Kids' Time Praise


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000101

00:02 Praise Him, Praise Him All ye little children
00:06 God is love, God is love
00:10 Praise Him, Praise Him All ye little children
00:15 God is love, God is love
00:23 Hi, boys and girls.
00:24 Did you know that when Jesus was honored,
00:26 He had 12 disciples who followed Him?
00:29 They were His special friends
00:30 and they listened to all the wonderful things
00:33 that He taught.
00:34 They watched him heal the sick
00:36 and they watched him feed thousands of people
00:38 with just one little boy's lunch.
00:40 Kids got to sit in the front row
00:42 when Jesus told stories
00:43 and Jesus told some pretty awesome stories.
00:47 Do you know His disciples were so lucky
00:49 to be that close to Him, weren't they?
00:51 And if I had lived when Jesus did,
00:53 I'd want to be one of His best friends
00:56 following Him around too, wouldn't you?
00:58 After Jesus went back to heaven,
00:59 he asked His disciples to tell everybody
01:02 about His everlasting love.
01:04 He told His disciples, I will be with you always.
01:09 You can be Jesus disciple too. Did you know that? You can.
01:13 You can obey Jesus and follow His ways.
01:16 And you can tell other people about Him
01:18 and spread the good news that he is coming back.
01:21 You can show people what Jesus love is
01:23 like by just being kind and gentle and loving.
01:27 Jesus will be with you always.
01:29 And you can be counted as
01:31 one of His last day disciples when you say like Mirielle,
01:34 "I have decided to follow Jesus."
01:45 I have decided to follow Jesus
01:51 I have decided to follow Jesus
01:57 I have decided to follow Jesus
02:04 No turning back, no turning back
02:10 Tho' none go with me, still I will follow
02:16 Tho' none go with me, still I will follow
02:23 Tho' none go with me, still I will follow
02:29 No turning back, no turning back
02:35 I have surrendered my all to Jesus
02:41 I have surrendered my all to Jesus
02:48 I have surrendered my all to Jesus
02:54 No turning back, no turning back
03:06 Following Jesus is done in little steps.
03:08 When you decide to do what Jesus wants you to do
03:11 in the little things throughout the day
03:13 that is following Jesus.
03:15 And you are being a disciple when you help smaller kids
03:18 or when you are being polite.
03:20 It's kind of like climbing a ladder one step at a time
03:23 just like in Ivana's song "Jacob's Ladder."
03:36 We are climbing Jacob's ladder
03:44 We are climbing Jacob's ladder
03:51 We are climbing Jacob's ladder
03:59 Soldiers of the cross
04:07 Every round goes higher, higher
04:15 Every round goes higher, higher
04:22 Every round goes higher, higher
04:30 Soldiers of the cross
04:38 If you love him, why not serve him
04:46 If you love him, why not serve him
04:53 If you love him, why not serve him
05:01 Soldiers of the cross
05:13 Being a disciple is like climbing steadily upward.
05:16 It's also being like a soldier in an army.
05:19 Soldiers all march together, no one is off beat,
05:22 because they are all following their commander.
05:25 Our commander is Jesus and when we follow Him,
05:28 we can't go wrong.
05:30 That reminds me of Lester's song
05:32 "Onward Christian Soldiers."
06:34 Following God means doing what He asked you to do.
06:37 And it also means waiting for God to show you the way.
06:40 Sometimes it seems easier just to do your own thing
06:43 and do things your way and wait for God to catch up.
06:46 But that's not being a good disciple, is it?
06:49 The Eden's Kids Choir is going to sing
06:51 "Don't Run Ahead of the Lord."
07:06 Don't Run Ahead of the Lord
07:08 Don't Run Ahead of the Lord
07:11 Don't Run Ahead, Don't Run Ahead of your angel
07:16 Don't Run Ahead of the Lord
07:18 Don't Run Ahead of the Lord
07:20 It be still to hear the voice of the Lord.
07:25 He will never lead you the wrong way
07:29 The way to sorrow and death
07:33 He will always lead you the right way
07:38 The way of purpose alive
07:42 So Don't Run Ahead of the Lord
07:45 Don't Run Ahead of the Lord
07:47 Don't Run Ahead, Don't Run Ahead of your angel
07:52 Don't Run Ahead of the Lord
07:54 Don't Run Ahead of the Lord
07:57 It be still to hear the voice of the Lord.
08:01 He will lead you moment by moment
08:06 In paths of comfort and joy
08:09 So you cannot live by your feelings
08:14 Your only safety is in his word
08:18 So Don't Run Ahead of the Lord.
08:21 Don't Run Ahead of the Lord.
08:24 Don't Run Ahead, Don't Run Ahead of your angel.
08:28 Don't Run Ahead of the Lord.
08:30 Don't Run Ahead of the Lord.
08:33 It be still to hear the voice of the Lord.
08:37 It be still to hear the voice of the Lord.
08:42 It be still to hear the voice of the Lord.
08:55 No one is too small to be a disciple.
08:57 Just because you're young doesn't mean
08:59 that you can't follow Jesus.
09:01 And in the Bible, God used kids all the time.
09:04 David was a boy when he killed Goliath.
09:07 And King Joash became a king when he was just a boy.
09:10 And that is why Zachary has chosen to sing
09:13 "I am just a boy."
09:24 Word has spread around that Jesus was in town
09:29 And everyone had come to see him
09:34 But when lunch time came, everyone complained.
09:39 We don't have the food to feed them
09:44 One small boy with some fish and bread
09:49 Looked at them and said
09:55 I am just a boy
10:00 But God can still use me
10:04 I will give it my best
10:07 And his love will do the rest
10:10 For God can use a boy like me
10:21 Jesus took the bread
10:23 He prayed to God and said
10:26 Thank you, for this food you gave us
10:31 When they passed around
10:34 The food that they had found
10:37 God made sure that they all ate enough
10:42 One small boy shared his lunch that day
10:47 He had the faith to say
10:53 I am just a boy
10:58 But God can still use me
11:02 I will give it my best
11:05 And his love will do the rest
11:08 For God can use a boy like me
11:21 Sometimes I am scared But I know God is there
11:27 He is always close beside me I am not alone
11:34 No matter where I go
11:37 His loving hand is there to guide me
11:43 I know he has a plan for me
11:48 If I will just believe
11:54 I am just a boy
11:59 But God can still use me
12:03 I will give it my best
12:06 And his love will do the rest
12:09 For God can use a boy like me
12:13 I will give it my best
12:16 And his love will do the rest
12:19 For God can use a boy like me
12:25 For God can use a boy like me
12:36 Jesus taught His disciples that as a true friend of His
12:39 that they would serve others.
12:40 Nobody thinks that being a servant is a good thing,
12:43 but Jesus does.
12:44 He wants us to put others first
12:46 and to help them whenever we can.
12:48 Jeharna's song "Make Me a Servant" tells how
12:51 we can ask Jesus to change us into servants for Him.
13:07 Make me a servant Humble and meek
13:16 Lord let me lift up those who are weak
13:25 And may the prayers of my heart always be
13:34 Make me a servant Make me a servant
13:43 Make me a servant today
13:52 Make me a servant Humble and meek
14:01 Lord let me lift up those who are weak
14:09 And may the prayer of my heart always be
14:19 Make me a servant Make me a servant
14:29 Make me a servant today
14:50 The Bible says in Matthew 20:16,
14:52 that in God's kingdom
14:54 the first will be last and the last will be first.
14:57 Now that means that the people
14:59 who serve others will have honor in heaven.
15:02 And the most important thing is
15:04 that we love God and love one another.
15:06 Let's listen as Josiah plays "Do Lord" on his harmonica.
16:01 We can never be good enough to deserve heaven, can we?
16:05 What pleases God the most is
16:06 that we have a friendship with Him.
16:08 He is going to save us
16:10 because He loves us
16:11 and He wants to spend time with us.
16:13 I wanna close friendship with Jesus, don't you?
16:16 Let's listen carefully as Yumi sings
16:18 "Just a closer walk with thee."
16:29 I am weak, but Thou art strong
16:35 Jesus, keep me from all wrong
16:40 I'll be satisfied as long
16:45 As I walk, dear Lord, close to Thee.
16:51 Just a closer walk with Thee
16:56 Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
17:01 Daily walking close to Thee
17:06 Let it be, dear Lord, let it be
17:12 Through this world of toil and snares
17:17 If I falter, Lord, who cares
17:22 Who with me my burden shares
17:27 None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee
17:33 Just a closer walk with Thee
17:38 Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
17:43 Daily walking close to Thee
17:48 Let it be, dear Lord, let it be
18:02 The things that please God aren't the same things
18:04 that the world thinks are important.
18:06 God is not impressed by money or power.
18:09 He cares about your heart and your friendship with Him.
18:12 I am so glad that Jesus sees my heart.
18:15 Sofia is going to sing "I'd rather have Jesus"
18:18 which is a song about how
18:19 Jesus is better than anything else this world has to give.
18:39 I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold
18:50 I'd rather be His than have riches untold
19:00 I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands
19:11 I'd rather be led by His nail-pierced hand
19:23 He's fairer than lilies of rarest bloom
19:34 He's sweeter than honey from out of the comb
19:44 He's all that my hungering spirit needs
19:55 I'd rather have Jesus and let Him lead
20:06 Than to be the queen of a vast domain
20:16 And be held in sin's dread sway
20:26 I'd rather have Jesus than anything
20:37 This world affords today.
20:58 I'd rather have Jesus too.
21:00 He is the best friend that we could possibly have.
21:03 And Jesus is always with us.
21:05 He helps us through our hard times
21:07 and He celebrates with us in our happy times.
21:10 He is our best friend.
21:12 That's why Pierce is ready to sing
21:14 "What a friend we have in Jesus."
21:25 What a friend we have in Jesus
21:31 All our sins and griefs to bear
21:37 What a privilege to carry
21:44 Everything to God in prayer
21:49 O what peace we often forfeit
21:56 O what needless pain we bear
22:02 All because we do not carry
22:09 Everything to God in prayer
22:19 Jesus always listens to us
22:21 when we pray but sometimes it seems like
22:23 He doesn't answer right away.
22:25 That doesn't mean that He didn't hear us.
22:27 It just means that we have to wait
22:29 a little bit until the time is right.
22:31 God's timing is perfect.
22:33 The Guthrie family is going to play "In His time."
22:39 (Music)
24:03 Part of being a disciple for Jesus
24:04 is letting Jesus fill your heart with His love for others.
24:08 And when Jesus does that, His love just shines out of you
24:11 so that everybody can see.
24:13 A disciple is a light to show the world
24:16 just how much God loves them.
24:18 Little Tabitha loves Jesus and she is happy to sing
24:21 "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam."
24:31 Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
24:35 To shine for Him each day
24:40 In every way try to please Him
24:43 At home, at school, at play
24:48 A sunbeam, a sunbeam
24:52 Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
24:56 A sunbeam, a sunbeam
25:00 I'll be a sunbeam for Him
25:09 When we follow Jesus,
25:10 he helps us with our troubles, doesn't He?
25:12 Let's listen as the Orangevale Girls Chorus sings
25:15 Gonna lay down my burdens.
25:25 Gonna lay down my burden
25:28 Down by the riverside Down by the riverside
25:33 Down by the riverside
25:35 Gonna lay down my burden
25:38 Down by the riverside
25:40 Gonna study ain't war no more
25:44 I ain't gonna study war no more
25:47 I ain't gonna study war no more
25:49 I ain't gonna study war no more
25:54 I ain't gonna study war no more
25:57 I ain't gonna study war no more
25:59 I ain't gonna study war no more
26:05 Gonna meet my sweet Jesus
26:08 Down by the riverside Down by the riverside
26:13 Down by the riverside
26:15 Gonna meet my sweet Jesus
26:18 Down by the riverside
26:20 Study war no more.
26:24 I ain't gonna study war no more
26:27 I ain't gonna study war no more
26:30 I ain't gonna study war no more
26:34 I ain't gonna study war no more
26:37 I ain't gonna study war no more
26:40 I ain't gonna study war no more
26:45 Gonna put on my long white robe
26:48 Down by the riverside Down by the riverside
26:53 Down by the riverside
26:55 Gonna put on my long white robe
26:58 Down by the riverside Study war no more.
27:04 I ain't gonna study war no more
27:07 I ain't gonna study war no more
27:09 I ain't gonna study war no more
27:14 I ain't gonna study war no more
27:16 I ain't gonna study war no more
27:19 I ain't gonna study war no more
27:24 Study war no more Study war no more
27:37 Boys and girls, I want you to make
27:38 Jesus your special friend and follow Him
27:41 everywhere He lives won't you?
27:43 Don't forget to let your life shine.
27:45 Remember, boys and girls,
27:47 wherever you go, whatever you do,
27:48 it's Kids' Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17