Kids' Time Praise


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000120

00:02 Praise Him, Praise Him! All ye little children,
00:06 God is love, God is love!
00:10 Praise Him, Praise Him! All ye little children,
00:15 God is love, God is love!
00:23 Hi, boys and girls.
00:24 Do you know who Henry Ford was?
00:26 Well, he was one of the first man
00:29 to built and sell cars.
00:31 He decided to built a factory to make the cars
00:34 and then he hired a very smart man Charlie,
00:37 to build the electrical generators
00:39 to give the factory power.
00:41 One day the generators failed and they tried everything,
00:45 but nothing worked.
00:47 Finally Henry called Charlie and asked him to come and see
00:49 if he could fix the generators
00:51 that he had built.
00:52 So Charlie came and tinkering around a little bit
00:55 and he flipped the switch
00:57 and that generators came to live.
01:00 Well, later Charlie sent a bill
01:01 for his work for $10,000
01:04 and Henry asked why did you charge so much?
01:07 All you did was tink around a little bit.
01:10 I charged $10 for the tinkering, said Charlie.
01:13 And I charged $9,990 for knowing where to tinker.
01:19 Henry Ford paid the bill.
01:21 You see Charlie had wisdom
01:23 or understanding of how to fix the problem
01:25 better than anybody else could,
01:27 because he built the generators.
01:30 Jesus made you and He has the wisdom to know
01:33 how to fix any of your broken dreams or plans.
01:37 First Timothy 1:17 says that, "Jesus is the only wise God."
01:42 So when you need help, go to Jesus first.
01:45 Jeharna will be singing a song
01:47 about that call "Seek Ye First."
01:55 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God
01:57 and His righteousness,
01:58 and all these things shall be added unto you."
02:02 Matthew Chapter 6 verse 33.
02:08 Seek ye first the kingdom of God
02:14 And His righteousness
02:21 And all these things shall be added unto you.
02:27 Hallelu, Hallelujah!
02:33 Ask and it shall be given unto you
02:39 Seek and you shall find.
02:45 Knock and the door will be opened unto you
02:52 Hallelu, Hallelujah!
03:09 Jesus created each one of you.
03:11 He made the blueprints
03:12 and He knows how you will be the happiest.
03:15 You can always trust Jesus, and Jesus helps you
03:18 to make good decisions about everything.
03:21 The Chung Family is going to play a song
03:23 about Jesus on the cello
03:24 and the violin called "Beautiful Savior."
03:30 [Music]
05:19 I am so thankful that Jesus helps us to know
05:21 the right thing to do.
05:23 Without Jesus, you can only guess
05:25 and that doesn't always work very well, does it?
05:27 But when you do things God's way,
05:30 you can avoid pain and frustration,
05:32 because God knows what will make you happy.
05:35 Dawn song "O, Give Thanks"
05:36 is a thank you song to Jesus.
05:50 Oh give thanks, unto the Lord,
05:54 For He is good, yes He is good.
05:58 Oh give thanks, unto the Lord,
06:02 For He is good, yes He is good.
06:05 For He is worthy, worthy,
06:10 For He is good, yes He is good,
06:14 For He is worthy, worthy,
06:19 For He is good, yes He is good.
06:24 Oh give thanks, unto the Lord,
06:28 For He is good, yes He is good.
06:32 Oh give thanks, unto the Lord,
06:36 For He is good, yes He is good.
06:40 For He is worthy, worthy,
06:45 For He is good, yes He is good,
06:49 For He is worthy, worthy
06:53 For He is good, yes He is good.
07:05 Jesus loves you so much, because you are His creation.
07:09 He's spend time designing the perfect you.
07:12 He lovingly put you together
07:14 and He longs for you to belong to Him.
07:16 You are so precious to Him and that heaven
07:19 He knows would not be the same without you.
07:22 As the Girls of Mercy sing "Give Your Heart to Jesus"
07:25 let's tell Jesus that we want to be His.
07:35 all: Are you cool like a freezing rain,
07:40 Are you hot like a desert sun,
07:45 Your life is troubled and full of sin,
07:50 Give your heart to Jesus.
07:55 The Lord, our master is standing here,
07:59 His arms are open wide.
08:04 Oh come to Jesus, He's waiting here,
08:09 In your heart He will abide, Give your heart to Jesus.
08:19 And Lord, let me cares, To take away all your sins,
08:28 Remove your blindness, Remove your pride
08:33 Return to Jesus Christ,
08:38 Remove your blindness, remove your pride,
08:42 Return to Jesus Christ.
08:47 Remove your blindness, remove your pride,
08:52 Return to Jesus Christ.
09:02 I love Jesus so much because of what He has done for us.
09:05 The next song says Joyful, Joyful we adore thee,
09:09 God of glory, Lord of love,
09:11 Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee,
09:14 Hail Thee as the sun above.
09:17 As Leister plays "Joyful, Joyful"
09:19 on his saxophone.
09:20 Let's open up our hearts to God.
09:25 [Music]
10:12 Jesus is teaching you how to live for Him
10:15 and when you obey Him,
10:16 He has such great plans for you.
10:18 Jesus doesn't want you to get stuck in one spot
10:21 or to start going backwards.
10:23 He wants you to go straight ahead.
10:25 Zachari song "Onward Christian Soldiers"
10:28 tells us how we can keep going forward,
10:30 when we follow Jesus.
10:45 Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
10:55 With the cross of Jesus going on before.
11:04 Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe,
11:14 Forward into battle see his banners go!
11:24 Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
11:33 With the cross of Jesus going on before.
11:43 Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,
11:53 Blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.
12:02 Glory, praise, and honor unto Christ the King,
12:12 This through countless ages men and angels sing.
12:21 Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
12:31 With the cross of Jesus going on before.
12:46 God once told Solomon that he could ask for anything
12:49 and Solomon didn't want gold or money,
12:52 he wanted wisdom from God.
12:54 That was a wise choice
12:55 because when you have God's wisdom,
12:58 everything else comes along as Eliann sings
13:01 "One Thing Have I Desired".
13:03 Let's thank Jesus for helping us to be wise.
13:16 One thing have I desired of the Lord,
13:21 That will I seek after that I may dwell
13:29 in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
13:36 To behold the beauty, the beauty of the Lord,
13:42 To enquire in His temple, the temple of the Lord.
13:48 To behold the beauty, the beauty of the Lord,
13:53 To enquire in His temple, the temple of the Lord.
14:07 Jesus wants you to make a decision to belong to Him
14:10 and you shouldn't wait until later,
14:12 because later may never come.
14:14 The wise choice is to give your heart to Jesus.
14:17 Give it to Him right now.
14:18 He is the one who created you,
14:20 who knows what will bring you peace and joy.
14:23 Alessandra song "Right Now"
14:25 encourages us not to wait in choosing Jesus.
14:38 Right now, right now,
14:43 Call me to your life right now.
14:48 Decide to live your life for Him.
14:54 Right now, right now.
14:59 Right now, right now,
15:03 Call me to your life right now,
15:08 Decide to live your life for Him.
15:14 Right now, right now.
15:26 Even the smallest of children
15:28 can make a decision to belong to Jesus.
15:30 He loves children and He is so proud of
15:33 each and every one of you.
15:35 Our next singer is a very little girl.
15:37 She is only four, but she already knows that
15:40 she loves Jesus.
15:41 Let's listen as Zoei plays and sings
15:44 "The Greeting Song."
15:49 Welcome, welcome how do you do?
15:55 Welcome, welcome how do you do?
16:01 Come, learn of Jesus, angels are with us,
16:06 Welcome, welcome come friends unto.
16:15 What do you think would happen
16:16 if you try to run a car on orange juice?
16:20 I don't think it would go very far, do you?
16:22 Jesus knows what we need to be happy
16:25 to have a friendship with Him.
16:26 Janna and Danielle are going to sing "Give Thanks".
16:30 Aren't you glad that Jesus gives you
16:32 just what you need?
16:39 Give thanks with a grateful heart
16:44 Give thanks to the Holy One
16:50 Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
17:00 Give thanks with a grateful heart
17:06 Give thanks to the Holy One
17:11 Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
17:22 And now let the weak say, I am strong
17:30 Let the poor say, I am rich
17:35 Because of what the Lord has done for us
17:43 And now let the weak say, I am strong
17:51 Let the poor say, I am rich
17:56 Because of what the Lord has done for us
18:04 Give thanks,
18:14 Give thanks.
18:26 When Jesus was born, He took on a human body
18:29 and grew up just like you.
18:31 That means Jesus knows exactly
18:33 what is like to be a kid your age.
18:35 And when Jesus was born, the entire universe rejoiced,
18:38 because God was rescuing you.
18:41 Now the Orangevale Girls Chorus will sing "Amen"
18:44 a song that celebrates Jesus' birth.
18:58 all: Amen, Amen,
19:06 Amen, Amen, Amen, Sing it over,
19:15 Amen, Amen,
19:23 Amen, Amen, Amen,
19:29 See the little baby, Amen Wrapped in a manger, Amen
19:37 On Christmas morning, Amen, Amen, Amen--
19:45 See Him at the temple, Amen
19:50 Talking to the elders, Amen Who marveled at his wisdom
19:56 Amen, Amen, Amen--
20:02 See Him by the sea side, Amen
20:06 Talking to the fishermen, Amen
20:09 And making them disciples Amen, Amen, Amen
20:18 See Him on the hill side, Amen
20:22 Reaching to the people, Amen And healing all the sick ones
20:28 Amen, Amen, Amen--
20:34 See Him in the garden, Amen Praying to his father, Amen
20:42 In deepest sorrow Amen, Amen, Amen
20:50 See Him on the garden, Amen
20:54 Bearing on to his questions, Amen
20:58 In bitter agony Amen, Amen, Amen
21:06 Yes He died to save us, Amen And He rose to tie us, Amen
21:14 Now He lives forever! Amen Amen, Amen,
21:36 One day soon Jesus is going to come back
21:39 to take us home to heaven.
21:40 Ivana is going to sing "Until Then."
21:54 My heart can sing when I pause to remember,
22:02 A heartache here is but a stepping stone,
22:09 Along a trail that's winding always upward,
22:17 This troubled world is not my final home.
22:24 But until then my heart will go on singing,
22:32 Until then with joy I'll carry on,
22:39 Until the day my eyes behold the city,
22:47 Until the day God calls me home.
22:56 The things of earth will dim and lose their value,
23:04 If we recall they're borrowed for a while,
23:11 And things of earth
23:14 that cause the heart to tremble,
23:18 Remember there will only bring a smile.
23:26 But until then my heart will go on singing,
23:35 Until then with joy I'll carry on,
23:42 Until the day my eyes behold the city,
23:50 Until the day God calls me home.
24:05 I can't wait to go to heaven,
24:07 but when Jesus comes into our hearts,
24:09 we can have a little taste of heaven right now.
24:11 Isabel and Wen-Ting are going to play
24:13 "The Kingdom of Heaven is in You."
24:18 [Music]
26:01 We almost make a decision for Jesus.
26:04 Pierce is going to sing
26:05 "Which Side Are You Leaning On?"
26:15 Oh which side are you leaning on?
26:18 Leaning on the Lord side.
26:20 Yes, which side are you leaning on?
26:24 Leaning on the Lord side.
26:26 I lean, I lean, I lean, I lean,
26:29 Leaning on the Lord side.
26:31 I lean, I lean, I lean, I lean,
26:34 Leaning on the Lord side.
26:37 Oh which side are you praying on?
26:40 Praying on the Lord side.
26:42 Yes, which side are you praying on?
26:45 Praying n the Lord side.
26:48 I pray, I pray, I pray, I pray,
26:51 Praying on the Lord side.
26:53 I pray, I pray, I pray all day,
26:56 Praying on the Lord side.
26:59 Oh which side are you singing on?
27:02 Singing on the Lord side.
27:04 Yes, which side are you singing on?
27:07 Singing on the Lord side.
27:09 I sing, I sing, I sing, I sing,
27:12 Singing on the Lord side.
27:15 I sing, I sing, I sing, I sing,
27:17 Singing on the Lord side.
27:20 Oh which side are you walking on?
27:23 Walking on the Lord side.
27:25 Yes, which side are you walking on?
27:28 Walking on the Lord side.
27:30 I walk, I walk, I walk, I walk,
27:33 Walking on the Lord side.
27:35 I walk, I walk, I walk, I walk,
27:38 Walking on the Lord side.
27:46 Boys and girls, I have chosen to belong to Jesus.
27:49 And I know it's a wise choice.
27:51 Will you choose Jesus too?
27:53 I'm looking forward to seeing all of you next time.
27:55 Remember boys and girls,
27:56 it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17