Kids' Time Praise

Bible Songs

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000135

00:02 Praise Him, Praise Him
00:04 All ye little children God is love, God is love
00:10 Praise Him, Praise Him
00:13 All ye little children God is love, God is love
00:23 Hi, boys and girls.
00:24 Today we're going to hear several songs
00:27 that are taken from Bible verses.
00:29 The Bible has lots of verses in it
00:31 and sometimes it can be hard to remember any of them,
00:34 but when you turn those verses into songs,
00:37 they have a nice way of sticking in your mind.
00:40 When we memorize Bible verses,
00:42 they help to encourage us later throughout the day.
00:44 Alessandra song "Teach Me Lord,"
00:46 reminds us that the Bible is God's gift to teach us.
00:53 David pleaded to God in Psalms 143:10.
00:58 "Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God,
01:01 Your Spirit is good,
01:02 lead me into the land of uprightness."
01:15 Teach me Lord, teach me Lord Teach me to do Your will
01:26 Teach me Lord, teach me Lord Teach me to do Your will
01:37 As I listen as You speak In Your still small voice
01:43 As I listen each day to make the right choice
01:51 Teach me Lord, teach me Lord Teach me to do Your will
02:02 Teach me Lord, teach me Lord Teach me to trust and obey
02:18 Proverbs is a book of the Bible,
02:19 filled with the collection of wise things
02:21 from the wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon.
02:25 Just think, you have access to all that wisdom
02:28 even at your young age.
02:30 You don't have to wait to be old and gray
02:32 before you're wise, because you have the Bible.
02:35 The Chunk Family song,
02:36 "A Joyful Heart is a Good Medicine,"
02:38 is found in Proverbs 17:22.
02:44 [Music]
04:08 The Bible says in Psalms 119:105
04:11 that "God's word is a light to your path."
04:13 Now that means it shows how to act and what to do,
04:17 especially when you don't know which way to go.
04:20 When you read about Jesus' life, you can see how
04:22 He loved others and when you read about Abraham or David,
04:26 you can see how they trusted God.
04:28 Brian's song "Thy Word," is a Bible verse put to music.
04:33 what an easy way to memorize.
04:42 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
04:46 And a light unto my path
04:52 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
04:57 And a light unto my path
05:02 When I feel afraid, Think I've lost my way
05:07 Still, you're there right beside me
05:12 And nothing will I fear As long as you are near
05:18 Please be near me to the end
05:26 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
05:30 And a light unto my path
05:36 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
05:41 And a light unto my path
05:47 Now I will not forget Your love for me and yet
05:52 My heart forever is wandering
05:57 And Jesus be my guide And hold me to your side
06:02 And I will love you to the end
06:10 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
06:15 And a light unto my path
06:21 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
06:26 And a light unto my path
06:35 The Bible says in Psalms 118:24,
06:38 "This is the day that the Lord has made,
06:40 let us rejoice and be glad in it."
06:43 Everyday there's a beautiful gift from Jesus
06:45 that you can enjoy, you only have to look
06:48 for the good in each day and you'll find it.
06:50 The Metropolitan Symphony Steel Orchestra
06:53 is going to play, "This is the Day."
06:55 A song that sets this Bible verse to music.
07:01 [Music]
08:42 The Bible is a continued story about Jesus.
08:45 It begins when He created the earth and it ends
08:47 with the promise of His coming.
08:49 Jesus died for you and because of His shed blood,
08:52 you can be forgiven of your sins.
08:55 And that's why we say that Jesus' blood
08:57 has a wonder working power.
08:59 Adolfo song "There is Power in the Blood,"
09:02 tells us the story of Jesus' redeeming blood.
09:12 Would you be free from your burden of sin
09:16 There's power in the blood, power in the blood
09:21 Would you o'er evil the victory win
09:25 There's wonderful power in the blood
09:29 There is power, power, wonder-working power
09:34 In the blood of the Lamb
09:38 There is power, power, wonder-working power
09:42 In the precious blood of the Lamb
09:47 [Foreign Language]
10:22 There is power, power, wonder-working power
10:27 In the blood of the Lamb
10:31 There is power, power, wonder-working power
10:35 In the precious blood of the Lamb
10:45 When Jesus died, there was a thief
10:47 on the cross next to Him.
10:48 That thief had been a wicked man
10:50 and deserved his punishment.
10:52 But when he asked Jesus to forgive him,
10:55 He forgave him right away.
10:57 The forgiveness that Jesus offers is a free gift
11:00 that we don't deserve, that's called grace.
11:03 As Lester plays, Amazing Grace
11:05 on his saxophone, let's thank Jesus for His gift.
11:10 [Music]
13:45 That was a beautiful song, Lester. Thank you so much.
13:48 One of my favorite Bible passages is the prayer
13:50 that Jesus taught His disciples
13:52 and it's found in Matthew 6:9 through 13.
13:56 I love that passage and it has brought me
13:58 comfort over the years.
13:59 This prayer taught by Jesus is a simple prayer of trust.
14:03 It is an example of how we can pray to Him.
14:06 Let's listen as the Schafer Girls sing, "The Lord's Prayer."
14:17 Our Father Which arts in heaven
14:23 Hollowed be thy name Thy kingdom come
14:29 Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven
14:38 Give us this day, our daily bread
14:46 And forgive our debts As we forgive our debtors
14:55 And lead us not into temptation
15:00 But deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom
15:09 And the power, and the glory
15:14 Forever and ever amen, amen
15:29 Jesus doesn't want us to worry
15:31 and that's why He tells us to trust Him.
15:33 There's the Bible verse in Matthew 10:29
15:36 that records Jesus' words,
15:38 "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?
15:41 Yet not one of them will fall to the ground
15:43 apart from the will of your Father."
15:46 As Khelsea, Kylynda, and Eric, play
15:48 "His Eyes on the Sparrow,"
15:50 let's thank Jesus for never taking His eye off of us.
15:57 [Music]
17:18 I'm so glad that Jesus takes such good
17:20 care of me, aren't you?
17:21 When we have worries,
17:23 He tells us to give them over to Him.
17:25 The Bible says in John 14:1,
17:27 "Do not let your heart be troubled,
17:29 believe in God, and believe also in Me."
17:32 Isn't that a wonderful promise to remember?
17:35 Zachary song "Cares Chorus," is about giving
17:38 all our cares to Jesus, let's listen as he sings.
17:43 "Give your worries to the Lord
17:45 and He will take care of you," Psalm 55:22.
17:51 I cast all my cares upon You
17:58 I lay all of my burdens down at Your feet
18:06 And anytime I don't know what to do
18:14 I just cast all my cares upon You
18:22 I cast all my cares upon You
18:29 I lay all of my burdens down at Your feet
18:38 And anytime I don't know what to do
18:45 I just cast all my cares upon You
18:56 Boys and girls, whenever you're confused
18:58 about what to do, the Bible has all the answers.
19:02 Jesus spoke this simple, yet special words
19:05 and they're found in John 15:12.
19:07 "My command is this,
19:10 love each other as I have loved you."
19:12 When we think about this verse,
19:13 it gives you a good answers
19:15 to what we should be doing, doesn't it?
19:17 As Josiah plays, "This is My Commandment,"
19:20 on the harmonica, let's ask Jesus
19:22 to give us His love in our hearts.
19:26 [Music]
20:11 When we go to Jesus for all our direction,
20:14 our lives will turn out for the best.
20:16 And we can seek Him by reading the Bible
20:18 and praying everyday,
20:19 so that we can build a friendship with Jesus.
20:21 The next song, "Seek Ye First," taken from
20:24 Matthew 6:33, is the verse with that very promise.
20:28 The kids in the Sanders Family have called themselves
20:31 gift from God and these kids certainly are just that.
20:35 Let's listen as they sing, "Seek Ye First."
20:48 Seek ye first the kingdom of God
20:56 And His righteousness
21:03 And all these things shall be added unto you
21:09 Allelu, alleluia
21:17 Man shall not live by bread alone
21:24 But by every word
21:31 That proceeds from the mouth of God
21:38 Allelu, alleluia
21:46 Ask and it shall be given unto you
21:53 Seek and ye shall find
22:00 Knock and the door shall be opened unto you
22:07 Allelu, alleluia
22:17 The Bible is full of exciting stories
22:19 where God saves the day, one of those stories
22:22 is about Joshua who led an army to Jericho.
22:25 The city was too strong for them to overtake,
22:27 but when they obeyed God's instructions
22:30 by circling the city, the walls came tumbling down.
22:34 And as Geoffrey plays "The Walls of Jericho,"
22:37 on his trumpet, let's think of other walls in our lives,
22:40 that Jesus can topple when we ask.
22:45 [Music]
24:02 Another one of my favorite passages is Psalms 23.
24:05 This Psalm says that "Jesus is like a loving shepherd
24:08 who cares for his little lambs."
24:10 I love to think about Jesus carrying me in His arms
24:13 and bringing me to green pastures.
24:15 I like to imagine Him holding me close,
24:17 when I get tired and finding me cool water to drink
24:20 when I'm thirsty, isn't that a nice thought?
24:22 Why don't you think about that along with me
24:25 as we listen to Sofia sing, "The New 23rd Psalm."
24:36 Because the Lord is my shepherd
24:42 I have everything that I need
24:49 He lets me rest in meadows green
24:55 And leads me beside the quiet stream
25:02 He keeps on giving life to me
25:08 And helps me to do what honors Him the most
25:15 Even when walking thro' the dark
25:20 valley of death, valley of death
25:27 I will never be afraid, for He is close to beside me,
25:41 guarding, guiding all the way
25:48 He spreads a feast before me
25:55 in the presence of mine enemies
26:01 He welcomes me as His special guest
26:08 with blessings overflowing
26:14 His goodness and unfailing kindness
26:20 shall be with me all of my lives
26:26 And afterwards I will live with Him
26:33 Forever, forever in His home
26:49 Forever in His home Forever in His home
27:09 The Bible is filled with wonderful stories,
27:11 precious promises and songs of praise.
27:14 Why don't you pick up your Bible today?
27:16 My Bible is so precious to me.
27:18 When you read your Bible, you'll discover Jesus
27:21 and He can become your very best friend.
27:24 I'm glad I had this time with you.
27:25 Until next time, boys and girls.
27:27 It's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17