Kids' Time Praise


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000108

00:02 Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children,
00:06 God is love! God is love!
00:10 Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children,
00:15 God is love! God is love!
00:23 Hi, boys and girls.
00:24 Today, I have a story about two little girls.
00:27 Now the first girl only had one dress,
00:29 and one pair of shoes and a thin sweater.
00:32 The second girl came from a wealthy home,
00:34 and she had more dresses
00:36 and shoes then she could even count.
00:37 She had a driver who took her places in a shiny car
00:40 and she had lots and lots of toys.
00:42 One afternoon both girls went to park playing
00:45 and the sun was shinning brightly
00:48 then suddenly clouds begin to roll
00:49 and rain drops begin to fall.
00:51 This is terrible cried the second girl.
00:54 My shoes will be all muddy
00:56 and I will have to change my dress again.
00:58 I hate this. The first little girl looked up
01:01 at the sky and said I love the rain.
01:04 It makes the grass green
01:05 and it just smells so wonderful.
01:08 Which of these two little girls was content?
01:11 The first little girl was, wasn't she?
01:13 Even though she didn't have many things
01:15 she was happy in the rain or the sun.
01:17 The second little girl was not happy even though
01:20 she had everything.
01:21 Jesus wants us to be content
01:24 even when he is cleaning us up.
01:26 Let's listen as the Lynn and Beverly
01:28 sing about this in "Refiner's Fire".
01:39 Purify my heart
01:44 Let me be as gold and precious silver
01:53 Purify my heart
01:58 Let me be as gold, pure gold
02:06 Refiner's fire My heart's one desire
02:19 Is to be holy Set apart for You, Lord
02:31 I choose to be holy Set apart for You, my Master
02:46 Ready to do Your will
02:56 Purify my heart, Cleanse me from my sin
03:06 And make me holy Purify my heart,
03:15 Cleanse me from my sin, deep within.
03:24 Refiner's fire, My heart's one desire
03:36 Is to be holy, holy Set apart for You, Lord.
03:48 I choose to be holy, holy
03:56 Set apart for You, my Master,
04:03 Ready to do Your will Ready to do Your will
04:28 Even if it's raining outside,
04:30 we can have sunshine in our hearts.
04:32 When we look at the happy side of life
04:34 we can't help but feel happy.
04:36 God wants us to feel content.
04:38 And if we are never happy until
04:40 we have more then we will never be happy
04:43 because there'll always be something we don't have.
04:45 We want Jesus join in our hearts.
04:48 Let's listen as Lester plays
04:50 "There is Sunshine in My Soul Today."
04:54 [Music]
05:39 Only God can help us to have sunshine in our hearts.
05:41 Jesus takes all the rubbish out
05:43 and replaces it with joy and peace and thankfulness.
05:47 No matter what is happening
05:49 Jesus can give us Contentment.
05:51 He can show us how He is taking care of us
05:53 and He can point out the bright side.
05:55 Yumi and I are going to sing a song
05:57 about Contentment called, "It Is Well With My Soul"
06:12 When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
06:24 When sorrows like sea billows roll
06:32 Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
06:44 It is well, it is well, with my soul.
06:53 It is well, with my soul,
07:06 It is well, it is well, with my soul.
07:16 My sin, oh, the joy of this glorious thought!
07:27 My sin, not in part but the whole,
07:36 Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
07:47 Even so, it is well with my soul.
07:56 It is well, with my soul,
08:09 It is well, it is well, with my soul.
08:23 When you share your thoughts and struggles with Jesus
08:26 He helps you to feel calm and content once again.
08:28 Prayer brings you closer to God
08:30 and helps you to see things from His perspective.
08:33 Then you begin to understand that many others
08:36 have far less than you do
08:37 and you begin to feel thankful
08:39 for the things that God has given you.
08:40 The prayer is a beautiful song
08:43 and I've asked Bryan
08:44 to play it on a steel pan drum. Let's listen.
08:49 [Music]
11:33 I'm so glad that Jesus helps me
11:35 to be thankful and contented.
11:36 The happiness that comes from material things
11:39 in this world doesn't lasts, does it?
11:41 Things get old or stolen,
11:43 but the joy that comes from Jesus lasts.
11:46 No one can take that deep down joy away from you
11:49 and that is one reason
11:50 why I love Jesus so very much.
11:52 Let's listen together as Janna sings
11:55 ''Oh, How I love Jesus.''
12:03 O how I love Jesus O how I love Jesus
12:11 O how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me
12:22 Having Contentment doesn't come easily
12:24 or naturally to us,
12:26 but Jesus can help you to overcome
12:27 this and learn how to be joyful in Him.
12:29 Don't you want that kind of joy?
12:32 The Hartmans are going to play,
12:34 "There Is Fountain,"
12:35 in their typical bluegrass style
12:37 with steel guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle and bass.
12:40 It's a song about Jesus blood covering
12:43 all our sins and making us clean.
12:47 [Music]
15:05 One way to be content
15:06 in everything is to Praise God.
15:08 It's hard to be grumpy or jealous
15:10 when we're praising God for all the things
15:12 that He has done for you, isn't it?
15:14 It just doesn't work.
15:15 Praising God helps you to look at things
15:17 in the right way and it reminds you how blessed
15:20 you really are Jeharna loves to Praise Jesus
15:23 and that's why she's chosen to sing,
15:25 "I Love You, Lord".
15:41 I love you, Lord And I lift my voice
15:54 To worship You Oh, my soul rejoice
16:05 Take joy my King In what You hear
16:16 May be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear
16:29 I love you, Lord And I lift my voice
16:41 To worship You Oh, my soul rejoice
16:52 Take joy my King In what You hear
17:02 May be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear
17:27 You don't have to be big or grownup
17:29 in order to Praise Jesus.
17:31 In fact, the Bible says in Psalms 19:1,
17:34 that the heavens and sky declare the glory of God.
17:38 I think I liked to join the sun, moon and stars
17:41 and praising God. How about you?
17:43 Jesus loves to hear his children praising Him.
17:45 And your little voices are the loveliest music to Him.
17:48 Let's listen together as Zoei sing
17:51 "Children Sing."
17:54 Children sing Children sing
17:58 Happy praises to our King Gladly raise, Gladly raise
18:06 Joyful songs of praise
18:09 Jesus is the children's friend
18:13 He'll be with us to the end
18:16 Children sing Children sing
18:20 Praises to our King
18:26 Did you know that even animals Praise God?
18:28 Birds sing their songs, and crickets play along.
18:31 Maxwell can bark happily
18:33 and cats can pour their praises to God.
18:36 Everything on earth praises God.
18:38 The trees wave their branches
18:41 and the wind whistles softly.
18:42 Everything on earth says God is so great.
18:46 Let's listen to together has Eden's Kids Choir sing,
18:49 "Let the Birds Sing."
19:01 Let the birds sing Let the birds sing
19:05 Let the clouds head praise forth with joy.
19:09 Let's the birds Sing Let's the birds Sing
19:13 Let's the trees of the fields clap their hands.
19:18 I want to thank the Lord,
19:21 bless His word, Praise His name.
19:26 I want to thank the Lord for all He's done for me
19:34 Let's the Birds Sing Let's the Birds Sing
19:38 Let the ocean roar His praises
19:43 Let's the Birds Sing Let's the Birds Sing
19:46 Let the sun and the moon bow their heads
19:51 I want to thank the Lord,
19:55 bless His word, Praise His name.
19:59 I want to thank the Lord for all He's done for me
20:07 I want to sing His praise, sing unto the Lord
20:15 Magnify His name on earth as it is in heaven
20:23 Let the bird sing Let the bird sing
20:27 Let the Church sing Let the Church sing
20:32 Let the bird sing Let the bird sing
20:35 Let all creation sing.
20:48 Did you think of some reasons to Praise God?
20:50 I did. There are so many to count
20:53 but here are just a few.
20:54 I'm thankful that God created each one of you.
20:57 And I'm thankful that Jesus loves us so much,
21:00 and I'm thankful that Jesus lets us helps spread
21:03 His love to others.
21:04 Let me see that's one, two, three; three things.
21:09 Let us enjoy joyfully as Sarah sings
21:11 "1-2-3 Jesus Loves Me"
21:20 1 - 2 - 3 Jesus loves me
21:24 1 - 2 - 3 Jesus loves you
21:27 3 - 4 He loves you more
21:30 Than you've ever been loved before
21:34 5 - 6 -7 We're all going to Heaven
21:38 8 - 9 Surely divine
21:42 9 - 10 It's time to win
21:46 There is no time to sing it again.
21:55 Being cheerful can be hard
21:57 when we have some good reasons to be sad?
21:59 Some very sad things can happen
22:01 and there isn't anything wrong with having
22:03 those feelings of sadness inside.
22:05 Jesus understands and He wants to comfort
22:08 you and take away your tears,
22:10 so that you can feel happy again.
22:12 Jesus is much more powerful than any of our sadness.
22:15 Isabel knows the reason why it's because
22:18 there is "Power in the Blood".
22:23 [Music]
24:57 When Jesus comes into our hearts He helps us
24:59 to be content with the things
25:01 He has given us. He also helps us to be cheerful,
25:03 even when it feels so hard to smile.
25:06 Jesus will help you as He sends you
25:08 His everyday blessings
25:09 and then you will have even more reason
25:12 to smile and be happy.
25:13 Let's listen as Jessica sings
25:15 "Always Cheerful" in English and then in Romanian
25:27 Let our hearts be always cheerful
25:31 Why should murmuring enter there,
25:35 When our kind and loving Father
25:40 Makes us children of His care?
25:44 Always cheerful, always cheerful,
25:49 Sunshine all around we see
25:53 Full of beauty is the path of duty,
25:58 Cheerful we may always be.
26:02 [Singing in Romanian Language]
26:05 Oh! the good are always happy,
26:41 And their path is ever bright
26:45 Let us heed the blessed counsel,
26:50 Shun the wrong and love the right.
26:54 Always cheerful, always cheerful,
26:59 Sunshine all around we see
27:03 Full of beauty is the path of duty,
27:08 Cheerful we may always be.
27:16 Well, I hope you've learned something
27:18 more about Contentment today.
27:19 God has given us so many blessings.
27:21 We want count them everyday.
27:23 I can't wait to see you again next time.
27:25 Until then remember boys and girls,
27:27 wherever you go whatever you do,
27:29 it's Kids Time to Praise Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17