Kids' Time Praise

Give Thanks

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000167A

00:02 Come join in singing
00:04 Join in praising
00:06 Let's all praise the Lord
00:09 We'll sing out loud Our voice is raising
00:12 Let's all praise the Lord
00:15 Hallelujah
00:18 Hallelujah
00:22 We'll tell the world
00:23 How much we love Him
00:25 Let's all praise
00:27 Come on, let's all praise the Lord
00:32 Hi, boys and girls.
00:34 There is lots of things to be thankful for.
00:36 Just the other day someone held a door open for me,
00:39 and of course I politely said, thank you.
00:42 You can be thankful for a small gesture of kindness
00:45 as well as something like having wonderful parents
00:48 who love and take care of you.
00:50 Just look around you
00:52 and you'll find blessings to thank God for,
00:54 such as the air you breathe,
00:56 your dog, your cat, your house
00:58 and the list goes on and on.
01:00 Of course it's easy to be thankful
01:02 when everything is going good,
01:04 but can you be thankful when bad things happen.
01:07 This first song was written by Horatio Spafford
01:11 after something terrible happened to him.
01:13 He had planned to travel with his family to Europe
01:16 but was delayed with some problems with his business.
01:19 So he sent his family had them promise to meet them there
01:22 but the ship they were on collided with another ship
01:25 and all four of his daughters drowned.
01:28 And his wife was the only one that survived.
01:31 Instead of getting angry and blaming God,
01:34 Horatio wrote a hymn of praise to his Lord and Savior.
01:38 Let's listen to the words as The Varley Trio sings,
01:41 "It Is Well with My Soul."
01:55 When peace, like a river,
02:01 attendeth my way
02:06 When sorrows like sea
02:11 Billows roll
02:15 Whatever my lot
02:19 Thou hast taught me to say
02:25 It is well
02:27 It is well
02:30 With my soul
02:36 It is well
02:39 It is well
02:41 With my soul
02:45 With my soul
02:47 It is well
02:50 It is well
02:52 With my soul
02:57 It is well
03:00 It is well
03:03 With my soul
03:06 With my soul
03:08 It is well
03:11 It is well with my soul
03:17 It is well
03:19 It is well
03:22 With my soul
03:32 The love of Jesus is something
03:34 we should definitely be thankful for.
03:36 His life on earth was a painful journey all to prove
03:40 that He loves us more than we could think
03:42 or possibly imagine.
03:44 Listen to the words of this next song
03:46 Down the Via Dolorosa called the way of suffering
03:50 like a Lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King.
03:54 But He chose to walk that road out of love for you and me.
03:58 Down the Via Dolorosa, all the way to Calvary.
06:50 A pastor was traveling on an airplane
06:53 when he suddenly heard a ding
06:54 and saw that the seat belt light had gone on.
06:56 The announcement was soon made
06:58 that they would be encountering a lot of turbulence
07:01 and they must stay seated.
07:03 Looking around he saw many nervous faces
07:05 and a few little bumps turned into great big bumps
07:08 as the passenger looked out their windows
07:10 to see the sky was all lit up and big flashes of lightning.
07:15 The storm was causing the plane to be lifted up high
07:18 and to drop so fast that some passengers thought
07:22 they were going to crash.
07:24 Amidst the worried faces was a little girl
07:26 sitting in her seat just coloring away,
07:29 she wasn't concerned about the storm at all.
07:32 In fact, it didn't even look like
07:34 she even noticed there was one.
07:36 When the plane landed,
07:37 the pastor approached the little girl and asked her,
07:40 how she can remain so calm.
07:42 She looked at him and said oh, that's easy,
07:45 my daddy was the pilot
07:47 and he promised to take me home.
07:49 No matter what boys and girls, we can trust that God
07:53 is our pilot in control and He wants to take us home.
07:57 The Knowiton Brothers will now play
08:00 "Rejoice in the Lord Always."
08:46 If you stop and think about all the things
08:48 that God does for us,
08:50 it's easy to love Him and be thankful.
08:53 Not just for the great big things
08:55 but for the small things too.
08:57 Jesus is the reason that sun rises in the morning
09:00 and sets at night, and He is the reason
09:02 that the waters flow and the wind blows.
09:04 He is also responsible for how fast your hair grows
09:10 and something really important like how our heart beats,
09:13 all without us realizing it.
09:15 Instead of taking things for granted,
09:17 try thanking God today for those little things.
09:21 The Kids Time Singers will now sing
09:23 "Heavenly Father, I Appreciate You."
09:34 Heavenly Father
09:36 I appreciate You
09:41 Heavenly Father
09:43 I appreciate You
09:48 I love You, adore You
09:51 I bow down before You
09:55 Heavenly Father
09:57 I appreciate You
10:02 Holy Spirit
10:04 What a comfort You are
10:09 Holy Spirit
10:11 What a comfort You are
10:16 You lead me, you guide me
10:20 You live right inside me
10:23 Holy Spirit
10:25 What a comfort You are
10:33 More wonderful than any of God's creations
10:36 is Jesus Himself.
10:38 He is an amazing God and has many heavenly degrees
10:41 such as physician, artist, designer, architect,
10:46 gardener, landscaper
10:47 and many more titles
10:49 and is worthy to be praised above any other.
10:52 Let's listen as Geoff plays on his trumpet,
10:54 "Fairest Lord Jesus."
12:49 I want you to picture
12:50 two very different people in your mind.
12:52 Everyday they have to cross the street
12:54 that has heavy traffic.
12:56 Now and then a driver will stop and let them cross in front.
13:00 One of them as an expression of gratitude
13:02 smiles and waves to the driver,
13:05 while the other just crosses with his head down,
13:08 never acknowledging the act of kindness.
13:10 Which one of these people do you think
13:12 is more likely to be successful and happy in life?
13:16 You're right, the one who smiled and waved.
13:20 Did you know that being thankful
13:21 has a positive effect on your health,
13:24 your success and your overall attitude?
13:27 Mirielle will now sing, "Healthy, Wealthy and Wise."
13:33 John 14:1-6.
13:35 "Let not your heart be troubled:
13:38 ye believe in God, believe also in me.
13:41 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so,
13:45 I would have told you.
13:46 I go to prepare a place for you.
13:48 And if I go and prepare a place for you,
13:51 I will come again, and receive you unto myself,
13:54 that where I am, there ye may be also.
13:57 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
14:00 Thomas saith unto him, Lord,
14:02 we know not whither thou goest, and how can we know the way?
14:06 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth,
14:10 and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
14:16 Early in the morning I say my prayers
14:20 I brush my teeth and I comb my hair
14:24 I get all dressed and I go downstairs
14:27 Living healthy, wealthy and wise
14:31 I can stand hugs my mom and dad
14:35 We how worship and that makes me glad
14:38 Eat breakfast and say now that's not bad
14:42 Living healthy, wealthy and wise
14:46 We rush right out to a busy day
14:49 My dad too were again me to pray
14:53 But we're never too busy to stop and pray
14:56 Living healthy, wealthy and wise
15:00 In the day when dad just phones
15:03 Mom's get pretty with their hair all combed
15:07 The foods on the table it smells like
15:10 Living healthy, wealthy and wise
15:14 We all pitch in and get the dishes done
15:17 Then it's time for us to splash some fun
15:20 Sometimes we read
15:22 Sometimes we write
15:24 Living healthy, wealthy and wise
15:28 We finish our day
15:29 with lovely prayer
15:31 Thanking God for the love we share
15:34 We tell each other how much we care
15:40 Living healthy, wealthy and wise
15:46 A great way to show your thankfulness is to sing.
15:50 The Bible even says in Colossians 3:16
15:53 that we should sing to Him with a grateful heart.
15:57 God is merciful
15:58 and He is faithful to us forever.
16:01 That's exactly what this song is about.
16:03 Listen as Fire 'N' Steel play on their steel pans,
16:06 "I will Sing of the Mercies."
18:38 Have you ever been lost?
18:39 I know, I have
18:41 and it can really be quite scary.
18:43 I once was alone in a big city and it was getting dark
18:47 and I had no idea
18:49 how to get back to where I was supposed to be.
18:51 So I prayed and I prayed
18:53 and I asked God to lead me right
18:55 to the place I was staying.
18:57 Sometimes when we are lost and afraid,
18:59 we forget that although we may not know
19:01 where we are, Jesus does.
19:04 And we can be thankful for that, can't we?
19:06 Even when we are lost in sin
19:08 and have no idea how we can get back to Jesus,
19:12 all we have to do is call out His name.
19:15 Jaimes will sing for us, "Christ Crucified."
19:31 Who could understand the depth of Your plan,
19:37 to bring sinners home?
19:42 Will we ever know the size of the cost?
19:48 The shame of the cross?
19:52 So foolish to human wisdom
19:58 but to Your children it's life and power
20:04 We preach Christ crucified
20:08 It's the only way for souls to be saved
20:13 Who have gone astray
20:16 We preach Christ raised to life
20:19 and now He reigns
20:22 Interceding for us
20:24 Till He comes again
20:29 It has the power to break in
20:32 And wash away every sin
20:35 The only hope for our generation
20:40 One day He will come again
20:43 And life will truly begin
20:46 Restored to how we were meant to be
20:51 We preach Christ crucified
20:54 It's the only way
20:57 for souls to be saved
20:59 who have gone astray
21:02 We preach Christ raised to life
21:05 And now He reigns Interceding for us
21:11 Till He comes again
21:15 Till He comes again
21:26 There is a story in Luke 19 that tells about Jesus
21:29 entering Jerusalem riding on a donkey.
21:32 The people around Him were shouting for joy
21:35 and praising God for all His mighty works.
21:38 But not everyone was happy.
21:39 You see the Pharisees had been watching
21:42 and they were very angry.
21:44 They told Jesus that He should quiet the people
21:47 but Jesus said that if the people remain quiet,
21:51 the stones would cry out.
21:53 The Bible also talks about how the morning stars
21:56 saying together and how the earth worships Him
21:59 and sings praises to Him.
22:01 It sounds to me like all nature is thankful
22:04 for what God has done.
22:06 Let's listen as Emily plays on her violin,
22:08 "All the Creatures of our God and King."
24:05 Giving a person a gift is an expression of love.
24:08 The ultimate gift was the one Jesus gave when He left heaven
24:12 and came down to this earth to die the death
24:15 that was meant for us.
24:16 There is no gift that we could ever give back
24:19 that would equal the one He gave to us.
24:21 What He wants us to do is say thank you
24:23 and accept His free gift of salvation.
24:26 James is going to sing, "All I can do."
24:36 All that I can do is thank Him
24:42 All that I can do is pray
24:47 All that I can do is lift my hands
24:52 to sing His praise
24:57 All that I can do is thank Him
25:01 All that I can do is pray.
25:07 All that I can do is lift my hands
25:12 to sing His praise
25:17 All that I can do is thank Him
25:22 All that I can do is pray
25:27 All that I can do is lift my hands
25:32 to sing His praise
25:43 Boys and girls, how often are you thankful?
25:46 Jesus cleansed ten lepers,
25:48 and do you know how many came back to thank Him?
25:50 Only one.
25:52 May we always have an attitude of gratitude.
25:56 Well that's all the time today,
25:57 so until next time, remember,
25:59 it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2016-11-28