Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)
Series Code: KTPP
Program Code: KTPP000157A
00:02 Come join in singing Join in praising
00:06 Let's all praise the Lord 00:09 We'll sing out loud Our voice is raising 00:12 Let's all praise the Lord 00:15 Hallelujah Hallelujah 00:22 We'll tell the world How much we love Him 00:25 Let's all praise 00:27 Come on, let's all praise the Lord. 00:32 Hi, boys and girls, 00:34 did you know that Satan was so angry with God 00:37 for casting him out of heaven that he wanted to hurt God. 00:41 He knew that the very best way to do that was to cause 00:44 Adam and Eve to disobey. 00:46 So using a tree and a piece of fruit, 00:49 Satan convinced them 00:51 that the God who claimed to love them so much 00:53 was keeping good things from them. 00:55 Adam and Eve ate off the fruit 00:57 that they had been commanded not to eat, 01:00 and thus sin was born into the human heart. 01:04 The amazing thing is God already had a plan, 01:07 a plan that would save humans from the disease of sin. 01:12 But their salvation came at a very high price. 01:15 It would cost the life of God's only Son Jesus, 01:19 and although sin was introduced to the world 01:22 through Satan using a tree, 01:24 the victory over sin was won through Jesus on a tree. 01:30 The cross that Jesus was crucified on 01:33 was made from a tree one that He created himself. 01:36 Yes, Jesus grew the tree that He knew would be 01:41 used to make the old-rugged cross. 01:45 Praise the Lord that Jesus loved us so much 01:48 He willingly gave his life to save us. 01:52 Think about God's great sacrifice 01:54 as Samara sings, "He grew the tree". 02:07 He molded and built 02:12 On a lonely hill 02:17 That He knew 02:19 Would be called Calvary 02:27 Then He made a seed 02:32 That would grow to be 02:37 Thorns that would make His Son bleed 02:46 Then He made a green stem 02:51 Gave it leaves and gave it 02:56 Sunlight and rain and Sheltered it with moss 03:06 He grew the tree 03:10 That He knew would be 03:15 Used to make the old-rugged cross 03:24 Nothing took His life 03:29 With love He gave it 03:34 He was crucified on a tree 03:40 That He created 03:44 Great love for man 03:48 Made him stick with His plan 03:53 He grew the tree 03:58 So that we might be free 04:03 Nothing took His life 04:07 With love He gave it 04:13 He was crucified on a tree 04:18 That He created 04:22 Great love for man 04:26 Made him stick with His plan 04:31 He grew the tree 04:36 So that we might be free 04:42 He grew the tree 04:47 So that we might be free. 05:10 When Jesus hung on the cross, He died to save all mankind. 05:15 But did you know 05:16 that he would have died for just you? 05:19 In the book of Luke, 05:20 Jesus tells the story of a missing sheep. 05:23 He said that even though there are 99 other sheep, 05:26 the missing one is so important that it must be found. 05:30 He wants you to know that if you are lost, 05:32 He will search for you until He finds you. 05:35 Listen now as Avery plays on a saxophone, "Above All". 08:53 There's a prison in Brazil that's run by Christians. 08:56 It is a clean, well kept, orderly, and peaceful prison. 09:00 And on the walls hangs scriptures 09:02 from Psalms and Proverbs. 09:04 However, this prison used to be quite different. 09:07 And there was one particular cell 09:09 that was used exclusively for torture. 09:12 Today, that cell has only one inmate. 09:15 And if you open up the door and you look inside, 09:19 you'll see a beautiful carving made by the prisoners 09:22 of Jesus hanging on the cross. 09:25 You see, we are the ones that deserve the punishment 09:28 that Jesus took for us. 09:30 It was sin that hung Him on the cross, 09:33 the sins that we have committed. 09:35 But Jesus love is beyond understanding, 09:38 and we have Him to thank for taking our place 09:41 in that prison cell. 09:43 Here are The Kids Time Singers with "Amazing Grace". 09:55 Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound 10:02 That saved a wretch like me 10:09 I was once lost but now I'm found 10:16 Was blind, but now I see 10:23 'Twas Grace that taught My heart to fear 10:30 And grace, my fears relieved 10:37 How precious did that grace appear 10:44 The hour I first believed. 10:51 Through many dangers, toils and snares 10:58 I have already come 11:05 'Tis grace that brought me safe thus far 11:12 And grace will lead me home. 11:19 When we've been there ten thousand years 11:26 Bright shining as the sun. 11:33 We've no less days to sing God's praise 11:40 Than when we first begun. 11:50 Have you ever been bullied? 11:52 Kids bully others for all different kinds of reasons, 11:56 because they have braces on their teeth, 11:58 because they wore glasses, 11:59 or maybe because they just are not good at sports. 12:02 Do you sometimes feel like you just aren't good enough? 12:06 I wish we lived in a world where we were not judged 12:09 by the size of our house 12:10 or by the brand of shoes on our feet. 12:13 Did you know in God's eyes we are all equal? 12:16 It doesn't matter where we live, how old we are, 12:19 or what the color of our skin is. 12:22 Take a minute to thank Jesus at The Knowlton Brothers play, 12:26 "Jesus loves the little children". 13:20 We all have those certain things in life 13:23 we just don't enjoy doing. 13:25 Do you take music lessons? 13:27 Practicing may be boring, 13:28 but all that practice will pay off some day. 13:32 And if you don't like going to school, 13:34 someday, all that education will be worth it. 13:37 The same with Jesus, 13:39 He knew that He would overcome death 13:42 through his own death. 13:43 He could see all the good 13:45 that would come from his sacrifice. 13:47 He invites you to lay all your problems at the cross 13:50 and trust in His perfect plan. 13:53 Listen as Holly sings "At the Cross". 14:11 Oh, Lord, You've searched me 14:17 You know my way 14:23 Even when I fail You 14:29 I know You love me 14:36 Your holy presence 14:43 Surrounding me 14:49 In every season 14:54 I know You love me 15:01 I know You love me 15:08 At the cross I bow my knee 15:11 Where Your blood was shed for me 15:14 There's no greater love than this 15:21 You have overcome the grave 15:24 Your glory fills the highest place 15:27 What can separate me now 15:34 At the cross I bow my knee 15:37 Where Your blood was shed for me 15:40 There's no greater love than this 15:47 You have overcome the grave 15:50 Your glory fills the highest place 15:53 What can separate me now 15:57 You tore the veil 16:00 You made a way 16:04 When You said that it is done 16:10 You tore the veil 16:13 You made a way 16:17 When You said that it is done. 16:29 When Jesus was here on earth, 16:31 Satan knew that if Jesus made just one mistake, 16:34 there would be no salvation. 16:37 No human would ever enter in through the heavenly gates. 16:40 They wouldn't cast their crowns at Jesus feet 16:43 nor sing the song of the Redeemed. 16:45 But Jesus never gave in. 16:48 When He hung on the cross, 16:49 He did so as the perfect Lamb of God 16:52 who truly did take away the sin of the world. 16:55 He won the victory over sin and death. 16:58 Here's Jaydelle with "They Could Not". 17:13 They looked at Him 17:15 And saw a simple man 17:22 A carpenter with healing in His hands 17:33 They saw Him calm a sea 17:36 And heal a dying man 17:42 They saw but could they really understand 17:55 They could not 18:01 They could not 18:06 Though they tried 18:12 They could not 18:16 He was just a simple carpenter 18:21 But with healing in His hands 18:27 But could they really understand? 18:33 They could not 18:44 They listened to the teachings that they heard 18:51 They wondered at the mystery of His word 18:59 They wondered what He meant, about a Father's plan 19:07 They heard but could they really understand 19:21 They could not 19:26 They could not 19:30 Though they tried 19:36 They could not 19:40 They listened to the teachings 19:44 About a Father's plan 19:49 But could they really understand? 19:54 They could not 20:11 So finally upon a rugged cross 20:18 They killed the man who would not suffer loss 20:26 And then at last, they took 20:29 What willingly He gave 20:34 He died, but could they keep Him in the grave 20:47 They could not 20:51 They could not Praise God 21:01 They could not 21:05 And then, at last they took from Him 21:11 What willingly He gave 21:15 Could they keep Him in the grave 21:18 Could they keep Him in the grave 21:22 Could they keep Him in the grave 21:29 They could not 21:34 They could not Praise God 21:43 They could not 21:47 And then at last, they took from Him 21:52 what willingly He gave 21:56 Could they keep Him in the grave 22:00 Could they keep Him in the grave 22:04 Could they keep Him in the grave 22:10 They could not 22:20 They could not. 22:33 A professor brought a box of delicious-looking donuts 22:36 to class one day. 22:37 He asked the first student in the first row, 22:40 if she would like to have a donut. 22:41 When she said yes, 22:43 the professor asked a boy named Steve 22:45 if he would do ten pushups 22:47 so that she could have that donut. 22:49 Because the professor had asked Steve before class 22:52 if he'd be willing to help, Steve said sure. 22:55 The professor asked student after student 22:57 if they would like a donut, and many said yes. 23:01 Steve did even more pushups. 23:03 Now some students said no 23:05 but the professor gave the donuts 23:07 to the students anyway. 23:09 And Steve did 10 more pushups 23:11 for the donut each student didn't want. 23:15 One student wanted to do their own pushups. 23:17 The professor said, 23:18 "No, that's not the way this works." 23:21 Three hundred and fifty pushups later 23:24 after every student received a donut, 23:27 Steve collapsed exhausted to the floor. 23:30 The professor turned to his class and said, 23:33 and so it was that our Savior Jesus Christ on the cross 23:37 said to the father, 23:39 "Into thy hands I commend my spirit." 23:42 With the understanding that he had done everything 23:45 that was required of him. 23:47 He yielded up his life. 23:48 And like some of you in this room, 23:51 many of us leave the gift on the desk uneaten. 23:55 Let's listen as Sam sings "The Old Rugged Cross". 24:09 On a hill far away 24:13 Stood an old-rugged Cross 24:17 The emblem of suffering and shame 24:25 How I love that old Cross 24:29 Where the dearest and best 24:33 For a world of lost sinners was slain 24:40 So I'll cherish the old-rugged Cross 24:48 Till my trophies at last I lay down 24:56 I will cling to the old-rugged Cross 25:03 And exchange it someday 25:07 For a crown 25:11 And exchange it someday for a crown. 25:24 Boys and girls, Jesus died on the cross 25:28 for you and me. 25:30 He left the splendor of heaven, the company of His father, 25:33 and all the angels to be trapped 25:36 in a world full of sin and sinners. 25:39 It was love, His love for you and for me 25:42 that held him on that Cross. 25:45 At any time, He could have changed his mind 25:47 but He loved us too much. 25:49 He died to save us. 25:52 Won't you give your heart to Jesus today? 25:55 Remember, it's kids time to praise Jesus. |
Revised 2017-01-05