Kids' Time Praise

Praise & Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000140A

00:02 Come join in singing
00:04 Join in praising
00:06 Let's all praise the Lord
00:09 We'll sing out loud
00:10 Our voice is raising
00:12 Let's all praise the Lord
00:15 Hallelujah
00:18 Hallelujah
00:22 We'll tell the world
00:23 How much we love Him
00:25 Let's all praise
00:27 Come on, let's all praise the Lord.
00:32 Hi, boys and girls.
00:34 God's word, the Holy Bible tells us
00:36 that we're only to worship the one true God
00:40 that created the heavens and the earth.
00:42 One of the ways we worship our great mighty God
00:45 is by keeping the Sabbath day holy.
00:47 God put aside one special day just for worship.
00:51 Of course, we worship Him everyday of our lives
00:54 through prayer and praise
00:56 but the fourth commandment tells us
00:58 to keep the Sabbath day holy.
01:01 He's given us this day to take a break and just rest,
01:04 to help us build an extra special relationship with Him.
01:08 The Cadet Sisters will now sing, "Sabbath Rest."
01:20 We set our work aside
01:23 We leave our cares behind
01:27 On this day of Sabbath rest
01:34 On this Your holy day
01:37 We come to give You praise
01:41 On this day of Sabbath rest
01:47 Sabbath rest
01:51 Holy rest
01:55 On the day He set aside
01:58 Hallowed, blessed and sanctified
02:01 Sabbath rest
02:05 Holy rest
02:09 Out of all the week the best
02:12 We have come to be blessed
02:16 One this day of Sabbath rest
02:22 Sabbath rest
02:26 Holy rest
02:30 On the day He set aside
02:33 Hallowed, blessed and sanctified
02:36 Sabbath rest
02:40 Holy rest
02:44 Holy rest Out of all the week the best
02:48 We have come to be blessed
02:51 One this day
02:53 Of Sabbath rest
03:02 One of the best ways to praise Jesus
03:04 is to share Him with others.
03:06 Like this next song says,
03:08 tell of His excellent greatness,
03:11 so tell love is about the wonderful things
03:13 He's done for you,
03:14 and then tell them about God's love for them.
03:17 Think about all the things you can praise God for,
03:20 as Kenneth plays this next song on his violin,
03:23 "Praise Him, Praise Him."
05:06 Jesus knew that we would live in a fast pace world
05:09 and He knew our busy lives would make us tired,
05:12 so He gave us the Sabbath day as a special gift.
05:16 He wanted us to have some time where we could relax
05:19 and not worry about all the things we have to do,
05:22 like homework or chores or practices,
05:25 and instead He just ask us to simply worship Him.
05:30 Mirielle wants to honor God
05:32 as she sings this beautiful song
05:34 written by Danny Shelton, "On This Your Sabbath Day."
05:52 We've come to worship You
05:58 On this Your Holy day
06:04 We feel You near You presence ordain
06:10 On this Your Sabbath day
06:16 We rest in You today
06:21 We honor Your command
06:27 We find such peace when our work we cease
06:33 On this Your Sabbath day
06:39 You sanctify Your day
06:45 You blessed and hallowed it
06:51 Six days to work the seventh to rest
06:57 On this Your Sabbath day
07:02 Exodus 20:8-11 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy
07:08 Six days you shall labor, and do all your work
07:11 But the seventh day is the Sabbath
07:13 of the Lord your God
07:14 In it you shall do no work You, nor your son,
07:17 nor your daughter Your male servant,
07:19 nor your female servant Nor your cattle,
07:21 nor the stranger Who is within your gates
07:23 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and earth,
07:27 the sea, and all that is in them
07:29 And rested the seventh day
07:31 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
07:33 and hallowed it."
07:38 Creator, Lord our God
07:43 We give our hearts to you
07:49 Please fill us now We humbly bow
07:55 On this Your Sabbath day
08:01 Please fill us now
08:04 We humbly bow
08:09 On this
08:11 Your Sabbath day.
08:26 Have you ever seen someone cut down the tree
08:28 and then heard them yell, "timber!"
08:33 Well that word is a signal to get out of the way,
08:35 a tree is coming down.
08:37 I'm always thankful
08:39 when someone saves me from being hurt, aren't you?
08:41 And what better way to praise Jesus
08:44 then to thank Him for saving us.
08:47 Listen to all the ways He has saved you
08:49 as Sam sings "Amazing Grace."
08:54 Amazing Grace
09:01 How sweet
09:08 The sound
09:13 That saved
09:17 A wretch
09:21 Like me
09:30 I once was lost
09:37 But now I'm found
09:44 Was blind
09:48 But now
09:50 I see.
09:57 There's a funny story in the Bible that takes place
10:00 when the Philistine army attacked Israel
10:02 and captured the ark of God.
10:04 They brought the ark back to their country
10:07 and put it in the temple of one of their gods.
10:10 You see the Philistines didn't worship the one true God.
10:13 They worshiped idols, and in this temple,
10:16 there was a great big statue of Dagon.
10:20 Well, when they got up in the morning
10:22 and went to the temple,
10:23 that statue of Dagon had fallen on its face,
10:27 right before the ark of God.
10:29 So they set 'em up straight and the next morning,
10:33 there it was again on the ground
10:35 but this time he was broken in pieces.
10:39 You see, even the false gods of the Philistines
10:42 bowed before the true God.
10:45 How much more should we bow before him?
10:49 Anjali will sing to us about worshiping our creator God
10:53 in this song, "We Bow Down."
11:04 You are Lord of creation
11:06 And Lord of my life
11:08 Lord of the land and the sea
11:11 You were Lord of the heavens
11:14 Before there was time
11:16 Lord of all Lords You will be
11:19 We bow down and we worship you, Lord
11:23 We bow down and we worship you, Lord
11:26 We bow down and we worship you, Lord
11:31 Lord of all Lords You will be
11:34 We bow down and we worship you, Lord
11:38 We bow down and we worship you, Lord
11:41 We bow down and we worship you, Lord
11:46 Lord of all Lords You will be
11:56 You are King of creation
11:58 And King of my life
12:01 King of the land and the sea
12:04 You were King of the heavens
12:06 Before there was time
12:08 King of all kings you will be
12:12 We bow down and we crown you the King
12:15 We bow down and we crown you the King
12:19 We bow down and we crown you the King
12:23 King of all kings you will be
12:27 We bow down and we worship you, Lord
12:30 We bow down and we worship you, Lord
12:34 We bow down and we worship you, Lord
12:38 Lord of all Lords You will be
12:42 Lord of all Lords You will be.
12:52 I think you'll agree with me when I say, "God is good."
12:57 But just how good is He?
12:59 One day a man ran up to Jesus and called Him "Good Teacher,"
13:03 and Jesus replied, "Why do you call me good?"
13:07 No one is good except God alone.
13:10 I think that's a goodness
13:12 that we really won't understand until we get to heaven.
13:16 But let's join The Adventist Children's Chorus now
13:19 as they sing, "God is so good."
13:29 God is so good
13:34 God is so good
13:39 God is so good
13:42 He's so good to me!
13:49 He answers prayer
13:54 He answers prayer
13:58 He answers prayer
14:02 He's so good to me!
14:08 He's coming soon
14:13 He's coming soon
14:18 He's coming soon
14:22 He's so good to me!
14:32 Have you ever heard someone exalt
14:34 or lift up a celebrity or someone who's really famous?
14:37 You know these people are only human
14:39 and they make mistakes and need Jesus too.
14:42 That's why the only person we should exalt is Jesus.
14:46 He came down from heaven to this earth
14:48 to show us how to live
14:49 and He paid our debt of sin by dying on the cross.
14:53 Isn't that awesome?
14:55 No celebrity has ever done that for anyone, have they?
14:58 And that's why only God's name is worthy to be exalted.
15:02 Samara wants to uplift the name of Jesus
15:04 as she sings, "Lord, I lift your name on high."
15:15 Lord I lift your name on high
15:20 Lord I love to sing Your praises
15:25 I'm so glad You're in my life
15:30 I'm so glad You came to save us
15:34 You came from heaven to earth
15:37 To show the way
15:40 From the earth to the cross
15:42 My debt to pay
15:45 From the cross to the grave
15:47 From the grave to the sky
15:50 Lord, I lift Your name on high
15:57 Lord, I lift Your name on high
16:02 Lord, I love to sing Your praises
16:07 I'm so glad You are in my life
16:12 I'm so glad You came to save us
16:17 You came from heaven to earth
16:20 To show the way
16:22 From the earth to the cross
16:25 My debt to pay
16:27 From the cross to the grave
16:30 From the grave to the sky
16:32 Lord, I lift Your name on high
16:37 Lord, I lift Your name on high
16:42 Lord, I lift Your name on high.
16:51 For many years scientists have been trying to create life
16:54 and although some scientists were successful
16:57 in creating a bacteria,
16:59 they still had to use something that God created to do it.
17:02 No man has ever created life from nothing.
17:06 Only God can do that.
17:08 He can create just by thinking of it,
17:11 isn't that an awesome thought?
17:13 He created every living thing in our world.
17:16 Let's listen as Geoff plays on his trumpet
17:18 this beautiful song, "This Is My Father's World."
18:55 Can you think of some titles
18:57 that are often used for royalty?
18:59 How about Your Royal Highness?
19:01 Have you heard that one?
19:03 That's something you would say to a prince or princess
19:05 who is second in command.
19:07 But what if you're speaking to the king or queen?
19:10 "Your majesty" would be the proper thing to say
19:13 because "majesty" is a title used for the first in command,
19:17 the ruler, and because Jesus is our king,
19:20 ruler of the whole universe,
19:22 He deserve to be called majesty more than any other.
19:26 Let's worship in song with Rael
19:28 as she signs this chorus "Majesty."
19:40 Majesty
19:46 Worship His majesty
19:51 Unto Jesus
19:55 Be all glory, honor and praise
20:02 Majesty
20:07 Kingdom authority
20:13 Flows from His throne
20:16 Unto His own
20:18 His anthem raise
20:23 So exalt, lift up on high
20:28 The name of Jesus
20:33 Magnify, come glorify
20:37 Christ Jesus the King
20:42 Majesty
20:47 Worship His majesty
20:54 Jesus who died, now glorified
21:00 King of all kings
21:05 Jesus who died, now glorified
21:10 King of all kings.
21:19 A search for nature images on the internet
21:22 comes up with page after page of gorgeous photographs
21:25 from all around the world.
21:27 Everywhere you look in nature, there's beauty.
21:30 I think you'll like the words for our next song,
21:32 "For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies,
21:36 Lord of all, to thee we raise
21:39 this our hymn of grateful praise."
21:42 Fire 'N' Steel are ready to praise God
21:44 on their steel pans as they play,
21:46 "For the Beauty of the Earth."
23:39 Even though you can't see God,
23:42 He is always with you.
23:44 When you invite Him into your heart,
23:46 He will accept your invitation and come and live there.
23:50 That means that you're always in God's presence.
23:54 Isn't that a wonderful thought?
23:55 And being in God's presence is pretty important
23:58 to having a happy life, isn't it?
24:01 Well Franky will sing now this wonderful song,
24:04 "In Your Presence."
24:15 In the quiet of this hour
24:21 As I kneel before You now
24:28 I believe Your promise
24:34 To be faithful
24:40 I can't always understand
24:46 What Your perfect will demands
24:52 But I've learned to trust You, Lord
24:57 In Your presence, Lord
25:04 In Your presence
25:10 There is comfort
25:16 In your presence
25:22 There is peace
25:29 When we seek to know his heart
25:35 We will find such blessed assurance
25:41 In your holy presence.
25:49 Lord.
25:56 Boys and girls, I want to encourage you
25:58 to daily spend time praising and worshiping God.
26:02 Open your Bible, and read God's holy word.
26:05 Now, you don't have to wait
26:07 to be in a special place like church
26:09 or kneeling beside your bed.
26:11 If God lives in your heart, think about it,
26:13 you can praise and worship Him anytime, anywhere.
26:16 Jesus has done so much for us,
26:19 and He deserves our worship and our praise.
26:23 And when we do, it makes Him so happy.
26:25 Boys and girls, Jesus loves you so much,
26:28 He can't imagine heaven without you.
26:32 Well, that's all the time we have for today.
26:34 Just remember that anytime, anywhere
26:37 it's Kids' Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2016-09-13