Kids' Time Praise


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000098

00:02 Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children,
00:06 God is love! God is love! Praise Him! Praise Him!
00:13 All you little children, God is love! God is love!
00:23 Hi, boys and girls. I have a story or a parable to tell you.
00:27 Once there were two frogs that fell into a pail of milk.
00:31 Try as they might they just couldn't hop back out.
00:34 So they swam around in circles and after all one of the frog
00:38 said themselves this is ridiculous.
00:40 I will never get out. So he stopped trying and he drowned
00:44 in the milk. The second frog however kept swimming,
00:47 hour after hour he swim around and around in the milk
00:51 and in the morning the farmer came out into the barn
00:54 and saw something really strange looking in the pail.
00:57 He saw a frog sitting on a lump of butter that's right.
01:01 The frog swam around so much that the milk turned
01:04 into butter. Do you know the difference between the
01:07 two frogs? The second frog had hope.
01:10 He didn't give up. Hope is very important.
01:14 Everyone needs hope and if you don't have hope,
01:17 life is pretty unhappy. Jesus gives you hope.
01:21 You have the hope of going to heaven.
01:22 You have the hope that Jesus will answer your prayers
01:25 and because you believe in Jesus you have hope that things
01:29 will get better. Emily is going to play
01:32 "Come Thou Found Of Every Blessing" on her violin.
01:34 This is a song about all the good things that
01:37 Jesus does for us and that gives us hope.
01:42 [music]
03:51 Do you ever feel like no body loves you
03:54 well we'll feel like that sometimes but because you
03:57 have Jesus you can always know that somebody loves
04:00 us very much. Jesus loves you so much that he died for
04:04 you and even more then that he is coming back to take
04:08 you home with him to heaven. Mirielle is going to sing
04:11 "I Am So Glad" its hard not to be glad
04:14 when someone loves you that much.
04:23 I am so glad that our Father in heaven
04:26 Tells of his love in the book He has given
04:30 Wonderful things in the Bible I see
04:34 This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me
04:38 I am so glad that Jesus loves me
04:42 Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me
04:45 I am so glad that Jesus loves me
04:49 Jesus loves even me
04:57 Because Jesus gives us hope we see the world very
05:01 differently when that things happen we know that everything
05:04 is gonna be better and if we feel in love we know that we
05:08 have a God who loves us. Our hope in Jesus makes us happy
05:12 Amos and Jessica song "My Peace I Given To You"
05:15 is about the peace we feel in Jesus.
05:21 [music]
08:28 One of the things that makes me the happiest,
08:30 is knowing that Jesus takes me just as I am.
08:33 You don't have to be good enough or clean enough in order
08:36 for Jesus to take care of you. You only have to ask Jesus
08:40 to come into your heart and change you from the inside.
08:42 Isn't that wonderful? Eliann is going to sing
08:45 "Just As I Am", and as we listen,
08:48 I want you to guess what language she sings in.
09:04 Just as I am - without one plea,
09:11 But that Thy blood was shed for me,
09:17 And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
09:24 O Lamb of God, I come! I come!
09:36 [spanish language]
10:15 Just as I am Thy love unknown
10:22 Has broken every barrier down
10:29 And to be Thine, yea, Thine alone
10:36 O Lamb of God, I come! I come!
10:54 Have you figured it out yet kids?
10:56 The second verse was sung in Spanish.
10:59 Wasn't that beautiful? Jesus loves variety
11:02 and we are all God's children and we all have the hope
11:05 that Jesus gives. Kumbaya is an African-American
11:09 spiritual meaning, "come by here".
11:11 Aren't you glad that Jesus comes close to each of us?
11:14 Let's listen as Lester plays this song
11:16 on his saxophone. "Kumbaya".
11:30 [music]
12:12 Many people have endured hard times and much sadness
12:15 and that's how why we look forward to Jesus coming.
12:18 We want all the sadness to end, don't you?
12:21 Jesus wants the sadness to end too.
12:23 Because we know that Jesus is going to come.
12:25 It kind of makes enduring sad things easier.
12:28 You know that this will not last forever and Jesus will
12:32 make it right. Let's listen together as Jeharna sings,
12:35 "Until Then" and this is a song about
12:37 our hope of Jesus soon return.
12:54 My heart can sing when I pause to remember
13:07 A heartache here is but a stepping stone
13:19 Along a trail that's winding always upward,
13:30 This troubled world is not my final home
13:42 But until then my heart will go on singing,
13:53 Until then with joy I'll carry on,
14:03 Until the day my eyes behold the city,
14:14 Until the day God calls me home.
14:25 The things of earth will dim and lose its value
14:37 If we recall they're borrowed for awhile
14:48 The things of earth that cause the heart to tremble
14:59 Remembered there will only bring a smile
15:09 But until then my heart will go on singing
15:20 Until then with joy I'll carry on
15:30 Until the day my eyes behold the city
15:41 Until the day God calls me home
15:51 Until the day God calls me home
16:17 Saying thank you is something that you learn to do.
16:20 You can teach yourself to look at the good side of things
16:22 and thank Jesus for all His gifts.
16:25 And when you feel thankful, there will be a hope for
16:27 about the future. Jesus always gives us more reasons
16:31 to thank Him and we can thank Him with our words,
16:33 the songs or in our hearts. The Guthrie family is
16:37 going to play, "Give Thanks". Let's listen.
16:43 [music]
19:03 No matter how old you are, you belong to Jesus.
19:07 You don't have to wait to grow bigger or do anything to
19:09 make Jesus take notice of you. He already loves you and
19:12 He is proud to call you His own. Aileana isn't very big,
19:16 but she loves Jesus with her whole heart and she is
19:20 going to sing "I am A Christian".
19:22 And as she sings let's think about
19:24 what it means to be a Christian.
19:33 I am a 'C' I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N. amen.
19:41 and I have C-H-R-I-S-T in my H-E-A-R-T
19:45 and I will L-I-V-E-E-T-E-R-N-A-L-L-Y
19:56 You don't have to be old enough or smart enough
19:58 or even cute enough to be a Christian.
20:00 Do you? Being a Christian means that you will love
20:03 Jesus and accept His sacrifice and live for Him.
20:06 When Jesus comes again He will take you up with Him
20:09 to heaven because He knows you as His close friend.
20:12 That's pretty simple, isn't it? Joshua thinks so
20:15 and that's why he has chosen to sing,
20:17 "My Jesus I Love Thee".
20:27 My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine
20:36 For Thee all the follies of sin I resign
20:44 My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou
20:53 If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now
21:02 I love Thee because Thou has first loved me
21:11 And purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree
21:20 I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow
21:29 If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now
21:38 my Jesus, 'tis now
21:49 Sometimes life can be hard. And we struggle and we try
21:52 as hard as we can and sometimes people describe it as
21:55 climbing up a Steep Mountain. But when we have the
21:58 hope that Jesus gives us, we can climb with a smile.
22:01 Can't we? You can know that Jesus will help you and
22:04 everything will workout all right in the end.
22:07 Let's listen as the Chung family plays,
22:09 "Climbing Up The Mountain."
22:14 [music]
25:03 I want to share the words to Aaliah songs so that
25:05 you can meditate upon them as she sings.
25:08 They help us to realize the purpose of our lives and
25:10 respond to our heavenly Father's love.
25:13 My love is not my own it all belongs to you and after
25:18 all you have done the least that I can do is live
25:22 my life in every part only to please my Father's heart
25:26 listen closely as she sings "My Father's Heart."
25:38 Let everything that breathes praise you
25:47 The earth the sky the sea praise You
25:56 Just as nature shows to us Your blessings
26:05 Soon I find my heart confessing
26:19 My love is not my own It all belongs to You
26:30 And after all You've done the least that I can do
26:40 Is live my life in every part
26:48 Only to please my Father's heart
27:01 Only to please my Father's heart
27:21 I am so glad that Jesus is my friend because Jesus
27:24 gives me hope. And we have the hope that He will
27:27 come again and take us to heaven. We have the hope
27:29 that we will see our loved ones again and live
27:32 together forever. We have the hope that Jesus loves us
27:36 and He will work miracles for us when He sees it for
27:39 our best. Like the frog we heard about in the beginning
27:42 of our program our hope is in Jesus for us to keep
27:45 trying even when things get lost.
27:48 Remember, its Kids time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17