Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children, 00:00:03.14\00:00:06.81 God is love! God is love! Praise Him! Praise Him! 00:00:06.82\00:00:13.35 All you little children, God is love! God is love! 00:00:13.36\00:00:20.07 Hi, boys and girls. Everyday, we make decisions. 00:00:23.58\00:00:26.43 Let's try and count the decisions that I made 00:00:26.94\00:00:28.66 just this morning. Well, I decided to 00:00:28.67\00:00:31.69 get out of that, that's one. I decided to eat breakfast 00:00:31.70\00:00:34.50 so that I would be strong for today, 00:00:34.51\00:00:36.32 and I decided to brush my teeth to keep them clean. 00:00:36.33\00:00:39.17 I decided to pray to Jesus and to read my Bible. 00:00:39.81\00:00:42.54 I decided to come here today, so that we could 00:00:43.17\00:00:45.55 praise Jesus together. Hmm, let's see, 00:00:45.56\00:00:47.56 that's already six decisions. Do you know 00:00:47.57\00:00:51.69 how we live our life for Jesus? 00:00:51.70\00:00:53.53 It isn't only about making good decisions. 00:00:53.54\00:00:56.29 It's about what Jesus would do as we're deciding 00:00:56.30\00:00:59.85 what to do each day. It's the difference between 00:00:59.86\00:01:02.53 a life that is bad or a life that is lived for Jesus. 00:01:02.54\00:01:06.57 I call it righteous living. Gianna is going to sing a song 00:01:06.58\00:01:10.41 about living for God called 00:01:10.42\00:01:14.46 "Walking Up The King's Highway". 00:01:14.47\00:01:15.44 It's a highway to heaven none can walk up there 00:01:20.39\00:01:27.02 but the pure in heart It's a highway to heaven 00:01:27.44\00:01:33.37 I am walking up the kings highway 00:01:33.38\00:01:37.32 My way gets lighter, my load gets brighter 00:01:37.69\00:01:41.83 walking up the kings highway there'll be a blessing, 00:01:41.84\00:01:47.98 we'll be possessing walking up the king's highway 00:01:47.99\00:01:53.82 It's a highway to heaven none can walk up there 00:01:53.83\00:02:00.48 but the pure in heart It's a highway to heaven 00:02:01.00\00:02:06.73 I am walking up the king's highway 00:02:06.98\00:02:10.54 If you're not walking, start while I'm talking 00:02:11.10\00:02:15.20 walking up the king's highway there'll be a blessing; 00:02:15.21\00:02:21.38 you'll be possessing walking up the king's highway 00:02:21.39\00:02:27.12 It's a highway to heaven none can walk up there 00:02:27.13\00:02:33.69 but the pure in heart It's a highway to heaven 00:02:33.70\00:02:39.92 I am walking up the king's highway. 00:02:39.93\00:02:44.27 Living for Jesus is a wonderful life. 00:02:48.23\00:02:50.35 And I want to walk with Jesus everyday, don't you? 00:02:50.36\00:02:53.03 The more time you spend with Jesus, 00:02:53.52\00:02:55.37 the better you'll get to know Him. 00:02:55.38\00:02:57.30 And then you'll feel happier and more peaceful 00:02:57.73\00:02:59.88 and you'll stop worrying about things. 00:02:59.89\00:03:01.84 That makes for a really healthy life, doesn't it? 00:03:02.21\00:03:04.38 Geoffrey is going to play "Just A Closer Walk With Thee." 00:03:04.97\00:03:08.34 Let's listen as we contemplate on these words. 00:03:08.35\00:03:12.04 If you don't know Jesus yet, you may wonder 00:04:52.63\00:04:53.60 why I would want to do so much for Him? 00:04:53.61\00:04:54.58 Well, Jesus is the King of the universe 00:04:57.93\00:04:58.90 and He created everything you see. 00:05:00.08\00:05:01.05 When you understand that the whole world 00:05:02.78\00:05:03.75 belongs to Him, you'll understand how wonderful 00:05:03.76\00:05:04.73 it is to have Him love you so much. 00:05:04.74\00:05:07.36 I want to be a special friend of King Jesus, 00:05:07.88\00:05:10.17 don't you? Dawn song 00:05:10.18\00:05:12.05 "Jesus Master of Everything", tells about our powerful Jesus. 00:05:12.06\00:05:16.53 Jesus master of everything, Jesus, He is the light, 00:05:28.54\00:05:44.62 Lift Him up, He is so holy, Emanuel, Lord of my life, 00:05:44.63\00:05:59.26 Jesus master of everything, Jesus, He is the light, 00:06:00.94\00:06:16.20 Lift Him up, He is so holy, Emanuel, Lord of my life, 00:06:16.67\00:06:30.29 Jesus master of everything, Jesus, He is the light, 00:06:32.16\00:06:47.31 Lift Him up, He is so holy Emanuel, Lord of my life, 00:06:47.32\00:07:00.70 Emanuel, Lord of my life, Emanuel, Lord of my life. 00:07:02.46\00:07:21.05 The Bible tells some very exciting stories about people 00:07:26.30\00:07:29.44 who are miraculously healed by Jesus. 00:07:29.45\00:07:32.15 He helped the people of all ages and even raise 00:07:32.16\00:07:34.95 the dead. Adolfo is going to sing 00:07:34.96\00:07:37.41 "Silvering and Gold Have I None", 00:07:37.42\00:07:39.36 which is a story about a man who Jesus healed through Peter. 00:07:39.37\00:07:42.77 The man had never walked in his whole life. 00:07:42.78\00:07:45.61 You can read the story in Acts chapter 3 00:07:46.33\00:07:48.32 and when we follow Jesus we can go walking 00:07:48.33\00:07:51.50 and leaping and praising God. 00:07:51.51\00:07:53.76 Peter and John went to pray. they met a lame man on the way 00:07:53.77\00:08:06.99 He asked for alms and held out his palms, 00:08:07.39\00:08:11.09 and this is what Peter did say "Silver and gold have I none, 00:08:11.10\00:08:18.84 but such as I have give I thee. 00:08:18.85\00:08:22.56 In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk". 00:08:22.57\00:08:30.38 He went walking and leaping and praising God, 00:08:30.39\00:08:34.68 Walking and leaping and praising God, 00:08:34.69\00:08:38.58 "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk". 00:08:38.59\00:08:46.48 [Foreign Language] 00:08:47.35\00:09:35.77 In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. 00:09:35.78\00:09:46.38 Can you imagine how happy that man must have been? 00:09:49.71\00:09:52.11 One minute he was crippled and the next minute 00:09:52.50\00:09:55.03 he could walk and he could run. I am sure that man always 00:09:55.04\00:09:59.31 love God for healing him and he probably told everyone 00:09:59.32\00:10:02.35 he met about the story of how he was healed. 00:10:02.36\00:10:05.46 It's easy to love Jesus when we see all the things 00:10:05.47\00:10:08.45 that He's done for us, isn't it? That's why the Schafer girls 00:10:08.46\00:10:11.59 are going to sing "Oh How I Love Jesus". 00:10:11.60\00:10:14.26 There is a Name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; 00:10:21.23\00:10:29.64 It sounds like music in my ear, The sweetest Name on earth. 00:10:29.65\00:10:38.03 Oh, how I love Jesus, Oh, how I love Jesus, 00:10:38.73\00:10:47.35 Oh, how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me! 00:10:47.36\00:10:55.89 It tells me of a Savior's love, Who died to set me free; 00:10:55.90\00:11:04.59 It tells me of His precious blood, 00:11:04.60\00:11:08.83 The sinner's perfect plea. Oh, how I love Jesus, 00:11:08.84\00:11:17.51 Oh, how I love Jesus, Oh, how I love Jesus, 00:11:17.52\00:11:25.95 Because He first loved me! 00:11:25.96\00:11:30.54 Jesus came to this earth to show us how to live a life for Him. 00:11:34.92\00:11:38.10 He also wanted to show you how much He loves you 00:11:38.69\00:11:40.88 and wants to save you. God isn't unkind. 00:11:40.89\00:11:43.86 He's patient and He is loving. That's why Jesus is called 00:11:43.87\00:11:47.76 the light of the world because He shows us the truth about God. 00:11:47.77\00:11:51.67 Let's listen together 00:11:51.68\00:11:52.98 while the Guthrie family plays "Shine Jesus Shine". 00:11:52.99\00:11:56.65 How are things between you and Jesus? 00:14:44.30\00:14:46.35 When things go wrong, do you trust Him to take care 00:14:46.63\00:14:48.97 of you or do you crumble and complain? 00:14:48.98\00:14:51.25 Joshua and I are going to sing a song about the peace 00:14:51.26\00:14:54.74 that only comes from a friendship with Jesus. 00:14:54.75\00:14:57.63 Horatio Spafford, the man who wrote our next song 00:14:58.59\00:15:01.29 "New Jesus" in a very special way. 00:15:01.30\00:15:03.40 After terrible tragedy, he wrote whatever my Lord 00:15:03.41\00:15:07.14 thou have taught me to say it is well; 00:15:07.15\00:15:10.58 it is well with my soul. 00:15:10.59\00:15:12.92 When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, 00:15:23.88\00:15:31.76 When sorrows like sea billows roll; 00:15:31.77\00:15:39.59 Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, 00:15:39.60\00:15:47.04 It is well, it is well, with my soul. 00:15:47.05\00:15:55.10 It is well, with my soul, 00:15:55.65\00:16:05.10 It is well, it is well, with my soul. 00:16:05.11\00:16:14.71 And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, 00:16:14.72\00:16:22.78 The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; 00:16:22.79\00:16:30.17 The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, 00:16:30.86\00:16:37.93 Even so, it is well with my soul. 00:16:37.94\00:16:45.65 It is well, with my soul, 00:16:46.59\00:16:55.90 It is well, it is well, with my soul. 00:16:55.91\00:17:06.39 The Bible says in Romans 4:3 that Abraham 00:17:11.19\00:17:13.65 lived a life for God. And he was considered righteous 00:17:13.66\00:17:17.18 because he believed God's promises. 00:17:17.19\00:17:19.17 God promised Abraham many children even though 00:17:19.74\00:17:21.86 he was an old man. And Abraham was a very 00:17:21.87\00:17:25.05 special friend of God. I believe God's promises, 00:17:25.11\00:17:27.96 don't you? Let's listen 00:17:28.19\00:17:29.72 as Josiah and Deborah play "Father Abraham." 00:17:29.85\00:17:33.05 A sanctuary is a very special place where we meet with God. 00:18:15.59\00:18:18.97 Do you ever go to Church? The sanctuary 00:18:18.98\00:18:21.61 is a beautiful room where everyone sits and sing songs 00:18:21.62\00:18:24.87 and praise to Jesus. The next song Sanctuary 00:18:24.88\00:18:28.27 is a prayer asking Jesus to make our hearts into a clean 00:18:28.28\00:18:31.82 and calm place where we can talk with God and worship Him. 00:18:31.83\00:18:35.13 Let's listen quietly as Jeharna sings this beautiful song. 00:18:35.14\00:18:38.94 Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary 00:18:52.81\00:19:05.05 Pure and holy, tried and true 00:19:05.06\00:19:16.70 With thanksgiving, I'll be a living 00:19:17.46\00:19:28.50 Sanctuary Lord for You 00:19:28.51\00:19:38.80 Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary 00:19:40.56\00:19:50.98 Pure and holy, tried and true With thanksgiving, 00:19:50.99\00:20:06.71 I'll be a living Sanctuary Lord for You 00:20:06.72\00:20:28.36 Being redeemed means being brought back. 00:20:36.61\00:20:39.79 Satan wants to own us each one of us, 00:20:40.29\00:20:42.40 but Jesus came and paid the price to get you back 00:20:42.41\00:20:45.76 so that you can live with him in heaven forever. 00:20:45.77\00:20:48.42 The Bible says in 1st Corinthians 6:20 00:20:48.84\00:20:51.13 "you were bought with a price." Jesus thinks that you are worth 00:20:51.14\00:20:55.51 every bit of the price you paid. 00:20:55.52\00:20:57.43 [Foreign song] 00:20:59.01\00:21:01.30 God is worthy about worship because 00:21:01.31\00:22:38.49 there is no other true God. He is the only creator God 00:22:38.50\00:22:42.35 and the one who keeps the universe spinning. 00:22:42.36\00:22:44.86 He is the one who sent His son Jesus to show us His life. 00:22:44.87\00:22:49.22 And there is no and more powerful or more loving 00:22:49.23\00:22:52.30 than our heavenly father. Lester knows that 00:22:52.31\00:22:55.43 this is the real reason why we worship, 00:22:55.44\00:22:57.95 O God and God alone. 00:22:57.96\00:23:00.98 When you know that God is so good and so big and so kind 00:25:23.02\00:25:26.60 you can't help but tell other people the good news 00:25:26.61\00:25:29.42 Jesus wants everyone to know him and he wants everyone 00:25:29.43\00:25:32.59 to accept Him and be safe from their sins. 00:25:32.60\00:25:34.98 Missionaries are people who tell others about Jesus 00:25:35.58\00:25:37.82 and Jordan is going to sing our song called 00:25:37.83\00:25:41.07 "Be a Missionary." Let's ask Jesus 00:25:41.08\00:25:43.95 to help us to tell others about Him. 00:25:43.96\00:25:46.09 Be a missionary everyday, 00:25:53.90\00:25:57.52 Tell the world that Jesus is the way. 00:25:57.53\00:26:01.32 Be it in the town or country or busy avenue, 00:26:01.33\00:26:05.83 Africa or Asia, the task is up to you. 00:26:06.34\00:26:10.27 So, be a missionary everyday, 00:26:10.28\00:26:14.64 Tell the world that Jesus is the way. 00:26:15.35\00:26:18.86 The Lord is soon returning, There is no time to loose. 00:26:18.87\00:26:23.33 So - be a missionary, God's own Emissary, 00:26:23.34\00:26:27.93 Be a missionary, today. Be a missionary everyday, 00:26:27.94\00:26:36.26 Tell the world that Jesus is the way. 00:26:36.27\00:26:39.96 Be it in the town or country or busy avenue, 00:26:39.97\00:26:44.54 Africa or Asia, the task is up to you so. 00:26:44.55\00:26:48.87 So, be a missionary everyday, 00:26:48.88\00:26:53.25 Tell the world that Jesus is the way. 00:26:53.26\00:26:57.21 The Lord is soon returning, There is no time to loose so, 00:26:57.22\00:27:01.62 So - be a missionary, God's own Emissary, 00:27:01.63\00:27:06.30 Be a missionary, today. 00:27:06.31\00:27:12.36 I'm so glad that Jesus helps us to make good decisions 00:27:17.48\00:27:20.22 everyday and live a righteous life for Him. 00:27:20.23\00:27:22.96 We love Him so much that we want to show Him 00:27:22.97\00:27:25.43 through the things we do and the things we say 00:27:25.44\00:27:28.10 and the decisions that we make. Where ever you go, 00:27:28.11\00:27:31.19 what ever you do boys and girls 00:27:31.20\00:27:32.78 I want you to know its Kids Time to Praise Jesus. 00:27:32.79\00:27:37.29