Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KTPP
Program Code: KTPP000114
00:02 Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children,
00:06 God is love! God is love! 00:10 Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children, 00:15 God is love! God is love! 00:23 Hi, boys and girls, 00:24 I would like to tell you a story today about Patty. 00:26 She loved to play in shallow streams. 00:29 And one day, she was trying to move 00:31 the rocks from the steam bed to a place further upstream, 00:34 so that her and her friends could build a dam. 00:37 Now, it was lots of fun, 00:38 but as Patty picked up a rock and threw it, 00:41 one of her friends stepped in the way, 00:44 crack, the rock hit her friend's arm 00:46 and hurt her pretty badly. 00:49 Now Patty felt also and that first she didn't want to admit 00:52 that she was the one that had thrown the rock, 00:54 but that made her feel even worst. 00:56 I did it, she said I am sorry. 00:59 You know, when you do something wrong, 01:01 you need to go to Jesus for forgiveness. 01:03 He will come into your heart and He will change your ways. 01:06 Let's listen as Emily sings 01:08 "Come to my Heart, Lord Jesus." 01:22 Come to my heart, Lord Jesus teach me to walk in your way 01:33 Come to my heart, Lord Jesus come to my heart today. 01:43 Give me the peace and joy that only you can bring. 01:53 Come to my heart, Lord Jesus give me a song to sing. 02:04 Fill me with love, Lord Jesus Teach me to walk in your way 02:15 Fill me with love, Lord Jesus Fill me with love today 02:25 Give me the peace and joy that only You can bring 02:35 Fill me with love, Lord Jesus give me a song to sing 02:46 Answer my pray, Lord Jesus teach me to walk in your way 02:57 Answer my pray, Lord Jesus Answer my pray today 03:08 Give me the peace and joy that only You can bring 03:18 Answer my pray, Lord Jesus give me a song to sing 03:41 Melissa and Laurel are going to play 03:42 one of my favorite songs 03:44 and as you listen to these words, you will see why? 03:47 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! 03:50 Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine! 03:53 Heir of salvation, purchase of God, 03:56 Born of His spirit, washed in His blood 03:59 This is my story, this is my song, 04:02 Praising my Savior all the day long, 04:05 This is my story, this is my song, 04:08 Praising my Savior all the day long. 04:11 Let's listen as they play "Blessed assurance." 04:16 [music] 06:52 Jesus came to earth to show us 06:54 God's love and to give us 06:55 the credit of His perfect life. 06:57 Don't you want to choose Jesus? 07:00 Michaelle and Gianna are going to sing 07:02 about God's perfect love in this song 07:04 "For God so Loved the world." 07:18 For God so loved the world 07:26 That He gave His only begotten Son 07:33 That whomsoever believeth on Him 07:40 Should not perish, should not perish 07:46 But they shall have, they shall have everlasting life 08:02 For God so loved the world 08:09 That He gave His only begotten Son 08:17 That whomsoever believeth on Him 08:24 Should not perish, should not perish 08:30 But they shall have, they shall have everlasting life 08:49 Do you remember the story I was telling about Patty 08:51 and the rocks that she threw. 08:53 Well, when she asked her friend to forgive her, 08:55 she felt so happy. 08:57 When we forgive each other, 08:59 we come a little bit closer to having heaven on earth. 09:01 I can't wait till we all live in heaven 09:03 where there will be no more sin or sadness. 09:06 As Jessica and her mom Adriana sing 09:08 "Far beyond the Sun." 09:10 Let's imagine just what heaven will be like. 09:19 Though I claim no riches on my earthly journey, 09:27 Over there in glory I've a mansion fair. 09:35 While on earth an outcast, by the world rejected, 09:43 Yet my Lord and Master saves me from despair. 09:50 Far beyond the sun! Far beyond the sun! 09:58 Up there is my home, my home, blessed home, 10:01 Far beyond the sun! 10:05 Far beyond the sun! Far beyond the sun! 10:13 Up there is my home, my home, blessed home, 10:17 Far beyond the sun! 10:21 So I travel onward, through the world we wander, 10:29 Of the beset by trials, and temptations sore 10:36 But my dear Redeemer, though He tests and proves us, 10:44 Yet will guide us safely to the other shore. 10:52 Far beyond the sun! Far beyond the sun! 10:59 Up there is my home, my home, blessed home, 11:03 Far beyond the sun! 11:07 Far beyond the sun! Far beyond the sun! 11:15 Up there is our home, our home, blessed home, 11:19 Far beyond the sun! 11:27 When we sin or disobey God, Satan tries to tell us 11:30 that we are too bad to go to Jesus for forgiveness. 11:33 But Satan is a liar 11:35 and you shouldn't listen to him. 11:37 Romans 6:14 reminds us that Jesus will give you the power 11:41 over sin when you give your life completely to Him. 11:44 Remember to turn your eyes upon Jesus 11:47 as Bryan plays his steel pan drum. 11:51 [music] 12:31 I like to talk about Jesus everywhere I go, 12:34 the grocery store, the mall, the post office. 12:36 I hand out special bookmarks 12:38 everywhere witnessing for Jesus. 12:41 The more you tell others about Jesus 12:42 and what He has done for you, 12:44 the better you will feel. 12:45 And just think with the God that loves you 12:48 enough to die for you, you can't help 12:50 but feel that you have great value. 12:53 That's good news for everyone. 12:55 Now the Sanders family is going to sing 12:57 "Let's Talk About Jesus." 13:06 all: Let's talk about Jesus, the King of kings is He, 13:13 The Lord of lords, supreme, through out eternity 13:19 The Great I am the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Doo 13:25 Let's talk about Jesus more and more 13:31 Oh my lovin' brother, when the world's on fire 13:37 Don't you want God's bosom to be your pillow 13:43 O hide me over, in the Rock of Ages 13:50 Rock of Ages, cleft for me 13:59 The Bible says in Roman 3:23 that we all have sinned 14:03 and fallen shot of God's glory. 14:05 Now that means that we all need Jesus. 14:08 There isn't anyone who can go to heaven 14:10 without accepting Jesus' perfect sacrifice. 14:13 When you understand that you must have 14:15 a full surrender to Jesus, 14:17 you want to give Him everything 14:18 and give Him your whole heart. 14:20 As Javier sings "I Surrender All." 14:23 You can see that this is his fervent prayer 14:26 and I ask you to make it your prayer today. 14:43 All to Jesus I surrender All to Him I freely give 14:57 I will ever love and trust Him, 15:05 In His presence daily live. 15:12 I surrender all, I surrender all, 15:25 All to Thee, my blessed Savior, 15:33 I surrender all. 15:40 All to Jesus I surrender, Now I feel the sacred flame. 15:55 I will ever love and trust Him, 16:03 Glory, glory, to His Name! 16:09 I surrender all, I surrender all, 16:23 All to Thee, my blessed Savior, 16:31 I surrender all. I surrender all. 16:45 I surrender all. 17:05 The story of Jesus dying on the cross is a very sad one, 17:08 because a perfect man was killed. 17:11 But Jesus allowed people to kill Him 17:13 for a bigger purpose. 17:14 He was taking our place, 17:16 so that we don't have to die 17:18 an eternal death because of sin. 17:21 Amos and Jessica song "The Old Rugged Cross" 17:24 shows us that the cross is a story of victory. 17:29 [music] 18:51 Isn't it good news that our sins can be forgiven. 18:53 The Bible says in Isaiah 1:18 18:55 that even if your sins are reddish scarlet, 18:58 He will make you white as snow. 19:01 Now that's good news to share with others. 19:03 Sharing Jesus isn't a hard thing to do. 19:05 When we ask Jesus to help us to share Him, 19:08 He always does so. 19:10 Zachary song "Sanctuary" is about asking 19:13 God to prepare us to share His love. 19:18 The Lord says, "Whom shall I send"? 19:20 Then I say here I am Lord send me. 19:24 Isaiah 6:8. 19:30 Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary 19:36 Pure and holy, tried and true 19:43 With thanksgiving, I'll be a living 19:49 Sanctuary for You 19:55 Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary 20:01 Pure and holy, tried and true 20:08 With thanksgiving, I'll be a living 20:14 Sanctuary for You 20:25 When Jesus came down to earth 20:27 that was reason for the whole world to celebrate. 20:30 Jesus came to save us from our sin and pain, 20:33 and that's why people sing "Oh, Hosanna" 20:36 in the streets of Jerusalem as Jesus passed. 20:39 We still sing praises to Jesus today, 20:41 because He is still the one who rescued us. 20:44 The Girls of Mercy are going to sing "Hosanna." 21:18 [foreign Language] 23:09 Because Jesus has rescued us from sin, 23:12 He is preparing a beautiful home in heaven. 23:14 Can you imagine how wonderful that's going to be? 23:17 Our sins will be covered with Jesus' 23:19 blood and no one would remember them again. 23:22 Sin will be vanished 23:23 and there will be only peace and happiness. 23:26 As Geoffrey plays 23:27 "In the Sweet By and By" on his trumpet. 23:29 We can see how he will praise God in heaven. 23:35 [music] 25:21 Even Max will feel God's peace 25:23 when he hears that song. 25:25 Did you see how restful he looked? 25:27 When God forgives us, we feel peaceful once again. 25:30 And God's forgiveness is one of the best gifts 25:33 He gives us. 25:34 I pray that Jesus will change my heart to make me 25:36 more like Him and to take us 25:38 all to heaven to be with Him forever. 25:41 The song that Dawn will sing 25:42 "Change my Heart, O God" is my prayer today. 25:51 Change my heart, O God, Make it ever new. 26:01 Change my heart, O God, May I be like You. 26:13 You are the Potter, I am the clay, 26:24 Mold me and make me, This is what I pray. 26:35 Change my heart, O God, Make it ever new. 26:45 Change my heart, O God, May I be like You. 26:57 Change my heart, O God, May I be like You. 27:15 Boys and girls, it doesn't matter what you've done 27:17 or how guilty you feel, Jesus longs to forgive you 27:21 and make you clean and whole again. 27:23 That's all the time today. 27:25 Until next time, it's Kids Time to praise Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17