Kids' Time Praise


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000103

00:03 Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children
00:07 God is love! God is love! Praise Him! Praise Him!
00:13 All you little children God is love! God is love!
00:23 Hi boys and girls. Have you ever looked up
00:25 into the night sky and see all the beautiful stars?
00:29 You know when I look up at the stars,
00:31 I always wonder what is beyond them.
00:34 Is that where Heaven is and what will Heaven be like?
00:37 Jesus promised to prepare a place for us,
00:39 so that we could go be together with Him forever.
00:42 Heaven is a wonderful place where there is no darkness,
00:45 no pain and no crying.
00:48 And in Zechariah 8:5, the Bible says
00:50 that the streets of the heavenly city will be full
00:53 of boys and girls playing in the streets.
00:56 Now that sounds like fun doesn't it?
00:59 In Heaven there won't be any death,
01:00 even the flowers you can pick them
01:02 and they won't fade or wilt or die.
01:05 We'll get to eat fruits from the tree of life
01:07 and you'll get to meet some of your favorite Bible heroes.
01:10 You can listen to David play a psalm on his harper;
01:13 talk with good old Enochian.
01:15 Most importantly you'll be able to be
01:17 with your best friend Jesus.
01:19 Heaven is a wonderful place and it is real.
01:22 One day Jesus is coming to take us home with Him.
01:25 And I can't wait, I want to live with Him
01:27 forever and that's the best part.
01:29 Now let's listen to Adolfo sing
01:31 "When We All Get To Heaven".
01:40 Sing the wondrous love of Jesus
01:45 Sing his mercy and his grace
01:49 In the mansions bright and blessing
01:53 He'll prepare for us a place
01:57 When we all get to heaven
02:01 What a day of rejoicing that will be!
02:06 When we all see Jesus
02:10 We'll sing and shout the victory!
02:16 Onward to the prize before us! Soon his beauty we'll behold
02:25 Soon the pearly gates will open
02:29 We shall tread the streets of gold
02:33 When we all get to heaven
02:37 What a day of rejoicing that will be!
02:42 When we all see Jesus
02:47 We'll sing and shout the victory!
02:58 When Jesus comes, the people who didn't
03:00 care about Him are going to be afraid.
03:02 But those who love Jesus are going to be so happy.
03:06 We all know that He's come to take us home to heaven.
03:09 And the Bible says, we'll meet Jesus in the air,
03:11 won't that be an incredible feeling
03:13 to just lift up off the ground
03:15 Oh, I can't wait. Let's listen to that experience
03:18 as The Hartmans play "I'll Fly Away."
03:24 [ music ]
05:21 The Bible tells us that before Jesus comes
05:24 there is going to be signs.
05:25 There will be wars, earthquakes,
05:27 famines, and signs in the sky.
05:30 Now we've already seen
05:31 many of these signs happening don't we?
05:33 So, we know that Jesus coming is very soon,
05:36 and it's kind of exciting isn't it?
05:38 Every generation has longed to see Jesus return
05:41 and we are the closest yet.
05:43 Let's think about how wonderful that will be as we listen to
05:46 Sofia sing "Jesus Is Coming Again."
05:58 Marvelous message we bring Glorious carol we sing
06:08 Wonderful word of the King Jesus is coming again
06:18 Forest and flower exclaim Mountain and meadow the same
06:29 All earth and heaven proclaim Jesus is coming again
06:40 Coming again, coming again Maybe morning, maybe noon
06:55 Maybe evening and maybe soon Coming again, coming again
07:10 O, what a wonderful day it will be
07:17 Jesus is coming again.
07:27 Standing before Him at last Trial and trouble all past
07:37 Crowns at His feet we will cast Jesus is coming again
07:49 Coming again, coming again Maybe morning, maybe noon
08:04 Maybe evening and maybe soon Coming again, coming again
08:19 O, what a wonderful day it will be
08:27 Jesus is coming again
08:39 The most wonderful part of being in heaven
08:42 is that we'll get to spend eternity with Jesus.
08:45 Do you have any questions you want to ask Him?
08:47 I know I do. Can you imagine
08:48 how nice it will be to finally see God's face close up,
08:52 and be able to snuggle up next to Him?
08:55 Do you know Khelsea, Kylynda, and Eric
08:57 love Jesus just like you do and that's why
09:00 they have chosen to play "Father I Adore you".
09:06 [ music ]
10:27 I do love Jesus and I'm so glad that He shows us the way.
10:31 He shows us how to live a happy life
10:32 and how to please our Heavenly Father.
10:34 I want to invite you to give
10:36 your life and your heart to Jesus today.
10:38 So, you can live with Him forever in heaven.
10:40 Our next song by Elizabeth is a Gospel song called
10:44 "Life Is Like A Mountain Railroad"
10:46 and this describes Jesus is our guide on our heavenly journey.
10:57 Life is like a mountain railway With an engineer that's brave
11:07 We must make the run successful From the cradle to the grave
11:16 Heed the curves and watch the tunnels
11:21 Never falter, never fail
11:26 Keep your hands upon the throttle
11:30 And your eye upon the rail
11:35 Blessed Saviour there to guide us
11:40 Till we reach that blissful shore
11:45 And the angels there to join us In God's grace forevermore
11:59 As you roll across the trestle Spanning Jordan's swelling tide
12:08 You will reach the Union Depot Into which your train will ride
12:17 There you'll meet the superintendent
12:22 God the father, God the son
12:27 With a happy joyous greeting Weary pilgrim, welcome home
12:36 Blessed Saviour there to guide us
12:41 Till we reach that blissful shore
12:46 And the angels there to join us
12:51 In God's grace forevermore
12:55 In God's grace forevermore.
13:06 Jesus wants us to be ready when He returns
13:08 and being ready doesn't mean being flawless.
13:11 But it does mean having a personal friendship with Jesus.
13:15 If Jesus is our friend, then we don't have to be
13:17 afraid of Him coming back, do we?
13:19 We can spend time with Him everyday to be sure
13:22 that we are ready to see Him.
13:24 Ivana wants to be ready too, so her song makes the appeal
13:28 "Are You Ready For Jesus To Come".
13:41 The theme of the Bible is Jesus And how He died to save men
13:54 The plan of salvation assures us He's coming back again
14:09 Are you ready for Jesus to come?
14:19 Are you faithful in all that you do?
14:26 Have you fought a good fight?
14:30 Have you stood for the right? Have others seen Jesus in you?
14:41 Are you ready to stand in your place?
14:51 Are you ready to look in His face?
14:59 Can you look up and say, "This is My Lord!"
15:08 Are you ready for Jesus to come?
15:17 Don't cling to the world and its treasure
15:23 This earth will soon pass away
15:30 Oh, give Him your love without measure
15:37 He's calling you today!
15:45 Are you ready for Jesus to come?
15:56 Are you faithful in all that you do?
16:03 Do you fight a good fight?
16:07 Do you stand for the right? Do others see Jesus in you?
16:19 Are you ready to stand in your place?
16:29 Are you ready to look in His face?
16:36 Can you look up and say, "This is My Lord!"
16:46 Are you ready for Jesus to come?
16:58 Can you imagine how wonderful it would be
17:00 to see Jesus for the first time?
17:02 Most people from all ages since the world began
17:05 have never seen Him.
17:07 Well, you and I can talk to Him in prayer.
17:09 It's going to be a wonderful treat
17:11 to see Him face to face isn't it?
17:13 I want to see Jesus and I know Bryan does too.
17:15 Let's listen as he plays "We Shall Behold Him."
17:22 [ music ]
20:06 It's exciting to wait for Jesus to return because
20:08 we know that we are part of a very important story.
20:12 All of creation is watching the earth waiting to see
20:14 how God will redeem His people.
20:17 You're part of the most important story ever told
20:19 and the most exciting part of that story
20:21 is just around the corner.
20:23 As you listen to Sarah song "Countdown"
20:26 you can tell she knows His coming
20:28 is getting closer and closer everyday.
20:39 Somewhere in outer place God has prepared a place
20:44 For those who trust Him and obey Jesus will come again
20:52 Although we don't know when
20:54 The Countdown's getting lower everyday
20:59 Ten and nine, eight and seven Six and five and four
21:04 Call upon the Savior while you may
21:09 Three and two coming through the clouds in bright array
21:14 The countdown's getting lower everyday
21:20 Jesus was crucified for all our sin's He died
21:25 But on the cross He didn't stay He gave His promise through
21:33 I'll come back for you thee
21:35 The countdown's getting lower everyday
21:40 Ten and nine, eight and seven Six and five and four
21:45 Call up on the Savior while you may
21:51 Three and two coming through the clouds in bright array
21:55 The countdown's getting lower everyday
22:04 The Bible says in 1st Corinthians 13:12
22:07 that right now we see things darkly
22:10 like looking into a dirty mirror.
22:12 But when Jesus comes to take us to heaven,
22:14 we'll see things the way they really are
22:17 and that's a wonderful promise isn't it?
22:19 As Gaga plays, "Cover My Eyes Like The Mist."
22:23 Let's thank Jesus that He will
22:25 explain everything to us in the right time.
22:31 [ music ]
24:32 We don't have to long to wait until Jesus comes back.
24:35 Soon we'll be able to see Him face to face.
24:37 And soon we'll live in a place that has no more
24:39 sadness or pain and soon Jesus will set everything
24:44 right once again and we can be with Him forever.
24:47 I'm so happy that God has given us this hope, aren't you?
24:50 Let's thank Him together as we listen to the
24:52 Orangevale Girls Chorus sing "Soon And Very Soon."
25:01 Soon and very soon we are going to see the king
25:09 Soon and very soon we are going to see the king
25:17 Soon and very soon we are going to see the king
25:24 Hallelujah, hallelujah, we're going to see the king
25:40 Soon and very soon we are going to see the king
25:47 Soon and very soon we are going to see the king
25:55 Soon and very soon we are going to see the king
26:02 Hallelujah, hallelujah, we're going to see the king
26:09 Hallelujah, hallelujah
26:21 No more dying there, we are going to see the king
26:29 No more dying there, we are going to see the king
26:36 No more dying there, we are going to see the king
26:43 Hallelujah, hallelujah,
26:47 we're going to see the king The king, the king
27:07 Boy's and girl's sometimes you may feel sad or discourage
27:10 and just don't know what to do. But Jesus is the answer.
27:13 And Jesus is coming back and that's really good news.
27:17 We need to tell everybody about it,
27:19 so they can be ready too.
27:20 And if you ever feel sad, I want you to think about
27:23 heaven and all that God has waiting for you there.
27:26 Jesus is coming soon, so make your plans today,
27:29 so I can meet you in heaven, won't that be wonderful?
27:32 I'm so excited about that.
27:34 I know, we're gonna have such a good time.
27:37 Well, boys and girls, I want to encourage you
27:39 to witness for Jesus everyday.
27:41 Remember wherever you go, whatever you do
27:44 it's Kid's Time to Praise Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17