Kids' Time Praise


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000136

00:02 Praise Him, Praise Him All ye little children
00:06 God is love, God is love
00:10 Praise Him, Praise Him All ye little children
00:14 God is love, God is love.
00:23 Hi, boys and girls.
00:24 There once was a man who had always
00:26 wanted to buy a very expensive barometer.
00:29 Now, a barometer is a tool that measures air pressure
00:32 and it can predict some weather patterns
00:34 based on the air pressure.
00:36 Now, he had wanted one for so long
00:38 and finally he decided to spend the money
00:40 and buy a first class one.
00:42 When he got the barometer home, however,
00:44 he was annoyed to discover that the barometer
00:47 appeared to be broken.
00:49 Now, the needle seemed to be stuck
00:51 on the hurricane reading.
00:53 He packed the barometer back into its packaging
00:55 muttering with annoyance
00:57 and he hasp back into his truck
00:58 and drove all the way back to town to return it.
01:01 Now, it was a very long drive
01:03 and it took him almost a whole day.
01:06 When he got back to his farm house,
01:08 do you know what he found?
01:10 There was no house.
01:12 There had indeed been a hurricane
01:14 while he was gone.
01:15 The barometer hadn't lied at all.
01:18 Jesus is like that barometer.
01:19 You can trust Him
01:21 even if what He ask of you seem strange.
01:24 His work will never steer you wrong.
01:26 Jeharna is going to sing a song
01:28 about trusting called, "Tis So Sweet."
01:35 "Trust in the Lord with all by heart
01:37 and lean not on thine own understanding,
01:39 in all thy ways acknowledge Him
01:41 and He shall make thy pass straight."
01:44 Proverbs Chapter 3 verse 5 and verse 6.
01:52 Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
01:58 Just to take Him at His Word
02:05 Just to rest upon His promise
02:11 Just to know, "Thus saith the Lord"
02:18 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him
02:25 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er
02:32 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus
02:39 Oh, for grace to trust Him more.
02:57 In the Bible, Jesus says that
02:59 He leads you like a loving shepherd.
03:01 He guides you into safe places
03:03 and finds you nice resting spots,
03:05 that makes you His little lamb.
03:07 And when you love Jesus,
03:09 you will obey Him because you know
03:11 that He will keep you safe.
03:13 Mirielle songs, "Savior like a Shepherd"
03:16 tells us that we can always trust Jesus all the time.
03:22 I'd like to share with you our Bible verse
03:25 which is found in Psalm 33:1, 2, and 3.
03:28 "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
03:30 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.
03:33 He'll leave me besides still waters.
03:35 He restoreth my soul.
03:37 He'll lead me in the path of
03:39 righteousness for His name sake.
03:48 Savior, like a shepherd leads us
03:54 Much we need Thy tender care
04:00 In Thy pleasant pastures feeds us
04:06 For our use Thy folds prepare
04:11 Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus
04:17 Thou hast bought us, Thine we are
04:23 Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus
04:30 Thou hast bought us, Thine we are
04:36 Early let us seek Thy favor Early let us do Thy will
04:48 Blessed Lord and only Savior
04:54 With Thy love our bosoms fill
04:59 Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus
05:05 Thou hast loved us, love us still
05:10 Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus
05:18 Thou hast loved us, love us still.
05:28 Have you ever seen an eagle?
05:29 Eagles are huge majestic birds
05:32 that fly so high in the sky
05:34 that they're often hard to see.
05:36 Why the distance between the tips of their wings
05:39 can be six to seven feet?
05:41 The Bible says that Jesus bears us upon eagle's wings.
05:45 Can you imagine a ride like that?
05:46 Would you trust Jesus with that trip?
05:49 Let's listen as Aaliah and Beverly sing,
05:51 "Eagle's Wings."
06:10 Here I am waiting
06:15 Abide in me I pray
06:25 Here I am longing For You
06:39 Hide me in Your love
06:44 Bring me to my knees
06:52 May I know Jesus More and more
07:05 Come live in me All my life
07:13 Take over
07:18 Come breathe in me And I will rise
07:26 On eagle's wings
07:31 Come live in me All my life
07:39 Take over
07:44 Come breathe in me I will rise
07:52 On eagle's wings
08:01 I will rise On eagle's wings.
08:19 If you never learn to trust Jesus,
08:21 who is like a spiritual barometer?
08:24 You're going to run into a lot of
08:26 hurricanes in your life.
08:27 Jesus wants you to trust Him.
08:29 He has such exiting plans for you.
08:31 And when you like Him take control,
08:32 there is so much to look forward to.
08:35 When you looked at Jesus,
08:36 there was nothing to be afraid of.
08:38 Let's listen as Lester plays,
08:40 "Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus."
08:53 [Music]
09:36 We have heard about the mighty eagle,
09:37 but Jesus also cares about the tiny sparrows.
09:41 Jesus said that he watches over them
09:43 and nothing happens to any of them
09:45 without our Father's permission.
09:47 If Jesus cares that much about little tiny birds,
09:51 you can trust Him to take care of you too.
09:53 Sofia is going to sing, "His Eye Is on the Sparrow."
10:14 Why should I feel discouraged
10:22 and why should the shadows come
10:32 Why should my heart be lonely
10:40 and longing for heaven and home
10:49 When Jesus is my portion My constant Friend is He
11:04 His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me
11:20 For His eye is on the sparrow
11:30 and I know He watches me
11:39 And I sing because I'm happy
11:47 Yes, I sing because I'm free
11:54 For His eye is on the sparrow
12:03 and I know He watches me
12:11 For His eye is on the sparrow
12:25 and I know He watches me.
12:43 Jesus told a lot of stories explaining
12:46 how much He loves us.
12:48 One of His stories was about a son,
12:50 who took half of his father's money
12:52 and left home.
12:53 He was an ungrateful son and lived a sinful life,
12:56 but when he came back home again,
12:58 his father was so happy to see him.
13:00 The father didn't care
13:02 that his son was dirty and smelly.
13:04 Jesus is like the kind Father
13:06 who loves you more than anything.
13:08 Let's listen as Zachari sings,
13:10 "Jesus Loves Me."
13:20 Jesus loves me, this I know
13:25 For the Bible tells me so
13:31 Little ones to Him belong
13:36 They are weak, but He is strong
13:42 Yes, Jesus loves me Yes, Jesus loves me
13:52 Yes, Jesus loves me The Bible tells me so.
14:07 Have you ever seen a king or queen?
14:09 May be you've seen a picture of one.
14:11 They look pretty important, don't they?
14:14 Their robes and crowns are beautiful
14:16 and they have so much power.
14:18 Well, Jesus is the King of Kings.
14:21 He is the Highest King of the whole universe.
14:24 And with King Jesus taking care of you,
14:26 you don't have to worry about anything.
14:29 Kylynda is going to play "Majesty"
14:31 on the piano in honor of her king.
14:36 [Music]
15:55 If you've ever been picked on by a bully,
15:57 you know how awful it is.
15:59 You also know that if you have
16:01 a big strong friend
16:02 then the bully leaves you alone, doesn't he?
16:05 Jesus is that big strong friend.
16:08 He wants to take care of you,
16:09 and He is going to be there for you to keep you safe.
16:12 You can always trust Jesus.
16:14 Zana is going to sing, "I've Found a Friend."
16:17 And I'm so thankful that we have a friend in Jesus.
16:28 I've found a Friend, oh, such a friend
16:31 He loved me ere I knew Him
16:35 He drew me with the cords of love
16:39 And thus He bound me to Him
16:44 And round my heart still closely twine
16:48 The ties which naught can sever
16:52 For I am His, and He is mine
16:56 Forever and forever.
17:07 If Jesus is your friend,
17:09 He want to with you all the time,
17:11 not just in the bad times,
17:13 you want Him there in the good times too.
17:15 Real friends want to spend time together all the time.
17:19 They like to talk with each other
17:20 and enjoy each other's company.
17:22 The Lopez Brothers are going to sing,
17:24 "Kumbaya," meaning, come by here.
17:30 Psalm 50:15 says,
17:32 "Call me in the times of trouble,
17:34 I'll rescue you and you'll honor me."
17:43 Kumbaya, my lord, kumbaya
17:51 Kumbaya, my lord, kumbaya
18:00 Kumbaya, my lord, kumbaya
18:08 Oh, Lord, kumbaya
18:16 Oh, Lord, kumbaya
18:24 Oh, Lord, kumbaya.
18:40 When you trust Jesus, you can praise Him.
18:42 Even when things are difficult
18:44 because you know that Jesus is going to work
18:46 everything out for you.
18:48 And that's just the kind of friend that Jesus is.
18:50 You can always count on Him.
18:52 The Guthrie family is going to play,
18:54 "Rejoice in the Lord Always."
19:04 [Music]
19:55 One way we can show Jesus that we trust Him,
19:58 is to take time with Him everyday.
20:01 When we put Jesus first,
20:02 He promises to take care of everything else for us.
20:05 Starting the day with Jesus
20:07 always makes for a great day,
20:08 no matter what happens.
20:10 Danielle is going to sing, "Seek Ye First."
20:13 And it's a song about Jesus promise to help us
20:15 with everything when we put Him first.
20:26 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
20:33 And His righteousness
20:41 And all these things shall be added unto you
20:48 Hallelu, Hallelujah
20:56 Man shall not live by bread alone
21:04 But by every word
21:11 That proceeds from the mouth of God
21:19 Hallelu, Hallelujah.
21:32 New situations can be scary, but when you look to Jesus,
21:35 all of your fear disappears.
21:37 And when He asks you to try something new,
21:40 you'll know that He'll take care of you.
21:42 We listen as Lester played, "Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus."
21:45 And now we will listen as Adolfo sings
21:48 those beautiful words.
21:49 "Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus,
21:51 Look full in His wonderful face.
21:53 And the things of earth will go strangely dim,
21:56 In the light of His glory and grace."
22:09 Turn your eyes upon Jesus
22:16 Look full in His wonderful face
22:23 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
22:32 In the light of His glory and grace.
22:44 Jesus asked us to serve Him by serving others.
22:47 That might sound a little bit strange,
22:49 but if you trust Jesus,
22:51 you know that He never steers you wrong.
22:53 And when you serve others,
22:55 you are showing Jesus that you love Him.
22:57 And at the same time, you're helping those
22:59 who need help.
23:00 Jesus will fill your heart
23:02 with a great deal of happiness.
23:04 Helping someone else is the best way
23:06 to have real joy.
23:08 Let's listen as Emily plays, "Joy in Serving Jesus."
23:20 [Music]
24:49 When you trust Jesus,
24:51 did you know that you are obeying Him?
24:53 That's right.
24:54 You know that He will always take care of you.
24:56 So when He asks you to do something,
24:58 you don't need to feel afraid.
25:00 Eliann song, "Trust and Obey"
25:02 is about doing what Jesus asks us to do.
25:17 When we walk with the Lord In the light of His word
25:22 What a glory He sheds on our way
25:28 While we do His good will He abides with us still
25:33 And with all who will trust and obey
25:39 Trust and obey For there's no other way
25:44 To be happy in Jesus that to trust and obey
26:02 [Foreign language]
26:46 Trust in Jesus doesn't happen overnight.
26:48 You learn to trust Jesus a little bit at a time,
26:51 the same way you learn to trust anyone else.
26:54 When you see how Jesus takes care of you,
26:56 you feel more confident to try even
26:58 bigger things with Jesus at your side.
27:01 You know, trust grows in every day with Jesus,
27:04 you'll learn to trust Him more.
27:06 Are you ready to start trusting Jesus today?
27:09 I can tell you our God is trustworthy,
27:12 and He is just waiting for you
27:14 to just ask Him into your heart and into your life.
27:17 Do you know, boys and girls,
27:19 anytime that you give your life to Jesus?
27:21 There is no greater joy.
27:24 Well, that's all the time today,
27:26 until next time,
27:27 it's Kids Time to Praise Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17