Kids' Time Praise


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000097

00:02 Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children
00:06 God is love! God is love! Praise Him! Praise Him
00:13 All you little children, God is love! God is love
00:22 Hi, boys and girls. Do you like cookies as much as I do?
00:26 I love cookies and I can't share them with Max though because
00:30 cookies aren't very good for dogs, poor Max.
00:33 I really enjoy baking cookies. Nice, big chewy cookies.
00:37 All kinds of cookies and if we were going
00:40 to make cookies together, we would need a recipe,
00:42 wouldn't we? You can't just mix a whole bunch of
00:45 different ingredients together and expect the cookies
00:47 to come up tasting good. You must do it properly.
00:50 It's important to know what you're doing.
00:53 Knowledge is important in your friendship
00:55 with Jesus too. When you learn more about Jesus,
00:58 you begin to understand exactly what he expects from you
01:01 and how you can be happy. You can't just throw
01:04 a bunch of things together and expect a special friendship
01:07 with Jesus to come out and Jesus does have a heavenly recipe.
01:11 We can find that recipe in His holy book, the Bible.
01:15 That is where you can learn about
01:17 a special friendship with Jesus. In fact Jesus says
01:21 in Mathew 11:28 and 29 that we are to come to Him
01:25 and let Him teach us. As you read the Bible everyday,
01:29 you will begin to learn more and more about Him.
01:32 Zana's song "More About Jesus",
01:34 tells us how exciting it is to learn about Him.
01:45 More about Jesus I would know
01:49 More of His grace to others show
01:53 More of His saving fullness see
01:56 More of His love who died for me
02:01 More, more about Jesus, More, more about Jesus
02:09 More of His saving fullness see
02:13 More of His love who died for me
02:17 More about Jesus let me learn, More of His holy will discern
02:25 Spirit of God, my teacher be
02:29 Showing the things of Christ to me
02:33 More, more about Jesus, More, more about Jesus
02:41 More of His saving fullness see
02:45 More of His love who died for me,
02:49 More of His love
02:52 More of His love who died for me
03:07 Can you imagine what it would be like
03:09 if you didn't know that Jesus was coming back?
03:12 Things would certainly be different;
03:14 you wouldn't have the hope of spending eternity
03:16 with the one who rescued you from the punishment of sin
03:19 or seeing some of your loved ones again.
03:22 Knowing that Jesus is coming back to get us
03:24 makes all the difference.
03:26 The Steffens Family is going to sing
03:28 "Lift Up the Trumpet" because Jesus is coming again
03:45 Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring
03:49 Jesus is coming again
03:54 Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing
03:58 Jesus is coming again! He's coming
04:03 Coming again, coming again, Jesus is coming again
04:13 Nations are angry, by this we do know
04:18 Jesus is coming again
04:22 Knowledge increases; men run to and fro
04:27 Jesus is coming again! He's coming
04:32 Coming again, coming again, Jesus is coming again
04:41 He's coming Coming again, coming again
04:47 Jesus is coming again
04:56 Jesus is coming back for us because 2000 years ago,
04:59 He came the first time to show us
05:02 how to live a life for God. He died on the cross,
05:05 taking the punishment for everyone on earth,
05:07 so that we can go to heaven with Him.
05:09 That's a wonderful thing to know, isn't it?
05:12 Don't you love Jesus even more knowing that He died for you.
05:16 Let's listen as Emily plays "Washed In The Blood"
05:23 [music]
07:16 The Bible is a collection of stories
07:18 and information that tells us about Jesus.
07:20 Some of the stories are about things that will happen
07:22 in the future that's what we call Prophecy.
07:25 As you read the Bible you can gather
07:27 all the nuggets of knowledge that will help you
07:29 to understand the future.
07:31 Zachari is going to sing "Look For The Way Marks"
07:34 a song about the prophecies in the book of Daniel.
07:47 Look for the way-marks as you journey on
07:53 Look for the way-marks passing one by one
07:58 Down through the ages, past the kingdoms four
08:04 Where are we standing? Look the way marks o'er
08:11 Look for the way-marks, the great prophetic way-marks
08:17 Down through the ages, past the kingdoms four
08:23 Look for the way-marks, the great prophetic way-marks
08:30 The journey's almost o'er
08:36 Down in the feet of iron and of clay
08:41 Weak and divided, soon to pass away
08:47 What will the next great, glorious drama be?
08:53 Christ and His coming, and eternity
09:00 Look for the way-marks, the great prophetic way-marks
09:06 Down through the ages, past the kingdoms four
09:12 Look for the way-marks, the great prophetic way-marks
09:19 The journey's almost o'er
09:30 The Bible is a wonderful gift from Jesus,
09:33 and it tells you that Jesus is coming back
09:35 to set things right. Sin is not going to continue.
09:38 pain or death or crying and sadness,
09:41 they all be gone and you will have happiness
09:44 with Jesus, forever.
09:47 Khelsea, Kylynda and Eric are going to play
09:50 "The Battle Hymn Of The Republic".
09:53 This song is about our excitement to know
09:55 that Jesus will make things right.
10:01 [music]
10:57 That was beautiful wasn't it?
10:58 You can hear God's voice and music,
11:01 you can hear his voice in the quite of the night
11:03 or in the twittering of the birds.
11:05 He speaks to you in many, many different ways.
11:07 The Bible says
11:11 that "God has a still small voice".
11:14 Learning to hear God's voice is an important thing
11:16 to know don't you think? Let's listen as
11:19 the Eden's Kids Choir sings "The Voice Of God."
11:34 When we hear the voice of God We must always pray
11:39 For our hearts to hear and to see
11:43 His message is of love and morning
11:48 We must always hear and believe
11:52 Talk to the Lord and never cease to pray
11:57 Always surrender everyday
12:01 Ask Him to take your every thought and feeling
12:05 And graciously give you His When we hear the word of God
12:11 And hearts are moved It's not always easy to receive
12:17 If we understand His wisdom and His love for us
12:22 We will trust His heart and humbly receive
12:26 Talk to the Lord and never cease to pray
12:30 Always surrender everyday
12:34 Ask Him to take your every thought and feeling
12:38 And graciously give you His Graciously give you his
12:48 When we hear the voice of God.
13:03 Knowing about God is very important
13:05 because if you only follow your feelings you can loose your way.
13:09 There maybe times when someone will get angry with you,
13:12 but that doesn't change how God feels about you.
13:15 They may have misunderstood you but God knows the truth
13:18 and your feelings can be confusing.
13:20 Spending time with Jesus, reading the Bible will help you
13:23 to understand Him better.
13:25 So, let's listen to Isabel play "In The Presence Of Jehovah".
13:39 [music]
16:42 Jesus wants us to tell others the good news of His love.
16:45 And it's important to know that He doesn't want us
16:47 to be unkind to people who don't believe in Him.
16:50 He doesn't want us to reject anyone.
16:52 In fact passing along the spark of Jesus love
16:55 can be easy as giving a smile or helping someone who is in need.
16:59 As Mirielle sings "Pass It On", let's think of ways
17:03 to show Jesus love to others.
17:17 It's only takes a spark to get a fire going,
17:27 And soon all those around Can warm up to its glowing
17:36 That's how it is with God's love
17:41 Once you've experienced it; You spread His love to everyone
17:49 You want to pass it on I wish for you my friend
17:58 This happiness that I've found. You can depend on Him
18:07 It matters not where you're bound
18:13 I'll shout it from the mountain top
18:17 I want my world to know, The Lord of love has come to me
18:27 I want to pass it on
18:31 I'll shout it from the mountain top
18:36 I want my world to know, The Lord of love has come to me
18:45 I want to pass it on
19:06 Do you know how you can learn more about Jesus?
19:08 Now we've already talked about reading the Bible each day
19:11 and that's important but so is prayer.
19:13 Prayer is very important. And did you also know
19:16 that you can learn about Jesus by spending time in nature?
19:19 That's right nature is God's second book,
19:21 and if you can't read yet this is book for you.
19:25 Sofia song "In The Garden"
19:27 is about those wonderful quite times with Jesus.
19:42 I come to the garden alone
19:49 While the dew is still on the roses
19:59 And the voice I hear falling on my ear
20:07 The Son of God discloses
20:18 He speaks, and the sound of His voice
20:27 Is so sweet the birds hush their singing
20:35 And the melody that He gave to me
20:45 Within my heart is ringing
20:54 And He walks with me, and He talks with me
21:07 And He tells me I am His own
21:15 And the joy we share as we tarry there
21:25 None other has ever known
21:42 Well it's important for you to learn about Jesus
21:44 from the Bible. There is nothing more important
21:46 then knowing Jesus personally.
21:48 Jesus wants to be your best friend,
21:50 not just some one you can learn about.
21:53 He wants you to talk to Him and share your thoughts
21:55 and your fears. He wants you to come
21:57 to Him for help and he also wants to answer your prayers.
22:00 Let's listen as Ivana and Jennifer sing
22:03 "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus".
22:16 O soul, are you weary and troubled
22:24 No light in the darkness you see
22:32 There's a light for a look at the Savior
22:40 And life more abundant and free! Turn your eyes upon Jesus
22:56 Look full in His wonderful face
23:04 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
23:13 In the light of His glory and grace
23:22 His Word shall not fail you He promised
23:30 Believe Him, and all will be well
23:38 Then go to a world that is dying
23:46 His perfect salvation to tell! Turn your eyes upon Jesus
24:02 Look full in His wonderful face
24:10 And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
24:19 In the light of His glory and grace
24:33 Learning more about Jesus is a wonderful thing to do.
24:36 It helps your mind to grow and understand things better.
24:40 Did you know that you will keep learning for all of eternity
24:43 and yet never learn everything there is to know?
24:46 I want to learn more about the sun and the moon
24:49 and rushing winds spoken of in our next song.
24:52 Why don't we take a moment and praise God together
24:54 as we listen to Geoffrey play
24:56 "All Creatures Of Our God And King".
25:03 [music]
27:28 Jesus has given you the gift of His Bible
27:30 so that you can learn all about His love.
27:32 And when you know Jesus personally
27:34 you don't have to afraid. And isn't it amazing
27:37 that you can have Jesus as your teacher?
27:39 He says in Psalms 32:8, "I will instruct you
27:42 and teach you in the way that you should go".
27:45 Boys and girls remember that wherever you go,
27:47 whatever you do it's Kids Time to Praise Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17