Kids' Time Praise


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh (Host)


Series Code: KTPP

Program Code: KTPP000092

00:02 Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children,
00:06 God is love! God is love!
00:10 Praise Him! Praise Him! All you little children,
00:15 God is love! God is love!
00:23 Hi boys and girls, do you have a pet at
00:25 your home. You might have a dog or a cat or maybe
00:28 even a fish or bird. If you have a pet
00:32 I'm sure you take good care of them, don't you?
00:33 Because you love them, you feed them
00:35 nutritious food, you give them fresh water,
00:38 and you might even take them for walks and let
00:40 them run and get exercise. You play with them and
00:44 you are careful to keep them safe.
00:46 I'm sure you take care of your pet because you
00:48 love them and that makes them happy to live with
00:51 you. Jesus is good to us because He loves us.
00:54 We know that Jesus is a good God in the same way
00:57 that your pet knows that you are good to him.
01:00 Jesus takes care of us by giving us food to eat
01:03 and fresh air to breath, and He gives us the
01:05 bright blue sky and twinkling stars
01:07 to wink at us at night. He gives us the beauty of
01:10 nature to enjoy and animals to be our friends.
01:14 And He gave us His word, the Bible to help us
01:17 know how to be happy as possible.
01:20 Jesus is so good to us. We know that by just
01:22 looking around us. And this song
01:25 "How good God is." Alessandra will sing in
01:29 Portuguese and English about how good Jesus is.
01:33 Let's listen together.
01:41 [Foreign Language]
02:20 How good God is, sing it with all of your heart
02:29 How good God is, sing it with all of your heart
02:38 Tell those around you that He died for you,
02:43 And on the cross He gave life to you.
02:49 How good God is, sing it with all of your heart
03:05 Jesus is so good to us. When we learned to see
03:07 the small gifts that He has given us,
03:09 we find happiness. Now we don't have to have
03:12 fancy clothes or flashy toys in order
03:14 to be happy, do we? All we need is a thankful
03:17 heart and eyes to see all the wonderful things
03:20 that Jesus has given us. The song the Hartmans
03:23 will play is called "Simple Gifts."
03:25 It's about God's gifts to us.
06:01 Sometimes we think that cell phones and new TVs
06:04 will make us happy, but that's not true.
06:06 Jesus created us so He knows what will make us
06:09 feel truly happy. All of the things
06:12 we want like peace or joy or contentment and
06:15 happiness can be found in a friendship with
06:17 Jesus. The Schafer girls are going to sing
06:20 "I Wish You Jesus." Jesus is the best gift
06:24 that we could ever share with anyone.
06:35 I could wish you joy and peace
06:39 To last a whole life long,
06:44 I could wish you sunshine,
06:48 Or a cheerful little song,
06:52 Or I could wish you happiness
06:57 That this life could bring,
07:01 But I wish you Jesus, But I wish you Jesus,
07:19 But I wish you Jesus, More than anything.
07:32 I could wish you leaves of gold,
07:36 And may your path be smooth,
07:41 I could wish you treasures,
07:45 Or that all your dreams come true,
07:50 Or I could wish you paradise
07:54 Let every day be spring, But I wish you Jesus,
08:07 But I wish you Jesus, But I wish you Jesus,
08:21 More than anything Cause when I wish you Jesus
08:36 I've wished you everything.
08:49 Music has a special way of making me happy.
08:51 I've been singing and playing the pianos since
08:54 I was just 8 years old, and I just love to sing,
08:57 and I love singing with my sisters too.
08:59 Jesus gave you music to put joy in your heart and
09:02 to keep you cheerful all day long.
09:04 Isabel is going to play the
09:06 "Celebration Praise Medley"
09:07 on her violin while Wen-Ting plays the piano,
09:10 aren't you glad Jesus gave us music?
11:55 Thank you Isabel and Wen-Ting,
11:56 that song was beautiful.
11:58 You know, when you are little there seems to be
12:00 so many things that you can't do yet.
12:02 Kids need help with all sorts of things until
12:05 they are old enough, so that they can do
12:06 them on their own. Now sometimes you might
12:09 get frustrated because you can't do the things
12:11 that you want to. Josie's song
12:13 "He's Able" tells us that even
12:15 when we can't do something, Jesus can.
12:27 He's able, He's able, I know He's able;
12:33 I know my Lord is able to carry me through.
12:38 He's able, He's able, I know He's able;
12:48 I know my Lord is able to carry me through.
12:50 He healed the broken-hearted
12:52 and set the captives free;
12:54 He made the lame to walk again
12:57 and caused the blind to see.
12:59 I know He's able, He's able, I know He's able;
13:05 I know my Lord is able to carry me through.
13:15 Our God is able, isn't He? Someone once said;
13:18 don't look to the mud if you can look to
13:21 the stars. God pointed Abraham to the stars and
13:23 promised him a big family like the stars in
13:26 the sky. The Girls of Mercy song
13:29 "Look" tells us that when we look up,
13:31 we can find Jesus and worship Him like
13:33 Abraham did. Whenever you look at
13:35 the stars you can remember
13:37 just how much God can do.
13:48 [Foreign language]
15:48 Sometimes you might think that you are too
15:49 small to make a difference.
15:51 And in the Bible there is a story about a young
15:53 boy who had a small lunch of fish and bread.
15:56 He let Jesus use his little lunch to feed a
15:58 very big crowd. Jesus doesn't see how
16:01 small you are. He sees all
16:03 that you can be with His guidance.
16:06 The next song "His Banner Over Me"
16:08 tells how Jesus covers us with His love.
16:11 Let's listen as Josiah plays this beautiful song.
17:04 When you love someone you want to show it,
17:07 don't you? Well, Jesus loves you and He wants
17:09 to show you too. He shows you His love
17:12 in the sunshine and even in the rain drops.
17:14 He shows in the gentle breeze,
17:16 the beautiful flowers and then the comfort He
17:18 gives you when you are sad.
17:20 Let's listen to Sarah sing our next song
17:22 "Wrap Around Love" and just imagine God is
17:25 reaching out to you,
17:26 lifting you up that wrap around love.
17:38 God the Father sent the Son
17:43 To the world to set me free.
17:47 It's a thing I don't understand.
17:51 But I can tell you that for me
17:55 He's got a great big reaching-out love,
18:02 A great big lifting-up love.
18:05 It's a great big reaching-out,
18:08 lifting-up, wrap-around love for me.
18:14 Let me tell you from the heart, friend:
18:19 When I finally get to Heaven
18:23 It's because of His great big reaching-out,
18:26 lifting-up, wrap-around love for me.
18:33 God the Son said He would come,
18:38 And He died upon the cross.
18:42 It's a thing I don't understand.
18:46 He counted everything as loss.
18:50 Except His great big reaching-out love,
18:57 A great big lifting-up love.
19:01 It's a great big reaching-out,
19:04 lifting-up, wrap-around love for me.
19:10 Let me tell you from the heart, friend:
19:14 When I finally get to Heaven
19:18 It's because of His great big reaching-out,
19:22 lifting-up, wrap-around love for me.
19:35 Jesus wants to have you live with Him forever.
19:38 Heaven is the wonderful place where there is no
19:40 darkness, there is nothing frightening,
19:41 no sadness, no sin, and when we go to heaven
19:45 we will be happy for eternity.
19:48 Now that means forever that's a really long time,
19:51 isn't it? And there is room enough in heaven
19:53 for every single person. God doesn't want anyone
19:56 to miss out. Let's listen as
19:58 Pierce sings about this, "Plenty Good Room"
20:08 Plenty good room, plenty good room
20:12 Plenty good room in the kingdom, Lord
20:15 Plenty good room, plenty good room
20:19 Plenty good room in the kingdom, Lord
20:23 I would not be a sinner I tell you the reason why
20:30 'cause if somebody was to call on me.
20:33 I wouldn't be ready to die I know
20:37 I wouldn't be ready to die
20:41 Plenty good room, plenty good room
20:44 Plenty good room in the kingdom, Lord
20:48 Plenty good room, plenty good room
20:52 Plenty good room in the kingdom, Lord
20:56 I wouldn't steal a cookie o from the cookie jar
21:03 'cause if my mommy was to call on me
21:06 I wouldn't be ready to lie I know
21:10 I wouldn't be ready to lie
21:14 Plenty good room, plenty good room
21:18 Plenty good room in the kingdom, Lord
21:21 Plenty good room, plenty good room
21:25 Plenty good room in the kingdom, Lord
21:29 Plenty good room, plenty good room
21:32 Plenty good room in the kingdom, Lord
21:36 Plenty good room, plenty good room
21:39 Plenty good room in the kingdom, Lord
21:43 Plenty good room in the kingdom, Lord
21:47 Plenty, plenty, plenty good
21:51 room in the kingdom, Lord.
21:57 Can you think of things that Jesus has done
21:59 for you, maybe He gave you a good friend or
22:02 good health, so that you could stay strong,
22:04 maybe He gave you some special talents or made
22:08 you extra kind hearted. Jesus is very good to
22:10 each one of us. Now I wanna you to
22:12 think about what God has specially given to you
22:15 as you listen to Yumi and I sing
22:17 "God is so Good."
22:30 God is so good, God is so good,
22:41 God is so good, He's so good to me!
22:53 He answers prayer, He answers prayer,
23:04 He answers prayer, He's so good to me!
23:15 He's coming soon, He's coming soon,
23:26 He's coming soon, He's so good to me!
23:36 Yes, He's good to me!
23:48 Heaven is a wonderful place,
23:49 and I can't wait to go there.
23:52 We will get to see people who lived a long
23:54 time ago. We will be reunited with loved once,
23:57 like I can't wait to see my grandma Micheff.
23:59 Well, even get to meet some of our favorite
24:01 Bible heroes. How would you like to meet
24:04 King David or Queen Esther?
24:06 I know I would like to meet Adam and Eve.
24:08 Well, you will be able to meet them,
24:10 won't that be wonderful? God is so good,
24:12 isn't He? The Chung family
24:14 is going to play "He is Good."
27:32 We have such a good God, don't we?
27:33 He has given us Jesus to be our very special
27:36 friend. He has given us air to breath,
27:38 the sun to keep us warm,
27:40 animals to be our friends, and so many things I
27:43 can't wait to go to heaven, can you?
27:46 Remember boys and girls,
27:47 its Kids Time to praise Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17