Kids' Time Praise


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000137

00:02 Praise Him, Praise Him All ye little children
00:06 God is love, God is love Praise Him, Praise Him
00:12 All ye little children God is love, God is love
00:23 Hi, boys and girls.
00:24 Over 150 years ago there were some men
00:27 who were looking for gold,
00:29 during what was known
00:30 as the gold rush in the Wild West.
00:33 They'd been penning for gold in the river
00:34 with no success
00:36 when suddenly one of the men found a strange rock
00:40 and when he broke it open, it was gold.
00:42 There were several of these rocks
00:44 and the men became very excited, they would be rich.
00:47 They decided to go back to town to get more supplies,
00:50 but agreed they wouldn't tell anyone about the gold.
00:54 As they were getting ready to head back
00:56 to their secret place of the river
00:58 they saw that all the men in the town
01:00 were getting ready to follow them.
01:03 All right one man said, "Who spilled the beans?"
01:07 No one told that you found gold the townsmen said
01:10 we could see it on your faces.
01:13 When you belong to Jesus, there is no mistaking it,
01:16 every one can see how happy you're and they know
01:19 there is something different about you.
01:21 Jessica's song, "Less of Me"
01:23 is about being a humble witness for Jesus.
01:33 Let me be a little kinder Let me be a little blinder
01:42 To the thoughts of those around me
01:46 Let me praise a little more
01:52 Let me dream when I am weary
01:56 Just a little bit more cheery Think a little more of others
02:05 And a little less of me
02:11 Let me dream when I am weary Just a little bit more cheery
02:20 Let me serve a little better Those that I am strivin' for
02:30 Let me be a little meeker With the brother that is weaker
02:39 Let me think more of my neighbor And a little less of me
02:50 Showing Jesus' love to others isn't about you,
02:53 it's about Jesus.
02:55 When Jesus is in your heart,
02:57 you don't have to struggle to witness for Him.
02:59 You just let Him shine through you
03:01 and others will see Jesus in your smile.
03:04 Gaga is going to play, "Let the World Know"
03:06 with Jesus in your heart
03:08 telling others about Him is easy.
03:13 (music)
05:42 Sometimes Jesus will ask you to do
05:44 something special for Him.
05:45 May be He will want you to talk to somebody
05:47 or be friendly to someone who looks lonely.
05:50 When you trust Jesus you do
05:52 what He asks you to do cheerfully.
05:55 Ivana is going to sing, "Trust and Obey."
06:05 When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word
06:12 What a glory He sheds on our way
06:18 While we do His good will, He abides with us still
06:26 And with all who will trust and obey
06:32 Trust and obey, for there's no other way
06:39 To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey
06:48 Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies
06:56 But His smile quickly drives it away
07:02 Not a doubt nor a fear, not a sigh or a tear
07:09 Can abide while we trust and obey
07:15 Trust and obey, for there's no other way
07:22 To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey
07:36 It's really a great honor
07:38 to be part of spreading God's love.
07:40 Can you imagine Jesus wants you to tell others about Him?
07:44 If Jesus were an earthly king,
07:46 you would be an ambassador
07:48 and you would be very important.
07:49 Adolfo is going to sing, "Shine Jesus Shine."
07:59 Lord the Light or Your Love is shining
08:03 In the midst of the darkness shining
08:08 Jesus light of the world shine upon us
08:12 Set us free by the truth You now bring us
08:17 Shine on me, Shine on me
08:26 Shine Jesus shine
08:29 Fill this land with the Father's glory
08:35 Blaze, Spirit blaze Set our hearts on fire
08:45 Flow, river flow
08:47 Flood the nations with grace and mercy
08:53 Send forth Your word Lord and let there be light
09:02 Lord and let there be light
09:16 You don't have to travel to a different country
09:18 or be a full missionary to share God's love.
09:21 You can shine for Him wherever you're.
09:24 You might be in school or walking down the street.
09:26 You might be in the store at the ball park.
09:28 Shining for Jesus just means that you let Him use you.
09:32 Let's listen as Janna sings, "Wherever You Are."
09:45 Are you standing At a crossroad
09:52 Wondering which road you should take
09:59 And you're dreading For decision
10:07 And a possible mistake
10:15 But the will of God won't lead you
10:18 Where the grace of God can't keep you
10:22 And you will never be out of His care
10:29 Remember that the Lord's already there
10:36 Wherever you are Wherever you're going
10:44 God is right there beside you Seeing and knowing
10:51 Wherever you go He already knows
10:55 What lies ahead and what's behind
10:59 You'll always find He's never too far
11:02 From wherever you are
11:08 Wherever you are
11:21 That was a beautiful song Janna.
11:23 It makes me want to shine for Jesus all the time,
11:26 but Jesus doesn't only shine through people,
11:28 He also shines through His other creations
11:31 like mountains, and seas,
11:32 and fields, and animals.
11:34 Bryan is going to play, "This is My Father's World."
11:40 (music)
12:25 If you want to be a witness for Jesus,
12:28 the secret isn't in trying harder.
12:30 It is in spending more time with Him,
12:32 so that His love changes the way you think.
12:35 The Steffens Family is going to sing,
12:37 "Just a Closer Walk with Thee."
12:39 When we're close to Jesus,
12:41 we act more like Him
12:42 and we reflect His love like a mirror.
12:52 Just a closer walk with Thee Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
13:11 Daily walking close to Thee Let it be, dear Lord, let it be
13:31 I am weak, but Thou art strong Jesus, keep me from all wrong
13:50 I'll be satisfied as long
13:59 As I walk, let me walk close to Thee
14:09 When this filthen life is o'er Time for me will be no more
14:29 Take me to the crystal shore
14:37 To Thy shore, dear Lord, to Thy shore
14:47 Let it be, dear Lord, let it be
15:03 Have you ever noticed
15:04 the actions of a really happy person?
15:06 He stays on thou, don't they?
15:08 Everyone likes to be around the happy person
15:11 and when you take the time to praise Jesus,
15:13 you'll be happy too.
15:15 Khelsea Kylynda and Eric are going to play,
15:18 "Shout to the Lord."
15:22 (music)
16:49 When Jesus asked His disciples to follow Him,
16:52 they were fishermen,
16:53 but He told them that from that point on
16:56 they would be fishers of men, not fishermen.
16:59 You can be fishers of men too and the bait of kindness,
17:02 goodness, and gentleness are just some of the ways
17:05 that you can lure others to Jesus.
17:08 Let's listen as Zoei sings,
17:09 "I Will Make You Fishers of Men."
17:18 I will make you fishers of men Fishers of men, fishers of men
17:26 I will make you fishers of men If you follow Me
17:34 If you follow Me, if you follow Me
17:43 I will make you fishers of men If you follow Me
17:56 When we all get to heaven,
17:57 Jesus will give us crowns to wear.
18:00 Our next song asks the question,
18:02 "Will there be any stars in my crown?"
18:05 The illustration is that Jesus gives you
18:07 an extra star in your crown for each soul you've won.
18:10 Sharing Jesus with someone else
18:12 is the biggest honor there is, as Elizabeth sings,
18:15 "Let's ask Jesus to help us share His love."
18:24 I am thinking today of that beautiful land
18:29 I shall reach when the sun goeth down
18:34 When through wonderful grace by my Savior I stand
18:39 Will there be any stars in my crown
18:44 Will there be any stars, any stars in my crown
18:49 When at evening the sun goeth down
18:54 When I wake with the blest in the mansions of rest
19:00 Will there be any stars in my crown
19:10 In the strength of the Lord let me labor and pray
19:15 Let me work as a winner of souls
19:20 That bright stars may be mine on the glorious day
19:25 Will there be any stars in my crown
19:30 Will there be any stars, any stars in my crown
19:35 When at evening the sun goeth down
19:40 When I wake with the blest in those mansions of rest
19:46 Will there be any stars in my crown
19:56 Oh, what joy it will be when His face I behold
20:01 Living gems at His feet to lay down
20:06 It would sweeten my bliss in the city of gold
20:11 Should there be any stars in my crown
20:16 Will there be any stars, any stars in my crown
20:21 When at evening the sun goeth down
20:26 When I wake with the blest in those mansions of rest
20:33 Will there be any stars in my crown
20:41 The next song says
20:43 it only takes a spark to get the fire going.
20:46 It only takes a smile or a kind word
20:48 to spark a fire of God's love and before you know it,
20:51 more people will know about Jesus
20:53 because of your witness.
20:55 Brian is going to sing,
20:56 "Pass It On" in English and Spanish.
20:59 Jesus love is the same in every language.
21:09 It only takes a spark, to get a fire going
21:19 And soon all those around, can warm up to its glowing
21:30 That's how it is with God's love,
21:35 once you've experienced it
21:38 He spread his love to everyone you want to pass it on.
21:48 (Spanish language)
22:29 I'll shout it from the mountain tops
22:35 I want my world to know
22:38 The Lord of love has come to me
22:43 I want to pass it on
22:50 (Spanish language)
23:16 Sometimes being a witness means being brave.
23:19 It can be scary trying something new,
23:20 but when you're brave for Jesus,
23:22 He stands by you.
23:24 The next song is called, "I'll Stand for You."
23:27 As you stand for Jesus, He will stand for you.
23:30 Let's listen as Isabel and Wen-Ting play this song.
23:35 (music)
25:56 Being a witness for Jesus can be as easy
25:58 as helping someone with a little job
26:00 or simply waving at someone who look sad.
26:03 That doesn't sound so hard, does it?
26:05 Kindness isn't difficult.
26:06 It only means doing what Jesus prompts you to do.
26:10 Mirielle is going to sing, "We Are His Hands."
26:19 We are His hands to touch the world around us
26:26 We are His feet to go where He may lead
26:32 And we are His love burning in the darkness
26:39 We are His love shining in the night
26:47 We are His eyes to see the need in others
26:54 We are His voice to tell of His return
27:00 And we are His love burning in the darkness
27:07 We are His love shining in the night
27:18 Boys and girls, I'm so glad
27:19 that I got to spend this time with you.
27:20 I love to witness for Jesus.
27:23 And I want to encourage you to share Jesus everyday.
27:25 Remember boys and girls, wherever you go,
27:27 it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17