Kids' Time Praise

Rejoice in the Lord

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000162A

00:02 Come join in singing Join in praising
00:06 Let's all praise the Lord
00:09 We'll sing out loud Our voice is raising
00:12 Let's all praise the Lord
00:15 Hallelujah Hallelujah
00:22 We'll tell the world How much we love Him
00:25 Let's all praise...
00:27 Come on, let's all praise the Lord.
00:32 Hi, boys and girls.
00:34 Are you happy today?
00:35 Jesus wants you to be happy.
00:38 He doesn't promise that you'll have everything you want
00:41 but He knows what you need before you even ask Him
00:45 and He has promised to take care of you.
00:48 Jesus loves you very much.
00:51 Jesus healed a lot of people when He was here on this earth
00:54 and one day, when Jesus was near Jericho,
00:57 a blind man called out to Him over and over again
01:01 begging for help.
01:03 The Bible says that in Luke 18, Jesus knew what the man needed
01:09 but He still asked, "What do you want?"
01:12 The blind man asked to be healed from blindness.
01:15 Immediately he received his sight,
01:18 followed Jesus, and praised God.
01:21 As a result, others around him began praising God too.
01:24 Isn't it wonderful that one man's joy
01:27 can spread and be shared by others?
01:30 Listen now as Alessandra sings, "Come, Praise Him".
01:42 Come praise Him, exalt Him
01:46 And worship His Name
01:50 Today and forever He's always the same
01:57 Come praise Him, our Savior The Lamb that was slain
02:03 Come praise Him and worship
02:08 The Lord is His name
02:18 Shortly after Adam and Eve committed the first sin
02:21 in the Garden of Eden,
02:22 death was introduced to the world,
02:25 no longer would the flowers bloom
02:27 without fading,
02:28 no longer would the trees
02:30 keep their leaves all year long.
02:32 And no longer would Adam and Eve live eternally,
02:36 but Jesus conquered death.
02:39 The Bible says, in I Corinthians 15:55,
02:43 "O death, where is thy sting?
02:45 O grave, where is thy victory?"
02:48 Death no longer is permanent.
02:51 Jesus offers us eternal life in heaven with Him.
02:55 Let's listen as Thyeis plays on a steel pan,
02:58 "How Sweet Are the Tidings".
03:54 Did you know that the Bible talks
03:56 about the followers of Jesus
03:58 as being soldiers in God's army?
04:01 In his second letter to young timothy,
04:03 the apostle Paul said,
04:04 "We are to be good soldiers,
04:06 teaching others about Jesus and helping them when we can."
04:10 So are you ready?
04:12 Why don't you stand up
04:13 and march right along with Leon as he sings,
04:17 "I'm in the Lord's army".
04:24 I may never march in the infantry
04:28 Ride in the cavalry Shoot the artillery
04:31 I may never fly o'er the enemy But I'm in the Lord's army
04:38 I'm in the Lord's army Yes, sir!
04:41 I'm in the Lord's army Yes, sir!
04:44 I may never march in the infantry
04:48 Ride in the cavalry Shoot the artillery
04:51 I may never fly o'er the enemy
04:54 But I'm in the Lord's army Yes, sir!
05:00 The apostle Paul said,
05:01 "We are to be good soldiers in God's army."
05:04 And guess what?
05:05 He also said,
05:06 "We are to rejoice in the Lord always,
05:09 in good times and in bad."
05:11 And then, rejoice again.
05:13 Get ready to sing,
05:15 here are the Kids Time Singers to lead us in
05:18 this beautiful song, "Rejoice in the Lord Always".
05:28 Rejoice in the Lord always
05:31 And again I say, Rejoice
05:34 Rejoice in the Lord always
05:37 And again I say, Rejoice
05:40 Rejoice, Rejoice, and again I say, Rejoice
05:45 Rejoice, Rejoice
05:48 And again I say, Rejoice
05:51 Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, Rejoice
05:56 Rejoice in the Lord always
05:59 And again I say, Rejoice
06:01 Rejoice, Rejoice, and again I say, Rejoice
06:07 Rejoice, Rejoice
06:09 and again I say, Rejoice
06:15 Boys and girls, I'm so grateful for Jesus.
06:19 For if it were not for Him,
06:20 living in this all sinful world
06:22 would be hopeless and sad and miserable.
06:25 Oh, I know there's a lot of
06:27 sadness and misery in this world.
06:28 I've had plenty myself
06:30 but the story of Jesus gives me hope.
06:33 Someday, all of this sadness and misery will be gone
06:36 and we will live with Jesus in heaven forever
06:39 and I can't wait, can you?
06:42 You know, Jesus loves you so much.
06:45 And He died on a cross to save you
06:48 and if there was only one,
06:49 He would have come to this earth
06:51 to die for just one,
06:53 He loves us that much.
06:55 Let's listen to The Varley Trio
06:57 as they bring us this special message and song,
07:00 "Jesus Messiah".
07:04 The Bible says in the II Corinthians 5:21
07:08 that He became sin that knew no sin,
07:10 that we might become His righteousness in God.
07:24 He became sin who knew no sin
07:29 That we might become His righteousness
07:35 He humbled himself
07:37 And carried the cross
07:42 Love so amazing
07:48 love so amazing
07:53 Jesus Messiah
07:59 Name above all names
08:04 Blessed redeemer
08:09 Emmanuel
08:15 The rescue for sinners
08:20 The ransom from Heaven
08:26 Jesus Messiah
08:31 Lord of all
08:37 All our hope is in You
08:42 All our hope is in You
08:47 All the glory to You
08:52 God
08:55 The light of the world
09:00 Jesus Messiah
09:05 Name above all names
09:11 Blessed redeemer
09:16 Emmanuel
09:21 The rescue for sinners
09:27 The ransom from Heaven
09:32 Jesus Messiah
09:37 Lord of all
09:43 Jesus Messiah
09:48 Lord of all
09:57 Our next song is one of my favorites
09:59 that I listened to when I was a little girl.
10:02 The song begins by marveling at God's creation,
10:06 from stars and thunder, to birds and gentle breezes.
10:10 And the third verse talks about Jesus coming from heaven
10:14 to our sinful world to save us from the power of sin.
10:19 And the last verse, it's the most exciting.
10:22 It says, "When Christ shall come
10:25 with shouts of acclamation and take me home,
10:29 what joy shall fill my heart.
10:32 Then I shall bow in humble adoration
10:35 and then proclaim, my God, how great thou art."
12:40 Have you ever heard of cause and effect?
12:43 For instance, if you make a cake
12:44 with salt instead of sugar, what will happen?
12:47 Well, I'll tell you,
12:49 no one will want to eat your cake, that's for sure.
12:52 And if you leave the milk out on the counter all night,
12:55 what will happen?
12:56 It will spoil.
12:58 But if you set your alarm at night,
13:01 I'm guessing you'll make it to school on time.
13:04 And if you choose to be thankful,
13:06 you'll be a happy person.
13:09 Do you know why?
13:10 Because there's no way to be sad and thankful
13:12 at the same time.
13:14 We have so many reasons to thank Jesus, don't we?
13:17 Here is the Cadet Sisters to sing,
13:19 "It Is to You".
13:31 It is to You I give the glory
13:35 It is to You I give the praise
13:40 For You have done so much for me
13:44 And I will bless Your Holy Name
13:49 It is to You Holy Father
13:54 No one like You
13:58 And I will bless Your Name
14:03 Bless Your Name
14:07 Bless Your Name
14:10 Forevermore
14:15 It is to You I give the glory
14:20 It is to You I give the praise
14:24 For You have done so much for me
14:28 And I will bless Your Holy Name
14:33 It is to You Holy Father
14:38 No one like You
14:42 And I will bless Your Name
14:47 Bless Your Name
14:50 And I will bless Your Name
14:56 Bless Your Name
14:59 And I will bless Your Name
15:04 Bless Your Name
15:08 And I will bless Your Name
15:13 Bless Your Name
15:16 And I will bless Your Name
15:21 Bless Your Name
15:25 And I will bless Your Name
15:31 Bless Your Name
15:34 And I will bless Your Name
15:39 Forevermore
15:48 In Matthew chapter 22, Jesus said,
15:52 "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
15:54 with all thy heart,
15:56 and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
16:00 This is the first and great commandment.
16:03 And the second is like unto it,
16:05 Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
16:09 In other words,
16:10 we are to treat others as we would want to be treated.
16:13 And love God above everything else.
16:17 That's exactly the message in this song
16:19 that Anjali is going to sing in,
16:21 "Love your neighbor as yourself".
16:25 James 2:8-10,
16:27 "If you really keep the royal law
16:29 found in Scripture,
16:30 "Love your neighbor as yourself,"
16:32 you are doing right.
16:33 But if you show favoritism, you sin
16:36 and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.
16:38 For whoever keeps the whole law
16:40 but stumbles at just one point
16:43 is guilty of breaking all of it.
16:53 Love, love la-la-la-la love your neighbor as yourself
17:00 Love, love la-la-la-la love your neighbor as yourself
17:06 You got to show a little kindness
17:10 Show the world we really care
17:13 Let the love of Jesus find us
17:16 Singing His love everywhere
17:23 Love, love la-la-la-la love your neighbor as yourself
17:30 Love, love la-la-la-la love your neighbor as yourself
17:36 You got to share the love of Jesus
17:40 Share it with everyone And may everyone who sees us
17:46 Open their hearts and love the Son
17:53 Love, love la-la-la-la love your neighbor as yourself
17:59 Love, love la-la-la-la love your neighbor as yourself
18:06 Love your neighbor as yourself
18:09 Love your neighbor as yourself
18:15 There are at least 259 verses throughout the Bible
18:19 which talk about praising God,
18:21 that's a lot of verses and it's an indication to me
18:24 that praising God is very important.
18:27 I think one of the reasons we need to praise God is
18:30 because He is God and He deserves our praise.
18:34 Let's praise God together
18:36 as Avery plays on the saxophone,
18:38 "Lord, I lift Your name on high".
21:09 If there was one thing
21:10 my daughter Becky didn't like about school,
21:13 it was homework.
21:15 After she got home and did the chores
21:17 and then finished all her school assignments,
21:19 she was really happy just to be finally done.
21:23 Whatever you have to do,
21:25 whether it's the dishes or mowing the lawn
21:27 or doing homework,
21:28 it always feels good when you finish, doesn't it?
21:32 That means you can take a break and relax.
21:34 Jesus knows that as Christians,
21:36 we are constantly working against the devil
21:39 to resist his temptations and do what's right.
21:42 He wants us to relax
21:44 and that time will come when we get to heaven.
21:46 In fact, we will never have to worry about
21:49 resisting temptation ever again
21:50 because there's not gonna be any sin in heaven.
21:53 Samara's going to sing for us, "Down by the Riverside".
22:03 Gonna lay down my burdens Down by the riverside
22:09 Down by the riverside
22:11 Down by the riverside
22:13 Gonna lay down my burdens
22:16 Down by the riverside to study war no more
22:22 Well, I ain't gonna study war no more
22:25 Study war no more
22:28 Study war no more My Lord
22:33 Study war no more Study war no more
22:37 To study war no more
23:00 Well, I ain't gonna study war no more
23:04 Study war no more
23:06 Study war no more, my Lord
23:11 Study war no more
23:13 Study war no more
23:15 Study war no more
23:20 I'm gonna lay down my sword and shield
23:23 Down by the riverside
23:26 Down by the riverside
23:28 Down by the riverside
23:30 Gonna lay down my sword and shield
23:33 Down by the riverside to study war no more
23:39 Well, I ain't gonna study war no more
23:42 Study war no more
23:44 Study war no more, my Lord
23:49 Study war no more Study war no more
23:54 To study war no more
23:59 To study war no more.
24:11 Singing praises to God is just as important as prayer.
24:15 In fact, singing praise is a form of prayer
24:18 and Jesus loves to hear our happy voices.
24:21 Emily is going to play for us now on her violin,
24:24 "Come, Christians, Join to Sing".
26:09 In Matthew 5:16 Jesus said,
26:12 "Let your light so shine before men,
26:15 that they may see your good works,
26:17 and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
26:19 That means be kind and thoughtful toward others
26:22 and praise God everyday in good times and in bad times.
26:26 Boys and girls, praising God
26:28 will make you happy inside and out,
26:30 from your head to your toes,
26:32 and others will see it and want to praise Him as well.
26:35 Well, that's all the time we have today,
26:37 so until next time,
26:38 remember, it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2017-02-09