Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children, 00:00:02.48\00:00:06.57 God is love! God is love! Praise Him! Praise Him! 00:00:06.58\00:00:13.02 All you little children, God is love! God is love! 00:00:13.03\00:00:20.13 Hi boys and girls, faith sounds like 00:00:23.23\00:00:25.71 such a grownup thing doesn't it, but its not. 00:00:25.72\00:00:28.42 Jesus said that grownup should 00:00:28.43\00:00:30.06 have faith like little children. 00:00:30.07\00:00:31.97 Faith is when you believe something 00:00:31.98\00:00:34.23 that you have never seen yet. 00:00:34.24\00:00:36.44 Now, if you have a pet at home, 00:00:36.45\00:00:37.88 your pet has faith in you, yes he does. 00:00:37.89\00:00:40.45 Maybe you have a dog and your dog 00:00:40.46\00:00:42.28 has faith that you will fill his food bowl 00:00:42.29\00:00:44.98 at dinner time and that you'll give him 00:00:44.99\00:00:46.89 plenty of fresh water, his bowl might 00:00:46.90\00:00:49.47 be empty but he knows that you'll fill it 00:00:49.48\00:00:52.33 even if he hasn't seen his new food yet, 00:00:52.34\00:00:54.74 and that's because he has faith in you. 00:00:54.75\00:00:57.98 Jesus takes care of you too doesn't he? 00:00:57.99\00:01:00.56 He gives you all the things that you need, 00:01:00.57\00:01:02.63 He listens to your prayers and He answers 00:01:02.64\00:01:04.93 you in the best way possible. 00:01:04.94\00:01:06.71 You can always trust that because Jesus loves you. 00:01:06.72\00:01:10.50 You would never do anything to hurt your 00:01:10.51\00:01:12.38 pet at home would you? 00:01:12.39\00:01:13.43 You would never feed him something that 00:01:13.44\00:01:15.01 would hurt him or be unkind to him 00:01:15.02\00:01:17.25 of course not. And Jesus would never do 00:01:17.26\00:01:20.39 anything to hurt you either 00:01:20.40\00:01:21.93 because He loves you so much. 00:01:21.94\00:01:23.74 The Chung Family is going to play a 00:01:23.75\00:01:25.74 medley called "I Love You Lord." 00:01:25.75\00:01:28.62 [Medley Music] 00:01:30.51\00:02:00.13 Jesus loves to give us presents. 00:04:07.82\00:04:09.80 The next song says morning by morning 00:04:09.81\00:04:12.61 new mercies I see. When we take the 00:04:12.62\00:04:15.26 time to look for God's gifts to us everyday, 00:04:15.27\00:04:17.74 they help us to trust Him more and more, 00:04:17.75\00:04:19.72 doesn't it? God's gifts are everywhere; 00:04:19.73\00:04:22.35 we just have to take a look. 00:04:22.36\00:04:23.88 Jeharna song "Great is Thy Faithfulness" 00:04:23.89\00:04:26.56 is about all the things that Jesus does for us. 00:04:26.57\00:04:29.57 Let's listen quietly together while she sings. 00:04:29.58\00:04:32.29 "Great is Thy faithfulness," 00:04:50.44\00:04:55.42 O God my Father, 00:04:55.43\00:05:00.54 There is no shadow of turning with Thee; 00:05:00.55\00:05:10.27 Thou changest not, 00:05:10.28\00:05:13.90 Thy compassions, they fail not 00:05:13.91\00:05:19.19 As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be. 00:05:19.20\00:05:28.92 "Great is Thy faithfulness!" 00:05:28.93\00:05:33.38 "Great is Thy faithfulness!" 00:05:33.39\00:05:37.79 Morning by morning new mercies I see; 00:05:37.80\00:05:47.14 All I have needed Thy hand hath provided 00:05:47.15\00:05:56.55 "Great is Thy faithfulness," 00:05:56.56\00:06:01.58 "Great is Thy faithfulness" 00:06:01.59\00:06:06.30 "Great is Thy faithfulness, "Lord, unto me! 00:06:06.31\00:06:26.70 You can trust Jesus to keep His promises 00:06:34.74\00:06:37.19 that is part of what faithfulness means. 00:06:37.20\00:06:39.66 Jesus has promised that if you believe in Him, 00:06:39.67\00:06:42.01 He will take you to heaven to live 00:06:42.02\00:06:43.37 with Him forever, and that's such a 00:06:43.38\00:06:45.34 wonderful promise, isn't it? 00:06:45.35\00:06:46.73 And people all over the world are 00:06:46.74\00:06:48.46 waiting for Jesus to comeback. 00:06:48.47\00:06:50.55 As we listen to Lester play "Eternal Life" 00:06:50.56\00:06:53.50 let's think about Jesus special 00:06:53.51\00:06:55.50 promise to take us to heaven. 00:06:55.51\00:06:57.92 [Music] 00:06:57.93\00:07:19.82 God would never break a promise 00:09:15.70\00:09:17.38 to you because of His goodness 00:09:17.39\00:09:19.63 that deep down trustworthy goodness 00:09:19.64\00:09:22.29 is called holiness. God can't lie 00:09:22.30\00:09:25.15 because it goes against who He is, 00:09:25.16\00:09:27.46 that means that you can trust Him 00:09:27.47\00:09:29.02 no matter what the situation is. 00:09:29.03\00:09:31.21 The Sanders Family is going to sing a song 00:09:31.22\00:09:33.51 called "Holy, Holy, Holy" 00:09:33.52\00:09:35.89 and it reminds us just how 00:09:35.90\00:09:37.98 wonderful and Holy God is. 00:09:37.99\00:09:40.84 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! 00:10:27.96\00:10:42.88 Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee. 00:10:42.89\00:10:57.50 Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty, 00:10:57.51\00:11:12.40 God in three persons blessed Trinity! 00:11:12.41\00:11:26.07 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! 00:11:26.08\00:11:42.18 All Thy works shall praise Thy Name, 00:11:42.19\00:11:49.07 in earth, and sky, and sea; 00:11:49.08\00:11:57.35 Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty! 00:11:57.36\00:12:12.38 God in Three persons blessed Trinity! 00:12:12.39\00:12:25.88 God in Three persons blessed Trinity! 00:12:27.14\00:12:44.09 I love to pray and I love my 00:12:47.07\00:12:48.58 special time with Jesus. 00:12:48.59\00:12:50.40 Whenever you pray you can be sure 00:12:50.41\00:12:52.06 that Jesus will answer in His own special way, 00:12:52.07\00:12:55.09 but He always will answer. 00:12:55.10\00:12:56.96 Amos and Jessica are going to play 00:12:56.97\00:12:59.08 "In Moments Like These" on Violin and Cello. 00:12:59.09\00:13:02.02 Let's thank God for His answers to our prayers. 00:13:02.03\00:13:05.80 [Music Violin and Cello] 00:13:05.81\00:13:33.61 During Bible times Jesus performed many miracles. 00:16:07.42\00:16:10.62 He healed people, and even brought 00:16:10.63\00:16:12.30 dead people back to life. 00:16:12.31\00:16:14.32 He fed whole crowds with one little boy's lunch, 00:16:14.33\00:16:17.63 that was a long, long time ago. 00:16:17.64\00:16:19.32 But Jesus still works miracles today, 00:16:19.33\00:16:22.16 and He always knows what best for us. 00:16:22.17\00:16:24.84 Sofia is going to sing a song 00:16:24.85\00:16:26.47 called "I Believe in Miracles." 00:16:26.48\00:16:29.19 Creation shows the power of God, 00:16:33.34\00:16:38.99 There's glory all around, 00:16:39.00\00:16:45.18 And those who see must stand in awe, 00:16:45.19\00:16:51.45 For miracles abound. 00:16:51.46\00:16:56.50 Oh! I cannot doubt the power of God, 00:16:56.51\00:17:04.16 It's plain for all to see: 00:17:04.17\00:17:10.17 The miracles that He has wrought 00:17:10.18\00:17:17.00 Should lead to Calvary. 00:17:17.01\00:17:24.57 I believe in miracles 00:17:25.63\00:17:30.36 I've seen a soul set free 00:17:30.37\00:17:35.97 Miraculous the change in one 00:17:35.98\00:17:41.43 Redeemed through Calvary; 00:17:41.44\00:17:47.18 I've seen the lily push its way 00:17:47.19\00:17:51.79 Up through the stubborn sod 00:17:51.80\00:17:57.45 I believe in miracles for I believe in God! 00:17:57.46\00:18:08.74 I believe in miracles for I believe in God! 00:18:14.43\00:18:33.29 The Bible says that when we first get 00:18:36.99\00:18:38.76 to know Jesus, we're like little babies. 00:18:38.77\00:18:41.45 We understand very little and 00:18:41.46\00:18:43.54 we need extra attention. 00:18:43.55\00:18:45.35 But as we grow in Jesus our faith 00:18:45.36\00:18:47.93 gets stronger and stronger, 00:18:47.94\00:18:49.55 it's like learning to walk or talk or run. 00:18:49.56\00:18:52.34 Gaga song "Like a Weaned Child" tells 00:18:52.35\00:18:56.03 us that when we have faith, 00:18:56.04\00:18:57.51 we aren't babies anymore. 00:18:57.52\00:18:59.03 We've become big kids trusting 00:18:59.04\00:19:01.24 God our Heavenly Father. 00:19:01.25\00:19:03.43 [Music] 00:19:03.44\00:19:20.54 Have you ever thought yourself 00:22:07.94\00:22:09.61 I can't do that, it's too hard 00:22:09.62\00:22:12.74 or maybe you've said let someone else do it, 00:22:12.75\00:22:15.03 they can do it better. Well, I've got some 00:22:15.04\00:22:17.45 good news for you when you were too little, 00:22:17.46\00:22:20.13 Jesus is big and when you are too weak, 00:22:20.14\00:22:23.02 Jesus is strong. Even though you might 00:22:23.03\00:22:25.82 not be able to do something on your own, 00:22:25.83\00:22:27.82 you can do it with Jesus. 00:22:27.83\00:22:30.43 Even though Tabitha is only three years old 00:22:30.44\00:22:32.90 she knows that God is able. 00:22:32.91\00:22:36.44 He's able, He's able, I know He's able, 00:22:43.97\00:22:50.14 I know my Lord is able to carry me thru. 00:22:50.15\00:22:54.61 He's able, He's able, I know He's able, 00:22:55.84\00:23:01.22 I know my Lord is able to carry me thru. 00:23:01.23\00:23:05.48 He healed the broken hearted 00:23:06.69\00:23:09.42 and set the captive free, 00:23:09.43\00:23:12.22 He made the lame to walk again 00:23:12.23\00:23:14.94 and caused the blind to see up; 00:23:14.95\00:23:17.24 That's why, He's able, 00:23:17.25\00:23:18.82 He's able, I know He's able, 00:23:18.83\00:23:22.91 I know my Lord is able to carry me thru. 00:23:22.92\00:23:27.36 As you get to know Jesus better 00:23:32.50\00:23:34.26 you'll discover that He really is the 00:23:34.27\00:23:36.95 best friend you'll ever have. 00:23:36.96\00:23:38.74 He is more precious than money or jewels or gold, 00:23:38.75\00:23:41.74 He matters more than iPod's 00:23:41.75\00:23:43.58 or toys and movie stars. 00:23:43.59\00:23:45.09 He will make you happier than anything 00:23:45.10\00:23:48.04 or anyone else ever could. 00:23:48.05\00:23:50.16 How much does Jesus mean to you? 00:23:50.17\00:23:52.35 I want you to think about that as you 00:23:52.36\00:23:54.38 listen to the Guthrie Family play 00:23:54.39\00:23:56.28 "More Precious than Silver." 00:23:56.29\00:23:58.75 [Music] 00:23:58.76\00:24:21.14 Jesus said that unless people have 00:26:41.18\00:26:43.08 the faith of a little child, 00:26:43.09\00:26:44.83 they cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 00:26:44.84\00:26:47.32 Did you know that your faith is that important? 00:26:47.33\00:26:50.48 Well it is, Mirielle has faith that Jesus always 00:26:50.49\00:26:54.02 keeps his promises and He does. 00:26:54.03\00:26:56.29 Let's listen as she sings 00:26:56.30\00:26:57.84 "Every Promise in the Book is Mine." 00:26:57.85\00:27:00.62 Every promise in the Book is mine! 00:27:07.19\00:27:10.96 Every chapter, every verse, every line. 00:27:10.97\00:27:14.72 All are blessings, of his love, divine, 00:27:14.73\00:27:18.52 Every promise in the Book is mine! 00:27:18.53\00:27:22.23 Every promise in the Book is mine! 00:27:22.24\00:27:25.78 Every chapter, every verse, every line. 00:27:25.79\00:27:29.69 All are blessings, of his love, divine, 00:27:29.70\00:27:33.41 Every promise in the Book is mine! 00:27:33.42\00:27:37.23 Every promise in the Book is mine! 00:27:37.24\00:27:43.76 Jesus wants everyone to trust 00:27:48.01\00:27:49.78 to Him just like kids do, because kids know 00:27:49.79\00:27:52.91 that Jesus can do anything. 00:27:52.92\00:27:55.49 God thought that the way kids trust Him 00:27:55.50\00:27:57.60 with so special that He mentioned 00:27:57.61\00:27:59.57 it in the Bible. Did you know that your 00:27:59.58\00:28:02.05 faith is pleasing to God, isn't that nice 00:28:02.06\00:28:04.54 to know that you can make God smile 00:28:04.55\00:28:06.44 by just believing that He loves you, 00:28:06.45\00:28:08.94 just like your pets believe that you will 00:28:08.95\00:28:10.84 take good care of them, you can believe 00:28:10.85\00:28:13.02 that Jesus will take good care of you. 00:28:13.03\00:28:15.32 Remember boys and girls, 00:28:15.33\00:28:16.72 it's kids time to praise Jesus. 00:28:16.73\00:28:20.30