Kids' Time Praise

Only a Prayer Away

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000147A

00:02 Come join in singing Join in praising
00:06 Let's all praise the Lord
00:09 We'll sing out loud Our voice is raising
00:12 Let's all praise the Lord
00:15 Hallelujah Hallelujah
00:22 We'll tell the world How much we love Him
00:25 Let's all praise
00:27 Come on, let's all praise the Lord
00:32 Hi, boys and girls,
00:34 is there someone that you talked to everyday,
00:37 maybe it's a friend at school or a family member
00:39 that you call on the phone.
00:41 Did you know that
00:42 there is a direct line to Jesus too.
00:45 Yes, and it's called prayer.
00:47 It's a line that is never busy
00:49 and it's a bill that you'll never have to pay.
00:53 When you want to spend some time with God in prayer,
00:57 do you go to a noisy place or do you go to a quiet place.
01:01 The time we spend talking to
01:03 and listening to Jesus is definitely special.
01:06 It takes you away from all the noise
01:08 and all the cares of this world
01:10 so that we can hear God's voice more clearly.
01:14 Samara is going to sing about that
01:16 right now in this beautiful song
01:18 "Sweet Hour of Prayer."
01:31 Sweet hour of prayer!
01:37 Sweet hour of prayer!
01:42 That calls me from
01:46 A world of care
01:51 And bids me at
01:56 My Father's throne
02:01 Make all my wants
02:06 And wishes known
02:12 Sweet hour of prayer!
02:17 Sweet hour of prayer!
02:22 That calls me from
02:27 A world of care
02:31 And bids me at
02:36 My Father's throne
02:40 Make all my wants
02:46 And wishes known
02:57 Did you know that the name of Jesus is a powerful name?
03:01 In fact, there is no other name like it.
03:04 In the name of Jesus many miracles took place.
03:07 The dead were raised to life and the sick were made well.
03:10 The blind could see, the deaf could hear
03:13 and the lame could walk again,
03:15 just the mention of his name brings calm to any storm
03:19 by the powerful yet peaceful name of sweet Jesus.
03:24 Jacob is ready to sing that favorite chorus for us now,
03:27 "Sweet Jesus."
03:34 Sweet Jesus, Sweet Jesus
03:38 What a wonder you are
03:41 You're brighter than the morning star
03:47 You're fairer, much fairer Than the lily
03:52 That grows by the wayside
03:54 Precious, more precious than gold
04:00 I'll live for Jesus Day after day
04:06 I'll live for Jesus Then come what may
04:12 The Holy Spirit I will obey
04:18 I'll live for Jesus Day after day
04:30 The only one who is worthy of our praise
04:33 and adoration is Jesus and only Jesus.
04:38 When we surrender our lives to Him by saying,
04:41 Jesus, please come into my heart
04:43 and use me according to Your will,
04:45 He will come and dwell in your heart
04:47 and make something absolutely beautiful in our lives.
04:51 Fire 'N' Steel are group of students
04:53 from Walker Memorial Academy
04:55 directed by Mr. Leonard Cann
04:57 are going to play for us on their steel pans
05:00 the chorus "Father, I Adore You."
06:59 Don't let a day go by without talking to God.
07:03 Satan throws temptations at us all the time.
07:06 He never stops.
07:08 Maybe he is trying to get you to tell a little lie
07:10 or be mean to someone
07:12 or disobey your parents
07:14 or just maybe have a bad thought.
07:16 That's why we need the help of Jesus
07:19 all the time every hour of every day
07:22 to help us fight these temptations,
07:24 so that we can have victory in Jesus.
07:29 Without Him we can't fight these battles alone
07:31 or we will lose miserably.
07:34 Maia song reminds me that "I Need Thee Every Hour,
07:39 " don't you?
07:50 I need thee ev'ry hour
07:54 Most gracious Lord
07:58 No tender voice like thine
08:02 Can peace afford
08:06 I need thee, oh, I need thee
08:12 Ev'ry hour I need thee!
08:16 Oh, bless me now, my Savior
08:20 I come to thee!
08:26 I need thee ev'ry hour
08:31 Stay thou nearby
08:35 Temptations lose their pow'r
08:39 When thou art nigh
08:44 I need thee, oh, I need thee
08:49 Ev'ry hour I need thee!
08:52 Oh, bless me now, my Savior
08:56 I come to thee!
09:01 I need thee, oh, I need thee
09:06 Ev'ry hour I need thee!
09:10 Oh, bless me now, my Savior
09:14 I come to thee!
09:24 Did you know that Jesus especially loves children?
09:29 He does, and in fact He told His disciples
09:31 to let the children come close to Him
09:34 because He loves you all so much.
09:37 He loves to hear your prayers too.
09:40 Jesus is always willing and eager to hear your prayers
09:42 and answer them according to His will.
09:46 As Geoff plays
09:47 "Children's Prayer" on his trumpet,
09:49 why don't you say
09:51 your very own special prayer to Jesus right now?
11:15 God's perfect timing is just that perfect
11:19 even when it looks like all hope is lost.
11:22 Do you remember the story of Lazarus?
11:25 When he was sick, his sisters Mary and Martha,
11:27 they called for Jesus to come and heal him,
11:30 but Jesus just took His own sweet time
11:33 and when He arrived
11:35 Lazarus had been dead for four days,
11:37 but Jesus knew exactly
11:39 what He was doing when He resurrected Lazarus.
11:42 What an amazing story of God's perfect timing.
11:46 He may not answer our prayers
11:48 when we want but He is always on time.
11:51 Chyrane is now going to sing about our "On Time God."
11:57 "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills,
12:00 from whence cometh my help.
12:02 For my help cometh from the Lord,
12:04 who made heaven and earth."
12:06 Psalm 121:1.
12:09 He's an on time God
12:12 Yes, He is Oh, oh, oh!
12:15 On time God Yes, He is
12:20 Job said, He may not come
12:22 when you want Him
12:24 But He'll be there right on time I tell you
12:27 He's an on time God Yes, He is
12:32 You can ask the children of Israel
12:35 Trapped at the Red Sea
12:38 By that mean ole' pharaoh, and his army
12:43 They had water all around them
12:46 And pharaoh at their back
12:49 And from out of nowhere God stepped in
12:51 and put a highway just like that
12:53 Let me tell you He's an on time God
12:57 Yes, He is Oh, oh, oh!
13:00 On time God Yes, He is
13:04 Job said, He may not come when you want Him
13:08 But He'll be there right on time
13:10 I tell you, He's an on time God
13:13 He's an on time God
13:16 He's an on time God
13:21 Yes, He is
13:23 In Matthew 7:7 we're told to ask
13:27 and it will be given to us.
13:28 Seek and we'll find.
13:30 Knock and the door will be opened.
13:33 All we need to do is ask according to His will.
13:36 And you can pray to Jesus anytime anywhere.
13:40 Anjali is going to sing for us "Only a Prayer Away."
13:52 There are those times when nothing goes right
13:57 It feels like everything is wrong
14:02 But I will hold on to you I promise
14:06 'Cause I know you God will see me through
14:10 It's a good thing that yay, yay
14:13 You're only a prayer away yay
14:15 I just called your name
14:18 You will be right there Be right there for me
14:23 Just one thing I know
14:26 You are in control
14:29 I can count on you Count on you always
14:35 Always
14:37 Always
14:43 There are those times when nothing goes right
14:48 It feels like everything is wrong
14:53 But I will hold on to you I promise
14:57 'Cause I know you God will see me through
15:02 It's a good thing that yay, yay
15:05 You're only a prayer away yay
15:07 I just called your name
15:10 You will be right there Be right there for me
15:15 Just one thing I know
15:18 You are in control
15:20 I can count on you Count on you always
15:26 Always
15:29 Always
15:37 In the Book of Acts
15:39 we read that Paul and Silas were thrown into prison
15:42 because they were preaching about Jesus.
15:45 And do you think they grumbled
15:46 and complained about what had happened to them.
15:48 No.
15:50 The Bible tells us
15:51 that they prayed and sang praises to Jesus.
15:54 And God delivered them that night from prison.
15:58 God can answer prayers in the worst situations
16:01 just like He did for Paul and Silas.
16:04 Let's listen to the Punches Family sing about
16:06 answered prayers from the Bible as they sing
16:10 "Prayer Bells in Heaven."
16:31 Prayer bells in heaven O how sweetly they ring
16:35 Bearing our message unto Jesus our King
16:39 When you are burdened down with troubles and care
16:43 Ring on, and on, for God will answer your prayer
16:49 While we are living in this world of care
16:53 Many the burdens that we have to bear
16:57 But there's a prayer bell at the Lord's right hand
17:01 Give it a ring and He will understand
17:05 Prayer bells in heaven O how sweetly they ring
17:09 Bearing our message unto Jesus our King
17:13 When you are burdened down with troubles and care
17:17 Ring on, and on, for God will answer your prayer
17:39 Three Hebrew children to the fires were thrown
17:43 Because a mortal king they would not own
17:47 Jesus delivered and the king then saw
17:51 Prayer bells of heaven beat a man-made law
17:55 Prayer bells in heaven O how sweetly they ring
17:59 Bearing our message unto Jesus our King
18:03 When you are burdened down with troubles and care
18:07 Ring on, and on, for God will answer your prayer
18:30 When Paul and Silas they were thrown in jail
18:33 They did not worry who would go their bail
18:37 But on the prayer bells they began to ring
18:41 Off fell the stocks and they began to sing
18:46 Prayer bells in heaven O how sweetly they ring
18:49 Bearing our message unto Jesus our King
18:53 When you are burdened down with troubles and care
18:57 Ring on, and on, for God will answer your prayer
19:20 Into the garden Jesus went to pray
19:23 Until His sweat became as blood, they say
19:27 Ringing the prayer bells there in agony
19:31 Bringing salvation that we might be free
19:36 Prayer bells in heaven O how sweetly they ring
19:39 Bearing our message unto Jesus our King
19:43 When you are burdened down with troubles and care
19:47 Ring on, and on, for God will answer your prayer
19:52 Ring on, and on, for God will answer your prayer
20:02 How many of you can play a guitar?
20:04 I know, I wish, I could.
20:06 And if you can,
20:07 do you play during family worship
20:08 or at church or summer camp.
20:11 You can praise Jesus on any instrument.
20:14 Classical music especially on the guitar is so beautiful
20:18 and it takes a lot of skill.
20:20 Let's listen as Tristan plays
20:21 the spiritual classical piece on his guitar.
22:08 It seems we are living in the now generation.
22:12 We want what we want and we want it now.
22:15 But we need to learn to have more patience.
22:18 Our faith in God is made stronger
22:20 during those waiting times
22:21 when God is teaching us to trust Him in all things.
22:25 The Kids Time Singers are going to sing
22:27 "In His Time."
22:39 In His Time
22:44 In His time
22:47 He makes all things beautiful
22:52 in His time
22:56 Lord, please show me everyday
22:59 As You're teaching me Your way
23:04 That You do just what You say
23:08 in Your time
23:12 In Your time
23:16 in Your time
23:20 You make all things beautiful,
23:24 in Your time
23:28 Lord, my life to You I bring
23:32 May each song I have to sing
23:36 Be to You a lovely thing
23:41 in Your time
23:48 When you pray to God, do you remember to praise Him
23:51 and thank Him for all the things
23:53 that He's done for you.
23:54 After all He is our strength when we are weak,
23:57 our comfort when we are sad,
23:59 our helper in time of need and so much more
24:02 which is why we're to worship
24:04 the one true God of heaven and earth and no other being.
24:08 He is our all in all.
24:11 Let's sing as Varley Trio sings
24:13 "You Are My All In All."
24:18 The Bible says in Psalms 118:14,
24:22 "The Lord is my strength, He is my song,
24:25 He has become my salvation."
24:35 You are my strength when I am weak
24:39 You are the treasure that I seek
24:43 You are my all in all
24:50 Seeking You as a precious jewel
24:54 Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
24:58 You are my all in all
25:05 Jesus, Lamb of God
25:12 Worthy is Your name
25:20 Jesus, Lamb of God
25:27 Worthy is Your name
25:35 Jesus, Lamb of God
25:43 Worthy is Your name
25:50 Jesus, Lamb of God
25:57 Worthy is Your name
26:05 Worthy is Your name
26:17 Boys and girls, never forget that
26:19 you can talk to God whenever and wherever you are.
26:23 Whether it's thanking Him, praising Him,
26:25 or pouring out all of your problems to Him,
26:28 He will listen to it all and He is only a prayer away.
26:32 Well, that's all the time we have today.
26:34 I'm so glad you joined us
26:36 and remember wherever you go, whatever you do,
26:40 it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2016-11-17