Kids' Time Praise

God's Perfect Plan

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000151A

00:02 Come join in singing
00:04 Join in praising
00:06 Let's all praise the Lord
00:08 We'll sing out loud
00:10 Our voice is raising
00:12 Let's all praise the Lord
00:15 Hallelujah
00:18 Hallelujah
00:22 We'll tell the world
00:23 How much we love Him
00:25 Let's all praise
00:27 Come on, let's all praise the Lord.
00:32 Hi, boys and girls,
00:34 I just love our Kids Time set, don't you?
00:36 I love the garden and the porch and the Kids Time mailbox.
00:41 It took a lot of planning
00:42 to make sure everything look just right.
00:45 A plan is always a good thing to have
00:47 before you start a project.
00:49 In fact, most construction projects
00:52 start with an idea and a blueprint.
00:54 A blueprint is a drawing
00:55 of what the building should look like.
00:57 In order to have success, it helps to have a plan.
01:01 And if you start with a perfect plan,
01:02 well, it just can't go wrong.
01:05 That's why you can trust Jesus
01:07 because His plan is always perfect.
01:10 He says to build on a firm foundation.
01:13 Just imagine what would happen
01:14 if you decided to build on something like marshmallows.
01:18 Well, the whole building would fall down, right?
01:20 If you want to build a good strong character,
01:23 you have to use Jesus as your foundation.
01:26 He'll make sure you never fall.
01:29 Right now, Thyeis is going to play on her steel pan,
01:32 "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less."
02:36 When Jesus was being baptized,
02:38 God sent the Holy Spirit down in the form of a dove.
02:42 The white dove is a gentle bird that represents purity.
02:45 God wanted to remind His children
02:47 that at baptism, we are cleansed from sin
02:49 and are filled with His peace.
02:52 Lenova is going to sing about God's sweet spirit
02:55 ascending on us in this song, "On the Wings of a Dove."
03:08 On the wings of a snow-white dove
03:12 He sends His pure sweet love
03:16 A sign from above
03:20 On the wings of a dove
03:24 When troubles surround us
03:28 When evils come
03:32 The body grows weak
03:36 The spirit grows numb
03:40 When these things beset us
03:45 He doesn't forget us
03:49 He sends us His love
03:53 On the wings of a dove
03:57 On the wings of a snow-white dove
04:01 He sends His pure sweet love
04:05 A sign from above
04:09 On the wings of a dove
04:13 When Noah had drifted
04:17 On the flood many days
04:21 He searched for land
04:25 In various ways
04:30 Troubles, he had some
04:33 But wasn't forgotten
04:37 He sent him His love
04:41 On the wings of a dove
04:46 On the wings of a snow-white dove
04:50 He sends His pure sweet love
04:54 A sign from above On the wings of a dove
05:00 On the wings of a dove.
05:07 When God does something awesome in your life,
05:10 there is no way you can keep it a secret.
05:12 One of the very best ways of witnessing to others
05:15 is to share what God has done for you personally
05:18 and Lonnie certainly agrees as he sings,
05:21 "It Is No Secret What God Can Do."
05:36 The chimes of time ring out the news
05:41 Another day is through
05:46 Some one slipped and fell
05:50 Was that someone you?
05:54 You may have longed for added strength
05:59 Your courage to renew
06:04 Do not be disheartened
06:07 For I have news for you
06:13 It is no secret
06:18 What God can do
06:23 What He has done for others
06:28 He'll do for you
06:32 With arms wide open
06:37 He'll pardon you
06:41 It is no secret
06:45 what God can do
06:50 It is no secret
06:57 what God can do
07:11 Have you ever been so excited to go some place
07:14 that you could just hardly wait to get there?
07:16 You spend days and days
07:18 planning all the fun things that you'll do,
07:21 and time just seems to drag on and on
07:24 like you are in slow motion.
07:28 Well, one place that I'm excited to go
07:30 is heaven,
07:31 and even though I don't know when that will happen,
07:34 I will live each day no matter what troubles I face
07:37 with joy and singing.
07:39 Sofia reminds us to be faithful in this song, "Until Then."
07:53 My heart can sing
07:57 when I pause to remember
08:03 A heartache here
08:06 Is but a stepping stone
08:12 Along the trail
08:15 That's winding always upward
08:21 This troubled world
08:24 Is not my final home
08:30 But until then
08:34 My heart will go on singing
08:40 Until then with joy
08:44 I'll carry on
08:48 Until the day
08:52 my eyes behold the city
08:57 Until the day
09:01 God calls me home
09:07 Until the day
09:12 God calls me home.
09:22 Have you ever noticed
09:23 that the devil seems to do everything again
09:25 to make life difficult?
09:27 But Jesus gives us all the tools we need
09:29 to make a difference
09:31 and to change the world around us.
09:33 His plan is for our life to be beautiful
09:35 regardless of what happens.
09:37 Think about the lily pads,
09:39 they begin their growth in the dirty sediment
09:42 at the bottom of a river,
09:43 but their stems reach straight up
09:45 to the very top of the water
09:47 where the lily pad grows and its flowers bloom.
09:50 That's the kind of life Jesus wants for you.
09:53 Listen as The Punches Family sing about God's plan for you
09:57 in this song, "Beautiful life."
10:12 Each day I'll do Each day I'll do
10:14 A golden deed A golden deed
10:16 By helping those By helping those
10:18 Who are in need Who are in need
10:21 My life on earth My life on earth
10:23 Is but a span Is but a span
10:25 And so I'll do And so I'll do
10:28 The best I can
10:30 Life's evening sun Life's evening sun
10:32 Is sinking low Is sinking low
10:35 A few more days A few more days
10:37 And I must go And I must go
10:39 To meet the deeds To meet the deeds
10:41 That I have done That I have done
10:44 Where there will be Where there will be
10:46 No setting sun
10:55 While going down While going down
10:57 Life's weary road Life's weary road
11:00 I'll try to lift I'll try to lift
11:02 Some trav'ler's load Some trav'ler's load
11:04 I'll try to turn I'll try to turn
11:06 The night to day The night to day
11:09 Make flowers bloom Make flowers bloom
11:11 Along the way
11:13 Life's evening sun Life's evening sun
11:16 Is sinking low Is sinking low
11:18 A few more days A few more days
11:20 And I must go And I must go
11:22 To meet the deeds To meet the deeds
11:25 That I have done That I have done
11:27 Where there will be Where there will be
11:29 No setting sun
11:38 To be a child To be a child
11:41 Of God each day Of God each day
11:43 My light must shine My light must shine
11:45 Along the way Along the way
11:48 I'll sing His praise I'll sing His praise
11:50 While the ages roll While the ages roll
11:52 And try to help And try to help
11:54 Some troubled soul
11:57 Life's evening sun Life's evening sun
11:59 Is sinking low Is sinking low
12:01 A few more days A few more days
12:04 And I must go And I must go
12:06 To meet the deeds To meet the deeds
12:08 That I have done That I have done
12:10 Where there will be Where there will be
12:13 No setting sun
12:15 Where there will be Where there will be
12:19 No setting
12:23 Sun
12:25 No setting sun
12:36 A woman by the name of Adelaide Pollard
12:38 wrote our next song.
12:40 She'd been planning to go to Africa as a missionary
12:42 but she just couldn't raise the money to go.
12:45 Feeling a little discouraged
12:46 she attended prayer meeting that week
12:48 and heard someone pray,
12:50 it really doesn't matter what you do with us, Lord,
12:53 just have Your own way with our lives.
12:56 Boys and girls, always remember
12:58 that God's plan is the best plan.
13:00 Lay all of your decisions at His feet.
13:03 Samara invites you to surrender to Him right now
13:06 as she sings, "Have Thine Own Way Lord."
13:20 Have Thine own way, Lord!
13:25 Have Thine own way!
13:30 Thou art the Potter
13:35 I am the clay
13:40 Mold me and make me
13:45 After Thy will
13:50 While I am waiting,
13:55 Yielded and still
14:37 Have Thine own way, Lord!
14:42 Have Thine own way!
14:47 Search me and try me
14:52 Master, today!
14:57 Whiter than snow, Lord
15:01 Wash me just now
15:06 While in Your presence
15:11 Humbly I bow
15:21 When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden,
15:24 Satan thought he had won but God wasted no time
15:28 in revealing His plan of salvation.
15:31 God's amazing grace covered Adam and Eve that day
15:34 and it continues to cover each one of us everyday.
15:37 Let's listen as Avery plays this wonderful hymn
15:40 on his saxophone, "Amazing Grace."
18:10 How fast do you think you can run?
18:13 The fasted man on earth
18:14 can run about 23 miles per hour.
18:17 Wow!
18:19 That's really fast for human, isn't it?
18:21 Now, imagine him running on a very sandy beach.
18:25 Do you think that would slow him down?
18:27 Oh, I'm sure it would a little, wouldn't it?
18:30 It's kind of hard to run fast on sand
18:32 because it's constantly shifting,
18:35 that's why you never see houses
18:37 being built in the middle of a desert.
18:39 Our next song talks about
18:41 the importance of building on a solid foundation.
18:44 The Kids Time Singers remind us not to build on a "Sandy Land."
18:54 Don't build your house on the sandy land
18:58 Don't build it too near the shore
19:00 Well, it might be kind of nice
19:02 But you'll have to build it twice
19:04 Oh, you'll have to build your house once more
19:07 You better build your house upon a rock
19:10 Make a good foundation on a solid spot
19:14 Oh, the storms may come and go
19:17 But the peace of God you will know
19:21 Don't build your house on the sandy land
19:24 Don't build it too near the shore
19:27 Well, it might be kind of nice
19:28 But you'll have to build it twice
19:30 Oh, you'll have to build your house once more
19:33 Well, it might be kind of nice
19:35 But you'll have to build it twice
19:37 Oh, you'll have to build your house once more.
19:43 Boys and girls, it was never in God's plan
19:46 for us to experience sadness, suffering or pain.
19:49 He is looking forward to the day
19:51 when sin will be destroyed forever
19:53 and I can't wait for that day, can you?
19:56 I am home sick for heaven.
19:58 Well, Alessandra is going to sing for us now
20:01 "On Jordon's Stormy Banks."
20:04 In Deuteronomy 3:25, we hear Moses asking God,
20:08 I pray thee and let me go see the good land
20:11 that is beyond Jordon.
20:17 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand
20:21 And cast a wishful eye
20:25 To Canaan's fair and happy land
20:29 Where my possessions lie
20:33 I am bound for the Promised Land
20:37 I am bound for the Promised Land
20:41 Oh, who will come and go with me?
20:45 I am bound for the Promised Land
20:49 Oh, who will come
20:52 And go with me?
20:59 I am bound
21:02 For the Promised
21:07 Land
21:13 Jesus gained the victory over sin on the cross.
21:17 Paul in Philippians 2 says that every knee will bow
21:21 and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
21:25 Yes, I did say every knee and every tongue.
21:29 What more reason do we need to praise His holy name?
21:32 Toni Ann will sing about that now in "Bless the Lord."
21:46 I will bless the Lord
21:50 Oh my soul
21:53 And all that is in me
21:57 Bless His
21:58 Holy name
22:06 I will bless the Lord
22:10 Oh my soul
22:12 And all that is in me
22:17 Bless His
22:18 Holy name
22:27 He has done great things
22:32 He has done
22:34 Great things
22:37 He has done great things
22:40 Bless His
22:42 Holy name
22:47 Bless the Lord
22:49 Oh my soul
22:51 And all that is in me
22:56 Bless His holy
23:02 His holy name.
23:12 All throughout history,
23:13 the world has known many different kings.
23:16 We read in the Bible
23:17 that there were both good kings and bad ones,
23:21 but there is one king who has ruled supreme
23:24 over everyone that has ever lived.
23:27 Do you know who it is?
23:29 Yes, Jesus is the King of kings.
23:32 Let's listen as Emily plays for us on her violin,
23:36 "Rejoice, the Lord is King."
25:55 God has a special plan for each and every one of us,
25:58 and His plan is always the best plan.
26:02 He loves us so much
26:03 and He wants us to be happy here on earth
26:06 but most of all,
26:07 He wants us to spend eternity with Him in heaven.
26:11 Boys and girls,
26:13 choose to follow God's plan for your life, won't you?
26:16 Well, that's all the time we have today.
26:18 Remember wherever you go, whatever you do,
26:20 it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2016-12-01