Kids' Time Praise


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000113

00:02 Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children,
00:06 God is love! God is love! Praise Him! Praise Him!
00:12 All you little children, God is love! God is love!
00:23 Hi, boys and girls,
00:24 I want to tell you about a little boy name Bosco,
00:27 who lived in Rwanda, Africa.
00:29 One day he got lots of dark duct dirt
00:31 on his favorite Sabbath shirt.
00:33 His mom tried so hard to scrub it out,
00:35 but no matter how hard she tried,
00:37 she could not get that stain to come out.
00:40 Do you know sin is in our hearts
00:42 just kind of like that dirt on a favorite shirt.
00:44 No matter how hard we try on our own,
00:47 we just can't get it clean.
00:49 But Jesus is able to scrub us clean
00:52 and leave us pure and sparkling,
00:55 if we give Him complete control of our lives.
00:57 Now, that's something to smile about, isn't it?
01:00 Let's listen together as Ivana sings
01:02 "Smile, Smile, Smile."
01:12 There's something quite peculiar
01:14 about this world of ours,
01:17 Sometimes we live in sunshine bright,
01:20 sometimes we live in showers,
01:22 But if you would keep happy
01:25 when things are looking bad,
01:27 Just lift the corner of your mouth
01:30 and make believe you're glad,
01:33 And, smile, smile, smile,
01:35 just keep right on a smiling,
01:38 Smile, smile, smile, and clouds will pass away,
01:43 Smile, smile, smile, it's better far than pining,
01:48 You never mind the shadows on a sunny day.
01:54 Sometimes you meet with people,
01:56 who always act so blue,
01:59 They don't like this, they don't like that
02:02 no matter what you do.
02:04 They never outright suit in with anything you say,
02:10 And when you start to do a thing,
02:12 They want a different way
02:15 But, smile, smile, smile, just keep right on smiling,
02:21 Smile, smile, smile, and clouds will pass away,
02:26 Smile, smile, smile, it's better far than pining,
02:31 You never mind the shadows on a sunny day.
02:41 God is perfect and kind and good
02:44 and He's always been that way.
02:45 When we ask God to come close to us,
02:48 He starts to scrub out that sin
02:50 and we places that with His love.
02:52 The closer we're to Jesus,
02:54 the more Jesus love changes us.
02:57 Let's listen as Lester plays "Near to the Heart of God."
03:06 [music]
06:13 You know, we can't become pure
06:15 and good on our own, only Jesus can do that for us.
06:18 When we try to do it on our own,
06:20 we only become tired and frustrated.
06:22 It just doesn't work, does it?
06:24 The more tired we get the more angry
06:26 and unhappy we become.
06:28 And when we let Jesus work in us,
06:31 we'll be so much happier.
06:33 The song the Sanders family will sing
06:35 "Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus"
06:37 is about placing or focus on Jesus.
06:52 O soul, are you weary and troubled?
07:02 No light in the darkness you see?
07:11 There's light for a look at the Savior,
07:21 And life more abundant and free!
07:31 Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
07:40 Look full in His wonderful face,
07:49 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
08:00 In the light of His glory and grace.
08:11 His Word shall not fail you, He promised,
08:20 Believe Him, and all will be well,
08:29 Then go to a world that is dying,
08:38 His perfect salvation to tell!
08:48 Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
08:57 Look full in His wonderful face,
09:07 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
09:17 In the light of His glory and grace.
09:33 Jesus' love has the power to change
09:35 even the hardest criminal.
09:36 We all need to be loved.
09:38 When we don't feel loved,
09:39 we feel pretty terrible, don't we?
09:41 Even if you feel that no one loves you,
09:44 you can know that Jesus loves you more than anyone.
09:47 And He'll always love you and you are very,
09:50 very important to Him.
09:52 Let's listen as Eric and Kylynda play
09:54 "The Power of Your Love."
09:59 [music]
11:32 Sometimes we struggle with bad habits
11:34 and some things are kind of hard
11:36 to stop doing, aren't they?
11:38 But we don't need to feel like we'll never get better
11:40 because Jesus has promised to help us.
11:43 He can help us overcome anything.
11:45 We just have to give it to Him
11:47 and let Him make the changes.
11:49 You can be confident that Jesus is yours.
11:52 That's the message of Brian's song
11:54 "Blessed Assurance."
12:03 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
12:08 O what a foretaste of glory divine!
12:13 Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
12:18 Born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.
12:23 This is my story, this is my song,
12:28 Praising my Savior all the day long,
12:33 This is my story, this is my song,
12:38 Praising my Savior all the day long.
12:43 Perfect submission, perfect delight,
12:48 Visions of rapture now burst on my sight,
12:53 Angels descending bring from above
12:58 Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
13:03 This is my story, this is my song,
13:08 Praising my Savior all the day long,
13:13 This is my story, this is my song,
13:18 Praising my Savior all the day long.
13:23 Praising my Savior all the day long.
13:36 We can be confident that Jesus loves us
13:38 and that He will take us to heaven with Him.
13:40 When we ask Jesus to come into our hearts,
13:42 His love just flows to us like a fountain bubbling out
13:46 and everyone else around can see it.
13:49 That is how we help spread His love
13:51 by letting Him fill us up to the brim.
13:54 Let's listen as Janna sings "This Love is Mine."
14:10 We may sound the depths of all the mighty oceans,
14:17 We may tell the distance to the farthest star.
14:25 But the mighty love of God cannot be measured.
14:32 Its dimensions are so high, so deep, so far!
14:40 This love is mine, I cannot comprehend it!
14:48 This love revealed it Christ, my Lord divine.
14:55 When on a tree He died for me.
15:06 God's wondrous, glorious, mighty love,
15:13 This love is mine!
15:24 When we know that Jesus loves us,
15:26 it makes us feel so happy
15:28 and that's something to sing about.
15:30 Our next song has some lovely words.
15:32 Jesus loves me! This I know,
15:34 For the Bible tells me so, Little ones to Him belong,
15:39 They are weak but He is strong.
15:42 Let's listen as the Steffens Family plays
15:44 "Jesus Loves Me."
15:49 [music]
17:53 Jesus loves us and wants to gather us close to Him,
17:55 the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.
17:58 She snuggles Him close
17:59 and keeps them warm and secure.
18:01 When Jesus gathers us close,
18:03 He cleans us off and helps us
18:05 to grow to be like Him.
18:07 Being next to Jesus is the safest,
18:09 warmest, and best place to be.
18:12 Let's listen as Zachari sings
18:14 "Children of the Heavenly Father."
18:25 Children of the Heavenly Father
18:30 Safely in His bosom gather
18:36 Nestling bird nor star in heaven
18:41 Such a refuge ever was given
18:48 God His own doth tend and nourish
18:54 In His holy love they flourish
18:59 From all evil things He spares them
19:05 In His mighty arms He bears them
19:12 Praise the Lord in joyful number
19:17 Your Protector never slumbers
19:23 At the will of your Defender
19:28 Every foe man must surrender
19:39 When Jesus comes into our hearts
19:41 He shines His love to us.
19:43 We're like candles.
19:44 Candles don't shine on their own, do they?
19:47 Someone needs to light them and God lights us,
19:50 so that we can glow with His love.
19:52 I'm so glad that God uses us to love others near us.
19:55 The next song "Rise and Shine" is sung
19:58 by the Schafer Girls and it's all about
20:00 being happy to show God's love.
20:10 Rise and shine boys and girls, Sing and smile and pray.
20:18 Gladly look in the book, Each will light your way.
20:26 Do your best, show the rest, Jesus lives inside.
20:34 Rise and shine boys and girls, Shine out for and bright.
20:46 When Jesus comes into our hearts,
20:48 He starts to make us to more like Him.
20:50 But that doesn't mean that
20:52 we're better than anyone else.
20:53 Jesus works on us little bit at a time
20:56 and He helps us to learn lessons as we grow.
20:59 You don't need to worry though
21:00 because Jesus isn't done with you yet.
21:02 He'll help you to become more like Him
21:04 through your whole life.
21:06 Let's listen as Sarah sings
21:08 "He's Still Working on Me."
21:16 He's still working on me to make me what I ought to be.
21:24 It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars,
21:28 The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars.
21:32 O how loving and patient He must be,
21:36 'cause He's still working on
21:39 He's still working on, He's still working on me.
21:48 When the rain falls on the earth, it washes it clean.
21:51 A long time ago God send so much rain
21:54 that there was a flood that cleanse
21:56 the whole earth.
21:57 He promised to never do that again
21:59 and He gave us the rainbow as a sign of His promise.
22:02 When we see the rainfall,
22:04 we can remember how Jesus cleanse us from the inside.
22:08 Let's listen as the Hartmans play
22:09 their original "Ozark Rain."
22:15 [music]
25:21 The longer you stay in a friendship with Jesus,
25:23 the more wonderful that friendship becomes.
25:26 And when you make a new friend,
25:28 you don't know much about them.
25:29 The longer you know them,
25:31 the more you grow to like them.
25:32 And it's the same way with Jesus,
25:34 the longer you know Him, the more you love Him
25:37 and serve Him and trust Him to take care of you.
25:40 Let's listen as Mirielle sings "The Longer I Serve Him."
25:54 Since I started for the Kingdom,
26:02 Since my life He controls,
26:09 Since I gave my heart to Jesus,
26:16 The longer I serve Him, The sweeter He grows.
26:25 The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows,
26:33 The more that I love Him, more love He bestows,
26:40 Each day is like heaven, my heart overflows,
26:49 The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows.
27:03 Isn't it good news that Jesus can wash us clean
27:06 and makes us pure.
27:08 He takes all those ugly stains
27:10 and He gives us a fresh clean heart.
27:12 I love having a friendship with Jesus.
27:15 And I hope that you will make
27:16 Jesus your best friend too.
27:18 I'm already looking forward to seeing you again
27:20 next time boys and girls.
27:21 Remember to bring a friend and wherever you go,
27:24 whatever you, don't forget boys and girls,
27:27 it's Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17