I ask my mom.
00:59 She is one of the smartest people I know.
01:01 And I used to think that my mom had all the answers
01:05 that I ever needed.
01:06 But as I grew up, I found out
01:08 that there were questions that even she couldn't answer.
01:12 The good news is this,
01:13 there is someone who does know
01:15 all the answers and that's God.
01:19 Human wisdom can't compare,
01:21 lets listen as Samara sings,
01:23 "He is Exalted".
01:35 He is exalted
01:36 The King is exalted on High
01:40 I will praise Him
01:43 He is exalted, forever exalted
01:47 And I will praise
01:50 His name
01:54 He is the Lord Forever
01:59 His truth shall reign
02:02 Heaven and Earth
02:06 Rejoice in His holy name
02:10 He is exalted
02:12 The King is exalted on high
02:18 He is exalted the King is exalted on high
02:24 I will praise Him
02:26 He is exalted, forever exalted
02:30 And I will praise
02:33 His name
02:39 He is the Lord Forever
02:43 His truth shall reign
02:46 Heaven and Earth
02:50 Rejoice in His holy name
02:55 He is exalted
02:58 The King is exalted
03:00 On high
03:05 He is exalted
03:08 The King is exalted on high.
03:16 Some days are better than others, aren't they?
03:19 There are days when you are late to school
03:21 and days when you wanted to ride your bike
03:23 but it starts to rain.
03:24 Days when you are sick
03:26 and you can't play in that basketball game after school.
03:29 Do those kind of things disappoint you,
03:31 when you are expecting one thing,
03:33 and you get another.
03:34 Have you ever heard of blessings in disguise?
03:37 You never know if you hadn't been late to school,
03:40 you might have gotten into an accident
03:42 or may be your bike would have broken down
03:44 a long way from home, if you've been riding it.
03:47 Or may be you would've fallen
03:49 and broken your ankle during that basketball game.
03:52 God knows why everything happens
03:54 the way it does, just trust Him.
03:57 He can make all things good.
03:59 Jonathan will now play in the piano "It is Well".
06:02 This world is full of cares.
06:04 That's right, we care about our family
06:07 and we care about our pets and we care about our grades,
06:10 and we care if people like us or not,
06:12 and the list goes on and on.
06:15 Just remember that whatever you care about,
06:18 Jesus cares about too.
06:20 But He want you to caste all your cares upon Him.
06:23 If you will trust in Him,
06:25 you won't have to worry about anything
06:27 because He is in the problem solving business.
06:31 Here are the Kids Time Singers with "Cares Chorus".
06:44 I cast all my cares upon You
06:51 I lay all of my burdens
06:55 Down at Your feet
06:58 And any time I don't know just what to do
07:04 I will cast all my cares upon You
07:11 I cast all my cares upon You
07:18 I lay all of my burdens
07:22 Down at Your feet
07:25 And any time I don't know just what to do
07:32 I will cast all my cares upon You
07:45 Because our human intelligence cannot match God's wisdom,
07:49 sometimes there will be things we just don't understand.
07:53 God can see the end from the beginning
07:55 and He knows what is going to happen
07:57 and He doesn't want us to get hurt.
07:59 It's like the little girl who watched her mom
08:02 pull the cookie sheet from the oven.
08:04 Now mom told her not to get close to the pan
08:06 because it was very hot,
08:08 but oh, those cookies smell so good,
08:10 she just couldn't help but get close in.
08:13 She want to smell them and she choose the one
08:15 she wanted to eat.
08:16 Just as she leaned in to smell those delicious cookies,
08:21 the family dog ran into the kitchen
08:23 bumped into her and she fell forward,
08:25 burning her lip on that hot pan.
08:27 Well, her lip was swollen for a few days
08:30 and those cookies sure didn't taste
08:32 as good as they would have,
08:33 had she listened to her mother's instructions.
08:37 Sometimes we think we know better than God,
08:39 but you know what?
08:41 God has a wonderful plan for you.
08:43 You just have to be willing and obedient
08:45 to do what He asks.
08:47 Terell will now play on his steel pan "I Give Myself Away".
10:50 When Solomon asked God for wisdom and discernment,
10:53 God was very pleased
10:54 and He granted Solomon's request,
10:57 because of this, Solomon became the wisest man on earth.
11:01 In fact the Bible says in 1 Kings 4:34,
11:05 that "Men of all nations,
11:07 from all the kings of the earth
11:09 who had heard of his wisdom,
11:10 came to hear the wisdom of Solomon."
11:13 We are drawn to others
11:14 that have intelligence and wisdom, aren't we?
11:17 For this reason, we should always choose to follow Jesus.
11:22 Let's listen as Nichole sings,
11:24 "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus".
11:35 I have decided to follow Jesus
11:41 I have decided to follow Jesus
11:47 I have decided to follow Jesus
11:53 No turning back, no turning back
12:00 Though no one join me, still I will follow
12:06 Though no one join me, still I will follow
12:12 Though no one join me, still I will follow
12:18 No turning back, no turning back
12:31 News travels fast,
12:33 of course news these days travel faster than it used to,
12:37 but even in the days
12:39 before telephones and televisions,
12:41 words still got around.
12:43 As the good news about Jesus spread,
12:46 people came from all over the land
12:48 to ask Him for healing.
12:50 They came to Him speak
12:51 and they came to get their questions answered.
12:54 Have you told anyone about Jesus lately?
12:57 Think about that as the Girls of Mercy
13:00 sing in their native language of Malawi, "Have You Heard".
15:11 Have you ever visited a new place
15:13 and needed a guy that kind of show you around.
15:15 When you go on vacation,
15:17 you'll often see ads for guided tours.
15:20 What do you think qualify someone
15:22 to be a tour guide?
15:24 Knowledge, that's right.
15:26 They know something that you don't.
15:28 So all the tourist get on a bus or a boat
15:31 and they go from place to place
15:33 listening to the guide teach them
15:35 about the place they are visiting.
15:37 Isn't that the same with Jesus?
15:39 He is our tour guide through these bumpy ride,
15:42 we call life.
15:44 As Christians we all gather together at Jesus' feet
15:47 and listen to Him teach us about what we need to do
15:50 to reach our eternal heavenly home.
15:53 Tommy will now play on his violin,
15:56 "We Gather Together."
16:47 When we first become Christians,
16:48 Jesus doesn't give us all the information we need,
16:51 all at once, does He?
16:53 He takes it one step at a time
16:55 and gives us more information as we needed.
16:58 It's like taking a math class.
17:00 Can you imagine opening your math book
17:02 on the first day of class and having the teacher say,
17:05 okay, we're going to learn everything in this book today.
17:10 Well, no of course not, that's not how it works.
17:13 Each math lesson teaches you the skills you need
17:16 for the next lesson and so on.
17:18 It's the same with Jesus,
17:20 He teaches you little by little
17:22 until you know the book from cover to cover.
17:25 Let's listen as Lenova sings "Farther Along".
17:38 Tempted and tried
17:41 We're oft made to wonder
17:47 Why it should be
17:49 Thus all the day long
17:55 While there are others
17:59 Living about us
18:03 We'll understand it
18:07 All by and by
18:11 Farther along
18:14 We'll know all about it
18:20 Farther along
18:22 We'll understand why
18:28 Cheer up my brother
18:32 Live in the sunshine
18:36 We'll understand it
18:40 All by and by
18:45 When we see Jesus
18:49 Coming in glory
18:53 When He comes from
18:56 His home in the sky
19:01 Then we shall meet Him
19:06 In that bright mansion
19:10 We'll understand it
19:14 All by and by
19:19 Farther along
19:21 We'll know all about it
19:27 Farther along
19:30 We'll understand why
19:35 Cheer up my brother
19:40 Live in the sunshine
19:44 We'll understand it
19:48 All by and by
19:52 We'll understand it
19:57 All by and by
20:06 If you find yourself worried about this
20:08 and oh, worried about that,
20:11 start praying for more trust.
20:13 Remember when Jesus fell asleep in the boat,
20:16 the storm was raging all around Him,
20:18 yet He had so much peace in His heart
20:21 that He had no problems at all
20:23 taking a nap right in the middle of the storm.
20:26 When you know that you are safe in God's care
20:29 and that He has the answers to all life's questions,
20:32 those storms won't bother you either.
20:35 The Knowlton Brothers will now play "Peace Like a River".
21:46 When Lazarus died, people were asking a lot of questions,
21:50 where was Jesus?
21:51 Why didn't He come earlier?
21:53 Why didn't He heal Lazarus?
21:55 But when the stone was rolled away from the tomb
21:57 and Jesus called Lazarus forth to life,
22:00 once again all their questions were answered.
22:03 You see, God knows why things happen the way they do?
22:07 It is His purpose to show His love to a world
22:10 that's dying in sin.
22:11 Just trust Jesus, He'll dry your tears,
22:15 He'll take away the pain
22:16 and He will always be there to comfort you.
22:19 Think about just how wonderful God is
22:22 as Marlana sings "Four Days Late".
22:28 The news came to Jesus
22:33 Please come fast
22:38 Lazarus is sick
22:40 And without your help he will not last
22:47 Mary and Martha
22:51 Watched their brother die
22:55 They waited for Jesus and He did not come
23:00 They wondered why
23:07 The death watch was over
23:11 He was buried four days
23:15 Somebody said he'll soon be here
23:20 The Lord's on His way
23:24 Martha ran to Him
23:28 And then she cried
23:33 Lord if you had been here
23:35 You could have healed him
23:37 He'd still be alive
23:42 You're four days late
23:46 And all hope is gone
23:50 Lord, we don't understand
23:54 Why you've waited so long
23:59 But His way is God's way
24:03 Not yours or mine
24:08 Isn't it great
24:10 When He's four days late
24:12 He's still on time
24:16 Jesus said Martha
24:21 Show me the grave
24:25 But she said, Lord, you don't understand
24:29 He's been there four days
24:35 The grave stone was rolled back
24:39 And then Jesus cried
24:44 Lazarus come forth then somebody said
24:48 He's alive He's alive
24:53 He's alive
24:56 You may be fighting
25:01 A battle of fear
25:05 You've cried to the Lord
25:07 I need You now
25:09 But he has not appeared
25:13 Friend don't be discouraged
25:18 'Cause He's still the same
25:22 He'll soon be here
25:24 He'll roll back the stone
25:26 And He'll call out your name
25:31 When He's four days late
25:35 And all hope is gone
25:39 Lord, we don't understand
25:43 Why you've waited so long
25:48 His way is God's way
25:52 Not yours or mine
25:57 Isn't it great when He's four days late
26:01 He's still on time
26:05 Yes, my God is great
26:07 When He is four days late
26:09 He's still on time
26:14 On time
26:24 Boys and girls, when you have questions,
26:27 go to Jesus, spend time talking with Him
26:30 and reading His word.
26:32 The Bible is full of answers to the questions
26:35 that God knew you would ask.
26:37 And if you don't get the answer you are looking for,
26:41 be assure that God's answer is the best one.
26:45 Well, that's all the time we have for today,
26:47 so until next time remember, it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2017-02-21