Kids' Time Praise


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000123

00:02 Praise Him, Praise Him! All ye little children,
00:06 God is love, God is love. Praise Him, Praise Him!
00:12 All ye little children, God is love, God is love!
00:23 Hi, boys and girls.
00:24 There once was an older man
00:26 who enjoyed going to watch
00:27 the big construction machine
00:29 as they built a new addition to a shopping mall.
00:31 He would go every day
00:33 and sit out at bench to watch the men work.
00:35 One particular large construction machine
00:38 was interesting to the old man,
00:39 and he thought that the driver
00:41 of the machine works very hard,
00:42 he must always careful to do a good job.
00:45 Well, months went by
00:46 and the addition to the mall was nearly complete.
00:49 The old man wanted to tell
00:50 the driver of the big machine,
00:51 how much he had enjoyed watching him work.
00:53 So when the old man got his chance,
00:55 he approached the driver,
00:58 "I have loved watching your work"
01:00 the old man said.
01:01 I sat on my bench and it's the highlight of my day.
01:04 "What?" said the driver?
01:05 Do you mean that you want the supervisor?
01:09 If the driver was only doing a good job,
01:11 because he thought a supervisor was watching.
01:13 That does not make him as good workers
01:16 we might of thought, does it?
01:17 Jesus wants you to do
01:19 your very best in everything that you do,
01:21 whether you are being watched or not?
01:24 And when you work hard and you do your best,
01:26 you are giving honor to Jesus.
01:28 And when you ask Him to help you while you work,
01:30 He gives you a big boost,
01:32 so that you can do an even better job
01:34 than you thought possible.
01:36 Jessica song "All Day Long I've Been with Jesus"
01:39 tells us what a wonderful day
01:41 we will have if we spend it with Him.
01:52 All day long, I've been with Jesus,
01:55 and it has been a wonderful day
01:59 I have climbed just one step
02:02 higher in that good old gospel way
02:08 I have spoken words of kindness
02:12 and Lord you know if I've done wrong
02:16 I will go and make it right so I can testify tonight
02:19 I've been with Jesus all day long
02:27 Jesus wants us to work hard in all our many tasks.
02:31 But that doesn't mean
02:32 we have to work hard to go to heaven.
02:34 Heaven is a free gift
02:35 and Jesus is happy to give it to you.
02:37 We work hard in our job to show Jesus that we love Him.
02:41 Jesus isn't a hard boss, He is a loving friend.
02:44 As Millicent plays amazing grace that are harp.
02:48 Let's thank Jesus for the gift of heaven.
02:53 Isaiah 40:28 through 31.
02:56 "Have you not known? Have you not heard?
02:59 That the everlasting God,
03:01 the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth,
03:03 fainteth not, neither is weary?
03:06 There is no searching for His understanding.
03:09 He giveth power to the faint;
03:11 and to them that have no might He increaseth strength.
03:14 Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
03:17 and the young men shall utterly fall.
03:19 But they that wait upon the Lord
03:21 shall renew their strength,
03:23 they shall mount up as wings as eagles,
03:25 they shall run, and not be weary,
03:27 and they shall walk, and not faint."
03:29 [music]
06:01 When we belong to Jesus, we have a work to do
06:04 and telling others of God's great love,
06:06 and we want everyone to know
06:07 the good news of Jesus' free gift.
06:10 All anyone has to do is accept it.
06:12 We want to pass the word along
06:14 and show people that God loves them.
06:17 Eliann song "Side by Side"
06:19 reminds us that we are all working together
06:22 to get ready for Jesus to come.
06:33 Side by side we stand to waiting God's command
06:40 Worshiping the saving King
06:47 Living by His grace and moving on in faith
06:54 Jesus Himself will see us through
07:00 Meet me in heaven, we'll sing songs together
07:07 Meet me on the Savior's side.
07:13 I'll meet you in heaven, we'll join hands together
07:20 Brothers and sisters, I'll be there
07:27 Praise the Lord we all will be there
07:42 As we work together to prepare to see Jesus,
07:45 the Bible is our guide.
07:47 The Bible tells us to love others
07:48 and to worship God. It also tells us that,
07:51 we cannot work our way to heaven.
07:53 You can only accept Jesus' free gift
07:55 and thank Him for loving us.
07:57 I'm so glad we have the Bible to guide us.
08:00 The next song "Bible"
08:02 will be sung by the Girls of Mercy.
08:07 [Foreign language]
09:10 B-I-B-L-E, Yes, that's a book for me
09:18 I stand along in the Word of God, The B-I-B-L-E.
09:26 [Foreign language]
09:48 Read your Bible, pray every day
09:51 And you'll grow, grow, grow
09:56 [Foreign language]
10:27 When you do your very best
10:28 in every job you have to do, Jesus is proud of you.
10:31 He loves to see you do a good job,
10:33 and when you ask Him,
10:35 He is happy to give you more strength
10:36 and more love in your heart
10:37 to get through the day to share His love with others.
10:41 As Brian signs "Give Me Oil in My Lamp."
10:43 Let's ask Jesus to give us His Holy Spirit.
10:53 Give me oil in my lamp
10:54 Keep me burning, burning, burning
10:56 Give me oil in my lamp I pray, Hallelujah
11:00 Give me oil in my lamp
11:02 Keep me burning, burning, burning
11:04 Keep me burning till the break of day.
11:08 Sing, Hosanna Sing, Hosanna,
11:11 Sing, Hosanna To the King of Kings
11:15 Sing, Hosanna Sing, Hosanna,
11:19 Sing, Hosanna To the King
11:22 Make us fisher of men,
11:24 keep us seeking, seeking, seeking
11:26 Make us fisher of men I pray Hallelujah
11:29 Make us fisher of men,
11:31 keep us seeking, seeking, seeking
11:33 Keep us seeking till the break of day
11:37 Sing, Hosanna Sing, Hosanna,
11:40 Sing, Hosanna To the King of Kings
11:44 Sing, Hosanna Sing, Hosanna
11:48 Sing, Hosanna To the King
11:51 Give me joy in my heart,
11:53 give me shining, shining, shining
11:54 Give me joy in my heart, I pray Hallelujah
11:58 Give me joy in my heart,
12:00 give me shining, shining, shining
12:01 Give me shining till the break of day
12:05 Sing, Hosanna Sing, Hosanna
12:09 Sing, Hosanna To the King of Kings
12:13 Sing, Hosanna Sing, Hosanna
12:17 Sing, Hosanna To the King. Amen
12:25 By yourself, you can do as much
12:27 as you could if you had help, can you?
12:30 And have you ever tried really hard to be good.
12:34 It just doesn't work without God's help.
12:36 He wants you to trust Him and lean on Him,
12:38 so that He can help you.
12:40 The Chung Family is going to play
12:42 a song called "What God Can Do."
12:49 [music]
15:05 Sometimes you do your very best at the job,
15:07 and it's still doesn't seem to come out quite right.
15:10 You might spill something or drop something,
15:12 it can be frustrating when that happens.
15:14 But if you ask Jesus,
15:16 He can help you change your attitude
15:18 and then you will always do a better job.
15:20 Aileana is going to sing
15:22 "Jesus Makes Everything Good."
15:29 I love Maxwell.
15:36 Jesus made the rainbow Jesus made the sun
15:40 Jesus made the day and fills it up with fun
15:44 Jesus made the moon to shine at night
15:48 And Jesus made the stars so bright
15:53 Jesus made the kittens Jesus made the pups
15:57 Jesus made the chickens and the little ducks
16:01 Jesus made the bunnies smooth as silk
16:05 And Jesus made the cows' warm milk
16:10 Jesus made the flowers Jesus made the trees
16:14 Jesus made the rain and makes the gentle breeze
16:18 Jesus made the grass so fresh and clean
16:23 And Jesus made the air so clean
16:27 Jesus made my mom and dad and me
16:31 And we are a happy family.
16:39 Did you know that Jesus
16:40 uses you to help others? He does.
16:43 You get to be God's hands in the world
16:45 and that's very important job, isn't it?
16:48 We are like under shepherds helping those
16:50 who are weaker than we are,
16:52 because we know that Jesus loves them.
16:54 As the Steffens Family sings
16:56 "I Will Place Shepherds over Them."
16:58 Let's ask Jesus to help us
17:00 be kind and helpful to others.
17:11 I will place shepherds over them
17:15 who will tend them, who will tend them
17:19 and they will no longer be afraid or terrified
17:27 nor will any be missing, nor will any be missing,
17:35 nor will any be missing, declares the Lord
17:43 I will place shepherds over them
17:47 who will tend them, who will tend them
17:51 and they will no longer be afraid or terrified
17:59 nor will any be missing, nor will any be missing,
18:07 nor will any be missing, declares the Lord
18:16 nor will any be missing, nor will any be missing,
18:23 nor will any be missing, declares the Lord
18:32 nor will any be missing, declares the Lord
18:47 A job well done feels fantastic, doesn't it?
18:51 There is not a better feeling than sitting back
18:54 and looking at something you worked really hard on.
18:56 Isn't it amazing that Jesus made work to be so rewarding.
19:00 In the Garden of Eden,
19:01 Adam and Eve worked in the garden sunshine,
19:03 because that was part of living,
19:05 a healthy and happy life.
19:07 Zana song "There is Sunshine in My Soul Today."
19:10 is about the sunshine happiness
19:12 that comes from Jesus.
19:20 There is sunshine in my soul today
19:24 More glorious and bright
19:28 Than glows in any earthly sky
19:33 For Jesus is my light
19:38 There is sunshine, blessed sunshine
19:45 While the peaceful, happy moments roll
19:49 When Jesus shows His smiling face
19:53 There is sunshine in my soul
19:58 There is music in my soul today
20:03 A carol to my King
20:07 And Jesus, listening, can hear
20:11 The song I cannot sing
20:16 There is sunshine, blessed sunshine
20:24 While the peaceful, happy moments roll
20:28 When Jesus shows His smiling face
20:32 There is sunshine in my soul
20:43 When you spend time with Jesus,
20:45 you can thank Him for all that He does for you.
20:47 Jesus is with you as you work and play,
20:49 but it's nice to have
20:50 some quite time together, isn't it?
20:52 When you take quite time with Jesus,
20:54 He gives you His strength and love.
20:56 Time with Jesus is so special.
20:58 Lester is going to play a song called "In the Garden."
21:05 [music]
22:14 Some day soon, we are going to see Jesus
22:17 and I can't wait until that day.
22:19 I want to be able to tell Jesus that I did the best
22:22 I could with the talents He gave me,
22:24 and I want to tell Him, how happy I am that
22:26 He gave me a chance to go to heaven.
22:28 Mirielle is looking forward to Jesus return too.
22:31 And you can hear in her voice
22:32 as she sings "We Shall Behold Him."
22:51 The sky shall unfold Preparing His entrance
23:02 The stars shall applaud Him With thunders of praise
23:12 The sweet light in His eyes, shall enhance those awaiting
23:23 And we shall behold Him, then face to face
23:34 And we shall behold Him, we shall behold Him
23:45 Face to face in all of His glory
23:53 O we shall behold Him, we shall behold Him
24:03 Face to face, our Savior and Lord
24:14 And we shall behold Him, our Savior and Lord
24:38 God has given you
24:39 each special talents to use for Him.
24:41 Some of you are good at helping,
24:43 and some of you are good at singing,
24:44 and some of you are good at making others laugh
24:47 and being happy.
24:48 You must do you can
24:49 with whatever it is that God has given you.
24:52 He has given all of us different talents.
24:54 When you work hard for Jesus,
24:56 you're showing Him how much you love Him.
24:58 Using your talent is your gift of love to God.
25:01 The Cadet Sisters song "We Must Work"
25:04 always makes me feel excited to do my best for Jesus.
25:19 We must work while it is day Spreading the Word of God
25:30 As we go along the way
25:34 We must be willing to do God's Will
25:43 Spreading the Word of God
25:47 Till it reaches throughout the hills
25:52 We must witness to everyone we meet
25:56 In every song we sing
26:00 We must tell them of a Soon Coming King
26:09 We must witness to everyone we meet
26:13 In every song we sing
26:18 We must tell them of a Soon Coming King
26:26 We must tell them of a Soon Coming King
26:42 Boys and girls, each of you have a talent
26:44 that you can use for Jesus, but don't be like the man
26:47 who drove the big machine in our story
26:50 where he only worked hard
26:51 because he knew someone was watching him.
26:53 Your work is extra special gift to Jesus
26:56 when you do a good job, when no one is looking,
27:00 and doesn't it feel good inside to do a job well done.
27:03 But no matter how good a job you do,
27:05 or how many people you tell about Jesus,
27:07 you can never earn your way to heaven.
27:10 Working hard is not a way to get to heaven.
27:12 It's a way to thank Jesus for sacrifice.
27:15 You know someone that once one said that they hope
27:18 that when they got to the end of their life
27:20 that they didn't have a single talent left
27:23 because when they got to heaven,
27:24 they wanted to tell Jesus
27:26 "I used everything You gave me."
27:29 You know that's how I want to live my life.
27:32 I want to use every talent
27:33 that God has given me to glorify Jesus.
27:38 Boys and girls, I want to encourage you to do the same.
27:40 I want you to know how much Jesus love you.
27:43 He gave you special talents for reason
27:45 and I want you to know, boys and girls,
27:48 that I am so excited that when we get to heaven,
27:51 I'm going to be able to meet you in person
27:52 and I can't wait, we're gonna meet at Jesus' feet.
27:55 Boys and girls, it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17