Kids' Time Praise

Walking with Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000148A

00:02 Come join in singing
00:04 Join in praising
00:06 Let's all praise the Lord
00:09 We'll sing out loud Our voice is raising
00:12 Let's all praise the Lord
00:15 Hallelujah Hallelujah
00:22 We'll tell the world How much we love Him
00:25 Let's all praise Come on, let's all praise the Lord
00:32 Hi, boys and girls,
00:34 do you know the story of Enoch?
00:35 Enoch had a very close friend that he liked to walk with.
00:39 Can you guess who that friend was?
00:40 You're right.
00:42 It was God.
00:43 Although Enoch didn't walk with God like
00:45 we would walk with a friend,
00:47 they did spend a lot of time together.
00:49 So when we walk with Jesus,
00:51 that just means we spend a lot of time with Him
00:54 getting to know Him better.
00:55 And when we walk with Him,
00:57 He promises to do great things for us.
01:00 Listen to Frankie as she sings the song
01:03 "I am a Promise".
01:10 I am a promise I am a possibility
01:14 I am a promise with a capital "P"
01:18 I am a great big bundle of potentiality
01:27 And I am learnin' to hear God's voice
01:32 And I am tryin' to make the right choice
01:36 'Cause I am a promise to be
01:39 Anything God wants me to be
01:45 I can go anywhere that He wants me to go
01:50 I can be anything that He wants me to be
01:54 I can climb the high mountains
01:57 I can cross the wide sea
01:59 I'm a great big promise you see!
02:02 I am a promise I am a possibility
02:08 I am a promise with a capital "P"
02:12 I am a great big bundle of potentiality
02:21 And I am learnin' to hear God's voice
02:25 And I am tryin' to make the right choice
02:30 'Cause I am a promise to be
02:33 Anything God wants me to be
02:41 I don't like rainy days, do you?
02:43 Sunny days just make me so much happier,
02:46 but as much as I don't like the rain,
02:48 I can still choose happiness
02:50 even when the clouds cover the entire sky.
02:54 And you know how that's possible,
02:56 because Jesus lives in my heart
02:58 and He is my heavenly sunshine.
03:01 Why don't you let His sunshine fill your heart too.
03:04 Listen as Mirielle sings "Heavenly Sunshine."
03:13 Heavenly sunshine, heavenly sunshine
03:17 Flooding my soul with glory divine
03:21 Heavenly sunshine, heavenly sunshine
03:25 Hallelujah! Jesus is mine
03:29 Heavenly sunshine, heavenly sunshine
03:32 Flooding my soul with glory divine
03:36 Heavenly sunshine, heavenly sunshine
03:40 Hallelujah! Jesus is mine
03:51 When I come home from the grocery store,
03:53 my grandsons like to help by carrying in
03:55 all the shopping bags into the house.
03:57 Sometimes they struggle to lift all those heavy bags at once.
04:01 Now, what if Jesus could carry all those groceries.
04:04 Well, He can do it
04:06 with one little finger without a problem.
04:08 Did you know that He doesn't want you to struggle,
04:11 and He doesn't want you to be sad or in pain.
04:14 Listen to the words of our next song
04:16 "On the Jericho Road,
04:18 by The Punches Family"
04:19 and you'll see just how much
04:21 Jesus wants to carry your burdens.
04:25 As you travel along
04:29 On the Jericho Road
04:33 Does the world seem all wrong
04:37 And heavy your load
04:41 Just bring it to Christ
04:46 Your sins all confess
04:50 On the Jericho Road
04:54 Your heart He will bless
04:58 On the Jericho Road On the Jericho Road
05:03 There's room for just two
05:05 There's room for just two
05:07 No more and no less No more and no less
05:12 Just Jesus and you Just Jesus and you
05:15 Each burden He'll bear Each burden He'll bear
05:20 Each sorrow He'll share Each sorrow He'll share
05:24 There's never a care There's never a care
05:28 For Jesus is there For Jesus is there
05:41 On the Jericho Road
05:45 Blind Bartimaeus sat
05:49 His life was a void
05:53 so empty and flat
05:58 But Jesus appeared
06:02 one word brought him sight
06:06 On the Jericho Road
06:10 Christ banished his night
06:15 On the Jericho Road On the Jericho Road
06:19 There's room for just two There's room for just two
06:23 No more and no less No more and no less
06:28 Just Jesus and you Just Jesus and you
06:32 Each burden He'll bear Each burden He'll bear
06:36 Each sorrow He'll share Each sorrow He'll share
06:40 There's never a care There's never a care
06:44 For Jesus is there For Jesus is there
06:57 Oh, brother, to you
06:59 Oh, brother, oh brother to you
07:01 This message I bring This message I bring
07:06 Though hope may be gone Though hope may be gone
07:10 He'll cause you to sing He'll cause you to sing
07:14 At Jesus' command At Jesus' command
07:18 Sins shackles must fall Sins shackles must fall
07:22 On the Jericho Road On the Jericho Road
07:26 You will answer His call You will answer His call
07:31 On the Jericho Road On the Jericho Road
07:35 There's room for just two There's room for just two
07:39 No more and no less No more and no less
07:44 Just Jesus and you Just Jesus and you
07:48 Each burden He'll bear Each burden He'll bear
07:52 Each sorrow He'll share Each sorrow He'll share
07:56 There's never a care There's never a care
08:00 For Jesus is there For Jesus is there
08:05 There's never a care There's never a care
08:12 For Jesus is there
08:16 For Jesus is there
08:30 Just imagine being in the dark where there is no light,
08:33 you can't even see your hand in front of your face.
08:35 You don't know where to go
08:36 because everywhere you look is just black.
08:40 And then suddenly a lighted path appears,
08:43 what a relief.
08:45 The Bible is like that light in path.
08:47 Let's listen to Lenova sing, "Thy Word."
08:52 Psalms 119:105 says,
08:55 "Thy Word, " is a lamp unto my feet
08:59 and a light unto my path.
09:03 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
09:08 And a light unto my path
09:15 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
09:20 And a light unto my path
09:27 When I feel afraid
09:30 And think I've lost my way
09:32 Still, you're there right beside me
09:38 Nothing will I fear
09:41 As long as you are near
09:44 Please be near me to the end
09:53 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
09:58 And a light unto my path
10:05 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
10:10 And a light unto my path
10:16 And I will not forget Your love for me and yet
10:22 My heart forever is wandering
10:28 So Jesus by my guide
10:31 And hold me to your side
10:34 And I will love you to the end
10:43 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
10:48 And a light unto my path
10:55 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
11:00 And a light unto my path
11:06 You're the light
11:10 unto my path
11:21 If you ever had to ride a long distance in a car,
11:24 then you know all about road construction delays, don't you?
11:28 Well, I do travel long distances in my car
11:30 and sometimes those delays can be really annoying.
11:35 When I'm in a hurry,
11:36 I just don't want to be slowed down.
11:38 The difference between me and God is that
11:41 He never gets in a hurry.
11:43 Let's listen to Jacob as he sings all about
11:46 God's perfect timing in this song,
11:49 "In His time."
12:00 In His time
12:04 In His Time
12:09 He makes all things beautiful
12:12 in His time
12:17 Lord please show me every day
12:21 As You're teaching me Your way
12:25 That You do just what You say
12:28 In Your time
13:06 In Your time
13:10 In Your Time
13:14 You make all things beautiful
13:18 in Your time
13:22 Lord my life to You I bring
13:26 May each song I have to sing
13:30 Be to you a lovely thing
13:34 In Your time
13:45 Have you ever had to set a trap?
13:47 One very effective way to trap something is to dig a pit.
13:51 Remember when Joseph's brother threw him into a pit,
13:54 did you know that sin is like a pit
13:57 that the devil uses just to trap people.
13:59 I'm so thankful that Jesus love can deliver us from sin.
14:04 Listen as the Girls of Mercy sing to us
14:06 this really special song in their Malawi Language,
14:09 "He lifted me."
16:07 When it comes to a sporting event
16:08 or just a simple board game,
16:11 there are winners and there are losers.
16:13 Not everyone that plays a game can be the best all the time.
16:16 If you want true and lasting victory,
16:19 turn to Jesus.
16:21 He promises victory each and every time.
16:24 Let's listen to Samara sing for us
16:26 this powerful song and one of my very favorites,
16:29 it's called "Victory is Mine,"
16:31 because in Jesus we always have the victory.
16:43 Victory is mine
16:47 Victory is mine
16:50 Victory today is mine
16:57 I told Satan get thee behind
17:04 Victory today is mine
17:11 Victory is mine
17:15 Victory is mine
17:18 Victory today is mine
17:25 I told Satan get thee behind
17:32 Victory today is mine
17:39 Victory is mine
17:43 Victory is mine
17:47 Victory today is mine
17:54 I told Satan get thee behind
18:01 Victory today is mine
18:09 Victory today is mine
18:21 I'd like you to think
18:22 for a moment about your best friend.
18:24 Did you start off being best friends, probably not?
18:28 Friendship grows by spending time with someone.
18:31 The more time you spend together,
18:33 the more you learn about each other
18:35 and the closer you become.
18:37 The same goes for Jesus.
18:39 If you spend time with Him daily,
18:41 talking to Him in prayer,
18:42 studying your Bible and sharing Him with others,
18:45 then you can't help
18:46 but become the very best of friends.
18:49 Let's listen now
18:50 as the Kids Time Singers sing for us
18:52 a beautiful chorus called, "Everyday with Jesus."
19:04 Every day with Jesus Is sweeter than the day before
19:10 Every day with Jesus
19:13 I love Him more and more
19:16 Jesus saves and keeps me
19:19 And He's the one I'm waiting for
19:22 Every day with Jesus
19:25 Is sweeter than the day before
19:29 Every day with Jesus
19:31 Is sweeter than the day before
19:35 Every day with Jesus I love Him more and more
19:41 Jesus saves and keeps me
19:44 And He's the one I'm waiting for
19:47 Every day with Jesus
19:50 Is sweeter than the day before
19:57 If you're having a bad day and everything is going wrong,
20:00 share your troubles with Jesus.
20:03 He is your best friend
20:05 and nothing is as bad as it seems
20:07 if you have a friend that's willing to help you, is it?
20:10 Listen now as Avery plays on a saxophone,
20:13 "Just a Closer Walk with Thee."
23:18 Back in Bible times,
23:19 heavy chains and shackles were used
23:21 to hold a prisoner up against a wall.
23:23 Now, most of the time the chains were so short
23:27 that a prisoner couldn't even sit down.
23:29 And if they could, it wasn't very comfortable.
23:32 Their ankles and wrists became so sore,
23:35 and the only time they slept was out of pure exhaustion.
23:40 The cares of this life can sometimes feel like a prison.
23:43 But Jesus has come to set us free
23:46 and that's good news.
23:48 I invite you to think about the words in this song
23:51 as The Varley Trio sings,
23:54 "Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone."
24:00 The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 12:9,
24:03 "And the Lord said to them, My grace is sufficient,
24:07 it is made perfect by weakness."
24:15 Amazing grace
24:18 How sweet the sound
24:21 That saved a wretch like me
24:28 I once was lost, but now I'm found
24:34 Was blind, but now I see
24:40 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
24:46 And grace my fears relieved
24:52 How precious did that grace appear
24:58 The hour I first believed
25:04 My chains are gone I've been set free
25:10 My God, my Savior has ransomed me
25:16 And like a flood His mercy reigns
25:22 Unending love, amazing grace
25:28 My chains are gone I've been set free
25:34 My God my Savior has ransomed me
25:40 And like a flood His mercy reigns
25:47 Unending love, amazing grace
25:53 Unending love, amazing grace
26:08 Boys and girls,
26:09 I want you to remember that
26:10 Jesus is always by your side.
26:12 No matter what, He will always be there.
26:15 You may get tired of walking
26:17 but He never will get tired of walking with you.
26:20 When you feel overcome with worry
26:22 or fear or exhaustion,
26:24 just let God carry you.
26:26 Never give up
26:27 because God has great plans for you
26:30 to give you a future and a hope.
26:32 So just keep walking with Jesus.
26:35 Well, that's all the time today,
26:36 so until next time, remember, boys and girls,
26:38 it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2016-11-17