Kids' Time Praise

God's Word

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000127

00:02 Praise Him, Praise Him All ye little children
00:06 God is love God is love
00:10 Praise Him, Praise Him All ye little children
00:15 God is love God is love
00:23 Hi, boys and girls.
00:24 Nathan was a little boy, who loved airplanes.
00:27 He love to look at them in books
00:29 and he especially loved to see
00:30 airplanes in real life.
00:32 Well, one day, Nathan's uncle bought him
00:33 a model airplane kit and it was the little airplane
00:37 that was in many pieces that,
00:38 Nathan, could glue together.
00:40 Well, he was so excited,
00:41 he wanted to put it together right away.
00:43 You have to read the instructions,
00:45 said his uncle.
00:46 I don't have time said Nathan, he was too excited.
00:49 So he sat down with the glue
00:50 and the pieces and he set to work.
00:53 Well, after quite a while
00:54 Nathan saw it unhappily,
00:55 for it didn't look anything like an airplane.
00:59 What went wrong, Nathan, asked sadly.
01:01 You should have read the instructions,
01:02 said his uncle.
01:03 If you had read them,
01:05 it would have told you step-by-step
01:07 how to build that airplane.
01:09 The Bible is like a set of instructions.
01:12 Jesus, tells us how to live a good life
01:14 and a happy life through His word.
01:16 When we take the time to read the Bible,
01:19 we learn how to make better decisions
01:20 for true happiness.
01:22 Mirielle song, "Give me the Bible,"
01:24 is about our set of instructions.
01:31 Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming
01:37 To cheer the wanderer lone and tempest tossed
01:42 No storm can hide that peaceful ray just beaming
01:47 Since Jesus came to seek and save the lost
01:53 Give me the Bible, holy message shining
01:58 Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way
02:03 Precepts and promise, law and love combining
02:09 Till night shall vanish in eternal day
02:18 The Bible tells a story of Jesus
02:20 and how He came to die for your sins.
02:22 It's a wonderful story
02:23 about a baby born in a stable,
02:26 who grew up, healed people and forgave their sins.
02:29 If you haven't read the story of Jesus yet,
02:32 I would encourage you to do it now.
02:34 It will change your life.
02:35 Isabel and Wen-Ting song "Via Dolorosa,"
02:38 is about the sacrifice that Jesus made for us,
02:41 so you and I could be saved.
02:46 [Music]
05:19 Being faithful means doing what Jesus asks us to do,
05:22 even when it's hard.
05:24 But when you are careful to do what He says
05:26 and read your Bible, you will never regret it.
05:29 Your friendship with Jesus will just deepen
05:31 and you will love Him more and more.
05:34 The Girls of Mercy are going to sing,
05:36 "Let us be faithful."
05:38 We can be faithful when Jesus gives us
05:40 the strength and that is the prayer
05:42 He always answers.
05:54 Jesus has promised to those who are faithful
05:58 He's prepared a mansion
06:01 For all the things He gave the earth within
06:04 Yes, he did promise, to all His disciples
06:09 that He will come back
06:12 To take all those that call Him a friend
06:16 Our Lord and Savior He went for His people
06:24 To go home with Him
06:30 We'll meet our Savior in the sky
06:38 Let us be faithful And we will be with the Lord
06:47 We'll meet our Savior in the sky
06:56 Let us be faithful And we will be with the Lord
07:10 Psalms 119:105 says that,
07:12 "God's word is like a lamp unto our feet."
07:15 When you get up in the middle of the night
07:16 and everything is dark,
07:17 what does the first thing you do?
07:19 You reach for the light switch, right?
07:21 Well, when you get up in the morning,
07:23 why not reach for Jesus' light the Bible,
07:26 to show you where to walk.
07:27 Elizabeth song, "Thy Word,"
07:29 is about God's light, that lights up your way.
07:40 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
07:45 And a light unto my path
07:51 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
07:55 And a light unto my path
08:01 When I feel afraid Think I've lost my way
08:06 Still, you're there right beside me
08:11 Nothing will I fear As long as you are near
08:16 Please be with me to the end
08:24 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
08:29 And a light unto my path
08:35 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
08:40 And a light unto my path
08:46 I will not forget Your love for me and yet
08:51 My heart forever is wandering
08:56 Jesus be my guide And hold me to your side
09:01 And I will love you to the end
09:10 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
09:14 And a light unto my path
09:20 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
09:25 And a light unto my path
09:30 And a light unto my path
09:36 You're a light unto my path
09:47 Would you be free from the burden of sin?
09:49 There's power in the blood, power in the blood.
09:52 Would your evil, a victory win.
09:55 There's wonderful power in the blood.
09:58 Those are some good questions with a good answer too.
10:01 Let's listen as Lester plays
10:03 this joyful tune on his saxophone.
10:07 [Music]
10:50 The Bible tells us in Hebrews 13:8,
10:53 that "Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever."
10:57 And that means that the same Jesus,
10:59 who worked miracles for the people
11:01 in the Bible, is the same Jesus,
11:03 that we love and serve today.
11:05 He will do all the same things for you
11:07 that He did for people long ago.
11:09 That's a wonderful news, isn't it?
11:11 As Jessica and Adriana sing "Always the Same."
11:15 Let's thank Jesus for never changing.
11:27 I am his, he is mine, Jesus knows my name
11:35 I can rest in His arms He's always the same
11:43 When I fall and I talk Jesus takes my hand
11:51 Cleansing me, lifting me He helps me to stay
11:59 Always the same Always the same
12:04 All praises Jesus All praises Jesus
12:07 Jesus never change, He is always the same
12:15 Always together Always together
12:22 Jesus never changes Jesus is always the same
12:31 In His love I'm secured
12:34 We shall never part In His word I will trust
12:42 And give Him all my heart
12:46 In the dark of the night When my heart would fear
12:54 Lovingly, tenderly, my Savior is near
13:02 Always the same Always the same
13:07 All praises Him All praises Jesus
13:10 Jesus never changes Jesus is always the same
13:18 Always together Always together
13:22 His love is forever never changes
13:25 Jesus never changes He is always the same
13:34 Jesus never changes He's always the same
13:48 Josiah's song "Zacchaeus," is about a man,
13:50 who was not very well liked, but he wanted to see Jesus,
13:54 so he climbed up in a tree to catch a glanceof Him.
13:57 And as Jesus passed that way,
14:00 He stopped and he saw Zacchaeus in the tree
14:02 and Jesus told him to come on down,
14:04 because He wanted to spend sometime with him.
14:07 When you read your Bible,
14:08 you'll learn that Jesus loves everyone,
14:11 even the unpopular.
14:13 Josiah is going to play
14:14 this familiar song "Zacchaeus,"
14:16 on his harmonica.
14:19 [Music]
14:57 Jesus doesn't do things like the world does.
14:59 The way of the world is to become popular and powerful.
15:02 Jesus wants you to serve others
15:04 and to show them His love through service.
15:07 Now the Bible shows all of us
15:08 that living a life for Jesus is happier
15:11 and more joyful than living for yourself.
15:14 The Steffens family is going to sing,
15:16 "Make Me a Servant."
15:18 Let's ask Jesus to change our heart,
15:20 so we can become more like Him.
15:36 Make me a servant, Lord Give me a willing heart,
15:52 Be all I do, be done for you Cleanse me and fill me anew
16:12 Make me a servant, Lord Give me a willing heart
16:28 Ready to go, ready to sing Ready to always obey
16:49 Make me a servant, Lord Give me a willing heart
17:05 Working in love, living by faith
17:13 Make me a servant, I pray
17:25 Make me a servant, I pray
17:44 When you meet a new friend, isn't it exciting?
17:47 You might talk to that person a lot
17:49 as you get to know them better and when you meet Jesus
17:52 that excitement never goes away,
17:54 because Jesus just keeps getting
17:56 better and better as the days go by.
17:58 He is the best friend you could ever have.
18:01 Let's listen as Amos and Jessica play
18:03 "I Found a Friend."
18:07 [Music]
18:54 What would you do, if you got a letter
18:56 in the mail from a king or a queen?
18:58 Would you keep it safe?
18:59 Would you show it to everyone you knew?
19:01 You would be pretty excited, wouldn't you?
19:04 Well, you do have a letter from the King of the universe
19:07 and it is just for you.
19:09 The next song, "My Bible,"
19:11 will be sung by the Eden's Kids Choir,
19:13 and it's a song about Jesus' love letter to you.
19:26 My Bible, my Bible I read it everyday
19:35 It leads me and guides me
19:39 What I should do and say
19:43 It tells me of the Savior's love
19:47 Who lived and died for me
19:50 I love to read my Bible
19:54 From world He sets me free
19:59 My Bible, Bible, My Bible, Bible
20:03 I read it everyday
20:07 It leads me and guides me
20:11 What I should do and say
20:15 It promised me eternal life from Him
20:20 Who knows me best
20:23 I love to read my Bible
20:27 The word of God is blessed
20:31 I love to read my Bible,
20:35 The word of God is blessed
20:47 When we go to Jesus, we're always saved.
20:50 He'll always stick up for us and protect us.
20:52 The Schafer girls song, "He that Dwelleth,"
20:55 comes from Psalms 91, and it's one of the God's
20:58 most wonderful promises of protection.
21:00 Why don't you read it today?
21:10 He that dwelleth in the secret place
21:14 Of the most high shall abide
21:20 Under the shadow of the Almighty
21:27 I will say of the Lord
21:29 He is my refuge, my fortress
21:35 My God in Him will I trust
21:43 He that dwelleth in the secret place
21:47 Of the most high shall abide
21:53 Under the shadow of the Almighty
21:59 Under the shadow of the Almighty
22:09 Jesus preserved the Bible over thousands of years,
22:12 so that you would know that good news
22:14 of Jesus and His gift of salvation.
22:17 Only the Bible holds the truth of that wonderful story.
22:20 When you think of all the years,
22:22 that the Bible has passed from generation to generation.
22:25 You can know that God preserved it just for you.
22:29 Let's listen as the,
22:30 Metropolitan Symphony Steel Orchestra plays
22:32 "Far beyond the Sun."
22:34 A song about our home in heaven.
22:38 John 14:1, 2, 3, "Let not your heart
22:42 be troubled, ye believe in God,
22:44 believe also in me.
22:45 In my Father's house are many mansions,
22:48 if it were not so, I would have told you.
22:50 I go to prepare a place for you.
22:52 And when I go to prepare a place for you,
22:54 I will come again, and receive you unto me,
22:57 therefore where I am, ye may be also."
23:02 [Music]
25:12 Do you know where to find
25:14 God's Ten Commandments in the Bible?
25:15 That's right, they're in Exodus Chapter 20.
25:18 They're set of rules that will guide you
25:20 to a happy life in Jesus.
25:22 And those rules tell us not to lie, steal,
25:25 kill, covet, or have any Gods before Him.
25:30 Can you name the other five, as Ivana sings,
25:33 "The Perfect Ten" Let's ask Jesus
25:35 to put His law in our hearts.
25:42 Number one, we've just begun, God should be first in your life
25:47 Number two's the idol rule, those graven images aren't nice
25:52 Number three, God's name should be never spoken in jest
25:57 Number four, the Sabbath's for our worship and our rest
26:02 Number five, we all should strive
26:04 to honor father and mother
26:07 Number six, don't get your kicks from killing one another
26:12 Number seven, life is heaven when you're true to your mates,
26:17 Number eight, don't steal or break
26:19 these rules for goodness sake
26:22 Number nine, don't be the kind who goes around telling lies
26:27 Number ten don't covet when you see
26:30 your neighbor's house or wife
26:32 That's the list and God insists we stay away from these sins
26:37 That is why we memorize commandments one through ten
26:42 The perfect ten, the perfect ten
26:47 They're just as true as they were way back then
26:51 God gave the perfect ten, the perfect ten
26:57 God gave the perfect ten
27:05 Aren't you glad, that Jesus gave us the Bible
27:07 that tell us all about Him
27:09 and to show us how to live a godly life.
27:11 Let's decide right now,
27:13 do we part of God's word everyday.
27:16 It will be the best time, you can spend with Jesus.
27:19 Thank you for stopping to praise God,along with me.
27:22 And until next time, wherever you go,
27:24 whatever you do, boys and girls,
27:26 remember it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17