Kids' Time Praise

Make Me a Servant

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000163A

00:01 Come join in singing Join in praising
00:05 Let's all praise the Lord
00:08 We'll sing out loud Our voice is raising
00:11 Let's all praise the Lord
00:14 Hallelujah Hallelujah
00:21 We'll tell the world How much we love Him
00:24 Let's all praise
00:26 Come on, let's all praise the Lord
00:31 Hi, boys and girls.
00:33 Everyone wants to be happy, right?
00:35 I want to share with you the secret of happiness
00:38 but it may not be what you think it is,
00:40 it's not money or having lots of stuff
00:43 or going on a vacation to some beautiful place.
00:46 The secret to having a happy life is to be a servant.
00:52 That's right, boys and girls,
00:53 true happiness is found in making others happy.
00:57 That's what Jesus did.
00:58 Yes, the King of the universe came down to earth,
01:01 humbled Himself and did all that He could do
01:04 to bring healing and relief to all mankind.
01:08 Don't you want to be like Jesus?
01:10 Well, the very first step is to give your heart to Him.
01:14 I hope you'll decide to give your heart to Jesus.
01:17 Let's listen as The Varley Trio sings,
01:20 "The Stand".
01:23 The Bible says in Psalms 4:4,
01:26 "To stand in all and sin not."
01:36 You stood before creation
01:41 Eternity in Your hand
01:47 You spoke the earth into motion
01:51 My soul now to stand
01:58 You stood before my failure
02:03 And carried the cross for my shame
02:09 My sin weighed upon Your shoulders
02:13 My soul now to stand
02:18 So what can I say?
02:24 And what can I do?
02:29 But offer this heart, oh, Lord, God
02:34 Completely to You
02:42 So I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
02:48 In awe of the One who gave it all
02:53 I'll stand my soul Lord to you surrendered all
02:59 I am is yours
03:04 So I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned
03:10 In awe of the One who gave it all
03:15 I'll stand my soul Lord to you surrendered all
03:21 I am is yours
03:25 And I am I am is yours
03:37 Can you imagine the joy Jesus felt
03:40 when He healed the man with the withered hand,
03:42 gave sight to blind Bartimaeus
03:44 and raised Lazarus from the dead.
03:47 You too can feel that joy in your heart
03:49 when you help someone in need.
03:52 Spend time with Jesus and ask Him to show you
03:55 how to find people that need help,
03:57 I can tell you this,
03:59 there is no greater joy than serving Jesus.
04:02 Let's listen to Geoff playing his trumpet,
04:05 "Just a Closer Walk with Thee".
06:26 Have you ever felt like you just weren't smart enough,
06:29 strong enough or talented enough,
06:32 too weak to do something that you've been asked to do?
06:35 Well, here's the good news.
06:38 The Bible says that God strength is made perfect
06:41 in your weakness.
06:43 Look what He did with David.
06:45 David was just a shepherd boy
06:47 and the Israelite soldiers thought
06:49 he was too weak to defeat the great big giant Goliath.
06:52 But David had faith and took hold of God's strength.
06:56 It was that faith that won the victory.
06:59 Remember that God will give you everything you need
07:02 to do what He asked you to do.
07:04 Right now, Jaydelle is going to sing,
07:07 "His Strength Is Made Perfect".
07:17 I can do all things
07:21 Through Christ who gives me strength
07:26 But sometimes I wonder what He can do through me
07:35 No great success to show
07:40 No glory of my own
07:44 Yet in my weakness
07:45 He is there to let me know
07:52 His strength is perfect
07:56 When our strength is gone
08:02 He'll carry us
08:05 When we can't carry on
08:11 Great in His power glory
08:15 The weak become strong
08:20 His strength is perfect
08:24 His strength is perfect
08:29 His strength is perfect
08:33 When our strength is gone
08:38 He'll carry us
08:41 When we can't carry on
08:48 Great in His power glory
08:52 The weak become strong
08:57 His strength is perfect
09:01 His strength is perfect
09:05 When our strength is gone.
09:10 He'll carry us
09:13 When we can't carry on
09:19 Great in His power glory
09:24 The weak become strong
09:28 His strength is perfect
09:33 His strength is perfect
09:37 Great in His power glory
09:42 The weak become strong
09:46 His strength is perfect
09:51 His strength is perfect
10:02 The Bible says that God is love
10:05 and when we realize that
10:07 His love for us is unconditional
10:09 that He loves us no matter what,
10:11 we just can't help but love Him in return.
10:14 One way we can show Jesus that
10:16 we love Him is by doing the things
10:19 that make Him happy.
10:20 That includes being kind and loving to everyone we meet.
10:25 Marlana is going to sing about all the reasons
10:28 we should love Jesus in this song,
10:31 "Oh How I Love Jesus".
10:47 There is a name I love to hear
10:53 I love to sing its worth
11:00 It sounds like music in my ear
11:06 The sweetest name on earth
11:12 Oh, how I love Jesus
11:18 Oh, how I love Jesus
11:24 Oh, how I love Jesus
11:30 Because He first loved me
11:47 Oh, how I love Jesus
11:54 Oh, how I love Jesus
12:00 Oh, how I love Jesus
12:06 Because He first loved me
12:15 Because He first loved me
12:29 Jesus gave us parents to guide us
12:32 and teach us and keep us safe,
12:34 and parents do something that we might not like very much.
12:38 They make rules,
12:40 but rules are actually good things.
12:42 Without rules, you could get into trouble or get hurt.
12:46 Even God has rules,
12:49 they're called the Ten Commandments
12:51 and one of those commandments says
12:53 that we should obey our parents.
12:56 Let's listen as Anjali tells us about the fifth commandment
12:59 in this song,
13:01 "Children Obey Your Parents".
13:09 Children, obey your parents in the Lord
13:14 For this is right
13:17 Children, obey your parents in the Lord
13:22 For this is right
13:25 Honor your father and mother
13:29 Which is this first commandment
13:32 With the promise that it may go
13:35 Well with you
13:37 And I do may enjoy long life on the earth
13:46 Children, obey your parents in the Lord
13:51 For this is right
13:54 Children, obey your parents in the Lord
14:00 For this is right
14:03 Honor your father and mother
14:06 Which is the first commandment
14:09 With the promise that it may go
14:13 Well with you
14:15 And I do may enjoy long life on the earth
14:24 Children, obey your parents in the Lord
14:29 For this is right
14:32 Children, obey your parents in the Lord
14:38 For this is right
14:42 Anna Warner and her sister Susan were authors
14:45 who wrote many books, and while writing one book,
14:49 Susan asked Anna to write a children's song
14:51 that would be sung by
14:53 one of her characters in her book.
14:54 The song she wrote,
14:56 Jesus Loves Me was meant to bring comfort
14:59 to a dying child.
15:01 Did you know that bringing comfort to someone
15:03 who's hurting is also an act of service
15:05 and it's very important one, don't you think?
15:08 Think about that as the Knowlton Brothers play,
15:11 "Jesus Loves Me".
16:28 I once heard a story of a woman
16:30 who worked in the King's kitchen sharpening knifes.
16:33 Now many of the other kitchen workers
16:35 would complain about their job
16:37 but she was always cheerful.
16:39 Finally, someone asked her how she could be so happy
16:43 just sharpening knives all day.
16:45 After all it was such an unimportant job,
16:48 but she quietly answered,
16:50 "I am happy in knowing that I serve my king.
16:54 When the bread is served to his table,
16:56 he will have no problems at all slicing through it
16:59 as his knife will be sharp.
17:02 Whatever I can do to make the king's life easier,
17:05 I am happy to do."
17:08 Well, I pray I am always like that lady
17:10 and that I'll be happy to do
17:12 whatever God asked me to do no matter how big or small.
17:16 The Kids Time Singers will now sing,
17:18 "Make Me a Servant".
17:28 Make me a servant Humble and meek
17:35 Lord, let me lift up
17:39 Those who are weak
17:42 And may the prayer Of my heart always be
17:49 Make me a servant today
17:56 Make me a servant Humble and meek
18:03 Lord, let me lift up
18:06 Those who are weak
18:10 And may the prayer Of my heart always be
18:16 Make me a servant Make me a servant
18:24 Make me a servant today
18:34 Have you ever thought
18:35 you would be really good at something
18:37 only to find out that you weren't?
18:40 It's pretty disappointing, isn't it?
18:42 That's why we should always ask God to help us
18:45 know what He wants us to do.
18:47 His plan is always the best plan.
18:50 Ask God to show you what His will is for your life.
18:54 Now, let's listen as Emily plays,
18:56 "My Father's Will" on her violin.
21:30 Sometimes baby animals need to be rescued
21:34 and when that happens,
21:35 those babies can develop strong bonds
21:37 with their human rescuers.
21:39 Take baby otters as an example.
21:42 Rescuers have learned that
21:43 if they want those baby otters
21:45 to be able to survive on their own,
21:47 they must wear mask over their faces
21:49 and gloves on their hands.
21:51 If the otter can't see or feel who is caring for them,
21:55 their survival rate when released back
21:57 into the wild is much greater.
21:59 But we know who has saved us, don't we?
22:02 And His name is Jesus,
22:04 and because of His great sacrifice
22:06 on the cross at Calvary,
22:08 we want to do everything we can to live for Him.
22:12 Consider how much Jesus has done for you as Sam sings,
22:16 "Amazing Grace".
22:19 Amazing grace
22:26 how sweet the sound
22:37 That saved a wretch
22:46 Like me
22:55 I once was lost
23:02 But now I'm found
23:08 Was blind but now I see
23:22 Have you ever heard the story of the mischievous monkey
23:25 who went around stealing food?
23:27 Well, the people got so tired of it,
23:29 they decided, they were gonna set a trap.
23:31 So they found some jars
23:33 that had an opening just a little larger
23:34 than the monkey's hand
23:36 and then they placed some food inside.
23:38 Upon discovering the jars,
23:40 the monkey reached his hand in and clinched that food tight.
23:43 But when he did that,
23:44 he could no longer pull his hand out of the jar.
23:47 Unwilling to release the food,
23:49 the people caught the monkey quite easily.
23:52 If he had just let go, he would have been free.
23:56 Sometimes we aren't willing to release things in our lives
23:59 that are trapping us from doing what God wants us to do.
24:02 But if we would just let go and let God use us,
24:05 we would have freedom.
24:07 Devon and her sister Darla will now sing,
24:10 "I Surrender All".
24:24 All to Jesus I surrender
24:29 All to Him I freely give
24:35 I will ever love and trust Him
24:40 In His presence daily live
24:45 I surrender all
24:51 I surrender all
24:56 All to Thee, my blessed Savior
25:01 I surrender all
25:07 All to Jesus I surrender
25:12 Make me, Savior, wholly thine
25:18 Let me feel the Holy Spirit
25:23 Let me know that Thou art mine
25:28 I surrender all
25:34 I surrender all
25:39 All to Thee, my blessed Savior
25:44 I surrender all
25:49 I surrender all
25:55 I surrender all
26:00 All to Thee, my blessed Savior
26:06 I surrender all
26:17 Boys and girls,
26:19 there is tremendous joy in serving others.
26:21 Remember that even
26:22 Jesus washed the feet of His disciples
26:25 and He was their master.
26:27 Don't let anything keep you from doing
26:29 what you can do to be helpful.
26:31 Remember, it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2017-02-05