Kids' Time Praise

Hymns from the Heart

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000153A

00:02 Come join in singing Join in praising
00:06 Let's all praise the Lord
00:09 We'll sing out loud Our voice is raising
00:12 Let's all praise the Lord
00:15 Hallelujah Hallelujah
00:21 We'll tell the world How much we love Him
00:25 Let's all praise
00:27 Come on, let's all praise the Lord
00:32 Hi, boys and girls.
00:34 Do you enjoy listening to hymns?
00:36 I know, I do.
00:37 Hymns are special because they share a deep story
00:40 of the writer's personal experience with God.
00:43 Many years ago there was a man by the name of John Newton,
00:47 who owned a slave ship.
00:48 Now, he went through a very sad and difficult time
00:52 but that experience brought him closer to Jesus.
00:55 It was then that he wrote the words to our next song
00:58 and I'm guessing most of you've heard this one before,
01:01 "Amazing Grace."
01:03 I invite you to sing along with the Kids Time Singers
01:06 as they sing this wonderful hymn,
01:08 "Amazing Grace."
01:18 Amazing grace
01:21 How sweet the sound
01:25 That saved a wretch like me
01:32 I once was lost
01:36 But now I'm found
01:39 Was blind but now I see
01:46 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
01:53 And grace my fears relieved
02:00 How precious did
02:04 That grace appear
02:07 The hour I first believed
02:14 Through many dangers, toils and snares
02:21 I have already come
02:28 'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far
02:35 And grace will lead me home
02:42 When we've been there ten thousand years
02:49 Bright shining as the sun
02:56 We've no less days to sing God's praise
03:03 Then when we first begun
03:13 Whenever I feel down or whenever I get discouraged,
03:17 I always think about the Cross
03:19 because that reminds me of the depth of love
03:22 that Jesus has for me.
03:24 The words of this next song help us to do just that.
03:27 So I'll cherish the old rugged cross,
03:30 till my trophies at last I lay down,
03:33 I will cling to the old rugged cross,
03:36 and exchange it one day for a crown.
03:39 Listen to Geoff as he plays for us,
03:41 "The Old Rugged Cross."
06:20 Do you remember the story of Shadrach,
06:22 Meshach and Abednego?
06:24 They trusted in God
06:25 and He delivered them from danger,
06:28 from a fiery furnace,
06:29 in exactly the same way
06:31 we too can place our trust in Jesus.
06:34 When we do, we can go anywhere with Jesus and not be afraid.
06:38 You're going to love this next song.
06:40 Let's listen as The Philpott Trio sing
06:43 that wonderful hymn, "Anywhere with Jesus."
06:52 Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go
06:56 Anywhere He leads me in this world below
07:01 Anywhere without Him dearest joys would fade
07:05 Anywhere with Jesus I am not afraid
07:10 Anywhere, anywhere! Fear I cannot know
07:15 Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go
07:20 Anywhere with Jesus I am not alone
07:25 Other friends may fail me, He is still my own
07:30 Though His hand may lead me over dreary ways
07:34 Anywhere with Jesus is a house of praise
07:39 Anywhere, anywhere! Fear I cannot know
07:45 Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go
07:53 There was once a weary traveler
07:55 who needed to cross a frozen river,
07:58 unsure if the ice was strong enough
08:00 to hold his weight,
08:01 he began to creep cautiously across it,
08:04 hoping that this would keep the ice from breaking.
08:07 About half way over,
08:09 he heard the sound of singing behind him
08:11 and he turned to see and it was an old farmer
08:15 driving a horse strong load full of coal across the ice.
08:19 Like this weary traveler,
08:21 some of us have learned only to crawl
08:24 upon the promises of God,
08:26 but God's promises are so strong,
08:28 we don't have to crawl.
08:30 We can stand confidently upon them.
08:33 We just need to take God at His word.
08:36 Listen to Emily as she plays for us this beautiful hymn
08:39 on her violin, "Standing on the Promises."
10:16 If there is one thing in this life
10:18 we can be certain of, it's change.
10:21 However, there is one thing that never changes
10:24 and that's God.
10:26 When our friends leave us,
10:28 He never does and when others hurt us,
10:30 God is there to heal us.
10:33 All that we need, His hand will provide.
10:36 He will always be faithful to us.
10:38 Leon is going to sing about God's faithfulness right now.
10:41 It's a song called, "Great is Thy Faithfulness."
10:53 Great is Thy faithfulness,
10:59 O God my Father
11:04 There is no shadow of turning
11:12 With Thee Thou changest not
11:19 Thy compassions, they fail not
11:26 As Thou hast been
11:31 Thou forever will be
11:38 Great is Thy faithfulness!
11:44 Great is Thy faithfulness!
11:49 Morning by morning
11:54 New mercies I see
12:00 All I have needed
12:06 Thy hand hath provided
12:11 Great is Thy faithfulness
12:17 Great is Thy faithfulness
12:23 Great is Thy faithfulness
12:29 Lord, unto me!
12:45 If you really want a close relationship with Jesus,
12:49 you need to spend time reading the Bible.
12:52 Jesus' character is revealed to us through His word,
12:55 and the Bible brings us wonderful words
12:58 of life and hope.
13:00 It has the power to change lives
13:01 and it's full of advice for everyday living
13:04 which is why it's important to spend time in Bible study.
13:08 Let's listen to Mirielle sing this beautiful song,
13:11 "Wonderful Words of Life."
13:25 Sing them over again to me
13:30 Wonderful words of life
13:35 Let me more of their beauty see
13:39 Wonderful words of life
13:44 Words of life and beauty
13:48 Teach me faith and duty
13:53 Beautiful words, wonderful words
13:57 Wonderful words of life
14:02 Beautiful words, wonderful words
14:06 Wonderful words of life
14:15 Boys and girls,
14:16 blood is very precious stuff, isn't it?
14:19 Our heart works nonstop to pump blood
14:22 throughout out entire body.
14:24 The Bible tells us that life is in the blood
14:27 and without it, we can't live.
14:29 It was Jesus' blood on Calvary
14:31 that guaranteed us eternal life many years ago.
14:34 His blood is powerful.
14:37 It cleanses us from sin,
14:39 purifies us and makes us like brand new again.
14:43 Let's listen to Samara sing to us this beautiful hymn,
14:47 "Power in the Blood."
14:55 Would you be free from this burden of sin?
15:00 There's power in the blood, Power in the blood
15:06 Would you o'er evil the victory win?
15:11 There is wonderful power in the blood
15:16 There is power, power, wonder-working power
15:22 In the blood of the Lamb
15:27 There is power, power, wonder-working power
15:33 In the precious blood of the Lamb
15:39 There is power, power, wonder-working power
15:44 In the blood of the Lamb
15:50 There is power, power, wonder-working power
15:56 In the precious blood of the Lamb
16:02 In the precious blood of the Lamb
16:15 Someone once said,
16:16 by beholding, we become changed.
16:19 If we hang around friends that do bad things,
16:21 we can easily be influenced by them.
16:24 We should always make an effort to remember Jesus
16:27 to look at His face
16:28 and to trust Him to help us do what is right.
16:32 Jacob will sing to us this beautiful hymn called,
16:35 "Turn your eyes upon Jesus,"
16:37 and remember that when you do that,
16:39 His glory will shine through you
16:42 and you will be able to shine for Him.
16:55 Turn your eyes upon Jesus
17:02 Look full in His wonderful face
17:09 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
17:17 In the light of His glory and grace
17:56 Turn your eyes upon Jesus
18:03 Look full in His wonderful face
18:10 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
18:18 In the light of His glory and grace
18:30 There once was a man by the name of Fredrick Nolan,
18:33 who was being chased by his enemies.
18:35 Exhausted, he quickly ran and hid in the cave
18:38 and before his eyes,
18:40 a spider started to spin its web
18:42 across the entrance of the cave.
18:45 When his enemies came along, they saw that spider web
18:48 and thinking no one can possibly be inside,
18:51 they just passed right on by that cave.
18:53 Isn't that amazing?
18:54 God hid Fredrick from his enemies
18:56 and they couldn't hurt him.
18:59 Jesus is our hiding place and He will always protect us
19:03 and give us shelter in time of need.
19:05 Let's listen to Razelle sing to us,
19:07 "You are My Hiding Place."
19:21 You are my hiding place
19:27 You always fill my heart
19:32 With songs of deliverance
19:38 Whenever I am afraid I will trust in You
19:47 I will trust in You
19:52 Let the weak say I am strong
19:59 In the strength of my Lord
20:03 I will trust in You
20:09 I will trust in You
20:14 Let the weak say I am strong
20:20 In the strength of my Lord I will trust in You
20:35 Boys and girls, most of you will know this next hymn.
20:38 Did you realize that freedom does come with a price?
20:42 Unfortunately, someone usually has to die for it.
20:45 In fact, Jesus died for your freedom and mine
20:49 on the Cross many years ago.
20:51 His death guaranteed us freedom from sin forever.
20:55 Now, that's the ultimate freedom, isn't it?
20:58 Let's listen to Fire 'N' Steel play,
21:00 "Battle Hymn of the Republic,"
21:02 and thank God for the freedom we enjoy in our country today
21:06 and the freedom we have in Him.
26:13 Boys and girls,
26:15 hymns have the power to change the lives of those
26:18 that listen to them by bringing hope
26:20 and encouragement from the experiences
26:22 that other people had with God.
26:24 Even though hymns are old, don't give up on them.
26:27 They still hold the place in our worship
26:29 and God can still teach us new things through hymn.
26:34 Well, that's all the time we have today.
26:35 I hope you've enjoyed our hymns.
26:37 Remember, boys and girls, wherever you go,
26:40 it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2016-12-26